1917-10-087", -- ,t 73 z? ;.. C 1C'- L z { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 71'1 T113 i3t%11,tU U�' :L'i�U. TS aJ U�C7 Th" (�i1 Ol 1i1.1 `1 ::a1J 1♦ z 301,11T1o1T 09 r7r,; :oa'kln oc ��u�e;u� � ,'1i'.T,1271T�TG .a.;uz o> s��aozn7t 111,01 2.- tLi,ID TN '1Il C1TY 01' Aldir, 3114 011 'a11li 214]7 A. D. 7.917. DtiY.On' OCTOI; . t 1j5 3 the i30,3rd of 1J.'U"J'00e0 e': tike City of -,i4 huim did by Urd'nurzce Jo. :i17 of Old city, call; lid order to be held in the 5r icl City of u1aP1eilu, asocial election OR the 2114 dv of 00tob. er, A. D. 1917, for tilu purVo,jv of $ubmittin.a to the (luzlified voters thereof, the following i)r0p0Uitl0ll, to -writ; A proposition to 1nour a bonded ilzdubtedness by the City oi' Atluheim to tho a- mount of One hulldroe' tliouawld dollar$ (;"'100,000.00) for the pur.. 11oee 01' the construction of F1 building for mu.jacipal L1000, to -wit, a city f1011 fOy &rlcl 01.ty, tOgother with the facgaiuition of land :for tho co.1struct:i.on t1wroon of said city 11all, ial4'.3 ','„i . uarai sz:id ordin,mcu calling and ordering said species olootion w,llo, auly:pu111i h} ,d .,8 : oqu.ired by DAIv, and as,appoo:bs 14 fi'rom the a:fiidavit of Henry kuchol on file in the Office the 1'8 o Oity Clark o she Oil y of ;yiicaxuim, mid - 19 it Lipp 0ars that said spociatl aloctxon tires duly yield ' 20 a,n aec;orduncu r:ith lair and said cull, On L11e said 2nd day Of i _ 21 Outebur, ,i. :U. 19171 as ai'oreoaid, and that the polls ut said 22spucial.electien liars kept open dttx-inC tito time required by law, 23 and that the stuae Was held and conducted, and tient 1.ho votes oast 24 thoreut, were received and cati¢'assod and Lite returns thereof asoer 25 'pained, doturminod and declared as tliurain 11r0vided, and azcording l� 26 to the laws of the state of oalifornia, - raid rho ordinances of said �. 27 city, and - �I � 1 - - 28 G;12R!AS the said Board of lrustoes of th3 City Of xntltaim did, �l 29 upon tilu :first Monday tdtor said elootion, to-wit, on the dth 30 day of October, A. D. 1917, moot in adjourned session and proceeds — 31 60 canvass the returns of said special election as required by law 32 and the result of said ,antras shows the facts as herein sated ate _ t set forth; . 1 IT 10 -.."1.:,,, A U_t�. t..;;Ji 7-ill, irN'i'�cS:Tih� a:a11 11: 01,,,.t;; 4a FOLLOWS" 2 (1) -'hut uhwo a bore Xottx s'lUUiel i.loction Yreox-sects within I 3 .:;.),id ui'L;r :'or tato pux°�lose of holding '„wed Special. :Taction, which 4 L;locti.oll Precinct loo. 1;11 speciml 31eo- 5 a1.o71 irecinct 11o. 2;"Tliwciatl Lloctioil kreo.Lnct ido. 3;° and, 6 -.9loction L'roci.tlot iio. 4,11 the boanli,irie,4 of which wore 7 ro lreotLvely tea 101lows, to•-Wig; 8 Tile bou:.di-rluQ of 8pocitl.1. �laeti.oa iropiiiet glee. 1, tLt said 'I 9 spa(lia uleo'Lioti wart: a.t 1:)iiQ o; ,r Beginning at u point , the South H.. of Seetlon Slxtoen (lU).