04/12/1923-0571 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 IN THE MATTER OF PA=G CERTAIN STREETS ADJOINING AND 1 .7ITHIN THE I'dIILLS PARK TRACT, IN THE CITY OF ANAKEI14, TOGETHER WITH THE CON- STRUCTION OF CE' SIDEWALKS AND CEMENT CURBS ON SAID STREETS AND THE PLACING OF ORNAIM'ENTAL LIGHT POSTS TITH FOUNDATIONS, ;'SIRES, PIPES, CONDUITS,_LAUPS, GLOBES, SOCKETS, A.^'D ALL OTHER APPT NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LIGHTING SYSTEiI!. RESOLUTION ORDERING WORK. RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: SECTION 1. That the public interest and convenience require anO the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 170 of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, which said Resolution of Intention No. 170 was duly passed and. adopted by said Board of Trustees on the 15th day of March, 1923, hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said city, to -Nit: That the roadway of East North Street, from the easterly property line of North Los Angeles Street produced northerly across the roadway of said East North Street to the westerly prop -. erty line of North Olive Street produced northerly to the center line of the road- way of said East North Street and to the westerly property line of North Olive Street produced southerly to the center line of the roadway of said Last North Street, including all of the inter- section of East North Street and North Claudina Street and all of the intersec- tion of East North Street and North Philadelphia Street; That the roadway of Mills Drive from the easterly property line of North Los Angeles Street produced northerly across the roadway of said Mills Drive to the westerly property line of North Grive Street produced northerly across the roadway of said Mills Drive, including all the intersection of said Mills Drive and North Claudina Street and all the intersection of Mills Drive and North Emily Street and all the in- tersection of Mills Drive and North Philadelphia Street, excepting there- from all the center parkways of Mills Drive; and That the south half of the roadway of East La Palma Street from a line drawn at right angles northerly to the center line of the roadway of said East La Patina Street and tangent to the curved property line at the North- west corner of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Four (4) of said Mills Park Tract to a line drawn at right angles northerly to the center line of the roadway of said East La Palma Street from the Intersection of the southerly property1 line of East La Palma Street and the westerly property lire of North Olive Street, including all the intersection of said East La Palma Street and North Ciavdina Street and all the intersection of East La Palma Street and Nortb Emily Street, and all the intersection of East La Palma Street and North Philadelphia Street, and excepting therefrom such portions of the south half of the roadway of said East La. Palma Street as have already been paved with concrete pavement; That the easterly half of the road-, way of North 1.ls Angeles Street from the northerly property line of West North Street produced easterly across the roadway of said :forth Los Angeles Street to a line extending westerly at right angles to the extended center line of said North Los Angeles Street and! tangent to the curved property line ail the northwesterly corner of Lot Thir -' teen (13), Block Four (4), of said Mills Park Tract, including all the intersec tion of North Los Angeles Street and Mills Drive and all 'the intersection of North Los Angeles Street and La Pal -' ma Street lying southerly and easterly of the concrete _ pavement now laid, and -1- .8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 excepting all portions of the easterly half- of the roadway of North Los An- geles Street now paved with concrete or with concrete and asphalt wearing surface; That the westerly half of the road- way of North Los Angeles Street from the northerly property line of West North Street produced easterly across the roadway of - North Los Angeies Street to a line extended northerly at right angles to the center line of the roadway of said North. Los Angeles Street from the intersection of the sou- therly property line of West La Palma Street and the westerly property line of North Los Angeles Street, including all the intersection of North Los Angeles Street a.fid West La Verne Street, and excepting therefrom all that portion of the West half of the roadway of said North Los Angeles Street that is al'- ! ready paved with concrete Pavement,' and asphalt wearing surface; That the roadway of North Claudina Street from the northerly property line of East North Street produced easterly across the roadway of said North Claudina Street to the southerly op erty line of Mills Drive produced pr east- erly across the roadway of said North Claudina Street; That the roadway of North Claudina Street from the northerly property Brie of Mills Drive extended easterly across the roadway of said North Claudina Street to a line produced westerly tD the renter line of said North Claudina) Street and at right angles thereto from the point of intersection of the easterly property line of said North Claudina Street and the southerly property line of East La Palma Street, and to a line produced easterly to the center line of said North Claudina Street and at right angles thereto