1915-07-0870* If - ,'' {Ipif Z114�y C�'v>,�e. `%a�� � e�ruoLu �� �.e•�o•�� a%rua len. c�a-�.•t-P� a���' P -•f, -t,[44 a�al� ,„ � �. i.Lf.(i �rc�� vl:u,�,L•e,2 �rfr�•ru2c•uq �rv�¢. �q `a,u"`�_ l' � oY�C:,•. �.u. � � a �� � o-�au� P;u. c�..c.�/ �r Glu � �Gy' �P.�,ad Qkac�c,. �-olo �>- 1�� V2 t,,. l dl.c-.QeQ 1 EO alruoletw , i>oc4..t�Ca,�C, �I � +rix-P.P�• 2-c.G,.u�,, ,,. ' ORDINANCE NO. 28B tnty o4 sold file conpnnYY AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TFID t1 eD hleP aP6sn1� finellco:n tu,a atoybol vladd toall ro It "It tahntl o bit ..I tot[ and SL'(,•.L'TUN 1•I. Than Cha IruL31a aa[¢€y I� OROANI`LATION OI` A PIRH COAG -orbs Into tho a sea of story Elco oe- Pho camponsutlon of auch Urlver shall taRut1'aa the len lnodlutr paaango of Lhls ANAl31;1\I AANllP IROTVIDING F`Oi 'e1I Imp. �Coesakl .ty n al 'o tlnspthe Ian -',L hlci vahuil bo (76l Dollma per ""It g y pf rho Imm ll rte u;o Por tho urq:',. t oulhmnco. That tl TIIE GCVGRNAI19N 1' TFIEREOP, AND :forcemeat oP all fires ordin¢nces to she 'tl a planner ImdPak at tho timo And in ]e tqs fel ot`ti; Tha ,Ity �f �aho tboraot I•`OR THP CARD AND CUSTODY OP'on¢Ctod Uy [ha Board 'P Truateea oP.tl nt the wages I totnel�kemplo ee01 P hl l! la Ito f itI 1 U 'r —'..P., ILnn •m. Sl12E PIOIITIN4 APPARATU7a OF anld CRy; examine UUlldor In Plneea, a Id city ale r Elle -track ib L., SAID CITY, or erectimt; Deport vblgtiona oP rfli_ SECTION 9. tln`7 io Banl tl pP Trustees ntt IloVl Ion Ly law C,!I Tile BUARD OF TRUSTE•, ° s relating to the prevention of x-,oP the Clty oP An¢hehtl may, tram time ar lAndl III —Ir m an¢gowo t, t «ndl eLntl ul'„;,: u, CITY DS OP TFID tingulshmenta of (Ices and when dlrectod to ti no, ppolnt o on time f h for elL o_tr uclr, nttd that the` UI` ANAFlE1M DO ORD lIN 1S by the t oI, I, nuthorltles, InatltLlte Pro-. PUUIIc e¢Pet P OI,LO{VS: eeUlnWa thoretor; he moat attend qry t tile driver of s¢Id Ilnotor Flre-h'ncic : ounce hou,d duke n lta stn ImtmuUla(e y SECTION 1, Thnt t any timeafter sires IhI hie Lodge of olttce consplen-.and may, by r so�utlon, Pix tholr con- t'SII la ornlnanee tnlces etYect, of le thnn;onalY Ulapinyed and moat 'shnllRtl n, Such sslstnut or assletn ate till he lfm•egoing ort..doll ¢ncot�itelEsignad, n t•:^•t ` twolVo Hol• Here than kW ants CitiZana of :lacy to, take obarga of PI•aVont ln- p ssesa the &amo LlunlfiicnlIcut C I tho Cal of 1n¢hefm, may ol6nnize q'PIo ad Pt'esot•ve all U al lvel' of said Inolor t11•e-tivcic, ¢nd Proved: Anf1 ntteeted by ma title 8th (1Ry; ha cam tnnY In accordance with and in tltePa¢nie tpoaihe owlicner, lluerLaue ont[ho h .,tut but dutlees inthalrin oln lnrescribod, of JuIY, A. D. 1916. J, H, COOK, y h E -ti Polttical Code elle CImSSlatto of 3C¢Ip ng nand leepingnax [horse !,pearl ed fn env- 4n tion and thoss, shall be un<raor hithes dl- Ila tlhto n(:of Ily o[1e lnnlie of” Truatoea of-+• it nln, ftnd nny u h IIIc cant pt y wltan l,xve Command lid eontrol oP sold Llale bol, -a or6nu�zed shall ba known ns I i d -:,company and Lhe apPnratna thoraoP whflo. SLC PION 10. The Pot or Clllot, Attest. .,cut. ;the AIs, I`Ire D P t ole a.I a is In ssiwice, and all ol0ce19'S hu y, and Treaaul er of sold tyro. LIJWARD B, oInRRITT 6to tcompn�y na pnll in ettL �eshllesaf thtnn 'n bmlt Ito athle f¢u'I' rltY, nndp he shall ruP•1nY annnla ba q ILiacued LY sued fhe' C1tY C]o'k f .rho CItY. oP AuuholttC CompmtY IIY t h it td III S1API: OF CALI.POItNiA )) 'twelve nor more tin ntwoaty. do and uch manner. qs moLy ho llovlded by the COUNTY OL` ORA NGL )as SIACTIUT 2 Th flicera o[ It flt¢ t111ngs Pel fCi•m su Clt other aCto ¢nd UY-laws of each c pan, p ovlded th t C1T'Y OR ANAFII9IM ) y, O early ahnll Ue a Poi•emun A c111ef, ¢;law or by the Uy Inwslor sn1U Plret cony Pane apnhall nlofh Uo111e Po ftiva cnrtil� rhol I Pod ward 73, M01'rltf, CIC}' Clock of th0.:. 'se rotary nttd q treasurer ant{ auch other ;peau, City P lnnhehh, do ItaraLY ortlfY [h0.