-- 'fownsllip _ ' - Noll r• (d) Solr th, Range Ten (10)a R'ast. S¢n 13ornnroh,o Hneo trod- rldal, at the point of hltersectlon of sold Sent h Il- with tale North and South center line of sold Section Sixteen (IU),. - Seer on Ls xto i 1 (161) o too Its Inteleectlon with the extended Best line oP Walnut ry - f - - -- I - - - .I. .. - ... S[rre[, thence North owngaold East Ilse' .. to ItsIs�I )Southerly thootLot alAnahelm Exteskiii.n,a - alar,- on n loop reftda by William Halnel and filed for record in the Mee f the. Court Recoldel oP Los Angeles Co U•, Ca11P la lM1ence Eaatnrly I g tl a' South line. of said Lot Thing ono to it:. ethence .... center: Ilna oP South SS'eat St"'01"- - _' T'— Nortl mdv. alpngg aftld oM., tine to It as [sj,'a' ion wit11the extended Ninth "It - line ,f West Broad Street, [hence En. -... arty along said Northerly line Broad Street to It 1 t( anon : with\ute'�. thane, North erlS,y longrthe deet"' knee Of B n a o aantnr. lin arise Los Arwltl¢the icor extend �f Rost -- - '- - 'y -- - - Center Sheet and \Vast Center Street; thence \Voslerly along [he center Ilna 0I 11'eSt Centel• Stroot to Its Inlereee- - '- tion with. rho Westerly boundary 'o[ said cl[Y than S a[liat•ly 0.10118 th0 - said Westerly boyndft y It.. of baid CIU•.' ,.to Election Precinct 1.10. 2 at aaid - 20 The boundaries of SplJciul - 21 Special election,wer© as i:pllevNS; _ I fiaginnlitg'at - point whore t r Ilno o! West pdale Sf t [ rix ha- the trier line of Weat Cenle 6t•aet ir' to aontlon with the center lino of North ter eta the westeely hoondfiry lin of ,Los Angale Sp•oeq thanes southerly -- a¢Idclty, running thence No [I ol1Y-long elan the aentel Ilneof sold North Loa - sold 14 aaterly bound if Ilni to n loin. Angeles St, et VVrodooed S uth ray to Its wh re sold Wa t ly b undo y Ian t Intersection gtl'eat - ,itis >nbt Cents., ¢rad the Northerly h- b uld ry .lino of said c1U West Canter 9h•net; [hent 'Westerly at the Noah W t ly con tl f• 1 ng [he.. center Ilea oP Wost Cantel Fabtarly nlon6 aaid Nol tl _ _ f then, ga'lt street to the nolnt of Uegh,ning_ 'boa d r line to a paint where -- --_- Nortlnfy boundnty. tine Interaeclo the; _ -- "'at., line of North Lemon Street thence. SouthOrlY aloegg the center lino f ealrl North Lemon 9tleet produced SrutharlY. -- — to Its; intaraeotlon with. Wet Ad Stre t thancei' Eagterly 'along theon•- Ice -- - 29 Tho bouadwriu„ of Spuci�tl '+Iuctiori l,rocigot 110. 5 at said 30 ;;;a'uciul 0lcetion rJ.ure ars i'o11ow;.; 31 13eolnning nt 4 point where .. .. the CanteP Ilan C No th Lemon 3troet I ntorbecta the Nortllol'IY boundary line of 'sR1U t tc; I•Rnning thence Enalevl)' Hong aitl NOPt118r1Y boundary Ilne opP anld t.nSh.a the eu`stel'ly bUld u Id41y Ilse )e( flllltl nt_tlte Nor[h Prtsterly aornel• there- _..,.... n center llne t the polo[ of baglnning,. 6 !!to bouud<arius o t noaial ::lou1; on j °oci int Io. i• S.Li3c io.n ::u ._ :iulLo�. . ,yhe_ the Begmning at a Point _. cooter• Ilne o[ Ennt Center 13 (2} TfUt thc3 Witold munber of votes aast in S:Noa.tt� ;lection l h. 14 Proa4nct Ifo. 1, 15 d 16 (x) Th;ae tho r:hoLo axr(mbor o," vaG,00 cast in ; i) ,I. Sloction Prucinot 1W. 2, 17 1.8 (4) • That tYte whole munboa of votos c;tst i(z �,1)oci � ;'lection Frecine-t Ido. 3 was / 2 I 20 (5) That thcs Who Ia nurnbur oa veto aa�at ill Spacial election f -.�.a 21 Pre einct Ito, i, waa zao I Wj 22 That the ntunbex of votes cast tat eeai.d Si,eci<tl tiott in sai 23 Spec:i.a]. d';lection Proc9flet 110, 1 in favor of sOld nt:"o;,osi_tion, was rI 24 i 25 ?'hrit the number of v0to5 e .st tharoa9 In e; c3.d :,,1 auittl blootio 26 1 aainct 2fo. 1, o"jai rt3t r>;.ti�d ,)to�x t.tior't sa,fpr'0€aatid., '. a'e 61S 27 7'ht the number of votes c,arst at s id ^oocjSal Jlect5.on in sai 28 pcc:i.tt1 Sloction Pr.ocinct ho. 2 9n favor of Said _,coposition, was That the nunibor of votes cast theroat in sctd 