from the point of in- tersection of the westerly property line, of said North Claudina Street and the southerly property line of East La Pal- ma Street; That the roadway of North Emily Street from the northerly property line of Mills Drive produced easterly across the roadway of said North Emily Street to a line produced westerly to th& center line of said North Emily Street and at right_ angles thereto from the point of intersection of the easterly property line of said North Emily Street and 'the southerly property line of East La Palma Street and to a line producer] easterly to the center line of said North Emily Street and at right angles there- to from the point of intersection of the westerly porperty line of said North Emily Street and the southerly property line of East La Palma Street; That the roadway of North Philadel- phia Street from the northerly property line of East North Street produced east- erly across the roadway of said North Philadelphia Street to the southerly property line of Mills Drive produced easterly across the roadway of said North Philadelphia Street; and That the roadway of North Philadel- phia Street from the northerly property line of Mills Drive produced easterly across the roadway of said North Phila- delphia Street, to a line produced westerly to the center line of said North Philadelphia and at right angles thereto from the point of intersection of the easterly property 'line of said North Philadelphia Street and the sou- therly prope Ay line of East La Palmd Street and to a line produced easterly to the center line of said North Phila' delphia Street and at right angles thereto from the point of intersection of 'the westerly property line of said North Philadelphia Street and the southerly property line of East La Pal- ma Street; be graded to the official grade r.nd paved with asphaltic con- crete base and with asphaltic concrete wearing surface. Said work shall be done in accordance with the plans, profiles, and specifica- tions therefor,.w'hich plans and profiles were adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, by resolution, on the 15th day of March, 1923, and are numbered 18, sheets 1 to 18, and are ia Ti= ed and designated, "MILL. -Perk Improvement PIans," and are on file in the office of the City Engineer of said i city, ai.d which said specifications were adopted by the Board of Trustees of the C ity of Anaheim on t he 8th day of M , .rch, 1923, and which are marked and designated, "Specifications No. Twenty. nine (29) for the construction of street paving with asphaltic concrete base and with asphaltic concrete wearing surface," and are on file in the office of the Cit3 Clerk. Second: That concrete sidewalks and concrete curbs be constructed along -2- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the northerly side of East North Street from the easterly property line of North Los Angeles Street, produced southerly across said North Los Angeles Street, to the westerly property line of North Olive Street, produced southerly across said North Olive Street, including the block corner at North Los Angeles Street and the block corners at North. Claudina Street and at North Philadel- phia Street, and including the twenty - foot alley crossing between North Los Angeles Street and North Claudina Street, and that cement sidewalks and cement curbs be constructed on both sides of Mills Drive from the easterly property line of North Los Angeles Street, produced southerly across said Mills Drive, to the westerly property line of North Olive Street, produced southerly across said Mills Drive, in- cluding the block corners at North Los Angeles Street, and including the block corner at North Claudina St., and North Emily Street, and at North Philadelphia Street, and including the twenty -foot alley crossing on the south side of Mills Drive between North Los Angeleg Street and North Claudina Street, and including the fifteen -foot alley cross- ings on the North side of Mills Drive between North Los Angeles Street and North Claudina Street, between North Claudina Street and North Emily Street, and between North Emily Street and North Philadelphia Street, and between North Philadelphia. Street and NorLh Olive Street, and including the cement curbing around all the center parking- of Mills Drive; and that the cement sidewalks and cement curbs be con- structed on the south side of East La Palma Street from the westerly prop- erty line of the fifteen -foot alley lying' between North Los Angeles Street and North Claudina St., produced northerly across .aid East La Palma Street tb the westerly property line of North Olive Street produced northerly across said East La Palma Street, including the block corners at North Claudina Street, at North Emily Street, at North Phila& delphia Street, and at North Olive Street, and including the fifteen -foot alley crossings between North Los An- geles Street and North Claudina Street,'' between North Claudina Street and North Emily Street, between North Emily Street and North Phildelphia Street, and between North Philadelphia Street and North Olive Street; and that the cement sidewalks and cement curbs be constructed on the east side of Nortfi Los Angeles Street from the northerly property line of East North Street pro_ j duced westerly across said North Los' Angeles Street to the southerly prop- I erty line of Lot Thirteen (13), Block' Four( 