90-186 RESOLUTION NO. 90R-186 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS MORE THAN TWO YEARS OLD. WHEREAS, Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California authorizes the destruction of certain records, documents, instruments, books and papers (hereinafter "records"J, of the City upon approval of the legislative body of the City, and with the written consent of the City Attorney, provided that said records do not fall within certain specified categories; and WHEREAS, the following described records under the charge of various department heads of the City of Anaheim (hereinafter collectively "custodians of records") are more than two years old and are documents which are authorized for destruction under the provisions of said Section 34090 of the Government Code without making a copy thereof; and WHEREAS, the custodian of records of each record described herein has determined that said documents are no longer needed or required; and WHEREAS, the City Council concurs in the determination of the respective custodians of records and finds that said records are no longer needed; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney of the City of Anaheim does by the approval of this resolution hereby give written consent for the destruction of the listed records. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the respective custodians of records of the City of Anaheim be, and they are hereby authorized to destroy immediately, in a lawful manner and without making any copies thereof, the records under their respective charges, as more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon destruction of the foregoing records, a certificate of destruction shall be executed and the original thereof filed in the Office of the City Clerk together with a copy of this resolution. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 5th day of June, 1990. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVED: rCITY A~TJ~I(N'EY ~ TH~ CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LEONORA N, SOHL, City Clerk of Me City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 90R-186 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law. of the City Council of Me City of Anaheim held on the 5th day of June, 1990, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ~rle, Daly, Kaywood, Pickler and Hunter NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I ~RTHER certify Mat Me Mayor of the City of An~eim signed said Resolution No. 90R-186 on the 6th d~ of June, 1990. IN UITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of An~eim Mts 6M day of June, 1990. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, City Clerk of the City of An~eim, do hereby certify that Me foregoing is Me original of Resolution No. 90R-186, duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on June 5, 1990. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 5/29/90 2 1977/78 ~iscal hdget ~escdptions ~smti~ 07-01-?? 06-30-78 3 ?ql ~tel ~t ~r~s 8~840 H~ f187 04-01-8003-31-83 4 ?-11 ~aveI ~il~ Par~ ~t ~ 85350 H/~ f188 04-01-8301-31-86 5 43.~. Onclaiud ~op ~it ~rs 83~10 06-01-82 0~-30-83 8 ~ ~olocatn ~sist ~t ~r~s 850804 I0~0145 03-31-86 9 ~ ~elocatn ~ast ~t ~rs 85080 044145 09-30-85 ~0 ~c~QngC~es ~ois~t~ve 07-0]-77 07-01-77 H ~isC1on - ~e~lte ~i116 ~et~ Co. ~t ~s 82385 12 ~eistntia File/ludit ~e~ ltatus ~s~ve 074142 06-30-86 13 l~istntive file ~tb lette~s/~s ~stntive 01-01-86 12-31-86 li Advent~a ~ Au~t ~r~ 85507 H/H f282 124343 074145 15 ~ ~to~ ~etel ~dit ie~ 8~t~0 HI9 f223 1141-8310-31-8~ 16 ~o ~t~ ~dge ~t ~s 84255 H/H f233 054141 I0-31-84 i? ~pine ~tel ~at ~T~s 85215 ~/~ f003 07-01-8207-31-85 ~a ~ilh P~o ~hop lust ~ 8151 01-01-800741-82 ~aheie ~oh8 ~velodge ~at ~r~aprs 86350 H/~ fee 0~-0~-83 ~0 ~eheim Dis~sal ~dit ~r~a~rs i0-044~ 03-15-83 21 aaheia Dis~sel Co.,~c., ~at ~s ?~40 0141-?? 1~-31-?? 22 ~eheia Dis~l Co.,Inc., ~at ~r~rs 8207 01-0143 12-31-83 23 ~8bei~ ~iendship ~t ~prs 84~51 ~/~ f13901-01-8105-31-84 24 ~heie ~ilto~ ~etel ad T~rs ~dit ~ts B4505 ~/~ 128708-01-8208-31-85 25 ~aeim ~Ntt ~se ~tel ~at ~s 85265 8/H 118 08-01-8208-3145 2~ ~aei] Inn ~t ~or~s 85490 H/~ 127404-28-8301-31-86 27 ~ahei] ~iott Bore1 ~at ~t~ts 84258 RIB 121305-01-8201-3145 28 ~aheim Police ~ept~ Cash ~ds ~dit ~or~ts 83170/83~82 11-18-8206-28-83 ~9 ~aeim ~81itT I~ iuat ~rs 82300 05-10-8305-10-83 30 ~Bhei~ staa~ Travelogue ~at ~r~a~s 853~5 ~ f~0~ I0-01-8~09-30-85 31 ~aheim ~avelod9o ~t ~rs 853?0 ~/~ 1205104142 09-30-85 33 ~aheig Visitor i ~ve~Qon ~eau ~dit ~r~s 83600 07-01-800t-30-83 ~eia ~is~sal ~sc. ~aC ~T~s ?it0 01-01-??ll-31-?? ~ ~ei~ I~ ~ ~p~s 853t5 H/B f~1503-01-850?49-85 37 ~oal tu~iC ~e~n te Ci~T Cancil/l~at C~CtH - Cepie~ ~ois~ti~e 01-01-Bl1~-31-8t 38 lpllo la ~el ~at ~ 8~il H/8 fI~30~-01-81 39 ~ ~pts-~tel/~otel - ~plicat8 ~mmtivo 0i-29-7708-15-83 io lud ~pts/~iu,ce i ~ - hplicate I~mtntivo 05-1~-??I143-82 tl lud ~pCs/Co~ention Cntr - ~plicate ~smti~e a-~5-79 01-n-84 42 ~d ~ts/CoDveltion CDtr/Folde~ f2 - hplicate ~s~ti~ 01-18-8011-18-82 43 ~d ~ts/Golf C~se - ~plicate ~stntiTe 0~-18-??0?40-83 ~1 ~d ~ts/~ i Eecteatia - hplicate ~stnti~e 09-27-??07-22-81 45 ~d ~ptstEedevelo~ent - ~plicate ~s~ti~ 07-21-??10-2743 ii ~d ~pts/~tadi~ f2 - ~plicate ~smtive II-18-800~-22-82 i? ~d ~ts/Stadi~ f3 - hplicate ~tiTe 0&q3-82 07-19-83 t8 Audit C,sb ~i~eq - ~olice ~pt. ~at ~p~s 800~/810t 07-01-8008-11-81 49 ~at ~s/~tel/Botel Folder f2 - ~plicates ~s~tive 06q3-?? 