12/04/1922-0081 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 IN THE MATTER OF IN('rRP T . I A _ 117 (IT BONDED PERT3 PY TH^ ITTY OF AVAHEIM FOR THE FOLVITTNI, 'PURPOSES: THE. ' AND 0 1OMP , FTIMI OF 1 7PTAIN L I P hTT,) I T rr Y 10v;�T3TTVG OF THE n'OTfirLFTI(`,V 3 OF A RUILDING FOR MT tTSF3, 1 7PTAPI STPFT7 TORY, A.M) THE 1 M TH E !1PLr,TT_n'N (IT TH , PrTPI,111 PARK. RESOLUTIOV OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE r'31TY (" VAFEIM rM.TFP- I T1 MINING THE PF,3ULT OF A 3rF,' 1 ,ttl I031PAL FMFITT(1� TTELT) P 3A_TD 1ITY OF THE 28TH DAY OF TIMTEHR7,9, 1922. THEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Oilty of Anaheim, did, by Ordinance ?Io. 428, of said city, entitled: "An ordinance calling and providing for and giving notice of a special election to be held in the lity of Anaheim, State o f I alifo-nia, on Tuesday, the ?8th day of T 1 the dX,)4 bein,- to submit to the qualified electors of said city rrorositions to incur one or more bonded debts by said city for the following purroses: the construc- tion and completion of certain municipal irwnrove!nents in said city, consisting of the completion of a building; for nuniciral uses, oertain street work, and the completion of the piablic park," passed and ado-ted on the 1 day of O^tober, 1922, call and order to re held in said city, a snecial election on Tuesday, the 28th day of Vovermber, 1922, for the -�yrrose of submitting to the qualified electors of said city, a -)ror to incur a bonded indebtedness by the city of Anaheim to the amount of Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars for the completion of a certain municipal improvement, to the completion of a certain build- ing in the City of Anaheim for municipal uses, containing offices for city officials, a room or chamber for the holding of meetings of the Roard of Trustees and other o fficials, boards and tribunals of said city, rooms for the housing and safekeeping of rrisoners of said city, to be used for the nurrose of a city jail, and rooms and quarters for the housing, of fire ar-naratus of said city and for the necessary accommodations for members of its fire derartment; allso a rro-position to incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Anahein to the amount of Twenty-five Thousand -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2' 28 29 30 31 32 (`t25, OOU.()0? Dollars for the purpose of the construction and comple- tion by the City" of Anaheim of a certain municipal impr ovement, to - wit: street work, consisting of grading and raving of certain street intersections itf said city, tom -wit: the intsrsection of Soutl1 "16st Street and .Chestnut Street, the intersection of Worth t!itron Street and;, West �Qhart.res. Street, the intorsect3;on 9f South Palm Street and Chestnut Street, the intersection of South Pala Street and oak Street, the,. intersection of Vorth palm Street and Teat r'hartress Street, .the intersection of North Helena Street and West Chartres Street, the intersect ion of South Helena St r )et and Oak Street, the intersection of South Helena Street and Chestnut Street, the inter - section of South: Helena Street and Third South Street, the inter- section of North Zeyn Street and 'hest Sycamore Street, the inter- section of north; Zeyn Street and West Alberta Street,. the inter- section of Vorth: Zeyn Street and West Wilhe Tina Street, the inter- se:ctian al-.East Sycamore Street and North Philadelphia Street.,. the intersection of Fast Sycamore Street and Filly Street, the inter- section -of East Sycamore Street and North Qlaudina Street, and the re- surfacing of'dertain parts of Lincoln Avenue between Vorth West Street and the westerly boundary line of said city; also a proposi- tion to incur a 'bonded indebtedness by the ,G -ity of Anaheim to the amount of o ne Hundred Thousand (fto0, 000.00) Dollars for the purpose 'of the construction and completion of a certain municipal im in the City of Anaheim, to wit;,.,, the, completion of the public park in said city commonly known as "Anaheim Park", includ- ing the installation and r..lanting thereon of trees, flowers, lawns and shrubbery, and the installation, const and completion of the walks, drives, parkings and other improvaments necessary or proper for a manic i :gal nark, including such - ir:rarovement s in aid of rubl is rec reation as are permitted to said .City of Anaheim under the lawn of the State of ^alifornia• 1 for the housing of fire arparatua of said city and for the 2 necessary accommodations for r:embers of its fire department. 