30 ;iuocitzl i 0 —ip 31 nrecislot No. u, r,)1;aluist said nro))osit9.o:n .al:or0�tiid, was G3 _ - That rho number of votes cast at said altocial Election 32 in sai 400ial B160tion Precinct No. 3 in favor of said proposition, was That the `urld)UV of votes cast thexetit in said 21jocia;i, j9lection 2 I'xe0 "' "'0"3, against; Braid proposition aforesaid, was 3 d'}Iat the nwnber of votes cast at said Special uluction in said 4 peUiu?. :Jloction 2rocinct Ido. 4 in favor of said Proposition, eras 0 ' 6 6 ...a '.. _.... 'That t 11e r;ambor of votes cant the3rvat in said spocial Election " 7 r.�ecines o. �., aa,gczin t �cNicl p:coposi.tiols aforesaid, upas !v3 l'hat the nurnUer oy votes Cast thoreat in said cit; in favor � 9 of : —Iid hro'posit:ion, yeas /'3 �. 10 and, ti,a lumbar oz votes oast thereat: in said ity, ag€il.nst 11 :acid. pyo )o.;it'on 'a4.:3 .3 .7-8 and 12 it r., qq,aroni; A 1awr. tivz 'Oro-tllirdc of the 13 Vo 1ill SLivor 0-' illu ti. -Gill' L.ia bonded debt v > 14 .:,JI, fol tit in ojid pro )) 1'i;lon, proposition to incur. a � 15 ,. b, the City of 1:naLauira to the �xoom of one bond.od 21'labtod.ner.e3 J J 16 `S1L111drod f,c1owq. rld doJ IU5"ij _(NIC0,000.00) for ;ho 1-ju po-'o of the t 17 construction of a building for r micipal uses, to -wit, to City 18 Ball for said City, I,ogothcr lith tho acquisition of land for *h9 19 ' constriction y ,croon o� s• city 112La, s 20 '� r I tt .... 112 Tw HiZiA3ti i+URIA1u11 i=01vll ll 1t3�1IiaJi �ilvfi ll-�UL.iii.z that r `21 „ t ,�g tutu -chards (2/3) of the'voters voting at said 6pecial. J, otion 22 did "i -lot vote in favor of Bald proposition, rola refused to author. 23 iLe tho incurring of a bonded debt to the remount and for the e 24 purpose stated in said proposition, and therefore, that bonds 25 will not be issued to daisy the expense of the i pXovoment 26 specified therein. q r-rn crL-cm � p - . .. it � L/. //� (/i -c. GC 5„-�.L % �h o - Wil. �-YC.. U E U c✓C.LoC� � �Pv4. g c*'(/N" q /.?C J ca..t. �. /V S-<-� �. �.1�La✓.1 �41n_ GAA ;.. / �7 [L-tt. gi44c-i... ........ . ' I tiln'l� �Gr��.. /[.! � F, l-�S')�Ln./2.5'.-vrT'C. Yid-h.G vv �J'J 4�%1�-+-r �.,'CT�j ��/L-�l✓... i 5 ,3) q i ✓�'r'.' l'L�l OYr� `-�// /A a Cl/l-( Let cL... eV /v <i•�r.//9// �-E-f,V'ii✓t.. /V� 'C.A,-[-[, �oM. C_ - c/V.�'�f�2.NWN'L�i..A.. 1 �/Ci/Y%2'�✓l�(-<S `-'.I�W�(Yt.L...00iG �8 — /. r+. /7. .. Oi�(,.[r•�/1.� "'. 1 - L -U. 90 v� � -L f. _.. CL �O"t'•L /`-'� /Y�-4CCoL O-,�L_ n G — � UtJKf�. "k— -I LA \}{:%�. ��s✓i..,0 <A'S-�.���'�-C_q,c.c �.<,"a.<. /'J En.(-,-�.aivl-<, Hippp !'1..�(_ C.�C-/L C(" N CI.Yn-L CIC. 0. CjGn, o-i"q ✓i crJ 1�-5-t 9 G�LG/d �/.(sLC Ci._ /� O IX �:�Cl � G CB.Gi�� ..-. 1717 _- ' ��%, �.-C--l.��� /r-�- < <,.,C— L� ✓C. �7 �A.0-ti[ L.� �C.� 1 = C u}.�. � 7!. - ti 's et -t," `/� Gl 4ivV�.�•V �'in-i L4CL C/C. CY� 'J cJG++.,- f-. / ,( �] / `��I. � �1 �^-"•'�-o-Y�U / � ���£-(�Y��l. � CC Y�-4<A-ln �q �E.0 pyyL -- I t-47 I J 4 .. � • / L cr c.ii.� <�:�..., � c�...a, c, c�vc�C,, �c,cn!+r(.. ct" c.Cc�G�... a e. � iC-/"c-e_ '� f"C-C."CVtM."l.-q n.�1 Z, [, �E.,(_V,.C/c_�R/m�i_. 0... /YLa.t-<ia ar✓c.GG� Q�-�.�iL,/"Lc'1.�'G+1. Vi -y�-- {':. } `iZo,. G. � aa(. 72( c.crc �. / �, �C�,C�un,/C �.� c. • �/c � oC��(�-c� c.c_ • Q%�' �„�, _ /4 O /�. c�:-vL C�. qV4. �q/v� �t.(w tiVV.f (a.L•(.ieC G-, e, ., c�.� o ' 7? r , aC �,y ✓i u,� c ..o Ec . �jx ' l� ✓C,:.ch' L L9Y L,LL� 9 t C< lca"•t.c4-a.� "