03-13-8i 50 tuat ~e~ns/Hotel/~otel Fold~ f3 - hpli~tes ~tive 0441-?? 03-I3-8~ 51 ~dit ~e~ests ~s~ti~ 01-01-8512-31-85 52 ~dit ~tstBin~ - ~plicate ~smti~ 0~-21-78ii-30-82 (A~BTDSST-H/) EXHIBIT" " 53 hdit Bpts/Cl~lA t2 - ~uplicate litinist~ative 12-27-7003-05-80 54 ludit Bpts/CBTl - Ouplicatn l~inistritivn 06-~0-76124140 55 ~dit Rpts/Libr~ - ~plicats ~st~tiw I0-2741 10-274I 56 ludit ~ts/Polics - ~plicite ~nist~i~ 0~-I~-77 57 ~dit ~ptsl~lic ~r~ - ~plicates ~stntive 06-24-7711-29-83 58 ludit ~pts/staa~ - ~plicate ~st~tive 02-25-7704-29-80 59 luat ~ Fil~ ~istntive 01-01-8112-31-81 60 ludit ?i~ and Finings ~ ~istnti~ 01-01-7812-31-78 61 Audit for ~ix Nonths - ~as~ Coll~ion ~at ~o:~rs 83020 08-31-8308-31-83 62 hdit ~f ~is~t~ments - Rederelent Relocation ~ct. ~t ~rs 84030~ 10-01-8403-31-85 63 luat of ~is~utse~ents - ~adevelo~ent ~lxatia lc~t. hat ~:s 8403~ 04-01-84 64 hck~nd to Contracts - JaFcox ~is~sal Co. hc. ~t ~r~n 01-01-83014144 55 ~nk t False Um ~ iudk Wor~rs 811~ II-01-8009-30-81 66 B~ i False ~ ~d P.D. ~t ~r~rs 8039 07-01-79I0-31-80 67 ~ ~ ~d Police ~ept ~dit ~or~rs 79t6 11-01-7812-31-79 68 Bank ~a~ ~d(Police Dept) ~dit ~r~a~rs 78~5 07-01-7710-30-78 69 ~ Bids ~t Wor~rs 12-22-8302-01-8~ ~ Black & Veatch - In~e~tain ~r ~oiect Audit ~r~rs 8232 01-01-8206-30-82 ~ack & Veatch - ~t~tain P~r ~oiect ~dit ~r~a~rs 8139 0~q6-82 12-16-82 72 ~oad~ ~tel ~t ~r~rs 86365 H/H ~95 03-01-8~12-31-86 73 ~oo~st 5odge ~otel hdit ~or~rs 8268 ~/E t317 01-014206-30-82 7~ Budget - Proem 116 ~nistrative 01-0145 12-31-85 75 ~nd? Cans ~tel hdit ~r~a~ 85255 H/H [14 104142 II-30-85 76 Captain's ~ers ~otal ~dit ~r~rs 85360 ~/~ 1198 104142 094045 77 C~av~ I~ ~t ~s 84263 ~/G [15 08-01-8107-31-84 78 ~ousel ~tel ~t ~t~ 85260 ~/E 116 09-01-8209-31-85 79 tit? Center ~teI ~t ~t~s 83336 ~/E 119 11-01-8010-31-83 80 Cit~ ~eas~e[ - Bank Bid ~t ~[~ 01-01-84 12-31-84 81 C~o~ 6 ~tel ~t ~t~a~s 85475 E/~ f269 04-21-8302-2846 82 C~o~ I~ l~dit ~t~s 85506 H/E f295 07-01-8406-18-85 B3 C~o~ I~ ~t ~r~ 84275 H/H 1234 06-21-8107-31-84 8i Concord I~ ~t Wor~rs 8~264 H/H 117i 05-01-8202-28-85 85 C~estoga I~ ~t ~r~rs 8~265 ~/G 1197 03-01-8201-31-85 ~6 Cos~c Age ~tel ~t ~rs 86375 H/ff f102 074143054146 ~est ~Lel ~t io~ 8t266 ff/~ 1208 I1-01-8303-31-85 ~ D.E.