3137ORDINANCE NO. 3137 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMEND- ING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES FIND THAT: 1111F.REAS, the City Council did adopt its Resolution No. 65'-�-2.9 and 73R-69 determining that a change or changes in the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and des- cribed should be made as hereinafter set forth, after duly noticed hearings and receipt of the report and recommendation of the Citv Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, certain conditions and requirements were made as conditions precedent to the making of a change or changes of said zone or zones, which conditions have been com- plied with. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to Zoning be, and the same is hereby, amended by changing the boundaries of the zones set forth in said Title 18 by adopting a sectional zoning map or maps showing such change or changes as follows: That all of the area situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows, to wit: That portion of Tract Bio. 936 in the City of F.maheim, County of Oran cae, State of California, as shown on map thereof recorded in Boo", 30 :care 2 of liscellan-- eous =Tars in tate office of tliae Countv Recorder of said County, descried as follows: Corr ,encinc in the Easterly line of said. Tract at a point distant t,creon S 10 09' 50' 7 330.00 fee-;_- from eetfrom the intersection tzereof rr7itla thy: Southerly line of Santa ?enc: Canyon RoaC' being also the "_`Torth- arly line of t'=U portion of Sa1CTraci. as S,10-.7 n on the mao t.hcreof recorde�5 i1 "> oo? 74, oaue 2 of -:word of Surve-17 s of said County.; t11ence S 77° 23' 30" 11;7 170.2i feat_ to t'1 'vsterly line of T r ;, .i_:t:Jc.iia...' - i=,x1;;;4._. 106.00 feet wide, as described in deed recorded in BB oo?. 9835 pare 921 of Offic3_al "�of �� C T�`''-�,7 ariC: t ii j_ L'.: �Ou_!1 O L .� _ r IaE._� l i i_ x7C cO+ t111 A1T'iCY y 7 770 28 36 W 33:'J.48 feet; Cil •...i1c^ S '� O 4 53 23. 00 feet to the bel-iinn.inc of a curve ra"__, as point U_ mI.C;. U_i �JFyarS 451 rf4 ° 53" 2.x.'8.00) f°LUT= fro -al Said. or- cjin i--acT t _. n c e ro —i T_1eriV 2�0 'feet._ a1onCi saie curve tl".ro cf'_n a central a"u.gl ? of (370 331 ° 046 t -o -1-- 64-65-54 (1) a line parallel with an0l 3,11 . 00 feet "i�'ort7-1_erl-y Of tl!ae I da "11-Dernardo ;Ort as sio -h -i�,�,n on '74orthcrly line o. �_ve-nl map. of Tract No. 7288 recordeJ in Blook 237 pages 13 to 25 inclusive of said 71iscellaneous 7.11a-ps ; thence along said Darall--1 line 3911 1-2' 19:'?l 3.12 feet and `lesterly along a tangont curve concave wit". -1 a rad"Aus of 530.09 feet a distance of 0.51 feet throuc.,-.h a central ancTle of 01 03' 210" to the 'Elastcrl,7 line of Lot 6 of saint Trac -'C_ -'Jo- 936 as shown on said ma -;D filed, in 3oo]; 741 paa_­ 2 of -ecoid of Si-1,rvevs 7 thence aloncr said 'Easterly lin. 0 41E�' 1,17.10— feet to a point on a non-tance-t cu=e concav^ ':,:ort _-easterlv with a radius of, 33S.00 fee -IC, a radial -to said point b --ars S 3�' 0�' 16' 71.j7 t-iInce J,-,ort_Ti.,,zstcrlN7 aloha"- sai(� curve 71.93 fe�_�,t- t-arougn a Cen4-ral ancj-,a o -F 12' i8* 3> ' , is e nes tanc.7ent to sail,curve T 4-70 33' 05;. W _1 - . �'! 182.6z, fieet- to a tan -fent curve concave a racius o -f: 265.'J() allonc said curve 32J.73 fw_t t'_nrouq__,. a central ancd,3 of 710 11 3,J 4-" - -7 L�.,ence non- to sai,-]. c-arv­ fe,z-�t to th-- S oa f-- ast-arl�. corner of P,?..rccj. 33 FL S e r Ma-- rccor-'),-'. in -Loo]': 1^.:J -:)ac,_- !J' o -'E' r,�corlof saL_11 C-ounty',- alone, t -"-_a line of sa-i"', Parcel 3, 2° 122 1 5 14S S 1 .feet to t - i e Viost L P-rl-,7 corner in t`ie as c r" of a r c I r a® "J wa.J -:D �- s s I on sai'..' 1 4 Lncnct alone -i- s,a_L',.! Jast-erl-v lines al 011,- a non- curv.e concave- :N­1or t_-47- sterly with a radsusof 330.00 feet a distance of 169.95 feet through a central angle of l -(S* 22' 23' anC.- tang-!-;+- tou - 7 c -3 - vt t -'--o t'le f a ta-i-cent curve 2 J:o- -,�eet Sa4 concave o U A _,_a9--e-r1v wit'-. a ra"ius o_�__ i��7 4 o t Eout. ­rly _ , -Ten curv,-_� also t al 0 S'F4 1 Santa '0 n -n c C 0Y -C' 3 t 7 aic-n-.7 sai- curve 4,.-'. 1� f.�..�t a ­_­itral o, 2 0 .J 1:' I— --F 0 - J ' to saic_! Sout'.C.crly 11-T—z; yin a c-Lixv: conc,--.v-- Souz-,.