1917-01-25rato for 4;11.0 City, "Iftor (-.)f tho QOM- pea-iy, tha�- -,itArkAttod thO fol -lowing schadt;CLO to uD,. ,hut for an an - nasal minimim, charge of $8,( 00-00, the company would deliver a. jectric energy on our iWAchboard at the rate of 9/10 cents per kilownt, hotir, tith tho proviso "hat, whon OL) -r Ontput reached. 150, 000 kiloyvt�'b hoary for i,.ionth, tho followink", Tato VIO,-,IICI ariply: jTor tho fj.rat IF,0,000 hours, 9/3.o Ox "D cont; Ivor all .1.11 of 1r)0,000 k1lopat honx,E�v .476 of a cent. 8everal months ;qeo, agrolort . tIcn, vvtx madr4, to ply bo&rd to J -)I, stall threo 11-jultiple-Cylinder internal combustion Car, QXICinso of a-rproxi!-n,,,.to1y E,50 brake horsopovvero, each of these angines to be requAred to oper6t0 Leon autural Z410, for 1.000 B. T. U. and to be k uoji:3,Lxuotol c,;,to bo alao oporatod upon dietilIato. The prop000d ej,)oclfcatioa* provided that the 1.50 kilorfat r-raaer�ltor now Ort. hand Aji oiir plitnt, ohaalft bo need ac onn of th.o epneratores, vxnd the%t 'two addMOMII dl.roct-oonnocted to two 170 kilowat .5-1)haBe aj.tarnator.-,j be plied, Vhe cost of installirC aach 4nginas vio,,U4 he 'h(,Awoon p -Yr- f't --!.,n t1h <!"30000.00 9.r6, -,�05000.00, and thi) Cost Of I C",-] i%, n � 0 i,:,, a t tbl.ro, Information sjrjj-qc:) would be Y.)()r 1000 011'0-0 f 0 of 1*10 o nt.0 per kilowat hour; that the Oi,ty of aoltont amal.ler. than Anaheim, but being a large, consumer of ale( t du to 14a'amtrial oondWona, is served by said oompw the same, rat's which said company proposes to serve tho Of A)Uhoix* ' but With a minimum of 010,000 per year, Tht Of AVeadlat mfor than the nity of Anaheim, and with. a tively amaller output, is served by said company at a rai Ono . pent Per kilowat. hour.. W0 are advised that the Cit; A.ro SO mer A&vortio*na for. bids for the installation e►i a ndonod ouch rooeodin s and entered into -treat with rho outhorn Or ,ifornia L+'d1 bn Company, at thi above given, We 11arther adviae that the Board of Trustees instruct( 01ty Attorney to submit the proposition herein reeommemdt and the altoxnati.ve proposition as. to the use of gas eng: in our power plant, and the propoeition to use stsami pvw4 in our plants to the Railroad oommi.saion, of the state of forab . i* r their expert. advice, but that the Railroad OC si mi bslon hold that _under theiaw, they. ]gad no jurisdioti.ox at+t ; po.0 this Propositiono and declined to give the requo dyi Wo . advisod day Mr. Koiner that the ezpensa of prod uc i g o3. otri.c ity for the q ty of Pasadena,, where the'City :. at 0the municipal plants .:.P 4pproxi,mstoly .98 of a 00x11 p: r .owat . hour, including overhead, deprooiati on and . a7 i Cith�r ���ohse� In view'of :the .foregoing i:t+ t along into rsQx�id®r,tl the utoart ain continuity of. gap produotion, together witl i yr a t '' t i Saar- tlhe ov8 !h d :02ponao d zroat dei. 0A's4i 4.0 410 Walk T '14 01241 a hon"ats'b at0.1'nteod' iX1to wi.'h the o� i.1._VrM by said city for altorins the pumps in our power houre to con- form with present aonditionG . 3* That said oontraot.. shall ppBxatG as TrOm the 7 d .of APri .r. 19161 thO dat$ 0 the oentraot Under whi.oh wo aro at present opea�0i:ail an'd that the diffe genas ��b�rdex� our pa�o�� rent rat -e and the. new gate above set forth, will be refandod by Saj& Qompanv to the Ojt.y, upon the oleoution of such contract. Reapootfiujiy oubmittadp c�CJ mac,..• ,. /./y// �`.. /L � �.�� �4.n•'V � J«..L�i r- r-+. �..r �v.+w+. �- „"1r+ L.(.... C C � '.`^.... 4�.4- Y4 . / . Cc C- 1 f-. .... -..! cx✓s./'t/C_ S'- rr� - ' f Vr ��t.��i1 /... i��l�. !moi" 4r. �(.�C.R✓ • � J �.. .-r' `."may ���.r�r- (✓ I Sr � V c c,�-c.r-c �...�►� C.�fc... ���.n/l t : ; ,�J �.c.. �' �,�c.. �.7 �c-c�-�� �f�.. k �`- �{�. SAI ,/J �ClJ ,.1./Y'l. Com:-� �� , ^' �.:J�-�/..� P!�►..V7.�C./l�i C�rcll'�.� . .!�'��J.., ./�i�� . � C'(..���[.lC� /.ti..T/, .r7 C.�"4'f..� �• ��.�r.. 11— r} y Ck-Y 1. .. -c 9.:. r. ��j c,-cr ca-�^�..-vt. q 'E, /CJ'[„ c..�_a .'VL ��.�-�-�t..+�✓7-a-c..v �.� �r �'�.�-..�.-..�.<...-� o-,.� {'Jj 4 LY CJ t f. . / r..c..4., wc. �'c�n�s-C. � /'ti o �-c'-�� � f�'�-c o•'•-�.. ,�/-C cr,-c. [� � Cc...a� �. ca.e�l'+[, G-�J �`J-�+i�*� G4• / t7 C?"} L.. E:. �'"VL E� �'L4..r1L 'L . �.. t31.•[- C?L I& C c,,a . rlab C. -Z , f �� C t.r� C ��-'i-LQ CSN' L.'YY. C,!'Ye. 4. •�'"7. £ iu. � r //C..cn� V s s�^�'� /}�-o-,- ,�l c t .�7,1.�j-^ �� t..Jffi--xz c�4 z �arw�.:. " ei ! ".a. f. .•moi � � u� �n-•C-�. c�=,.� �, �� !'c c...[- ,�tz. Q. . ''�'J � r.�.�� G. cR.:t.�..vs'RJJ �- c�-u" ti.�c..l.;•�.c � C....: --� �.Ctr..-� �s� . u �/ .ice./L.. X1.1 %._•if )-"1-1 �J �y'y" ,r�r • �:.1 .�- C l ir'I-"L C%4.J1 •L fi-eRyW-f.aL � !��.� �l./7...6...� Y. C.. �.'ntii .C.%F"'Yi! .. I �.'V�S.�f 4 . {�%1. �,/�CJ+•/�K..F� J ril:.:L.{��, .JR✓� i� i�ti) i+w f../R// � .A.. [.^(..moi l..l'I.rR:.l. [�1��...� .�G:....... �����✓ 4✓�/y"� C.. ' 1./ q%Y'i.... vin, , ./� o�w �� /J Vic. - .�� . ��.�-r-i..�. cr-r--C../•,� _ ,,c -v cv�-�....-:.si,�a �' ..c�-csc�c..t,, cx-,-,�.��c..c..cy`,. c�trr. O � . R-.7 . �� b/-�-tom... �t�C of et.[r,.•r n '�'x a� eh.e es.�. tf"'2.. . / R3 C} •Qo 6.00 7.00