1908-076Resol~ztion of Intention, No. 76. Resolved by the Board o:C' TrtxstP?s of_ the City of Anaheim, State of C aiif. ornia; 1st. That it is the intention of said Board of Trustees to order the following street work to be done in said City, to-wit: To widen South Los Angeles StrFet in ssicl Cit,~~ of AnAheir~. ?nd. That the land which is by this Board of Trustees deemed necessary to be taken therefor, and which this Board of Trustees intends to take thefor, is described as follows, to-wit: A11 that certain land situated, lying a.nd being in said City of Anaheim, and particularly, described s.5 follows, to--:pit: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of vineyard Lot G4, as shown on a map recorded in Book 4 of Reeds, pages 629 and 63fl, Rec- ords of Loa Angelf~s Gounty, CaliFornia, and running thence sout7ier13T along the ..masterly line of said 1ineyard Lot 793.41 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; t~ienre t~esterl~r Rlong the Southerly line of said Vineyard Lot 9 feet; thence Northerly and parall~:l with the ma.st~~rly ling of said ~Tineyard Lot 793.41 feet to e point on the Northerly line thereof, and thence masterly along the Northerly line of said. vine~fard Lot 9 feet too the point of.. beginning. Also,beginning ~.t a point on the Westerly line of Vineyard Lot G3, as shown on the map aforesaid, 360.91 feet Southerl~r frpM the Northwesterly corner of said vineyard Lot, a.nd running thence Southerly along the; ~festerlf line of said uineyard Lot 432.5 feet to the South~~esterl~r sorrier thereof; thence Easterly along the South-- srly line of said vineyard Lot lfl feet; thence Northerly and parallel to the Westerly line of said Vin?yrs.rd Lot 432.5 feet, And thence ~'esterl~~ and parallel to the Northerly line of said vineyard Lot 10 feet to the point of beginning. Also, beginning at the Northwesterly corner of Vineyard Lot H3 , as sho~~rn on t,:P map aforesaid, Red running thence Southerly along; the Westerly line thereof 795 felt to the Southwesterly corner tliere- of; thence Easterl~r along the Southerly line of said zineyard Lot ~.r. ,~. 10 feet; thPnc9 Northerly and para11E~1 t,o the Westerly line of said Vineyard Lot .795 feet to a point on the Northerly lixte Cher. eof, and thence ~featerly along the Northerly line of. said Vineyard Lot l0i~tfeet to the point of_ beginning,. Also, bP~inni::~g at a point 49,5 feat South 15 l~ 2 deg. Fast from the Southwesterly corner of said. Vineyard Lot H3, and running thence South 15 1~~2 deg. East 866 feet to a point; thence North 74 1!2 deg. Fast 10 feet; thence North 15 1~?-deg. hest 866 feet, and thence South 74 1~2 deg. hest. 10 feet to the point of beginning. 3d. That the e~cterior boundaries of the district YierPby estab- lished, and the exterior boundaries of tYiP district of. lands hereby declared to be affected and benefited by said work or ~mprovem?nt, and to be assessed to pay file darnagPa, coat and expen~~es thereof, are described as follows, to--wit: Beginning at. a point on the Northerly line of Vin~syard Lot G4, in said City of Anaheim, as shown on a map recorded in Book 4 of Deeds, paves 629 and 630, Records of Los Angeles County, California, 265 feP,t p'~'P,Steriz~ from the Idortheasterl~,T Horner thereof, €1TiCi. running thence Southerly and parallel with the Easterly line of said V'in~- yard Lot 793.41 fP,et to a point on the Southerly line thereof; t7zence ~;asterly along the Southerly line of said vineyard Lot and an ext~;n- ~sion of said. line ?89.75 feet to a point in the center line of Los Angeles Street; tl~.enc;e Southerly along the center line of Los Angeles Street 1727 feet; thence North 74 1~2 deg. Fast 289.75 feet; thence Northerly and. parallel to the center line of Los Ange1?s Street 25'0..41 fc~Pt to a point on the Northerly line of Vineyard Lot G3, as shovrn on the map aforesaid, anci thence Westerly along the Northerly line of vineyard Lota G3 and G4, as shown on the map aforesaid 579.5 feet t~~ th~~ anoint of bPg~nning; excepting therefrom the land her~:inbefore described as the Land to be tA.kAn for_ widening said South Los Ang~;lea Street, and excepting also any land within said. boundaries contained ~r~hich is now part, of a p~zblie street or alley The Anaheim Gazette, a wPekl~j nP~,+vspaper publis~ied ~.nd oirculatecl. ~n said "ity, is hereby desinatPd as the newspaper in whicYi the Superintendent of Str~--Pts of said nity shall ca~zse to be published., in tYle Manner and form rP~uired by law, notice of the passs.~e of this re'sol~ztion, and the .said Superintendent of Str~;ets iz~ hereby directed to cause notices of the passs.~e of this resolution to be posted in the manner and forns required by law, and to cause a notice, simil~.r in subgt:~nne, to be published in said newspaper bl four suc-- cessive insertions therein, in thR manner rPq~.iirgd by lAw. I hereby ~;ertify $liat tl~ie foregoing resolution was passed by the Board of Tr~~.stPes of the rit;,~ of. Ans.hPira on the 13t1i day of. Au~zst, 1908, by the following; vote: Ayes : Trustees ~ _c o~~d ~C ~ cu,~,+~- r.+.~~o` Noes : ~~INV~_ ~l `! ~r /~L~ ~i.v~Wil~ City CIPrk end c~x=ot'ficio Clerk of the Board 0{' `.~'ruSteP,fi of_ the Citf of Anaheim, (seal)