05/12/1927-050-RES0tUTI2L-�'-A PLA14S FOR ORNAE'ENTAL LIGHTS _90t�Eb B-OA14,r OF' T"STEMS BE IT LE E it. THE' 01 Y'OF t That those certain plans prepared by the Engineer and marked 4,esignated "Pla4, Q.rnamental Street Lighting System on North Lemon Street, Street Improvement No. 69, 2,sheets; ."Plan"- of I Orn?tmental Street Lighting ,System on North Clementine Street, Street Impi?ov,,(Ment Nlo. ,sheet, and "Plan of Or- namental Street ,,Lighting System ,on. 1Torth,,Aia0 South,, Helena Street., ptrpet Im Xo, 67 sheet, be Rnd.the s e are hereby and 'R The foregoing resolution is approved and signed LD C:) this lgth�. dad :o lay, PresiClent pro tem., of the Boar of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. Attest: 7 City Ulerk of the City o -4naheirr.. 41 I