4), Mills Park Tract; and that the cement curb be constructed along the west side of North Los Angeles Street from the northerly property line' of West North Street produced easterl;* across said North Los Angeles Street to the southerly line of the Wilke Tract, produced easterly across said North Los Angeles Street; and that the cement sidewalks and dement curbs be con strutted on both sides of North Claud-1 ina Street from the northerly propert2� line of East North Street produced east- erly across said Ncrth Claudina Street to the southerly property line of Mills Drive produced easterly across said North Claudina Street, including the twenty -foot, alley crossing on each sidd of said North Claudina. Street; and that cement sidewalks and cement curbs be constructed on both sides of North Claudina Street from the northerly property line of Mills Drive produced easterly across said North Claudina Street to the southerly property line of East La Palma Street produced east- erly across said North Claudina, .Street, including the fifteen -foot alley cross- ings on each side of said North Claud - ina Street; and that cerriert sidewalks i and cement curbs be constructed on both sides of North Emily Street from the northerly property line of Mills Drive produced easterly across said North. Emily Street to the .southerly property line of East La Palma Street produced easterly across said North Emily Street, including the fifteen -.foot alley crossings on each .side of Nort13. Emily Street and that the ce..iuent side- walks and cement curbs be constructed on both sides of North Philadelphia Street from the northerly property line of East North Street_ produced easterl3 across sai,.'. North Philadelphia Street ( to the southerly property line of Mills Drive produced easterly across saidl North Philadelphi.r: Street, including the twenty -foot alley crossing on each side of North Philadelphio Street; and that 1 cement sidewalks and cement be core strutted on both sides of North Phiia-'I delphia Street from the northerly prop erty line of Mills Drive produced east , erly across said North Philadelphia Street to the southerly property line of East La Palma Street produced east- -3a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 erly across said North Philadelphia Street, including the fifteen -foot allay crossing on each , ide of North Phila- delphia Street; and that cement side- walks and cement curbs be constructed on the west side of North. Olive Street from th.ci northerly property line of East North Street produced easterly across said Nortb 'Olive Street to the southerly property line of East La Pal- ma Street produced easterly across said North Olive Street, including the block corner.:: at East North Street and at Mills Drive, and including the twenty - toot'alley crossing between East North 'Street and -Mills Drive, and including the fifteen -foot alley crossing between Mills Drive and East La Palma Street; and that the cement curb be construct- ed along the east side of North Olive Street from the northerly property line of North Street produced easterly across said '_North Olive Street to tl;e southerly property line of East La Pal- ma Street produced easterly across said North Olive Street. Said work shall be done in accord- ance with plans, profiles, and specifica -I tions which plans and profiles are on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Anaheim. Said plans and' profiles were adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, by res- eiution, on the 15th day of March, 1923, and are numbered 18, sheets 1 to 18, and are marked and designated "Mills Park lmprovrment Plans," and in accordance with the specifications which were adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim by Ordinance No. 404, passed and adopted on the 14th day of July, 1921, which specifications are marked and designated "Specifica- tions foi the construction of cement' sidewalks and cement curbs," and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. Third: And that ornamental street lights, together with lighting posts, foundations, wires, pipes, conduits, lamps, globes, sockets, and all other appliances necessary for the complete installation of a lighting system be placed along both sides of East North Street from the east -rly property line of North Los Angeles Street to a point 30 feet easterly from the center line of North Olive Street, and along the center parking space of Mills Drive, and along both sides of North Los Angeles Street from two feet south of the southerly property line of West North Street to 'the southerly property line of East La Palma Street, and along both sides of North Claudina Street from the norther - ly property line of East North Street to the southerly property line of Mills Drive, and along both sides of North Claudina Street from the northerly property line of Mills Drive to the southerly property line of East La Palma Street, and along both sides of North Emily Street from the northerly property line of Mills Drive to the southerly property line of East La Palma Street, and along both sides of North Philadelphia Street from the northerly property line of East North Street to the southerly property line of Mills Drive, and along both sides of � North Philadelphia Street from the northerly property line of Milts Drive to the southerly property line of East La Palma Street, and along