3 Second. Shall the ^ity of Anaheim incur a bonded debt to 4 the amount of Twenty -five 'Thousand (�25, UO0 .00' Dollars for the 5 construction and co=letion by the city of Anaheim of the following 6 municipal improvement, to -Tvit: street work, consisting of grading 7 and raving of certain str intersections in said city, to-wit'. 8 the intersection of South Test Street and Chestnut Street, the 9 intersection of North l it ron St -ee t and 'hest ^hartres Street the 10 intersection of South Palm Street and ^hestnut Street, the inter - 11 section of South raln Street and na7. Street, the intersection of 12 north Palm Street and 'hest ^ hartres Street, the intersection of 13 'North Helena Street and Test ^hartres Street, the intersection of 14 South Helena Street and Oak Street, the intersection of South 15 Helena Street and r Street, the intersection of South 16 Helena Street and Third Seuth Street, the intersection of Forth 17 Zeyn Street and Test Sycamore S treet, the intersection of North 18 Zeyn Street and Test Alberta Street, the intersection of Vorth 19 Zeyn Street and Teat Tilhalmina Street, the intersection of Fast 20 Sycamore Street and North r'hiladelphia Street, the int rsection of 21 Fast Sycamore Street and F-Mily Street, the intersection of East 22 Sycamore Street and ?Forth Claudina Street, and the re- surfacing 23 of certain harts of Lincoln Avenue between V orth West Street and 24 the westerly boundary line of said city. 25 Third. Shall the lity cf Anaheim incur a bonded debt to 26 the amount of One Hundred Thousand 0`100,000.00) Dollars for the 27 construction and cormletion by the City of Anaheim of the follow - 28 ing munic in_al improvement, to-wit: the ccmr..l et icn of the public 29 park in said city commonly kno as ".Anaheim n ^rk,f', including the 30 installation and planting thereon of trees, Flowers lawns and 31 shrubbery, and the installation, construction and conrletion of 32 the walks, drives, parkings and other ir_provements necessary or proper for a municipal park, including such improvements in aid -4- 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of public recreation as are permitted to said City of Anaheim under the laws of the State of lalifornia. SFITIM 2. That for the rurrose of holding said special election the eleven votin -recincts hereto created and es- tablished by the Roard of Surervisors of the county of Oran 7a as the election precincts for the said City of Anaheim, and adonted by the order of said Roard of 3unervisors on the 8th day of November, 1921, and on the 23 day of May, 1922 were consolidated into four consolidated election precincts as follows: Anaheim Trecinct No. 1 and Anaheim Precinct No. 2, as the same were at i shed by said 'Roard of Surerviaors on the 8th day of November, 19 and Anaheim Precinct No. 11, as established by said Roard of 3urervisors on the 23rd day of rfay, 1922, were consolidated into and constituted one voting precinct known as Consolidated Election Precinct TIo. 1. Anaheim Precinct No. 3 and Anaheim Precinct No. 4, as the same verr-, astablis'. by order of said Roard of qur-ervisors an the 23rd day of May, 1922, were consolidated into and constitut- ed one voting precinct known as lonsolidated Election Precinct N0. 2. Anaheim. "recinct No. 5, Anaheim Precinct to. 6, and Anaheim Precinct No. 7, as the sane were established by order of said Roard of junervisors on the 8th day of Voverbor, 1921, were consolidated into and constituted one votingr r known as 'M t o - .jonsolidated Election rrecinck, 3. Anahei.m. rreC No. 8, Amahain, Precinct No. 9, as the same were established by order of said Roard of ounervisors on the 8th day of November, 192;1, and Anaheir, rrecinct 'Mo. 10, as the same was established by said 'hoard of ju on the 23rd day of May, 1922, were consolidated into and constituted one voting precinct known as Consolidated Election Precinct rIo. 4. SEITIOV 3. That the total number of votes cast at said _19- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 n special election in consolidate Plectior. Precinct No. 1 was X/7 That the total number of votes cast at said s-pecial election in lonso"'idated Flection Precinct Vo That the total number of votes cast at ­,aid special election in lonsolidated Election rrecinct Yo. 3 was 1.07 That the total number of vo cast at said special _2 I - I election in I'lonso idated Plection Precinct Vo. 4 vas P77 That the total number cf cast in caid city at said special election was 789 3FITIOV 4. That the total number of votes cast thereat in said consolidated Flectilr%n Precinct �Ic- 1 for the rro first herein stated and set forth, to-wit: a - proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the city of I�na*hairl to the amount of Forty Thcusand r for the ru:-oose c. the CO"le- tion by the 'ity of Anaheim of a certain nuniciral inrrover. to- the comr,1 of al cert.