099IN THE SUPre,State OR COURT Of the County of an of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUN F ORANG ................being first duly sworn, deposes says: That at all times herinafter mentioned..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the princi- pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anabeim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding t e first pub licatio of the notice herein mentioned; that tLo. ................... r ........of which the annexed is a printed copy, was pubAed and printed in said newspaper at le t... ( `A..... on the .... day of. �-J ........19 p(�, h e ..............day of ........................ 1 .., s to t. , :and as often during said time as newspaper w e lady�i sued. Subscribe nd sworn to before me this.... 2. ............. . day of....... ....:1�t� .... 90..b . ...............I........ ........ Notary Public in and for Orange County, California IN THE SUPre,State OR COURT Of the County of -an of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA Ordinance No. 18Z SS CO1 F ORANG An ordinance fixing the time and place of i holding regular meetings of the Board 1 7j lj of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. being first, duly The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana. sworn, deposes says: That at all times herinafter mentioned..he heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. The Yegalar meetis of the was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a Board of Trustees of the City ofngAnaheipi shall be held at the City Hall in the City o,f' resident of said county, and was at and during all said tithes the princi— Anaheim on the second and fourth Thursday#% of each month, at 8 o'clock P. M. pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- Sec. 2. All special meetings of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anahei]t shall be held paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of at the City Hall in said City of Anaheim. Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- Sec. S. All ordinances -or parts of or an -F oes in twu$iet, fth the Prov ions of t heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of nanceere her ly repBaled. Sec. 4. The Cit yl� Clerk shall certify tohihe general circulation and is published for the dissernination of local and passage of this prdinanceand causeth+s to be pnbliehed once in the Anaheim (}�, telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona a weekly newspaper of general etreuIt�ttou, printed, published and circulated in satd fity fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said ofAnsheim,and thereupon and thereafteri1 shall be in full force and effect. newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City rsvALi CHAS3.OTTo $UoT of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more t hall of President Board of Trustees of the City n of Anaheim. onog preceding dint e first ublicatio of the notice herein mentioned; Ihereby certify that the fgregoing'ordin- ance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, that telae. ..... _ held on the 12th day of June, 1906, and that ' ' ' ' ' .. it was.-dulyru �- sed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 26th , ak of . of which thH June, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Dating, Kroegsff, annexed is a printed copy, was pub]' led and printed in said newspaper Stock and Fiscus. // Noes: None. /! a 4/47 � � I further certify that the President of said at le t ... �l RrL...!l Yf �4 .... .�y.�� ^� m..=n ��' on the Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the /1 26th day of June, 1906. !lL_ ..... day of .�� b jsawLJ Clerk of said EDWARD B. of Ana eT' 19 he ita. , ............. .d 17�:.... ...................1. .., U L Ll U d 'S 111 ll, sand as often during said time as 'd newspaper was- e ularlyi5suedJe. Subscribe nd sworn to before me this.... .................... . ,day of....... ............... 90. C Notary Public in and for Orange County, California Ordinance No. An ordinance fixing the time and place of holding regular meeting: of the Board of Trustees of. the City of Anaheim. The;Board.of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain -as follows: Section 1. The regular meetings of the Board of Trdstees of the City of Anaheim shall be held at the City Hall in the City of. Anaheim on the second and fourth OJU of each month, at 8 o'clock P. M. Sec. 24" All special meetings of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim shall be held, at the City Hall in said. City of Anaheim. Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. ---------.___- rPr► _�.--T}�e-eit r._c1e - a1ia11_-c-extify_ to _the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim., and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. President of the Board Trus ees of the City of Anaheii;. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 12th day of June, 1906, and that it was duly passed at a reg— ular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 26th day of June, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 26th day of June, 1906. Clerk of said City of Anaheim. IN THE SU I0 OURT an Of the Coun of OrState of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNT ' F ORANG ................ .....................................being first, duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times herinafter mentioned.. he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the princi— pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- paper of general circulation priuted and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic, news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding tthhh first publication he notiicccee} herein mentioned; that T�e�9�G�/l/ . ✓ ................... .. a.. .... .......of which he ... t annexed is a printed /copy, was pu lished and printed in said newspaper at least..Zi......... &MYTZ � on the ......day of.....................190.`P and as often during said time id newspaper cv r ularly issue. .............. �. = ........ Subscrib and sworn to before me this.... C .. : ................ day of.... ...... .190.0 /G�_ d, Notary Public in and for Orange County, California Ordinance No. 183 An ordinance ordering that two certain alleys in the Orange Grove Tract in the City of Anaheim be closed . up, vacated and abandoned, as contemplated by Resolution of Intention No. 58 of said city. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain AS, follows: Section 1. That those two certain alleys in the Orange Grove Tract in said city, as shown on a map of said tract recorded in Book 24, ppasgge So, of MlscellantouB Records of Los An - %, county, California, be closed up, vacated and by Resolu- tion of Intend n No. 56 of noned as saidecity, adopted Anril 10th, 1906, said alleys being described AS follows, to -wit: tol Beginning at the Southwest corner of, Loc i ingsaid tract and running thence Easter 4 ofisaid tract to the the southeast corof tner of said rot 4; thence -southerly 16 feet to the uordw4st corner of Lot 5 in said tract; thenbe westerly along the north boundary of spill Lot 5 to the northwest corner thereof and, r northerly 16 feetto the place of heginn ng. ibl Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot $ in said tract and running thence easter- ly,along the south boundary of said Lot S.to the southeast corner thereof; thence south- erly 16 tract; thence northeast along. thLot north boundary Qf said Lot 9 to the northwest cor- ner or nerthereof and ,thence.;,northerly 16 feetto h lace o beginff ning. to in up oft e Grove Tract more particffiarly described n section 1 hereof, and it appears to said Board of Trustees that there are no dartlsges;1 U or expenses arising out of said wo�Y--arid iipA1 Eull force. CH 11.0 111t „ I sssL} Presiadeut of•the Board of Trustees of the of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordin- ance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anahefm ., held on the 12th day of June, 1906, and that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meetiag of said Board of Trustees held on the i .... ,one. ho ,.l,w milowin¢ vote: )`foes: 'None. r And I further certify, that the Preftident of Said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance OR said 26th day of June V1'SWIRD B. mERRiTT. 't 16ECL1 Clerk of the City of Anaheim. Ordinance No. IS An ordinance ordering that two certain alleys in the Orange Grove Tract in the City of Anaheim be closed up, vacated and aban— doned, as contemplated by Resolution of Intention No. 58 of said City. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That those two certain alleys in the Orange Grove Tract in said city, as shown on a map of said tract recorded in Book 24, page 80 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California, be xxx:closed up, vacated -and. abandoned as contemplated by Resolution of Intention No. 58 of said city, adopted. April 10th, 1906, saki alleys being; de:.,cribed as, follows, to—wit: .. [aj Begginning at the Southwest corner of Let I in said Tract and running thence Easterly along the south boundary of Lots 1, 2, R and 4 of said Tract to the Southeast corner of said Lot 4; theace Southerly 16 feet to the North- east corner of Lot 6 in said Tract; thence Westerly along the North boundary ofsaid Lot 5 to the Northwest corner thereof, and thence Northerly 16 feet to the place of begin nine., [bj Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 8 in said Tract and running thence Easter- ly :Tons the South boundary of said Lot S to the 3outheastcornerthereof; thence Souther- ly 16 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 9 in said Tract; thence Westerly along the North boundary of said Lot 9 to the Northwest corner. thereof an , athence Northerly 16 feet to the place-of_be¢inniuQ.-- Sec. 2. That said work is for the closing up of the two certain alleys in said Orange Grove Tract more particularly described in Section I hereof, and it appears to said Board of Trustees that there are no damages, costs or expenses arising out of said. work and that no assessment is necessary for said wrork, and therefore no corgi mir,sioners are appointed to assess benefits and damages for said work and to have general supervision thereof. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance and �,ause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and. circulated in said. City of. Anaheim, and there— upon and thereafter it shall take effect end be in full force. Presiders o.. the, Boar of Trus ees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance T.ras introduced at a megular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the day of 1906, and that it was duly passed and adopted a a regular Mee ing of said Board of Trustees held on the ;Ac, day of 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: T ru. s t e e s Noes: %A , C. , And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees aVPwQ4;,04_ *06 signed said ordinance on said i-1, day of ,c �,,•r` .1906. Clerk o he City of Anaheim. Y IN THE SU I - R COURT Of the County o Ol fie, tate of California l - --- — - ' Ordinance' No. 184 �I An ordinance ordering the work STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS of widening Broadway Street, l I COUNTY ORANGE in the city of Anaheim, from the West line of Lemon Strut I ..... ............. .................:................being to the East line of Palm Streef,.i first duly ' �i vs: sworn;deposes and says: That at all urges herinafter mentioned.. he The Board of Trustees of the city of Ana [v �. as a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a helm do ordain as follows: section 1. That the peblie interest and con - resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the priuci Trustees hereby ordertthat lbehfloned sQa`ag k pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette a news- Of widening Broadway street, is 6said city, paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of from the am street in accordance street to h Resot ' dine of Palm street, in accordance with Reso- ' Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- lutionOfintention No. 57, declaring the In— tention of said"$oard of Trustees to order heim Gazette is and was at all tinges herein mentioned, a newspaper of said work to be done,and It is hereby ordered that said work be done in acicrd'aAce.witht general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and said resolution of, intention. Sec.2. That subject to removal fo; cause, telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona Board of Trustees at any Said Frank Shanley, Max Nebelung and E.W. c fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said Collum be and they are herebyy appointed commissioners to, assess the bepeSts and dam - newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City ages, and have general supervision of said, of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than work until the completion thereoff, in eompli- ante with an Act of . the Legislature of the one year preceding the first publication o the notice herein mentioned; State of California, approvedraiarch 6th, IM, and entitled An Act to p ovide f for laying that the... ... out, opening, extending, widening, • ..... .......... . ....... ening, or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court cr place i� ith- n or acqui- I �� �`"!'r• .. .. .. ..........of which thp'annyandallalandsanddproptynecessaryor convenient for that purpose." For annexed is a printed copy, was pub ' hed and newspaper vices said commissioners t he ishall aper receive Bias u P p, , p printed ul sold nows a er compensation y at least.. .. .......... ... �' V �— , days upon which the are actually engaged in on the performing said services. Before proceeding with the perform"ce of their duties, each of said Commissioners shall file with the, Clerk day of ...... ..... ...........190.. and ending on the of this Board of Trustees an, affidavit and a bond to the State of California in the sum of day of . ..........190 t, b ❑c usly five thousand dollars to faithfully perform the duties of hi's office in the manner and form and as often during said time as d newspaper egula is ed. required T law. get, g, the City Clerk shall certify Ccr the passage of this ordinance and cause the'same to be published once in the An«•heim Gazette, • • • • • • • • a weekly newspapper Act general circulation printed, publis4ed and circulated is said a it of Anaheei1m, ai6d`thereu on and thereafter it shall bh'tn fall force and effeOTTU RUST; Subserlb and vorn to before me this.. CHAS..................... presidentpf the Board of Trustees of the City anceereb inmoduced� at a mee tcwa01 the day of.... ..... ... ..190.. h at l' ' �i. pMp ass do to egullar mee i g Board of Trustees of the of salBoard ofG .... ' .. I Trustees held on July 12, 1906, by Notary Public in and for Orange County, lifornia vote: s Ayes: Trustees Rust; Darling, KToeger, I Stock and Fiscus. Noes: None. Ifnrther certify that the President of said'', Board of Trustees Signed said ordinance on the y 12th day of July, 1906. EDWARD B. MER'RITT, [$BALI Clerk of said City of Anaheim. Ordinance Ivo. An ordinance ordering the work of widening Broadway Street, in the City of Anaheim, from the West line of Lemon Street to the East line of. Palm Street. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the public interest and convenience require, and that the said Board. of Trustees hereby order to be done, the work of widening Broadway street, in said city, from the West line of. Lemon Street to the East line of Pala Street, in accordance with Resolution of Intention into. 57, declaring the intention of said Board of Trustees to order said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said. work be done in ac,!ordance with said resolution of intention. Sec. 2. That subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at any time for cause, Frank Shanley, flax Nebelung and E. W. MCColltun, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to assess the benefits and damages, and have general supervision of said work until the com— pletion thereof, in compliance 4xrith an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved March 6th, 1899, and entitled "An Act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening, or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within rauninipalities, and to condemn or acquire any and all land and property necessary or con— venient for that purpose." vor their services said commissioners shall receive as compensation the sun of $2.50,per day for the days upor, which they are actually engaged in performing; said. services. Before proceeding with the performance of their duties, each of said Commissioners shall file with the Clerk of'this Board of Trustees an affidavit and a bond to the State of California in the sum of five thousan{i dollars to faithfully perform the duties of his office in the manner and form required by late. • Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Ana— beim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said City of An.heim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify -that the for:�goin; ordinance -as introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on June 26th, 1906, and. that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees. held on July 1-2-- 19069 by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees Noes: I furth-er certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinancF,, on the iI--- day of July, 1906. E4":Z-V�. cwt-' �' -> li erk of said City of Anaheim. E IN THE SU " I R COURT Of the County o Or nye, 'tate of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA S. COUNTY ORANGE] ...... .....................v`'.................being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hertnafter mentioned.. he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the princi— pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a uews- paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year precedinR the first publi on of the notice herein mentioned; that the.. ...................� ...... �..................of which the annexed is a printed co L was pit led and printed in said newspaper at least.. d . . ----.... spa.' a on the //....day of... ... ..........190.. and ending on the /3. ..day of.. 1 both days inclusive, and as often durings 1 time a id newspa er-%i' � as�r/ebrly issued. Subscrib and worts to before met is............................ day of.... 190 .......... d.... �� ... �� .�..".fi ...................... . Notary Public in and for Orange County, California Ordinance No. 185 An ordinance amending, Sections 8% and 8/2 of Ordinance No. 168 of the City of Anaheim. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: • , Section 1. That Seetion 834 of Ordinance No. 168, entitled "An ordinance amending recti -n 1 of Ordinance No. -140, and adding two new sections thereto," passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Amaheim on March 14th, 1905. be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 8%. Except as hereinafter provided, no permit shall be granted for the issuing or, transfer of a retail liquor dealer's license for an establishmentto be conducted outside of West of Clementina Street to the intersection of Center and Claudina Streets. Second: On both sides of Los Angeles Street, from the south side of Center Street to the South side of Chartres Street; and no -permit shall be granted for the issuing or transfer of a whole sale liquor dealer's license for an establish-' ment to be conducted outside of the limits aforesaid, except to bona fide wineries or breweries. Provided, however, that the Board of Trus- tees may, in their discretion, upon applica- tion therefor, grant a specialpermit to sell liquor at retail outside of the limits herein- before described in this section, upon the pay- ment by the applicant of the sum of Twenty- five dollars for each day for which such spe- cial permit Is granted. Section 2. That Section 8% of said Ordi- I nanee No. 166 beand the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 8%. No permits for retail liquor licen- ses in excess of seven shall at anv time be granted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to the epeeial permits provided for in Section 8y of this ordinance. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Ana-, heim Gazette a.weekly newspaper of gen- eral circulation printed, published and circu- lated in said City of Anaheim. and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in fullforce. CHAS;' OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify, that the foregoing ordin- ance was introduced at a meetingg of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 28th day of June, 1906, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 12th day of July, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Darling, Kroegef, Stock and Fiscus. Noes: None. And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 12th day of July 1406. ED*ARD B. MERRITT, ! i sail.] Clerk of said City of Anaheim. ORDINANCE No. / $S An ordinance amending Sections Q 1114 and 8 112 of Ord.inan^c No. 163 of the City of Annhrlim. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as folio -,vs : Section 1. That Tilt Section 8 1/4 of Ordinance No. 168, entit- led "An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 140, and adoIing two neer sections thereto," passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim on march 14th, 1905, be and the same is here- by amended to read as follows: Sec, 8 1/4. except as hereinafter provided, no pe-.nait shall be granted for the issuing or transfer of a retail liquor dealer's license for an establishment to be cond.u-,ted outside of the. follow- ing des^ribed portions of the City of Anaheim, to -grit: First: On both sides of Center Street, from a point one hundred fPet IFest of I Clementina Street to the intersection of Center and ^laudina Streets. Second: On both sides of Los n_ngeles Street, from the South Side of "enter Street to the South side of Chartres Street; and no permit shall be �rnnted for'the issuing or transfer of a iuholesale liquor dealer's license for an establisiulient to be., conducted outside of the li;,.its, aforesaid, except to bona fide wineries or breareries. Provided., however, Ilipt the Board of Trustees may, in their discretion, upon application therefor, grant a special permit to sell liquor at retail outside of the limits hereinbefore described in this Section, upon the payment by the applicant of the sura of dollars for each day for which such special per - mi t er -mit is ;;ranted. Section 2. That Section 8 1/2 of sa.iri Ordinance No. 168 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 8 1/2. No permits for retail liquor licenses in excess of seven shall at any time be ur=anted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to the special permits provided for in Section 8 1/4 of this ordinance. Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, pub— lishoc and. circulated. ill said City of Anaheim, and thereupon -unci thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced -t a. meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 26th kday of June, 1906, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of. said Board of Trustees held on the day of July, 1906, by the folloring vote: Ayes: frust ees r ..:.....:7- ...... % ..':....... :. . Noes: And I further certify t:?at the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the /-�2---`` day of July, 1906. Clerk of said City of Anaheim. a IN THE SU E Of the County of ran STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR COUNT , State of California SS. COUNTY OFNGE ... ..�(. beiu- first duly sworn, deposes and says: gat at all times herinafter uleutioned..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen ye;irs, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the princi- pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in t he City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- heim Gazette is and was at all tinges herein mentioned, a newspapi�r of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City - of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more 111,111 one year preceding t1 rst publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the.. m,/z .. . f ...................... �•i ........of which thFa annexed is a printed copy, was p„blis d and printed in said newspaper at leas ........ days, commencing on tilt- ....... of.. ...14/ and ending on t 11e ...........day of ............. ........X_i�ilarl ays 'ncittsive, and as often during said time a std newspapy 'sst :d....... ... r. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... .................... day of..........!/! b U b+il�....190 r,,c,�V . `............................ Notary Public in and for Orange County, California Ordinance No. 186 An ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 170, entitled "An ordinance for the licensing of business carried on -in the, City of Anaheim," passed August 22d, 1905• ` The Board of Trustees of the City, of Ana ­ helm do ordain as foilOw% ' Section > . That Section 21�8'�•�'� d i7o, entitled' An ordinance for the 'licensing. of business .An on in the City of .Ana heim," passed August 22d, 1905, be and the same is hereby amended to read aS follows` Section 24. For eevervemtemporary lunch ice cream counter'orstand, , counter or stand, every temporary soda water stand, every temporary frutt'stand and every temporary bazaar, $1.50 per day, or $6 00 per wee7V For every person engaged in the business of selling tamales, lunches,-eandwiches orffood of any description, ice cream or candy, $6.Oo per month forrtiseach wagon on the orblic hand- art. ..Provided, however, that the location on the public streets of the stands, counters, bazaars, wagons or hand -carts in this section referred to shall be under the control of the Superin- tendent of Streets, and no such stand, eoun- ter, bazaar, wagon or handcart shall be erect- ed, located or maiutained at any place on said streets other than the locality designated by said Superintendent of Streets and set forth in the license. Sec. 2.The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and elle. t. • T. A. DARLING, Presidentpro tem of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordin- ance was introduced at a- meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,_ held on the 12th day of July. 1906, and that it r was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on 1 the 26th day of July, 1906, by the following -- vote: • Ayes: Trustees Darling; Kroeger, Stock t and Fiscus. Noes: None. And I further certify that the President pro - tem of said Board of Trustees signed said ordi t nance on the 26th day of July, 1906. EDWARD B. MERRITT, (SEAL] Clerk of the City of Anaheim. ORDINANCE No. t&6 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 170, entitled "An ordinance for,the licensing of business carried on in the City of Anaheim," passed August 22d, 1905. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as fo llows : Section 1. That Section 24 of Ordinance No. 170, entitled "An ordinance for the licensing of business carried on in the City of Anaheim," passed August 22d, 1905, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 24. For every temporary ice cream counter or stand., every temporary lunch counter or stand, every temporary soda water stand, every temporary fruit stand and every temporary bazaar, $1.50 per day, or $6.00 per week. For every person engaged in the business of selling tamales, lunches`"-' andwiehes or food of any description, ice cream or candy, from wagons or hand -carts upon the public streets, $6.00 per month for each wagon or hand -cart. Provided, however, that the location on the public streets of the stands, counters, bazaars, wagons or hand -carts in this section referred to shall be under the control of the Su¢erintendent of Streets, and no such stand, counter, bazaar, wagon or hand -cart shall be erected, located or maintained at any place on said streets other than-Ahe locality designated by said. superintendent of Streets and set forth in the license. Sa_e_, '2-. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordnance, and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and cir- culated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. Presiden1jof the Board of Trustees yo of the City of Anaheim. T hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 12th day of July, 19069 and that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 26th day of July, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees ad a"C,r. 9 71�t— xors :,..And l further Certify thet the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 26th day of July, 1906. Clerk of the City of Anaheim. �.� 2- -3 4. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of the Counter of Oran,e, State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA r SS COUNTY �ORANGE� � .....• .� �..�' • � • • • ... ... ....being first duly. sworn, deposes and says. That at all times herinafter inentioned..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the princi— pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding th first publication f the notice herein mentioned; thatthe.......... .......... . ...... . ....... .................... �,�........of which the annexed is a print d cop%y, was publi and pri_ ted iu said newspaper at'�ljeast.. ✓... .. li: ... %/4. ... rd -,,commencing on the a. A. day of.... �/TiGC�G.l. , ..190 and ending on the .. .day of ................... ..190.., both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said l spaper was re arly is ed. i.. .. .�. Subscribed aild sworn to before me this... day of..sLu�/�� ....190 t; 01r Notary Public i*njtnd for Orange County, California of the Golden State, and had longing to emigrate to the land An oiperpetual sunshine and flower ConArriving in this state, he pick( Conout the best section of it, and b chi;came a resident of what is now O ope',ange county. He learned the ph tographer s trade, and has now of all ,of the best galleries in Southel turejCalifornia. His work compares w( strecwiththe best in the state and I pubtenjoys a constantly increasing bu to tri 1 tion jness., Lamb was induced to b said come the republican nominee f rethjtax collector as being in every wi operfitted for the place, and is entitle feedio and will doubtless receive t] tions3upport of every republican vot anOein the county, as well as mar be n'Jemocratic votes.. He is capab] etentmergetie and painstaking, ar poles would grace 0-e tax collector's c on a busit'ce. A vote for Lamb is a vote f. ,a worthy young man, one who h; heir, bought his way to his present st sectietion by dint -of indomitable wi ah cop(and energy and perseverance. erect, m For assessor W. M. Scott has r with all there°'democratic oppollent, and will wit lanes, b of anabout doubt have an easy time rollir conver,, over sat p, what promises to be nearly a u getheri maintaianlmous vote. Scott has been in tl house c before, and has ev appliagublic service necess even an excellent account of I ating a iii' and to stewardship. He is president of tl and tel such Banta Ana chamber of commert terms a� to -Wig and has given much of his time ai First:' and eqt means to further the interests wi hen ,that city as well as the county. I gate of' s fitted by business training and e said fr) within erience to fill the important off shall b pieted of assessor, and will undoubted after, a time s make a success of-his.401DWlstratic feTthee. rl,lM onest, reliable al shalt i Capable, Scott stands as a tower labor said p strength to an . excellent tickt lotion r switebThere is no stronger man upon I paratn I withir, and when the democrats refused snectf o'e1 nominate an opponent. to him t ' Ordinance No. 187 An ordinance granting to the Contracting and Engineering Company, a corporation, a fran- chise to erect, maintain and operate poles and wires with all the necessary aux;llary fix. tures thereon, over and along the streets, alleys, lanes, highways and public places of the City of Anaheim; to transmit sounds, signals, conversa- tion and intelligence through and over said wires by means of electricity; to- gether with the right to construct. operate and maintain all necessary feeders, service wires, house connec- tions and other apparatus and appli- ances In connection therewith as tnav be necessary for the purpose of suffi- ciently operating and maintaining said poles, wires and fixtures, and carrying on a general telephone and telegraph business by means thereof. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to the Contracting and Engineering Company, a t orporstiou, the right and privilege to erect, maintain aid operate poles and wires ,ivitii all the necessary and auxilliary fixtures thereon, over and along the streets, alleys, lanes, highways and public places of the City of Anaheim; to transmit sounds, signals and conversation and intelligence through and over said wires by means of electricity; to- gether with the right to construct, operate and maintain all necessary feeders, service wires, house connections and other apparatus and appliances in connection therewith as may be necessary for the purpose of sufficiently oper- ating an: maintaining said poses, wires and fixtures, and carrying on a general telephone and telegraph business by means thereof. Such right and priviledge to be upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained, to -wit: First: The work of constructing, installing and equipping said telephone and telegraph systVm shall be commenced in good faith within not more than four months from rhe date of t -he passage of this ordinance granting said franchise, and it not so eomiaehced with.n said time said frau hise so granted shall be declared forfeited, and shall be com- pleted within not more than three years there- after, and if not so completed within said tit -no said franchise so granted shall be for - felted. The grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, shalt i,i good faith lay out a, -d expend for labor used and performed in the erection of slid poles, and fu the construction and instal- lation in connection, therewith of wires, switchboard, telephonfn and telegraphic- ap- paratus and appliances, the following sums within the periods hereinafter mentioned re- socetfully: One thousand dollars within eight months after the graining of this franchise; a further and additional sum of one thousand dollars within twelve months after said grant; a fur- er and afiditional sum of one thousand dol- lars within eighteen months after said grant; and a further and additional sum of one thou- sand dollars within twenty-four months after said grant. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, before or within ten days after the expiration of said periods of eight, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four months after the grant of this f-anchise, a statement verified by the oath of the managing or presiding officer of said grantee, or by the oath of its assigns,. show- ing the sum expended for said material and lab,.r by said grantee, or its assigns, during the preceding period of eight, twelve, eight- eeu or twenty-four months, as the case may be. And any failure or omission to pay out or expend for said labor or material the full sum hereinbefore required to be expended within any of the respective periods described, or any neglect or refusal to file within the times herein prescribed any of the verified state- ments herein prescribed shall work the for- feiture of this franchise and all the rights granted thereunder, to the City of Anaheim at the option of the Board of Trustees of said city. Second: That the poles to be erected and maintained under this franchise shall not be less than twenty-two feet in height above the surface of the ground, and Fhall be paint- ed. Said poles shall be located at such places as shall be directed by said Board of Trustees, and under the direction of the Superintend - cut of Streets of said city; and the said Board of Trustees shall have the right to causesaid grantee or its assigns to move the locatfou of said pole or poles whenever said board shall determine that the public interest or convenf- enee requires the location of the samA else- where, the expense of su, h removal to be paid by said grantee or its assigns. Third: That the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, shall within thirty days after the date of the commencement of the opera- tion of said telephone business furnish to the City of Anaheim three telephones and connect same with the telephone system of said gran- tee orits assigns, and thereafter maintain and keep the same in gond repair and working or- der during the term of this franchise without expense or charge to the said City of Ana- heirn, and no charge shall be made for the full and unlimited use of said telephones except for communication had with points outside of said city for which a charge is inade to sub- scribers to said system. And said grantee, or its assigns. shall if required by said City, turn- ish and allow to it during the term of this fraucbisP, for a fire alarm and police tele. graph system of said City, the free use of four pins on the top of the top cross -arm on each of the poles erected or maintained under this franchise: provided, however, that said ci•y shall to its use and maintainanee of said cross -arms comply with the reasonable rules and regnlatiois of said grantee or its assigns, so that there shall be a minimum danger of contact. Fourth: That all telephone lines const net - ed oroperated under this franchise shall have full metallic circuits; that the rental charge for full unlimited metallic circuit telephone service in the sy,tem established or maintain- ed under this franchise shall r.ot exceed thir- ty-nine dollars per annum for atelephone in- stalled in any business office or premiseswith- in a radius of one mile from the intersection of Center and Los Angeles streets. An additional charge of no, to ,.xceed $6 per aumim for each additional mile or fraction thereof; arid a charge Of not to exceed twenty-seven dollars per auuu:n for telephone installed in private residence for residence use, within a radius of one mile from ,he intersection of Center and Los Angeles streets; an additional charge of not to exce, d six dollars per annum for each additional mi'e or fraction thereof, provided, however, tnat an additional charge of six dol- lars per annum may be made onall telephones installed when the total number exceo ds five hundred. And a further additional charge of si:, dollars per anu int ou all ttlephones in- stalled in like manner on each additional five hundred or frac-tion thereof. Fifth: Said grantee or its assigr_s during the life c.f this franchis- shall pay to the City of Anaheim, in lawful money of the united States of America, twoper cent of the gross annual receipts of said grantee, or its assigns, arising from the ase, operation or possi scion of this franchise in the City of Anaheim. No percentage shall bp paid for the first five years after the date of this franchise, but thereafter such percentage shall be pall an- nually. The amount of the gross annual re- ceipts of the grantee of this franchise or its as- sigus, arising from its, or his, use, operation or possession of this franchise, shall be deem- ed and understood to be the total gross earn- ines collected or received, or in any manner gained or derived, by the gi antee of this fran- chise, or its assi-;is, from telephone or tele- graph charges or rentals, and from renting or leasing of lints, poles or conduits in said t'ity of Anaheim. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim at the expiration of six yt ars from the dote of the granting of this franchise, and at the ex- piration of each and every year thereafter, at statement, verified by the oath of the manag- ing or presiding officer of said grantee, or by the oath of its assigns, showing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected or received, or in any manner gained or derived by said grantee, or its assigns, during the preceding twelve months, from the telephone or telegraph charges or rentals, or from rent- ing, leasing or letting of lines, pules or con- duits in the City of Anaheim. And within tear days after the filing of the aforesaid state- ment, it shall be the duty of the said grantee, or its assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim the aggregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of said gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise in the City of Anaheim, determined and com- puted in the manner hereinbefore provided. And any neglect, omission or refusal on the part of said grantee, or its assigns, to file such verified statements, or to pay such percentage of such gross annual receipts, at the times and in the manner hereinbefore provided, shall work the forfeiture of this franchise and all the rights of said grantee or its assigns thereunder, to the City of Anaheim, at the option of the Board of Trustees of said City. Sixth: Whenever a pertuit is granted by said Board of "trustees for the moving of auy building or structure along the streets, al- leys, lanes, highways or public places of the'. City of Anaheim, or either of them, and the wires erected under the privileges given by this franchise present an obstruction to the free passage of such building or structure along such streets, alleys, lanes, highways or public pla; es, it shall be the duty of the gran tee of this franchise, or its assigns, to out said wires so as to permit the free passage of such ` building or stricture; provided, however, i that the owner of such building or structure shall, in writing, delivered at.the office of, said grantee, or its assigns. in said City of:' Anaheim, at least twenty four hours before" the time said owner desires said wires out, notify said grantee, or its assigns, of the time. when, and the place where, said owner de- sires said wires cut. Sec, 2. Said grantee, or its assigns, may; make all necessary excavations in any of the streets, alleys, lanes, highways or publics' places of said City of Anaheim for the purpose'' of erecting and maintaining poles or other'' supports for said wires or conductors, or re- pairing the same, or for placing conduits, and the repair thereof, and said work shall be done in compliance with the rules, regula- tions, ordinances or orders which may dur- ing the continuance of this franchise be adopted from time to time by said Board of Trustees, and the said work shall be done to the satisfaction of said Board of Trustees. Saidppoles, wires, conductors and conduits shill be pla ed and maintained so as not to interfere with travel on any of the said streets, alleys, lanes, highways or public places in said City of Anaheim, and said gran- tee, or its assigns, shall hold the said City of,, Anaheim free and harmless from and damages arising by reason of any negligent use of said privileges by said grantee or its assigns. Sec. 3 Nothing in this ordinance shall be, construed as in any way to prevent the proper authorities of said City of Anaheim from seweninz, grading, paving, repairing, closing or altering in any wise any of said streets, alleys, lanes, highways or public places inch tinned herein. The franchise herein given :c scall not be exclusive, and the said Board of! Trustees reserves the power to grant a like { franchise to any other telegraph or telephone company, the same however not to interfere with the reasonable and proper exercise of the privileges herein granted. Sec. 4. This franchise shall continue and be in force for a period of fifty years from and after the passage of this ordinance Sec 5. Should said grantee, or its assigns, cease or fail to maintain anti operate a tele- phone exchange in said City of Anaheim, then said grantee, or its assiens, shall remove said lines, wires, conductors conduits and poles from the streets, alleys, lanes, highways or public places of said City of Anaheim within sixty- days from the date that said gr:,ntee, or its assigns, cease or fail to main- tafh or operate a telephone exchange in said City. See 6. Should said grantee, or its assigns, fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions contained in this ordinance, then and in that event all the rights and priv- ileges hereby granted to said grantee, or its assigns, shall be forfeited, and this grant shall be null and void, Sec 7. The city Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Ana- heim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of gen- eral circulation printed, published and circu- lated in said City of Anaheim. See.3. 1 his ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publicatiou and the filing by said gmiltee, or its assigns, in the oIIlce of the City Clerk of said City of an unconditional acceptance thereof. CHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordin- ance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on August 9th, 1906, and that it was duly Massed at a regular meeting of said Board of trustees held oil the 23d day of August, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust. Darling, Kroeger, Stock, Fiscus. Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 23d day of August, 1506. EDWARD B. MERRITT, SEALI Clerk of said City of Anaheim. P Ordinance No. 1 An ordinance granting to the Contracting and Engineering Com- pany9a corporation, a franchise to erect, Maintain and oper:=,te -poles and wires with all the necessary auxillary fixtures thereon, over and Jklong the streets, alleys, lanes, highways and public places of the City of Anaheim; to transmit sounds, signals, conversation and intelligence through and over said wires by means of electricity; together with the right to construct, operate and maintain all nec- essary feeders, service wires, house connections and other appara tits and appliances in connection therewith as may be necessary for the purpose of sufficiently operating and maintaining said. poles, wires and .fixtures, and carrying on a general telephone and tele- graph business by means thereof. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as fol- lows: ol- ior,rs. Se^tion 1. That there is hereby granted to the Contracting and Engineering Company, a corporation, the right and privilege to erect, maintain and operate poles and wires with all the necessary and auxilliary fixtures thereon, over And along the streets, alleys, lanes, highways and public places of the City of r�naheim; 4. trans- mit sounds, signals and conversation and intelligence through and over said wires by means of electricity; together with the right to constru.^,t, operate and maintain all necessary feeders, service wires, house connections and other apparatlas and appliances in connection therewith as.may be necessary for the p.irpose of sufficiently oper- ating and maintaining said poles, wires and fixtures, and carrying on a general telephone and telegraph business by rneand thereof. Such right and privilege to be upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained, to -wit: . First: The work of constructing, installing; Sana equipping said telephone and. telegraph system shall be commenced in good faith xi within not more t.an four months from the date of the passage of this ordinance granting said franchise, and if not so co,,Menced within said time said franchise so granted shall be declared for- feited, and shall be completed within not more than three years thereafter, and if not so completed within said time said franchise sogranted shall be forfeited. The grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, shall in good It faith lay out and expend for labor used and performed in the erec- tion of said poles, and in the construction and installation in connection therewith of wires, switchboard, telephonic and tele- graphic apparatus and appliances, the following sums within the periods hereinafter mentioned respectively; One thousand dollars within eight months after the granting of this franchise; a further and additional sum of one thousand dol- lars within twelve months after said grant; a further and additional sural of one thousand dollars within eighteen months after said grant; and a. further and additional sum of one thousand dollars within twenty-four months after said. grant. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, before or within ten days after the expiration of said periods of eight, twelve, eighteen and twenty- four months after the grant of this franchise, a statement verified by the oath of xxirt the managing or presiding officer of said gran- tee, or by the oath of its assigns, showing the sum expended for said material and labor by said grantee, or its assigns, during or the preceding period of eight, t-�,7elve, eighteen(,Rxl twenty-four months, as the case may be, And any failure or omission to pay out or expend for said labor or material the full sum hereinbefore re- quired to be expended within any of the respective periods described, neglect or or any refusal to file within the times herein prescribed any of i f the verified statements herein prescribed shall work the forfeit- ure of this franchise and all the rights granted thereunder, to the City of Anaheim at the option of the Board of Trustees of said. City. Second: That the poles to be erected and maintained under this franchise shall not be less than twenty-two feet in heighth above the surface of the ground, and shall be painted. Said poles shall be located at such places as shall be directed by said Board of Trustees, and under the direction of. the Superintendent of Streets of said City; and the said Board of Trustees shall have the right to cause said grantee or its assigns to move the location of said pole or poles wherever said Board. shall determine that the public interest or convenience regjtires the location of the same elsewhere, the expense of such removal to be paid by said grantee or its assigns. Third: That the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, shall within_ thirty days after the date of the commencement of the opera- tion of said telephone business furnish to the City of Anaheim three telephones and connect same trr, th the telephone system of said. gran- tee or its assigns, and thereafter maintain and keep the same in good repair and. working order during the term of this franchise without expense or charge to the said City of Anaheim, and. no charge shall be made for the full and unlimited use of said telephones ex- cept for eor-mnication had with points outside of said City for Which. a charge is made to subscribers to said system. And said grantee, or its assigns, shall if required by said City, furnish and allow to it during the term of this franchise, for a fire alarm and police telegraph system of said City, the free nse of four pins on the top of the top cross -arm on each of the poles erected or maintained under this franchise; provided, however, that said City shah in its use and maintainance of said cross—arims comply ,with the reasonable rules and regulations of said grantee or its assigns, so that there shall be a mininum danger of contact. Fourth: That all telephone lines construct- ed or operated under this fralnchise shall have full metallic circuits; that the rental charge for full unlimited metallic circuit telephone service in the system established or maintain- ed under this franchise shall not exceed thirty- nine dollars per annum for a telephone install- ed in any business office or premises within a radius of one mile from the intersection of Center and Los Angeles Streets. An additional charge of not to exceed;6 per annum for each additionalmile orfraction thereof; and a" charge of not to exceed tweyty-seven dollars perannpm for telephone installed Jr. private residence for residence use, within a radius of I one mile from the intersection of Center and Los Angeles Streets; an additional charge of not to exceed six dollars perannum for each Pdditional mile or fraction thereof, provided, however, that an additional charge of six -dol - Jars per annum may be made on all telephones installed when the total number exceeds five hundred. Ands further additional charge of six dollars per annum on all telephones in- stalled-tn like manner on each additional five hundred or fraction thereof. Fifth: Said. grantee or its assigns during the life of this franchise shall pay to the City of Anaheim, in lawful money of the United States ofAmeriea, two per cent. of the gross annual receipts of said grantee, or its assigns, afising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise in the City of Anaheim. No percentage shall be paid for the first five years after the date of this fran- chise, but thereafter such percentage shall be paid annually. The amount of the gross annual receipts of the grantee of this franchise or its assigns, arising from its, or his, use, operation or posess- ion of this franchise, shall be deemed and understood to be the total gross earnings collected or received, or in any manner gained or derived, by the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, from telephone or telegraph charges or rentals, and from renting or leas - Ii, ing of lines, poles or conduits in said City of Anaheim. And it shall be the dutry of the grantee of this franchise,,or its assigns, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim at the expiration of six years froin the date of the grantinz *R tI _ .nchise, and at the expiration of each and every ;rear thereafter, a statement, verified by the oath of the managing or presiding officer of said grantee, or by the oath of its assigns, showing the total gross re- cei)ts and gross earnings collected or received, or in any Manner gained or derived by said grantee, or its assigns, during the pre- ceding twelve months, from the telephone or telegraph charges or rentals, or from renting, leasing or letting of lines, poles or conduits in the City of Anaheim. And within ten days after the filing of the aforesaid statement, it shall be the duty of the said grantee, or its assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim the aggregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of said gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or pos- session of this franchise in the City of Anaheim, determined and. computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. And any negledt, omission or refusal on the part of said grantee, or its assigns, to file such verified statements, or to pay such percentage of such gross annual receipts, at the times and in the manner hereinbefore provided, shall work the forfeiture of this franchise and all the rights of said granteee or its assigns thereunder, to the City of Anaheim, at the option of the Board of Trustees of said City. Sixth: Whenever a permit is granted by said Board of Trustees for the moving of any building or structure along the streets, alleys, lanes, highways or public places of the City of Anaheim, or either of them, and the wires erected under the privileges given by this franchise present an obstruction to the free passage of such build- ing or structure along such streets, alleys, lanes, highways or public Places, it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, to cut said wires so as to permit the free passage of such building or stru^ture; provided, however, that the owner of such building or structure shall, in writing, delivered at the office of said grantee, or its assigns, in said City of Anaheim, at least twenty-four hours before the time said owner desires said wires out, notify said grantee, or its assigns, of the time when, and the place where, said owner desires said wires out. Sec. 2. Said grantee, or its assigns, may make all necessary excavations in any of the streets, alleys, lanes, highways or pub- lic ?daces of said City of Anagein for the purpose of erecting and maintaining poles or other supports for said wires or conductors, or repairing the same, or for placing conduits, and the repair there- of, and said work shall be done in compliance with the rules, reg- ulations, ordinances or orders which may during the continuance of thio franchise be adopted from time to time by said Board of Trudtees, and the. said work shall be done to the satisfaction of said Board of Trustees. Said poles, wires, conductors and conduits shall be placed and maintained so as not to interfere with travel on any of the said streets, alleys, lanes, highways or public places in said City of Anaheim, and said grantee, or its assigns, shall hold the said City of Anaheim free and harmless from all damages arising by reason of any negligent use of said. privileges'by said grantee or its assigns. Sec. 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as in any way to prevent the proper authorities of said City of Anaheim from severing, grading, paving, repairing, closing or altering in any wise any of said streets, alleys, lanes, highways or public places mentioned. herein. The franchise herein given shall not be exclusive, and the said Board of Trustees reserves the power to grant a like franchise to any other telegraphic or telephone company, the same however not to interfere with the reasonable and proper exercise of the privileges herein granted. Sec. 4. This franchise shall continue and be in force for a period of fifty years from and after the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 5. Should said grantee, or its assigns, fats cease or fail to maintain and operate a telephone exchange in said City of Anaheim, then said grantee, or its assigns, shall remove said lines, wires, conductors, conduits and poles from the streets, alleys, lanes, llighraays or public places of said. City of Anaheim within sixty days from the date that said grantee, or its assigns, cease or fail to maintain or operate a telephone exchange in said City. Sec. 6. Should said grallte.e, or its assigns, fail, neglect or refuse to comlly with any of the provisions contained in this or- dinance, then and. in that event all the rights and privileges hereby granted to said grantee, or its assigns, shall be forfeited, and this grant shall be null and void. Sec. 7. the City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly ne!vsppper of general circulation printed, pub- lished and circulated in said City of Anaheim. Sec. S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication and the filing b;,' said grantee, or its assigns, in the office of the City Clerk of said City of an unconditional acceptance thereof. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on August 9th, 1906, a.nd that it was duly passed at a regular meet— ing of said Board of Trustees held on the 23d day of August, 1906, by the following vote: Ages: Trustees Noes: I further certify that hhe President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 23d day of August, 1906. Clerk of said City of Anaheim. 71 .......... IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of the County of Orange, State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY JRANGE� ...... ..... being first duly sworn, deposes and s. That at all times herinafter mentioned..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the priuci— pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publica ion of the notice herein mentioned; that......................... ........................ .. �. ............of which tho annexed is a printed copy, W. s pl b ' ed and printed in said newspaper at least... f '4" ...... on the .....dayof.�1,,..190 and ending on the .. .day of ............... ......190.. b th day inclusive, and as often during said time as s newspaper reg a issued. ........... . ........... Subscri ))ed�yandd sworn to before me this.... X..7 .................. . day of....(�!190.. Notary Publi in and for Orange County, California E2 Ordinance No. 188 I An Ordinance fixing andlevying a prop-' t erty, tax on all property within the Corpw tfe Limits of the City of Ana- heim, ? the fiscal year 1908-1907, The Board of trustees of the. City of Ana- heitndo ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and hereby isfixed and levied a property tax for the ffscal year ' o -f 19t16�1i107 of thirty-five teats un each one V hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of 1 the be torpor iaenient' oY l ' for the e -twentieth' ifl i�terebj ax for , ttiit_ wbtedness. I I II $&dtioi]lT.,.1�t City ,C1t shall pertily to he passage of thto ordtnatice and cause the atge to, be prybliood ot►tspp in aha �tpr ieim (lazette' apunewiaelp�adp�,t of geheral oirou- he datd OtgToY' Analheim, e9ahe euipop sn beresfcer it shaJi tape efeat and ke if1 full 'orce. - 4. J. STOCK, 'resident pro tem of the >§bard of Trustees :of .the City at Anaheim. ,. ` I hereby certify that the' foregoitff grdin�-` Ayes: Trustees Stock, Kroeger, P'isct Noes: None. Abtbeat"ac.d not voting `frusteei i t #, I "1 further uertifq ; at tat ' President tem of said Board of r }iggt}1ed i bp's DU the 27th day of Sep td 141806 A£ Clr F"�k the CitYeo Ordinance No. 188 � An Ordinance fixing and levying a prop- erty tax on all property within the corporate limits of the City of Ana - beim, for the fiscal year 1906-1907 i The Board of TrusieeS of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1906-1907 of thirtv-flve cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the cor- porate limits of the city of Anaheim for the ordinary annual expenditures of said city. Section 2 That there be and hereby iR fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1906-1907 of fourteen cents on each one hun- dred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the torpor - ate limits of the,City of Anaheim for the pur- pose of paying the annual interest of the in- debtedness of said City incurred for the pur- pose of constructing a City Hall, for the ex- tension and completion of the City Water Works, for the grading and improvement of streets and the purchase of property for the fire department, together with one -twentieth of said indebtedness. Section 3. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiseal year 1906-1907 of seven cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebted- ness of said city incurred for the purpose of constructing and erecting a City Electric Light Plant, together with one-fortiethof said indebtedness. Section 4. That there be and hereby is fix- ed and levied a propevy tax for the fiscal year 1906-1907 of eighteen cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the cor- porate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of the said city incurred for the purpose of the extension and improvement of the City Water Works, and for the improve- ment of the Electric Lignt Plant, together with one -fortieth of such indebtedness. Section 5. That these be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1906-1907 of seven cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal propetty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the Public Library of said city. Section 6. That there be and is hereby fix- ed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1906-1907 of forty-four cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the cor- porate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said City incurred for the purpose of the extension and improvement of the City Water Works and for the extension and improvement of the City Electri:; Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of such in- debtedness. Section 7. That the l,fty Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Ana- heim Gazette, a newspaper of general circu- lation printed, published and circulated in the said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. G.J- STOCK, President pro tem of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordin- ance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 13th day of September. 1906, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on theL27th day of September, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Stock, Kroeger, Fiscus. Noes: None. Absent and not voting Trustees Rust, Darl- ing. I further certify that the President pro - tem of said Board of Trustees signed the same on the 27th day of September, 1906. EDWARD B. MERRITT, [SEAL] Clerk of the City of Anaheim. N 0 din --nee �o..i / 9 An ordi nance fixing and levying a property tax on all pro- erty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim,for the fisc --1 year 1906-1907. -----00000000----- The Board of Trustees of the C_ty of Anaheim do ordiLin as f of l ours : Section le That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year i # -x3 5txac2xKax4m kxxft-xx of 1906-1007 of thirty-five centis on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim for the ordinary annual expenditures of said city - Section 2o That the -e be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of lwOv-190'7 of fourteen cants on each one hundred dollars, of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the 4n- d.ebtedness of said City incurred for the purpose of constructing; a city 14all, fo Y• the extension and completion of the City eater `'.'orks,for the grading and improvement of- streets and the purchase of property for the fire department, toEether with one -twentieth of said indebtedness. Section 3 -That there be t and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1906-1907 of seven cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within th_: corporate limits of the City of Anaheim,for the p,.irpose of payinp�, the annual interest of the in- debtedness of said City incurred for the purpose of constructing (1) an erecting a t. ity Electric Light Plant,+ogether irrith -one-fortieth of said indentedness. Section 4.That there be and hereby is fixed an.1 levied a property tax for the fiscal year 190E3-1907 of eighteen cents on each one hundred dollars o f the assessed valuation of all real ant personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim,for--the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of the said City incurred for the Fgx M=XMIxMxicMMIkMg RM]jxiMjxjKaViXgxxx purpose of the extension and improvement of the City Water Iyorks, and for the improvement of the Electric Light Plant, tog ther with one -fortieth of such indebtedness. Section 5.That there be and hereby is fixed, anti levied a pro- perty tax for the fiscal year 1906-1907 of seven cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property �,;ithin the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of xraintainin; the Public Library of said City. Section a. That there be and is ,�Iereby fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 190E3-1907 of forty-four cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, fo r the p Irpo se of paying the annual interest o f the indebtedness of said City incurred for the purpose of the exten- and improvement of the City Water 1,1rorks and fb r the extension rovement of the Oi`tY Electric. I,Tght Plant, together with one. ; • Mth of such indebtedness. Section 7. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage G c)f this ordinance and cause the same to be published one in the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circuli.ted in the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force, rot ------__ ----------------- President of the card of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the f'oreFvin ordinance was introduced :,t a meetinv, of the board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, Meld on the 13th. day of September,1903, ani -1714 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of the County of Orange, State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY ORANGE. ..................... ..... .........................being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times herinafter mentioned.. he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the princi- pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding t e first publicati f the notice herein mentioned; that th ...........of which the annexed is a printed copy, was publi he and rinted in said newspaper at least.., -, n on the ..day of.. ......190.. and ending on the �LA .. ......day of.. ......1 , both days inclusive, and as often during said time as newspaper regularl issued. Subscribed and sworn to before me t is... Y<....!! ................ . day of ..........x — ...190. Notary Public in nd for Orange County, California Vii LU �. ydi Vtivt �. ail v.�.1 j -11 .._, .. . .�.. .,_�.. __C !'r'.;ste;:s sif-ned said ordinance on the ti"7the day of Sept ember, 1903. `Z. V . -VqA- d- l . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of the Countv of Orange, State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY ORANGES ....... .......... /.................................being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times herinafter tuentioned..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the princi- pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding t e first publicatio f the notice herein mentioned; that th .. �... ...of which thf, annexed is a printed copy, was publi hed and rinted in said newspaper at least.. e. .-2-1..... o=n, Wino on the .��.h...., .day of.... ........ 190.. and ending on the day of.. 19 , both days inclusive, and as often during said time as newspaper regular issued. Subscribed and sworn to before met is... �/<.:.!! day of..... ..... 190. Notary Public4-n,for Orange County', California Ordinance No. 189 An ordinance fixing a.time and place for the payment of licenses in the City of Anaheim, and a penalty for a failure to comply therewith. The Board of Trustees of the City of An s� heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. All licenses which are now.,e, may hereafter bg required to be paid b n� ordinauCe; .rule or regulation of the Ci ni nb Anahefshalt be payable monthly i ad- fayee, to the Marshal at his office in the City Ha 1, in the City of Anaheim, on or before 6 o'clock P. "m. of the 6th day of each month, orotyou a. va all ncenses waieu-., are - 54.-: quired by section one hereof to be paid on or before 6 o'clock p. m. of the 6th day of each month, and which are not so paid, it shall be the imperative duty of the Marshal to add thereto and collect a penalty of 10 per centum. of such licenses, and the payment of such penalty shall.be enforced in the same manner that thempaymeut of such license is enforced. Section. S The City Clerk shall certify to the passage gf this ordinance and cause ,the same to; be published once itr the Anaheim tazette, a newspaper printed, published and amrcm 1 tted in the City of Anaheim, and there uaon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. G. J. SWCB, President prd tern of the $card of Trustees of thi, i:y of Anahelrn. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordin- ance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 78th day of September, 1908, And, that it wag duly passed at a regular meeting of e4.�t f#oard*f Tmstees held onthd27th day of S�Winber, IM, by the fuilowthg'vote : Ayes; Trustees Stock, Yroeger, Ff. Noes_Alone. Absen_t and not voting Trustees Rust*and, Darlingg And l inrther certify that the Premidont pro tem of the Beard of:Trues eigl said ord1- mance on the 27th day of Stiet tuber 4906. EDWARD B. MSRItITT, [sttem 1 Clerk of the City of Anaheim. , • t L.L a J- :.4 4:. lr s Ordinance �+o. An ordinance fixing; a time end place for the payment of licenses in the City of Anaheim, and a penalty for a failure to comply therewith. The oard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows. ld-t b3TJ*- All- ollows. tt";1:''AI1 licenses which are now or may hereafter be 4 required to be paid by any ordinance, rule or regulation of the City of Anaheim shzll''ber payable monthly in advance, to the :aarshalh 4t his office in the City Hall,in the City of Anaheim, �t n orbefore 2R*o' clock P.M. of the �th. day of each month9except licenses which are Eranted for; a less period than- one month, �..hR Vihich shall be paid for when granted. Section 2. 0n all licenses which are required by sec-t*on one hereof to be paid on or before 3= o'clock P.N1. of themft%i. day of each month, and which are not so, paid,it shall be the imperative duty of the IMarshall to add thereto and collect a penalty of l per centum of such license, and the payment of such penalty shall be enforced in the same manner that the payment of such license is enforced. Section 3. The City clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper printed,published and circulated in t t - the ,City of Anaheim, =and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force, p� ------------------- President of the 'Board of Trusters of the vity of AnCC" I hereby certify that the f'orefoing ordinance was introduced t a meeting; of the Hoary of T}Mastees of the City of Anaheim,neld on the 13th. day of "eptember, 1006, and that it was duly passed at Section 3. The , ity clerk shall certify to t •e pa�;sage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the ^%naheim gazette, a newspaper print ed, published anti circllated in t-1; the -'itY of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. -�Z-C-------------------- President of the Board of Trustees of the city of An OL" A I he reby certify that the forefr-,o ing ordinance was introduced t a meeting of tree oard of Trustees of the (;ity of Anaheim,held (,n the 13th. day of reptember,1906, and that it was duly passed at re;zlar meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 27th. day of September,190o,by the following vote. Ayes. Trustees�cvc. �To e s . None. _._ And I further certify that the Pre side:�t��o he Loar1 of `i'r rite -as signed said ordinance on the ti"Ith. day of September,1903. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of the County of Orange, State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY ORANGE .................. being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times herinaftertnentioned..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eigh;/01' years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the princi— pal clerk of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in ttie said Citv of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year prece ing th first publicat' of the notice herein mentioned; that the. ....................... .......... .....`.. ...``.......�.. ..L/��...........of which the annexed is a printed //copy, was pub!' ed and printed in said. newspaper at least..4�%^�'SG ' �• at-' ....days, commencing on the .day of.. ' .....190.. nd ending on the .....day of both days inclusive, and as often during said time as sa' newspaper as reg! larly issued Subscribed an sworn to before me t/his.... .. !........... . .... . day of... �:........ 190. ...........�......... ........ Notary Public is an for Orange County, California h IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of the County of Orange, State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY ()RANGE G Ordinance No. 190 ......................................................bein;; first duly An. ordinance fixing a place and time for sworn, deposes and says: That at all times herinafter mentioned.. he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighKKII/n years, and a the payment of electric_ light; and' resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the prinei— water rates in the city of Anaheim, pal clerk Of the printer and publisher of the Anaheim Gazette, a news- and a penalty for a failure to comply paper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the City of therewith. Anaheim in said Count of Orange, State of California; that said Ana- The Board, of Trustees of the CityotAna. Anaheim, y heim do ordain as follows: heim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of -section I. All electric 1igi,t and water rates, for light and water furnished by the City I general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and of Anaheim, in tete said, tpY of Ana#aeim, shall be payable to the MW ITIai at hlp office in telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona the City Hall, in the City of,Auaheil0 tltc At fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said aI tfol newspaper had been established printed and published in the said City tloni. On all electric light and water p p rates, of the City of Anaheim, which at . not of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than paidonor before s o,ciock p m, of the 8th day of each Mouth joshaJl be the im�eratite one year preee ing the first publicat�i t of the notice herein mentioned; dutyof'theMarshal tosAd theand collect a penalty of ten per centum of Mie h tgte, and the pa meati of each i g penalty shall be enfora that the. .. ed in esame moaner that the ,taymentof- �% the electric light and water rate is enforebd. ...� / ...........of which the sections. "he City Clerk shallcertifytothe • • • passage of this ordinance and cause the. sante annexed is a printed copy, was pub9h�,�d�a�ndprinted in said. newspaper ate, n apaishedonessin the Anaheim tette, /j lhled In the City Of Anaheim, and -thereupon at least.�G lL s, and thereafter it shall take effect and be in . .. days, , commencin g on the fun force.' President (4• J. STOCK, day of.... 190.., and ending on the PrP tem of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. (� I bereby certify that the foregoing ,ordiu- day of : `�./.....19both days inclusive, ence was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, and as often during said time as sa' newspaper as regt larly issued. held on the 18th day of September, Iw and that was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 27th day of September, 1906, by the following vote: • . • • • . • • Ayes: Trustees Stock; Kroeger, Fiscus. . nes: None. Absent and' not voting Trustees Rust and j, Darling. Subscribed an Sworn to before me this. And I further certify that the President pro tem of the Bodrd of Trustees signed said or- day r day of... ...........:........1901 dinance on the 27th day of Sepptember, 1906. lareL� EDWARD B. ME$RtTT, — (Cterk of the Citt of Anaheim. Notary' Public in an for Orange County, California 4 h Cr finance '-o. An ordinance fixing• a place and time for the pay nient of electric 1i ht -and water rates in the City of Anaheim, and a penalty for a failure to comply therewith. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows Section 1. All electric light and water rates, for light and crater furnished j)_y the City -of Anaheim, in the said City of Anahe im, s tall be.' payable to the 4arsn all at his office in the City Pall, in'the Citry ofAnaheim, from the 1st. to and including G :..t he nth.. day of each month, fo r• the month preceeding. Section 2.On all elec rie. light and water rates,of the City of Anaheim,which are not paid on or before44 o'clock P.M. of the Ith. day of .each month it shall be the imperative d,.xty of the ' arshall to add thereto and collect a penalty of ten per centum of such rate, and the payment of such penalty shall be, enforced in the same manner that the payment of the electric light and water rate is enforced. Section 3.The City clerk shall certifyto the t,= passage tri#'' this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim C azette, ,newspaper printed,published and circulated in the City t, f Ana,eim, and thereupon and thereafter it, shall take effect and be in full force. ------------------- jo,;_�,� President of the Board of tr'astees of the (�it y of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a met:ting of the �'oard of Trustees of the :ity of �inaheim,held on the 13th. day of September,1906, and that it was duly passed at a regular me ting of said Toard of Trustees held on the 27th. day of Selbtember,1906,b the following vote. Ayes.Trustees;�C.�IG �G7�.c��� goes. *lone. C t, - -.-( _ And I f �rthe r certify that the President_ o "�'fi e Board of I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a me�:ting of the Board of Trustees of the <;ity of '�naheim,held on the 13th. day of Sep tember, 1906, and that it was duly passed at a re Pular me,: tiny of said Fsoard of Trustees held on the 27th. day of aefbtember,1906,b the follovring vote. Ayes. Trustee s;`�,/ TQ-as . "10 ne . r n And I f rther certify that the President 'fie Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 27th• day of September,1906. ------------- Clerk of the City of Anaheim. D�-r.�.r�. G-� �La . � 9 1 Affidavit of Publication. In the Superi Court o the ount of Orange, State Cal' orni P1 to IT vs D f dant. S'P'ATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. ......being first duly sworn, deposes and says`: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Ana- heim, in said County of Orange, State of California- that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for`the dissemination of a-1 telYgraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subseri:p- tion list, of paying subscribers; that at all said times said nw% spaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for mor than one year preced- ing the first pu ation of'the notice herein tion that the..... . of which the .... rioted co ped and printed in said newspaper annexed is a py, wa in at least... - • • L commencing on the ..... /J .. day of. �,!� ..........190, and ending on the ` day of �� .190.., both days inclusive, and as often during said time as, said n wspaperwas regularly issued; that is to say, on the lowing dates, towit: / /G ....... .. ......� :...///./�/'f��/� . fir/,,/........., ................. ioffiavcRiitltg� Anahel*it, taw to Broadway Street, Los Street, from South Street to Sand ° from North Str Sycasiore Street. - The Bond of Trustees of, the Citi of Ant. helm do ordain as follows: on 1 rner i3euck D�rk�itieselfi'�---- - -- See. 3. The,grade of Center ` Street, in City of Anaheim, Srop4 Orange Street to $�qq fltreet 1e lierehy tslislit t1 -ae fo11e the lafergeetigas• .. Center. ;aQd OratUXe the Nort'Leaet. isomer .shall be T6s 06, e Bonttieast C93rei��'ek akati # �9 � .w . r°,; 6tYetet8f.►he�6ut�eiiscnor�riT�`1 ,�- Southwest�orner sit 1l ha 158.11$. th 8ot4we intersection ith w the, eaten Bush Kkeet all 11 be 160 lt1• at° , of Geutetsn@ interne .. . corner sii t h I ; thii-` or�wifs$ iso ' shall be.i671.8b. sun A ,.:Tien o—A-4 64whIMY1..AReIiAfila•. IF S UBSCR IBED AND 2YWORN to before me this l ......... day of , 190 -7 ----- -- - ---- if LICIZA -- C - -- ------------ - - -- --- - ----- -------- Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ORDINANCE NO. 191 kn ordinance establlshing the grade of certain points on the following streets in the City of Anaheim, towit: Center Street, from Orange Street to East Street; Atchison Street, from Center Street to Broadway Street; Los Angeles Street, from South Street to Broad Street and from North Street to Sycamore Street. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. Throughout this ordinance the Northeast corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the North and East curb lines �)f the intersecting streets; the Northwest cor- ner shall be understood to mean the junction of the vorth and West curb lines of the inter- secting streets; the Southeast corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the S;,uth and East curb lines of the intersecting streets: the Southwest corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the South and West curb lines of the intersecting streets. See. 2. The grades in this ordinance shall be understood to be the distance in feet above a datum plane 152 03 feet below a standard bench inark on the iron door plate at the Northwest corner of the Metz Block, as here- tofore established by Ordinance No 98 of the City of Anaheim, entitled "An ordinance es- tablishing a Datum Plane and designating Bench darks therein." Sec.3 The grade of Center Street,in said City of Anaheim, from Orange Street to East Street is hereby established as fall= ws: At the intersection of Center and Orange streets the Northeast corner shall be 151.95; the Southeast corner shall be 158.70 At the interse.tli,on of Center and Vine streets the Southeast corner shall be 159.20; the Southwest corner sball be 158.95. The North curb line of Center street at its intersection with the extended center line of Vine street shall be 159-25. At the intersection of Center and Bush Streets the Southeast corner sh 11 be 160.25: the southwest corner shall be 159.95. The North curb line of Center Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Bush Street shall be 160 10; at the intersection of Center and Rose streets the Southeast cor- ner shall be 162.00; the Southwest corner shall be 161.70 The North curb line of Center Street at its 'ntereection with the extended center line of Rose Street shall be 161.85. At the intersec- tion of East and Center streets, the Southwest cornershall be 162.85; the Northwest corner shall be 162.85. Sec 4. Phe grade of Atchison Street in said City of Anaheim, from Center street to Broad- way Street, is hereby established as follows: Atthe intersection of Atchison and Center streets the grade shall be as established by Section 8 of Ordinance No. 160 of the City of Anaheim. At a point 400 feet Northerly from the Northerly line of Broadway Street, the East curb line of Atchison Street shall be 157.80 and the West curb iine shall be 157.70 At the intersection of Atchison and Broad- way streets the Northeast corner shall be 157.25 and the Southeast corner shall be 157.05. The Southwest corner and the Northwest cor- ner shall be as already established by Section 9 of Ordinance No. 16U of the City of Anaheim. See. 5. The grade of Los Angeles Street in said City of Anaheim, from South Street to Broad Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Los Angeles and South streets the grade shall be as established by Section 12 of Ordinance No. 160 of the City of Anaheim. At the intersection of Broad and Los Angeles streets the Northwest corner shall be 146.10 and the Northeast corner shall be 146.40. Sec. 6. The grade of Los Angeles Street iu said City of Anaheim, from North Street to Sycamore Street is hereby established as fol- lews: At the intersection of Los Angeles and North Streets the Southeast corner shall be 15L.25 and the Southwest corner shall be 150.95. At the intersection of Los Angeles and Al- berta streets the Northeast corner shall be 152.60 and the Southeast corner shall be 152.80. The West curb line of Los Angeles Street at its intersection with the extended South line of Alberta Street shall be 152.50. At the intersection of Los Angeles and Syea. more Streets the Northeast t orner shall be 154.10 and the Northwest corner shall be 153.90. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general cir- culation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. C. O. RUST. LN CSL eVt ver shall be understood to mean the 7'�uction of the ::\orth and West eurb lines of the iuter- secting streets; the Sontheast corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the S_uth and East curb lines of the intersecting streets; the Southwest corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the South and West curb lines of the intersecting streets. See. 2. The grades in this ordinance shall be understood to be the distance in feet above a datum plane 152.03 feet below a standard bench mark on the iron door elate at the Northwest corner of the Metz Block, as here- tofore established by Ordinance No 98 of the City of Anaheim, entitled "An ordinance es. tablishing a Datum Plane and de5i:;nating Bench Marks therein." Sec. 3 The grade of- Center Street, in said City of Anaheim, from Orange Street to Fast Street is hereby established as full• ws: At the intersection of Center and Orange streets the Northeast corner shall be 153.95; the Southeast corner shall he 158.70 At the interse,tion of Center and Vine streets the Southeast corner shall be 159-20; the Southwest c rrner shall be 158.95. The North curb line of Center street at its intersection with the extended center line of Vine street shall be 1.19.25. At the intersection of Center and Bush Streets the Southeast corner sh 11 be 160.25: the Southwest corner shall be 159.95. The North curb line of Center Street nt its intersection with the extended center line of Bush Street shall be 160 10; at the intersection of Center and Rose streets the Southeast cor- ner shall be 162.00; the Southwest corner shall be 16t.70 The North curb line of Center Street at its iutereection with the extended center line of Rose Street shall be 161.85. At the intersec- tion of East and Center streets, the Southwest corner shall be 162.85; the Northwest corner shall be 162.85. See 4. The grade of Atchison Street in said City of Anaheim, from Center Street to Broad- way Street, is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Atchison and (`enter streets the grade shall be as established by Section 8 of Ordinance No. 160 of the City of Anaheim. Ata point 900 feet Northerly from the Northerly line of Broadway Street, the East curb line of Atchison Street shall be 157.80 and the West curb Aue shall be 157.70 At the intersection of Atchison and Broad- way streets the Nortneast corner shall be 157.25 and the Southeast corner shall be 157.05. The Southwest corner and the Northwest cor- ner shall be as already established by Section 9 of Ordinance No. 16U of the City of Anaheim. Sec. 5. The grade of Los Angeles Street in said City of Anaheim, from South Street to Broad Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Los Angeles and South streets the grade shall be as established by Section 12 of Ordinance No. 160 of the City of Anaheim. At the intersection of Broad and Los Angeles streets the Northwest corner shall be 146.10 and the Northeast corner shall be 146.40. Sec. 6. The grade of Los Angeles Street in said City of Anaheim, from North Street to Sycamore Street is hereby established as fol- lews: At the intersection of Los Angeles and North Streets the Southeast corner shall be 151.25 and the Southwest corner shall be 150.95. At the intersection of Los Angeles and Al- berta streets the Northeast corner shall be 152.60 and the Southeast corner shall be 152.80. The West curb line of Los Angeles Street at its intersection with the extended South line of Alberta Street shall be 152.50. At the intersection of Los Angeles and Syca- more Streets the Northeast t orner shall be 154.10 and the Northwest corner shall be 153.90. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general cir- culation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. C. O. RUST. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordin- ance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. held on the 27th day of December, 1906, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the loth day of January, 1907, by the following vote: Ayes. Trustees Rust, Darling, Kroeger, Stock, Fiscus. Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 10th day of January, 1917. EDWARD B. MERRITT, I sEALI Clerk of said City of Anaheim. ORDZNAN IE No. fq I An ordinance establishing the grade of certain points on the following streets in the City of Anaheim, towit : Center Street, from. Orange Street to East Street; Atchison Street, from renter Street to BroadwRl'r Street; Los Angeles Street, from South Street to Bro?d- � Street and from North Street to SycaYnore Street. The Board of Trustees of the City of. Anaheim do ordain as follows: section 1. Throughout Vis ordinar:c e the Northeast corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the North and East curb lines 6fthe intersecting streets; the Northwest corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the Norti. and Fest curb lines of the inter- secting streets; the Southeast corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the South and East curb lines of the intersecting streets; the Southwest corner shall be understood to mean the junc- tion of the South and West Alines of the intersecting, streets. Sec. 2. The ; rades in this ordinance shall be understood to be tilH distance in feet above a datum plane 152.03 feet below a stan- dard bench mark on the iron door plate at thO Northwest corner of the Metz Block, as heretofore established by Drdinance No. 98 of the City of Anaheim, entitlP.0 "An ordinance establishing a Datum 'Plane and designating Bench Varke therein." Sec. 3. The grade of renter Street, in said City of Anaheim, from Orange Street to East Street is hereby established as follojrTs: At the intersection of renter and. Orange Streets the Northeast cor- ner shall be 158.95; the Southeast corner shall be 158.70. At the intersection of Center and vine Streets the Southeast corner shall be 159.20; the Southwest ^orner shall be, 158.95. The North curb line of Center Street at its intersection with the extended ^enter line of. eine Street shall be 159.215. At, the intersection of Center and Hush Streets the Southeast corner shall be 160.25; the Southwest corner shall be 159.95. The North cur's line of Center Street at its intersection with r the extended center line of Bush Street shall be 160.10; at the intersection of Center and Rose Street the Southeast corner shall be 16u.�O; the Southwest corner shall be 161.70. The North mrb line of Center Street at its intersection 4r ith the extend` --d oenter line of BIISh Street shall be 160.10; Rt the interseoti on of Center and. Rose Street tl.e SoutY.e=)_st corner shall be 162.bo; the Souti'xpst corner shall be 161.70. The North c,I.zrb line of ;'enter Street at its intersection; with the extended center line of Rose Street shall be 161.85. At the in— tersection of East and Center Streets, the Southwest corner shall be 162.85; the Northwest corner shall be 162.85. Sec. 4. The grade of Atchison Street in said City of Anaheim, from Center Street to BrosdoRray Stre,P,t, is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Atchison and renter Streets the grade, shall be as established by Section 8 of Ordinance No. 160 of the City ,,)f Anaheim. At 9. point 400 feet Northerly from the North— erly line of Broadway Street, the East ^urb line of. Atchison Street shall be 157.80 a.nd the Test curb line shall be 157.70. At the interseot:i_on of Atchison and Broadway Streets the North— east corner shall be 157.25 and the Southeast corner sI?a.11 be 157.05. The South -est corner and the Northwest corner shall be as already established by Section 9 of Ordinance No. 160 of the City of Anpheim. Sec, 5. The grade of Los Angeles Street in said City of Anaheim, from South Street to BroRdYMW Street is hereby established as fol— lows: At the intersection of Los Angeles and Soath Streets the grade shall be ns established by Section 12 of Ordinance No. 160 of the City of Anaheim. At the intersection of. Broad and Los Angeles Streets the Northwest corner shall be 146.10 and the Northeast cor— ner shall be 146.40. Sec. 6. The grade of Los Angeles Street iIi said City of Ana— heir, from North Street to Syn, -,.more Street is hereby established as folloa;s: At the inters-ctio: of Los Angeles and North Streets the Southeast corner shall be 151.25 and the Southwest corner shall be 150.95. At the intersection of Los Angeles and Alberta Streets the Northeast corner shall be 152.60 and the Southeast corner shall be 1521.80. The «test ^,urb, line of Los Angeles Street at its inte-.GPctiOn' f with the extend -d South line of Alberta. Street shall be 152.50. At tyle intersection of Los Angeles and Sycamore Streets the with the extend,=d South line of Albertp. Street s ia.l1 be At the intersection of Los Angeles anct Sycamore Streets the Northe^st corner shall be 154.10 and the Northwest corner shall be 153.90. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the sarme to be published onee in the Ana— helm Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general-irnulation printed, Published and circulated in said Cis. -If of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. President of the "Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby rertlfy that the foregoing ordinance eras introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 27th day of PecembPr, 1900, and that it ;as duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of T?nistees held on the 10th day of January, 1907, by The following vote: _ F _ Ayes: Noes: I further oertifir that the. President of said Board of Trustees signed sa-ld ordinanr%P on the 10th day of January, 1907. r, -/I. Clerk of sant ;ity of AnRheim. /7-7 ..rte w Affidavit of Publication. In the Superior Court jo,,*Z,1h County of Orange, f lifo State lifornia. ------------- - ------- -------------------- I a i ii tiff. vs -------- --------------------- - - ------ ------- Defen----- -------- - Defendant. S'L'ATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE. Ss, 'Ordinance No, 19 2, An Ordinance ordering the work of widening Broadway Street ' in the City of Anaheim, from the West line of Lemon Street to the East line of Palm Street. The Board of Trustees of the City of -.Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the public interest and con. venLence require, and that the said Board of Trustees heb orde r Obe done. the W ork of widening ide InfI+owSig.t,In said city, from the =ne of 'Lemon street to the *At line of Palm street, in accrdaneewftir lution of Intention No. deel rin thg tention of said Board Trustees 6 .....beiflg first du sold work one", d sworn, deposes and says: That at all time' hereinafter mentioned..P was a citizen of the United States, over thea fi see. 2. That subject to removal by said. ge oeghteen years, and Board of Trustees at any time for cause, resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the print J. J. Sch4eldery Max NeWurg and Fred A. Backs they are hereby , ,r yr ted publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspal commi.x1=1 appOT assess the bene a and have general. an rvis- of id of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Ai = until t Completion thereof, in com it- ance with alle Act of the Legi§la re,ef h heim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anahe State Of Calif orifta, approved March fith, i C and entitled' "An Act to p V Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of gene, out . provide for layl , Pening, extending, widenin , straig tZ circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegrapi ening, or closinj�_up, in whole or n part, an Dews and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subser. street, square, lane, alley, court or placelace in municipalities, and to condemn or acquire tion list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper h any and all land and property necessary or been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, convenient for that •purpose.11 Fortheirser- vices said commissioners shall receive as com- said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year prece Peusation the'sum c;f $2.50 per day foi7 the days e. ..I Upon which they are actually engaged In ing the first p4t�licationyof the notice herein mentioned; that th performing said services. Before proceed - Ing with the performance of, their jud .. . . .. .... .. ............................. each -of said Commissioners shall file with g4 / �Z_ - Clerk of this Board of Trustees an affidavit Which 'h t and a bond to the State of California in the ............ ........ . .......... .................... Of wh sum of five thousand dollars to f aithf ully per - annexed is a printed copy, was pu4gshed and printed in said newspap form the duties of his office In the manner and form required by law, at least.... �) . � See. S. Al ordinances or parts of ordl- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nces, and all resolutions of the Board of lWastees of said oft in Conflict with.� this r, uIldhm"ou U Or(Unance are herebj,,,re 86c.. 4. The Cit Clerk y er Sball Certify to the Passage of this Ordinance and Cause the same day of... .1w both d"s in@i"9i4 1% iii to be published once In the Anaheim Gazette.& 14 regular] weekly newspaper of general circulation and as often dating said time as said newspaper7l, ly issued; printed, publish&d and circulated ihUld -City is to sa), oll,�he following dates, towit: of Anaheim. and the and thereafter it hall be in full force anj effect. . I QHAS. OTTO, President of the Board of Trugte&-ej the City of AdAftlm. .. . ....... ............... I hereby 'Certify that the, fore ............... Z .......... .... joing ordt= naDce was introduced at a meeting* of the Board Of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on February 14th, 1907, and that It was duly ........ ................................... ........................ .................... passed at a re aular meeting of said Board of i Trustees be] on the 28th day of February, ' ^1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Brief, Darling, Kroeger, Fiscus. Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board Of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 28th day of February. iW I Seall EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of said City of Anaheim. SUBSCRTBED ./I.JVD VEL - before me this ------ - --- ----------- day of' 19 0 ------------------- --- ------- ------- Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. I (� -V Ordinance No. 1M. .._...a, An ordinance ordering the work of widening Broadway Street, in the City of Anaheim, from the West line of Lemon Street to the East line of Palm Street. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the public interest and con- venience require, and that the said Board of Trustees hereby order to be dine, the work of widening Broadway street, in osaid city, from the West line of Lemon street to the East line of Palm street, in accordance with Reso- lution of Intention no. 57, declaring the in- tention of said Board of Trustees to order said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in aceordanee with said resolution of intention. See. 2. That subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at any time for cause, oe and tb.ey are nereov appointed commissioners to assess the benefits and dam- ages, and have general supervision of said work until the completion thereof, in compli- ance with an Act, of the Legislature of the State of California, approved March 6th, 1889, and entitled "An Act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, straight- ening, or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court er place o ith- in municipalities, and to condemn or acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose " For their ser- vices said commissi(�ners shall receive as compensation the sum of $2.50 per day for the days upon which they are actually engaged in performing said services. Before proceeding with the performance of their duties. each of said Commissioners shall file with the Clerk of this Board of 'Trustees an ad5davit and a bond to the State of California in the sum of five thousand dollars to faithfully perform the duties of his office in the manner and form required by law. Sec. 3. All ordinances or part of ordinances, and all resolu— tions of the Board of Trustees of taid city, in conflict with this ordina.ntie are hereby repealed. Sec a9, 'l he Citi; Clerk shall certify to the passab of this ordinance and cause the same to be published mice in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it ` shall be in fill force and effect. ( _ l� Pretiident of the Board. of Trustees o_' the City - Of An eirn. I hereby ^ertify that the foregoing ordina. e was introduved at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cit of anaheira, held on Tebruary 14th, 1907, and that it was duly pP.sat a regular meeting of said Board of TustePs held on the 28 ay of Febru=pry, 1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Moes :.= -- I further oer y that the Pr?sident of said Board of Truc3tees signed said ordinance on the 28th day of February, 1907. Clerk of said City of Anaheiri. 0 �-�L,, v1 �,�.w � � � 3 o-„ «__� ����� a. � _ � �0 7 �., _ . l : ; ,� ....... .. .. .. a �. ,�, Affidavit of Publication. In the Superior Co t oche County of St to California. s,TATE OF CALIFORNIA, s� COUNTY OF ORANGE. Orange,,,'- JUG, rangeJOE,,i. a e OTrt. of yespr Ordinance No, 193, An ordinance ordering the work of opening an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 33, 34, 35, and 36 and along the North line of Original City Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim, from the East line of Lemon Street to the Westline of Los Angeles Street, and appointing commissioners to assess the benefits and damages, and have general supervision of said work. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana ......... �, .....L.!/.... ................. helm do ordain as follows: . .being first dul; Election 1-. That tire, pnbiio ittteres a sworn deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ..h4­,�u"ga�`and tat; �'� ees herebyorder-to bdone the work was - b a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and t opening an alley alongg the south line of Original City Lots 38, 84,156 and 86 and along resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer the No line of original City Lots 37,38, 39 and W in the Cit of R.1at publ sher ad of gerneral cir ulation,retor of the p�nted and published rmweekly cin the City of An tionot Iute t oAffoa68 t `JI , <; tion of said soar& ai 'r tees so order eg W Y heim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anahainwork tobedotne,and itis herebpordeledthst Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of genera said ui[o beint niton. accordance with satd resoeireulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphi4 Sec: 2. That, subject .to removal by-safd news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscrip!Boardof Trustees at any time for cause,r;.J. Schneider, Max Nebelnng, W.0,1 Sahwene- tion list, of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper hadkert be andthey are hereby appointedcom= been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, irmlWonera to assess the benefits and darp ages, and have general supervision of said said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preced.Nork until the completion thereof,in com- tn the first ublication of the notice herein mentioned; that the......pli'rtncewithanActo2 the Leggialatureof the g State of California, approved March 6,1689, andentitled "An Acttoprovide,,for, laying .... ... .. . . . . out, opening extending, widening, straight- ening, oreloslug'up, in whole or. in part, any ch thF street, square, ane, alley, court or place with- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ..... . . . ...................... of whiin municipalities, and to condemn and acquire annexed is rinted eo w s pub ' hed and printed in said newspaper any and all land and property necessary or ]/% o tj . r,vvH Jconvenient for that purpose." For their ser - at ast.......`'4. >� on thgvices said commissioners shall reeeiveasaosa pensation the sum of Two dollars and flitg cents ,per diem for the days upon whtoh they t�' 1 are actually engaged o performing astir ae - /yam vices. Each of said commissioners alialf be -t day of. ..... ........... I90 , b #ore proceeding with the performance ofAbeir duties, file with the CIerk of said Board of and as often during said time as said newspaperwas regularlyissued; th Trusteesanafddavit aud:,a bondtothestate is to say, on the following dates, towit: of California in the sum of five thousand dollars to faithfully perform the duties of his office, in the manner and form required by law. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordin$nce and cause the same ............................... ....... tobe ubliatiedoe irr.WeAnalxeimebis a we iq newspaper' of general circntall printed, ublished and Circulated in said City of Anaheim, and the?eupon and thereafter tite same shall be in full force and effect. CHAS. OTTO RUST, 1 P_ rr.¢irlrni SUBSCRTBF,D , . D S�'[''ORAI'to before me this _ _------ .---�—------.....-_ day of" 111 190 Notary Public in and for 0range CO ouuty, California. Ordinance No, 193, An ordinance ordering the work of opening an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 33, 34, 35, and 36 and along the North line of Original City Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim, from the East line of Lemon Street to the West line of Los Angeles Street, and appointing commissioners to assess the benefits and damages, and have general supervision of said work. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1 That the Dublfe interes and con- venience require, and that the said Board of Trustees hereby order to be done the work of opening an alley along the South line of Urtginal City Lots 33, 734, 85 and 36 and along the North line of Original City Lots 37, 3S, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim, f om the East line of Lemon Street to the West ]file of Los Angeles Street, in accordance with Resolu- tion of Intention No. 63, declaring the inten- tion of said Board of Trustees to order said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in accordance with said resolution of intention. Sec 2. That, subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at any time for cause, J. J. Schneider, Max Nebelung, W. O. F. Schwene kert be and they are hereby appointed cum m%sioners to assess the benefits and dam- ages, and have general supervision of said t+ork until the completion thereof, in eem• pl.'ance with an Act of the Le%islature of the State of California, approved March 6, 1889, and entitled "An Act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening. straight ening or<closing up, in whole or in part, any street, gquare, lane, alley, court or place with- in municipalities, and tocoudemn and acquire any and all laud and property necessary or convenient for that purpose." For their sor- ^L- 414 _ - .fo$ers shall receive as com- pensation the sum of Two dollars and fifty cents per diem for the days upon which they are actually engaged in performing said ser. vices. Each of said commissioners shall, be- fore proceeding with the performance of their Cutfes, file with the Clerk of said Board of Trustees an affidavit and a bond to the $tate of California, in the sum of five thousand dollars, to faithfu ly perform the duties of his office, in the manner and form required b: - law. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance. and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette a weekly newspaper of general. circulation ` printed, published and circulated in said Citv of A , elm, and thereupon and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. CHAS. OTTO RU,,T, President of the Board of Trustees, pf the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at 4 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Anaheim, held on February 14th, 1907, and that it was duly pass- ed at a regula^ meeting of said Board of Trus• tees held on the 2811} day of February, ]907, by the following vote: Aves: Trustees Rust, Darling, Kroeger, Fiscus Noes: Tone. And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinarn e on the 28th day of February, 1907. [Seal] EDWARD B. h1ERRIT'r, City Clerk of said City of Anaheim, Ordinance No. tom_ An ordinance ordering the work of opening an alley along the South line of Original lity Lots 33, 349 35 and. 36 and along the North line of Original City Lots 37, 389 39 and. 40 in the City of Anaheim, from the East line of Lemon Street to the West line of Los Angeles Street, and appointing commissioners to assess the benefits and damages, and have general supervision of said Mork. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as fol— lows: Section 1. That the public interest and convenience require, and that the said. Board of Trustees hereby order to be done the work of opening an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 and along the North line of Original City Lots 379 38, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim, from the Fast line of Lemon Street to the test line of. Los Angeles Street, in aocordance with Resolution of Intention No. , declaring the intention of said Board of Trustees to order said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in accordance with said re -- solution of intention. Sec. 8. That, subject to removal by said.Boa..rd of. Trustees at any time for cause be and they are hereby appo_nted ^ommissioners to assess the bene— fits and damages, and have general supervision of said work until the completion thereof, in compliance with an Act of the Legisla— ture of the State of California, approved March 6, 1889, and enti— tled "An Act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening, or closing up, in uThole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place Within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose." For their services said commissionersV, shall receive as compensation the sum of J , •. ) dollars � per diem for the days upon which they. are actually a l9ag d iia; performing Each of said services. Said commissioners shall, before proceeding with the perfornamie of their duties, file with the cerk of. said Board of Trustees an affidavit and a bond to the State of. California, in the sum of five thousand dollars, to faithfully perform the duties of his office, in the manner and form required by law. Sc 3. The Cit�f Clerk Snli certify to the PPssa6xe of this ordinan-e and muse the samP to be pt bi-- �shec. o:Ine in the Anaheim uazette, a lveekl;, newsp9ner of ztenernl circulation printed, published anc. ci.reulated i,. :"�ici li ty of Anahein, and thereupon and thereafter the Same shall be in full force and effect. President of the Board of Trustees Of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the fore oing ordinance Tas introduced at a meeting of the Roam of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on Febrluary 14th, 1907, and that it was duly passed at a rF�v zlar meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the `28th day of February, 1007, by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: And. I further certify that the PrASident of saki Board of Trustees SiZlled SR -id ordi T1�_T"T^.P on the '28th day of February, 1907. City Clerk of said City of Anaheirl. 1 113 ,-t -"' — / -7 0 7 2-1.� ..cc -2-8— '9--7 r���a....--....� ........100 7.... .,.. :. ...City Clerk Affidavit davit of Publication. In the Superior Court f e County of Orange, State , alifornia. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE. SS ............ . ...being B sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hateina ter mentioi was a citizen of the United States,, over the age of eighteen year resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim ' 'Gazette, a n( Of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City heim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper o circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and tel news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide tion list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newsp been established, printed and published in the said City of Ana said County and State at regular intervals for more than one yea ing the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that t ........... .. . .... .... . ..................... .................... of M annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said ni at ]east........o. :7 - -/ . ................ days, commencer .day of... 190.., and endin ....... 1W). both days and as often duri'ug said time as said newspaper wr!Zegularly iss is to say, on the following dates, towit: 44 ..... . ........... ........ ........... .... . ........................... ...... loel� /- S UBSCRIBE D .RNP 8 WORN to /� #� ... .. .............. Cay of before me this . ............ - --- --- -- -.19 0 -- -- - - -- -- ------------- ------ --- ----- -------- California. Notary Public in and for Orange County, t Ordinance No, 194 An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 193 of the City of Anaheim, and a1i resolutions and orders of the Board of Trustees of said City heretofore adopted in the matter of opening an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36, and along the North line of Original City Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That ordinance No. 193, of the City of Anaheim, entitled "An ordinance or- dering the work of opening an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 33, 34, 35 and 30, and alonz the North line of Original City Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim,' from the East line of Lemon street to the West line of Los Angeles street, and appoint- ing commissioners to assess the benefits and damages, and have general supervision of said work," adopted February 28th, 1907, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That all orders and resolutions of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, heretofore adopted, in the matter of opening the alley referred to in Section 1 of this ordi- nance, be and the same hereby are rescind- ed, set aside and declared void. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the Passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation' printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. CHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of m. A hereby certify thate hey foregoing of Jordi- nance was, introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 21st day of March, 1907, and that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meetin' of said Board of Trustees held on the 28thg day of March, 1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Kroeger and Fiscus. Noes: None. r And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance; on the 28th day of March, 1907, ISeall EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. Ordinance No, 194 ,� sapeaHng «rte Nv. 193 of the City of Anaheim, and a# re8oltitions and orders of the Board of Trustees of said city heretofore adopted in the matter of opening an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36, and along the North line of Original City Lots 37, 88, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That ordinance No. 193, of the City of Anaheim, entitled "An ordinance or- deringthe work of opening an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 33, 34, 35 and 36, and along the North line of Original City Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40 in the City. Anaheim, from the East line of Lemon street to the West line of Los Angeles street, and apppoint- ing commissioners toassess the benefits and damages, and have general supervision of saidwork," adopted February 28th, 1907, be and the same is hereby repeated. , Th at affiiY`i'!#a'.` ti09$ r "the Board of_41rusteea of the City'of Anaheim, heretofore adopted, in the matter of opening the alley referred to in Section l of this ordi- nance, be and the same hereby are rescind- ed, set aside and declared void. See. S., The City Clerk shall tcertify to the, passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said Ctty of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter iz shall be in full force and effect ttheBoard President of of T 'stees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordl- aance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 21st day of March, 1907, and that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees beld on the 28th day of. March, 1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Broeger and Fiscus. Noes: None. And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 28thday of March, 1907: _ _ _ - 0 42�1 "C, -5- 1 - "T - Fr Affidavit of Publication. In the Superior Court of a County of Orange, Stat of alifornia. - --_ --------- -- -- ------ Plain ff. vs ..... ...-- . ..__. ....... efe Haut. S'rATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE. ss ............... /� .........being first c sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned . was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, ar resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the grit publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newsp of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of j heim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anal Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of gen circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegra news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subs( tion list, of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year pre ing the �firs�thcation the notice herein mentioned; that the.. `? .................. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least...... ................days, commencing on the day of.. 190.., and ending on the clay Of..... .. .....190 ., both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said newspaperwgularlyissued; that is to say, on the following dates, towit: ......... ........ ............................................ .........I ................ SUBSCRIBED AXD�WORN to before me this �..`------------ ............. -dart' of CL --- ----- 90-7 Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ri I Ordinance No, 195 An ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 170, entitled "An Or- dinance for the licensing of business carried on in the City of Anaheim," passed August 22d, 1905. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section 17 of Ordinance No. 170, entitled "An ordinance for the licensing of business carried on to the City of Ana - helm," passed August 22d, 1905, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 17. For every circus or menagerie of a seating capacity of three thousand persons or less, $25.00 per day For every circus or menagerie of a seating caps ity of more than three thousand persons, $50.00 per day. For every side show to a circus or menage- rie, where a separate admission tee; is eharg ed, $5.00 per day. . For every merry-go-round, $I.50' per day, or $7.o0 per week. Provided, however, that no circus or men- 1 agerie, side-show or merry-go-round, or any apparatus or equipment accompanying the same, shall be permitted to be placed within the fire limits of said city. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. CHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees, of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Anabeim, held on the 21st day of March, 1907, and that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 28th day. of March, 1907. by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Kroeger and Fiscus Noes: Tone. And I further certify that the President of - said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance' on the 28th day of March, 1907. [Seal] EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. Ordinance No, 195 An ordinance amending Ordi- nancelo..i7(,ptj#gd� "Afi, Oc- nce ,%c — W- ' + << . business carried on in the City of Anaheim," passed ..August 22d, 1905. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana helm do ordain as follows: SectJon 1. That Section 17 of Ordinance No. 170, entitled "An ordinance, for the licensing of business carried on in the City of Ana- heim," passed August 22d, 1905; be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 17. For every circus or menagerie of a seatingg capacity of three thousand persons or less, $25.f,0 per day For every circus or menagerie of a seating caps Sty of more than three thousand persons, $5U.O0per day. For every side show to a circus of menage- rie. wliexe a separate admission tee is charg- ed, $6.00 per day. For every merry-go-round, $1.50 per day, or $7.00per week. Provided, however, that no circus or men- agerie„aide•show or merry-go-round; or any apparatus or equipment accompanying the same, shall be permitted to be placed within . the fire limits of said city. , See. 2. The City Clerk shall eertifyy� to the a e of thls ardJA ni} abimse,tha same ort` lisle and peireub il In . tid 4 of A ialeim, and th@reupos� and thereafter it shall be in f*l; Tonne aad effect. _ President of the Board of Trustees, of the City of Anaheijm. I he reby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Anaheim, held on the 21st day of March, 1907, and that it was dul$'p$sBed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 28th day of March, 1907. by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Kroeger and Fiscus. 4 Noes: Tone. And If urther certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 28th day of March, 1907._ I" —,/— 2-/—s-107 �.c_c�� z g - • yo � .. ,,Y%3,. LL•.. W "+.City Clerk Affidavit of Publication. In the Superior Co t of he County of Orange, St a of California. Plai tiff vs -------- ----- ----- --- ---- �fe dant. R"rA3'E OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE. ss. . .... fit✓"......being first dul, sworn, deposes and ays: That at all times hereinafter mentioned .. h, was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and e resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspape of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Ana heim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that. said Anahei❑ Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of genera circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphi news and intelligence of a general character, baving a bona fide subscrip tion list, of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper ha( been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, ij said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preced ing the first pub at o the notice herein mentioued; that the..... j ..:................'of which th annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspape at least......... �� .-. . • • . • • • • • • • • •. • • • •days, commencing on th, ,day of„ .190.., and ending on th . day of ... 1...... • 190. , both days inclusive and as often during said ti a as said newspaper wregularly issued; tha is to say, on the following dates, towit.: . ............... a.................. ...................... .............. 