1981-124RESOLUTION NO. 81R-124 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING THE RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 72R-600 AND AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NOS. 73R-255, 73R-387, 73R-532, 74R-433, 75R-315, 75R-469, 75R-479, 76R-378, 78R-418, 78R-419, 78R-459, 79R-643 AND 80R-304. Whereas, the City of Anaheim maintains a water distribution system for the furnishing of water to residents and inhabitants of the City of Anaheim and has adopted Water Rates, Rules and Regulations ("Rules") for the sale and distribution of water; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend Rule 9 of said Rules to include a $10.00 charge to partially recover the costs of processing checks returned from the bank unpaid; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend Rule 17 of said Rules to increase the deposit for re-testing of water meters, as defined in Rule 17, to the following amounts in order to recover more of the costs associated with such test s: 5/8" x 3/4" and 1" Meters $25.00 1 1/2" and 2" Meters 75.00 3" or larger Meters 150.00 ;and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend Rule 17 of said Rules to apply the four-month limitation on bill adjustments for errors to single-family domestic service schedules and increase such limitation to twenty-four months for all other service schedules; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the foregoing amendments are in the best interest of the City of Anaheim. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the Water Rates, Rules and Regulations adopted by City Council Resolution No. 72R-600 and amended by City Council Resolution Nos. 73R-255, 73R-387, 73R- 532, 74R-433, 75R-315, 75R-469, 75R-479, 76R-378, 78R-418, 78R-419, 78R-459, 79R-643, and 80R-304 be amended as follows, to wit: -1- C 17Y Of" ANAHE I M Water Utility Post Office Box 3222 Anaheim, California 92803 Page No. ii RATE, F2ULES AND RPGULATIONS TA}'sLE OF CO?QJ.'FN TS (Continued) ~r--3 e EFFECTIVE. TITLE DATE PAGE NO. Title Page 12-19-"/2 i Table of Conte nts 4-OI-8I ii '" 7-15-80 iii " 4-OI-81 iv " 4-01-81 v Water Utility Policy 12-19-72 1.0.1 Rate Schedules 7_15_80 2.0,1. Schedule G~-CA; Commodity Adjustment Cl ause 7-15-g0 2.1.1 " " „ „ „ 7-15-80 2.1.2 " „ " "' " 7-15-80 2.1.3 " " 7-15-80 "' " " 7-15-80 2.1.4 " " 7-15-80 " 7-15-BO '" " „ " " 1-~1-81 " " „ 1-O1-81 " " 7-15-80 2.1.5 n n u n n 7-15-80 ~ 2. 1. 5. 1 „ „ „ „ „ 7--1~-80 " " " " I-OI-81 2.1,5.3 " '° 7-1.5-80 2.1.6 " "" ", ", "" 1- 0l -81 2. 1. 7 Schedule W-PS; High Elevation Pumping 2.1.8 Surcharge „ r, „ 1-0?-81 2.1.9 " ", 7-O1-81 2.1.10 Schedule W-R; Residential Service - Singi.e-Famil y Accommodation 7-15-gp 2.2.1 Schedule TA-RPQ; Residential Service - Multi-Family Accommodation 7-15-80 2.3.1 Schedule W-G; General Water Service 7-15-80 2.4.1 Schedule W-R0; Resi.dential Service - Outside City Limits 7_15_80 2.5.1 " 7-15-80 7_.5.2 Schedule W-GO; General Water Service - Outside City Limits 7-15-80 2.6.1 „ " „ 7-15-80 2.6.2 (Continued) ISSUED BY Gordon tJ. Hoyt General Manager Effective by. Resolution No. 8IR-124 5upersedfing Resolution No, 80R-304 Dated ~-I7-g7_ Dated 7-I5-80- CITY OF ANAHEIM °" Water Uti 1 i ty Past Office Box 322?_ Anaheim, California 92803 Page No, iv . RATES RULES AND REGULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS \ (Continued) EFFECTIVE 'TITLE DATE PAGE N0. Rules and Re gulations 12-19-72 3.0.1 Rule No, l; Definitions 12-19-72 3.1.1 „ ~~ ~~ ~~ 12-19-72 3.1.2 „ „ ,: „ 12-19-72 3.1.3 „ „ „ „ ~ 12-19-72 3.1.4 „ „ „ „ 12-1g-72 3.1.5 '~, Rule No. 2; Description of Service 12-19-72 3.2.1 I ~ Rule Na, 3; Application for Service 7-19-78 3.3.1 „ „ „ „ „ 7-1g-78 3.3,2 Rule PJo. 4; Contracts 12-19-72 3.4.1 Rule No. 5; Special Information Required on Forms 12-19-72 3.5.1 „ „ „ „ „. „ l2-ig-72 3.5.2 Rute No, 6; Establishment ~ Re-establishment of Credit 12-19-72 3,6,i „ ,., „ „ „ „ „ „ 12_19_72 3.6.2 Rule No. 7; Deposits- 12-19-72 3.7.1 Rule No, 