1914-12-23„ , . a - `�."'V'.-Y't��Vl i. tfl.isvli / �j cLa-L�i:r"Y>'L� 4a ✓'V �.-C L/a-+�L V✓ ih� �. \-%/-t 4. 7�1 cr-cart. M... rr �j{.-c-..��iA o— �N•cL �'-at .. L�'to-9-t G.a-�-�+'t_. (y"�'-a �.K.. ,,, T�... �4•`�.-1.. 'C.- 0.✓4 4 l�.'l L 4..�- \`, /�Lt...a.n.�i.t q l w.: err<. -f A, v Q.7�6x'✓aL � V :.3 e�✓rra-� cis.- `'.. / &.,�� r:... . �'�..(ltq. Lc<.1fi �7-Yl4L�.--,-L JL-C•vS./n-4�`L-'L-.c�Of"� Q-vd�. 89l^i. r�^L G-''1 i6.�vi � �y'�Y-f b1`YY'✓n-n.4 i. ^'J' ` 1/-....+%i.4.�'i � V'~ iL La..Ji J Q✓C 6Yl as .� � ...,, •. .,1�4,crwn.-cx..�_. c1_c:n.-,.....cc-,-...>f..•o. a,9 cw,..I�a,.C.�.. /�-: (•a. c. �,.�-y.. a,..m.aas.-In-I�-C..a-Y •(o— 2.03. — n ' Y i..!I'aC [.^l1. CM1-vv C. .' �.1 O--Ivt�'s->."a.a. C4_.• '- h:. 6.t -q. iL Gi. t)'ei Oft 4-- ...(..a� ��4+Lw.-r�ve�r-.CL. �_Yb. .... I I .''OI G�.-t_ci-. i'-rY O'Laiw r,-...•rc.GL• �-tisc' J ,r �.--.G.cx� 4 v !'-�Z �}'Lc..o-....tet,,.. .” ' w."y 4'....... - f ORDINANCE NO, 209 g bage, .aw' bo ro ccd is p it - shelf the rletter be granted Flo au h "•- - An Ordinance Provldl19 for the Dlep I firm r corpm•ation to ren , o r } if on of Onrbng. In the City cf Anahelm convey garbage. I {{{ And Pro Vlding a Po nnity for all VI CPCTICIN 4. It shall be unlawful for t' lotions Thereof. any Person, firm of 'w9)oratlon to lo- - n(1V0 01 convoy or to Ctm.e of permit eto . { Th. DOOM of Twetcou Of the City of UO 1 moved oi- colvoycd !Lily gRl lit go nP• t A) 1 I do DOOM. as C011owa• oil ., n1o116 nnY Duhlm Ntreot a110Y, S IC TION For (111.211 rl) H)i 9L Lt in Cit Y, or liter Public pinta 1 Lht x,1111mmin, rho "gal Ul e s l City Of Anahelm —apt In tvatol tight �'jj Yl Mild tU 40 lLll alllillnl LLlid v g'1 bio 1- a o19, Pt f tanks Ot' hOn- V 1 rIMU front b 1,111 lmlla LL1141 ILII I O11a011UlI hme9 LUII l 11ta Of atC01 gRIV 111'LOd wuHlO Lltat alio!! IuLVa been Pt spared Cor. Iron, m 11bla motellla aubetull and 111L0111Cd LO he LL.CfI fUI t0U11 1 1 natuntell all "110;1.. Eym'Y dlli1, vss•' nptlmy or lull have 1 Ie 10cala, tonic m, tvrtFDn-bo hila .0 tld PIU YI Elit I1ncipllratiO] Of toed C.; tl0 solos r.0111t1111H gLLl'bRg0, HllaG I ae- .Liu 1 nPt1Uu on, 'Y fold llFII LIY CUV01'C(1 olid CI N d In _..-. Yl CTICIN 2 it shall to unlawful for ouch a mamlcr na to onovont tire con Lilly 1 1, 111111, Or col p0l•tLLtUlI, o1L1 CI 'tel to the!OUf Or any dor from O.Cap 'LH OW ]UI ngOnt 0111 n1Uy Ce UI' U[IIUI'W I"U 1 6 G1010II oln. Eve"' a11Ch Vfl6aC1 'be LU moV or convoy, 01 l collas, I POI epin t, (ROTC in- w0 UII•Ua. Nha�l be 11111 iP bo 1'0 mlvea U cullvoy d al Y g tl o golly clean ...d dolly, and diel P cl d 'InlgC ll!11111, aLUYg UI I:t PSN 111Y InUhe at least onCU dining gnch IVOCIt "cry .'lent, alloy. 11611w1Y tl luuli Vehicle ant rying anggY mlch V" 'I P pinco 111 Lilo OILY % tCUClvung a pUNIlt lon(od lira!'d�illvc tllai ono not lLl to so 114'at ILV VIy Ing L Irl ran. iF( 'fore!)I, In wrltblg, Prom rho 130M of fonts thereof stroll fall of escape there - "!!!afar. of tilt City Of Amxhmat, In too PI.OnI. 5 �'c ..noel her mlPtol Urosorl bed, nrdvlded, S>;CTICN 7. It shall Ue Anlftwful Tor IluwaVol`, uhnt Lha PIW VIHIUIIa of till. act- any Ileta011, [!illi, m• vm,pm•at10n hold- ' tm. ahttll )tot. apply to oily Petaon, Itl'nt .Ing R Pmmlt