[ Urdinata. otacera catnm.Ctoea ¢e SHCTION7. {Vlthin [hhtY do a after call ratified and npploved Ity the, Ile foregohtRordinnnce wee tntroduaed t,a ..: -Ing} Uocreated w• nutllorizod Uy rho UY• idle orgmtizatlon oP said Plre y Illlelmd oP Trnateoe of rite Clty oh' Inn_ nt a. mooting eP lho Board oP Tt ualoaa?, I t h [ho c pan,, nld Plre Com o»Ipftnttlyy1,[the Clty oP Atl0.halrn, bald on q1a 10th,. ' SEarOb 3, It shall Ue tits duty P of UY-1¢lvs i ndntta0Ru aalons°Demon ahnll, SECTIOY elA aP„aom;anni, of Ihh Plt•sL a°°I o�v Lea iron A. D, 1016, nnA that tho tl o Corotttan of ills Plro co Y 'oP the Cit nded aldo at all meetings thm•eofpantt to I n t flict whit it's Iawa of til State of ng of of aaW ©oe, of Tt•natooe oP auetCnag of ItlteaaCity pet P Collfcoulao nor with ash d o of the Board of 'Tr 'loom and discharge cash thor d d P the Clt Y Anaheim, any al nacos, to be drawn onnttha tl�'I.'ronyuror oP raid, Ju of Ani D1101fi twasn tUo 2hth day OC§• dRlo t41 dartos ne In¢I ha lmpoaed uI,."I.V.l} tllntybePol'e the Id1 Otpta] dept by City, 9,dru b tho Prealdeut aY Ira Boat'tl Iim UY 1¢tV and by the by -1¢w P a ah , I n t ko offset elt all be auU- y '*"'Ileo' meeting oP a Ilton Baakoptad <.,l n _mltted to and be nPProvetl Uy the Board of Tluateea and counterslgurA pu, the Tluateea of the Clt dd of 'SDC.TION 9.. It ahnll UB the Uuty f thu: DPT tees of the lty oP .lnaheim. G1fyYfdo11, Rref wbiclla ate}U t��utheshn]la hol Y of Analtolm In1d q Sixt the tfollowingnv.tn. 3' Y, A, D 1015, It r. 9 fnly of a1 h fh'a eomPany to Ice P SECTION 8. Ml thin tlilrtY days after °fid UY avid Ph•o eomlk'Iny Poe to, sun- AYES: TRUSTCTd9, Cuolc, Stark, •�.:aa n ,p Ltnvl oP a'I! Proceedings oP th fl thlh ordinnnre taken effect, tl ➢o rd I Ps t and mMn,!O Dato thereof to such BTunwot•Ch b a Llue ¢nd c u at '�M1 steoa or rho CIC of Angh Im ehlxll Hmnlor, Schnoldar y .roll to' Il nCliVe beb"'of Rll x ppCiut a driver pP nny mot fl o Lrnok',. nq spat"plan approved Uy anid Boa1'd of x*ODS TRUSTP] Norto. 'entPt t en bora thetaoP; to Iceol Y provldod UY to L - DS, ' rect 0.nd neeutata account of all ft dad IPt qC lull etdtaby�nsnidh Clty toff td j�ejln�'TIbLa`C1ION 12�raip ordlnnneea atM ABSL`NT HND NUT VOTING, TRIIS , Uelonging Lo anld she c tti1 ProvldeU, TIES, None ompanY d to: Such drlvol' sltnll be a licenced ChaufPettr- parts And I further Cat't1ofY that tho o real+ r.:n f du and perform all other acts and tIII.. I ga'.as provldod by the Motor 4ohlale Actr of ordlnnnces in conflict with tho no dent oP tho 1leard f Trite tao P that ' i wiliclt Ing, bo enj Dined upon him byoP the StntC f Ca1lPornla, nttd shall hy'. Cepenled Clty oP A.nabalno vlet ana oP tUl o dhlunco, It hereby'. of the Sth dnY of Ju]Y dAenn. 1916nanuo; d by rho by-1¢Wa oP shote. flee Com -ii a.. Competent mechanic and cl auYP lir, SECTION 13 Tho' City Cleric of the Pn Y' - and It eha,l he. tl d t Clt IN }VITNESS }VFIL`ICS: A, I Itnva 31ata S,DCTtON G. I4 shall Ua taoduty oP tho; to Y of s (d drtvor. Y of Anaheim allnll cel tley to the pato Neftt opt tl as City tLfnd Sn lxed tl a oRlalal•-rvF`l fco. am•er tC keep 1 t i 1a posse9alon andl the senior and tIt f I t uek and t° keep. sage t this ordUlanoe and c Int f 11 n y Lal tglhg to auch, liter to, In LI IP t appurtenant me to be pnUllshed encs In the lis\Ih d y of ,Tiny, A. D� 1916 helm, this' 8CI1 , of sn a Ph o comPn y o Iveoo ^ o hp1. qnd rel air hewn Gnzetta ¢ weelc,y (SDAI, CTTY OP tl a sen nilly td to pay and dlabu ae Said do nowapnner o[ ANAH MIDI forarnan on Ino warrant f the beronft¢r a slat da to Ue'genelel cheu{gtlon, P1111tcd, p..shad E'DO& D B, - ._� coun[e*slop d _bY the eoora- Pointed as herelnnfter pro•'' ami ch•cnlatod In aalp city nna hnmodl City Cleric of the Clt BRITT. ' -.�utcly thereaeto•, the carpo shalt tako 1, --"— -- Y,. °f ARITTm p e-GiC�BIlIt_bE-BLYn11�Il1're.__ _�_ �-'—"--'^••i «. - 2r�-�^ ,.. I 1 Ev a�� i°r:�' df�.e4.,"ue l.�-�'•�-�•t.� �-.�s� .ad .a.u.�e d�,�. . � ' 290 a,._e2.:s��d� ORDINANCE 29D or rmghened for t tenet lav' (2) [.the. Maltl PhI Vltrltled clay Coot Laterals: bane. ¢ad below the dust level. 