56R-3082 _. RESOLUTION NO. 3082 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF DETAILED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND ~UIPMEN'l', AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFOfiMING ALL WORK NECES- SARY FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVE- MENT: A STEEL-DECK GRAND STAND, WITH PRESS BOX, AT LA PALMA PARK IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. WHEREAS, the City Counoil ofilie City of Anaheim did cause to be publiShed in a newspaper of general oiroulation, printed, publiShed and 0 irculated in the City of Anaheim, to wit, the Anaheim Bulletin, on the 30th day of Deoember, 1955 and on the 5th day of January, 1956, a notice inviting sealed proposals for furnishing the following: Detailed plans and speoifioations in aocordance with and oonforming in general to preliminary plans and speoifioations prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Anaheim and on file in the Offioe of the City Engineer, and all plant, labor, servioes, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, inoluding power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary for the aoquisition, oonstruotion and completion, in a good and workmanlike manner, of the following public improvement: A steel-deck grand stand, with press box, with a seating oapacity of 4,600 to 7,000 people, at La Palma Park or other site, as determined by the City, in accordance with and conforming in general to preliminary plans and specifioations prepared by the City Engineer, of the City of Anaheim. ".......... Plans and specifioations to be submitted with the bid for checking by the City Engineer and must conform in general to preliminary plans and speoifications prepared by the City of Anaheim. All materials must be furnished, work performed and said publio improvement oompleted prior to Spetember 1, 1956. Bidders were requested to submit proposals for thl following alternates: BASE BID - for seating oapacity of apprOXimately 4,300, with ~ress box, and with the following general dimen- sions: 77'4, more or less, (38 rows) by 198', more or less, in length. ALTERNATE "An - for seating capacity of approxi- mately 5,400, with press box, and with the following general dimensions: 77' 4", more or less, (38 rows) by 234', more or less, in length. .-. -1- - ~, ALTERNATE liB" - for seating oapaoity of approxi- mately 6~200, with press box, and with the followin~ general dimensions: 77' 4", more or less, 08 rows) by 270', more or less, in length. ALTERNATE "C" - for seating oapacity of approxi- mately 7~100, with press box, and with the following general dimensions: 77' 4", more or less, (38 rows) by 306', more or less~ in length. Notice was further given that the cost of said public improvement will be paid ove~ a period of five (5) years and in the following manner: 20% thereof upon the exeoution of a contraot with the City of Anaheim by the successful bidder; 20% one year from date of said oontraot; 20% two years from date of said contraot; 20% three years from date of said contraot; and 20% four years from date of said oontraot. Bidders were further notified that the entire oost of said public improvement shall be paid solely and only from that oertain speoial fund known and designated as the "Park Site, Playground and Recreational Fund" of the City of Anah.im~ and that no part of said cost shall be or beoome a oharge against the City General Fund or general oredit of the City of Anaheim, nor a general obligation of the City of Anaheim, but shall be limited solely to payment from said speoial fund known as the Park Site, Playground and Reoreational Fund. AND WHEREAS~ said notice inviting sealed proposals for said publio improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be reoeived by the City Counoil of the City of Anahetm at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 7:00 o'clook P.M. on the 10th day of January, 1956 for the furnishing of detailed plans and speoifioations in aocordanoe with and oonforming in general to preliminary plans and speoifioations prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Anaheim and on file in the Office of the City Engineer~ and all plant~ labor, servioes, materials and eqUipment, and all utilities and transportation, inClUding, power~ fuel and water, and performing all work neoessary to aoquire, construct and oomplete~ in a good and workmanlike manner~ the public improvement hereinabove more partioularly mentioned and de- scribed, and whioh notice did state and deolare that pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor COde, the City Council had ascertained the prevailing rate of wages in the looality in which this type of labor is to be performed for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract and did set forth the prevailing hourly wage scale so asoertained; and r' WHEREAS~ the City Counoil of the City of Anaheim did reoeive the following sealed proposal prior to 7:00 o'olook P.M. on the 10th day of January, 1956, in response to the notice aforesaid inviting sealed proposals, to wit: , , A , .~ , I I -2- NAME TOTAL PRICE r' Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company: BASE BID ALTERNATE "An ALI'ERlfATE "B" ALTERNATE "c" $ 93,890.00 $108.630.00 $124.085.00 $138.560.00 AND WHEREAS. the City Councio did thereupon refer said bid to the City Engineer for examination and report to the City Counoil. and said Engineer did examine said sealed proposal and did report to the Council the result of his examination; and WHEREAS, the City Counoil finds that the sealed proposal submitted by Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company. 