& ~. (~sc Stuff) ~s~tive 0141-83 12-3143 89 ~ta ~ocessin9 ~ests ~st~ti~ 12-16-8601-14-87 90 ~se~ ~ ~tel ~t ~r~rs 826~ Hlff 12111-01-7909-3042 91 Disne~l~d Eotel ~t ~s 10-01-81 92 ~p f~ Data - ~eis ~is~s~ Co., ~. ~t ~r~rs 01-01-8212-31-82 ~3 ~en ~oc ~tel ~at ~m 85210 ff/~ t21i0-01-82Ii-30-85 ~5 ~ent Set~I~nt - ~e~ ~nventi~ Center ~x Office ~t ffor~s 84190 07-01-8306-30-85 ~6 ~at~ ~tel ~1~ 12-5-86 ~t ~r~rs 8~470 ~/E ~23201-01-8iI2-0t-86 97 ~in~cial Refer ~nutes - Sz~ / Cit~ / ~e~ts ~t ~s 05-2142 05-21-82 98 ~in~e~rint & ~d ff~s ~t W~rs 83190 044942 06-3142 99 ~n~rint & ~cord ~ees - ~lice ~t. ~t ~r~rs 8008 0741-79 064040 100 Fisc~ ~u~ ~nthl~ ~oducti~t~ ~ A~st~ti~ 01-01-8112-31-8~ 101 Fixed ~sets Pe~ent Folder - ~m 116 ~st~tiw 02-0i-8308-09-83 102 Food & Beverage ~dit - ~ad ~11er [~cessio~ ~t ~rs 84350 05-0143 02-28-85 103 Pr~ ~tel ~t Wor~rs 82862 01-01-8105-31-83 10~ ~ati~ ~tel ~t ~r~rs 85330 H/~ fit2i2-01-8208-31-85 105 Gal~ ~tel ~t ~rs 86285 H/9 ~4i 11-01-8309-30-86 (A~BBa-~I) LIDTING OF FI~D TO DESTROY 8/29/00 I0~ Gate ~p fees - aycox Dis~s~ ~., ~c. ~t ~s 08-19-82 08-02-84 107 Golden Fores~ ~ ~t ~z~ 86345 ~/; f86 09-01-83 08-31-86 108 Golden Fores~ ~ ~u~C ~r~s 8~345 H/H ~86 09-01-83 08-31-86 I09 ~lden Forest I~ ~t ~r~rs 85345 H/H 18~ 09-01-83 08-31-85 I10 ;r~d Ho~el h~t ~;~;s 842~8 S/; f100 05-01-82 111 Ha' ~y ~ ~di~ ~;~rs 8~4~0 H/~ 1195 04-01-84 02-28-87 112 B~bor I~ ~avelodge Ru~t ~rs 86455 ~/~ 1325 08-30-85 12-15-8~ 113 ~ei~i ~tel h~t ~p~ 85250 S/H 134 ~2-0Z-83 I14 8~ ~o~sons Sotor ~ge ~t ~r~pn 88300 S/H 199 0~-01-82 05-31-85 115 Ho~d ~o~sons ~otor ~dge h~t ~rs 85300 S/H 199 0~-01-82 05-31-85 11~ :~ of To~o:o~ Ru~t ~p:s 83~35 09-01-80 08-31-83 117 :~ of ~ h~it ~o~ 85380 S/H ~10709-01-83 09-30-86 118 Ins~ce/Tao~na - ~eim Dis~sal, ~c. Ru~t ~or~ 04-03-86 04-31-86 119 Intena:ional 5 Sotel h~t ~r~pcs 85460 S/H 12~501-01-83 12-31-85 120 Islander Motel h~t Wor~rs 85290 M/~ 192 10-01-82 II-30-85 121 Iv~ Motel ~t ~r~rs 84272 M/H t23806-01-81 08-3~-84 I22 Saycox Dis~sal Co.,~c. ~dit Wor~:s 8208 10-28-82 01-20-87 ~ Jolly Roger ~ ~t~ Hotel ~dit ~r~rs 86265 M/H 136 10-01-83 ~0-31-86 ~ Ken ~avelodge Audit ~:~prs 84253 M/H {27005-01-83 05-31-84 125 K~a ~i ~tel ~t ~a~:s 85390 M/H {24410-01-82 11-30-85 ~26 Kona Motel ~t ~:~a~rs 86510 M/H t2280~-0~-84 09-30-86 127 ~a ~alm Inn Motel Au~: ~t~rs 85670 M/B 126803-10-83 12-3~-85 128 ~plighter Motel ~dit W~ 85485 M/H 272 04-08-83 01-31-86 129 ~dfill Chutes - Jaycox Ois~sal Co., hc. Aunt ~r~rs 01-01-83 12-31-83 130 ~slatiw ~lstins ~strati~ 02-03-84 07-08-85 131 ~tter Restrises 1 t~ 199 - ~les ~ ~t ~rs 83590 01-01-82 I2-31-82 132 ~ett~ Res~nses 1150- 1490 - Dales Th ~t ~ 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 ~33 B~tter Res~nHes 1500- ~850 - H~l~s Y~ ~t Wor~rs 83590 01-01-82 ~2-31-82 134 ~sgter Res~ns~ 1851- ~97~ - ~les T~ ~t ~rs 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 i35 ~etter Restrises 1979- 2099 - ~les Y~ ~t {~rs 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 I36 Lettsr Res~nses 200 - 324 - ~les Y~ ~dit Wor~ 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 137 ~tter Restrises 2100- 3149 - ~es Tu ~t N~rs 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 138 ~etter Resists 3150- 3395 - ~les T~ ~t ~rs 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 139 ~tter Res~es 325 - 499 - ~les TH Aunt ~r~rs 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 ~etter Res~nses 3400- 3647 - ~Ies Y~ Audit ~r~prs 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 ~ ~tter ~s~n~s 500 - 649 - ~es ~ ~t ~rs 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 142 ~tter ~s~nses 650 - 899 - ~les T~ h~t ~r~ 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 . i43 ~tt~r Res~ns~s 900 - ~40 - S~es Y~ ~dit ~r~rs 83590 01-01-82 12-31-82 144 ~tters/~os/~dit ~ts - ~plicate ~s~tive 01-01-83 1241-83 145 ~incoln~a~ ~s~tive 86520 M/HI286 12-23-83 11-30-86 146 ~a~nt Re~lies to Audit ~s ~st~tive 01-01-81 12-3~-8~ 147 ~ 8ras ~tel Nu~t ~r~rs 83~49 M/H {17004-01-81 02-29-84 ~{8 ~cca ~tel ~t ~r~s 86290 H/M {47 02-0~-8{ ~1-26-86 149 ~ite~e~ I~ ~t Wor~s 85380 M/H 1207 06-01-82 06-30-85 150 ~1ody ~iler ~e (M~ 1140/2~9) ~t Wor~rs 8H505 02-01-84 02-28-87 IBl ~dey ~ail~ City ~t ~ 86400 M/H t137 02-01-84 12-31-86 152 ~sc Aunt ~s ~i~ls - ~plicate ~s~tive 01-01-82 t2-31-82 153 ~. C~vention Center Co~es~ence ~st~tive 09-29-75 11-~9-82 ~54 ~sc911~eous Audit Re~s - ~pli~te ~strative 84267 M/H ~022 01-01-80 12-31-80 155 ~ire Motel ~t Wor~ 86500 M/H 1281 09-01-83 08-31-86 158 ~nthly Inc~ Htat~nt - Colo~al ~ H~y H~e ~t ~r~rs 12-21-78 11-01-79 157 ~nt~y ~c~ Htat~nt - Nat'l ~s~, Helot Citi~ ~t ~a~s 04-01-78 06-31-78 158 ~tel Audits 1984/1985 Re~s - ~plicite ldmi,istntiw 01-01-85 12-31-85 CITY OF AN8U{EI]{ PAHE 4 ~ISTIN~ OF FILES YO DI{8YROY 5/20/80 IT~ DI{HCRS~YI~ FOYER TYPE AUDIT I{~8R I{O~B~ {ST~RT DATI{ END DATI{ 150 Oran~e Grovn Mobils MOm~ Villn~ Audit Morkpo~s 86428 R/M {20010-01-83 08-81-86 160 PD~A Manager's Cormspond~nnn Filn Administrative I0-07-84 03-02-87 161 Paid Invdinnn - Anahnim Disposal Equip Fund Audit Morklmpors 01-01-8! 