4' 1N ORDINANCE Or THE CITY Ole AN- e¢ch end. Th. hteul¢ling Properties of the mater I shall em bl. It to wlth- The j0 arm of vitrified clay duct laternla, }vl laid In topn•.to trona I, shall to Farm.: All forma for colic •eta fractures S FOAIIR C PING 61 A'T[ON- 1 US2 IFIL CONSTRUCTION OF UN- tans ¢ punct... teat of 30,000 Veit. A L. ,ell mounded with 0emeltt i Orta• not less .Mill be so placed and supported rt3 t pr@Yetlt F Pre _ E TION DIIHOROUND CONDUITS FOIL WINES Foundation! than ono (LJ Inch 1 tl tcl(neae and moving, 0.r i-Inglog. The f Ida .all r J. OR CAHLLS USED IN THE TRANS- In laying n,ultlPle vltriPed ducts n tending a ,I sLUIco Y t least tore. (3) Inches each Ida of Cho jo! L forms hall C e oothly d cased lum- bar atld shall be so used s to give. _ MISSION OF TELEPHONIC OR TEL- 1 f CIA 1'`.7 -II(, MESSAGES, UIL ROIL PFII♦ bed oP conG,•ef. at Isasl tin no (3) IneheB In tltickn.ss t,ad aix (G) Inohes Ider V1h•i Pled clay .inter la eh¢I] Ue oto- tented n� slnaoth and even urf4ce [° all ezPoead 1RASIIIISSION OF ELEC'CRI(.ITY than the maximum fdth of too ducts on top by to f r. s led Plank ens nnU one-hal[ (1 1-2) inches In pat trona P concrete structures. t Walls nary Topa of Manhole OltELECl'1tIC ENERGY BY IltEANS UNDP, R, Ul' vv UN shall be fl ret Inld Inwthe trench, leveled thiskneas and of n Width equal to [hat . All Ida 1vIla and Inpp [ .aerate OIL CABLl]S 1[,ONCl Uli ACROSS ANY OF PIJE off cud humped to grade Laying Du.t.:, f alae adult structure. Standard Galvanized or Sheradlzed Iron in holesshall beof eu("cIC t thlekno$e and r inforced with woven wire meth, fffff£ PUBLIC STItEL4T9, AVL'NUES, IL- LI YS' LANES, COURTS UR. PLA(:PS Wlldi[N THE CITY OF ANAIIICTAL The vitrl11 d ducts hall then be t ht pb,ce ht such a manlier that the nds ¢hall Pl pe Laterals: - 5tuml galvanized or Hheradized twisted feel rods o steel I beans,'$. = a to afely Provide .1for all foods which ) abut each then led Carlo true anuoth Ilno of tube. and firmly held In Ir avrought iron Npo with ¢m my j,h,ts shall may U° nlnced aon them because off IF condl[fona or street Creme 11 Board f T, oats.. of tit° Clty of pl¢ce by steel 11.11.1 -pins A strip of U ¢sed. The threads unit c plings Concrete: lnahehn do ordain ¢s follows: p Uullap provlou9l dlt ed it n neat c - Y P hall Ue thorough h• Pointed with red Icad Ue Ca[e file Crtre Poe the [onnelatimt, mote.tE d slid 8D " SLCT`ION.1 That all conduits, our en[ moi tel• 91tn1 mpletely erosion nd the johns and Inp at least sL (6) Inches joined. net Ua taken t prevent any Ustruc- to prevent nae 1 menta oP duets, the C n $hall be 'wi able, tl d In tom temarn lesion n the to oP the deet, n. d tend at nil .fon ramal alas 1u the NPD w'hlCh would ommposed of the fO110tVing proper - eons; r i oft 1 phonic al tOlDgrnphlC massages, of least two Inches on a afdC [the 3 prevent the Pu l ling In f CAUIetl or lvlr°s The bends iron Ono (1) Part Uy lensmeol cement, lel LI b t •¢nam l"Rion UI electricltYy of nP l,chlu UY rtes n e(2 joint Th Int on filo side and [op oP the duct hall ladfu9 oP all pl wrought Pipe connecting the vertical .,I,] ho.Izon- Three (3) parts US' meRaUra of Clean, -norgy me,n oY able. tvlthln [Ire Clty of Anabelm, to be then bC plastered t Ito a thlee fourtfi. (3-4) inch layer I cD- [a ducts shall be not less than thirty sharp small SI (6) Uy measure or Urokacl hereafter but I. constructed or bald nn '.(1 meat idol hu• eoneleting of ono (1) part 11 {30) Inches. The vert/cal runs of all tat- Uulfdinoa bo f .Parts xtn gravel me grad •.eeued well along or acloas any of the into 0 s[Ie is lanes, cement and two (`L) Pni•fa .liar smnd A hyel eats o pole. or shall fltandald gnlvnnlzed, r .herodizefl ed sizes raying from one. f u til (1-4) avenues alleys courts Pmces (thin flee City f Anaheim, all 11 ofmortar of the a easnrY thlclrncsa to lusur, an even bone ins µU•ollght iron Alpe inch minimum to two Of Il coos max• Lmunt. e bellt,r Donau �cted and laid In Rceo•d ehitll be Placed between each succeed- All end. f wrought Iron pipe which d For mnnlmle constlnetlon the concrete I' attCO wlflI tiro fallowing specificaLmna. iog Iayet' °f duels. she multiple sea-• °t Cel minute 111 n manhole Or v¢Utt shd11 to capped with a aheradlzmd ar cal shall Ue con used. of the following i s Width and Death of Excnvatlon: Tho ground Uall be excavated in Open done hall be miry o a to brash Joint s and .o placed that [help shall be no vmllaad iron 0.p, port lona• One (1) Pmt by lneasuro oP Dment