0 ........................... ............................. ... SUBSCRIBED .4XD SWORA" to AC before me this :--... --- - ............... day of. -* - -- --- - - -- 19 0 Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. I Ordinance No, 19 6, An ordinance ordering the work of open- ing an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 25, 26.27 and 28 and along the North line of Original City Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32 in the City of Anaheim, from the East line. of Lemon Street to the West line of Los Angeles Street, and appointing commissioners to assess the benefits and damages, and have general supervision of said work The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the public interest and con- venience require, and that the said Board of Trustees hereby order to be done the work of opening an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 2b, 26, 27 and 28 land along the North line of Original City Lots 29, 30, 31 and 82 in the City of Anaheim, from the East line of Lemon Street to the West line of Los Angeles Street, in accordance with Resolu- tion of Intention No. 65, declaring the inten- tion of said Board of Trustees to order said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in accordance with said resolution of intention. See. 2. That, subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at any time for cause, J. J. Schneider, Max Nebelung, W. 0. F. Schwenc- kert be and they are hereby appointed com. mivsioners to assess the benefits and dam- ages, and have general supervision of said work until the completion thereof, in oom- pliance with an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved March 6, 1889. and entjtled "An Act to provide for laying out, op ning, extending, widening, straight- ening, or closing up, in whole. or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place with- in municipalities, and to cc udemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose." For theirser- vices said commissioners shall receive as Com- pensation the sum of Two dollars and fifty cents per diem for the days upon which they are actually engaged in performing said ser. vices. Each of said commissioners shall, be. fore proceeding with the performance of their duties, file with the Clerk of said Board of Trustees an affidavit and a bond to the State of California, in the sum of five thousand dollars, to faithfully perform the duties of his office, in the manner and form required by law. Sec. 8. The City- Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, aweekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect CAS.President of the Board of Trustees of RUST, City of Anaheim., I hereby certify that the foregoing ordi- nance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 21st day of March, 1907, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 28th day of March, 1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Kroeger and Fiscus.' Noes: None. And I further certify that the President of'i said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 28tb day of March, 1907. (Seal) EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of said Cit f A ____ . Yo nahelm. Ordinance No, 196, An ordinance ordering the work of open- ing an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 25, 26.27 and 2$ and along the North line of Original City Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32 in the City of g , Aaaheim from the East 11ne of ,Leman Street to the West V lista .at Los Angeles Street, and appointing commissioners to assess the benefits and damages, and have'general supervision .of said work. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the public interest and con require, and that the said Board of .:Trustees hereby order to be done the work of opening an alley along the South line of Original City Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28 and along the North line of Original City Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32 in the City -of Anaheim, from the East line of Lemon Street to the West line of Los Angeles Street, in accordance with Resolu- tiou of Intention No. 65, declaring the inten- tion of said Board of Trustees to order said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in accordance with said resolution of Intention. Sec. 2. That, subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at any time for cause, J. J. Schneider, Max Nebelung, W. O. F. Schwene- kert be and they are hereby appointed com- mi,�sioners to assess the benefits and dam- ages, and have general supervision of said work until the completion thereof, in com. Ellance with an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved March 6, 1889, and entitled "An Act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, straight - e ing, cZr tics#ngu�p,�t whole . or In part, any atieet egnaxe,Ta't5e, alley, court, r place with- in mu tipsl� }{� en¢ta and' ae uire - any, an all ]said' E 'riceeasary or convenient for that purpose." For thefrser- vices said commissioners shall receive as com- pensation the sund od"Two dollars and flity cents per diem for the days upon which they are actually engaged in performing said ser- vices. Each of said commissioners shall, be- fore proceeding with the performance of their' duties. file with the Clerk of said Board of Trustees an affidavit and a bond to the State of California, in the sups of five thousand dollars, to faithfully perform the duties of his office, in the manner and form required by law. Sec. S. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim. and thereupon and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect a President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certifyy that foregoing ordi- nance' eras introdueed at ; a meetinit of the Board of Trustees of the elty of Anaheim,, held on the 21st day of Mardh, 1907, and tbat it - ,Marsh. M, by the following vote - Ayes: Trustees Rust, Kroeger and Mons., Noes; None. And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance ., on the 28fb day of March, 1907. 0 1 -�7 U_0�(_p IN THE SUPE 'CO URTt of the County of ange, S e of California. State of California, ss. County of Orange ---- ---J al i _-�=i!1 - - -- - —being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the Or. tlinance, ido _ -197. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least one time. commencing on the 12 d day of .IUnt3. 190..7 and ending on the __22d _ day of Zti-ns, 1901, both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: hInw 22..RC1 o `1 Sub cribed and sworn to before me this 11 of 190. 1 ✓ ,� _ 7, �r Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ORDINANCE No. 197. An ordinance establishing a Board of Health and authorizing the appointrrient of a Health Officer in and for the City of Anaheim, defining the powers and duties of such Board of Heahh and Health Officer, and forbidding certain acts which are prejudi- cial to health. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- i heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Board J of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, within thirty d3'ys after the passageand publication of this ordinance, to appoint a Board of Health' consisting of five meinbers, one at least of whom shall be a prasticini; physician:. They Board of T restces shall designate one of the appointees as health Offic,-r and President ct the i3�ard of I_'ceati1. 'rhe members of such Board of Hcalile sh-rl' hold office at the pleas- ' ure of the Board of Tfustect;. - I Sec. 2. The regular meetings of the Boar(; of Health shall b field on the first Monday of each quarter of the calendar year at the City flail, at such hour z they may uctarmina and fix, and special meetings may be called at any time by the President or three members of tine Board, written notice of the time and purpose of the meeting to be served on each member of the Board at least one hour before the time for the meeting, or left at his residence or place of business. A m2iority of the members shall 1 constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business within the jurisdiction of the Board. �, Sec. 3. The Board of Health shall have gen- eral supervision of ail matters pertaining to. the sanitary condition of the City of Anaheim, and it shall have power to adopt, and it is here- by made its duty to adopt, such rules and regu- lations relative thereto as it may deem neces- sary and proper and not contrary to law. such rules and regulations, and all orders of the Board of Health based thereon, or upon any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall have all the binding force of law. Sec. 4. The Health Officer is hereby charged with the duty of enforcing all the rules, regu- lations and orders of the Board, and slia'l as- sist the City Marshal in enforcing the Pana] provisions of this ordinance; and if arty person or persons shall violate any of such rules, reg- ulations or orders, or any of the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be his duty to file a complaint in the Recorder's Court against the offending party- or parties. Sec. 5. The Health Officer, the Board of Health, or any member thereof, is each, in his official capacity, hereby authorl:;ed to enter upon any premises or into any house, factory, shop, stable, or other building in surd c:ry =o investigate the sanitary condition of such place, and the Health officer shall have the power to enter into any building, roorm or other place in said City to investigate any dis- ease or to determine whether or not any per- son shall have or be suffering from any conta- gious or infectious disease Sec. 6. Every physician or other person shall immediately report in writing to the Health Officer of said City the name and loca- tion of any patient he or she may have within the limits of said City affected with Asiatic cholera, smallpox, typhus, yellow fever, diph- theria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, glanders, leprosy or any other infectious or contagious disease. Sec. 7. Every keeper of a hotel, boarding or lodging house, and every householder or: other person in said City shall immediately re- port in writing to the Health Officer the name i and location of any inmate of his or her house whom he or she may have reason to believe sick of any contagious or infectious diseases such as mentioned in Section 6 of this ordi- nance. Sec. 8. Whenever the Health Officer sha'1 have been notified of the existence of a conte- : gious or infectious disease, such as mentioned in Section 6 of this ordinance, in any house or dwelling in said City, he shalf cause to be placed in a conspicuous place upon such house a card upon which the name of said disease! shall be printed in legible characters of at least 1 2% inches in height upon a colored surface. The color of said card shall indicate the name of the disease, being green for diphtheria, red 1 for scarlet fever; yellow for smallpox and black for Asiatic cholera or yellow fever. The color of cards designating the other infec- I tious or contagious diseases may be fixed by 1 the Board of Health. Sec. 9. Whenever the Health Officer shall have caused a card indicating the existence of any infectious or contagious disease to be placed upon or attached to a house or dwell- ing, it shall be unlawful for any person or f r - I sons to obstruct the view of or destroy, de or remove said card from any such building iuntil such time as the Health Officer may di- rect. Sec. 10. No person or persons shall remove, cause to be ,removed, assist in removing, or if such person or persons be or are a physician or physicians in charge or in attendance, direct the removal f env person sick with any infec- tious or cont gious disease, such as mentioned in Section 6 f this ordinance, from any house -_ - or remove said card from any such build;nfv — until such time as the Health Officer may di- rect. Sec_ 10. No person or persons ,hall rem o -'e, cause to be removed, assist in removing, or if such person or persons he or are a phy: i! _n or physicians in c:iarge or in attendance, direct the removal f : gay person sick with any infec- tious or cont ions disease, such as mentioned in.Section 6 f this ordinance, from any house or place within said City to another ho:isc or place without a permit from the Health Officer first procured for that parpose, and no person shall drive or use any vehicle or permit any vehicle belonging to him or her, or under his or tier charge or control, to be driven or used fOr the conveyance or, removal of any person sick with any infectious or contagious disease, such as mentioned in said Section 6, with— ,a-first obtaining a permit from the Health Officer of said City. Sec. 11. Any person attending upon or oth- erwi�e cOgnin;-_ in contact with any infective° , Of contagious disea5c in such a manner Or to such at, extent as to render him or her liab',e _o communicate such disease to anoilt�er person, shall not go into any pw,iic place or assemblIv or min;;lo with oilier persons not affected with such infectious or contagious disease, wearing; anv infected clothing or carrying any material that may convey infection. Sec. 12. Every person hsviluz any infectious or contagious disr.zsc,su ch as mentioned in Section 1; of this ordinance, in his or her h ;.lee, or on his or her premises, or on or about his or her premia; s, or in any house or on any premises the said person may have control of in said ::ty, shall renovate, clean, purity and disinfect the same to any extent or manner the Board of ; 3e:ftli tray direct for t1w purpose of preventing further infecCon. Sec. 13. The Heaiuh Officer may cause to be removed to an hospital or other place provid- ed by the City for quarantine aad treatment of such cases, any or all parsons affected whit smalipox, yellow fever, typhus, glanders, lep- rosy, Asiatic cholera or other infectious or rosy, diseases front such houses in said '. City as cannot be satisfactorily quarantined. j Sec. 14. The Health Officer shall report im- i �F mediately to the principal of every public or private school in said City the name and loca- tion of every person whom he may know to be affected with any infectious or contagious disease such as mentioned in Section 6 of this ordinance. Sec. 15. No child or other person who has been suffering frc.a or affected with any infeoo- tions or contagious disease such as mentioned -izr Se''Mbn 6 of this ordinance, or who may be- long to or reside with the family or in the same house in which a person so affected may he located, shall be permitted to attend any pub- lic or private school within the limits of said City, and all school boards, principals or teach- ers, or other persons in charge in the said schools, are authorized and required to ex- clude any and all such children and persoas from said schools until such person so exclud- ed shall show a permit from the Health Officer stating there is no longer any danger from con- tagion or infection. Sec. 16. Whenever any person shall have died in said City of typhus, yellow fever, Asi- atic cholera, glanders, leprosy, smallpox, dip; - theria or scarlet fever, it shall be unlawful to _hold any public gathering or funeral services in connection with such deceased person; and 4 the body shall be thoroughly disinfected and inclosed in a tight burial case, which shall nat thereafter be opened. The funeral of such 1person shall be strictly private, and in no case shall children be allowed to attend thereat. Sec. 17. The draperies, so-called, and all ar- ticles which have been used about the body of Ferny person who has died of smallpox, diph- theria, including membranous croup, so-called• scarlet fever, typhus fever, typhoid fever, yel- low fever, glanders, leprosy or cholera, or wEich has been used in the room where such person has died, shall be destroyed by fire or disinfected to the satisfaction of the Health Officer. Sec. 18. No owner, lessee, agent, manager or occupant of any factory, laundry, tannery, distillery, livery stable, horse corral, cattle. yard or shed, barn, packing house or manufac- turing establishment of any kind, in said city, shall suffer the same to become nauseous. foul or prejudicial to life or health. Sec. 19. Any person in said city being the .'owner of, or having to control or possession of, any dead animal or part thereof which was not slaughtered for or is not fit for human :food, shall remove the same from within th-e limits of said city within six hours after the death of the same. And no person shall bury any dead animal within the limits of said cit,1. L, Sec. 20. No person or persons engaged in -rhP laundry business within said city shall pef- h fferinfr from au!- �-fes tiOus food, shall remove the same from within the limits of said city within six hours after the death of the same. And no person shall bury any dead amna el within the limits of said city. Sec. 20. No person or persons engaged Ui ! the laundry business within said city shall per- m t any -pa'i :..' auf`rering from anv ivf_,��tjous or contagious disease to lodge, sleep or re - I main within or upon premises used by him or her for the purpose of a public laundry. Sec. 21. No person shall deposit or use to fill up or raise the grade of any lot or ground in said city any animal or vegetable substance, manure or rubbish, muck, or any material whichmd may become ecayed or putrid. See. 22. No pile or deposit of any manure, offal, garbage, or accumulation of any offen- sive or nauseous substance shall be made within the limits of said city, nor shall any person or corporation unload, discharge or put upon or along the line of any railroad, street, highway or public place within said city any manure, offal, garbage or other offen- sive or n �� suhstance. Sec. 23. No person 2;t= .0 throw, deposit or conduct any dead animal or pari ahs. f, gar- bage, offal, fish, vegetables, manure or any filthy liquid or substance upon any lot, ground or place within said city. See. 24. No person shall Throw, deposit or conduct or cause to be thrown, deposited or conducted into or upon any street, alley or sidewalk within said city any dead animal or part thereof, or any fish, fruit, vegetables, de- cayed matter, manure, rubbish, filthy water or anything that may become putrid or offensive. Sec. 25. Every person shall keep the side- walk in front of his or tier house, place of bus- iness or premises in said city in a clean and wholesome condition. Sec. 26. Every owner, lessee, agent, tenant or occupant s's11 keep his or her yard or premises in said city in a clean and wliolesotae condition, and no owner, lessee, agent, tenant or occu- pant shall allow or pl^.ilii, any accumulation a£ manure, i:arbagc, offal, rubbish, stagnaixt' wa- ter or filth of arty ' ind to be or remain upon his or her yard, tot or premises is said city. Sec. 27. Every person being the owner, les- see or occupant Gf any stable or any place_ in said city where any horse, cow or other ani- mal may be, shall cause such stable or place to be kept at all tithes in a cleanly and wholesome condition, anal shall not allow any animal therein while infectied by any disease conta- gious or pesiileatial. Sec. 28. Every stable or place in said city where a horse or cow may be keptshall have all the mature or accumulations of manure therein or thereabouts removed therefrom as often as once in every seven days, and in aid about no stable or place where horses or cattle may be kept shall the amount of manure oxceed two cubyy', yards, nor shall this quantity remain a lohger time till'. three days. Sec. 29. Evcst-''veteriuvy nhysi clan, owacr or other person having under treitlu�nt or possession o;`, control or knowledge of, any animal in said city affected with any infectious or coatagious disease, such as glanders, farcy, tuberculosis or anthrax, shall inaruediately re- port in writing to the Health Officer, giving the nature of the disease, locationi and name of the owner of the said animal. Sec. 30. No person being the owner of or having the control or possession of any ani- mal affected with any infectious or contagious disease such as glanders, farcy, anthrax or tu- berculosis, shall permit or allow the same to go in or upon any street, alley or public place in said city, or to come in contaq with any other animal not so affected. fejt `i - ""i£i`-' "11r'.i"41Gr Withiii Len `feet «� a r- i_i c c -i- cv U i-_ `vrriRi riYh. ice, ne edev n: v!],itc 0.aO WC,Ji 0 - ori horn ul tat c pr tt upon c1.1 o,iof „t i �lpi -=t y, i .,1 . puvv v i rif or wc,l1 shaS1 b:;l tit i ,tied whenever it „uall become foul off' of--nsive. Every puvy vault or cess loo)..; s l ill be etmU.it.l, d- fit e ted told rill, ii iiia fresh earth whenever so ordered by the ll""tl officer. Sec. 33. Pdo person shall throw or permit to be thro-ivn or deposlted into any wvc.ter closet,, privy vault 'Jr csa pool til said city aay dcadf animal, offal or garbage. Sec. M. No person engaged in cleaning any. yard or preim ses, or in emptying any privy vault, cess i—ol or scnk, shall do so in such - manner as shall offend the sensibilities of rest dents of said city; and co person shall burn or dispose of any dead animal, offal, garbage, ma-, pure or other offensive or obnoxious subs-', stance in any manner that may be preJadicia- to health or offensive to the wlisibili ie:> o: the rc ;ale r_s of i cit;, Sec 34. Every cellar or basement in an `i� dwelling, res.dr.nce, st, or other pkice in said city shall be kept thoroughly drained and . ventilated. Sec. 36. 'Whenever it shall be certified to the' Board of Health of said city by the Ht al.h o ' I ficer that any buildieg or part thereof ui said ci y is i lfe -� d vMl, 'v con i. ions or 1 tec= , nu d arae, o by v ut Of rcit it has be orale d e . cous to life, o i unfit for human h ni:a-. from ne,ause of defects in drainage, plum :ugh veniiiation or construction of the same, or ba;.k cause of the existence of a nuisance oil thlik. pren uses and which is likely to cause s c+ nes11` at..ong tiie o cupants, the said Board o LL?t " .may issue an order requiring all persons there-' in to vacate said building or part thereof, fp- tne r tisoils to be s-rl i the cin is afor ,,,14 S aid is o=.: --d sslc.11 C�juse said order to be affixid, cousp,..aou iy in tine bu,ldin. or part thereof, ' anti to be s rvc- ('11 the, owne 1-ssce eni; �ocuPinY,r .; penia nav nv ch-rgeoi tr ,l thorecA i i jjiL, lw _ic , Ica fee or 111,110jiff cannot be found iti said city or do notenerside therein, or evade or resist service, thsaid V- ion—iling a coax stance in any m'annar #hat may e prelu. icsa to hea,0, or often.,i se to f' 3f Y sit s n the residc, s of 5;S 'tJ. �+bNM4 °Fis aterif in any 1. dwelling, residence, score or other place in said city shall be kept thoroughly drained and ventilated. Sec. 36. Whenever it shall be certified to the Board of Health of said city by the Health Of- ficer that any building or part thereof in said city is infected with any contagious or Infec- tiruc (isease, or by want of repair has become dangerous to life, or is unfit for human habita- tion because of defects in drainage, plumbing, venriiation or construction of the same, or ba - cause of the existence of a nuisance on the premises and which is likely to cause sickness among the occupants, the said Board of Hezith may issue an order requiring all persons there- in to vacate said building dt part thereof, for the reasons to be stated therein as aforesaid. Said Poard shal! cause said order to be aftixcd conspicuously in the building or part thereof, and to be served on the owner, lessee, agent, occupant, or any person having charge or con- trof thereof. If the owner, lessee or agent cannot be found in saki city or do not reside therein, or evade or resist service,then said order may be served by depositing a copy thareof in the postoffice in the City of Ana- heim, postage prepaid, properly enclosed and addressed to such owner, lessee or agent at his last known place of business or residence. Such building or part thereof shall within ten days after such order shall have been posted and mailed or served as aforesaid, or within such shorter time, not less than 24 hours, as in said order may be specified, be vacated; but said Board, whenever it shall become satisfied that the danger from said building or part thereof has ceased to,exist,.or that _ said _build- ing has been re _,aired so as to fie-babitable, may revoke said order: Sec. 37. No person shall expectorate on the floor of any public building or on any cement sidewalk in said city. Sec. 38. It shall be unlawful for any person to pre vent, resist or oppose, or attempt to pre- vent, resist or oppose the Health Officer or any member of the Board of Health from exe- cuting any of the duties required of them by this ordinance or by any rule or regulation adopted by said Board of Health; and no per-, son shall seek to prevent or deter the members of the Board of Health, or any of them, from entering into or upon any room, house, build- ing, place or premises in said city in their of- ficial capacity for the purpose of carrying out any of the provisions of this ordinance or any of said rides and regulations. Sec. 39. All expenditures necessarily in- curred by the Board of Health in the per- formance of their duties shall be paid by the city. Sec. 40. The Health Officer shall receive, as compensation for all services required of him by the provisions of this ordinance, the sum of ten dollars per month. Sec. 41. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or do any Df the acts herein prohibited, and any person w io shall fail to comply with any of the re- luirements of this ordinance; shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction hereof shall be punished by a fine not ex- .eeding §200.00, or by imprisonment not ex- JAycr: pnsonment. And in case any fine which ay be adjudged by the Court be not paid, e defendant shall be imprisoned at the rate one day's imprisonmpt for each $2,00,of ch fine, the entire term of such imprison- 1 ent not to exceed ninety days. V Sec. 42. All ordinances or parts of ordi- nces in conflict with the provisions of this i dinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 43. The City Clerk shall certify to the ssage of this ordinance and shall cause the me to be published once in the Orange unty Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper imed and published in said City of Ana- f im, and thereupon and thereafter ft shall be full force and effect. CHARLES OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustors of the City of Anaheim. hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance s introduced ata meeting of the Beard—of ustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the' It day of May, 1907, and that it was duly sed at a regular meeting of said Board ofustees field on the 13th day of June, 1937, by following vote; Trustees Stock, Darling, Kroeger Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said 3ard of Trustees signed said ordinance on e 17th day of June 1907. 11]Si'ARD B. MERRITT, :SEAL) Clerk of said City of Anaheim. ORBIVANCT NO. An ordinance establishing a Board of Health and authorizing the appointment of a Health Officer in and for the City of Anaheim., de- fining the powers.9,nd duties of such Board of Health and Health Officer, and forbidding certain acts which are prejudicial to health. The Board of. Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as fol- lows: Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, within thirty daIrs after the passage and pub- lication of this ordinance, to appoint a Board of Health consisting of five membera, one at least of whom shall be a practising physi- cian. The Board of Trustees shall designate one of the appointees as Health Officer and 'resident of the Board of Health. The members of such Board. of Health shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. See. 2. The regular meetings of the Board of Health shall be held on the first Monday of each quarter of the calendar year at the City Hall, at such hour as they may determine and fix; and spe- cial meetings may be called at any time by the President or three members of the Board, written notice of the time and purpose of the meeting to be served on each member of the Board at least one hour before the time for the meeting, or left at his residence or place of business. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for,. -the transaction of any business within the juri6d,ictiomn of the Board. Sec. 3. The Board of Health shall have general supervision of all matters pertaining to the sanitary condition of the City of Anaheim, and it shall have power to adopt, and it is hereby made its duty to adopt, such rules and regulations relative thereto as it may deem necessary and proper and. not contrary to law. Such rules and regulations, and all orders of the Board of Health based thereon, or upon any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall have all the binding, force of law. or upon any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall have all the binding force of law. Sec. 4. The Health Officer is hereby charged with the duty of enforcing all the rules, regulations and orders of the Board, and shall assist the City Marshal in enfording the penal provisions of this ordinance; and if any person or persons shall violate any of such rules, regulations or orders, or any of the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be his duty to file a complaint in the Recorder's Court against the offending party or parties. Sec. 5. The Health Officer, the Board of Health, or any member thereof, is each, in his official capacity, hereby authorized to enter upon any premises or into any house, factory, shop, stable, in said City or other building Ato investigate the sanitary condition of such place, and the Health Officer shall have the power to enter into in said City any building, room or other place ^to investigate any disease or to determine whether or not any person shall have or be suffering fromany contagious or infectious disease. Sec. 6. Every physician or other person shall immediately re— port in writing to the Health Officer of said City the name and lo— cation of any patient he or she may have within the limits of said City affected with Asiatic cholera, smallpox, typhus, yellow fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, glanders, leprosy or any other infectious or contagious d6sease. Sec. 7. Pvei"I keeper of a hotel, boarding or lodging house, and every householder or other person in said City shall immediately report in writing; to the Health Officer the name and location of any inmate of his or her house whom he or she may have reason to believe sick of any contagious or infectious diseases such as men— tioned in Section 6 of this ordinance. Sec. 8. Whenever the Health Officer shall have been notified of the existence of a contagious or infectious disease, such as mentioned in Sec. 6 of this ordinance in any house or dwelling in said City, he shall cause to be placed in a conspic3*ous place upon .such house a card upon which the name of said disease shall be printed in legible characters of at least 2 1/A inches in lnxgkk heighth upon a -.1olored surface. The color of said card shall indi— cate the name of the disease, being green for diphtheria, red for (LP) scarlet fever, yellow for smallpox and black for Asiatic cholera or yellow fever. The color of cards designating the other infectious or contagious diseases may be fixed by the Board of Health. Sec. 9. Whenever the Health Officer shall have caused a card indina.ting the existence of any infectious or contagious disease to be placed upon or attached to a house or dwelling, it shall be un lA: nil for any person or persons to obstruct the view of or 6estroy deface or remove said card from any such building until such time as the Health Officer may direct. Sec. 10. No person or persons shall remove, cause to be removed, assist in removing, or if such person or persons be or are a. physi- cian or physicians in charge or in attendance, direct the removal of any person sick with any infectious or contagious disease, such as mentioned in Section 6 of this ordinance, from any house or place within said City to another house or place without a permit from the Health Officer first procured for that purpose, and no person shall drive or use any vehicle or permit any vehicke belonging to him or her, or under his or her charge or control, to be driven or used for the conveyance or removal of any person sick with any in fectious or contagious disease, sunh as mentioned in said Section 6, without first obtaining a permit from the Health Officer of said City. Secs. 11. Any person attending upon or otherwise coming in con- tact on tact with any infectious or contagious disease in such a manner or to such an extent as to render him or her liable to communicate such disease to another person, shall not go into any public place or assembly or mingle w&th other persons not affected with such in- fectious or contagious disease, wearing any infected clothing or carrying any Material that may convey infection. Sec. 12. Every person having any infectious or contagious dis- ease such as mentioned in section 6 of this ordinance, in his or her house or on or about his or her premises, or in any house or on any premises the said person may have control of, in said City, (3) shall renovate, clean, purify and disinfect the same to 1kn any extent or manner the Board of Health may direct for the purpose of preventing further infection. Sec. 13. The Health Officer may cause to be removed to an hos— pital or other place provided by the City for quarantine and treat— ment of such cases, any or all persons affected with smallpox, yellow fever,`typhus, glanders, leprosy, Asiatic cholera, or other infectious or contagious diseases from such houses in said city as cannot be satisfactorily quarantined. See. 14. The Health Officer shall report immediately to the principal of every public or private school in said city the name and location of every person whom he may know to be affected with any infectious or contagious disease such as mentioned. in Section 6 of this ordinance. Sec. 15. No child or other person who has been suffering from or affected with any infectious or contagious disease such as Men— tioned in Section 6 of this ordinance, or who may belong to or re— side with the family or in the same house in which a person so affected may be located, shall be permitted to attend any public or private school within the limits of said city; and all school boards, principals or teachers, or other persons in charge in the said schools are authorized and required to exclude any and all such children and persons from said schools until such person so encluded shall show a permit from the Health Officer stating there is no longer any -danger from contagion or infection. Sec. 16. whenever any person shall have -died in said City of typhus, yellow fever, Asiatic cholera, glanders, leprosy, smallpox, diphtheria or scarlet fever, it shall be unlawful to hold any pub— lic gathering or funeral services in connection with such dieeased person; and the body shall be thoroughly disinfected and inclosed in a tight burial case, which shall not thereafter be opened. The (4) funeral of such person shall be strictly private, and in no case shall nhldren be allowed to attend thereat. Sec. 17. The draperies, so-called, and all articled which have been used about the body of any person who has died of smallpox, diphtheria, including membranous croup, so-called, scarlet fever, typhus fever, typhoid fever, yellow fever, glanders, leprosy or cholera, or which has been used in the room where such person has died, shall be destroyed by fire or disinfected to the sat-isfantion of the RoxxI Healt}? Officer. Sec. 18. No owner, lessee, agent, manager or occupant of any factory, laundry, tannery, distillery, livery stable, horse norral, cattle yard or shed, barn, packing house or/rr�anuf.acturing �-stsblish- ment of any kind., MAW in said city, shall suffer the same to become nauseous, foul or prejudicial to life or health. Sec. 19. Any person in said city being the owner of, or having to control or possession of, any dead animal or part thereof which was not slaughtered for or is not fit for hur!an food, shall remove the same from within the limits of said city within six hours after the heath of the same. And no person shall bury any dead animal within the limits of said city. Sec. 20 No person or persons engaged in the laundry business within said city shall permit any person suffering from any infec- tious or contagious disease to lodge, sleep or remain within or upon premises used by him or her for the purpose of a public laundry. Sec. 21. No person shall deposit or use to fill up or raise the grade of any lot or ground in said city any animal or vegetable substance, manure or rubbish, muck, or any material which may become decayed or putrid. Sec. 22. No pile or deposit of any manure, offal, gvrbage, or accumulation of any offensive or nauseous substance shall be made within the limits of said city, nor shall any person or corporation (5) unload, discharge or put upon or along the line of any railroad, strPet, highway or public place within said city any manure, offal, garbage or other offensive or nauseous substance. Sec. 23. No person shall throe, deposit or conduct any dead animal or part thereof, garbage, offal, fish, vegetables, manure, or any filthy liquid or substance upon any lot, ground of place within said city. Sec. 24. No person shall throw, deposit or conduct, or cause to be thrown, deposited or conducted into or upon any street, alley or sidewalk within said city any dead aninRl or past thereof, or any fish, fruit, vegetables, decayed matter, manure, rubbish, filthy water or anything that may become putrid or offensive. Sec. 25. Every person shall keep the sidewalk in front of his or her house, place, of business or premises in said city in a clean and wholesome condition. Sec. 26. Every owner, lessee, agent, tenant or occupant shall keep his or her yard or premises in said pity in a clean and whole— some condition, and no owner, lessee, agent, tenant or occupant shall allow or permit any accumulation of manure, garbage, offal, rubbish, stagnant water of filth of any kind to be or remain upon his or her yard, lot or premises in said city. Sec. 27. Every person being the owner, lessee or o^cupanjr of any stable .-or any placewhereany horse, now or other animal may be, shall cause s»ch stable or place to be kept at all times in a cleanly and wholesome condition, and shall not allow any animal therein while infected by any disease contagious or pestilential. Sec. 28. Every stable or placer here a horse or cow may be kept shall have all the manure or accumulations of manure therein or thereabolits removed therefrom as often as once in every seven days; and in or about no stable or place where horses or cattle may be kept shall the amount of manure exceed two cubic yards, nor shall (8) this quantity remain a. longer tine than three days. veterinary Sec. 29. Every^physician, owner or other person having under treatment or possession of., control or knowledge of, any animal in said city ^affected with any infectious or ^onta.gious disease, such as glanders, farcy, tuberculosis or anthrax, shall immediately report in writing to the Health Of -finer, giving the name of the disease, location and name of the owner of the said animal. Sec. 30. No person XxVixg being the owner of or having the control or possession of any animal inxmxidtx%iiy affected with any infectious or contagious disease such as glanders, farcy, anthrax or tuberculosis, shall permit or allow the same to go in or upon any street, al?ejr or public place, axxks in said city, or to come in contact with any other animaanso affected. Sec. 31. No person shall construct or maintain a privy in said city within less than five feet of any property line, nor within ten feet of any residence or dwelling house or sidewalk; and every privy gall by provided with a vault or well of not less than e "r feet deep. Sec. 32. No owner lessee or agent or occupanjr of any lot or premises in said city shall maintain or permit any privy, well or vault upon such lot or premises to become filled to or above two or well feet of the top of said well or vault; and every privy vault shall be disinfectted whenever it small become foul or offensive. Nvery privy vault or cess -pool shall be emptied, disinfected and filled with fresh earth whenever so ordered by the Health Officer. Sec. 33. No person shall throw or permit to be thrown or de- posited into any eater closet, privy vault or cesspool in said city any dead animal, offal or garbage. Sec. 34. No person engaged in cleaning any yRrd or premises, or in emptying any privy vault, cesspool or sink, shall do so in such manner as shall offend the sensibilities of residents of said city; and no person shall burn or dispose of any dead animal, offal, (7) gprbage, manure or other offensive or obnoxious substance in any manner that may be prejudicial to health or offensive to the sensi— bilities of the residents of said city. Ser,. 