I6Allm1 by the Board O[- orpora[.on with whom ate Uty of Tl .11. a' [ the City o[ Nlnhelm Pur- { a nL [s the Vrollalone o[ title Ot dl rittilmm Ilan totaled Into or tray OalO ICo Lf tar mlt0r alto a coir! nct fur the o to [ail, refnae or neglect to rima !evil.. rent Val And [elft al [ 6 b g 'g U g I. In the placB in Lho PPII n- or to any agent or lieran Y i s A pCl :t(o deslg rdled fol• ouch permit, at 1 ast Ol Iltl r La "Tic Illl a t; 1 try eighty home eve in til PaPormance s,1 sn ch cunn•act, nnU aaSh CTION 8. It shall Ue the duty of \Vail lu o .,In,, remain In toll tel cel owner nr mnnngar nP nnY 7 •ding, .. t u.' r,"• ^" house, restaurant, hotol, or eating house, LLn6 gfPO C car- and of every pm•90n oa0upYing 0.d ,,,J' SLCIIVN 3. AnY Pm•aon, firm m• Dorationo Osfring to oU[¢m a permit to wltlnu the Cty of An h in, to PrOvlde - remove covey any gm•uuga upon or or cane Ic U Plovlded a d at all floes .along ally Publlo soros t, 411CY, hlghW Yl f0 I<enP o Rtlse to be Rapt, Porf¢ble - - - - an. Ur 011ier PO PITC DIACo aV (Ihlll CIIC l;l[Y U[ VC 1 fool s 01 r-seeptft ICo f01 hold proposed t0 remove ouch gnrbngo, ala with] a tight fitting metal cover. Such plRco to which thea e I to ne I•emovaa. cover shall not be removed therefrom "I'd rile tLVU[ab'a nUlnbel• Of g0.1lOUH of $ sCePt VVllen nCC099Il1y LO Plure IILOtem Ung- PO)• we0k t0 be so cmtveyod. St ch. m• to remove garUago thm•ofrom, oe when uPpncant shall Agrflo I,,Such 6nP1icato the Game 19 being ileanaOd, FIVet'y such 1 Duey Vessel. tank or receptacle shall be ke t or to contotm m a" ieepec[n to, and p S 'all ortur 11C09 Of the City of Almlreun pl need Irl the following mRnnn*: now In force. or that xl'any hereafter be >;\here !hero 1a ¢n alley .,On, too eat of .. _. ono Pted refit[ t Il t le thB Promlaca oe the Person Heins ouch'. 'mm'nl m msposal of garbage,and shall ala,lt 1,beal1kRced tber the spinel;, the ams aa..lt on pt•emlees -Ithm 'tui lltm' alit Ca milt eu Cn 11 6' c p ''.not dispose of, no' o use, no po mit to: live feat of the plopmty Ione of said alloy; be dlaPosod or, of ouch guru g4: What there le no allley In the n - - - ced the city dmo1, of the 1- 1, of A sueh preNue' :and there Is nn aLey or hc,m, Hud 'viii loll or deliver, ofstreet .long the aldo thereof each yes -it. ' cavae on permit to be sold or de Ila sato[ ono than Premises atat t al point ll.ling the heat• _ Lnty glrba$e to any Person, firm m• plmnises and ad,incon[ to-� - - - - - - pm•atlon - that dlsPOaea or or 1Vlll dIs- Of said lot or -Pts¢ of tl1C came ,!Filo. Lha egrporato said alley or stprree 'coding along the - llmlts of .std eltyr anU any ouch Pot ft It til teoP; -mRy be r V,o d and annulled old ncytyl lo- Whsle there Is neither alley nc side .. It the Boai•u of 'L'r uetooB oP - .trance, each such Vessel, tank or a S1iCT10N A No Pmmit sift!! be bra t cC 11 at Gtacle. shall be Ulaaod In the enr of ad Lo any Pal eon, arm or corporut.on t hal 1 r such at cit plate and In _. ---IiooeoV or PIna0 u a -of UuslnosO, and nOIs ta Dol adt., llaroneed11 tt be 0.Ccesaible to any Per - colla t b rhos; a it. ro.n . " I llnnOt'dlnatia ca aI litUe n991$ned osloa of troas rovlded Or to 0..Y person with ,horn "... 