8; Notices 12-19-72 3.8.1 Rule No. g; Rendering and Payment of Bills 7-1-78 3.9.1 „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ 4-1-81 3.9.2 Rule No. 10; Disputed Bills 12-19-72 3.10.1 Rule No, il; Discontinuance and Restoration of Service 12-19-72 3,11.1 „ „ „ „ „ ,~ 12-19-72 3.11.2 „ „ „ „ :, „ „ „ 7- 19--78 3.1 1 .3 Rule No, 12; Information Available to Public 12-19-72 3,12.1 Rule No. 13; Temporary Service 12-19-72 3.13,1 „ „ „ „ „ 12-19-72 3.13.2 Rule Na, 14; Continuity of Service 12-19-72 3.14.1 (Continued) -3Q ISSUED BY Gardon W. Hoyt General. M~nrrger Effective by Resolution No. 8]-8-1.24 Superseding Resolution No. $OR--304 Dated 3'17-81 Dated 7--1.5-80 CITY CF ANAIiElM ~"~ Water Utility Post Offlcc [3ox 3222 Ana heim~ California 92803 Page No . _._~____V RATES, RULE5 AND REGULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS ~Cont i nued~~---- ~ EFFECTIVE TITLE .DATE PAGE N0. Ruie No. 15; Main Extensions 6-26-73 3.15.1 „ „ „ „ 7-7.5-80 3.15.2 „ „ „ „ „ 7-1-78 „ „ „ „ „ 6-26-73 „ „ „ „ r, 7-1-78 3.15.3 „ „ „ „ ,,. ~--7_~--80 3,15.3. 1 „ „ „ ., „ 1t-1-79 3.15.4 „ „ „ ., ~~ 11-1-79 3,15.4.1 „ „ „ n ,~ 11-t-79 „ „ „ „ „ li°1-79 3.15.5 p, „ „ „ ~ I1-1-79 ~ 3.15.6 „ „ r, „• ~ ,f ~ 11-1-79 3.15.7 .,, „ „ „ 11-1-79 ~ 3.15.8 „ „ „ „ „ 11-1-79 3.15.9 „ „ „ „ 1t-1-79 3.15.10 ,r ,~ „ 1~-•1-79 3.15.11 „ ~, „ „ „ 11-1-79 3.15.12 „ „ ~, „ 11-1-79 3.15.13 „ „ „ „ „ 11-1-79 3.15.14 Rule No, 16; Serv ice Connections; hteters, and Customer's Facilities 7-15-80 3.16.1 „ „ „ „ ,~ „ -~-~s-~o 3.1~ .2 • „ „ „ ~, : _ e, „ 12-19-72 3.16. 3 „, „ „ „ „ „ 12-19-72 3.16.4 „ „ „ „ „ 12-19-72 3.16.5 Rule No. 17; Meter Tests and Adjustment of• Bills for 1.leter Errors l+-O1-$I 3.17. 1 „ „ „ „ „ „ „ 4-01-$1 3.17.2 Rule No. 18; Service to Separate. Premises and Multiple Units, and Resale of Water 12-19-72 3.18.1 Rule No. 19; Measurement of Service 12-19-72 3.19.1 Rule No. 20; Fire Protection 10-15-75 3.20.1 „ „ „ „ „ 12-19-72 3.20.2 ISSUED BY Cordon W. Koyt • Genera]. Manager r~_.~ Effective by Resolution No. 81.R~124 gated 3-1.7-81 Superseding Resolution Fdo. 40I___-~_____z0~r Dated 7-75- CITY OF ANAFiE l M °"` Water Utility Post OFfice Box 3222 Anaheim, California 92803 Page No. ~.~.2 RULE N0, 9 RENDERING AND PAYMENT OF BILLS ,~ (Continued) A, RENDERING OF BILLS (Continued) b, When the total period of service is less than 30 days, no prorations will be made, and the bill shall not be less than the monthly minimum, 6. READINGS OF SEPARATE METERS NOT COMBINED For the purpose of billing, each meter upon the customer's premises will be considered separately, and the readings of two or more meters will not be combined, except as follows: 1. Where combinations of meter readings are specifically provided for in the tariff schedules, 2. Where the Utility's operating convenience requires the use of more than ane meter per service connection. C. PAYMENT OF BILLS 1. All bills are due and payable upon presentation. Payment shall be made at the City of Anaheim, Division of Collections. 2, Bi1is for connection or re-connection of service and payments for deposits or to reinstate deposits as required under the rules of the Utility shall be paid before service will be connected or reconnected. D. RETURNED CHECK CHARGE The Utility may require payment of a $10.00 returned check charge for any check returned from the bank unpaid. -3a ISSUED BY Gordon W. Hoyt General Mana~,er Effective by 4esolution No. Superseding Resolution No. 81R-124 ?7_R-600 Dated 3-17-81 Dated 1.2-19-72 ,- CITY OF ANAHEIM ' Water Utility Past Office Box 3222 Anaheim, California 92803 Page Na, 3.17.1 RULE N0. 17 METER TESTS AND AD,JUSTr1ENT OF' BILLS FOR ERRORS A. TESTS 1. On t~ustomer Request. A customer. may, on notice of not less than one week, require the Utility to test the meter for his servic.c. No charge will be made for such test, but, should a customer demand a test within four (4) months after installation or more often than once in .four (4) months, he will be required to make a deposit to pay, in part, the cost of the test. This depos:it will be returned if the meter is found to register more than 2% fast or 5% slow. 