35. Nvery cellar or basement in any dwelling, residence store or other place in said city shall be kept thoroughly brained and. ventilated. Sec. 36. Whenever it shall be certified to the Board of Health of said city by the. FIealth. Officer that any building or part there— of in said city is infected with any contagious or infectious dis— ease, or by 7rpnt of repair has bPeomF; dangerous to life, or is un— fit for human habitation because of defe cts in drainage, plumbing, ventilation or construction of the same, or because of the existence of a. nuisance on the premises and. which is likely to cause sickness among the occupants, the spit?. Board of Health may issue an order requiring all persons therein to vacate said building or part there— of, for the reasons to be stated therein as aforesaid. Said Board shall cause said order to be affixed conspicuously in the building or part thereof, and to be served on the owner, lessee, agent, oc— cupant, or any person having charge or control thereof. if the owner, lessee or agent cannot be found in said city or do not reside there— in, or evade or resist .service, then said order may be served by depositing a copy thereof in the. postoffiee in the City of Anaheim, postage prepaid, properly enclosed and addressed to such owner, lesasee or agent at his last known place of business or residence. Such bu(j1ding or part thereof shall within ten days after such order shall have been posted and mailed or served as aforf=said, or within such shorter time, not less than 24 hours, as in said order may be specified, be vacated; but said Board, whenever it shall become satisfied that the danger from said building or part thereof has ceased. to exist, or that said building has been repaired so as to be habitable, may revoke said order. (S) SeC. 37. No person shall expectorate on the floor of any public building or on any cement sidewalk in said city. Sec. 38. It shall be unlawful for any person to prevent, resist or oppose, or attempt to prevent, resist or oppose the Health Officer or any member of the Board of Health from executing any of the duties required of, them by this ordinance or by any rule or regulation adopted by said Board of Health; and no person shall seek to prevent or deter the members of the Board of Health, or any of them, from entering into or upon any room, house, building, place or premises in said city in their official capacity for the purpose of carrying out any of the provisions of this ordinance or any of said rules and regulations. Sec. 39. All expenditures necessarily incurred by the Board of Health in the performance of their duties shall be paid by the city. Sec. 40. The Hea.ltii Officer shall receive, as compensation for all sf-rvices required of him by the provisions of this ordinance, the sum of ten dollars per month. any of Sec. ! Any person who shall violQte4the provisions of this ordinance, or do any of the ants herein prohibited, and any any of person who shall fail to comply with ^the requirements of this ordin- ance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $200.00, or by imprisonment not excrWing sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisoruaent . And in case any fine which may be adjudged by the Court be not paid, the defendant shall be imprisoned At the rRte of one day's imprisonment for each $2.00 of such fine, the entire term of such irprisorurent not to exceed ninety days. Sec. Ll 7-- All ordinances or parts of ordinan^es in conflict with the Provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 43 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Orange County Plaindealer, a 1rTeekly new, -.paper printed and published in said City of Anaheim, and thereupo__ and the'r°eafter it shall be in fiill force and effect. Pre-sident of the Board of ustees o.t' the City of. Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinanoe was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 9th day of May, 19099 and that it was duly passed at ? regu- lar meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the /3 day of W -W# 1909, by the following vote Ayes: Trustees Noes: e . �Gr_�.,dam I further-Prtify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed sa.i4 or(Unance on Kesel JFday of l+i�, 1909. Clerk of said li y of Anpheim. ( seal) 7 Richard Melrose .ATTORNEY Ariaheim, Cal. U THE S U P.EMT0 R C01 of the County of ge,,State of California. State of California, Ss. County of Orange being first duly sworfi," ttep ses and says: at a*1imes hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United Stateage of 21 years, and a res- ident of said c unty, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the Kl>k J e u_ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least fie 3,01 commencing on the day of 190.1. and ending on the _ day 190., both days inclusive, and as often during s ime as said news- paper was regularly issued. That�the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: Subscribed and sworn to jbefor�e7 me this day of Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ORDINANCE NO. 198. An Ordinance Regulating the Op- eration of Motor Vehicles and Other Vehicles on the Streets of the City of Anaheim. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana - helm do ordain as follows: Section I. No person shall operate a motor vehicle, or any other vehicle, on any public street in the City of Anaheim at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having . regard to the traffic and use of said streets, so as to endanger the life or limb of any person, j or the safety of any property; or in any event at a greater rate than one mile in six minutes. Section 2. Upon approaching a crossing of Il,intersecting streets in said City, a person oper- 'ing a motor vehicle shall have it under control and operate it at a speed not greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the traffic then on such streets and the safety of the public. Section 3. Upon approaching a person walking on any street in said City, or a horse or horses, or other draft animals, being ridden, led or driven thereon, a pesos operating a motor vehicle shall give reasonable warning of its approach and use every reasonable pre- caution to insure the safety of such person or animal, and, in filecase of horses or other draft m anials, to prcvc"t `irighteniieg the same. Section 4. A person operating a motor ve- hicle shall, at request or on signal by putting up the hand, from a person riding, leading, or driving a restive horse or horses, or other draft animals, bring such motor vehicles immediately to a stop, and, if traveling in the opposite direction, remain stationary so long as may be reasonable to allow such horse or animal to pass, and, if traveling in the same direction, use reasonable caution in thereafter passing such in case horse animal; such hose or an mal appearrs badlrovided y frightened or the person operating such motor vehicle is requested to do so, such person shall cause the motor of such vehicle to cease run- ning so long as shall be reasonably necessary to prevent accident and insure safety to others. Section 5. Whenever a person operating a iuotor vehicle, shall meet on any public street in said City, any other person riding or driv- ing a horse or horses or other live stock, or any other vehicle, the person so operating such motor vehicle shall seasonably turn the same to the right of the center of such high- !' way so as to pass without interference. Any such person so operating a motor vehicle, shall on overtaking any such horse, live stock, or other vehicles, pass on the left side thereof, and the rider or driver of such horse, live stock or other vehicle, shall as soon as practic- able turn to the right, so as to allow free pass - i :;ge on the left. Any such person so operating a motor vehicle shall at the intersection of public streets in said City, keep to the right of the intersection of the centers of such streets, when turning to the right, and pass to the right o` such intersection when turning to the left. Nothing in this section shall, however, be con- i strued as limiting the meaning or effect of the provisions of Section 3 of this ordinance. Section 6. The Superintendent of Streets of !said City shall place conspicously on each mainpublic street in said City, where the boundary of said City crosses the same, signs of sufficient size to be easily readable by a per- son using said street, bearing the words; "Slow Down to Six Miles," and also an arrow pointing in the direction where the speed is to be reduced or changed. Section 7. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall bej deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days or by both fine and im- prisonment. Section 8. All ordinances or parts of ordin- a ices in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of AP m, andt thereupon and thereafter ertt fnahit shall be in full forceCHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of said City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of ,rrusfees of the City of Anaheim held on the 127th day of June, 1907, and that it was duly passed at a of said Board of Trustees regular rus ees heldo f the meeting day of July, 1907, by the following vote; Ayes: Trustees Rust, Darling and Fiscus. Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 11th day of July 1907. (SEAL) EDWARDClerk of Said BCity f Anaheim. . Ordinanle No. An ord.iran^e rP,ula.tin,; the operation of. Motor vehicles arid other vehicles on th, streets of the City of Anaheim, The Board of TrIISt".es of. the City of. AnRheil»l do ordain as follows. Section 1. No person shall operate a motor vehicle or any other vehicle, on any public street in the Citic of Allaheira at a rate of w,;eed rre?ter than is reasonable and proper, having reUard to the traffic and use, of said str('ets, or so ?.ti to endanger the life or limb of any person, or the safety of arty property; or in an- event at a greater rate than one mile in six minutes. Section 2. Ilr)orI approachir'g a crossin of intersecting street$ in said City, a person operating a motor vehicle shall 1avP it under control and o erate it at a speed not �);rPster than is reason— able and proper, having regard to the traffic then on :such streets and the safety of the public. Section 3. Upon approaching a person 17- alking or. any street in said. City, or s horsy or horses, or other draft animals, being ridden, led, or driven thereof:, a pPrsol7 operatini a rotor vehicle shall give reasonable wprning of its approach and use every reason _ able precaution to 'insure the safety of such person or anima:_, and, in the.. /;ase_, of horses or other draft =animals, to prevent frightening; the same. Seltlon 4. A person operating a motor vehicle shall, at re— t- quest or on sign-�l >;r puting up the 'nand, from a person riding, ` leading, or drivin- a restive horse or horses, or other draft animals, bring such motor vehicle irrIediatPl'► t"o a stop, and, if travel.L.n�'- In the opposite direction, remai r. stationary so long as may be reasonable to allow such horse or animal tc; pass, and, if traveling; in the same direction, use reasonable c?i?tion in there— after passin slich dorsa or animal; provided that, in case such horse or animal appears badly frightened or the person operating; such motor vehicle is requested to do so, sunh person shall cause the motor of such vehicle to cPaSe running so long as shail be reasonably necessary to prevent accident and insure safety to others. SP.,r;t:LGi. v. �ihenever a pPrsonb oi�Pra.ting a. motor vehielp, shall meet on any public street in said City, ars_ other Pierson riding; or driving a I:orse or horses or other live stock, or any.other vehicle, the person so operating; such motor vehicle shall season— ably tizrn the same to the right of the center of such highway so R as to pass Irritilout interference. Any sunk person so operating a motor veli -Ile, shall on overtaking any suc l horse, live. stock, or other vehi(,,le, pass on the left side thereof , and the rider or driver of such Horse, live stocl4 or other vPhielp, shall, as soon as nracticablp turn to the right, so as to allow free paVge or: the left. Any such person so operating a. motor vehicle „Yra11 at the intersection of public streets in said 13i ty, keep to the right of tile, intersection of tale centers of such streets, when turning to the right, algid pass to the right of such intersection: when turning 41 to tii-e left. Yothin- in this section shall, :owever, be construed as1*1mitir.g tike meaning or effect of the provisions of section 3 of this ordinance. Section b. The sia?)?rintendent of streets of said City shall place conspicuously on Kaci. main publi--, street in said City, where ti -ie boundary of said City cro,;sm Ps the sae, Signs of sufficient sie to be easily readable by a person, using said street, bearing; the vords " slow clown to six and also an arrow pointirn;; in the.., direction "There the spP,ed is to be redu^ed or changed. Section 7. Any person or persoM. violating any of the 3)rovis— ions of this ordiPanzc(, shp.11 be deer^ed guilty of a ,misdemeanor and upon ^onviction thereof shall be punished i);;T a fine not exceed — ing X100 or by imprisonment not excePcting thirty d2ys or by both fine and imprisoruaent. section 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict pealed. with t]"P, provisions of. this ordinance are hereby re Section 9. Ti_e City Clerk shall certif;r to the passa�p of this ordinance and sa.all cause t),P, samP to bf, published once, in the Orange County Pialndoaler, a wr,eklr newspaper printed, published and circulated in said Cit;," of Anaheim, and thereupon and there— after it shall be in full force and effect. President of the Hoard of _rtes ees of said City of Ahaheirr►, i hereby certify that the, fore;;0i11 ordinance, was introduced at a meeting of the. Board of Trustees of tile, pity of Anaheim held on the 27th day of June, 3.9079 and that it was duly passed at z a regular meeting of >aid_ Board >f Trustees held on the / I day of. July, 1907, by t//he f. ollO' i n4; Vote: V� o0 -C Ayes: Trustees Moes -- I fizrtYipr certify that the President, of said Board of TrustePg signed said ordinance on the day of July, 1907. ( seal) L Clerk of. said City of A i-x- IN THE SURIOR COURT of the Coyly of Orange, State of California. rR w State of California, S. County of Orange J. :J. `j� s_ being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list. of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the Ordinance Lto. 19 of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least one. time. commencing on the J?t1 day of Flu ist. 1907 and ending on thet_!_J day of Alll"3tiS G 190..7, both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: Au+;uit 17. 1907 - Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 190. Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ORDINANCE NO. 199. An Ordinance Ordering the Work of Opening a Street Through Original, Building Lots 33, 34, 35, 36. 39, 38, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim, from the West line of Los_Angeles Street to the The Board of Trustees of the City, of Ana- heim do ordain "as -follows: Section 1. That the pubhc'intece it and coli venieoce require, and that the said ::pard of Trustees hereby order to be done the work of opening a street through Original Building Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim. from the West line of Los Angeles Street to the East fine of Lemon Street. said street to be an extension of flak St—f in — declaring the intention of said Board of Trus- tees to order said work to be done; and it is hereby ordered that said work, be done in ac- cordance with said resolution of intention. Sec. 2. That, subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at any time for cause, Max Nebelung, J. J. Schneider, Fred A. Backs Jr., be and they are hereby appointed commis. sioners to assess the benefits and damages, and have general supervision of said work until the completion thereof, in compliance with an Act of the Legislature of the State of Call- in whole or in part, any sftee', square, aane, alleY. court or place within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose." Fortheirservices said commission- er a shall receive as. compensation the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per, diem for the rdrtw��aw the3F. s 1fl performing sal services, �ch o said com- missioners shall, before proceeding with the I performance of their duties, file with the' Clerk i of said Board of Trustees an affidavit and bond to the Stare of California, in the sum of I five thousand dollars, to faithfully perfo[m th duties of his office in the manner and form 're- quired by law. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in. the, Orange County;, Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of general 1 circulation; printed, published' and circulated I in said City of An3beim, and thereupon a�, d1 thereafter the same shall be in full force sari III( effect. G. J. STOCK, President pro"tem of the Board of Trustees ' of the Gity of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced ata meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held' on the 11th day of July, 1907, and that it was dulypass- ed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trus tees held on the Sth day of August 1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Stock, Darling, Krueger and Fiscus, Noes: None. rAnd I -further certify that the President pro tem of said Board of Trustees signed said or- dinance on the 8th day of August, (907. i EDWARD B. MERRITT, (SEAL) City Clerk ofsaid Cl Aug 17-1t of Anaheim, '< Ordinance No. An ordinance ordering the work of opening a street through Original Buildi?;g Lots 33, 349 35, 36, 379 38, 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim, :From the. 'Test line of Los Angeles Street to the East line of Lemon Street, said street to be an extension of. Oak Street, Th(' Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim too ordain as follows: S,�r,t_on 1. That the public interest and convenience req»ire, and that the said. Board of Trustees hereby order to be done the work of opening a street through Original Building Lots 33, 34, 35, 369 37, 389 39 and 40 in the City of Anaheim, from the nest line of Los Angeles Street to the East line, of Lemon Street, said street to be an extension of Oak Street, in accordance with Resolution of Intention No. 68, declarin the intention of said Board of Trustees to order said work to i,e done, and it is hereby ordered that f�aid work be done in accordance with said resolution of intention. Sec. 2. That, subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at any time for cause,, be and they are hereby appointed comr!ii. sinners to assess the benQ— fits and damal-As, and have general supervision of said iprork until the con,;letion thereof, in compliance with an Act of the Legisla— ture of the State of Ca- lifornia, approved Marcb. 6, 1889, and en— titled "An Act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening, or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, land, alley, court or place within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose,.„. Fot their services said commission— ers shall receive, as compensation the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per oliM diem for the days upon which they are actuallyen— gaged in performing said services. Each of said cormaissioners shall, before proceeding with the performance of their duties, file with the Clerk of said Board of Tri.zstees an affidavit and a bond. to the State of California, in the sum of five thousand dollars, to faith— f'ull� perform, the duties of his office in the manner and fore: re— ggired by law. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the l)assa.ge of this a ordinance and cause the same to be published on; -,e in the Orange ,_.... County Plai ndealer, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. Y�VI'v PresidentJlof the Board of Trustees of % the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting; of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on thn /I day of _1907, and that it eras dilly passed at a regular meeting; of said Board of Trustees held on the � day of `� ���.. 1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Noes* And I further certify that the Pr�lsidentn of said Board, of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 8 ` day of�9 ..� 1907. ( seal) City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. <7 Q Ridh and Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, Cal. IN THE E R URT of t ounty of ange, St of California. State of California, County of Orange ss. _ 3. 'rll-ii1, -----being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the _ Ordinance J0 200, of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least on? t,img __ commencing on the 31st day of _ kxri ]Sf._ 190.'... and ending on the..1 day of Ilia rl���t, 190..7 both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows:_ A,42=t 31- 1907. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of A 190..E lid dY 'r;� std. Notary Public in and for Orange County, Californl� ORDINANCE NO. 200. An 0edinmice granting! to Clarence j A. Watson and R. J. Dunn and their' assigns the right to con- struct anti lay down, and for a period of fifty years to maintain and operate, *a pipe line along and under certain Streets and` Alleys in the City of Anaheim, herein designated, and during said term to conduct, carry and transmit gas, either natural or manufactured, through the same, for heat and power purposes only, together with certain ap- purtenant and incident rights. The Board of Trustees, of the City of Ana- i heim do ordain as follows. " Section 1. That the right, privilege and fran- chise is hereby granted to Clarence A. Wat- son and R. J. Bunn and their assigns, to con- struct and lay down, and for the period of fifty years to maintain and operate, a pipe line for the purpose of conveying natural or manu- factured gas to be "used for heat and power Purposes along the route and under the streets and alleys in said City of Anaheim described as follows; to -wit: All the streets and alleys within the corporate limits of the City of Ana- heim, together with the right to properly con- nect and operate said pipe line and to deliver gas to consumers during said period of fifty years,an d to carry,conduct and transmit natural or manufactured gas through and by means of said pipe -line, for heat and power purposes only, and not for illuminatingpurposes, to- , gether with the right to construct and main- tain all such traps, manholes, drips, appliances l and attachments as may be necessary for the purpose of safely and efficiently operat- ing and maintaining said pipe line and supply- t ing gas to consumers for the purposes afore- said, or to any building orbuitdings fronting or abutting upon any of the said streets or alleys; provided, that said pipe line shall be construct- ed and at all times operated and maintained, [i and said right, privilege and franchise is here- by granted and shall be at all times exercised 3+ and enjoyed in accordance with and subject to each and every of the terms arid conditions in this ordinance. Sec. 2. That the said pipeline shall consist of one mainline laid parallel with the streets or alleys, and such other_linea of pipe as may z Said pipe shall be of iron or steel and shall. Ire a of sufficient strength to withstand a :pressure of not less than four hundred pounds to the square inch; and shall be laid with air tight c joints or sleeves, so asto prevent escape of 3 q g Sec, 3. That said pipe line ahail be laid at all t points not teas— oighteen inches below the established grade of the street or alley under t' which said pipe is laid and shall be so laid as u 61 not to interfere with any water pipes laid at t the time of laying of said gas pipes. All ex - o (a f cavations for laying, moving or repairing said �c pipe line shall be done in such manner as till'; not to interfere with the free use of the street by the public,. except such temporary inter - Hnt ference as may be necessarily incident to the proper prosecution of said work. All exca- fra vations shall be made and refilled in compli- at anee with the instructions and to the satis- faction of the superintendent of streets of sale P. city, and in conformity with the provisions of of the ordinances of said city which may " Co be in force at the time of the performance of ge said work, and the grantees of this franchise, C p or their assigns, shall comply with all ordin- ances from time to time enacted by the Board l 'rt of Trustees of said city in reference to persons 1. making excavations in the streets of said city, d for the purpose of insuring the restoration of L Ira all streets to a good and perfect condition rr, along said excavations. P th Sec. 4. That the grantees of this franchise, P asor their assigns shall have the right to con - .r struct manholes or traps along the line of said pipe at such intervals as is beat suited to the purpose of affording access to saidipe for A, cleaning or maintaining raps or. Imanholes to ke so capped and covered as to l be flush with the street or alley and not to in- terfere in any way with the use of said street'] id or'Iley for travel or traffic. Sec. 5. That' in the event of 4 change of E grade, the laying of any sewer, or the making r of any other improvements by the said city in any of the streets or alleys along and under which said pipe may be laid shall in the -evinion of the-Braerdtif of said city render necessary any change in the position of said pipe, the grantees or their assiens shall. ORDINANCE NO. 200. arising from its use, operation or possession, ;hall be deemed and understood to be, and shall be, the total gross earnings collected or An Ordinance granting to Clarence 'eceived or in any manner gained by the .rantees of this franchise or their assigns from A. Watson and R. J. Dunn and i he use of said pipe line on account of the their assigns the right to tori--arriage or transmission of gas through the ame in and under the streets and alleys of said struct and lay down. and for a City of Anaheim, and it shall be the duty of the grantees of this franchise or their assigns period of fifty years to maintain to file with the City Clerk of the City of Ana - and operate, a pipe line along' heim, at the expiration of six years from the date of the granting of this franchise, and at the and under Certain Streets and expiration of each and every year thereafter, a (statement in writing made by the grantees of Alleys in the City of Anaheim, this franchise, or their assigns, or by their herein designated, and during manager or presiding officer, and verified by the oath of the person making the same, show - said term to conduct, carry and ing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected or received or in any manner gained transmit gas, either natural Or or derived by the said grantees or their as- signs during the preceding twelve months manufactured, through the same, from the use of said pipe line and from or on for heat and power purposes account of the carriage or transmission of Only, together with certain a p- gas through the same, and within thirty days $ after the time for filing the aforesaid statement it shall be the duty of the grantees of this purtenant and incident rights. franchise or their assigns to pay to the City Treasurer of said City of Anaheim the aggre- gate sum of said percentage upon the amount The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right, privilege and fran- chise is hereby granted to Clarence A. Wat- i son and R. J. Dunn and their assigns, to con- struct and lay down, and for the period of fifty s years to maintain and operate, a pipe line for the purpose of conveying natural or manu- factured gas to be used for heat and power s purposes along the route and under the streets and alleys in said City of Anaheim described t as follows, to -wit: All the streets and alleys within the corporate limits of the City of Ana- heim, together with the right to properly con- s nett and operate said pipe line and to deliver s gas to consumers during said period of fifty years,and to carry,conduct and transmit natural or manufactured gas through and by means of said pipe -line, for heat and power purposes only, and not for illuminating purposes, to- gether with the right to construct and main- tain all such traps, manholes, drips, appliances and attachments as may be necessary for t the purpose of safely and efficiently operat- ing and maintaining said pipe line and supply- ing gas to consumers for the purposes afore- said, or to any building or buildings fronting or abutting upon any of the said streets or alleys; provided, that said pipe line shall be construct- ed and at all times operated and maintained, and said right, privilege and franchise is here- by granted and shall be at all times exercised and enjoyed in accordance with and subject to each and every of the terms and conditions in this ordinance. Sec. 2. That the said pipe line shall consist of one main line laid parallel with the streets or alleys, and such other lines of pipe as may be necessary to connect with pipes on prop- erty of consumers. That the largest main pipe to be laid or maintained under this franchise shall not be more than six inches in diameter. Said pipe shall be of iron or steel and shall be of sufficient strength to withstand a pressure of not less than fodr hundred pounds to the square inch, and shall be laid with air tight joints or sleeves, so as to prevent escape of gas. Sec. 3. That said pipe line shall be laid at all points not less than eighteen inches below the established grade of the street or alley under which said pipe is laid and shall be so laid as not to interfere with any water pipes laid at the time of laying of said gas pipes. All ex- cavations for laying, moving or repairing said pipe line shall be done in such manner as not to interfere with the free use of the street by the public, except such temporary inter- ference as may be necessarily incident to the vations er shall be madion e and refilled in All compli- ance with the instructions and to the satis- faction of the superintendent of streets of said city, and in conformity with the provisions of of the ordinances of said city which may he in force at the time of the performance of said work, and the grantees of this franchise, or their assigns, shall comply with all ordin- anes from time to time enacted by the Board of Trustees of said city in reference to persons making excavations in the streets of said city, for the purpose of insuring the restoration of all streets to a good and perfect condition along said excavations. Sec. 4. That the grantees of this franchise, or their assigns shall have the right to con- struct manholes or traps along the line of said pipe at such intervals as is best suited to the purpose of affording access to said pipe for cleaning or maintaining drips, said traps or manholes to be so capped and covered as to be flush with the street or alley and not to in- terfere in any way with the use of said street or alley for travel or traffic. Sec. 5. That in the event of a change of grade, the laying of any sewer, or the making of any other improvements by the said city in any of the streets or alleys along and under which said pipe may be laid shall in the opinion of the Board of Trustees of said city render necessary any change in the position of said pipe, the grantees or their assigns shall, upon ten days written notice from said Board of Trustees, immediately shift or move the same at his or their own cost and expense. Sec. 6. That the work of constructing and laying down said pipe line shall be commenc- ed in good faith within not more than four months from the granting of this franchise, and if not so commenced within said time this franchise shall be declared forfeited, and said work shall be continuously prosecuted there- after in good faith and shall be completed within not more than three years thereafter, and if not so completed within said time this franchise shall be forfeited. Sec. 7. That the said grantees and their as- -1-11 a,,,.:,,.. t1,o w. of this franchise. of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise, determined and computed in the manner here- nbefore provided. Sec. 8. That the said grantees and their as- igns shall be liable for any damage to person or property caused by or in the construction or maintaining of said gas plant, or laying aid pipe line or lines, and shall hold said City of Anaheim harmless from any and all damage o persons or property occasioned thereby. Sec. 9. That if, at any time after completion of said gas plant said grantees or their assigns hall for a period of six months fail to maintain aid plant and operate the same in good faith and supply gas to consumers through said P lines, then and in that case this franchise shall be forfeited. Sec. 10. That the price for gas to be charg- ed by the grantees of this franchise or their assigns, to consumers, shall not at any time exceed one dollar and twenty-five cents per housand cubic feet. Sec. 11. That the grantees of this franchise, and their assigns shall not furnish or sell gas under this franchise to consumers for illumi- nating purposes, nor permit or allow such con- sumers to use such gas for illuminating pur- poses, and if said grantees or their assigns permit or allow such use of said gas by con- sumers, this franchise shall be forfeited. Sec. 12. That this franchise shall not be deemed an exclusive franchise, nor as an ex- clusive grant of the rights herein contained; and the Board of Trustees of said City of Ana- heim hereby reserve the right to grant such other gas franchise as they may deem nec- essary for the best interests of the said city. Sec. 13. That the City of Anaheim shall have the right, and it hereby reserves the right, to purchase, at any time within five years after the granting of this franchise, the works, ma- chinery, pipes, appliances, plant and appur- tenances situate in said city and used by the grantees of this franchise, or their assigns, in the supplying of gas to the residents of said city, at a price to be determined by a board of three arbitrators, one of whom shall be select- ed by the Board of Trustees of said city, one by the grantees of this franchise, or their as- signs, and the other to be selected by said two arbitrators, and the decision of said board of arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the parties. And the grantees of this franchise, or their assigns, shall select an arbitrator as aforesaid upon demand of the Board of Trus- tees of said city, and will be required to sub- mit to said board of abitration all books, ac- counts, bilis, and other data necesssary to en- able said board to place a fair valuation on said property. Sec. 14. That within ten days after the pass- age of this ordinance said grantees shall file with the City Clerk of said City of Anaheim a written acceptance thereof and agreement to comply with the terms, conditions and re- quirements thereof. Sec. 15. That any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the terms, conditions or requirements of this franchise shall there- upon, after thirty days' notice in writing of the said neglect, failure or refusal from the Board of Trustees of said City of Anaheim, effect a forfeiture thereof, and the said City, by its Board of Trustees, may thereupon declare this franchise forfeited and may exclude said testreets! treets grantees and talleys ofns from further use of said city under this franchise, and this franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null and void and of no effect. Sec. 16. The City clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and there- upon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. CHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the .'doard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 8th day of August, 1907, and 'that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 22d day of August, 1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Kroeger, Stock and Fiscus. Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on said 22d day of August, 1907. EDWARD B. MERRITT, (SEAL) Clerk of said City of Anaheim. „ c , guy ynvuege ann Iran ae[ermlneu anu compuieQ In me manner nere chise is hereby granted to Clarence A. Wat- inbefore provided. son R. J. Dunn and and their assigns, to con- struct and lay down, and for the period of fifty Sec. 8. That the said grantees and their as- signs shall be liable for any damage to person years to maintain and operate, a pipe line for or property caused by or in the construction the purpose of conveying natural or manu- or maintaining of said gas plant, or laying factured gas to be used for heat and power said pipe line or lines, and shall hold said City purposes along the route and under the streets of Anaheim harmless from any and all damage and alleys in said City of Anaheim described to persons or property occasioned thereby. as follows, to -wit: All the streets and alleys Sec. 9. That if, at any time after completion within the corporate limits of the City of Ana- of said gas plant said grantees or their assigns heim, together with the right to properly con- shall for a period of six months fail to maintain nett and operate said pipe line and to deliver said plant and operate the same in good faith gas to consumers during said period of fifty and supply gas to consumers through said years,and to carry,conduct and transmit natural pipe lines, then and in that case this franchise or manufactured gas through and by means of shall be forfeited. said pipe -line, for heat and power purposes Sec. 10. That the price for gas to be charg- only, and not for illuminating purposes, to- ed by the grantees of this franchise or their gether with the right to construct and main- assigns, to consumers, shall not at any time tain all such traps, manholes, drips, appliances exceed one dollar and twenty-five cents per and attachments as may be necessary for thousand cubic feet. the purpose of safely and efficiently operat- Sec. 11. That the grantees of this franchise, ing and maintaining said pipe line and supply- and their assigns shall not furnish or sell gas ing gas to consumers for the purposes afore- under this franchise to consumers for illumi- said, or to any building or buildings fronting or nating purposes, nor permit or allow such con - abutting upon any of the said streets or alleys; sumers to use such gas for illuminating pur- provided, that said pipe line shall be construct- poses, and if said grantees or their assigns ed and at all times operated and maintained, and said right, privilege and franchise is here- permit or allow such use of said gas by con - sumers, this franchise shall be forfeited. by granted and shall be at all times exercised Sec. 12. That this franchise shall not be and enjoyed in accordance with and subject to deemed an exclusive franchise, nor as an ex - each and every of the terms and conditions in clusive grant of the rights herein contained; this ordinance. and the Board of Trustees of said City of Ana - Sec. 2. That the said pipe line shall consist heim hereby reserve the right to grant such of one main line laid parallel with the streets other gas franchise as they may deem nec- or alleys, and such other lines of pipe as may essary for the best interests of the said city. be necessary to connect with pipes on prop- Sec. 13. That the City of Anaheim shall have erty of consumers. That the largest main pipe to be laid or franchise the right, and it hereby reserves the right, to maintained under this shall not be more than six inches in diameter. purchase, at any time within five years after the granting of this franchise, the works, ma - Said pipe shall be of iron or steel and shall be chinery, pipes, appliances, plant and appur- of sufficient strength to withstand a pressure tenances situate in said city and used by the of not less than four hundred pounds to the grantees of this franchise, or their assigns, in square inch, and shall be laid with air tight the supplying of gas to the residents of said joints or sleeves, so as to prevent escape of city, at a price to be determined by a board of gas. three arbitrators, one of whom shall be select - Sec. 3. That said pipe line shall be laid at all ed by the Board of Trusteesof said city, one points not less than eighteen inches below the by the grantees of this franchise, or their as - ,established grade of the street or alley under signs, and the other to be selected by said two which said pipe is laid and shall be so laid as arbitrators, and the decision of said board of not to interfere with any water pipes laid at arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the the time of laying of said gas pipes. All ex- parties. And the grantees of this franchise, cavations for laying, moving or repairing said or their assigns, shall select an arbitrator as pipe line shall be done in such manner as aforesaid upon demand of the Board of Trus - not to interfere with the free use of the street tees of said city, and will be required to sub - by the public, except such temporary inter- mit to said board of abitration all books, ac- ference as may be necessarily incident to the counts, bilis, and other data necesssary to en - proper prosecution of said work. All exca- able said board to place a fair valuation on vations shall be made and refilled in compli- said property. ante with the instructions and to the satis- Sec. 14. That within ten days after the pass - faction of the superintendent of streets of said age of this ordinance said grantees shall file city, and in conformity with the provisions of with the City Clerk of said City of Anaheim a of the ordinances of said city which may written acceptance thereof and agreement to be in force at the time of the performance of comply with the terms, conditions and re - said work, and the grantees of this franchise, quirements thereof. or their assigns, shall comply with all ordin- Sec. 15. That any neglect, failure or refusal antes from time to time enacted by the Board to comply with any of the terms, conditions of Trustees of said city in reference to persons or requirements of this franchise shall there - making excavations in the streets of said city, upon, after thirty days' notice in writing of the for the purpose of insuring the restoration of said neglect, failure or refusal from the Board all streets to a good and perfect condition of Trustees of said City of Anaheim, effect a along said excavations. forfeiture thereof, and the said City, by its Sec. 4. That the grantees of this franchise, Board of Trustees, may thereupon declare or their assigns shall have the right to con- this franchise forfeited and may exclude said struts manholes or traps along the line of said grantees and their assigns from further use of pipe at such intervals as is best suited to the the streets or alleys of said city under this purpose of affording access to said pipe for franchise, and this franchise shall be deemed cleaning or maintaining drips, said traps or and shall remain null and void and of no effect. manholes to be so capped and covered as to Sec. 16. The City clerk shall certify to the be flush with the street or alley and not to in- passage of this ordinance and shall cause the terfere in any way with the use of said street same to be published once in the Orange or alley for travel or traffic. County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of Sec. 5. That in the event of a change of general circulation, printed, published and grade, the laying of any sewer, or the making circulated in said City of Anaheim, and there- of any other improvements by the said city upon and thereafter it shall be in full force and in any of the streets or alleys along and under effect. CHAS. OTTO RUST, which said pipe may be laid shall in the, opinion of the Board of Trustees of said city; President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. render necessary any change in the position I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance of said pipe, the grantees or their assigns shall, was introduced at a meeting of the hoard of upon ten days' written notice from said Board Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the of Trustees, immediately shift or move the 8th day of August, 1907, and -that it was duly same at his or their own cost and expense. passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Sec. 6. That the work of constructing and Trustees held on the 22d day of August, 1907, laying down said pipe line shall be comment- by the following vote: ed in good faith within not more than four Ayes: Trustees Rust, Kroeger, Stock and months from the granting of this franchise, Fiscus. and if not so commenced within said time this Noes: None. franchise shall be declared forfeited, and said I further certify that the President of said work shall be continuously prosecuted there- Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on after in good faith and shall be completed said 22d day of August, 1907. within not more than three years thereafter, EDWARD B. MERRITT, and if not so completed within said time this (SEAL) Clerk of said City of Anaheim. franchise shall be forfeited. Sec. 7. That the said grantees and their as- signs shall, during the life of this franchise, pay to the City of Anaheim. in lawful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of such grantees or their as- signs, arising from the use, operation or pos- session of this franchise; provided no percent- age shall be paid for the first five years suc- ceeding the date of this ordinance, but there- after such percentage shall be payable an- nually, and in the event such payment is not made, this franchise shall be forfeited. The amcunt of the gross annual receipts of the grantees of this franchise and their assigns, Ordinnnn,e No. � • ?