'tie My of .krahcim. y have t toll . forred without Ifo consent oC thO Bo -'Into n contract for the disposal nand dls- -oP Trustees of (Ile Cny of AnahOtm, ❑ ;nosltim, of garbage. AltoI any such vee - 'toted open the. mina to oP sato Tau d - 1 tool' or I•ecPtacto shall h¢V been and no permit shall bo famr, for a por : mpt ed by the garbage colloetor, ,!rather 'fad of long -5 tl nn thl a yams :he ba n peraon licensed to collect gar- . ol ]corpm atloryt holtRling On a lvitglo y9 ohertho Cltyi oP !..halm eon _ _ 'pets fig. may urnmit to rime" or convey garbage UP- lulus entered Into a contract for the col along any Public at eat. aItsY. !tori.. of garbage, fire same shall be re 'highway or pybllc plaee In the CItY f turned by him , thout delay to the Anaheim, eim .hall V101ate or hall cause o placo where lanae was found.. - permit to be vl0lated any condltti) o[.. SECTIVN 9. It shall be unlawful such normit or any nrovlslona oP thla.por nnv n rson, ezcePt the pelso Orillnnnee, -tic, any ordinanFO ge I's holding anti .1% to for the olloo- haronfter onactad, relatle, to or regulot Urn of garbage; or a Person with whom " .the Clty o[ Anahelm has entered Into tog /lag collactlon, ramaval or dlapunwl of a contract for the collection removal and $41•bagC. OT shall Y'e]n0V8 OI C n'CY Or U any ha convfoyod cause outh gmb 6a urn an unle,Yu1 .Ili nnei� with ny susses! l�tank� or 1 - - it m er, It 'al 1� t cls qr tl [ me til P CaP- ... ._ au Or unsanitary r to re - bo the duty o[ the Board oYTruetgae a[ move any.s 1 luso.;! tool o ec Pt cls Ute City o[ Annhalin In addition tO they m til 1 .tion wh a the an a woe noun_ ` other Ponalttoa plov�ded Uy thio U dl Plaged by tl a owner thereof or to ro- _ to revoke soeh P mit lsaued to move tl a nt ata oP ny oath vee 1 a f such to son, firm 0 corpm atfan I[ the tank of IoceP[a I . It shalt Ue unlal f.l� di pe It 1 led tO any gold n. firm o' Por ttny person [o pia o or cavae t per- emPoratl0. Puravunt to the P ovlsl a mit to bo p�ued In any 9u n Vessel t tic, OP"",.this 01 d(nan9� to,"remOVe 'OT gOnVOY �" eceptaelc, icor -a-semen o e t of garbage wIU In anid Cltl' and that the I garbage, mar'. It neo oP air cl R five 0rdhtnnee ,d EI't 11ON 10. It shall be Oak fill for proper Inclliti Por removal ung dla1 any Person, firm or corpot'0.tioa to de posttl oP garbage.. constitutes a en Ios;t or to c[ se r Permit to be depo= to the puUllc health M anid city. ted, any garbagea upon or In fns' Por The f oragoing ordinance Is signed, p- 'licrl Of any street er alley, m• ofher puh-'i of I)Ore. OC Is nap ,Rtte8 ed O 1", lhie 23rd day any "'.lot es In' the j. H. COOK sold City t open [,beim. SECTION 11, Any peso., firm or cor-: President of the Board of Trustees o1 rho pa'ullon lolnting Ing f the PP arle-' C'It. f Anaheim. tons of this Ordinance shall be Ueemed (SEAL) gltlltV of a .iso aranor, and upon •on- Attest: ,ct wn there. C, 'll oc Punlnhed bn n.. EDWARD B. hfF.RRiTT, ifine not __d ine Ons Hundred ,1- _Clty_Clerk Of the City of Anaheim. niin : ut. uy u0in aucn ane and un- I, EdwardyII. Merritt, Clty Clerk of the a ISEC'1`3(4N 12. .111 ordinances d naris they foregoing. Onllnn ca ebynac introduced 0f ordi..nc0s Ia conPllet with nthc aro- t a meeting of the Board of Truateea