cut to til° lequwed death A anaco oP h011,kc. or affect. in the ho•., the .nnec Cie. of Iran .Pipe with vlt- Oiled ducts be Iwo (2) Porta by masa. I 1can;1 t le Ht throe 3 Inches 8hn11 U° allowed () bet eon the sides f the conduit and the lam In and Placin TC Protection: p e e P After fife cement one mol oughl�y set, clay shall made with aunt- able "c dmC Coatings." g sharp sand. b'o4r Purls Uy meas. C t Unokerl. ; - 1 of Cho tr.nch The depth shall bs dirt .hall UC phtced nt the side f Cho da Intel:2ls shall lope totvnrd the man- hole oI v¢ulf and shall be e. placed tont +(9) 1 el acre gravel of Nell sizes u ted graded. Ihcient to .11. til° top oP the conduit P Cachou Icak or onclete [o be laced P P ducts In sufilclent qumlllttes that viten Itis thorou hl tamped the surface g Y Ute to oP the loleral or Prolactin cov- s g varying from ono fourth (l ralnanum t° two (2) Inchesmaximum.d Li least 24 Inches below the nil the. aur- la toto a level Withthe [op .f g holt be act leas than 211 Inches Ueloav the dltlahed .111 r141' for ProiCetlon and .smell[-= race Of the at, at. Line Grade Trench: the duets. Cale must be taken Ln pinr.- lair til° dirt to 1119 the surface of the street. La.atlon of Manholes: Png oP jolnta shall Ue composed of lhe' and of The une or all it such Cs shall be strnighf m,d mp anm. Io that Ute cement joint le Ot Injured. Lxcep[ 0.9 otherwise I>tOvmed by the lane Of Llia Sitof Cut nln, .... holes fouowln g Pr.Itorllona: One Ul pact by measure of cement U .ween mnnholos whet ever eosslUle, IY IdAble they hall be f CUD A Iyer of a aerate torso (3) Inches In tlticlmcas Choi be Cho I t y be bunt or naU•neted an"7t Tu^° 112) parte by measure of O'l ,an• not less Ltl,an fact radma and shall be .hall placed over duets lo'ajecting at least three (3) polnta Un or n1.nK tuxy such Conduit ¢8 Ilnr d. Mlxings Concrete: 1In-ory a. near to manholes as pra.cti- fuellea n en h aide of the ducts. n Y Uo for flee laying,install- Inspection 'pair The m feral. entering m nneret call] o Tllo Uottom Ol [Ile nenCl, 0.110.11 Ue Irregularities The concrete tool protectlolt mttY UC onCoees¢ry aflon, nucti. u, r °f ally a ch conduit or of eald ¢vires t shall be thoroughly nidxeU 4 d Inca' freef-can dips or and shall have n doscondln" "rano of ¢t least 9 Omitted and a c•e .ted plank, ono and t e huff (1 1 2 cinch.. in thick.... d cable to be placed r laid thm•oln, Or Elle find III In dry an as to fa n home -1 gene... mixluae o[ 4U0 Ing edl tea ,1f- 0 in ilea per hundred Yee' toward ono t of a'Idth equal to the nnximnm n•Idfh opal at[on OP y telephone, lelegrAph, ical ter Lhe maCermis have Ueen turned at( both n s lUoles Act excavation mad° Y 1 1 It bottom line f conduit found,,- oe the conduit ]¢cad cenh ll' u co he h P 0. 3 P t Cup run,,, of ilia cold. L elect. m• other system, with rvhlcla a y P e 11 Wiles may be cot .Med o too fmon least two times dry, waiter staff be ad -1 den In a title s` lay fn such quantities a5 Unit hall be ",Ciliary with good earth and L,aroughly Mandrel: orwhich Y may a Duran Dimensions: to pl .duce n l lfurm wet mss Nldlol 1 compacted. Spell Banka; \ mandrel U dupe" }lith a heavy q1 r,ibUm• (• ]anther washer of n 91X0 su diel T'a lung atm-alun uP n itulea Inlll beta as 9 w.t Cho t iwle m s eh IL be turned C least [mite 1'1 a[erlRl9 excavated and those . tt to fol m a continuous contact with [h. U In file lhte .e thD .adult containing tee o[ ducts Alt over more. N Concrete; hail U° used that elaawe evidence [Ina-, all i i n c.11. trno[lon bah ba so Plnwd interim• nurfnce a Cho ducts .hall great.