12-31-81 162 Palm Motnl Lodge Audit Worklm~ra 8278 8/M {17808-01-79 05-31-82 163 Parking Lease - King of Celifoz~iu - Duplicutn Audit Mork~pa~r~ 08-05-80 08-05-80 164 ~arkin~ I4t Audit - Convnntian Cnnt~r Audit MOrkpoporn 84200 01-01-84 05-31-85 168 Ray~oll,Billin~n,Ravnnnnn - Anaheim Disposal Co., Inc. Audit Morkpopora 7640 01-01-75 12-31-75 166 ~eter Pan Motor I4d~s Audit Morkpopors 86300 M/H {58 i0-01-88 08-31-86 167 Pickwick Hotnl Audit Morkpopers 86465 H/M {23001-01-84 11-30-86 168 Pollen Dspa~tmnnt Audit Murk]inputs 01-01-86 12-31-86 160 Police Prop I{/P 80021-88016 Audit Morkpoporn 85585 06-23-83 i0-01-84 170 Police Prop W/P 88017-94788 Audit Morkpopors 85585 10-02-84 10-22-85 171 Police ~rop I{/P RunsiS0-410 Audit Morkpopors 85585 10-02-84 10-22-85 172 Pollen ~roporty/Physical Inv Audit Morkpopors 88585 04-09-85 06-31-85 I73 ~ondnrosa Y~avnl ~ailnr Park Audit Workpopors 85430 M/I{ {25808-02-8207-31-85 174 Prinn Raterhnn~ Rncomndatians - Duplicatu ;klmialstr~tive 06-30-79 00-01-82 175 Princess Motnl Andit Morkpopora 86315 M/H {58 12-01-83 09-30-86 ~' .~ro Shop Audit - Bob ~ohnn Audit Workpopors 82280 01-01-81 12-31-82 · Pro,am & Contracts - Dnloitte, Rankinn & I{etln Administrative 01-01-82 12-31-82 178 Pro,renu Report - Fiscal Audit Pnn~ram Administrative 07-01-81 06-30-82 179 ProportF Verification - ~olice Dept. Audit Workpol~rs 83180 12-01-82 06-30-84 180 Quality Inn Audit W~rkpopora 85320 M/H {11410-01-82 08-31-85 181 Quality Inn Anaheim ~nt Audit Morklmpors 85405 I{/M {27507-01-8802-28-86 182 Quality Inn B~nnkhur~t Audit Morkpopors 86340 I{/M {20707-10-8405-31-86 188 Raffles Inn-Auahnim Audit Morktm~ 86480 M/H 827807-11-83 06-30-86 184 Rate Incr~nne Petition - ~uycnn Disposal Co., Inc. Audit Morkpopors I0-01-80 09-30-83 185 Rats Increase Proposal - 2laycox Disposal Co., Inc. Audit Morklmpors 10-24-83 10-24-83 186 Ratnn/~nnnfer/Unian Castner - Anaheim Diapoanl Co., Inc. Audit Mo~ktmporn 84080 07-12-83 02-28-86 387 R~rantion SpucJul Audit ~{/C {01-3227 Audit WorkImpure 01-01-81 12-31-82 I88 Refuse Dispoanl/Moste M~nt Audit Wnnkpapors 01-01-83 I2-31-83 189 Rolocation Anot Audit Morklmpors 03055 10-31-83 03-31-84 100 Rnview of Cntrl Procnduran - City Cashier's Ra~. Audit Workpopora 7647 06-00-77 06-30-77 181 Rip Van Winkle Inn Audit Morklmpors 87175 M/H {60 05-01-84 05-31-87 {n9 Robin Mood Moral Audit Work/mpo~a 8280 M/I{ {307 05-30-8006-30-82 V Rodeway Inn of Annfica Audit W~kpoporn 85480 M/I{ {271 05-27-8303-31-86 194 Rustic Moral Audit Mork~a~rs 84278 M/R {276 07-28-83 03-81-85 198 ~fari Motel Audit Morkpoporn 88665 H/M {224 10-28-80 00-30-83 196 Ssfe/Rinn109-178/~nn I~ckar - ~olicn Ra~t. Audit Morkpopors 85585 05-03-82 10-22-85 197 Ra~ Motor Inn Audit Morkpopors 