�CrI17 ,pit l a ra�­i-i_i_c! of 30J0 fact; thz!nce alon.c'T -s a 4-,;- E" o u I erly !--Ln--, -1-as-'Carl.v along said, curve 153.30 feet t- ", -I r o u cr.1 I a central ancle of 10 A-3; 24a' and tancrent to said curve S, S-31 Jil' -;.l -rj 412-51 fee to a tang,�nt curve-, concave South-,es-_2rly _n racJ.i-as of -'15.'/.J -f.:et said curv:z :beilig in line of sair! 4," ­��=,storly I�x,­, n- r i a 1 n c s a alon Sout.-ieastarlv saicurve 37.C,8 f. ?t 4- -E—o-g- a central anc:!-- of 37* 02' '17 mal igent to sai-`,-1 curv!-_ S 10 3' 7 fe-t an,' alonc,­ a tan.c�cnt curve: co-_n.cavc "_-ort�,,casterl�.- With-, radi-us of 155J.00 feet a distance of 1'17-14 =Feet t- rou(-;.L-. a central antes le of 12' 27 c t' -,l r u a not--)- t o% E: " 3 c r; i -L i --, a i -r- URT322."! ZC)--',-',E now is -.R'-1\_, 2,GRICU1,TU11AL ZO'."�-.E and O'!-­-F-A_-'=Y SUE) .ij 1 and that it be changed to an -a incorporated in CITY OF 7\ C-1, GENEIRAL CO--"-- RCIAL ','O_E, subject to the follo�,.7-ing conditions: 1. hat the ovy-aaers of siYoJect propartt.- shall -nav to the City= of Anal'ei-,,. the sue -.i of $2.00 per front foot, along all streets as s"'Ao�nrn on Ex1--i.At 2fo. 1 on file with the I -:)urz,�oses. Cit,,,- of anaheim, for st-r,�-at lightincj -2- 2 . `..'hat t e owners of subject propert,,r shall- pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15� ;per front foot along -- all streets as shown on said "-Ex A'A t -.;o. 1, for tree planrtincr purposes. 7 3. T'_7at the alignment and araez of the Santa Ana Canyon Road and access thereto shall be subject to approval of the Division of Iliaiiways of the State of California. 4.,.hat trash storage areas shall be oroviuec in accordance with approved clans on file in the office of the Director of Public wori°.s and Superintendent of Streets. 5. That fire hydrants shall be installed as re- quired and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 6. That Conditions i:os. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 above- mentioned shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. SECTIO -ii 2. The City Zo,-iing::Ian. shall be, and the same is hereby amended, anc' the prop erty above described shall be excluded from the zone in which it is now situated, and incorporated in and made a hart of the zone or zones as above set fort_ and said City Zoning, rap as amended is hereby adopted and the City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare a sectional zoning map to be adder to the City Zoning °,=ap_ showing the changes hereb-- an,. -.)roved and adoDted. SE CI-_jO'7 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen (15) days after its adoption, in the a_naheim Bulletin, a newso&oer of general circulation, printed, UuDlisped and circu- lated in said City, and. thirty (30) days from acid after its final ,passage it shall ta'.:e effect and be in full force. �� _r• :^ f "'2DI �i!C�s is approved and signed by me this 27thday of February �, 19 73 , s� f! OF TE' CITY OF CIS:_ CL ..;:. OP THIE Clws RU: j -3- STATE OF CALIFOnNIA > COUNTY OF OP.MGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEI fI ) I, DEME -'lI. DAOU T, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify t1iat the foregoing Ordinance ,,To.- 3137 was introduced at a regular meeting_ of the City Council of the Cite of Anaheim, held on tae 20th day- of February 73 and that the same was oassea .ancy adopted at a regular meetingof said City Council heldp on the 27th M da T of February _ , 19 73 , by the follo,7i ng vote of the -ger-lers thereof > �_ AYES . NOES COU- CILi'_- ;, .- Sneegas, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton COi?CIL23Y_?; None ADS E 4T 3 COU :CIL a e None AND I FU RT -17::R C-ERTIFY that the Iiiavor of the Citv of Anaheim approved and signed said Ordinance on the 27th day of February , 19 73 . IN WITNESS WI-EREOF, affixed the official seal of day of February -1 19 73 -� S»AL ) I have hereunto set my hand and the Cite of Anaheim this 27th CIS"'_ CLG'?RF"i OF TtT._n CITY OF ANA'S "I`I /"1, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original Ordinance No. 3137 and was pub- lished once in the Anaheim Bulletin on the 9th day of March, 1973. City Clerk