-in buil:�'Ling in the Ility of Anaheim for municiral uses, cont offices for City officials, a room or chamber for the holding of meetings of the Poarcl. of Trustees and other officials, boarj`_Is and tribunals of said city, rooms for the housing and safekeeping of - prisoners 01 said city, to 'L used for the purpose of a city ail, and rooms and quarters for the housing of fire apparatus o said city and for the necessary accommodations for renbers of its fire department, was That the nuirl of sIoteo cast thereat in Consolidated Election Precinct Yo. 1 a!-,ainst said ­rorositon was 3 . That the nurj)er cf vote-, ----St in --aid Conso Election -precinct '"o. 2 for said rro wars 4L That the nuebar of votes cast in - aid Ionsolidated Election rrecinct � 2 against said nror)ositic)rL That the nurr:h of votes cast in said consolidated -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Election 'T'--ecinct "o. '"! - ."'or said rrorosition was /74 That the nur,'her of vot= cast in said consolidated Election rrecinct TIo. 3 against said rroposition � '�ha the nuTr.) of votes cast in said lonsoli��Iated That Election rrecinct ro. 4 for said rrorosition- That the number of vote3 cast in said lonsolidated FlaCtion Precinct " 4 a(Tain said rroposition .raz That the total number of votes cast in said city at said special electicn, for the rroposition last above stated was That the total number of votes Cast in said city at said special municipal election against caid rroposition was /// 7HFPFFnPP it is resolved and declared that more than two of all th-3 voters voting at said special municipal election in said City voted in foavor of said proposition last ab stated,, and did thereby authorize the incurring of a bonded debt - o J - tb by the City of Anaheim 4 . the amount of and fo �e PulzroSe Stated., therefore bonds of said city will be issued to defray the Cost of the trrroverr. specified in said rr to the amount above stated. 3FITIOV 5. That the total number of votes cast thereat in said Consolidated Election rrecinct No. 1 for the rroposition secondly herein stated and set forth, to-wit: "- -o-T-oposition to incur a bonded indebt edneos b17 the lity of Anaheim to the amount of Twenty -five Thousand (A25,000-00) Dollars for the rur-pose of the construction and ^onrletion by the city Of Anaheim of the following municipal irr to-1vit: street work, consisting of 7radins7 ard ravine of certain street intersections in said city, to-wit: the intersection of South West Street and Chestnut Street, i Street and Test Chartres Street, the intersection of Vorth 1 1 , the intersection of South calm Street and Chestnut Street, the intersection of South Palm- Street and Oak Street, the intersection _17- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of North Palr- 3t-.e and *rest lhartres Street, the intersection of ' Street, the intersection North Helena Street and Test, 1 0 of South T-Telena Street and rlak Street, the intersection of South Helena Street and 1 1hostnut Street, the intersection of South Helena Strdet and Third South Street, the intersection of North Zeyn Street and West Sycamore Street, the int,orsection of North Zeyn Street and Alberta Street the intersection of rIc Zeyn Street and Test Wilholn.ina Street, the intersection of Fast Sycamore Street and North rhilladelrhia Street, the intersection. of East Sycamore Street and Frily Street, the intersection of Fast Sycamore Street and ^Iorth '1 Street tLhd the re-surfacing of certain parts of Lincoln Avenue between North West Street and the �!,resterly boun line of said city, was /g 2-- hat the number cf votes - aG 4 - thereat in Consolidated Flection Precinct ro. 1 against said rror.osition r.ras That the number of votes cast in , "Jonsolidated Flection "recinct mc. 2 for said r)rorc3i'tion was That the nur,-I. of votes cast in said Consolidated Flection r-e-inct No. 2 against said rroposition was X That the nuff—'r of votes cast in said Consolidated Election Precinct Vo. 3 for said rroposition was /47 That the number of votes cast in - iaid lonsclidated