6399 Wilshire Boulevard. Los Angeles 48, California is the lowest responsible proposal submitted for the furnishing of detailed plans and specifioations, and all plant. labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, inoluding power, fuel and water. and perform- ing all work necessary to oonstruct and oomplete said public improvement hereinabove mentioned and desoribed. together with the appurtenances thereto, and as specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals. and that said proposal of said above named bidder for ALTERNATE "e" should be accepted and a oontract awarded to said bidder in accordanoe therewith; and WHEREAS. the City Counoil finds that the Pittsburgh- Des Moines Steel Company is a responsible corporation and that the proposal submitted for Alternate "C" is best suited and fitted for the public improvement to be oonstruoted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the sealed proposal. for Alternate "C," submitted by PITTSBURGH-DES MOINES STEEL COMPANY, 6399 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 48, California, for the fur- nishing of detailed plans and speoifioations and all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, all utilities and transportation, inoluding power, fuel and water, and perform- ing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in striot aocordanoe with the plans and drawings therefor submitted to the City and approved by the City Engineer and the notice inviting sealed proposals. the publio works and improvement hereinabove more partioularly mentioned and described, together with the appurtenanoes there- to, be, and the same is hereby, acoepted. and that a oontraot for the oonstruotion and completion of said public improve- ment be, and the same is hereby. awarded to the the said above named bidder. i-- AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the successful bidder be, and it is hereby required to execute a oontraot in the required form, with the City of Anaheim. upon the terms and conditions speoified in the notice inviting sealed proposals and the proposal submitted by said suooessful bidder and in aocordance with the plans and specifioations for said public improvement hereinabove desoribed, and in -3- - --- r- aooordance with the terms, oonditions and provisions of this resolution, and that said successful bidder to whom the contraot is awarded shall be required to furnish a surety bond in an gmount equal to 100~ of the contraot prioe for all labor, materials and equipment to be'fur- nished and performed as set forth in the sealed proposal subni tted by said bidder for the cci>nstruction of said public improvement, together wi th the apP1:1rtenanoe's thereto, as security for the faithful performanoe of said oontraot, and a separate surety bond in an amount equal t~ 100~ of the oonstruotion oost of said public improvement' oovered by said contraot as security for the payment of all persons performing labor and furnishing material for said project. BE I'I' FU11THER RESOLVED that said successful bidder be, and it is hereby, required to furnish to the City of Anaheim in oompanies satisfaotory to the City of Anaheim public liability, property damage, compensation"and other insurance in the gmounts and for the purposes as set forth and speoified in the notioe inviting sealed proposals and subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and sufficiency. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and they are hereby, authorized and direoted to make, execute and enter into for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim, a written oontraot with said suocessful bidder for the furnishing of all plant, labor, materials, and equipment and performing all work neoessary, as hereinabove more partimllarly described, for the construction, installation and completion of said public improvement hereinabove described, upon the terms and con- ditions as speoified in the notice inviting sealed proposals, in accordance with the detailed plans and speoifioations submitted by the bidder and conforming in general to the preliminary plans and speoifications prepared by the City Engineer and all addenda thereto and all modifications in- corporated therein prior to the date of the opening of bids, and in striot accordanoe with the terms, conditions and provisions of this resolution, and in accordanoe with the contract documents herein speoified. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 11th day of January, 1956. z; ) ~ ~2J='- - UOF 'lH~ANAHEIM. MA~~AN~K' '\" "".. r-. -4- S~TE. OF CALIFORNIA) cotlN'lt OJ' ORANGE ) s s. C I fY bJ' AN.A.Hl!l 1M ) 1 _ I, DINE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the <CUy of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adQpted upon a final readiJig at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of A~e1m held on the 11th day of January, 1956, ?y the following vote d1! th~ members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson and Van 'Wagoner. AliID I FURTHBlR CERTIFY that th:e Mayor Pro 'l'em of th~ City of Anehel. approved and signed said reao1ution on the 11th day of January, 1956. '., , Ill' WITJl'US WHEREOF, I have hereunto Bet my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 11th day of January, 1956. r ~. )/1. 7~~//...~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OJ' .AJl'.A.E:RlIM (SML~ ~,