10/26/1922-00901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 rag 32 pr- )rT,rsm�.„'r- r TnTrra+r.tm'�'(�r�' ?.`�• / bV 4 A n7'"(1,jTT7 r^ -77, -PI , ry TrTT,�17T(.,t Tn �^ 777 17A7TP73 8TP T iP^ TTF F{', ",, CITY OF A. "A'LT7TY !ALTP rALr 3777 77 AMP RFSH (1,7,., A'T A,'TrTT' A pr, PT'�nra' r:F TRFFT, IA? 77F, R' ^�LtT'D by the Po<rcl of Trustees of the ^iffy of Anahe im: :`F^TTOIi 1. That iha public interest and also the Dublin convenience require and that it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the li t r or A.r_ahei:� to order tho fol lov ' dasC1ri')e street "rorlr to 1,1 ''Lo in city, to-.�it: That a certain portion of 'east lhartres "treet betTveen r'alm 3treet and T esh Street in city be closed up. 37, CTT011 2. That tho Land deemed necessary to be ta?_en therefor and that ?portion of said st.reet, rroy�osed to be closed ur, is situate in r.i:a lity of & and is described as foflo-,vs, to-wit: G Feginning at a Loin+ 413.75 feet northerly and 180.25 feet weoterl�r frorr: the ,outhe:asta,rly corner of IT ineyard Lot as sriown on a mar recorded in RooU 4 of Deeds, "ages 629 and 630, "iocellanaous Record of Los An:7elas "ounty, 'Ialifornia, and i running thenca westerly x- parallel. -rich the south rly line of said Lot 'T-3" 524.33 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner. of Lot 8, Piock 2, Pesh' s "uoJivioion, as shoT „ m on a nap thereof recorded. in Pook t, r 7,, :3 oN of ' iscellaneous 'ans, records of arrange County, nali iFornia, ,hence northerly along the easterly lire of said lot 8, 17.15 feet; thence ¢j�.ste.rly paral_l.al to the L l ? �. -� t ” n 57 7n - f sou therly sou T _ ir:e o-� �'.iu Lo D_:� �.� _ ..} _ ee �, thence carallel to the ea°iterly lire of ,aid Lot "T',_:, 13.25 feet to the noint of beginnin (r. v >F ^TION ". That the exterior boundaries of the district _l__ 1 of lands to be affected and ',Donefited ?^y said work and im 2 ment and t o be asse sed to -,,- the darag--s, costs amd -3- 3 thereof, vhich district is 7itqin the said City of Ar.aheim are 4 r, _ rticularly described as follows, to -,wit: 5 Peginnin,7 at the intersection of the nresent ,vesterly 6 Property line of Nlorth T Street and the present southerly 7 rronarty line of 'ves, lirn7e3s street; thence southerly along 8 the westerly line of North Palr!• 3traet 781.75 feet to the rresen.t northerly rr(. "Line of 7'est 'enter 1 treet; thence 17'resterly 10 alonlrt, the r 1- orq - cty "Line 80' - Fe9t to the 11 rra easterly pro !in a- of T :Itreet• thence northerly 12 along said nrelsent nronerty line 781.75 feet to the 13 - r, , resent southerly rrorert ling of Test lly-reso Itreet; thence 14 easterly alone; said -resent southerly r-orerty line 8-0.88 feet 15 to the place of beainning (excerting therefrom the 1,md to be 16 taken and excepting all public streets and alleys) . 17 3 3 04 T 1 01 1 1 1 4 The nran, 11 ountly 'lair, Peal-.) a daily 18 newsrarer o° -,eneral- Circulation, rrinted, ptiblished, and circul- 19 ated in said city, Is hereby designated as the daily newspaper 20 - nublishad and circulated in said city in which the 33treet Super- 21 intendent's notice of the -,- ; , as sage of this resolution shall be 22 published. 23 The Street lur.9rintendent of said --ity shall cause to 24 be cons l. nosted alon7 the line of said --ontem work 25 and improverent, notices of '719 -asia7o of thi.^ Resolution of 26 Tnte-tion in the nanner an form rewired by law. He shall also 27 cause a notice siril-ar in �vCo to be ru for a neriod 28 of ten days in sai- nowspap rublished and cirlclui^tek'i. in -Said 29 city. 30 'FITIO TI e, herein norm red wo--I, and ir-r -, 31 shat-I be done in rursuance to an Act of the 1, eg i sla. 'lure of the 32 State of California, entitled "An dot to provil-fte for laying out, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 opening, extendin-, -rillonin§r, strai,rf. or closing ur, in - .vhole or in part any street, square, lane, alley, court or ;pith in municipalities and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose." Approved i,arch C, !a n,, and all acts amendatory thereof and sun,'plenentary thereto. 7he foregoing Re solut ion of Intention is signed, aT, and attested th 16 day of October, 1922. Pre's - o - fr the - Roard of Trustees of the "ity of Anaheim Attest: City IleTk of t he " it nahaina- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I "'Al STATP. r�7 lr'JTT rIT O'QVIGF, 59. !TTY OF AMATTITIf. T, Edward P. 7 'lity clerk of the (`ity of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution of Intention V o. / 16 6 was duly I)as an"'I adopted at a regular meeting of the Poard of Trustees of the ."ity of Anaheir held on the z6 day of 'ctr. 19,22, by the followinfr vote: I ko AY73, "Prustees " Trustees AT7 Yt 71 Vr, - T Trustees And I further certify that. the President of the 'Roard of Trustees of the "ity of Anaheir signed and approved said Resolution on the 26 day of nctober, 1cl22. I TI . 11 k P3, 77 7P T have hereunto set my hand and Adc- al'fixed ti official seal of the lixy of Anaheir the day of Ictober, 7 17, - Y -7 71 - ark of the l lily-- .raheirl --4--