• number man- holes hell have nn inslda mensurematt et or that hes become. tlndt fol!good. Ill. h t f rcecfls ma lie had tall tones y to all Pul is of I. Clench nndL to all file be crown through each duct ne the con- lull labii a. as to remove all dirt o• f notlessthan four (4) feet I, fila n to jmnm wok from scanning too long or from any other cens.. No rendkmg o[ cancr@la Ihy[Irnn la In [Ile vl Cin lay. 111 mnC ndrda projections Of moll! t trial may Ue In alt@ polnta Uctwcon Chc Ido aIle d shall Um IlmYed. dRCr tile cancra to shut bn I, Called anU lrlmmedclucta beltveen the end w IIs, t 1 lot less iltan five feet (6) at 11 polnta be hVeen the Is thoroughly t fixed It shell be htmlled t 1 v( c Il Lllo n poasmle the ll 1110 'Chc Meld, nP 11 duels hall he ,Iran llOOr and Co. tat of lh. eCllhlg. ReC[nngn- l In unco v-ntouL d.7ay. All ammo 9rnv- 'mot Itllb110 VUI, et atlj01111n, riMideata 111 tl(lcefH, alloytl, lalli.4dfl nlld 1111- 'v be lion[ for lh, and fseC train all OUafl•nCll.lnfl, Plum ing[ DUCte: 11 be firmly lilt• lilt Cl mCSin to two-avFLY mnnhUlt3 tlhnll I�° fault t •cot dills t° fila foll.wing dl- el, 1' CI-aallCOf used I COnalrUCliart 611:111 bt tlnmPe(1 ml Plnnka ed cal In ways ¢hull open u0.- ,In 1 lray.l. 1'cl of duels at stop- Ped 'lilt wcmden plug. "hers the ori, Iona, to-wlt:t IAL• vher. Ut° conduit eon- protection of t0.: t All concrete J=mal co °lets atruc-1 All fairlet'. materials frI m oxcavatlals, Ilrl 1.11111 • 011, 9011, Inl•f Is loft at night, or n[ nnv tlmO. Af[eL• OII(llllC 1'nll. floI. 1 fU I11nillLO70 idol lanlos t x t. tl taut ducts• the , yHhttll tm shah he car.fuuy nr°lected from; In. rinlfd dr}'Ing OnC U}' !. pavement, Ig C thrall be cn•ef¢Ily, removed and kept 14n11U0 11.1. Ueen completed, all "nets .Itn31 Uomode[ Into b L In. €IlIlll alX (d) f Cf COael'Ing 111111. arch, Or by freclnent sp roldt"ll.i 1 tto to b. sad In p.i.ing and • . closed wlllt you den plugs, Cate beins o - t In length Id at les. flat. rout (4) It Isa. C.N. en[: cu u"a,nng the .heals, allays or grounds, sintud that a. obahu je,f. t•emuln In tact 1 wldtl .Paco of no[ [Ilan flYo (6) Peet all points between but the boat quality of Po Rand' Sho lag and Brldgl ng: }t I ora L4vanu.I ul d.ly hmonvon- "s. Cho trouts. Fibre Con dolt: a til. if.. d [I Iling lltermf^ \C Ota ilia On- Cement shall be used. A71 C le It mist comm'. to [he usual allanluref i tapeb•f '.loll r i fermi'. with file Uonpmlm Of lfl Itng the Ilna oP 001 I'll quail- All f11110 emedlltB hall be II1'6t _ ty thoroughly wllel'O conduit nil le L Ins net Ieaa loan by (6). of to Ch n ndod er time hon and testing as ro Civil Amea lCttn Society of L`Ivll Engineora... pr n n anGi :.0 La 0.CIO shall Vo covered with t•tt@rinl aalarated with 1-11.ting ".I, pound, Tl e Walls hall be L. l..0 (12) duels, th 1 ole .1 n be ]mea than nary {6 1-2) ..Access to the Street: + sultablo ltrldges to give the occupant ninpncl Ind 1nc,tpnU1C .f Parati.n Into not els one-half Peet in length and not less than four (4) Tile r,ght la reserved to tom. city and oftpor t"Illty to In.,. and ..tar lhoh• 11 tan', . 1Vhen@Vel• ncieaanry, file ns- dnym'a when heated Lo 212 drag. P,I11•- nheit. the Im10 hall be .U•ttlght call Pet PIl tufa til, wlib a apncD Of at 1.89 than five 1111.[ tet all Its between [a the t of publl. u1131t1oe nd frau- ll. sheet for the enlace [o Hooter Pon Chat uv ilio." 9bal1 U° bl kh" d In a prop"' •. intollup[ file ass-"ectlnn shall act v r nt nn • +t Y n Cl6) al Cho floor d too .lin" [I,e1 eo€; purpose Dee oY pink p g putt'. 01 CI ng s tllut beao..n by he k. and befit ann't r su u atm[ t° tlaV.I.Inch poltltlmoro than one-eighth Il 8) of tram hoe circ e. Tlt. f 1 sue- At ... points where filo adult Con- nay y Citi 'ION 2 All Idlmtne d p Ira D n . shell be talion against tile, art the, 0.P the benches fill. shall bn one Isom dents 1 lh r that filrfl'- mine r of less than thirteen (13) nor maD than twenty -Pour L2 i) ductal Ill. non- of rmnnn Ce9 hl Conlllet Kllh `7 Dr4dx-k f �l Vnd n of tills ordlnunso ash sD3 a• coving of aides 1 l e or Ur¢cing. Uy "'ung. mg obstructions so it mend -I six (jfi) Inches Ia Ipngth of one-P.urth hOl stwo be not less than eight (8) rest III length less than four (4) feet f PealcU H pavinp nd RC. I. dlaha•UCU hall be of n Inch less IIClneter lout and at Ill }Vn null, with a space of not legs [hon 'Ip""1'1' hLt.T10.