� y An ordinance granting to CC c�.� .c,�F �•i�I�C nd assign; the rig -11T to construct and lay down, and for a period of fifty years to maintain and operate, a pipe line along and under certain streets and alleys In the City of Anaheim, herein designated, and dur. ing said term to conduct, carry and transmit gas, either natural --or manu- factured, through the same, for heat and power purposes only, together with certain appurtenant and incident rights. The ]Bo�& of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do : ordain as follows: Section '1. That the right, privilege and franchise is hereby granted_*^ �twt�. Q . f'1'at�,r,�� � %Z . �►'-. �-u�f.Uw ca,N,fS �� �u�.c `iva � construct and lay - down, and y for �the Period- of fifty years to maintain and operate, a pipe line for the purpose of conveying natural or manufactured gas to be used for heat and power purposes along the route and under the streets and alleys in said City of Anaheim de- scribed as follows, to -wit: A1L the streets and alleys within the Corporate limits of the City_ of _Anaheim. ---- 'f ogether with the right to prop- erly connect and operate said pipe line and to deliver gas to consumers during said period of fifty years, and to carrv, con- duct and transmit natural or manufact- ured gas through and by means of said pipe -line, for heat and power purposes, only, and not for illuminating purposes, together with the right to construct and maintain allsuch traps, manholes, drips, appliances and attachments as may be necessary for the purpose of safely and efficiently operating and maintaining said pipe line and supplying gas to consumers for the purposes aforesaid, or to any building or buildings fronting or abutting upon any of the said streets or alleys; provided, that said pipe line shall be con- structed and at all times operated and maintained, and said right, privilege an. franchise Is hereby granted and shall be at all times eiL!rcised and enjoyed in ac- cordance with and subject to each and -every of the terms and conditions -in thtff ordinance. See. 2. That the said pipe line shall consist of one main line laid parallel with the streets or alleys, and such other lines of pipe as may be necessary to connect with pipes on property of consumers. That the largest main pipe to be laid or maintained under this franchise shall not be more than six inches in wameter. Said pipe shall be of iron or steel and shall be of sufficient strength to withstand a pres- sure of not less than four hundred pounds to the square inch, and shall be laid with air -tight joints or sleeves, so as to pre, vent escape of gas. See. 3. That said pipe line shall be laid at all points not less than eighteen inches below the established grade of the street or alley under which said pipe is laid and shall be so laid as not to interfere with any water pipes laid at the time of laying said gas pipes. All excavations for lay - Ing, moving or repairing said pipe line shall be done in such manner as not to Interfere with the free use of the street by the public, except such temporary in- terference as may be necessarily incident to the proper prosecution of said work. All excavations shall be made and refilled in compliance with the Instructions and to the ,satisfaction of the superintendent of dtreets of said city, and in conformity with the provisions of the ordinances of said city which may be in force at the time of the performance of said work, and the grantees of this franchise, of their assigns, shall comply with all ordi- nances from time to time enacted by the Foard of Trustees of said city in reference to persons making excavations in the streets of said city, for the purpose of Insuring the restoration of all streets to -a good and perfect condition along said ex- cavations. Sec. 4. That the grantee"iof.this frau- chise, or Oft assigns shall have the right to construct manholes or traps along the line of said pipe at such intervals as is best suitea to the purpose of affording access to said pipe for cleaning or main- taining drips, said traps or manholes to be so capped e rd covered as to be flush with the street or alley and not to Inter- fere in any way with the use of said street or alley for travel or traffic. Sec. 5. That in the event of a change of grade, the laying of any sewer, or the making of any other improvements by the said city in any of the streets or, alleys along and under which said pipe may be laid shall in the opinion of the J� Board of Trustees of said city render � a— r necessary any change in the. position of said pipe, the granteeSor MW assigns shall, upon ten days' written notice from said ]Board of Trustees, immediately shift or move the same' at his or their own cost and expense. Sec. 6. That the work of constructinu and layincr down pipe line shall be c.omm�n ed in good faith nithin not more than four months from the granting; of this franchise, and if not so co,,mnenced within Said tune this franchise shall be declared forfeited, and said work. shall be continuously erose -,sited thereafter in good faith and shall be completed within not more than three years thereafter, and if not so completed within said tirgp, this franchise shall be forfeited. Sec. 7. That the said grantees and their nssigns shall, during the life of this franchise, pay to the "ity of Anaheim, in lawful rnoneir of the United States, two per cent of the Zross anr�ua.l re- ceipts of sli.^h grantees or their assigns, arising from the use, operation or possession of thio franchise; provided, no percentage shall be paid .for the first five years succeeding the date of this ordinan^e, but thereafter such percentage shall be. payable annually, and in the event such payment is not made, this franchise shall be forfeited.. The amount of the. gross annual receipts of the grantees of this franchise and their assigns, arising from its use, opera- tion or possession, shall be d -erred and understood to be, and shall bP, the total gross earnings collected or received or in any manner gained by the Zr!�nte_ p.s of this franchise or their assigns fror4 the use of said pipe line on account of the carriage of transmission of gas through the same in and under the stree is and alleys of said City of Annhei;�►, tinct it shall be the duty of the grantees of this frarichise or their assigns to file, with the City Clerk of the lity of Annh?im, at tale expiration of six years from the date of the rantinc; of this fv n(,,hise, -and at the expiration of eac', amd, e.vPry year thereafter, a statement in -!citing made by the grantees of this franchise, or their assigns, or by their manager or -)resitting of. finer, and verified by the oath of the person making, the same, shoring the. total gross rceipts and gross earnings madx collected or recoived or in any ma..nner gained or derived by the said grantees or t hF it assigns dtzrin ; the preceding twelve months from the ,ise of said. pine line and from or on ao^ount of the carriage or transmis— sion of gas throuZh tb}e same, and within thirty days Rfter the time for filing the aforesaid statement it shall be the ditty of the grantees of this franchise or their assigns to pay to the City 40 Azo aim Treasiirer of said "ity ,)f Anahein, the, aggregate si',m of said percentage upon the amount of'the gross annual receipts aris— ink, from the us P, operation or posF esoion of thio frRn^hire, deter— mined and oomputed in the manner hereinbefore provided. Sec. 8. That the said grantees and their assigns shall be liable for a.nvr dRmage to person or .property caused by or in the oonstruc— tion or maintaining of said gas plant, or 1qyinLrr .paid pipe line or lin(�<S, and shall hold said City of AnRheila harmless fro?i ally and all daraago to persons or property occasioned thereby. Sec. 9. T�Ia.t if, at any time after completion of said vas plant said rrrRntees or Their assigns shall for a period of six months fail to maintain said plant and operate the same in good faith and supply gas to nonsiuners through Said pipe lines, then and in that '�a.se this franchise shRll be forfeited. for Se^,. 10. That the pricehag gas to be charged by the grantees of this f--Rnihise or their assigns,, to consiLmers, shall not at any time exceed one dollar =end twenty—Five ients per thousand cubic fPet . Sec. 11. That the grantees of this .frau^hi:;e, and their assigns shall not furnish or sell gas under this franchise to conswrlers for illiu�linating purposes, nor permit or allow such consiu.gers to use, such gas for illwriinating purposes, and if said grantees or their assigns permit or allow such use of said gas by oonsiune.rs, this franchise shall be forfeited. Sec. 12. That this f_ra.nohise shall not be deemed an exclusiUe franchise, nor as an exclusive grant of the rights herein contRinnd; and the BoRrd. of Trustees of said City of Anaheim hereby reserve the right to grant such other a.s fr i.nohise as they mar deerr, necessary for the best interests of the said. city. Sec. 13. That the City of Anaheim shall have the right, and it hereby reserves the right, to purchase, at any time within five years after the granting of this franchise, th*4orks, machinery, Pipes, appliances, plant and appurtenances situate in said ",ity and used by the grantees of this franchise, or their assigns, in the 811pplying of gas to the residents of said City, at a price to be f determine(, by a board_ of three, arbitrators, one of whom shall be selected by the Board of Trustees of said. City, one by the grantees of this franchise, or their assigns, and. the other to be selected, by said, two arbitrators, and the decision of said board of arbit— rators shall b- final 'end binding upon the parties. And the ;r. antees of this franchise, or their assigns, shall seleot an arbitrator as aforesaid upon demand of the Board of Trustees of said City, and will be required to submit to said. board of arbitration all books, accounts, bills, and other data necessary to enable said board to place a f:ai,r. .valuation ,oii.q.aid: praperty. Sec. 14. That within ten days after the passage of. ':his ordin— ance said. grantee s shall fila with the City Clerk of said City of Anaheim a viritt en ac ,ept ante thereof_ and agreement to comply with the terms, conditions and requirements thereof. Sec. 15. That any neglect, failure or refusal to comely with any of the terms, conditions or requirements of this franchise shall thereupon, after thirty day's notice in writing of the said neglect, failure or refusal from the Board of Trustees of said. City of Ana— heim, effect a forfeiture thereof, and the said City, by its Board of. Trustees, may thereupon declare t ii f:.can,,hise forf ,iced_ a_nc, may exclude said grantees and their assigns from further use of the streets or alleys of said city under this franchise, and this fran— chise shall be deemed and shall remain null and void and of no effect. Sec. 16. The City Clea: shall o-rtlfy to the iw ssa.Ue of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Orange County Plaindealer, a lveekly newspaper of general ^irculation printed, published and circulated in said lity of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full forcP and effect. President of the Board of Trustees of the "ity of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the, -`'oregoing ordina.n^e «ras introdilced at a tn(-etin; o'' t"die Board of Trustees of. the City of Anaheim, held on the 8th day of August, 1907, and that it was duly passed at a regular meetind of said Board of Trustees held on the 22d day of August, 1907, by the following Grote: Ares: TrltstP,es Noes, !=123aA --- I --, I T" 'rthfr r(ftrtifyr that the President of said. Board of ,,.Trustees signed. Maid ordinance on said 22d day of August, 1907. Clerk of slid ity of Annheim. Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, Cal. ORDINANCE NO. 201. U An Ordinance Fixing and Levying IN N THE SUPE I ® C a Property Tax on all Property' within the corporate limits of-th(s of the County of Ora a Sta Of Cal' ornia. City of Anaheim, for the Fiscal f Year 190'7-1908. The Board of Trustees of the City of, Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1907-1908 of 75 cents on each one hundred dial - lm of the assessed, valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim for the ordinary an- nual expenditures of said city. Sec. 2. That there he and hereby is fixed _ and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of State 1907-1908 of 12 cents on each one hundred dol - tate Of California,ars of the assessed valuation of all real and S f rop@ personal pwithin the corporatC fixtita County of Orange ss' g S ofr�na*8i4 _ <o. pthe raying said city incurred for the purpose of ccnti. structing a City Hall, for the extension and completicyt-of the City Water Works, for the grading and. -improvement of streets and the been first dulypurchase of property for the fire department, g I together with one -twentieth of said indebted. sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he ness. p Y Sec. 3. That there be and,; hereby is fixed was a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- and levied a property tax fore fiscal year of 1907-1908 of 6 cents on each one hundred dol-; ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate. limits clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the of said city incurred for the purposeofcon- structing and erecting a City Electric Light city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Plant, together with one -fortieth of said in- debtedness. Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a Sec, 4. That there be and hereby is flxea and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination 1907-1908 of 16 cents on each one hundred do'- lars g p lars of the assessed valuation of all real and of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, personal property within the corporate l e of of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose. of having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness said city incurrejl for the purpose of the ex- times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the tension and improvement of the city Water p p I Works, and for the improvement of the Elec• said cit of Anaheim, in said Count and State at regular intervals for tric Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of Y Y g said indebtedness. more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein Sec, 5. Thatthere be and is hereby fixed Y P g p and levied property tax. for the fiscal year of 1907-1908 of a 66; cents on eachone hundred dol- mentioned; that the ordi ;,�arlcP 11n �tll ;ears of the assessed valuation of all a limial ts personal property within the corporate iitnits of the City of Anaheim, for the Pu of which the a in annual' e_fndc o s c ur or a _purpose of the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least _ one time, _ commencing on the 14t j day of September, 190:7. and ending on the 14t'1 day of SPDt omher. 190.'7, both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows:__Se�)t ember 14. 1907 n__�dz 7 CIA4 Subscribed and sworn to before me th• � _ day of 19 Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ment-of the City Electric t-tgnt dant, ':.To* gether with one -fortieth of such indebted- ness. Sec. 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1907-1903 of 19% cents on each one hundred dol. lars of the assessed valuation of all real and per. sonal property within the corporate limits Of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of main'• taining the Public Library of said city. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and cir- culated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupp- on and thereafter it shall take effect and be In full force. President pro tem of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim:' I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 27th day of August, 1907, snit that it was duly passed at a regular meeting .of said Board of Trustees held on the 12th day of September, 1907, by the following vote: -- I Ayes: Trustees: Stock, Kroeger andTiscus: Noes: None. I further certify that the President pro tem of said Board of Trustees signed the same on the 12th day of Septop ber, 1907. �.T ! ,ew C DW `Ar a*Bt+tr�.,EnKfj.,,.f, _' Ordinan,e No. 201. An orriina.n �e fixing and levying a kxx property tax on all DropPrty within the ^orpor3te, limit s Of the City o', Anaheim, for the, fiS^al year 1907-1908. The Board of Trustees of the City o+: Anaheim do ordain as f01lows: Se^tion 1. That their, be aid. hereby is fixed and levied a pro- perty tax for the fiscal year of 1907-1.903 of 5 cents on each one hundred dollars of the asses ed valuation of P11 real and personal property within the co.rportAe lir11i t/,s of the City of Anahein for the ordinary annual expenditur -s of sai(I. city. Sen. 2. That there be and. hereby is fixed and 1evtd:d a property tax for the fiscal gear of 1907-1903 of cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and per- sonal property within the corporate lirlits of the City of Ana'rieirl, for tho. purpose of paying the annza.l interest of the. indebtedness of said City incurred for the purpose of constructing a City pull, for the extension a.n(i cr)mpletion of the City 77nter Works, for the gr= -)din Rnd. irri,.roveMPIit of streets and the pur^h?.se of property for the fire, department, together tAiith one -twentieth of said indebted- ness. Sec. 3. That there be and hereby is fixed/ and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of. 1907-1908 of & Bents on ea.eh one hundred doll ars of the assessed valuation of all real and per- sonal ypropert�r T�tithin the corr0rate lirni is of tile, City of Ana 1eim, for the purposze of paying the anrnial intere,,Ft of tiff' indebtedness of said City incurred for the purpose of constructing; and erecting; a City :KlPctrio Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of said indebt eciness. Sec. 4. `that there be an(i hereby is fixed ancl;_ lfW ed a Prol)erty tax for the fiscal year of 1907-1908 of / L cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valup:tion of all real and personal property within the corporate l.nits of the Cit -r of Anaheim, for the. purpose of paying*, the annual inter,�st of the indebtedness of said. `Ility " n-,ulr—d f7o— the pit --pose, of the extension and i;mprove— ment of the "ity 'dater Forks, P.nd for the irllproveittBm of the H31HC— tri.^ Li�vht Plant, to ether with one—fortieth of said indebtedness. Sec. 5. Thnt there be and is he.reby fixed and levied a property t tax for the fis^al year of 1907-1908 of � � epnts on e.a.^h one. h1znti.r?cJ dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property 1.arithin the I,orporRte lir'li tS of thn Iity of Ana— hPitn, for the purpose of payin the annul interest of the indebted— ediie s of r.3ai(I City in,Urred for the pitrpose. of the eytension and irnprovPt�Pnt of the 171ity : .stater Torks and for the extension tend i<<,)rovement of the City _Ilectric Licht. 1lant, together with one—fortieth of such indebtednPss. Sec. 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property -I tax for the fiscal year of 1907-1908 of cents on each one hiindred dollarr� of tele assesse(i. va.luati.on of all real and per— sonal ,)ro,)erty within the corporate limits of. the City of Anaheirra, for the purpose of maintaining, the Public Library of said City. Sec. 7. Thp City Clerk shall-ertify to the passage of this ordinance acid cause the me qp to be y)ublished. once in the Orange County Plaind.� ale.r, a weekly n(-rsp�,, r of ZeneTal ^ir^ulatic�n printed, j)':t'tall:"Y1PCi '?nt_� ^ir^',i 11I c;,9.1 c} :i ty of Anaheim, al -4 thereupon and. thereafter it shall take eff?^t fi di be in full force. Pr- �sic3 ent,,6f the B a. ci c' �'rus>tE E}S of tile City Of f�naneim. I hereby ^ertify th,-+t the fore oin or -(}.mance was introduced at -. m,"Ptin; ofd' rhe. Board of Trustees of the ;,- y of Ana', iil, held on the ?7th dn-7 of All„test, 1907, and that it was duly passed at a rem{..lar meeting of said Board of `i'ri st(�es held on the 12th n.a. r of September � 1907, by the follo-^tin;; vote: Ayes: Noes: I fllrthPr rtPrtify that the President of said Boarci of `�'riuotees signed the sante on the 12tH clay of aepter f)-Ilr, 1907. ( seal) Clerk of said "lt;,r o.. knaheirn. Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, Cal. IN THE S CRdI URT of the my of OranA, State o alifornia. State of California, County of Orange ss. J Va1� P�n� -- _being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the Orr1i npoina N• ) _ 2)n2._ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least.- ono' t f X18_ ---------_-_--commencing on the i�c�� day of OVe11h-r. 190.7 and ending on the . 21 day of ivO ernbor, 1907., both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were /has fo U Subscribed and sworn to before me this �y day of _190 ... Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ORDINANCE NO. 202. i An Ordinance amediitig Ordinance ! No. 170, entitled "A n Ordinance for the Licensing of $uaiiiess Carried on in the' City- of'Ana- heinx. passed August 22d, 1;905. TheBoard of Trustees of the fatty of Asia- heim do ordain as follow*: Section 1. � That Ordinancb 140. 170. entitled '.An ordinance for the licensing of business carried on in the City. of A*thel m " passed August 22d, "N. be and 0W is hereby amended y adams theretq a new section as follows: Section 18%. For every moving picture ex- hibition, where the price of admission does not exceed twenty cents;. $4.00 per Quarter; where the price of admission exceeds twenty j cents, 510.00 per quarter. Provided, however, that if any lewd, obscene or improper picture shall`be shown or exhib ted in any such exhibition. the Marshal of said 17.*_ h.11 nn.umnrnrity. rsv.,ke A_ H. --- money theretoforeps'd for skid license shall be forfeited to said City. Section 2. The City Clerk 0*11 certify to the passage of this ordinance and cines the same to be published once in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly `ewspa p,er orinted. published and circulated innsa&1 City President of tfu 1#Oard� of Trustees of the City of. Anaheim. I hereby that the foregoing ordinance was introduce itt a. meeting' ofrthe !%srrd of Trustees of the City of Auisiheisa, beld on the 10th day of October,.1907, acid 8wt it was duly passed ate regular tweeting of said.Board held on the 24tH day of October, IW, by the fol- lowing voter Ayes: Trusteesusf DsYi ng. )roeger. Stocks and Flamm. aF.. Noes: None. ! And I farther cert, `that the President of said Board of Truo-tees`signe±l, said ordinance onsaid 24th day oEi. ll07. (SEAL) 450-k of)isEA1tITT, aptid 0tf tit Ain9hais!* Ordinance No. zc An ordina.rtcA arnf nding Ordinonce No. 1709 entitled "Ar1 ordinance for the licen-in,E� of bisines5 parried on in the Cit -,r of Ai.aheing Pa—,,sed. August. 22d t 1905. The Board of '1ra..tP.es of the. City of Ariaheim do ordain a.s fol— lows: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 170, entitled "An ordina.. no, for the licensing of business married on in the. city of AnRheiia," passed August 22d, 1905, be and the sarte is, hereby m ended by adding; there— to a neer sp^tion as follows: Section 18 112. For every movie yil�,-ture exhibition, where the price of admission does not exceed twenty cents, {4.00 per quarter; inhere the price -)f admission excP,P,(18 twenty ^e.nt�=, $10.00 per quar— ter. Provided, however, that if any lewd, obsnene or improper pic— ture shall be shown or exhibited in any such exhibition, the Marshal of said Cit shall peremptorily revoke the license theretofore i€'sli d for such r�xh.ibition, and the money theretofore, j.,pid for said li ^arise shell be forfeited to said City Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the jjassaZe of this ordinnnr,e and oause the Same to be publishF--,d onee in the Orange County Plairidealer, a weekly nP-vf.;?)aper ;printed, published and (-,ir- culated in said "ity of Anahei1q, and thereupon and thereafter it shall I)p in nill for^e and. P.ffent . President of the Board of Trustees --f lie, 1 ty of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinann.e was introduced. at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 10th day of October, 1907, and that it was duly passed at a reoila.r meetin of said Board held on the 24th d it October, 1907, by the. :f'oi-lowing Vote,: Ayes: J N o P_, s' �t 'cryt L And I further cerTify that the President of said 3o•,rn. of r2rus— tees signPd said ordinance on said 24tip clay of October, 1407. ,moi irk of said City o. Anaheim. R" 'ley Fes' ' ✓lam J5✓i `-e�vi C,i� k 2 6 Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, Cal. ORDINANCE NO. 203 An ordinance providing for hold- ing a general Municipal Election in the City of Anaheim on the second Monday in April, 1908. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a general municipal election be held in the City of Anaheim on Monday, April 13th, 1908, for the purpose of electing the following officers for said City, to -wit: 1. Two members of the Board of Trustees for the term of four years. 2. One City Clerk for the term of two years. 3. One City Treasurer for the term of two years. 4. One City Marshal for the term of two years. Section 2. That the entire city shall consti- tute a single precinct, with one polling ,place for said election, and that said polling place shall be at the City Hall, No. 203 West Center Street, in said City of Anaheim. Section 3. That the following named per- sons are hereby appointed a Board of Election to conduct said election as required by law: Inspectors. O. T. Cailor, John Eymann. Judges: Sheldon Littlefield, Fred Mickle. Clerks: Hans V. Weisel, Max M. Boege. Ballot Clerks: E. L. Olmstead, Fred C. Rimpau. The compensation of said election officers is hereby fixed at three dollars each. Section 4, Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the general election laws of the State of California, so far as the same may be applicable. Section 5. The polls must be opened at six o'clock of the morning of the said 13th day of April, 1908, and must be kept open until six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, when the polls shall be closed, Section 6. That the voters at said election are requested to express by their votes their desires in the matter of prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sundays in said City, and that there be printed on the ballots used at said election the following, to -wit: Shall the sale of intoxi- r YES cating liquors be permitted on Sunday. NO Electors may mark the voting cross after the word "Yes" or after the word "No"; and in case a majority, of the votes cast on said ques- tion shall beYes", it shall indicate that the voters of said city are in favor of permitting the sale of intoxicating liquors in said City on Sundays; and in case a majority of the votes cast on said question shall be "No", it shall indicate that the voters of said City are in favor of the passage of an ordinance by said Board of Trustees prohibiting the sale of- intoxicating liquors in said City on Sundays. Section 7. That the City Clerk shall give notice of said election in the manner prescribed by law; and he shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be pub- lished once in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. G. J. STOCK, President Pro Tem of the Board of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on February 27th, 1908, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board held on March 12th, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Stock, Darling, Kroeger and Fiscus. Noes: None. I further certify that the President pro tem of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance said 121th day of March, 1908. [seal] EDWARD 13. MERRITT, City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. Ordinance No. 203 An ordinance providing for holding a general Municipal �Uantion in the City of Anaheim on the second. Monday in April, 1903. iO"78: The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordPin Rs fol- Section 1. That a general munieipal,wlection be held in the City of Anaheim on Monday, April 13th, 19039 for the purpose 'of electing the following officers for said City, to -:pit: Years. 1. Two members of the Board of Trustees for the term of four �,. One City Clerk for the term of two years. 3. One City Treasurer for the term of two years. 4. One City ?harsh?1 for the term of two years. Section 2. That the entire city shall constitute a single pre - tinct, with one polling plane for said election, and that said pol-- ling place shall be at the City xall, #O z°3 gest Center street, in said City of Anaheim. section 3. That the following named persons are hereby Appointed a Board of Election to conduct said election as required by law: Inspectors: p. J� �cXC,�O►`— - �v��,,.� ,,,,,��. -� Judges: Ballot Clerks: -6 — The nompensation of said election officers is hereby fixed at three dollars each. Section 4. Said election shall be held and Conducted in accord - anise with the general election laws of. the State of California, so far as the sable may be applicable. Section 5. The polls must be opened at six o'clonk of the morn- ing of the said 13th day of. April, 1903, and must be kept open until six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, when the polls shall be closed. Section 9 ,That the ,c ae4-U w'ca�a cee.. uy euear ♦vwn euuart,,. Aesires in the matter of prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating Iignors on Sundays in said City,, and that tbere beorinted on the ballotsused et said election the following, to tail:. Sha11 the nala,o# fntoxi. YES cetinK liq, ors be permit - tea on=avi Electors may mark the voting eross"tfter the word°YWA r-.gfter_,the word .q;e: d ill case a ty pf `the vot+ta►vW W Wq tion s a "itxbt i hitt 4a#e utast . -vows ai aafda #ap vOf 0 k the sale of 'Mot i iti, ' en tom: a =' c _ x" • or fine passage or an-orainance Dy sal a Board or Trustees prohibitlug the sale of intoxicating ii xora 14 City on Sundays. tteo# 'P t the Olay , k shall glv no e Misr#f+tl► iish, 'gi b8 law: 'a be shall #h6 ��' this ordinance end'ohuse the same to be ub• Iisbedonce Wthe Orsnge�Connty Plain De ler, a weekly newspaper of general circulation , of Anaheim. 9nfl thereupon and thereafter t shall take effect and be In full fame. I hereby certify that the fore ;o ng ordinance as introduced -&-c-57 at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the city of Anaheirl, held on February 27th, 1908, and that it was dilly passed at a regular meeting of said Board held on March 12th, 19089 by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Noes: - I farther certify that the President of. said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on Said 12th dair of MRrch, 1908. A. City Clerk of said city of Anaheim. (seal) Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, Cal. iv Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 190.... Notary Public in and for Orange County, California circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereuppn anal thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. G. J. STOCK, President Pro Tem of the Boa; d of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify ilia; the foregoing ordinance i was introduced ,at aeeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held tin Marcia 16th, 1908, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board held on March 26th,,1908, by the following vote: . Ayes: Trustees Stock, Darling, Kroeger and Fiscus. Noes: None, I further certify that the President pro tem of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on said 26th day of March, 1908. [seal] EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. COURT N THE SUP 0/Maelifornia. ORDINANCE NO. 204 of the County of ran e, S to i An ordinazice providing for hold- ing a general Municipal Election , in the City of ArRaheitn on the second Monday in April, 1908. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a general municipal election be held in the City of Anaheim on Monday, I April 13th, 1905, for the purpose of electing the 1 — following officers for said City, to -wit: State of California, 1. Two members of the Board of Trustees for the terra of four years. SS. County Of Orange 2. One City Clerk for the term of two years. 3, One City Treasurer for the term of two years. 4. One City Marshal for the term of two j years. Section 2. That the entire city shall cons.i- T i r bem first dul _y_r, _ j pay], . __ _ __ g y lute a single precinct, with one polling place for said election, and that said polling place deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he sworn, de p y Shall , i at the City ball• °• 203 East center Street, n said City of Anaheim. was a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- was sonsSection a ehereb That the t°na Boar named per -i Y appointed a Board of Election i ident of said county, and was at and during all said times therinci al h 1� to conduct said election as required by law: Inspectors: O. T. Cailor, John Eymann. clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a Judges: Sheldon Littlefield, Fred MicMe. Clerks- Hans V. Weisel, Max M. Boege. newspaper of general circulation printed and published week] in the g p p y 1 Ballot cler s' E. L. Olmstead, Fred C. i Rimgau. , city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said 1 The compensation at three °f said Beach. officers i� hereby fixed at three dollars each. Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a section 4• Said election Shall be held and conducted in accordance with the general newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination p election lava y the state of California, so far as the same may he applicable. of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, nnoftesd 13tfoclock of the Section 5. moig hhat yo having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said April, ii®'and nuntilc o'clock afternoon othe same day,when times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the p P the polls Shall be closed, tSection 6. That the voters at said election said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for g are requested to express by their votes their desires in the matter of prohibiting the sale of more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein intoxicating liquors on Sundays in said City, and that there be printed on the ballots used at said election the following, to -wit: 204- mentioned; that the_ 1w. 204. , of which the Shall the Sale of intoxi- YES cating liquors be per H11 —_ -- on Sunday. - annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper Electors may mark the voting.cross after the word "Yes" or after the word "No"t and in at least,,---- ti X14, I i me, --commencing case a majority of the votes cast on said ques- tion shall be Yes", it shall indicate that the 23t1-1 190.0 on the day of _ I is ' c� �a voters of said city are in favor of permitting the sale of intoxicating liquors in said City on + hrrlZ 1 day of f Sundays; and in case a majority of the votes cast on said question shall be "No' , it shall indicate that and ending on the ____23 the voters of said City are in favor of the passage of an ordinance by said Board Wei 1903 r ... tioth days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- Trustees prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in Said City on Sundays. was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication paper g y Section 7. The publication of this ordinance as repuired by law, after its passage, shall be deemed to be due and sufficient notice to the i� l.i�}�(;}1 2�3, 1,)�t). qualified electors of the calling of said election. Section 8. All ordinances or, parts of ordi- ` was made were as - follows: nances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be oublished °n- i� -it— A—— n,...,..:, Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 190.... Notary Public in and for Orange County, California circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereuppn anal thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. G. J. STOCK, President Pro Tem of the Boa; d of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify ilia; the foregoing ordinance i was introduced ,at aeeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held tin Marcia 16th, 1908, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board held on March 26th,,1908, by the following vote: . Ayes: Trustees Stock, Darling, Kroeger and Fiscus. Noes: None, I further certify that the President pro tem of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on said 26th day of March, 1908. [seal] EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. ordinance. No. 204, L All ord. ProVidi, Z f Or 1103dil-Z gerjeral Vuni --_p-1 I I - in tilt' City of Ar,�,)hpin on the, ,,O(Iorid 1,10! da'.�r in AP-ril, 1903 Tho Board of Trupte-B of the 'jity Of AlIalle-iPI 60 Ord,,Ail' fol- lows> : 1 - lows: Section 1. ThPt a renprpl rlurlici-pcil ale,ltion be, held 11"i the City of AIAPheill on NomialU, April 13t1h, 1908, for the PlIrPOSP Of elf'Ct- A ing the following officers for said city, to—v7it: -r the 1730Prd. of Trustpr,s for t tTI Of four. L . Two 0 e � -,, r yp"IrO. ollfi Ility Clerk for the Pr1 of two ynnrs. r ,fin, for tiip term of tl,.ro ypnrv,. 4. 011t-, pity Y_ar,,�hpi !"or the tfz!rT,,i of t-,,.vo YPP-109.. Gnm,tion P. Th^t t'lle entire. city ronlstitute a sinElfl Pre- IIiIin't, with One polliTIE" plqoe for f:Iw^tionj an(i tilpt 'AR -id pol- IinL,),, plqce 10P, �'it the r1ity iiqlll NO. fr)03 ji;asi, Center Street, in sain- 1i ter of' Ana jaein. Spe,t_on 3. That the following npl,.iodl person,,; are llere',)y ?.ppointed P Board of to (^0r,6_1.1 -t ..'ai(i ell -r -tion R-, requirpd by Imm*. Inspef,,tors: 0. T. ^,lailor, John F,'ljrqqnr,. Judzes: Sheldon Litt irrr f�lfl., 7r Pd �j Clerks: Hans V. 1,17misel, Ilnx Y. Doege. 3% -)l -'Lot 01orks: L. Olmstead, Fred C. hil,",I)PI1. TI -,e n onii; en., ­n t ion of -,,, P, id, PI Pot jor. of f io Prs is, hereby fixed. C -At three dollars eAoll. sp.,ion t 4. Said (-il!��r,-ti�- on ,jlq17_ bp held. mica. -ri in ,nnord.- L I pit rt thp, (y­-n(-)rql plf—ti(Jll 1piqS, Of tIlf-, St-?t(� Of "f-'difOrl-IiR'30 P -P, thr,, snme mpy be njpplienble. Se,,tion 5. Th(, polls MI-I.st be opened at six ol-Ilo-.k of t1hp. morn- in,]r of tlie 13th dqI: of Aj)r�il, 19089 PlId Milfit be kept open until I. six olnlo-k iri tile Pftnrnoon of t],,.e ­,qj,iP (iny, �_,,.-,Iien the pollf:, shall be bect!on 6. fliat the voters at said election are requested to express by their votes their desires in the matter of prohioiring the sale of into."caLuig liquors on Sundays in said City, and that there be printed on the ballots used at said election the following, to -wit: Shall the sale of intoxi- YES eating liquors be permitted on Sunday. NO Electors may mark the voting cross afterthe word "Yes" or after the word "No"; and in case a m3jor e ity, of the votes cast on said ques- tion shall be Yes", it shall indicate that the votersof said city are in favor of permitting ,he sale of intoxicating liquors in said City on Sundays; and in case a 'majority of the votes cast on said question shall be "No", it shall indicate that the voters of said City are in favor e passage z.�, of th 'sag e 'of an o, dira , by said Board of Trustees prohibitint; tt— ale of intoxicating liquors in said City j:. Sundays. sen,tion 7. Thr' publilqtion of this Ordil-LRIIIIP as requir('d by nftenr itcrl) p!nssP9Pj -,hell be (IP(-%MP.d to be clue and silffinient notin,e to the (1URlifiPd elefltors Oj­ tll(-, -Ej of snit?snit?election.on. Section 8. All oidininiPti or parts, of ordirmn­!es in -,onflict witch tile. 'wrovinionp, of this ordinnnne are hereby repepled. z� a I _; seition 9. The City Iler'k shall le-tifY to the 1) jjL_RgP of. tlhir II I ordinan(,,#c�. :end. nq.-itme the sni,ie to be published. onfie in the' Orange OUTtY Plain i�aler, a 1vP.PkIy of CP.n,;-rP,l niroulation printed, rAWrw- SftAj Ijublishe(t and n.irlillated in -;Rid City of Analkleill,, a,,,i(i tinri­m)on and thereafter - it shall be in full forie and effent. grt7011 7. `l'71p p�tnli�ption (1f thi`; nrC111"i 21''F' )fi rH I Jl- aCf )jr l!F�?rf qft f -.