2357ORDINANCE NO. 2357 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AldENDING TITLE 4, CHAPTER 4.72 of the ANAHEIM i1UNICIPAL CODE BY Ai•ENDING SECTIONS 4.72.320 to 4.72.360, BOTH INCLUSIVE, AND BY REPEALING SECTION 4.72.370. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTTON 1. That Title 4, Chapter 4.72 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby amended by amending Sections 4.72.320; 4.72.330; 4.72.340; 4.72.350 and 4.72.360 thereof to read as follows: "SECTION 4.72.320 DRIVER'S PERMIT REQUIRED. "It shall be unlawful for any driver to operate any taxicab within the City of Anaheim unless there exists a valid permit so to do obtained in compliance with the Sections provided herein. "Every driver's permit issueu hereunder shall set forth the following information: (a) Name of company for whom the driver is authorized to operate a taxicab; (b) Name, age, weight, height and color of hair of the applicant; (c) Date of expiration of said permit. "Said permit shall be signed by the Chief of Police. "SECTIOiv 4.72.330 APPLICATI011 FOR DRIVER'S PEPuIIT. "Application for such driver's permit shall be made to the License Collector, wino scall refer the same to the Chief of Police for investigation of applicant. Tne appli- cation shall be in writing, shall je accompanied by a fee of Five Dollars ($5.00), and shall contain the following information (a) Name, age, citizenship and address of applicant- -;'j Two piiotogra _dila of applicant as hereinafter specified; (c) Past experience as a driver, including the names and addresses of his employers during the preceding three (3) years; (d) Possession of a driver's license, which shall be displayeu; (e) Wilctrler any c,-,auffeur' s or driver's lice. -Lase, eit cr state or otner, has ever :been revosCec: or suspended; (f) Name and address of applicant's intended employer; (g)vJilether the alpplicant has been arrested and the disposition of such arrests, other than traffic citations. -1- "T,.ie application rust -;.)e verifi,:!c, ;)y a;-),,)_Licant and ,-_ndorseCk by suca ��ILL_'ioyer. i'.Iz Villlful statemm.e-�',t or furnisiling of false information upon saic, a--.,-,.)Iication is grounds J --:or denial of said permiit as )roviue-(-'L for iierein. SECTION 4.72.346 L,_-LAIill�ATIC14 Ai\,L ISSUZU,Xil' OF Di�IVLI�l S "Upon api�lication for a ariver's pariAt anc-, __­efor` it shall ne_ issued, til✓ app lican- s-ia j L finger-orinteu a.id a record tiiereof filet in the Police Lepartl.iant . A?Plicant shall file with saiu ap-pi-'Cation -two pnotograpi,Ls , provi_-`ieu_ -1 1 - . � _L - - ' _- e a,,), j)v the Police one Li:o �:)c filec, wiLn z�! Iii- attaclieu to ti -ie uriverts -ie to "�.)e t.L a ca' ion and oi permit when iSSUeU. -.,4:o jperrtan�lit licei-iso s."Liail c granted L,y tiie License Collector for a -period of two (2) wee'j_s su;DseCjuent to tile Ua-'Ce of saiCA U_P.L;)licatioi-j., nowever, t'I-ie Ciiief of Police is acre*,.) -\7 c*.,,Lij,)o1v7ereCi to issue a driver's porrait. 1hie fee of Five Daliars (:3.00) shall :)e retained for th,.. arivlzm_-r's vi L lilt, if yral'ite(d, and for cost of exai-ilination if not granted. Tile (giver's peri,. -,it shall be posted in a place cons-Dicuous from the passenger co-.m- partment of the taxicao while Saiu driver operates same. It is -tile responsibility of trio caD company to provide anu glace a holder for saicA. -permit.