oI vlalta, of this ortlinanco are hereUy 1'e- the City or e\nnhelm held on the 10th dap _ that Partied. of December, A. D. 1914, .,I that the citySECTION ei The certCity Clerk of the l me waa puesed d adopted at a reg - sake of Anaheim hall certify to the pas .lar seting Of the Board oe Tr _,cce ango P thin Ordinance and use the same to be puUlished once In the "Ann of alit 01 of Annhelm, held n the' holm Gazette, n weekly to paper [ 23rd day o[ December, A. D. 191 h, UY file gena•nl Ireulntioe, printed puUllahed mid. (ollnwmg ole: olt•enlated In the said city. \YLS, Tr es Cook, Stark. Hnmler =_ HEC ON 14 Tha[ for the reasml that and Brunwc"t - — - this Ordinance le panned k, Chu immed NOES Trith None _ sale proaervnthel of the Pnblio henitb ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, True - fee mime shall [nice effect and be in NIS fee Schneider. - force from and iter llm date of lis pub- Aad I further ee �tify that the Prost- . Ilfenlim na provldltd In Section 13 of thla dent of the IIonrd of Trustees or the City - Ordfnnn r. of Annhelm signed nuild Ordlnnnce on the ir= 'Phot the facts constituting [Ile urge.- 23rd day P DeoemUer, A. D. 1914. y oP title Ordinance aro .s fell Owa: That to R'ITNESS \VHEREOL I hnce here - [hero exlBta to effective •dinunce In Unto set my hand d amxed the Cal file City of Anuhelln, Providing fol• the P Id Ity t'I. 23rd day of December. Propm• dlaposal of garbarl In anid city, '\. D. 1914. and there docs not nosy 1st Any po'son, EDWARD R MERRITTi - Ilrn olio. Ilerns.11 r author_ City Clerk o[ the City f Anaheim put �f tied 1 y tell City to e011Get a td dlepaae/ (SEAL) �L / 2 C- �H'L lrC,-L cr✓t- �-C�Cx_A /4 CC.ovx c.C..� � �i[uz��C.. �rCa..n�C Ci...-.-�. tx.��^a�--.t_ r c 0.-..'/T't'�YJ K. � (w,.vw cA//�.. (ri 4-C. - - iP /� �`�- //K�. tea �r.A iC-. .i. 1 G. iia.,:. a.�: • .. �.. ® - - zK.< �r Wit. C �� 0.J//[�-<„x�i,iv(�rY✓t- C/Gt.4 �.-. Gl'Y �"C-err,. ot.r-tCG F••'.•C"!u �e:. rn-r`i-. xYv'Y �x^.� .ri�4-Car✓a.er [ yv'-.. - ORDINANCE N0. 264 SBO37ON 6 The City Clerk 0P the ? City of Annhelm shall certify t° the P0s- t rAn Ordinance Ordering the Closlug up In lug be hlhlbaOhdidnnnee and°Tues Wteninmm Part of West Sycamore Street In the Glsetle 11 weer ly onewspsp ' of general City of yyAmb.IM from a P°Int 8.6 Feat el etl.tlon, printed, Published and cir- dockIC6 In m he Eogs belrpeMe It 1 1 a In the sold city of Anahelm and _ Accm'tlln to a Map Tbereo} Recorded thl ty days hole nit k, 0 Its anal pas- g a In BooK 1, at Pa.. 660 of Mlacell aneous ing°fel1 Ceannto Sltall l0.ke efts et and Records of Los Angela. County, Call The Poregoing °trlina lot le signed, ¢p- fornle, to the Wool. rly Lina of Said proved and it. ted UY mo thio 23rd. day --- - - - Block 06, f 1)acembor, ID14. J. H. COOI{ 14IIEREAS. the Bond on the Bthel-f P esldent of te Board of Treating of T alto CI[y of All, did the City of' Anaholm. .. _. aY Oc[oUm•, 1914, Inas and adopt Its Res (SEAL) elution of Intention No. 103 to m•dm• th \[test: cloaing up In 1art L Welt Syo Imor PD\YARD B. MERRITT, 5u•eot in the Glty of Annhelm from a City Cleric of the City o[ Anaholm.. eclat six and flue -tenths (0.5) feet Weat STATE OF CAL4P0RNIA ) - rly from Che veaterlY line L Blocl< C6 CounlY f Orange )se. hn. r,n.nronberger tract according to Citr of Annhelm etly Iine of said Block C6 and 'at n meeting f the Board of Traatees' Supetl tends.