56R-3070 m;SCLUT ION NO. 3070 I""""'" A RESOLU'l'IO!\ OF' THE CITY ;':;OU,.jCIL OF 1hE CITY CE' AliAHEIlvl ACCEPTING A GRAhT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASENENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITIES PURPOSES W.t:l.EREA S, the C1 ty Council of the City of Anaheim is desirous of purchasing the hereinafter described real property for public lJUrpOSes, to wit: An e2_selaent for road and public utilities pur~oses; and WHEREAS, the City Council of' the City of Anaheim finds tl18,t it is for the 'cenefi t ane. best interest of the City of Analleim to accept said offer &I1Q purchase said real property. NOW, THEElliFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the offer of Broadway-Hale stores, Inc. to sell to the City of Anaheim the following descrived real property situated in the City of Analleim, County of Orange, State of California, to be used for road and public utilities purposes, and more particularly described as follows: An eacsement to the CHy of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California fOlO road Dnc, public utilities purposes over, under, and across that land hereinafter c'.escribed, being a portion of the \'lest half of Section 9, Tmmship 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana as said portion of the iv'est hElf of Section 9 is inc:cicE.te6 on a map filed in Book 28, Page 32, Record_s of Survey in the office of the County Recorder of said Coun t;y, cescribed as follows: PARCEL 1: ,..-. Beginning at a point in the test line of said Section 9, said 'fleet 11:'le ';Jeing also the centerline of Euclid Avenue, that is c'_iste.nt Northerly 717.99 feet E,long said Vlest line from the lortheasterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's 100 foot riGht of W&LJ ES shmm on said Recore. of Survey 28-32; tnence ,,,t rit(lt L'ngles to saic"- 1,1ei',t line Easterly 40.00 feet; tl~lence Southel'ly en,,, par8.l1el l;.'i tL the Wec,t line of Section 9 anCL ElanE; the Easterly line of the Ste.te of' California Freeway Right of Viay 50.00 feet to 8,n c.ngle point in said Freeway Right of \'la;l; thence continuing along said Free,-ray Right of Way 3.48 feet to a point in 8. lihe that is 41.00 feet Easterly and pbcrallel ,'i th before IEentionec, Vleet line ; 'thence leaving the FreerfaY Right of \'Je.J. line NOl'ther'lJ an6, along said last mentioned parallel line 880.82 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Suuthe&LEterly and having a radius of 20 feet, said ts.ngent curve Deing the curve tha.t joins a line thctt is parallel ~ith and distant Southerly 29.00 feet from the quarter seotion line an6_ the centerline of Ch,scent Avenue as shown on said Record of Survey 28-32; thence Northerly and Easterly 31.39 feet Elane said tangent curve to said last mentioned parallel line; thence Northerly &..t right angles to said last mentioned parallel line 29.00 feet to the qu.srter section line; thence Westerly alone said quarter section line Ene, the centerline of Crescent Avenue 60.93 feet to the West quarter of corner of said Seotion 9; thence Southerly 876.39 feet e.long the Westerly line of Section 9 to the noint of beginning. PARCEL 2: Beeinning at the West qUErter corner of Section 9, said quarter cornel' being &.160 the centerline of Euclid Avenue and the West -1- -- ,-- line at SEcllc Section 9, u" s on said. Record. of Survey 28-32; thence ",ortt.el'ly c 10r'L the \,jeste~'l;y line of Section 9 end. t~e centerline of Euclid Avenue 665.22 feet to the Horth line of the South half of the SouthHest quarter of the :'iorthwest qUE.rter 01' sDid Section 9; thence Easterly 41.00 feet along said North line to a point in a line that is parallel Hi th and 41. DO feet EEster1y from said West section line; thence Southerly and parallel with said West ,;ection lines 614. le:. feet to tLe -iJ8.dnnilw: of a tarwent '..) '-' '-' curve, concave :;ortheEc,te1'1y and having 3. radius of 20 feet, seid tenLent curve being the curve th2,t joins a line parallel with [nei c.istant .31.00 feet Nortberly from the c.uC',rter section line [end. ti1e centerline of Cr~scent Avenue as shown on said Record of Survey 28-.32; thence Southerly &-Dd Ea8terl;y- clone sE,ice tan,ent cu:~ve .31.45 feet to said laEt mentioned p8_1'a11el line; thence Southerly at right angles to said last mentioned parallel line .31.00 feet to the quarter' section line; thence vlesterlJ along said quc,rter section line and the centerline of Crescent Avenue 61.08 feet to the West quarter corner of said Seotion 9 and the lJoint of beginning of tt~is c,escription, be and the same is her'ety, 2cccepte(c. the City Council of the C1 ty of ,Ccnt'.',e=.i'l, <'.11C, t::t the City of Anaheim accept a conveyance of said property. BE IT FURrHEH. liESOLVED th:3,t the Oi ty Treasur-er of the City of Anaheim be, an'i he is hel'eby, authorized to pay to the Ovr:lers of saic1. real =)ro.Je1't,y, out of General Funds of the Oit,/ of" Anaheim, the su.;; of One and nO/lOO Dollars ($1.00) . this THE FG:clEGOIiiG :tE3CLUTION is s i~ned and approved by me loth daJ of Januar;y-, 195b. . ') ,,: ) /~.. "/~?7 .. ~~..iJ' / / .. ./ ..U"v- KAy6~ OF THlt t Y O~ AN~ '-.... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEU1 I, DENE \VIL.GIAl'IS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the for'egoing Resolution was passed ana adopted at a regular meeting of the Oity Council held on the lOth day of JanuarJ, 1956, by the following vote of the mem"oers thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILj,IEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. ,r-. Aim I FURTHER CERTIFY that tile lvlayor of the City of Anaheim signed and [,p,..rove:; ,lO. Resolution on tIle lOth day of January, 1956. Il~ iIIT1,ESS i'ihB:t{ECF, I hEve hereunto set lIIfYhand :an4affixed -2-