— "SECTIOI4 4.72.330 JE"'IAL - TEX'Zi_iD`iATION 'Tne Cilief of Police i-,iay deny tile- said ap.31ication or iiaving issued tiie ,.ermit revoke or sus-oenu` ti -le, same if the Cilief of Police shaii ueterlLiine ti-iat tiac appiicant or ta:,,icab Uriver is of J.)ad morai character or aas willfully falsifieu said application for driver's perrait or is guilty of viola--• tion of any of the provisions of this Ordinance or of any lawful regulation prort-Lulgated pursuant tn.aroto or nas been convicted of any offense involvii-igr ,-coral tur-pitude. For -"ie -ourposes of t -,Lis section -.,.iorai tur-..)itude is everything L., - I - done contrary to justice, ionesty, moues -Cy, or good morals. ;)e issued to anyone unQcr tile !Ao sucn driver's peri�A-%` shaj- age of twenty-one (21) years, or to any person naving �4 ' pilysical impairments, laanuicaps or aCficiencies of such a nature as to interfc-,rz! with saiki driver's anility to carry out or perforim ills cLuties Of e _M-,DloY1­,,,0j1lt. Upon termination of ciLiployiaent of any driver, tLie owner for waorti SUCII driver has been o-i-tlployeLl s'Uall fort' with and isme(surrender, return anti 4iv(-- up said driver's perikiLit to 2C-ae 1'_!iiicf of L, Police and siiaii file written notice of said termination of eiiuploymentC wit1l_in five (L)) uays tl-ieroaf tel" . "SECTION 4.72.3 60 1 -:EVOCATION AU -ii) SUSPEI`SIOL� OF !)RIVL,VS '.i-uly ariver's &eriiiit graii- pursuant -co tile -provisions of this chapter r,.Lay -,,e rcvojcad or suspended in accordance with the applicable provisions of t.Lis chant --r. .C. SECTION 2. r2.iat Ti'C-ic 41f Cilaptor 4.72 of tlic 12\,naiieim -:.Luliici-,Dai Code De, anti the sama is iiere4jy amcnueci Ly re-oealing, Section 4.72.370. SECTION 3. -'Zile City Cler . shall certify to tic ;passage of toms Ordinance and shall cause the sa111e to Je printed once: witliin fifteen (i5) uay s after its ado)tion, in t ie r ulletirl, a newspaper of general circulation, �_jriiiteu, pui;lis:ied arae circulated iii said City, and dirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall %a1' c effect and sae iil full forco. 'E' :C Ufls_:vUI"iC ORD d ?."=veu anu siune':: ;J- isle .iiis 21st "ay or February , 1�'�67. 771 CI1i rer t i1c'>�1U OF riiVriI CIT2', CL_ ­PX OF Lll CITY OF STATE OF CiiLI F O1_ IIA ) COUNTY OF Ot l NGh ) ss. CITY OF iUJ'RHI;Ii,_ ) I, 'civl t'd1LL1F,i.i, C:lG c:le r,t �L U,i C1 -sl of ladiiGliil, uo liere;Jy ci rti.fy ti'aat "-il foregoiiig UruinaInce was intron cec a"- a regular iacetincr of tido City Council of the City of Tina iei.m, he on tine 14th day of February 1967, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular raeetinc, of said City Council iielu on -fie 21st day of February -, 1967, by the following vote of t*iie iaehlbe_rs t acroof, r,YFS : COuvC ILS::iv Dutton, Pebley, Chandler, and Krein PULS . C0* CIL !L- None -rIi' : ::Oi�f:ClL�:I iv . Schutte AiV1.J 1 t''UIt1 L l.�.i:l_1i.L Ciiat -i:E„ ;ay or uT %.ic: e.;1i.y of Anataeiii? a)proveu ancL said Orc.Laailc: on 'Vile 21st_ uai% of February , i�)t 7. I`J vdIiivi�o.� af"fLl ed -L e official day of February iQF I iav2 iercunto sc"- :.��7 ilc ilt anCt seal of "- ie Citi of _afici-c-1 taxis 21st^ r 190-7. OF THE" CITY U1 (51t�L) I, DENS M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance is the original Ordinance No. 2357 and was published once in the Anaheim Bulletin on the 3rd day of March, 1967. City Clerk