Flect Precinct ro. 7 against said —r-orosition was That the nunbor of votes cast in said Consolidated Flection 'r Vo. 4 for said rrorosition 7as / s That the nur-O!er of votes Cast in oaid 11,onsolidated LL 1 4 Flection Precinct vo. 4 a.rainst said nro ivas That the total number of vc cast in said -city at said special election fo the -proposition last above stated was That the . total number of votes cast in said city at said special election figainst the prorosition last above stated was J 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 THEREFCRF, it is resolved and declared that more than two-thIlrds, of a ll the voters voting at said snecial municipal election ir said voted d in favor of said - ororosition last above _U ­1 stated, and did thereby authorize the incurrin7, of a bonded debt by the lity of Anahein to the amount of and for the purpose stated, therefore bonds of said city will be issued to defray the cost of the improvenent s in .paid rrorn3iticn, to the amount e.bove stated. SECTICV 3. That the total number of vo cast thereat I I- votes in said consolidated Election Precinct No. 1 for the Proposition thirdly herein stated and set forth, to-wit: a T)-Lo-nosition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the lity of Anaheim to the amount of One Hundred Thousand (` 100 Dollars for the rurrose of the construction and cor•rletion by the 'Jity of Anaheim of the following municipal imr-rovement, to-wit: the completion of the public park in said city commonly knovrn as "Anaheim Tark, " includ- ing the installation and plantin the--eon of trees, flr, lawns and shrubbery, and the installation, const=Ction and comrletion of the walks, drives, parli­,in7s and other improveri.en+.s necessary or proper for a municipal park, including such ir-rrovenents in aid of rublic recreation as are rernlitted to sa '4tY of Anaheir, under the laws of the State of m1alifornia, L - That the number of votes cast +.'-)areat in elonsolidated Election -precinct Vo. 1 against said - proposition was That the number of votes cast in said consolidated Flection Precinct Vo. 2 for said rronosition was That the number of votes cast in said Oonsolidated Election Precinct vo. 2 againqt said rorosition "ias That the nurbor of votes cast in said lonso"Lidat Election Precinct ro. 3 for said rrorosition was the nu of votes cast in said Icnsolida'ed Election Precinct mo. 3 against said rrop was Via - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 That the number of -rctos cast in said consolidated F 1 e ction Precinct ?Io. 4 for said rrornsitiorn was That the numI_')_-r of votes cast in said consolidated Election Precinct Yo. 4 against caid rrorosition was That the total number c.-f votes cast in said city at said special election for the proposition last above stated , Ir.9S__ That the total nuff or of 1,ro'es cast in said city at said special election against said, rrorosit ion was /80 THEPEFOPE, it is resolved Cand declared that more than two-thirds of all the voters voting at said special municinal election in said city voted in favor of iaid proposition last -above stated, and did thereby authorize the incurring of a bonded debt by the city of Anaheirn- to the amount of and f or the purpose stated, therefore bonds of said city mill be issued to dofray the cost of the irrrovernent 3recified in said rroncisition, to the amount above stated. The foregoing resolution vas passed and adopted at a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 4th day crf December, 1922, and is signed,, approved and attested by me this 4th day of December, 1922. �a o �f, r u EMe �es Pre of the Roa-fa rus ees of the nity of Anaheim Attest: 7 3 1E)A F of the Anaheim. -1 10— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE (**,F 1ALTFORVIA, OOUVTY OF 0PA!"GE 33. CITY OF AMAHIFIDIL. I. Edward R. Yerritt., lity r!lerk of the lity of t.r-aheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced --nd was rassed and ado by the 'Poard of Trustees of the lity of Anaheim at ar.-gula± adjourned meeting of said Board of Trustees, held on the 4th day of 'December, 1 by the ffollo-,.vinfr vote: AYES, Trustees VOES, T --us t -3 eo AP:37VT AMD WIT 17 r 7 T And T further certify that the President of the Poard of Trustees of the lity of Anaheim sign -,ad and approved said resolution on the �?th day of December, 1922. TV ' I hava hereunto set my hard and affixed the corporate seal of - !-mid city this 4th day of December, 1922. C�c�.w, -r�3. �,GL�, er of the -11-