\T 9. Tha City CI •k or tbo CI[y oP A.nahelm ah¢!1 certify to file Pas.! ' All Pnvemen[ ro• d In ace danc with .the •egldre ..Iasi sI2cU tube etul be DasaeU through It Th. in f til. ma- live (6)11 imet n[ Uehvoen [be sage of [lits .rdutance slid cause the 9smet "hu' m nt. of thel:ity oe Annitmnn for .hut sulnth19j",o71lertle. Lerinl sltttll CnnUle e [IUre tube to Ills- itoor 1 d the cilias -thereof; to he PUUIIaheLLt once in LhC Anaheim 1I 'Cle. or w..... Excavations In all n• '.1 stand puncturO teat of 30,000 Volta A, Rectangular httolmOdieW junction man- shalt be of ill. following dlmsn- (;¢tette, a weekly nawspnper oY ganer'al= and very etr.eta o Reye shall be .Milled 1 till 11161,1 l surface. C, ENrs tubes shall stuns Cho following test A St_oses 9: eircululton, printed. Dubhshed culutcu In the City oP Anahehn, and If ht to grad. At aide walks[ cu •be, mesa walla, mechanical section of conduit shall be heated to e. tem tura ofI60 peel,. 1t all Points -,Inc. the conduit con- m .D t fns n t a than four (4) 'ducts• ueya hem nary nflsr I[sfinnl Isa¢g. It PL nanhole Praince u • ♦ ,at it of any kind die- degree 1�¢hrenitelt and In L that the mmUlola hntl be not less than Hlz .hen Enke Cance 111 d b. m full force. foregoing ulna is signed, np- tallied shall be replaced- In nt lanst a Ueforf: temper alm•e Par ane hour..+lt .hall then Ue immedm,toly two t-Oit nary one-half (G 1-2) feet In length, and the of ace and attested Uy me this 3th day• rl condition ¢s sommotcanent of Wall k. placed (2) andmI IIIil our fifty, (60) incl, center8. not leas than fear (4) feet In wl,tll, with proved f July, A. U 1016. Surplus Materl els:and shall withstand n load of three a P¢ce of not Ieaa than flue (6) feet at till Poln[s Uetweon film floor and the Pr' idem t ti R x11 of Trustee. 0[I NI suI'Plua ateri¢Fs d r UUish re . tlaliling afteqts so- titan. have been buns ,S fifty (960) pounds applied ut the center without Ur -king tar changing catling thersol; Elle City o[ 11.Lelm. fain" and,' [he work completed shall the cross -sectio. °f the bore more than 1t ah wants what•. the cnida It C mo , than talus not leas khan core Attest: �'lfl be real Ba rte and Lights: e-elgh[h(1-8) Inch, L,yI ng Fibre Conduit; taVelvl (12 dueler the .core ehitll Ue ) EU}YARD D. ILho"ITT, City Cleric of rho City of Anaheim. !i Mars shall bo Provided ound ex- In laying f1UrD co duct a bad Of 11(3) Clot 1 uas than eight (S) feat !n length, n d t Ieaa loan [Our (4) fuel Pn malt, uvata s and a anmeient numUer bf red du Ing the night to Crete at least three Inches In tLlcl,_ nese nnU 91x (0) inch.. rvlder than -Chc avifh a apnea of not less than five (6j feet STATE OF C 0111, RNIA ) f hat tj lights nnln[alned. I erly guard tits Dumi gAinat Sang- a Imam id[h of too Cst of lubes Ue nh•Dnch at al] Itoints UeLNeeh U,0 floor and the c"Uh. thm•eo[ COUNTY UL' ORANGE ) 0.e. CITY OF ANAHDIM ) fa e • ane aendent. Y pet nof[Oo9 nary Ignnle shall f0 at lalcl in the ioveled AL all points whole the condult contain. I, Edward D. 11.-,11[, Clly Clack of the shall given the public as to the &fate of the hoe' darlpg the prom- it" re Old tamped to gl oda A layer of {hes shall then be placed, leaving oa. of CO.s than thirteen (13) act fore than [w9nty-foul (24) ducts, too n• Clty [Anabelm, do hereby rtl(y thati the [mregolug Idl nice Eva introduce ens oP the work. (1) Inchspace between -it tube and Ito.. Shah be not les. then nine (g) f.et 3 t n memthlg of (II Bpaid of 1'rusteee. of Vltrlflad Du.t Condulto Vlhdned duet condulta shall be first three (3) /nehea between the outside tubo and Cite aldo °[ the trench. 'Tho 1 g[h, lel n t lees til Cour al w h IC (4 1-2) Pecl In a IUth, with apse. it, n Coity of A 1' i I+, )laid o too 2tt! day f Jmle, A D. 1016, aid that the 'ttuailty elterinl, burned hard and that. ""h"Iy space between the tubes and three (3 Y of leas than fx (6) f et betw.en the same 1Vas passed and adopted at a regIt vitrified s0 the duct when well dried out shall not nb.o.b mora than Inclwa outside oP the °Malde tuUo and one (1) Inch it, Va sem shall bo filled with Ran, d the calling thereof. Brick Mnnnholes: lar meeting of qlD Ilonrd of Tlualeea of tahe C]ty °f Anal Im held m the 3lh day I h,,, ry (6) per coal of Ra wel9ht when Im- 11 icre co to A vecon rl taper .0 n I t bola. hall be comiteroted Of Y July, A. D. 1016, by the f Ilowing vmfe fi 's t) In Water• at n tempel Of 0 to fl -con GO to a deg. nes Pahreraturnheit for tUUo. sltnll thennU l laded d/rectlIn above the first layer and Peeed in the emne whole, ...all, land brief,• lvith