1918-08-29'- Y' t..�-<.l IIA Xv-, 0�1 I CXIZ k. 4 C. /L 4L 41 CL-.(- t'X. ALALa'vL. A -L V,,:-&1-104, L CY4 v C, c) I'd L 1) c WN C- cl- OVI--L C �A V4, -4- c' 1:1.... /11-1 711 v '` s�;,� F�„.' t{1,c�,,./t,- •ir.:l,,.wx� �..,. -�.�.c<.. �� �cn-►-..(..h�cac. , i.•�..ch.Vs� '[. "'. G.,m ,y�J r�(r� �. ( �.. �.� �{ /►�c c,-.-.- c ,�., LZ 4( ... >.,,,.:. .�.:F o+... , i !lrP•'Cl C. 'Yw L., SdvL. �:/ C.Y.�t:. 01.. CO"Yi.�fi Y..l:� � �� j -.`•Cr':..+/A..R fiL/l..M1,/�/] /ry Ai�%�/:JY'R .�'�r���W. C.JFrI.�. �i1't�i �.... .�'1. '.�—rf '`%.. .!'-- JJ 1. �'�"Ck.I.� ._/L.�L,.IJt.�.�. - _-1 • nl 4113 �'/°r c,. � n-s.�(.r-�.'✓u ���.�c �{.�.crs�t..o cr-r I �.1,crc..�-.L�,C�y�.q ..1,'�1in-r-i..,c.�• .�,..t�-s.J�_£�. i�-c-C -- 9 a { 4A .t2 'V.fV _ 117 1 �cv,ti vL' 's La —ai.. cn-�-t [�ciL.. i. 'lYGrv.. v `4. ✓ rM-.-�.ca � [h.rr.-t c� ✓ s ��-L�L C�-�tA / C7-c�-ti.fa'�.. r; . �.1 f[. C.•.�,C.0 %,e,�,L— "�,C�-c./ E,+�. 5..�.•J�'J a'L�7�4.C. £..Gr[, t./� ,.�C'1,��:�1 C �t.u.� �-l� ,/ - .:.,..:. �: ', ' ��..c"l�.u..c.(.��n-�.- �1 rt-f•.��. -'V G,-,•r.�� ti:�..t,,C.�C i� r t ri.c.CJ ' `'.,cam. ¢f E. r.�-C.: �-�L... .4c.rc.C.�• �^V I, 'I. Ll/ C cc ter¢, A, ti. / L'i. �/ �C� r'1. C7'[ i-�-Y. -4../L. 4�L.9'C'F.. v�1.�C. �yR.��"rWt /Z R�q�'�i�,IJ((LYYJ..4.1Y,Vi[9 UPON MIA yT114-Ay�J(,J�pV.2j�R�yD OV :011'l STAI-.:'13 02 TIH.l� GITY i/.�' l"J.1.l.La-'.I.l.lid 1"11111ING G UPO .4 IA .�L/x1V�i�XFSi'� � xlC � 9 1 7'fti � ♦ ,� � %�.� G�1��.a1�� 1t;uF1�'i �.i�01.t.,li�,'Y :i�T '�.H�► C0U.1411Y � ORATIDII, IMSORI.(3 'It A0 111MAYIV3, TO -WIT: LOT PIPTA'.0 (15) oil 00140AVY' S TRACT", , A a ' 1101011 014 lk MAP Tlfia'110;0 x ';mu ID BOOK 7, L'AG`G 1S 00 And 34 OP M13(;�;],i,AT:J.4UUu Tyl1?~pa, 1U:,0C11D 3 OF OIW 4 RIEMQI,VAD 13Y 111 .130ARD OP TRCI`:' .�:aS 01 TIi� CITY Uri' 0lil aI tJ 6 B 7 9 10 I� 12 20 23. 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 L 29 30 That tho ubli.a interest and convenience requires tk-ltd Ili meddate acquisition by the Gi.ty of imahoi.m of oortai.n real pra.l,'wrt thu ti.t:ly to whi oh i o now vested in ono V, U. 0.Umpson# ..:a�=:which &UA real property i.e situtate 141 the COLinty of Orange, State of Oiil,ii°arn, iu, and is a000-ribed �,u :t.'ollovie, to -wit: Lot bli.fteen (15) o:e the "All huim Inv0otmont Oompunylo Tract", Els sllowyl 0X1 a ,Df:�p t1laroof re- corded in Dook 7# lmgos 33 and 34 gat. Hiacellaneoaa Mtaps, Records o Oran90 County, CaaU.forni,a,, ra,i.d lot con-ta.inln�3 :1.0.43 acres# Reaory. inw o. r1ght of. way aloxlg the line of pr;.'.i d Lot for it ditch to convey Vrater for irrigzitinj3. said lot and the adjacent land., t).nd MOW oary ng zho , Nicht to constraot a cemmit ditch or 14ps line upon at ,. r:i,C,ht of way -to be usod for .;a U d jourposus, i'ogother with all and S inatUar tho :ri thus, he ,r, clot arrant s wad lip-partanranco s 'thereto bs- lvrlgin.g or otherviise appertaijaing, incl: d:3ng e;b aertain water x°l. as 0,videxioed by a certain Contract datod on the 8th ray of 14avembo �. 