56R-3072 "- RESOLUTION HO. J072 "......'. A RESGLU1IO~ OF THE CITY COU~CIL OF THE CITY OF MiAHEHl ACCEPTING A GRAHT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF Ai~AHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASE}~NT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES WHEREAS, the C1 ty Council of the Oi ty of Ana:leim is d.esirous of purchasing the hereinafter described r~al property for public purposes, to wit: An easement for road and public utility purposes WHEREAS, the City Cowlcil of tue City of Anaheim finds that it is for the benefit and best interest of the City of Anaheim to accept said offer and purchase said real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the offer of BROADWAY- HALE STORES, Inc. a corporation organized und.er the laws of the State of Delaware, to sell to the City of Anw1eim the following described. real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, state of California, to be used for road and public utility l)urposes, and more particularly described as follows: An easement for road and public utility purposes over, under and across those strips of land hereinafter described, being a portion of the West half of Section 9, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, in tile City of. Anaheim, as said West half of Section 9 is indicated on a map filed in Book 28, Page 32, Records of Survey in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, and. portions of Lots 3 and 9 of the Anaheim Homest~ad Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 26, Page 10 of the Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, described as follows: PARCEL 1: ,-- Beginning at the Northeast cornel~ of the Northw~st quarter of the Southwest qUb.rter of said Section 9, said Northeast corner being the intersection of the centerlines of Loara street and C:cescent Avenue as shown on said Records of Survey 28-)2; thence Westerly along the quarter seotion line a.s indicated on saHt Record of Survey 28-)2 and the centerline of Crescent Avenue ~9.05 feet to a point that is 29.00 feet l~ortherly, measur'ed at right angles, of the beginning of a curve, concave Southwesterly and having a radl~s af 20.00 feet, said tangent curve being the curve that is tangent to a. line that is 29.00 feet Southerly and parallel with said centerline of Crescent Avenue and tangent to a line that is 29.00 feet westerly and parallel with said centerline of Loara street; thenoe Southerly 29.00 feet to the beginning of. said tanr:ent curve4' thence Easterly and Southerly along saia tangent 'curve J1. 4 feet to said last mentioned parallel line; thence Southerly along said last mentioned parallel line 1~9).74 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Westerly, and having a radius of 75.12 feet, said beginilin[; of tangent curve being 1097.)4 feet North and 29.00 feet West of the Southeast oorner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 9; thence Southerl;r 2).84 feet along said tangent curve through a central angle of !6~ 10'50" to a point of reverse curve, said l'everse curve being concave Easterly and having - /~.., a radius of 85.12 feet; tl~nce Southerly along said reverse curve 27.01 feet through a central angle of Iff'lO' 50u to the Northerly line of the state of California Freeway Right of Way line; thence Easterly along said Northerly Freeway line 37.00 feet to the centerline of Loara street; thence Northerly 1592.79 feet along the centerline of Loara street and the East line of the West half of the Southwest quarter of said Section 9 to the point of beginning. PARCEL 2; Beginning at a point that is 1046.81 feet Northerly measured along the West line of the East half of the Southwest quarter of saio. Seotion 9 from the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest qUCirter of said Section 9. said point being also shown 8S being in the vlest line of Lot 8 of the Anarleim Homestead Tract, Miscellaneous Records 26-10, Los Angeles County Records; and also on the Northerly line of the state of California Freeway Right of Way Line; thenoe at right angles Easterly 39.