ctnngU- lar all to and att'nlgll[ Cdge9. They AYES' TRUSTEES, Cook, Stalk, Ham 1m1•, Schneider, 3'.PWOL'tl1. �v t4 enlV Itoura. Th. inside dimes P the ducts she be three and one- man. Concrete .hog then ba placed completely Pilling the sone¢ sa"to uning s ust give a. "Ieaa ringing Bound when in NOES: TRUSIIIDS, None. I WSENT AND NOT TRUE et 1. If by Ch res nd one-half (3 1-2x3 1-2) the tubes. }Then the Inst layer or con-. truck together and shall be uniform quality i F standard dimenafons VOTING: 7`PP.S NonC 1 choa The til iClcnmss m too outer walls with dtllts f. placed and aurl•oundmd wl[Il cot- Unci, shall be thoroughly wet im- \nd i turth 'tify. that [ha Prean-� I" shall Ufl at least five elgWlte (6 S) tan end Cho Inner lis hall Ue crate n nddltlon¢1 layer of a-frel-- three (3) inches satin depth ehnll Uo Placed metl!¢[ely before laying Each Urleh shell Uo Inid hl n Cnll d. close joint Y dent, of too Eo ld f Trueteee of lh0 city f Annhehe Isned a m nrdl...ce on the of leas then 7-10 oP I'.1 thiel[ at on flim tmP Of the nest of tulles. Tho cement mortar. Ali j lnts oe tUe Inside Slh day of July, \ D 101b '. their thinnest place, All ducts hall Ue rvork shall Ue so done Cirn[ each tubo s1m11 and IUI to oY the su•ustme ahnll Uo n qtly atruelc IN }} ITNESS }}tIIERE01 I have 11.1'. sound and free hno, c acus, .Off pots, sc s; gl ¢vel, brakes any particles be wmpintu rrou t c and concrete three (3). inch a Ino thick- and Pointed The outside of all Urlek atrnetureatlhal] Ue "earlyplasto•ed with unto set It, head and affixed the alflolal caul of Use City P Anabelm, this 8EU - - f b n,Ll clay or dot attached to the esa shall surround the post of to has on meat motto. o c -half (1-2) Inch thick. day [ July, A. A 1416. t,.rfi 'sulfate: TLe fr.tde corners shall be rounded to [Ire Wa.m, top and aide. Fibre Tube Jolnts: Concret. Manholes: e COIICI•at. manholes shell be built OP r - (SEAL) EDWARD R, dIERRITT t o a a tfacu-eights Ill f nn Inert 1 illus The joints of n ffUl. tubo before be- n Inforeed Cement c.nerst. and shall be of City Cderlc at file Clty of Anuhmtm. and Cho outside t° three fom•th. (3-4) f n inch radlue. The oda at the lag planed together shall be dipped Ina hot compound itaUle for sealing Lhe flip, dimensions h-cinUef°re apeclfl.d, Manhole Frames I'd Covers: duet .hall be beveled on fit. Inside so jolnta and shed 1). used in. alt clefle All manholes aLa11 he Provided with that the dimensions t the ends shall be t least five oighte (G-8) a an Inch more tits to Prevent any IsMange of Iva- ter into the Intel for of the tube. to, fare cast iron finnes and covers, In o case shall [ha penins to outer 1r be leas than alto Inelde dimension P filo Laterals: fan twenty-alx (2G) Inchon to di meter p p r The end. of all ducts shall be j e Pe dlcul t t ton Ilea Laterals whether lald In the main hunch or Ut ectnr¢le trench slt¢Il Ue III cIran] ar In ebape, or lures than hvmnty-, [aur (2h) Inches Uy tw.nly His (26) I to •ion• 11 lis of Duets with, square from brol,on In"Itlpf° vltrltlecl I¢y dual, YfUre ducts Inches, tem sure. Out, IP reclnngu- -- 1 shn)1 h free u fillet- •a or other projeotlons willch are mora of standard go Noun, zed or silel•udlze[� wrong It•on pipe. tat 111 shape, Tl a anhole rtnrnos. shall be o Placed that the top of the -or - tl an ono- Ighth (1-S) oran Inch In thick- In Maln Trenchl laternla laid in the .hall bD Flush Wlth the flnlslted grade Of 2 n0. Aad 1 unbroken blisters or other done shalt not extend out frmn When re main trench during the construction of the Cho .bract project r je the ornet 0.o that the will be less than auto con"uit, they shun he PlaOed at the Floors of Manholes, Dra a.gge: 15 two 0.11(7 One-ltalC (2 1 'E) Inches of flat Interco• wales,.. top C the COndu/t f01•mRtlott and be- the .cancer. or meosotefl The con r to Pbtora of all anholes . a ahakl Ue 0.R last flare. (3) Inohes thick -fit ' anrtaoa on tUo The inn .Paco - P the " duets hall neuth protection flank. - and shall be well fampeU Into Placa. A six (0) inch loon se -m• Pipe su p hole, I l' U frac flour dont¢ or outer obstructions. In SeparA4e Tre ooh: °p° (o) foo plontg, aha�l Ue Placed Ira the - 