1951-18127 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 21, 3 41 5 RESOLUTION NO. 1812 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT CONSTRUOTtON AND OPERATION AGREEMENTS HERETOFORE MADE AND ENTERED INTO BY THE CITIES OF ANAHEIM, FULLERTON AND ORANGE, AND THE BUENA PARK, GARDEN GROVE, LA HABRA AND PLACENTIA SANITkRY nISTPLICTS AND A7TH0RTZIM THF, LitWR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREE NT AMENDING SAID AGREEMENT HERETOFORE MADE AND ENTERED INTO. 1117:191= the Cite s of Anaheim, Pullerton ar 'nge have 1 nere.olore jointly constructed, and paid for and said. ±tie and the :3.7ena Park, Garden Greve, LE Tatra and Placentia Sanity Pistricts jointly maintain and use said sewer pipe line known as the Euclid unk Sewer Line fox conveying sewage originating and deve oping in 4 .d Cities aad Sanitary Districts; ,ald wErLEAS, said tAunicipalities have heretofore entered into certaill Supplemental 1„grecents dLted Octoer 1S24cptember 19 127, and October 13 p r hexeL j tnitary District, Garden. CTOT6 Sanitary District, La 'ii..abra Sanitary Distii t and Placentia Saaitry the permanent right to use said sewer pipe line to certain desionated percentages of the cape- *ity theleof and also imposed upon said Sanitary Districts certain conditions and Obligations and providing that each of said Cities an Ganitary Distrioto shall pdy a.. portion of the coat of the 121aintenano repair and reconstruction of said:seWer pipe line and the cost of d,itionel facilities; and WHEREAS, said Agresnients provide that said Oities and limitary Districts shali continue to use said sewer pipe line for he conveying of sewage originating and developing in each of said Cities and Sanitary Districts until the same Shall be so used to the extent f its full capacit and that when the same shall utilized o Its full capacity then said Cities and Sanitary Disticts shall and will immediately proceed jointiy to. construct on the right-of- way owned by said Cities all neces.sary additional sewer pipe lines r sections thereof and pay the costs thereof and of each cection thereof as it owns and has the permanent right to use the present sewer pipe line and sections thereof; and ifsoted in Lana :Park 1 10 WEEFA. said Cities an Sanitary Districtt have hereto- 1 *ore found and determined. tha th present sewer pipe lin e. is util- i! 3jized to its full capacity and that the public interest. and necessity 4#.equires the construction of additieml facilities and that it will 5e to the advantage, benefit and best interest of said Cities and Districts to 7 jointly pay for the cost of the construction, 8 reo nstruction of said additional facilities 9i..ieretofore determined by the respective Cities and Llanitary District by resolution duly passed and adopted and as heTeinafter set forth 11 12 Ikewer and pumping plant and force 13 i 14 located upon „a facilities consist of the Magnolia Trunk main tcgether with the appurten- ances thezete and more commonly known a_8 the li=1.6nolia Trunk 3ewer and ion ignoIia iji.venue in Orange County, and that said additio.,. 15 1c7 aliTornia; and 16 17! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ti e rilsht-of-way now owned o Anaheim ioint77 construct and have joint use of and maintenance, repair, in the pc7centages wLAS, said Mvznolia Trunk Sewer and pupin6 plant and force main tuseth-er with appurtenances thereto aze not located upon said Cities hereinabove mentioned and that an uncertainty exists as to the power and authority of said Cities and Zanitary Districts to construct said M. -Alolia Trunk wor :roject at a place other than upon said right of-way now owned by said Cities and that said Supplemental ,Aiweements should be amended to remove such uncertainty. NOW, ThEREF6R2 BE IT RiZOLVED hy the City Council. of the that the provisions of the Supplemental Agreements hereinbefore mentioned and described de- ining or relating to qadditiomd facilities be amended to include the construction of the Itagnolia Trunk ,:;ewer and pli4pin6 r,lant and force main together with the appurtenances thereto a the location desoxilied in the Engineer's Report of the design of Waid kagnolia Trunk Lewer and pumping plant and ;orce main o the oran6t.: County Joint Outfall Sewer and heretofore approved by said Wh6ieti and Saitr 10 11 121 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1; 2 ee and surveys al preoarad by Koebi and Koabig, con engineers, heretofore approval and adopted by sai0. Cities 41jand Sanitary Distrlots by resolutions, and that the term: nadditional n as used in said Su7olementa1 joint Agrecmsnts shall 6 131. read, understood and construed tr.7 enbrace and inclUde Said Mag- 7 nolia Trunk ewe Pro jet a hereinbefora mentionei ana described an. 8 9 and in accordance that the term nright -of -wayn as used in said Supplemental Joint Agreements shall be read, understood an -construed t ez7:)race and include the right-of-way owned by said Cities and Sanitary Districts or the land or riht-cf -way upon which they have a permit easement or rig72t to (.1vonst uot seta Manolia Trunlc 3emir rrejec't 3r any rther additional foiiii; and B7 IT 7 RTIOLV, that the City of Anialeim all 1e nd it is bob y houni and oleliated to 1, and V 7.?s (22.28o of thP total construction, insta1- ation ersoring, roject with the enr;ineering desicns ant other eosto of th.e construction and empletlo n. of said Magnolia. Trunk n Project ac its s,zcportionate share of said costs; c .17.7 IT =T727,: 7u =n that said gity ef AritOleim shall pay its proportionate share of all of said costs at the time specifie(1 inthe contract ar contracts hereafter executed by the City of Anaheim tth a contractor or contrters for the acquisition of mzitexials and for the construction ins allation and completion of said Maunolla Trunk Sewer :Project and. when the said percentages of costs or some porticn thereof shall accrue and the rewoectiYe warns are certified by the of Anaheim filed with said Cities and S Districts. BE IT FUPT= RESOLV. that all contracts necessary to be mfte ana entereci intc for the acquisition ci matertaTiJ and the construction install ton and completion. of said afloiia Trunk shall rilade and entered into by tho Jity of Anaheim 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 19 20 21 22 23 25 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 181 24 26 27 28 I 29 30 31 32 the joint 11-Ji, 'benefit of ell the Cities SLnitary C ty of Anaheim Ethan e: as the contnlotIm agent for hs7setofere tn the joint entels into sal CitieS Yaltary Y.Astrct:7, It (7ers147:::.te fer that ehall be Cy; Amrr Tq't te exceet herei amende e.r 1 shall 7smain In full effect; i Mover (71ty Clerk the7 are herCiv 0..17ected to exeeute 26th (,k 77 1,777 that r of t. tErm.1, ccraitions Agreement herinr referred mentL71 ment Areemente etbe? 25, 1 1727, 1 7 )ctobe 17, 127, the as. herein J.,..snyvi'7.teel. FOTIZ-OINC 'v :3. sivned. by me this -1 15 22 23 27 28 29 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 13 I 14 1 161 17 19 20 21 24 25 26 30 31 32 Anaheim ES. 'OHATRIM E. CCUUTIMR City (7.1k of th.F. City ot lereby '77 th9t f adjourned t afre7%1::,.r Toe tlY'47 of tIT.1 (Thuncli. o Anaheim 26th da7 Tf f01.137inE v:rt the b9r horeof: 7J: Pearson, Wisser, Boned Vn.r, 'Wagoner Anaheim None Haying r)] on on tho 14m day Anaheim 114 1951, mpror of tle, City of htwe hereunto .15)t hane. 741n.(7, affixe thto 26th January