both sides of North Olive Street from the north- erly property line of East North Street to the southerly property line of East i.a Palma Street. Said work shall be done in accord- ance with the plans, profiles, and speci- fications thereof, which said plans and profiles were adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Cite of Anaheim, by resolution, on the 15th day of MareM 1923, and are numbered 18, sheets one to eighteen, and are marked and desig- nated "Mills Park Improvement Plans," and in accordance with said specifica- tions which were adopted by the Board of T rustees of the City of Anaheim on i the 16th day of March, 1923, and are on We in the office of the City Engineer, and which specifications are marked and designated "Specifications Number 30 for the cot =struction of ornamental street lights in the City of Anaheim," and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. QC 1 2 '3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 2. It is further hereby determined and declared , in pursuance of said Resolution of Intention No. 170 that serial bonds shall be issued to rep- resent assessments of $25.00 or over, for the cost and expenses of said work and improvement; that said serial bonds shall extend over a period of nine years from the second day of January next succeeding their date and an even an- nual proportion of the principal sum thereof shall be payable, by coupon, on the 2nd day of January every year after their date, until the whole is paid, and the interest shall be payable semi -an- nually, by coupon, on the 2nd day of January and July, respectively, of each year at the rate of seven per cent per annum on al: sums unpaid until the whole of said principal and interest are paid. Said bonds shall be issued under and by virtue of the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Cali - f(.>rnia entitled "An Act to provide for work in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and side- walks within municipalities and upon property and rights of way owned by municipalities and for establishing and changing the grades of any such' streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks, and providing fof the issuance and payment of street im- provement bonds to represent certain assessments for the cost thereof, and 1 providing a method for the payment of such bonds," approved April 7, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. SECTION 3. All of the herein proposed work and improve- ment and all proceedings taken in regard thereto shall be in pur- suance of and. in accordance with an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, "An Act to )rouide for work in and upon stfeets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks within municipalities and for establishing and changing the grades of any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks, and providing; for the issuance and payment of street improvement bonds to represent certain assessiients for the cost thereof and providing a method for the payment of such bonds," approved April 7, 1 °11, and. all acts amendatory thereof. SECTION 4. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim is hereby directed to post conspicuously for five days, on or near the chamber door of the Board. of Trustees of said City of Anaheim, a notice of said worlc inviting sealed proposals or bids and copies of /all specifications hereinbefore mentioned; he is also directed to twice cause a copy of said notice to be published /in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in raid city, which said newspaper is -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 hereby designated for that purpose. Said notice shall invite sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered and shall refer to the.specifications - oosted and on file, which said notice shall require all proposals or bids offered to be accompanied by a check payable to the C ity of Anaheim, certified by a responsible ban'_ for an amount wlilull shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the pro- posal or by a bond . the .said ar-nount,so payable, signed by the bidder and two sureties who shall justify before any officer com-oetent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and, over and. above all statutory exemptions. Thursday, the 10th day of May, 1923, is hereby designat-I ed and fixed as the day on which, up to the hour of eight o'clock P. 1 the said proposals or bids shall be rectived, and the said notices shall so specify. The foregoing resolution was signed, attested and 1 _�k_ apj?roved by me this /,2- . day of April, 1923. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim Attest: 71ty Clerk of the C ity _aF Anahe im 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OF CALIFOR'I A, COUNTY OF ORANGE SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM. I, Edgard 'B. rjierritt, City Clerk of the 0 ity of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the /i- day of April, 1923, by the following vo te; AYES, Trustees �,(C /Q,(��/CTa� e�,l�.,♦ NOES, Trustees ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, Trustees And I further certify that the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said Resolution on the /�,C day of April, 1523. I17 'VITNESS 77HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this z4- day of April, 1923. City Clerk of the Cl__y _ Anaheim -7-