111 ultfpl duct conduits shell be p •o- at least two (2) dowel hoiea When lateral' are laid Ln a s ppurate trench til. h•mlch shall be oY aufRclent [tom f all hales, t the Iowa - Pomt, .ylded with. not ora than flft en til lrty-seconds width to permit of c.nvonlent laying and fe drainage purposes. (16-G2) of n Inch 111 1110.. tar a d t deep enough to mak. Ill. toy oC the Int 1, 11, Supports and Pu111ng In Irene: Ua ,as than eleven thirty ¢eco da. (1i-32) of. an Inch in diameter. The -out.ide eral of Protection Plank at least Cwon ty-eeur (24) Inches below the surface oY Man hole walls shell .Provided with cable rapports.. Pulllog 1n Irons shall be µ'aIle of multiple duote shall be scarified t 0 .tree t. Placed In Los avails ppo.fto each duct 1.72 , I ��ia-w �, i C?.%7�irz�.0 �.®�cc�i � �ir�•v�x-c.c...C?2..e...,;eo-�rG�'�z-o�l'�a-r�Cn�r ,o�'.��CZC� °�-�, 7 crC 'ca c �;,c�..Q,l�-' c��u,�-6 �.'�-mac w� C� �e. .���•lo GJ ,,...... ; ca..�.z..r.�C J-G-�:�. ��..c�//-�Jr-���i=��€,a�l,/cj.�o r���c.ar//v���,Ge/ -���� �u.,/�1.<.r�/e/���r�a�:��,-/�.�.7/�y';' y�H�.�-•,-..�.., r 6 w , ,e . Esti Ck.u.. a -}axr, r04, -e— aa,.v a�yx ,c41 M— . 12 d d 1 0 �3 t a.� a17 7 , % iGU C C2c CGS 7Z�ct/ to c7'£ �o //32 WS'A /- ►ii ppi lax, /6� ✓�T-ie..klGn:�ss�/C"rBo;� UU �� a m �Va.c,e f &axo� A.'a'7" "' Genu Ilk 2 l-" fl" a e1 au cX`cv�rc �a.e .� wa. -t vO-a� pka ee e. 07'-" L a..'d az v,1. �la a,/q> ,e } a&¢ 8,60 �1 d ..ti'�^C: tl"�; .CiceLeQ blL O'YLR„. rtu.uCL/Y� '�M lad'fl �Lµ �+aC,..�'1.0 YR.6Lu.GPiJ'C.OwYW (/3.7J. 00� `�{ t rhe `yGo��� C. 44 d a� 2V &4.1- � rcr a.oG�v �y _<ZZ�r r- a f- a. D P � lwm l zJ�cr./ 1,4,w �J row,cEctt a�• ��� aif` � �^ � �'O..�rro�.w L��.t fa.o Ci -Cy ru�l, O (20 f v&a W p J . 4�1= 43tiq 1: eco Z J 474 I J� � �i�vrii a✓1-•C�.�oi.�.�-/—l-��rze� ci, �s..v�. ca..� i, 9s) .,�,af-'� OaE mrr.¢, a.•.�2t`c.�..�...cF,rB,ol,C��rCi3i, �o)�- �,. I t/i-� 2�:r'Fir-L�� Cc,ti•`v�o7 C�a2a,�,,�.px5(%rc�!-a.1'c�.�o�c::.�.f^ �iw7�..oG�„�C yu,��e,l"y- y��:,,�.� �' 4i ate- Giro au ' ek FN U � ea, 4i - all &4d 21/ rcu C�w 1°4o -u a e rra c,/� o� V c.w . wcrac.L�. � a ccv✓� � � �'Fii/�'i�E.�L G�e- �. ;;; G)2z-!°�l�C � G�i �d ass-Gl��.e�r•,,�.. d�a,cc�c- �'t a,<:2 Y4' � G�Ca.. �'r,�.c�e-.�' o-tc.-_ �'�,<•e-�-s-r-�'Yi�� trn-ce.. � Gt..�-�.t�L. `�n�u.�� , �i 3 �. � s��Eu1� Q C.3�` �t,�-�P ��.e. `fit o7-(�ct•U�&iJ-ey C�7-t�.a�' � �a -�.(: � O-2�e.. fu.�-�...�r-t,.� — .i��( U O Y QQ oha 2cI — �. Q �af-eo rutin G<e ^ D 77 w /41 Q.�•tA. C/'1• G/� .i.v+. ow. wD.cw. c.>. �L.c.o...�.�. G_..� tel. /c � ch,na. �i. �a M t..yC (, /Y�- y .c..0 a.� L4�� /J �k:,�,.id4. �..Pir C1�L�9'^�, �L�f.�1Q.,-� g1,u..B,a.�,,;,"�ia /"�:,µ, Q...CF �,•CJ�,:�AV � � �e�I�i1 3 0��,-aGa,G�e. //�� a.u.dc - �S r-scvt�t/�,�,p k,-„q��,�.<.-..� , C7. .-,•,.�.a.� , _ ! '� KfCM^ft �aceo-k.deQc,,�y 6�y�y�a-.=t��y4n•�,»i�ro-r��..,.,✓`7�.a-f"Glce. Y�o�w �'; - i'i�ro�Ua.o V �,-wd6a,uc( �ruf.++�tiulo o -w $a.a.1-Y9ros�.ocu�,8'3t,e./- Lv�P,f- j� c: � D _ II 't�cGy � G�.ua.Ptiecba.c.,, fav, ceucf G�a. Fo.�-a.. ea:'iv rti a.�fo�GCec� a.��- o�- j �� �wu's-wiw . .. ✓�,.-�c,o,�r..c ” � cM+•rK.n.�: Rr/•7,.cxw.L. .�,.f-.,c, �n-C.(.,.e.:.,;...�' �Cn a-�a... +.�.,. 2u�J< e-� ?°a.�-u.�Uq t�i. l�o-a,cL�.uu� a( �, aa.!- 1r3 roua[..�ro�.,.� Ulre.�!- a.�.•cG i - 7'�bvr74 -; C! 0 D MIME -- irrm�tia,�,,� �' �za-�w.¢.Gi-uc�tCr�'•..- i��r-/ � ,� Q-v�o2 r.o u-��� - �.�,...a-a w s- - ,8 OP oc°wd E ur %f4F S�1 r act eswor.LeKd ra a !o rt3 �r fs a,Gra� �d ra a o�,00 2cr1"ro-o V pr. f, J { Cd . Yv--un-ur s�v e.y�. Gere4-,.e - p"/ p a-� o(� 2 �� V Y 0 m I z - o aodW j �G2.c.LoC•C�y t3.�r'ra/ �v �' G2tE���&;�i;' cao (.'/t:� ra�, nL ell /�.7P/�--' L -'F-*-. S/li "„ n_�.V�'�... Gi /�...l ��e�l� iIS.J�Ca �G/ "/UC✓i+s.0 c-�.� /CI G.J-l.•f�l C.t CC 4/C��. "�'�✓lL<r d'N'� mac/ 1��.�w-s�zao, al�•+ue,lu.Y�¢�,c�-d/�cn,Ed G�w��e-e¢eza•u...p i��w��o-w. o-�� �%L'o ` � _ L�-ruza , � .6.®1.� �., D�o�►! c!>-�d-e.ea c�e, � .' � ..aa-•�Q IG.o-tr.C��2a.re.�1,.:.Fa-�-a'r �.c.�-c¢. c-,�,�-n-�,-�-wuf- �:o, _ckn•a° u �-•,-s�. ¢e°aee�an-� Ls ami• �, / ✓�+✓vl l'✓/Yv. 64j;/- '{. Xa�.. '.'I'4S• �U P'GN'C� "✓TCL.06.A%�(/6` `&. o P N Q/n/U.(/J ' �. 0�',( �tR�. 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