15311 and e-caoated by tho knaheiisi laveat tent Company, a corporation,. , d said V4 u. Ampson and which provi clan that the said Anwieim In :> VOUtmen,t t°.ompany, a corporation shall and it therein agrees to fury ni.eh to the atUd Vo U# Simpeono or his aepigns, Vv ,ter for the irri-- igati.on of said real property horeinhefore deooribed, at the cost price to its of such water so Xurniahsd, togother with the Lino` of ole aitche4, pipe lines or other o,Jndui.t s running -`rom tkie Pamp in )r plants owned or controlled by tho said anahei:m Investmont Qompunt. rar the oonveya.nue of said water land sub jaota eve t,la0le8 ;o the conditions in FMid oantraot aont.e,t,ned,0 ; Uo i 31 �1+ 3 { That said Borard ortusteosof the City of ahcai.m does 1 horob,r resolve and dotami.na to purchase aaid real proporty and vaI 2 0f,tRteh riCthts, interests ana hereditaments herein appertaining, in. 3 eluding all right, title and interest to the said V, ii, Simpson in 4 and to the said oontraat for the following cons idaf*lvag:-t+o.wit: 3 onds of the United Otatos Second Liberty Loan, caries of 1917, of 6 the ?gar value of 4,5500,00 vrith the accrued interest theroon; and 7 �66500y00 In cash la,7fuj money of the United States. That the Presi. s dant; of the Board o:f T ratite as oil tho City of f nahei m be and he is 9 h.areby :S.n Ar�wtorj to draw x.� warrant, on the Treaoury of said City of 10 Anahoimo in tho r,,ianner ,..nd Norm p:,4 rvi.dod 'by law and tho Ordinance o 11 of xai.ci t11ty, in the sort of $5500000 payable to the said V, Uj gimp. 12 f3on and the CjtT* (Jz ark of tho fetid city is heroby :i.xanstruated to 13 aouxtter»sie.n the oche and to (10.lAvE. r said warrs,nt, toCafllov with 14 ands of tho United '3tatas Second Liberty Loan, earios of 19170 OT 16 the ;gar' value of 6500,,001 to the vai.d Vo U. 9i.x poon to )on tho fo:,. 16 lowing (innditions turd n.raL othomiset to..wit; 17 10 That said V. IJ* limp on. deliver unto the said City of �na,. la ei.m, ra coed and safli dont Rood, daily oxecated and aal-Lnowledged by 19 ai.m be -.Core an of:rloer authorized to take acknowlednments,-ranting 20 und ounvo-ving to said City Of ialuhoim x:411 a ' the richt, ti i:lt) and 21 Interest of caid V, U. 3i.mpson in and to shi.d promises oub jeot only 22 e lion of twos for. tho fi vo al yoar 1918-19190 23 2, When said V,U# aimpson is able to farnish. to tho city of 24 '1nahei.m an unlimited c;ertifi(oate of Titia exec,utad wid issued by 25 some reli.ablo corpora tion within the County of Orange, authavi,zod; 28 y law to eAeoute such Certificates of 111:i.tla, :a1jowilig t;;ae title In 27 aid i�xc�mi gas to 'fie vost�od Il t.7�eni.d0 U♦ .:irrlpson i~xera ttxad clear 2a Df all lnc=branaes, exoept; the lian f(WW tapes or tho fiscal' year 29 9.18-1919* And thereupon sal d V. U0 3i.mpson shall at his own oz.. 30 MOO eauss suoh Certificate to be oxeouted provided however, th 1 such cortiftaate skull j3how the ti-tio to �aid premiees to be Vostod , 2 in said City of hivaheim subject to the lion for taxes as aforasaidq. 3 fte expens.0 of said oertiflaate shall be boxn'a by said V U• p Sim sa r 4 provi.dina, howevero that said City of Anaheimo Anaheimshall. p ay whatever rD expenzoo may be nooera$ary �o oauee said oarti.vi,oate of Title to ; a show the ti.tlq to aai.d grami:sos vos'ted In said City of Anahei,mo 7 That the. uaid. V0 U0 '. impsoxi deliver unto tho City 't of Ana. 8 beim said co.n't=ct'Til-th said Anahoim 'Investm+enrt oomp=y, to other. t 9 "Yi.th a written a3ai e nmont thereof, dalY 620cated: and rac),,nowledged 10 by him�aesigning sand. t.ran.ote: "ri.n ll of ��x� ri�h�, title and.i:ntc 11 eats of said V, Ua 8ImPSon in and :::to the said contract unto tho it { 12 of . i,.naha i m, : I Tha"F`,'%ty T2,0UMMUr of tho City Of ;U10iGira is directed f0rthV-'ith (102-i lrur Vritod 3-tatuu Fonds izi tho 50cond Liberty 1 'j - Of `I'D17 Of thct par valau of 4?'5600,00 to tho city 0jur. 1 Or�08 - sold City of 3=lrdheiwq f0jr Tho fat: rljose of carrying out, this r, tiono Thie reBolation ie heraby deularea to be a resolati( the imnlOdiate preservation of tho publio health and safety w- tN iijeaniag of an act of the Lagiall.ttilro of the ;,tate O.E Cg.11, entit,led,"An Act to pl'ovide, -for %-UrGot logislation by Cities and 4. townsf Including Initiative and Raforandumll$ aPprov0d Janaary 2. 