2000/06/13 (2)IIANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING II JUNE 13, 2000 The City Council of the City of Anaheim, CA met in special session. Present: Mayor Tom Daly, Council Members: Frank Feldhaus, Lucille Kring, Tom Tait and Shirley McCracken. Staff Present: City Manager Jim Ruth, City Attorney Jack White, City Clerk Sheryll Schroeder, Assistant City Clerk Cindy Daniel-Garcia, Community Services Director Chris Jarvi, Planning Director Joel Fick, Public Works Director Gary Johnson, Community Development Director Elisa Stipkovich, Police Chief Roger Baker, Fire Chief Jeff Bowman and Public Utilities General Manager Ed Aghjayan A copy of the agenda for the special meeting of the Anaheim City Council was posted on June 9 2000 at the City Hall inside and outside bulletin boards. The Notice of Special Called Meeting was delivered on June 2, 2000. The Special Meeting was called for a workshop on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2000/2001. Mayor Daly called the special meeting to order at 3:09 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Anaheim City Hall, 200 S. Ariahelm Blvd. The first portion of the meeting was the continuation from June 6, 2000 of the departmental budget presentations on the proposed Fiscal Year 2000/2001 budget. FISCAL YEAR 2000/2001 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET WORKSHOP (continuation): City Manager, Jim Ruth, announced that it was typical that the proposed budget would require some modification due to information which was not available at the time of the printing of the proposed budget. He summarized the following revisions: 1. The proposed 12 additional positions in the Fire Department's proposed budget be eliminated. The necessity for the proposed new fire company to support the expanded resort activities will be reviewed mid-year with recommendations to Council at that time. The position reduction brings the citywide number of proposed new positions to 14, instead of the previous 26. He added that this did not include any future action Council may take on the golf maintenance operation. 2. The Fire Department's budget will be reduced by $595,000, which is the amount budgeted for the 12 positions. The positions were budgeted to come on board during the last half of the fiscal year, commiserate with the completion of the resort construction. Mr. Ruth reported that additionally, it was anticipated that in the very near future the City would receive the arbitrator's final decision concerning the City's labor arbitration with the Anaheim Firefighters. It was his intent, he explained, that he would come back to Council after receiving the decision, to discuss the impact to the CITY OF ANAHEIM - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 13, 2000 PAGE 2 City's budget, with the recommendation for appropriation adjustments as necessary. The modifications would decrease the proposed budget by $595,000. City Manager, Jim Ruth, asked Chris Jarvi, Community Services Director, to present the depadment's budget which is located on pages 46 to 51. Community Services Director Chris Jarvi presented the department's budget through a power point presentation, which has been made a part of this record. Mayor Daly asked Mr. Jarvi if the $2.12 million budgeted was for use anywhere in Anaheim and Mr. Jarvi responded, no, it was specific to projects. He said the largest single project was Maxwell Park, $1.1 million earmarked for that park, expansion of the green space into the Edison right of way. Council Member Tait expressed his desire not to have the $6.2 million expansion for the golf course, instead he wished to see the Meg Ranch Park added to the list of parks. Mayor Daly asked, in addition to the Parks and Playground Fund, what other budget devices are used to reserve and preserve and anticipate funds for parks, open space and recreational facilities development. Mr. Jarvi responded that there were only 3 sources; the Parks and Playground Fund; the City's Community Development Department through either block grants or redevelopment funds. He noted the Downtown Community Center was developed with a good deal of redevelopment funds, both Ross and Vermont sites were block grant projects. He noted that the City had been able to acquire some "turn key" parks in the east part of the City. Mayor Daly asked where funds would show up in the budget if the Council wished to budget park money, using Meg Ranch as an example. Finance Director, Bill Sweeney, answered that it would show up in a number of locations, one being the Park Site and Playgrounds. He said if Council wished to have that information in one formatted form, staff could provide that. Mayor Daly noted that the Park and Playground Fund reflected developer fees and Mr. Jarvi agreed, adding there was a little bit of sale of land money that had been added in the past. Finance Director Sweeney added that he did not believe there would be any legal restrictions on Council enhancing the Park Site and Playground Fund. Council Member Feldhaus asked if there was a list of park projects that the department was working toward. Mr. Jarvi said there was not a formal list in the budget. City Manager Ruth said it was the intent of staff, as the bankruptcy monies came in, to come back to Council to receive recommendations based on Council's input. CITY OF ANAHEIM - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING -JUNE 13, 2000 PAGE 3 Mr. Jarvi said Council's priorities would be included in park development plans like Council Member Feldhaus' desire to have a skateboard park, which would be incorporated in the development plans like for Maxwell Park. Council Member Feldhaus added expansion of parking at John Marshall Park and Mr. Jarvi informed that project was included in the coming year's budget. Council Member McCracken noted that the City was looking for funding from the State for the Maxwell site and Mr. Jarvi replied that was correct, there was some bankruptcy money set aside for that, design money set aside and he was looking for other sources to help supplement the fund. Mayor Daly asked if Edison was putting any money into that project and Mr. Jarvi responded no. Council Member McCracken said she disagreed with her colleague on the golf course clubhouse expenditure and that the City Manager and City Attorney needed to review the General Plan as it pertained to Meg