01/08/1895~. ,~,~ . ~~ ~,~ti-~~9 -A -~--~-y--/--ll -_ RESQLUTION OF AWARD, The $Gard of Trustees of the city of Anaheim 3a resolve s.s follows: That the Bosr~ of Trustees of the City of Ans.hein~, .having in..gpen.;.sses.s~on.. Qr~ the $th,. 3~y a;,of ~Januarr, I~B,. .operiec~;. ~~ex~ined' and publisly declar~3 s11. seale3 p;roposals,o*~~bds ~,affsred, f©r the following work, to-~~it: That acseaaent sfde~ralk seven i'eet and six inches in ~ridth be const~~ cte~ ait,ng the east side of Los Angeles ~t~reet, from a point eight y^ set na_rth of the north line of Center Street, to the south /--,'~.~ line of Cypress Stree+; ~ '~ , ___ Thaw. a cement ~~~rb,,, be constructed alon~_f~~""east line of the raa3wr~y of said I,os Angeles Street, frog. s~.;poin'~ eighty'eight feet r.: . nom. arth line of Center Street, ±o the south i.ine of >_ 1 _ ~ ~,. . ,~_ . ,w ;. ~yprass.Street;, _ _ That a cement sidewalk seven feet m~nd six 3z~ehes. in wi3th, be constructQ:~, aloe; the west si3e o~* L©s Angeles. Street, fro~~ the north .Zinn o.t' Center ;Street to the south line of Cypress Street, (exeepting that portion of Said street between a point one hundred and. seventy three fc~~t six inchet~ north of the north line of Center Street,, and s point two ,hundresi atx~3 sixty four feet three inches .~ ~. . ,~ north of the north line of Center- Street ); ~ ,~~;"~u ,~ That a cement curb be constructed Tong the west tide of the r~ia~way o~ Raid ~~ ~ gees tread, ~ the nah line of Center .Street, to the saut~""line~> of .C'ypress St.rec~+~ (exserting that portion tY of said street between a point one hundred an3 se~renty three feet .`, ~ \~, hereby »ejec+.,J,all of said bids except that next herein mentioned e.nd hereby awards the contract for said !work to the lowest regu- lame ~ onsible bidder, to--grit: to _ ~ L„ ~~ ~~~-~ _ P at +~he prices specified in _ _~~~/! props,sal on file for said work; T:~:e Clerk of the City of Anahei~,is hereby 3irected to post notice of t;.~ia award conspicuously for five days'on or near the chamber door of the Hoard of Trustee$ of the City of Anaheim, and. also publish paid notice in the Anaheim Independent, a weekly newspaper printed published and circulated in the iity of Anariei~, County of Orange, Stats of California, therefor and hereby desig- nate3,by one insertion in said Anaheim Independent, $ai3 weekly newspaper; Adopted this .4. ~da;~ Of .January I~95. ~-- ~ <a President of the Board of Trustees ., of the ,.City of Anaheizw. __ ~ z ~ _ - I he_Neby e;ertify that the above resolution w~.s e,3opted by tha Board of Trustees of the City of Ane,heir~,, at a regular ~aeeting hel:i on the .~:" day of .7a.nuary I895, by the fallowi.zg vat©, Ayes -- 7 ~1 ~~T ~ ~~ That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, signed the sate on the .4P• • Say f January 1895. clerk of ..the City of ~ 'hei~a.` ~~, ~ „~ ~pPr~v®d ti~ia~ :: . -.,day of Janu~.ry I895. F ., _ -.~-r 1 - - -- __ _ _ President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ane.r,e i~~.