19,121 &nd all aotFj amazidatory thereof and supplemajitary thereto* And the same shall e,0 into' Offect and be in fa,11 j.,orce immediately" after Its PassaP,,O, That the fwts conatitutinp the urf"'Giacy dor t1,161 immetdiet,a passage 4aid takirig,, off,....ot O!f thIS resolution aro as lo ri s That for aevert;'l yours last Past the City of 'inaheim has opo rad ted Wid jitaintainod a 80111or farm for t11(3 trO�)tWnt 4Md dIS-position x the 80wage of said City of rjuallaimo I.ty means of certain 'tank knovin an Imhoff Tank and by a process ol, irrigation and the apreadln� oil tho efi'juent from naid tank upon -the lands in the vi, Anity of nald Sewer farm, That on to -wit, the 19th day of qril, 1918, a judgment and Doaree was duly made and enterod in the Superior of tho StzltO 01 California, in and for thu County 01., orwle in an action thOrOin ponding, in whioh the 13eople of t1,10 Mato of C nia was Plaintiff rind the City of Anaheim and John 9,, Rockwell d0terldants,' In and by which said judgment and Doorae thed 0 and gaess arlaing, and emm"Inating from said tank ,..nd from the a f -.E:j R ent and 00w040 spread by u PrOGeOs of Irrigation 'Upon the lands ILPO:0, Whiah said tank is Sittlated and upon lands f3ituated In the oommuni deacribed in tho complaint in eaid action and from the eowage j.Vr ies gated. lands in auld OwmUnity and the distami.nat:Loa of said ods -Xos 11 rO LIP, h tho az-id viGli-nity were adjad&d to- be a public ntileance therein and "said DQf0fidants wore then in ondoined and Ot:ra& A from maintaining amid ,�All,*Zad rublio nuiennoo. and . were therein 0 rda' cid by 0aid Court to abate said r public nuise.nce within one Hundred (100) UYS after the notice Of entry of the Jadgment In said w-t;:.an And that khareafter and on to -wit the 22nd day o. -C Apri:L, 1918 ou d5fendants ware 30rVed with a notice of the entry of said Judgmant.� That thereafter and within said oriod of V one htindred days said City of Anaheim did oaasG another and additional Imhof:e Tank to be const'r'aotad upon paid promiaes designated as said mWer farm and that the same jo Ion* That Sold Ion now ixi op-e.rat. d deli natod as said rjewer fwml is lr-Laaa qtlato to ProPorty diSP000 Of the Id. I, A - El EM *R- y c7cm 1.1) ('; Z;tt." 9r 445 sowaige and effluent ammanatine from said Septio tanks and it will be 23 34 necoseary to acquire ache and. additional lands for the pvmpokw zrm. 25 wont t%nf hmdr A d d1opool,tion osaid' newage, That said -period of one days has axi,lred. That said rjevieZe cannot be properly wid efficlen i- 28 ly treatea unless said. City of juialle im j,211nedlutaly W(JLUMS other 27 lands for that pLirpomb And It Is therefore necossary for said Oit4r of Aknaheim to imimbdiately ueqLLjre the stands hereinbefore desorlbod 29 :fQr the i,)arpose of complying, with the tome of said order and Norm 30 31 of maid Superior Court, 00 '73 c. 1jr1O V- - A" d-1-117 rx v� I tl� ---t 11(4 E- 71 CX, 77 "6 -1- I -A F- C- F /e/1 L Cx, V-.&, C- 73 �64 � /Q-" -r-4 � C cx- zq F. P � tX- 1 -131A Ct -er-T- l4t, C,v X:a CA- rj-V-L,c.�L A- c, f-- C, 64f i O -Liz- 47-te.. ctwl 1�-� C' V- 1-0 Y. C.r "L o&t',4<_ CS) -7 X-,(