'The amount of the deposit required is dependent on the size of meter, and is listed below: 5/8" x 3/4" and 1'" Meters 1-1/2" and. 2" Meters 3" or larger Meters $ 25.00 75.00 150.00 A customer shall have the right to require the Utility to conduct the test in his presence or in the presence of an expert or other representative appointed by him. The results of the test will be furnished to the customer within a reasonable time after completion of the test. B. ADJUSTMENT OF BILLS FOR METER ERROR 1. Fast Meters. When, upon test, any meter is found to be registering more than 2% fast, the Utility will refund to the customer the amount of the overcharge, based on r_orrected meter readings, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 hereof. 2. Slow Meters. When, upon test, any meter for domestic service is found to be registering more than 25% slaw, or any meter for other class of service is found to be registering more than 5% slow, the Utility may bill the customer for the amount of the undercharge, based on corrected meter readings, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 hereof. 3. Nonregistering Meters. When, upon test, any meter is found to be nonregistering, the Uti]_ity may bill the customer for the estimate of water consumed but not registered, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 hereof. Bills for this purpose will be estimated from the customer's prior use, the customer's subsequent use correctly metered, the Utility's experience with other customers of the same class, and the general characteristics of the customer's operation. (C:ont inued) ISSUED BY Gordon W. Hoyt Effective by Resolution No, 81R-124 Dated 3-17--81 Utilities Director Superseding Resolutian Na. 73R-532 Dated 11-6-73 _.. _ _ _ CITY OF ANAHEIM Water Utility Post Office Rox 3222 Anaheim, California 92803 Page No, 3.17.2 RULF. NO , 17 METER TEST'S AND ADJUSTMENTS OF BILLS FOR ERRORS (Continued) B. ADJUSTMENT OF BILLS FOR METER ERROR (Continued) 4, General. When it is found that the error in a meter is due to causes, the date of which can be reliably established, the overcharge or. the undercharge may be computed back to that date, provided, however, that in no case will a bill for an undercharge exceed a four (4) " month period for single-family residential service schedules or a twenty-four (24) month period for all other servi.ce'schedules. C. AD,7USTMENT OF BILLS FOR UTILITY ERROR 1. General. 61hen it is found that an error in billing has occurred due to a Utility error, the date of which can be reliably established, the overcharge or the undercharge may be computed back to that date, provided, however, that in no case will a bill for an undercharge exceed a four (4) month per:i,od for single-family residential service schedules or a twenty-four (24) month period for all other service schedules. ISSUED BY Gordon W, Hoyt Effective by Resolution No. 81R-124 Dated 3-17-81 Utilities Director Superseding Resolution No. 73R-532 Dated 11-6--73 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the amended Water Rates, Rules and Regulations be made effective for service rendered on and after April 1, 1981. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 17th day of March, 1981. ATTEST: CITY LERK OF~THE ITY OF ANAHEIM ROF:jh STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~'° COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 81R-124 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim held on the 17th day of March, 1981, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 81R-124 on the 17th day of March, 1981. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 17th day of March, 1981. CITY LERK OF THE CIT OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 81R-124 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on March 17, 1981. CITY CLERK ~~