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Westerly, a radial line from said beginning to tangen~ curve being perpendicular to said West line of the East half of said Southvlest quarter; thence Northerly 27.64 feet along said tangent curve having a radius of 87.12 feet through a central angle of 180 10' 50u to a point of reverse curve, said revers~ curve being concave Easterly and having a radius of 73.12 feet; thence 23.20 feet Northerly along said. reverse curve tnrough a central angle of 18010' 50" to a point that is 50.00 feet i,ortherly, measured along said West line allU :;,1. 00 feet Easterly perpendicular to said West line from the poin~ of beginning; thence Northerly and parallel with said Westerly line and the centerline of Loara street 646.44 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, .concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 15 feet, said tangent curve being ~he curve that joins che Southerly line of Westmont Drive (formerly Burton Street) (60 feet wide) and the Northerly line of said Lot 8 as shown on said map of the Anaheiln Homestead Tract, jYliscellaneous Records 26-10. Los Angeles County Records, and as indicated on said Record of Survey 28-32; thence Northerly and Easterly 22.35 feet along said. curve to said Southerly line of Westmont Drive; tnenoe Nortllerly, at right a.ngles to said Soutnerly line, 30.00 feet, to the centerline of Westmont Drive; thence Southwesterly 42.52 feet along said centerline to the West line of the East half of the Soutllwest quarter and the centerline of Loara Street; thence Southerly 737.88 feet along said. Westerly line to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEKEFROM tIle .westerly 20 feet in Loara street and that portion lying within d.edicated Westmont Drive. P AB.Cli:L 3: r. Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Westmont Drive (formerly Bur~on street) anCl the centerline of Loara street as sho\w on saio. Record of Survey 28-32, said centerline of Loara street being also the .,'iesOc line of the East half of ~he Souchwest qus.rter 01' saili Section 9 and the West line of the Ananeim Homestead. Tr<.wt, lvliscellaneous Records 26-10, records of Los Angeles County; thence Northerly 582.52 feet s.long said centerline of Loara street to a point that is 630.88 feet Soutnerly measured at rigllt bngles from the centerline of Nor~h street as shown on said Recore, of' Survey 28-32; tllence No rtheas te rly paral.lel \<ii t11 said centerline of North street 31.10 feet to a point that is 31.00 feet Easterly of tne centerline of Loara street; thence Southerly 536.21 feet parallel with said last mentioned centerline to the . - ~ beginning oi 8. 1;an;eXG curve, concave Northeas terly and having a radius of 15 feet, said tEnsent curve being the curve that joins the :~ortllerly .Line of saia. ifestrnont Drive (60 feet wide) and. tne Southerly line of Lot 9 as shown on said map of Anaheim Homestead Tract; thence Southerly and Easterly 24.77 feet along said tangent curve to 1;ne Nortnerly line of Westmont Drive; thence Soutllsrly at right angles to said Northerly line )0.00 feet to "Wl1e centerline of Westmont Drive; thence Soutnwesterly '+9.'18 feet along saia. last mentioned centerline to the poin~ of beginning. EXCEPTING THEHEFROl1 th2,t portion .lying .d tnin a.edicated Westmont Drive, be,and -.:;he saille is llel~eby, acceptea.oy the City Council of the City of Anaheim, ana that tl1e City of Anaheim accept a conveyance of said property. BE E F'UHTHE?, RESOLVED trla 1; the City 'rreasurer of the City of Anaheim be, ami he is hereby, autllOrized to pay to the owners of said real property, out of General Funds of the City of Anaheim, the sum of One and no/l00 Dollars ( $1. 00) . THE FOREGOING R~SQLUTION is signed and approved by me this lOth a.ay of January ~7 f / //~ MAiR~~T~~~~~ ~ --.. ._~ '-r.. - / /~ / j / ., ~ E(t6F ~ cri~ ~AHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE WILLIM~S, City ClerK of the City of Anaheim, cia hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed ((nd aQopted 8.t a regular meeting of the City Council Lelcc on t~e lOth liay of January, .L956 , by the following vote of tEe members thereof: AY'i:S: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte. Wisser aDd Villi. Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILJiiEN: lIone. ABSEN'I': COUNCILMEN: None. MW I FURThER. CE;R.TIFY that the Hayor of the City of Analleim signed and approved said Resolution on the loth G.8.y of J&.lUc,ry 1956. IN ,WITNESS dw':RE;OF, I Have llel'eun to set my hand and rdfLed tue seal of the Ci~ of Anaheim this lOth day of January, 1956. ~').~ ~S-,. . ;U' / ~ :.. Y LJ:~~ 6F ~ C~ 1f ANAHEIM r-\