85280 M/H {66 03-01-83 i2-31-85 198 Sahara Motnl Audit Wnnkpopo~ 84279 M/H {246 01-01-82 12-31-84 199 Hales Tax 1082 Tnnahle Ynar Audit Mork~apors 83500 01-01-82 12-31-82 200 Sales Tnn List Audit Warkpapo~ 07-01-85 06-80-86 201 Ralan Far Response V - Z File Audit W~kpopor~ 8001 01-01-78 12-31-70 202 Ralnn ~(PDA) Yrly Analysis Audit Workpoporn 01-01-86 i2-31-86 203 8an~ Moral Audit Morkpopor~ 86325 M/H {68 04-01-84 07-31-86 204 Sandman Inn Audit Morkpopor~ 84281 M/l{ {248 05-01-8203-31-85 208 Handman Moral Audit Morkpoporn 85335 M/I{ 1180 03-01-8312-31-85 206 8nnNtarial Intnnvinw Info~mation Filo Admidistrutivn 08-16-84 03-16-84 207 Shnllstoan A~nt Motel Audit Worknlm~s 84282 M/H {73 05-01-81 07-31-84 208 8hnratan Auahnim Audit Worklmporn 84283 M/I{ {109 I0-01-8109-30-84 200 Sir Ru Dimar Motel Audit W~ktm~s 86415 M/H {248 06-01-82 07-31-86 210 Sixponne ~ of A~rica Audit Morkpoporn 85325 M/I{ {115 05-01-8301-31-86 211 Sklview ~sl Audit Workpop~n 85415 M/H {255 08-03-82 05-19-85 (AUDT I{ST-Ri) LISTING OF FU,8S TO DESTROY , 5/29/90 IT~ ~WSCHIPTION ~O~D~H T~PE A~IT W~)~ HOTS~, ) ST~T DATE END DATE 215 8~cial ~oiect - ~lic Utilitiei Pa~oll ~dit ~r~ 01-01-84 12-31-B4 ~I6 ~eet Contract - ~he~ 8tadi~ P~n~ ~udit ~t~ts ~06 OB-14-?4 217 ~st~ Bevelo~ent - ~siness Bic~ Audit ~r~ B2~7 OI-0I-B2 06-30-83 21B T. ~. ~teI ~dit ~t~ B3671 ~/B )B5 0~-0~-81 O1-31-B( 21g Tiffany ~ ~t ~ 86410 H/H t236 07-01-83 05-31-56 2~0 TOmB ~tel ~t Wot~ts B(285 ~/~ )241 08-01-81 222 ~ & C~tQ ~tel - b~t ~. C~s~ndence File ~t ~rs 56~50 og-01-B4 06-30-86 ~13 To~ Bouse ~otel Aunt Wot~a~ts 56445 H/~ 1250 06-16-8~ 0~-30-86 22( T~ining 3-1g ~st~ti~ 01-01-84 12-31-84 225 ~aveler; Worl~ ~ P~k ~t ~;~rs 56430 08-01-53 07-31-56 226 ~veler~ World of ~ ~k Aunt Wor~ 83670 I0-17-83 10-I7-83 227 ~as~ ~ctions - ~s Audit Wor~rs 01-01-84 12-31-85 228 ~e~s~ ~ves~nts Rudit io[~rs 8201 12-31-80 ~2-31-82 ~ ~easu~ Invest~nts ~t Wor~rs 01-0~-83 12-31-83 ~ ~opicana Aunt ~r~rs 85285 M/H {84 05-01-83 03-31-86 231 Utility Aunt C~tt~ ~etin~s-~nut~s - ~plicate Audit Wor~rs 11-i2-82 11-12-82 232 ~ ~idenc~ ~ Cash ~ds Aunt ~a~rs 86080 06-28-84 09-30-86 233 W/~ Bike C~/Auction/~ex - ~lic~ De~. Aunt ~l~rs 85585 0~-03-82 ~0-22-85 234 W~i~ MAor I~ Aunt Wor~rs 86355 H/M {H9 07-01-83 06-30-86 235 Watergate ~t~l ~t ~r~r; 84291 M/H {122 05-01-81 I0-31-84 236 Weedy ~ Reconcihtions ~u~t ~t~rs 01-01-84 12-31-84 237 )e~t~nds ~ail~ ~dge Aunt ~r~rs 85375 H/M {206 05-01-83 02-28-86 238 Wnthm~ Vacationed ~u~t ~r~rs 85425 M/H {257 07-02-82 06-30-85 239 Zaby'~ Motor ~d)e ~t ~r~ 85385 M/H ~101 06-01-82 05-31-85 (AUDTUBST-R/)