1950-1785as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 1785 RESODTTION OP THE °Tm7 COUNCIL OF THE Cl OF ANAHEr, CALTFOFMA, DIRECTING THE CITY (MERK m0 PUB- LISIT NOTICE INvITTNq SEALED PRO- POSALS FOR $1 ,040,000 SEWER BOTIDS, 1951, OF SAID CTMY". WY7REAS, an nr1I119.ne providln! for t; c issuance of bonds of the City of Anaheim in the sriount of one million, forty thousand dollars (1,0; 30N), 1951, has been introducd; and WHEREAS, it ]s desirable that said bonds be sold; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Anaheim. DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER as follows: Section 1. That said bonds be sold and that sealed bids or oroposals for the purchase of said bonds be received up to the time stated In the notice hereinafter set forth. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and he Is hereby authorized ank directed to publish saio notice once in the ANAHEIM BULLETIN, a newspaper of 7eneral circulation published. six days a week in said sit-r. Section. 3. That said notice shall be substantially 4- be desi7nated SEWER NOTICE INVITING BIDS ON $1 0°40, 000 BONDS OF TEE CITY OF ANAFETY, CALI- FORNIA. NOTTCE TS REREBY 'TVEN that the City Council of the City of AnPheim, California, will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of L,0).0,000 par value -.enteral oblicTation bonds of said City, at its Chambers in the City Hall in said city, up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock, P.TJ., December 12, 1950. The bonds are desi-nated SEWER BOND, 1951, are to be dated January 15, 1951, are 1,040 In number, numbered I to 1040, inclusive, of the denomination of 11,000 each, and are to be parable in consecutive numerical order, forty (40) bonds annuall on January 15th of each year frul J=aary 1.5, 1952 to January 15, 1977, both inclus've Said bonds are to be Payable in lawful money of the TJnited States of America, at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim In said city. The bonds are 7eneral oblie of the City of 'maheim Issued pursuant to the laws and Constitution of the State of California and under an act someitmes referred to as the nanleiell Bond "Net of 1901. Each bid shall state that the bidder offers per and accrued interest to date of delivery, the premium, if any, and the interest rate or rates not to exceed four per cent (4%) per annum, payable semiannually, at which the bidder offers to buy said bonds. Said rate or rates must be in multiples of 14 4 of 1%. Not more than two interest rates may be bid, NO bond. shall bear more than one interest rate. No bid for a part of said bonds will be considered. The bonds shall be sold for cash only and for not less than per and accrued Interest to date of .delivery. A certified or cashier's check on a responsible bank or trust company, in the amount of three per cent (3%) of the principal amount of the bonds bid for, nay- able to the order of the City of Anaheim, must accompany each proposal as a 7711.nranty that the bidder, if success- ful, will accept and pay for said bonds in accordance with the terms of his bid. The proceeds of the check accomparytnd any accepted proposal shall be applied on the purch.a.se °rice or, If such proposal Is accepted. but not perfol, unless such. failure of performance shall be caused by any act or tylissior of the City of Anaheim, shall then be retained by the City. The check accom- panvinp each unaccented proposal. will be returned. promptly. The unqualified arprovinf7 le7a1 opinion of 0'10.elveny ,Se Myers, attorneys, will be furnished the successful. der or bidders at or prior to delivery of the bonds, at dse expense of the City. At the time of payment for and 2 delivery of the bonds, the City will furnis1 the buyer a certificate that there Is no litiatIon ft n' the validity of the/bondq. v/ Payment for and delivery of said. bonds shall be made in the office of the City Treasurer of the City el Anaheim. Delivel7 IF expected to be made on. janw7ry 15, 1951. The City Council. reserves the rib t to reject any or all bids and to waive any Irrw7ularity or informality in any bid, to the extent per-itted. by law. The bids will be opened at the m_eetin of the City Council to be held Tuesday, December 12, 1950, at 8:(7/7) o'clock, P.V., in the Cout/1 Chambers in the City Hall in sad city. Given by Order of the City Council of the City' of Anaheim. adopted Novemb 1 4, 1 95 0 (SEAL) November, 1950„ ATTEST. Mayor of the City of Anaheim, California. ADOPTED, SICTNED ND APPROVED this 14t} day of STATE OF CALIFORNTA COUNTY OF CDANGE SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM T cT1tT F /71 (-14— Clook c0 tbe p14-- n r Anaheim, California, DO HER= CEPTIFY that the forea;o1nr-r, reso- lution was duly adopted by the City Council of said City and was approved by the Fayor of said City at a reular rneetin0 of said City Council be 7„d on ti•:.e 1.4th day of November, 1950, and that it was so adopted by th e fol1ow1na7 vote: AYES: Col.ille rn en Pearson, Wisser, Heying„ Boney NOES: ABSENT: Cuuricilnafl None. Councilmen None. (SF,AL) Anahelm, Californ a. (SEAL wr/ k o Cie r j3V f-• ity of Anaheim, Calif rnla. and Van Wagoner. ,_„4:11 ty of CI C7erk of th