Ranch. She explained that parks in that area were supposed to be neighborhood parks not ones on major thoroughfares. Council Member Tait asked Council Member McCracken if that meant she was against the development of Meg Ranch and she responded that if it meant a change in the General Plan, she would not suppod a change to the Plan for a $20 million park at a major intersection. Mayor Daly asked staff to suggest where and how in the budget Council could fund some of the new park projects talked about, an assessment needs, and report back. Community Development Director Jarvi added that the west end of Yorba Regional Park offered the opportunity for at least two fields, adding that the City may even get the County to develop it. Mayor Daly noted that before the County was asked formally, the Council should discuss it. Council Member Tait, speaking about Meg Ranch, noted that now was the opportunity, once that was developed, there wouldn't be a change to develop a park or a major sports complex. He noted Vermont Park was not general planned to be a park and was also on a major thoroughfare. He said he wished to take a serious look at it and maybe add it to the list of something they might pursue. Council Member McCracken said her concern was that the Canyon General Plan was a little different from the General Plan for the rest of the City and she said she believed there were some conditions in the Canyon General Plan. She reiterated that she had been supportive of parks and wanted to add additional fields and parks. Council Member Feldhaus noted Assemblyman Correa was supporting a batting cage in Boysen Park and Community Development Director Jarvi said he was working with the Assemblyman and the group that wishes to have the batting cages. CITY OF ANAHEIM - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 13, 2000 PAGE 4 Mayor Daly said it would be helpful to have an approximate price tag on the acquisition and development of all the projects, including skateboard facilities and also a recommendation on how they could be funded in the budget. He wondered if the funds were budgeted in the City budget, questioning if it penalized the City's chance of state funding. Mr. Jarvi said the City's wasn't penalized, but in figuring how to strategize it, staff looked closely at the sources of money and required matches. Mayor Daly said he would also like to see as pad of the repod, where the oppodunities were at to build a major regional park if City, County, State and Federal Funds were available. Mayor Daly said he would like the City to be in the position to suggest three or four projects to the County Supervisor for county funding. Mr. Jarvi said he was ready to do that and provide that to Council. City Manager, Jim Ruth, introduced Joel Fick, Planning Director, who presented the Planning Department's proposed budget, located on pages 64 to 67. Mayor Daly noted that the City Manager had recommended some of the bankruptcy settlement proceeds be ear marked for General Plan update, $400,000 for the next five years, asking if the first $400,000 increment was included in the proposed budget. Mr. Fick answered affirmatively. He explained that in the first year, they would look at the land use element, redevelopment elements and stad work on the Zoning Code. Council Member Tait asked why the General Plan was being updated. Mr. Fick said the document was the primary document that guided all development within the City. In addition, the recreation element was a part of that Plan and state law required that it be updated periodically, also required the elements to be internally consistent. He explained that it was good planning practice for the City to understand how best to funnel resources for the future for public and private development. Mayor Daly asked the status of the housing element and Mr. Fick responded that Community Development Department was the lead on the housing element and it was in pFOCeSS. Council Member Tait noticed the proposed budget had a reduction of three positions due to the winding down of the resort planning process and he asked Mr. Fick if there were positions added prior to that to fund the resort planning process. Mr. Fick answered that in the Planning Department, there were a total of five positions that were added due to the resort project; three were being eliminated in the 2000/2001 budget, the other two positions would be addressed in next year's budget. Mayor Daly asked if the Council could anticipate any changes in the Code Enforcement Program within the next twelve months. Mr. Fick said they used to fund part time hours for weekend and evening coverage, which was eliminated this year through the Block Grant process. Mayor Daly asked what the extended coverage would cost and Mr. Fick noted it would be about $35,000, which included the examination of illegally posted signs that occurred on weekends. Mayor Daly stated he felt that was a very important function and he asked staff to report back wwith a funding source for that. Mr. Fick stated that there was a noticeable community difference when that program was funded. CITY OF ANAHEIM - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING -JUNE 13, 2000 PAGE 5 Council Member Feldhaus noted the volunteers had made a difference, taking down illegal signs, picking up shopping carts, etc. Mr. Fick agreed. Council Member Feldhaus asked if the Code Enforcement officer assigned to weekends was on overtime pay and Mr. Fick responded no, his work hours were adjusted accordingly. Mayor Daly requested a report on how the weekend staff cutback may effect the volunteer program. Mr. Fick answered that it did not effect the volunteer program, the work hours had been adjusted to make sure there was coordination of that with the volunteers. Upon a question from Council Member Feldhaus, Mr. Fick responded that the all night graffiti survallience was when there was a specific officer assigned to a specific detail with the Police Department, in which case there was overtime because it was the most cost effective means. ADJOURNMENT OF SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Daly moved to adjourn the special meeting, seconded Council Member McCracken. Motion carried unanimously. The Special Meeting was adjourned at 4:10 P.M. and the regular meeting of June 13, 2000 was convened. Respectfully submitted: Sheryll Schroeder, CMC/AAE City Clerk