[ f Annhelm on the IOIh day WHEREAS [he oP [I a City cP Sheets of the said City of Anahelm did. f D c tuber, I914, nd that the enure thereafter cause to be imbliehedulead d'tvns Phased find doDce:l 0.t a regular the PPc9led In the manner and form ren meeting of the Be', of 9'l neteca of oP the P.aage of said City of Anahelm held oa the 23rd day' " Uy law notices Reeol0tlm of Intention, an4Udections to of December, 1914, by the followhlaa veto: - Cook, Stark, Hamlar 11 MREAS, no written AyDS, Trustees sold aeric or Ileppr ovmneat having Utoo sea Brunworlh. -+ lend. nr Flied wltlt the City Cleor•�°objeca NODS Trustees None. the time Pm• filing ABBEH'P-AND NOT VOTING, T ue- city and tions having expired, tee SOhnela r NOW. TH4;RDF0RL The Board of And I farther certify that the Prsnld ' do or Truateea of ' ''Trustees of the City oP Anaholm dent of file board of sold resolution on the 23rd 1 data as follows: city signed 1, That the said Board of. Iy of December. 1914. ` SECTION 'Tr%;tees does now find that no watts IN WITNESS WHBREOP I have. hero- my hand and nixed the ofaclal _ has Ueon made a - -° • objection to said work u to set 'sled with the City Cleric of said City, ani of the anid Clty Of Anahelm this 23rd P Anohelet and .that old Bomd f day of December, 1014, o e jurisdiction to o•- Truauta�d has acquired (SEAL) RDWARD 13JBIRRITT, * - ..,.der work. SECTION 2 That the City Clark Of the City of l .helm. That city; )Veet .. work be done In Bald city; -----"- n point 'Y"""' street In said oat � 6G feet Westerly Prmnthe the Easterly Ilan a •;, OfBruck C6 of man thereof' ream•dsd la [0 a 'S ae0m, Book 1, at Page 660 of Mlacelloneous Los A.ngelea Conn[y, Call-- Records of - , [m nia to the Westerly line oP BloOlc C6, - s; be closed up In Part -- SECTION 3. That the lands n°ceepanry unit oanveulent to b ttnta➢o �& to-wlt,r I - .-: • - ` nose are deecribed Beginning. at Iolnt-ln fife Northerly tin (shown m¢Dnpg �le ra I ,"abarof Vineyardt a- o -- - '1 600, In Bo0" at Pag County, rim, R¢cu, s of Loe Angeles County, oP Ueginning Uobtg - call Pornln. said POI.[ al. and Plvo-tenths (067 feel -salerly from the Baste, iy Iln0 of anid lot• thence th Northerly {Ines '(of Vest fly: nlon e' done hundred Your I. old lot ane thou more _ .... ... and a e -ten[. (1 104.61 feet Iratftil the eztended,Weatr ncao y I•m!f art IY lino Of a ld lot t n (10) feet, thence , Paaterly pa I. list to the oneri and dn. of thou and Il or leas 'and ave-tenths(13046) Poat a to a Point siz nit ftve fontha (9.6) feet lY st1f, So.thto d IDoeter1. - 11We Soldhe let. thenjalce 11 o'ot said lo[ the line of sold lot, • - t (10) feet to Plaa im damngen wgll re ` l l SECTION 4 or .. . . ft m alit 4vm•k and, irnp em t x suit -min d 11 1 hereby datermfnhd and declared - that no ¢ossa men la r a y the n that no cammleslonera shall ba .. �. ,. Pm..Ond pp 7 t d t0 n seas any benefits or dam- - "x ages OT 10 have general to OP Id w Ic or - suP'r At oL'"'^^ 1 th wlaa._ -.- J 4 ,cis iS_. /(.5liscl.. 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