-r it-, p fie-'sgeg sYlall Do, Ci_F'eT ted to bp t31.1P `?.W suffini_Pnt Tlotl^P t.n the qIInlifipd lP ,tOY'fi O t71f� (;^1' n£, ()f :<�]C? P1Pnti on. eotion 8. All or in -Innes or p --rte of ordinpniPs ill ^oTlfli^t with the )Z'c))ri;'sionf> of thi:, orrl.iI1nnne_, nre li(ArAb;j rPj)f,Plpd. So -,.tion 9. The. "iter llerY to tflf' r)a , of this orej inane_ e. cln(i '',nmuq" the hpj?iP. to be pl.lblishe i orv, Pe in thFt Orange loUT7ty Pl il:r?t'?i r a. lvpp ,1y of �;en,�rpl rirnr.d,).t ion printed, 1 - l publishF'tl and. Cirr1.11;tE't7 in cmRid ~ity of Ana'Llei7'1, ?Ilra tj--nrPiipon ,,?nd they. pn. fter it shall be in frill for^P and Pffent. I hereby iprtify ticit tlip fore.�Y ociiiiRmivas intro(Iii-exi C, C�r . Ire, at a PleI-Aii-i-6 Of th,! 130R -rd of Triist,�P.s of the lity of Anpheivi, hold or, Mnrih 16 -1i)08, and Upt it -as duly vssSed at R re,011,1r meeting of said Board held on Marsh 26th, 1908, by the following vote. Ayes, Trustees I further IPrtify that the Presiclentt,of slid BoRrd Of TI-Ilstfz,08 ci--rnpd said on said 26th apy of Mlarnht 1908. '-Iit-,r Ilerk of sq -i(! '4,ity of Annhpin. F�I Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, Cal. 0 Affidavit of Publication. In the Superior Court of the County of O State of California. Play itiff. vs ---- D fend W. STATE OF CALiFORDiII1'� ,.., , COUNTY OF ORANGE. ... being first duly sworn, deposes and s s: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Ana- heim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscrip- tion list, of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preced- ing the first pu cation the notice.�Tr .. . hereinmentioued; that the...... i!� . ....:................ of which the annexed is a printed coos published and printed in said newspaper at least ............ day/, on the awrertemg .... day of. 190K aLaudiu�.e .. .. .. .aefies,. ............. e u ued;that is to say, on he following dates, towit: .............................. aige. X40nootss g, Ida 9 8 ag 9a awful Gingta4Btp,f Tm a Jd�ec0saa4eaQ4'q aaJ PJgoq a4 , q, 89 #0 Xlddne a ai 08 e s V "9 094 q41�+ 00111MI dd •a��7il' +rf m j SC aa4Q eqj, °x 4009 a q4' .ta apf ; 7? ql A smpA n.. _ SUBSCRIBED AXE SW'OR.Nto before me this �------------..--...------day of. 19 0 0 Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. Ordinance No, 205 An ordinance providing for the li- censing and regulating of the busi- ness of selling liquors in the City of Anaheim, and repealing all ordi- nances in conflict with the provi- sions of this ordinance. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: '- ----Beetioa-1. - -For the purpose of this ordi- nance a wholesale liquor establishment is de- clared to be a place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away in quantities of not less than one-fifth of a gallon, and where such liquors are sold, served or given away not to be drunk on the premises where so sold, serv- ed or given away; and any person who, as owner, agent, or otherwise conducts or carries on, or assists in conducting or carrying on any such a place or establishment, the same being conducted or carried on either exclu- sively or in connection with, or as a part, de- par,ment or branch of any other business or occupation, is for the purpose of this ordi- nance declared to be carrying on the business of a wholesale liquor dealer; provided, how- ever, that the definitions herein given shall not apply to the sale by druggists for Medici- nal purposes only, upon prescription in writ- ing given by any regularly li,:ensed physi- cian, of any of the articles herein enumerat- ed, nor to any drug store licensed to sell liquors in the quantities and manner herein- after provided. Section 2. For the purpose of this ordi- nauce, a retail liquor establishment is defined to .be: First, any place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away by the drink or glass. ,,ec,,ud, any place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away in any quantity to be drunk, either upon the premises or else- where, or any such place where such liquors are sold, served or given away in quantities Of less than one-fifth of a gallon; provided, however that the definitions in this section given shall not apply to any restaurant or eat- ing place where liquors are sold, served or given away as a part of any bona fide meal, in regular sealed packages, containing not less than one pint as hereinafter provided for, su;h restaurant being •full, licensed thereto; the term "bona fide meal" for the purposes of this ordinance is defined to be such A quantity and class of food as is ordin- arily served for consumption in establish- ments maintained for the 4turpose of selling or serving meals; and, provided, further, that neither of the definitions herein given shall apply to the sale by druggists, for medicinal purposes only, upon a prescription in wrftfug given by any regularly licensed physician, of any ofthe articles herein enumerated norto any drug store licensed to sell liquors in the quantities and manner as hereinafter pro- vided. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, who, either as owner, agent, lessee or other- , wise, conducts or carries on, or assists in con- ducting or carrying on, a retail liquor estab- lishment as herein defined, is for the purpose of this ordinance declared to be carrying on the business of a retail liquor dealer. Section 3. That the rate of license for en- gaging in the business of a wholesale liquor dealer in the City of Anaheim is hereby fixed at t'en Dollars per month. That the rite of license for engaging in the business of a retail liquor dealer in the City of Anaheim is hereby fixed at $50.00 per month. That the rate of license for engaging in the business of carrying on a restaurant or eating place in the City of Anaheim, where spiritu- ous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away in orig- _'. ival sealed packages, containing not less than one pint, with bona fide meals as herein- before defined, shall be a special license of Four Dollars per month, which shall be paid in addition to the regular restaurant license required by the ordinances of the City of Anaheim. That the rate of license for engaging in the business of carrying on and conducting a drug store in the City of Anaheim, where soirituous. vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away for medicinal purposes only, uot. to be. consumed upon the liquors are sold or given away, as in this ordi- nance provided, shall be issued to any person except upon order of the Board of Trustees Of said City, which order shall specify the particular class of liquor license to be issued; and said Board of Trustees may revoke any of such liquor licenses at any time. Section 5. The licenses in this ordinance provided for shall be due and payable to the City of Anaheim at the office of the Cit Tax and Li ense Collector on the first day ofeach month in advance. Section 6. That the licenses to be issued hereunder shall be classified as follows, to - wit: Wholesale Liquor Dealer's License. Retail Liquor Dealer's License. Restaurant Liquor License, and Drug Store Liquor License Each class of said licenses to be applicable only to the particular class of liquor business, as hereiubefore specified, for which the same is issued; it shall be the duty of the City Clerk of said City of Anaheim to issue licenses un- der this ordinance according to and under the classification speelfled. in the order of the Board of Trustees of said City authorizing the issue of such license. He shall then deliver the license to the City Tax and License Col- lector for colle� tion on or before the first day of each month, taking his receipt for the amount thereof. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to conduct or carry on within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, either in their own names or as agents for any other person or persons, or body corporate, or otherwise, to assist in so conducting or carrying on the business of a wholesale liquor dealer orretail liquor dealer, as defined in this ordinance, or the business of carrying on a restaurant or other eating place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away with regular or bona fide meals, as hereinbefore defined, or the business of car- rying on or conducting a drug store where spirituous, vinous. malt or other intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, as in this or- dinance provided, without first procuring from said Citv a license so to do; and the car- rying on of any business or occupation in this ordinance specified, on any day or fractional part of a day, without such license, and con- trary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall constitute a separate offense for every such day, or fractional part of a day that such bus- iness is so conducted or carried on, and shall be deemed a separate violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance. Section 8. it shall be unlawful to sell or give away any spirituous, vinous, malt .,: mixed intoxicating liquors in any saloon, tippling house, sample room, bar room, gro- cery, brewery, winery, drug store, restaurant or in any drinking place or places where Sieh articles are sold, served or given away, either at, wholesale or retail, between the hours of 12 o'clock. midnight, on Saturday and 5 o'clock A. M. the following Monday, and betwren the hours of 12 o'clock, midnight and 5 o'clock A. At, of each and every day of the ween other than Sunday; provided, how- ever, that the foregAng provisions shall not apply to the sale by druggists of such liquors upon prescription in writing given by any regularly licensed physician, for medicinal purposes only. Section 9. The owner, proprietor, manager or other person having charge or control of ane saloon, tippling house, sample room, gro- cery, or other place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, either at wholesale or retail, ex- cepting restaurants or drug stores, shall se- curely close and lock all entrances and exits from any such place, or cause the same to be so closed and locked, and to keep the same in such condition aeaiust the entry or exit of all persons other than the owner, proprietor or manager thereof, or the servants regularly cmpioyed fn and about the same, between the hours of 12 o'clock, midnight, on Saturday and 5 o'clock A M. of the following Monday, and between the hours of 12 o'c mid- night, and 5 o'clock A. M. of each and every day of the week other than Sunday. it shall be unlawful for the owner, proprie- tor, manager, or other person having charge or t ontrol of any saloon, tippling house, sam- ple room, grocery, or other place where spir- ituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, either at wholesale or retail, excepting restaurants or drug stores, to permit any person, other than the servants reeularly employed in and about the same, to enter, remain or be therein be- tween the hours and during the times herein- before mentioned It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the owner, proprietor, manager, or other person having charge or control of any saloon, tippling house, sample room, grocery, or other place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, either at wholesale or retail, ex- _,.........-.._. I—- ar.. ♦., 1+, transparent window glass, beginning not more than four feet from the level of the side- walk in front thereof and rising to a height of not less than seven feet above the level of such sidewalk, and such window glass shall be so placed in said doors as to permit a clear and unobstructed view of the whole of the bar in said room, when looking through said glass from the outside of said doors. Between the hours of 12 o'clock, midnight, on Saturday and 5 o'clock A. M. the following Monday, it shall be unlawful to place or caus- ed to be placed, or permit to be placed or maintained, any screen, blind, shutter, cur- tain, partition, device or obstruction whatso- ever in said room, or on or in front of said doors, which shall interfere with or obstruct in any manner the view through the glass on said doors of the said room and the bar therein. The bar or bars in such room shall be so placed therein that an unobstructed view of such bar or bars, and the whole there. of, can be had by looking through the glass on said doors. Section 11. No retail liquor dealer's license shall be granted for an establishment to be conducted outside of the following limits in the City of Anaheim, towit: First: Ob. both sides of Center street, from a point one hund- red feet westerly of Clementina street to the intersection of Center and Claudius, streets. Second: On both sides of Los Angeles street, from the south side of Center street to the south ride of Chartres street. No wholesale liquor dealer's license shall be granted for an establishment to be conducted outside of the limits aforesaid, except to bona fide wineries or breweries Section 12. A o retail liquor dealer's licen- ses in excess of seven shall at any time be granted by the Board of Trustees of said city. Section 13. No wholesale liquor dealer's license, nor retail liquor dealer's license. shall be granted where such business fs pro- posed to be conducted in a room or place ad- joining and communicating with a restaurant, or in the same room in which a restaurant is conducted; provided, however, that this sec- tion shall not apply to bona fide hotels con- taining not less than ten sleeping rooms for guests. Section 14. Whenever any person, either as owner, proprietor, manager, agent, employe or otherwise, shall have been convicted of violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance or of any other ordinance of the City of Anaheim regulating the sale of intoxicating ifgno -a or the closing of wholesale liquor es- tablishments, saloons, bar rooms, or other places where such liquors are sold, served or given away, the license of the owner or pro- prietor of such wholesale liquor establish- ment, saloon, bar rooni or other place wherein such violation was committed, shall there - r 1: iiw wadi :t:::y- revoked by said R—id of Trustees. Section 15. Any violation of this ordinance or any of the provisions thereof shall consti- tute a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed Two Hundred dol- lars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail of said City of Anaheim for a period not to ex- ceed ninety days, or by both such fine and im- prisonment; and any owner or proprietor of ,,nv wholesale or retail liquor establishment, saloon, bar room, or other drinking place, or restaurant or drug store, who shall permit any violation of this ordinance or any of the provisions thereof in such wholesale or retail liquor establishment, saloon, bar room, or other drinking place, or in such restaurant or drug store, or upon the premises occupied or controlled by such person or persons, and used as a wholesale or retail liquor establish- ment, saloon, bar room, or other drinking place, restaurant or drug store, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as hereinbefore specified, and his license shall be revoked. Section 16. Ordinance No. 140, entitled "An ordinance providing for the licensing and regulating of the business of selling liquors in the City of Anaheim, and repealing all or- dinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith"; and Ordinance No. 168, entitled "An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordi- nance No. 140, and adding two new sections thereto", are hereby repealed: and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Anaheim, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section 17. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circu- lari n, printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon it shall take effect and be in full force. C O. RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordi- nance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on May 14th, 1908, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of N Bection 1. For the purpose of this ordi. nance a wholesale liquor establishment is de- Blared to be a place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away in quantities of not less x than one-fifth of a gallon, and where such liquors are sold, served or given away not to be drunk on the premises where so sold, serv- ed or given away; and any person who, as _r owner, agent, or otherwise conducts or carries ', on, or assists in conducting or carrying on any such a place or establishment, the same being conducted or carried on either exclu- `d sively or in connection with, or as a part, de - ''j par ment or branch of any other business or occupation, is for the purpose of this ordi- nance declared to be carrying on the business of a wholesale liquor dealer; provided, how- ever, that the definitions herein given shall not apply to the sale by druggists for Medici- nal purposes only, upon prescription in writ- ing givenby any regularly licensed physi- cian, of any of the articles herein enumerat- ed, nor to any drug store licensed to sell a liquors in the quantities and manner herein- after provided. Section 2. For the purpose of this ordi-nance, a retail liquor establishment is defined to .be: First, any place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away by the drink or glass. Second, any place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away in any quantity to be drunk, either upon the premises or else- where, or any such place where such liquors are sold, served or given away in quantities i of less than one-fifth of a gallon; provided, however that the definitions in this section given shall not apply to anv restaurant or eat- ing place where liquors are sold, served or given away as a part of any bona fide meal, 14 in regular sealed packages, containing not r less than one pint as hereinafter provided for, su-h restaurant being duly licensed thereto; the term "bona fide meal" for the purposes of this ordinance is defined to be t Inch a quantity and class of food as is ordin- arily served for consumption in establish- ; Ments maintained for the purpose of selling or serving meals; and, provided, further, that neither of the definitions herein given shall apply to the sale by druggists, for medicinal purposes only, upon a prescription in writing given by any regularly licensed physician, of i any of the articles herein enumerated nor to any drug store licensed to sell liquors in the quantities and manner as hereinafter pro- vided. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, who, either as owner, agent, lessee or other- wise, conducts or carries on, or assists in eon - ducting or carrying on, a retail liquor estab- lisbment as herein defined, is for the purpose of this ordinance declared to be carrying on the business of a retail liquor dealer. Section 3. That the rate of license for en- gaging in the business of a wholesale liquor 9 dealer in the City of Anaheim is hereby fixed at ren Dollars per month. That the rete of license for engaging in the business of a retail liquor dealer in the City of Anaheim is hereby fixed at $50.00 per month. That the rate of license for engaging in the business of carrying on a restaurant or eating place in the City of Anaheim, where spiritu- ous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away in orig- inal sealed packages, containing not less than one pint, with bona fide meals as herein- before defined, shall be a special license of Four Dollars per month, which shall be paid in addition to the regular restaurant license required by the ordinances of the City of Anaheim. That the rate of license for engaging in the business of carrying on and conducting a drug store in the City of Anaheim, where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away for medicinal purposes only, not to be consumed upon the premises where sold or given away, in sealed packages and in quantities of not less than five ounces and not t exceed one-fifth of a gallon, shall be Four Dollars per month. Section 4. That no license to keep, main- tain or carry on any wholesale or retail liquor estab ishment, or any restaurant or eating place, where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away, or any drug store where such Is Issue"; rb snail ue tie uuty ui the cuy uierx of said City of Anaheim to issue licenses un- der thisordinance according to and under the classification specified in the order of the Board of Trustees of said City authorizing the issue of such license. He shall then deliver the license to the City Tax and License Col- lector for collection on or before the first day of eai;h month, taking his receipt for the amount thereof. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to conduct or carry on within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, either in their own names or as agents for any other person or persons, or body corporate, or otherwise, to assist in so conducting or carrying on the business of a wholessle liquor dealer orretailliquor dealer, as defined iu this ordinance, or the busiuers of carrying on a restaurant or other eating place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away with regular or bona fide meals, as hereinbetor . defined, or the business of car- rying on or conducting a drug store where spirituous, vinous. malt or other intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, as in this or- dinance provided, without first procuring from said Citv a license so to do; and the car- ryingbn of any business or occupation is this ordinance specified, on any day or fractional part of a day, without such license, and con- trary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall constitute a separate offense for every such day or fractional part of a day that such bus- iness is so conducted or carried on, and shall be deemed a separate violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance. Section S. It shall be unlawful to sell or give away any spirituous, vinous, malt o= mixed intoxicating liquors in any saloon, tippling house, sample room, bar room, gro- cery, brewery, winery, drug store, restaurant or in any drinking place or places where s,teh articles are sold, served or given away, either at wholesale or retail, between the hours of 12 o'clock. midnight, on Saturday and 5 o'clock A. M. the following Monday, and between the hours of 12 o'clock, midnight and 5 o'clock A. M. of each and every day of the weer other than Sunday; provided, how• ever, that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to the sale by druggists of such liquors upon prescription in writing given by any regularly licensed physician, for medicinal purposes only. Section 9. The owner, proprietor, manager or other person having charge or control of anv s -Hoon, tippling house, sample room, gro- cery, or other puce where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given sway, either at wholesale or retail, ex- cepting restaurants or drug stores, shall se- curely close and lock all entrances and exits from any such place, or cause the same to be so closed and iocked, and to keep the same in such condition against the entry or exit of all persons other than the owner, proprietor or manager thereof, or the servants regularly employed in and about the same, between the hours of 12 o'clock, midnight, on Saturday and 5 o'clool, A M. of the following Monday, and between the hours of 12 o'clock, mid- night, and 5 o'clock A. M. of each and every day of the week other than Sunday. It shall be unlawful for the owner, proprie- tor, manager, or other person having charge or control of any saloon, tfpplilig house, sam- ple room, erecery, or other place where spir- ituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, either at wholesale or retail, excepting restaurants or drug stores, to permit any person, other than the servants reeularly employed in and about the same, to enter, remain or be therein be- tween the hours and during the times herein- before mentioned It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the owner, proprietor, manager, or other person having charge or control of any saloon, tippling house, sample room, grocery, or other place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, either at wholesale or retail, ex- cepting restaurants or drug stores, to enter, remain or be in any of such enumerated places between the hours and during the times hereinbefore mentioned. Section 10. No retail liquor dealer's license shall be granted for the sale of spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors other than in a room situate on the ground floor and fronting on a public street. The front doors of such room shall have therein Secticn 11. No retail liquor dealer's license shall be granted for an establishment to be conducted outside of the following limits in the City of Anaheim, towit: First: On both sides of Center street, from a point one hund- red feet westerly of Clementina street to the intersection of Center and Claudiva streets. Second: On both sides of Los Angeles street, from the south side of Center street to the south side of Chartres street. No wholesale liquor dealer's license shall be granted for anestablisbment to be conducted outside of the limits aforesaid, except to bona fide wineries or breweries Section 12. No retail liquor dealer's licen- ses in excess of seven shall at any time be granted by the Board of Trustees of said city. Section 18. No wholesale liquor dealer's license, nor retail liquor dealer's license. shall be granted where such business is pro. posed to be conducted in a room or place ad- joining and communicating With arestnurant, or in the same room in which a restaurant is conducted; provided, however, that this sec- tion shall not apply to bona fide hotels con- taining not less than ten sleeping rooms for guests. Section 14. Whenever any person, either as owner, proprietor, manager, agent, employe or otherwise, shall have been convicted of violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance or of any other ordinance of the City of Anaheim regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors or the closing of wholesale liquor es- tablishmerit.a, saloons, bar rooms, or other places where such liquors are sold, served or given awav, the license of the owner or pro- prietor of such wholesale liquor establish- ment, saloon, bar room or other place wherein such violation was committed, shall there- in•.^'. t;; li=m;;dlat,;'y revoked by said 11,,ar3. of Trustees. Section 15. Any violation of this ordinance or any of the provisions thereof shall consti- tute it misdemeanor, and shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed Two Hundred dol- lars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail of said City of Anaheim for a period not to ex- eead ninety days, or by both such fine and im- prisonment; and any owner or proprietor of ,env wholesale or retail liquor establishment, safoon, bar room, or other drinking place, or restaurant or drug store, who shall permit any violation of this ordinance or any of the provisions thereof in such wholesale or retail liquor establishment, saloon, bar room, or other drinking place, or in such restaurant or drug store, or upon the premises occupied or controlled by such person or persons, and used as a wholesale or retail liquor establish- ment, saloon, bar room, or other drinking place, restaurant or drug store, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as hereinbefore specified, and his license shall be revoked. Section 16. Ordinance No. 140, entitled "An ordinance providing for the licensing and regulating of the business of selling liquors in the Cfty of Anaheim, and repealing all or- dinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith"; and Ordinance No. 168, entitled "An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordi- nance No. 140, and adding two new sections thereto", are hereby repealed; and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Anaheim, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section 17. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circu- lati, n, printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon it shall take effect and be in full force. C O. RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordi- nance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on May 14th, 1908, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 28th day of May, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Kroeger, Stock and Fiscus. Noes: None. And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 98th day of May, 1908. [SEAL] EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. Ordinance Pdo. An ordina.ntle providing for the licensing and reg-mlating of the business of selling licI,tors in the ^ity of. Anaheim, and repealing all ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. The Bogrd of. Trustees of the city of Anaheim do ordain as follows: section I. For The purpose of this ordi- rane a wholesale liquor establishment is de - el ared to be a place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors .-re sold, served orgiveo away in quantities of not less than one-fifth of a gallon, and vliere such liquors are sold. served or given avFRC not to be drunk on the premises where so sold, serv- ed or given away; and any pers it who, as o,ner, agant, or otherwi•e on, ducts or ear - ries on, or assists in courdueting or carrying on anv such a place or estabiishment. the same being conducted or carred on either exclusiv lc or in counaetiou with, or as a part, department or branch of any other hnsiness or occupation, is for the purpose of this ordi- nance declared to be ca,rying o❑ the business -of-awhol ell nor cutd[erL rmided,-_hew- ever that the definitions herein given shall not apply to the sale by druZZists for medicinal purposes only, upon prescription kc in writinggiven by any regularly licensed physician, of any of the artioles heroin enumerates., nor to any drug store licensed to sell liquort3 in the. quantities and manner hereinafter provided. -Section 2—Foz'-m---nurnose of this or given away t i,' any place, , or mixed into premises or, eisewitere. or any sues place where such liquors are sold, served or,given awayin quantities of less than one-fifth of a gallon.; provided, however that the defi- nitions in this section given shall not apply to any restaurant or eating place where liquors are sold, served or ggiven away as a part of any bona fide meal, _in regular sealed packages, containing not less than one pint as here inatterprovided for, such restaurant beingdu!y licensed thereto; the term ,bona fide meals' for the purposes of this ordinance Is defined to such a quantity and class of food as is ordinarily served for consump- tion in establishments maintained for the purpose. of selling or serving meals; and, proviyied,further,_that _neither.of tbe.1/ definitioiilt; herein given shall apply to the sale by druggists, for medicinKl purposes only, upon a prescription in writing given by any regal rly licensed physician, of any of the articles herein enumera— ted, nor to any drug store licensed to sell li(piors in the quanti— ties'and manner as hereinafter provided. Any person or per—sons, firm or corporation, w;se, conaucts or carries on, or assists in conducting or carrying on, a retail liquor establishment as herein defined, ,-is for the purpose of this ordinance declared to be carrying on the business of a retail liquor dealer. Section 8.—That the rate of license for en- gagin the business of a wholesale liquor dealn the CityofAnahelm is hereby fixed at Ten Dollars per month. That the rate of license for engaging in the business of a retail lignordealer in the City of Anaheim is hereby axed at ¢50.00 per moii�th. ` That the rate of license for engaging In the, business of carryingg on a restau- raut oreating place in the Litt' of Anaheim, where s irituons, vinous,malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given awayy in original sealed ppackages; containing i of less than clue ppint.with bona fide meaW as hereinbefore defined, shall , be a special license of Fout Dollars:pe- month which shall be paid in addition to the regular res- taurant license rgg#iTetl by ,the ordinances of the City of Agaiiehl That the rate of license for engaging in the business of carrying on and con• 4ticting a drug store in the City of ,Anaheim, where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away for medicinal purposes only, not to be consumed upon the premises where sold or given away, in sealed packages and in quantities of not less than five ounces and not to exceed one-fifth of a gallon, shall be Four Dollars per month. Section 4.-71hat no license to keep, main- tain or carry on any wholesale or retail liquor establishment, or any restaurant or eating place, where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served orgiven away, or any drug store where such liquors are sold or given away, as in this ordinance provided, shall be issued to any person except upon order of the Board of TrustPes of. Said City, which order shall specify the particular class of liquor license to be issued; and said Board of Trustees may revoke any of such liquor licenses at any time. Section 6—The licenses in this ordinance provided for shall be due and payable to the City of Anaheim at the office of the City Tax and License. Collector on the first day of each month in advance. Section 6.—That the licenses to be issued hereunder shall be classified as follows, to -wit: Wholesale Liquor Dealer's License: Retail Liquor Dealer's License, Restaurant Liquor License, and Drug Store Liquor License. Each class of said licenses to be applicable only to the particular class of liquor busi- ness, as hereinbefore specified, for whi h the same is issued; it shall be the duty of the City Clerk of said City of Anaheim to issue licenses under this ordinance accord- ing to and under the classification specified in the order of the Board of Trustees of said City authorizing the issu& of such li^ense. Ile 5h ll than riPliver the, license to the, City Tax snd License Collector for collection on or before the first day of vaih month, taking his receipt for the anount thereof. Section 7 —!t shall be unlawful for any . person or persons to conduct or carry on within the corporate limits of the city of Anaheim, either in their own names or as agents for any other person or persons, or body corporate, or otherwise, to assist in so conducting or carrying on tae business of a wholesale liquor dealer or retail liquor dealer, as defined in this ordinance, or the business of carrying on a restaurantor other eating place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away with regular or bona fide meals, as hereinbefore defined, or the business of carrying on or conducting a drug store, wh'ere spirituous, vinous, malt or otherintoaicating liquors are sold -or given. away, as in this ordinance -provided, with- out first procuring from.said city a license so to do; and the carrying on of any busi- ness or occupation in this ordinance sped fled, on any day or fractional part of a day, without such license, and contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall consti- tute a separate offense for every such day or fractional part of a day that such busi- ness is so -conducted or carried on, and shall be deemed arseWate violation -0 -f. -the ., visions_of'thisordanance'° • -- Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful to sell or give agcy any SPtrit— uous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors in any saloon, ti#�- ling house, sample room, bar room, grocery, breivery, winery, drug store, restaurant or in any drinking place or places where such ar- ticles are sold, served or given a7ray, either at wholesale or retail, between the hours of 12 o l c1,lo^k, midnight, on Saturday to n 5 o l alor,k A. U. the following Monday, and between the hours of 12 o'rlock, midnight and 5 O' -lock A. Y. of eRIli and every day of the ever?k other than Sunday; provided, ho-vpver, that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to the sale by druggists of such liquors upon prescription in writing given by any remlarly linens, -?.,d physician, for medi^inal purposes only. Sec. 9. The owner, proprietor, manager or other person having charge or control of any saloon, tippling house, sample room, grocery, or other place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, either at wholesale or retail, ex- cepting; restaurants or drug stores, shall securely close and lock all entranies and exits from any such place, or cause the same to be so closed and locked, and to keep the same in such condition against the entry or exit of all persons other than the owner, proprietor i or manager thereof, or the servants regularly employed in and about the same, between the hours of 12 o'clock, midnight, on Saturday and. 5 o'clock A. R. Of the following Monday, and between the hours of 12 o'nlock, midnight and 5 o'nlock A. M. of each and every day of the week other than Sunday. It shall be unlawful for the owner, proprietor, mansager, or other per8on having charge or control of any saloon, tippling hos_ise, sample room, grocery, or other place where spirituous, vinous, malt or Mixed iirtoxicRting liquors are sola or given away, either at wholesale or retail, excepting restaurants or drug stores, to permit any person, other than the servants r. pmxlRrly employed in and about tine same, to enter, remain or be ix there -in between the hours and during the tijnes hereinbefore mentioned. It shall be unlawful for any person, other titan the owner, proprietor, manager, or other person having charge or ^ontrdl of any saloon, tippling house, s%mPle room, rocerrr, or other place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold or given away, either at wholesale or retail, excepting restaurants or drug stores, to enter, remain or be in any of such enwnerated places between the hours and during the, times hereinbefore mentioned. Sen, 10. No retail liquor dealer's license shall be granted for the sale of spirituous, vinoiis, malt or mixed intoxicating li— quors other than in a room situate on the ground floor and fronting on a, public strPet. The front doors of such room shall have therein transparent window glass, beginning not more, than four feet from the level of tile, . id p»alk in front thereof and rising to a heighth of riot less than seven feet above the level of such sidewalk, and such window glass shall be so placed in said doors as to permit a dear and unobstructed view of the -whole of the bar in said room, when looking through sRM. glass frog. the p!ztside of said doors. Between the hours of 12 o'clock midnight, on Saturday and 5 o'ilo^k A. M. the following Monday, it shall be unlawful to place or caused to be placed, or pew it to be plaootd or maintained, any scrpen, blind, shutter, curtain, partition, device or obstrtietion whatsopvpT in said room, or on or in front of said doors, which shall with interfere ^ r obstruct in any manner t?iP view through the lasts on said. doors of the said room and the bar therein. The bar or bars in such room shall be so placed therein that an unobstructed view of su^h bar or bars, and the whole thereof, can be had Eby looking through the glass on said doors. Sec. .11.. No retail liquor dealer's li cense shall be granted for an establishment to be conducted outside of the following ptaa— li atxx limits in the City of Anaheim, to—wit: First: on both sides of Center Street, frola a point oris hundred feet westerly of Clenentina Street to the interHection of Center and Claud-Ina Streets. Second: on both sides of Lori Angeles Street, frOr1 the South sicip of Center Stre.p,t to tYie South side of Chartres Street. No wholesyale liquor depler's li iense shall be granted for an esta.blis limpnt to 'oe ionducted outside, of the limits aforesaid., ex— cept to Fiona fide prineries or breweries. Sec. 12. 110 reta-il liquor dealer's licenses in excess of. seven ;:hall at any time be granted by the Board of Trustees of said City, Sel. 13. No-%holesale:� liquor dealer's li( fexlse, nor retRil 1 i— quor dPaler's 1-, •,elire, :;nail tie grailtpcl. 3rhere sunh bus;ines;s iy pro— posed. to be "Ondl_ItPd in a rOOiQ or place sd.joini-,:, RiA. h►ith 'c' -'3t. currant , or ii-, the snmr- -r aon in w1iinh a rpst�.ur .I:t is ien- du^ted; provided, hOArevPr, that this Section shall not apply to bona riot less thf,n ten rooms=: for SPI. 14. 1henever any Person., either as owner, proprietor, irian- ;Pr, Pr-e,nt, f m*oloye or U i iit'1 '�' F , Shill �1 VP.. ?pP,n �OIiV1 ^.tF?(i. of violat.in" sny of the provirions of this ordinals^e. or of any other ordinnnne of the "ity of Anaheim r. Pg'alsting the. sale of intoxilating, liquors or the. Ilosillx; of lvliolebR, F 1? s}1.tor pstablislla-iPnts, saloons, bar rooms, or other $There such liquors are sold, served or giVpTi a1v<Jr, the linen, --,,e. of the owner or proprietor of suoth urholps,ale liquor esAablishinent, saloon, bar room or other place wherein such viOlatiOri noirtT fitted, slla.11 there -upon o ij�zilf',d.i<ately revoked by said Board of Trustees. Sec . 15. Any viol,�tio:: or '"As ordinan^e or tiny of the provis— ions thereof shall oanstitutp a i,1AsdPmPPnor, and shall be punishable by a fine of not, to e3i!',f9P.d Two l lindred cj ollars;, or by iIlprisolliY elA in the "ity Jail of said City of Anahpiia for ri period not to excePd ninety - a�Ts, or by hoth s 111 fine .91, iMl;risonmez�t; and any owner or proprietor of any wholes ale or retail liquor establishment, saloon, ba." room, or other drinking place, or restaurant or drtig store, who STIR11 perviit any violation Of tl i.f'� Or a.nrr Of the provisions thereof in s iiih wholesale or rptail 11quor Pstsbli ,11ment, saloon, bs�r rooia, or othfar a.rinkin� plane, or in Such restaurant o -j:° drug store, or uPOrI the preirisPs-, olcuPied or. Iontro! erg by sitnh person or persons, and used asp a vfholes;ale or rpteil liquor o >tablishment, saloon, bRr room, or other (IriIlkin place, restaurant or drug; �>torp, shall be l_lilty of a IliSdempanor a.n(L f;hall be -puni shr—1 ale. :4,s; herpin— before ,penified, and his license shall be revoked. Sec. 16. OTddnance No. 140, entitled 11„n ordirisn-e providing for the liiensing and re ;tll.sAinZ of the business of selling li luors in the "ity of ll'-1110irl, and repealing; all ordinan-les and parts of ordinan^es5 in onfli '!t and. Ordinanle, NO. 168, entitled ,,An or(tinf)nre amending Section 1 of or(Unarv.f- No. 1409 ancj adding 0 t-vo new sections thereto", ars' hereby reppslr',cd.; and all other ordin- n^P, or of ordin---n��' Of +}lr' ;iL;j pi' Al"). hFiTl, 7.r1 " ii:1'_1_ rt 7d th the provisions of this ord-J naxle;e, nro hereby rei)ePlf-,d. J cpn. 17. The, "itf "lcrk small nprtifir to tile T)Rs'sPg-f' of this crdinanie and nmisp the ssmP to rF published. onee in the Annheitn Ga�pttp, a 'ti r; kl j n�",rv;p?pnr of g,(,nprsl ^i_rnillntion, printed, pub— lisll�':. Iirrtll^tPd in snit of AIlaheil_1, 9nc thereupon it shall take effect And 'bc-; in full force. pre: idpnt of t,tlf: BoaYd of Trustees of the "i ty of An?heirl. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introdu^ed at a meeting; of tho Board. of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on May 14th, 19089 and that it was duly Passed at a regular Meeting of said. Board of Trustees held on the 28th day of May, 1908, by the follov_tnz vote: Trustpes ---V N o 0 a Absent and not voting: Trustee And I further certify that the President of said Hoard of Trustees sigh-, said ordinance on the 28th day of. tray, 1908. Clerk of the f `ity of Anaheim. Riehard Melrose ATTORNEY Anahelm, Cal. Ordinance No. fid& An ordinance ordering the widening of Broadway Street in the City of Anaheim, appointing; commgissioners to assess the benefits and damages and have general supervision of said work until the comple- tion thereof, and fixing the compensation of such oommissioners. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. Resolved, by the Board of Trustees of. the City of Anaheim, State of C-alifornia, that the public interest and convenience require, and that the said Board of. Trustees hereby order to be done the work of widening Broadway Street in said City in accordance with resolution of intention Ho. 74 declaring the intention of said Board of Trustees to order said work to be done in accordance with said resolution of intention. Sec. 2. That, subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at k s any time for rause, be and they are hereby appointed corgmrissioners to assess the benefits and damages,.and have general supervision of said work until the completion thereof, in compliance with an act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved March 69 18899 an(fi entitled "An Act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, Widening, straighten- ing, or ^,losing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within municipalities, and to condpmrtn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose." For their servir-es said commissioners shall receive as compensation the sw!i of 42.50 per diem for the days upon which they are actually engaged in performing said services. Before pro- ceeding with the performrance of their duties, each of said commis- sioners shall file with the Clerk of this Board of Trustees ani{ affidavit and. a bond to the, State of California in the sten of 05000.00 to faithfully perform the duties of his office, in the manner and, form required by law. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, and cause, the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazett".9 a weekly newspaper 1.�rinted and published in said City of AnaheiM, and thereupon it shall be in full force and effect. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board. of Trustees of the City of Anaheila, held on the 23d day of July, 1908, and that it was duly Passed at a MHWI— regular meeting of said Board of Trusties held on the 13th day of August, 1908, by the following; vote: Ages: Tr'zstees Noes: And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the 13th day of AugAzst, 1908. (seal) City Clerk of said City of Ahaheiu. Affidavit of Publication. In the Superior Cou,�t; of // Stat o� Ca laintili. vs ..... ------. Deafel dant. t STATE OF CALIFORNIA. SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. ..... ....... ..................... b sworn, deposes an says: That at all times hereinafter r was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eightee resident of said county, and was at and during all said time publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, of general circulation, printed and published weekly in th heinl, in said County of Orange, State of California; that Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newsp� eireulation and is published for the dissemination of local a news and intelligence of a general character, having a bon; tion list, of paying subscribers; that at all said times said i been established, printed and published in the said City o said County and State at regular intervals for more than or ing the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed ins at-cask...........day(, comn ...day Of_. .:...........190-o, and .. .day of.............. ........... 190..,both and as often during said time as said newspaperwas regular is to say, on the following dates, towit: .................... . L SUBSCYRIBF,D ,4N'1 f' ,p me this ORDINANCE NO. 207. An Ordinance by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim Ordering the Work of Wlelening Los Angeles Street In said City, and Appointing Commissioners to Assess the Bene. fits and Damages, and Have General Supervision of Said Work. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheimdo ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Board of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheim, State of California, hereby determine that the ,public interest and convenience require, and that the said Board of Trustees do hereby order to be done -the work of said City, ing Los between Sycamore ngeles street i North streets ,in accordance with resolution of intention No 71, declaring the in- tention of said Board of Trustees to order said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in accordance with said resolution of in- tention. Section 2. That subject to removal by said Bo d of. Truxtees, act any time for cause, Max Nebelung, W-11- Spa ke,' , W. O. F. Sehwenckert be and they are hereby appojjnted commissioners to as- sess th iyefits and damages, and have general supervisice of said- work until the completion thereof, in compliance with an act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved March 6, Clnd entitled ` An Act to provide for 1 ging out, opening, extending, widening, straightening, or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or placewithinithinacquire municipalities, ianaal od land and property necessary or con- venient for that purpose." For their services said commissioners shall receive as ion the sum of er them opethe tdays upon which they are actually en' gaged in performing said ser- vices. Before proceeding with the performance of their . duties, each of AF said commissioners shall file with the clerk of ,this Board of Trustees an af- fidavit and a bond to the State of Cal- ifornia in the sum of $6000.00 to faith- fully perform the duties of his office, in the manner. and form required by law. Section 3. The City Clerk shall' cer dtcsesasehpilsanautheamto published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a news- paper printed, published and circulated In it shall be n full force Band there- upon C. O. RUST, President of the B d of Trustees of the City of Anaheim• I hereby . certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 13th day of August, 1908, and that it was duly pass- ed at a regular meeting of said Board of helday Auguststees 1908, by the folowingon thet vote: of Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Kroeger, Stock and :Fiscus. Noes: None. I further certify that the President' of said Board of Trustees signed the same on the EDWARD B- MERRITT 8. (Seal) Clerk of said City of Anaheim. -- - - 100 v - A -- -- -"--------- ------------- - Notary Public in and for Orange County, Calif nia. Ordinanne No. An ordinanne by the Doard_ of. Trustees of the City of Anaheira orderino, the work of widening; Los An`ele,; StrcPt in said City, and appointing 7.omylJL s�,ioners to assess the benefits and damagPs q and have general supervision of said work. The Board of. Trustees of the City of Ana,F>iw do ordain as follow's S, � tton 1. That thA Board of Trusteds of the City of Anaheim, State of California, hereby determin( that t;zP publio interest and convenience require, and that the said Board of Trustees do hereby i 1 ordor khm to be done the •.work of widening Los Angeles Street in said City, between Sycamore and North Streets, in aniord.anne with resolu- tion of. intention No. 71, declaring tile intention of said Board of Tru&ti es to order said vo.rk to be done, and it, is hereby ordered th?t said work be done in accordance �vvith said reHolut,ion of inton- tion. Seo. 2.. That, subject to r -Koval :RaxxxXXKK RJKXKnY by said Board of Tri.igtee s rat any time for ^ause, %-l.!« be and they are hereby appointed to assess the benefits and damag?s, and have general supervision of said work until ti'le comi.l­tion thereof, in nom-plian(,.e with an act of the legislature of the St-ite, of California, api)rovF;d i,iar(,, 6, 1889, an(i entitled "An Act to provide for laying; out, opening, oxtonding, widening, straight - e n7nj1 or ^losinrr lip, in �whol�' or in part, any street, square, "Lane,, alley, court or place within municipalities, -.end, to cond.erm and aIquire any and all land and pror)erty necessary or convenient for that purpose." ro-r tPPir servines said nommissioners shall receive as colgp'�ns'ation the slz<1I of t�2.50 per diem for the days rpon ,=rhhinyl they are Ritually enga�F?d in performing said services. BHfore pro- cF--dillg with the perforlman-e of their dl:zties, each of said commiss- joners s-la.11 fil/e wit'ri the Clerk of this Hoard of TruStc s an af- fidavit a.nd a. bond to the State of Califorizia ill the s- �i of �?45000.00 to faitiifuily perforin the duties:, of his offi^e, in the manner and form rer;iiir�'d by law. Sac. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to tho passage-, of this ordinan^e and cause the s,qr:-qP to be publis-Iied once in the An=heir Gazette, a newspar)er , p-ablis-ned ,and ^i.rcul-?ted- in >aici. Cit; of AnRhp�im, and thereupon it shall be in full force and of ff- Ot . presl ent of the and of Tr?1Stees of the City of An. eim. 1 here.,JYT oQrtify that the foregoing ordinance was int-^odu^ed at a m --tin of tine Board of Tr'11; tees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 13th d.ay of August, 1908, a:1c_ th, t it was duly passed at a regular meetin of Said Bo5'rci. o.i Tril�tees held on the ?7th day of Au; zst, 191,18, by the folloivin�; vote: Ay e S : T ru S t a P g NOBS:�� •t•- - ? f'-•..rther certify that thp. ProSident of said BOard of Tr .stets sicrned the same on the 27th day of August, 1908. ( Seg1) 'IF,,rk of said l7it Of An:aazPim. Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, Cal. Affidavit of Publication. In the Superior Court o th County of Orange, State o Ca fornia. OROIN71N�N0 208. - -- --- - - --------- P/ ­t Ada *rd lijar fiX( _q aF}d 100*1, 2 a p 3f' Y �t�12 r `Prope w', V11 of tlhii, P helm, for the fiscal year' 1908-1909. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: .......... 1)� �kn�ia�it• xed Thatbe- drris f and eedpro ytaxo fa190e the fiscal year o 45 cents / on each one hundred`donara of the as- sessed valuation of all :real and personal• property within the corporate limits of the `City of Anaheim for the ordinary STATE OF CALIFORNIA, annual expenditures of said city. SS Sec. 2, That there be and hereby is COUNTY OF ORANGE. fixed and levieda property tax for the fiscal year of 1808-1909 of 10* cents oftr each one hundred dollars of the assessed daluation of all real and personal prop- erty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of, payingg. the "annual interest of the in debtl ness 0 said city incurred for the, purpose of constructing a city hall, for the extension and completion ,ofthe City Water Works, "for the grading and �"and�s ... being first duly improvement of streets, and the, Pure. chs o#.. rq Y fi a art sworn, dep: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ..he "til erwi�° s. was a citizen of the United States over thea a of eighteen ears and a said rode That t g g years, Sec. 3. That there ' be and hereby is resident of said county, and was at and duringall said times the printer, fixed and levied a property tax for the , fiscal year of 1908-1909 of 5 cents on publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper each one hundred 41ottsrs o ,-fie as- sessed P P ceased yaipation of . all real and . Der - of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Ana- conal property within the corporate lim- its of the City of Anaheim, for the pur- heim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Pone of Paying the annual interest of Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general the indebtedness of said oily ineuried.: ere the pu Dasa conati �rhtii'i� and circulation *nd is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic erecting � c y Electric 14ght Plant,, news and iAtelligenee of a general character, having a bona fide subscrip- together with one -fortieth Of said- in- debtedness. tion list, of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had fi\Sec. 4.l levied taezV be'a'ad hereby is been established printed and published in the said Cit of Anaheim, in property tax for the P P y fiscal year of 1908-1909 oil -14% cents said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preced- on each one hundred dollars of the as I ing the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the...... sensed valuation of ,all real and lim- sonar property within the corporate lim- its ; �L; O its 'of the Cvlty of ' Anaheim, for the ����`/ ..gyp• �..... ...... ,......................... purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness' of said city in- . of which the curred for the purpose of the exten ........................................................ J 'ion And improvement of the City Wat annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper er orks, and for the improvement of * - "1( 4_ I the Electric bight Plant, together with at least........ ..................dayl, e0"HR08ea0-ton the one -fortieth of said 'indebtedness. Sec. 5. That there be and hereby is ��t-11fixed and levied a property tax for the day of ....... 190 a fiscal year 1808-199 of 40 cents on eachr one hundred dollars of the assess- ed valuation of all real And personal ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' q Property within the corporatte limits ` of ;-mat the City of Anaheim, for the purpose :of the extension and improvement of the City Watef Works and for the ex- tension and i prove�n�nt, of . the City Ele¢trie, Light lent, .age Cher with one fortieth of sad indebtedne That there be and hereby is ................................................................................................................... fixed . and levied a property tax -for the fiscal year of -1908-1909 of 11% cents ow each one hundred dollars of the as sessed valuation of all real and per- .................. ........ conal propert within the corporate lim- 1 is of the itv of snaheim� for the S URSCRIBED AN'D SW'OR,JV' to before me this .. ... -- --------- day of. �. ]got i" Notary Public in and for Orange Con r, California. ORDINANCE NO. 208. An ordinance fixing and levying a prop. erty tax on all property within the corporate limits of the City of Ana- heim, for the fiscal year 1908-1909. The Board of Trusteesof the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1908-1909 of 75 cents on each one hundred dollars of the as- sessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim for the ordinary annual expenditures of said city. Sec. 2. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1908-1909 of lOx/2 cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal prop- erty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of Paying the annual interest of the in- debtedness of said city incurred for the purpose of constructing a city hall, for the extension and completion of the City Water Works, for the grading and improvement of streets, and the pur- chase of property_ for the fire depart- ment, together with one -twentieth of said indebtedness. Sec. 3 That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1908-1909 of 51/2 cents on each one hundred dollars of the as- sessed valuation of all real and Per- sonal property within the corporate lim- its of the City of Anaheim, for the pur- pose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the purpose of constructing anti erecting a City Electric Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of said in- debtedness. Sec. 4. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1908-1909 of 141/2 cents on each one hundred dollars of the as- sessed valuation of all real and per- sonal property within the corporate lim- its of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city in- curred for the purpose of the exten- sion and improvement of the City Wat- er Works, and for the improvement of the Electric Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of said indebtedness. Sec. 5 That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1908-1909 of 40 cents on each one hundred dollars of the assess- ed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of the extension and improvement of the City Water Works and for the ex- tension and improvement of the City Electric Light Plant, together with one - fortieth of said indebtedness. Sec. 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1908-1909 of 111/2 cents on each one hundred dollars of the as- sessed valuation of all real and per- sonal property within the corporate lim- its of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the Public Li- brary of said City. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly news- paper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and there- after it shall take effect and be in full force. CHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meet- ing of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 25th day of August, 1908, and that it was duly Passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 10th day of September, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Kroe- ger, Stock and Fiscus. Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees Signed the same on the 10th day of September, 1908. (seal) EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of said City of Anaheim. R r Ordinance No. 2 0 F An ordinance fixing and levying a property tax on all property within the ^,,jrporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the fiscal year 1908-1909. The 3oard. of Trustees of the "it;,r of Anaheim do ordain as fol- lows: S`3ctinIi 1. That thp-e be and hereby is fixed and. levied a pro— perty tax for the fiscal year of :1908-1909 of 75 ^Pnts on each one hundred dollars of the asses ed valuation of all real and personal property within the ^orporat e limits of. the Cit ur of Anaheim for the ordinary Annual expenditures of said city. Sec. 21. 11111at there and hereby is .fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1908-1909 of /C �_ gents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the Cit�r of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying; the annual interest of the indebtednes, of said city incurred for the purpose of constrnicting a city hall, for the extension and ooi4pletion of the "ity Nater Works, for the grading and improvement of streets, and the purchase of property for the fire aepartrrnent, together with one -twentieth of said indebtedness. Sec. 3. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of. 1908-1900, of z__ cents on each one hundred dollnrs of the `assessed valuation of all reel and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the Purpose of paying; the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the purpose of constn- in.ting and erecting a City Electric Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of said. indebtedness. Sea. 4. That these be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of. 1908-1909 df �* 2_ cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and peroonal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paging t.Ie annual interest of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the purpose of the extension and inprovelnent of Vie City Grater �Vorks, and for the irlprovemPnt of the Electric Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of said indebtedness. Sec. 5.That there be and hereby is fixed -qnd levied a property tax for the fiscal ;re,ar 1908-1909 of `I-� cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real an( -'t p(—rsonal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of the extension anCl. improvern:Pnt of the City 17ater Works and for the extension and iraprovemF,nt of the City Electric Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of said indebtedness. Sec. 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal yeas of. 1908-1909 of 11 2 cents on each one hundred dollars of the as;,essPd. valuation of all .real and pPrs.)nal property within the corporate liraite of the City of. Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the Publii Libr=ary of said City. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall cprt_fy to the passage of this ordinance and oause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette,, a weekly ne-118paper of general circulation printed, published a3:d. in said City of Anal;eim, and tYiP.reupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. President of 1,119 Board �of"`Trus ees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board. of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 25th day of August, 1908, an(l. that it was duly passed at a ,• pp reguo&r meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 10th day of September, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees��.�C Noes: I f_lirther nertify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed, the same on the 10th dar of September, 1908.` �_ Clerk o__ said Tiny of �'l naneim. 4 8 ti�. ---Attidavit ot PaDitcation. Iu the Superior Court of he County of Orange, State�(if alifornia. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE. ............... beim first duly y sworn, deposes a says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned.. he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, ens publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general aceta circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said nia, County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and 11l 0e' ties, was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and 1rrS, is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intel- for ligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of pay- sea ing subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, arta Eact priuted and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and cceeed filState at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publi- an=al nia, cation Of the notice herein mentioned; that the .......................... faith 7('1 L?.............of which the annexed is a printed cop}, was publishyd and printed in said newspaper at least ............... ..................... .d'"I e ..............c ...... e ..... --., u v0, d; that is to say, on the following date to-wit: ltri,.... -- .....'0 .............................................. .. ...... ............ .................. ....�.... .�-�. SUBSCRIBED IND 8WORV to before rte this �-- �_--_ ___ da!j of. - -..- - 190 Ordinance No. 209. An Ordinance ordering to be 4400 the work of. widening Broadway street 1n the City of Anaheim. The Board of T-ustees of the City of „Ana heim do ordain a fo lows: Section 1. That the public intereft and con- venience require and that the said Board of 'trustees hereby order to be dobe "of widening , Br( adway street, in said i Sty, in accordance with Resolution of Intention No. 77. declaring the. intention of said Board of Trustees to Ord said work to he done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in accordance with resolution of iateution. .ec.2. That, subject to removal by said Berard of Trustees at any time for cause, M. Nebelnng, J. J. ScUtleider, W. H. apake be and they are be eby appointed ,commissioners to as the eaefits and daIDa¢esl and haver," court or place within municipailif- condemn and acquire any and all property nece.sary or convenient urpose. ' Ir servicet said commissioner$ 'e as compensation the sum of n5S it the. days upon which they 'ire gaged in-pertorming said service-& raged shall,before pro- h:the Performance of their duties, e Clerk of said -Board of Trustees and a bond to the State of Califor. sum of five thousand dollars, to erfotm the duties of his office in the manner and. form required bylaw. Pec. 3, The City Clerk shall certify to the Das sage of this ordinance and cause the same to 1 be published once, in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of -general. circulation printed, published and circulated in said city Of Anabeim;'and thereupon thereafter the same shall, be in full force and effect. G J. STOC , President pro tem. of the Board of rustees -of;the,g-ty of Anaheim. T hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance isas-introduced at a meeting of. the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held an the 8th day of October, 1908, and that 'it was duly, ppas.�ed at a meeting of said Board of Trustees he}d on the 22d day of October, 1908, by the fallowing vote: Ayes: Trustees Stock, Gates, Krueger and Ficus. Noes: None. And T further certify that the President pro tem. of said Board of Trustees signed said 111 ordinanee on the 22d day of Oetober, 1908. �{ {seal) EDWARD B. MERRITT, t _ City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. ----- -- - - - ---- - .... .. - ----- 'Votary Public in and for Orange County, California. An ord.inan^,e ordering to l)p done the work of ' Yiol 'I ing Broad °ray Street in the ",ity of A)IaIheiln. The BoPrd. of Trustees of. the City of. Anaheim do ordaiT,, gas follo"vs : Section 1. Th?t the publin; intnrFst and. convenieme reqnire, and that the said Board of Trustees hereby order to be done of widen– ing Broa(i,.,Y^ter Street, iIl said rit;r, in ac^,orde.n�P ��ith resolution of intention, No. 77, declarirl the intention of :,P.ir T3oard. of True. tees to order said. work to be done, and it is Ylereby order. fid that Baid 'Mork be done in a'.,=d.an,-'e, with Said rf'solution of intention. Se 2. That, subject to removal by said Board of Trnf3tef,'� ^t Pny time for caUSP, *_a.4 be and they are hereby appointed �oorinissioners to assess the benefits and. damages, a.nd have general supprvision of said ,work until the coinlplFation thereof, in corlplia.nr;e with an a.ct of the Legislature of the State of ^alifornia, approved t:ar"L 6, 1389, aI1d, entitled "An a.et to provide for lgving out, opening, Pxtendin�,,r, 11Tidening, straight– E?r,i'i ; , Or nlosiri` up, 1n `thole or in part , any trP-t, , SquPre,, lark', alley, ,ourt or place within municipalit7 es, and to �ondernn and Fit'— quire c–q ire any cad all land and property neCF'ssar;r or noIlvenient for that Purpose. ►e 'For their Servif'Hs said C:orTiissioners shall receive as compensation the siuq of art. 50 per dirm for elle faLays upon lqhi h they are q.e,,vi.alljr Pngal,red ill pPrfOTpji jlj Cai( sprvi�-es. Fach of spial r OM- iilissioner5 shall, bpforr' proCe_.P.aillfr With the., perforr!jan^e of their duties, fill, with the 0lerk of said Board of Trustees an a.f da 17 it and a bond to tYl(' State of California, ili the stirs of five thousnrd dollars, to faithfull;r "A,erforri the, d_uties> of his office ill tile manner and for-rj required by later. Sec. 3. The City clerk shall nertify to tl'e pa;,;a.e of ti?is ordin.n^e qnd ,. ,ISP the same to br, publisIv d once in the, Anaheim Gazettf=, a ­re?=kly I e'"J paper of general riroulration printed, Published and air^lzlatPd in said "itY of Arlalleilri, and tl1( rcupon rmd. there'afte'r the sgme shall be ill full force arid effect. i, Prlci . lip BoRrd of TrustOOS . r � -API- ,, . And P bond to thn St`atP of "alifoi-n'la , in the sum of five tihou:innd, dollars, to faithfully -p rforri the dutieS of his offi!'P, in tho InPnner and foirY; required by la�J. Seo. 3. Thp, City clerk sh111 ^ert;ify to the passP.c,r� of t!'is ordi nPn"..P Pnd ",at1 P the saine to boublishp.d oneP in the, Anaheim Gazette, a ,rekkly of general ei raulation printed, plibl shed and ^ir^ZzlatPd in sPid. ",ity of An.qheim, and tn(r uj)cn Pnd tlierF ?fter the sgmp, Sl1?.11 be iIl full forge and P,ffHCt. L P -n ici4i O. il? Bo`rird. of Trustees I hereby iertlfir trlgt the :f'orr--,oill; ord naricP was introduced at a meeti-16; of thr 3oord of Tru :t�-P.s of the lit„r of Anshein held on the 8th day of October, 1908, and that it was duly Imssed at a meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 22d day of October, 1908, by the folio'liriu -.-ote: "rtlt APS o (� -�&4.a vc_ I 4-a c�<D Im,Oei _ And I Further ^F-rtil';r th.-t the PresidentAof said I308rc?. of Trustees sinned sai(t orc?_inance or, the 22d dRY of October, 1908. city ^lerk of said C".i't y of Anaheim. ( Fsr-�al ) Affidavit of Publication. 40 •p 4 4+' °,4 In the Superior Court of the County of Orange, yes \het 44v°�c:peQ State of California. Plaintiff. ' VS ------ ----------------------------- Defendant. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE}. 1 ........... being first duly ...... ............ ..... .......... .... .... sworn, deposes a say That at all times hereinafter mentioned..he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intel- ligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of pay- ing subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publi- cation of the notice herein mentioned; that the .......................... ........................... ...... /. !!• ................of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ........• • ....! • v- "' -. ......... ds .t he that is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: `...........1,..... ... y�...................................... . ................................................................................................ .. ............. 6 �eq�g��,� '�w°t e4 • � � � �cetie�te �e4 �p0 ote 0�e DaZ 9Y,4� a�,4et o19 �e og0` et oo4.,�® 4 �,OS,� t•�4yeg w �v�' �,a� �,4e4� X9'4 904 oyte�� v9 $ of et 9 et a tie °V� . ate p ktoa 'O' .0 'op I, 3 o J4 {9'o tw9 , t0 {131 9 ' 0ti ti9 04 ° ,y9 100 0�$J e e e � X0"0 Ne9 ioJ e9 v 4�01 'LSe 9 0�4 c0'�J' 19e9 bg �,4e vA ��ti �Y'. tie 4y cSo J �e Get c�40 g2teti �te�;° 9• tpe�$ej9'1e �^4 $ et '�� ee t� 04•D9 o q� c�B04�e Qet. �oaoo ,�9e SUBSCRIBED.4,ND SWORN to before me this `( �- _ ---- day of - - /I -- of e e'0 �4�g•04,�tic 3 a4a be�� t fie. tie's ------------ ........ ----- -----19 0 - 9 ----------- --------- - --- ------ -- Notary Public in and for Orange County, Cal ornia. Ordinance No, 210 A'ir`Ordinance establishing the grade of certain points on the followng Streets in the City of Anaheim, to wit: Wal- nut Street from Santa Ana Street to ,the City limits; Crone Avenue from Walnut Street .to the City limits; 'broadway Street from Palm Street ,to_ West Street; Illinois Street from Center Street to Broadway Street; -'itihio Street from Center Street to 'Broadway Street; Citron Street from Sycamore Street -to Santa Ana Street; --Mesh Street from the North line of -,Mlneyard Lot "Dill" .ito Center Street; Palm Street from Broadway Street to Santa Ana Street; Cypress Street from Palm Street to Lemon Street; Claudine __Street from Alberta Street to Sycamore Street; Philadelphia Street from Alberta Street to Syca- more Street; Olive Street from North Street to Sycamore Street; Santa Ana .Street from Olive Street to East Street; Broadway Street at Orange Street; Vine Street from Center Street to Santa Ana Street; Bush Street from Center Street to Santa ..Ana Street; Rose Street from Center Street to Santa Ana Street and East Street from Center Street to Satnta Alia Street. i- 11 The Board of Trustees of the City of n Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. Throughout this Ordinance the Northeast corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the North and East curb lines of the intersecting Streets; the Northwest corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the North and West curb lirfes of the inter - d setting Streets; the Southeast corner shall be understood to mean the junc- tion of the South and East curb lines S of the intersecting Streets, and the Southwest corner shall be understood 1- to mean the junction of the South and r- West curb lines of the intersecting Streets. ' d Sec. 2. The grades in this ordinance shall be understood to be the distance in feet above a datum plane 152.03 feet h below a standard bench mark on the Iron door plate at the Northwest cor- rier of the Metz Block, as heretofore es- tablished by Ordinance No. 98 of the City of Anaheim, entitled, "An Ordin- ance establishing a Datum Plane and designating Bench Marks therein." 1 -Sec. 3. The grade of Walnut Street from Santa Ana Street to the City lim- its is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Walnut Street and Santa Ana Street the Northeast corner shall be 132.30, the Southeast corner shall be 132.10, the Southwest corner shall be 131.90, the Northwest corner s shall be 132.10. At a point 600 feet south of a cem- e 'ent Streetandmonument tcenterhe fWalnut Santa AnaStreet the a east 'r curb shall be 129.50, the west curb shall be 129.30. At the intersection of Walnut Street t and South Street the Northeast corner shall be 126.70, the Southeast corner shall be 126.50, the west curb at its point of intersection with the extended center line hof South Street shall be 1 126.35. At the intersection of Walnut Street and Crone Avenue the Southwest cor- ner shall be 125.80, the northwest cor- , Iner shall be 125 90. At the intersection of Walnut Street and Broad Street the Northeast corner ' shall be 124.30. At the intersection of Walnut Street and Bail Street the North t west corner shall be 123.55. Sec. 4. The grade of Crone Avenue it fromWalnut Street to the City lim- y Lits is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Crone Avenue and i Walnut Street the grade shall be as es- tablished by Section 3 of this Ordin- ance. At a point 345 feet West of the cen- ter line . of Walnut Street the North ievrb of Crone Avenue shall be 125.35, j and the South - curb opposite thereto , shall be 125.20. K ii At a point 394 feet west of the cen- ter line of Walnut Street the North curb - i of Crone Avenueshall be 125.25 and the shall be 142.30, the Southeast corner shall be 142.30, the Southwest corner shall be 142.00, the Northwest corner shall be 14.00. The East curb of Citron Street at its sltersectjon with the South line of the Water Alley on the North side of Vineyard Lot "D6," shall be 141.15 and the Nest curb opposite thereto shall be 140.85. At the intersection of Citron Street I and Chartres Street the Northeast cor- ner shall be 140.65, the Southeast cwr- ner shall be 140.45; the West curb of Citron Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Chartres Street shall be 140.30. At the intersection of Citron Street and Center Street the grade shall be as already established by Section Seven of Ordinance No. 160 of this City. At the intersection of Citron Street and Chestnut Street the Southwest cor- nor shall be 138.20, the Northwest cor- ner shall be 138.40; the East curb of Citron Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Chestnut Street shall be 138.50. At the intersection of Citron Street and Broadway Street the grade shall be as already established by Section Five of this Ordinance. At the intersection of Citron Street and Santa Ana Street the Northeast corner shall be 139.00, the Southeast corner shall be 139.00, the Southwest corner shall be 138.80, and the North- west corner shall be 138.80. Section 9. The grade of Resh Street from the North line of Vineyard Lot "D6" to Center Street is hereby estab- lisped as follows: The East curb of Resh Street at its intersection with the North line of Vineyard Lot "D6 shall he 142.50 and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 142.20. At the intersection of Resh Street and Chartres Street the Northeast cor- ner shall be 141.85, the Southeast cor- ner shall be 141.65, the Southwest cor- ner shall be 141.35, the Northwest cor- Nor shall be 141.55. At the intersection of Resh Street and Center Street the Northeast cor- ner shall be 141.15, the Northwest cor- ner shall be 140.95. Section 10. The'grade of Palm Street from Broadway Street to Santa I Ana Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Palm Street and Broadway Street the grade shall be as already established by Section Nine of Ordinance No. 160 of this City and by Section Five of this Ordinance. At the intersection of Palm Street and Davis Street the Northeast corner shall be 44.W, the Southeast _.turner shall be 143.60; the West' curb of Palm Street at its intersection with the ex- tended center line of Davis Street shall be 143.40. At the intersection of Palm Street and Santa Ana Street the Northeast corner shall be 14.50, the. Southeast corner shall be 14.30, the Southwest corner shall be 142.10, the Northwest corner shall be 142.30. Section 11. The grade of Cypress Street from Palm Street to Lemon Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Cypress Street and Palm ,Street the grade shall be as al- ready established by Section 10 of Or- dinance No. 160 of this City, At the intersection of Cypress Street and Helena Street the Southeast cor- ner shall be 146.55, the Southwest cor- ner shall be 146.35, the North curb of Cypress Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Helena Btimet shall be 146.60. At the intersection of Cypress Street and Clementine Street the Southeast corner shall be 147.65, the Southwest corner shall be 147.45, the North curb of Cypress Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Clem- entine Street shall be 147.75. At the intersection of Cypress Street and Lemon Street the grade shall be as already established by Section Five of Ordinance No. 160 of this City. Section 12. The grade of Claudina Street from Alberta Street to Syca- more Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Clau- dina Street and Alberta Street the Northeast corner shall be 153.80, the Southeast corner shall be 153.80, the Southwest corner shall be 153.50, the Northwest corner shall be 153.50. At the. intersection of Claudina Street and Sycamore Street the North- east corner shall be 155.05, and the 'Northwest corner shall be 154.75. Sect4on - 13... The grade -of--Philadel- phis, Streeet from Alberta Street to.Sy- Street and Rose Street the Northeast corner shall be 16,1.90, the Northwesi corner shall be 161.70, the South curt of Santa Ana Street at its intersect- ion with the extended center line of Rose Street shall be 161.80. At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and East Street the South-west corner shall be 162.00 and the Northwest corner shall be __20. Section 16. The grade of Broadway Street at Orange Street is hereby es- tablished as follows: The Northeast corner shall be 158.80; the Southeast corner shall be 158.80, the Southwest corner shall be 158.60 and the North- west corner shall be 158.60. Section 17. The grade of Vine Street from Center Street to Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Vine Street and Cen- ter Street the grade shall be as already established by Section three of Ordin- ance No. 191 of this City; the East curb of Vine Street at a point 400 feet south of the center line of Center Street shall be 159.60, and the West curb op- posite thereto shall be 159.40. At the intersection of Vine Street and Broadway Street the Northeast corner shall be 159.20, the Southeast corner shall be 159.20, , the Southwest corner shall be 159.00, the Northwest corner shall be 159.00; the East curb of Vine Street at a point 193 feet south of the center line of Broadway Street shall be 158.60 and the West curb op- posite- thereto shall be 158.40. At 0 the intersection of Vine Street and Santa Ana Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 15 of this Ordinance. Section 18. The grade of Bush Street from Santa Ana Street to Center Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Bush Street and Center Street the grade shall be as al- ready established by Section Three of Ordinance No. 191 of this City; the East curb of Bush Street at a point 181 feet North of the center line of Broadway Street shall be 160.90 and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 160.60. At the intersection of Bush Street and Broadway Street the Northeast corner shall be 160.60, the Southeast corner shall be 160.60, the Southwest corner shall be 160.40, and the North- west corner shall be 160.40; the East curb of Bush Street at a point 193 feet South of the center line of Broadway Street shall be 159.90 and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 159.70. At the intersection of Bush Street and Santa Ana Street the grade shall . be as _alreadyestablished.. by Section. 15 of this Ordinance. Section 19. The grade of Rose Street from Center Street to Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Rose Street and Center Street the grade shall be as al- ready established by Section Three of Ordinance No. 191 of this City; the East curb of Rose Street at a point 400 feet South of the Center line of Center Street shall be 162.40 and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 162.20. At the intersection of Rose Street and Broadway Street the Northeast cor- ner shall be 162.00, the Southeast cor- ner shall be 162.00, the Southwest cor- ner shall be 161.80, the Northwest cor- ner shall be 161.80; the East curb of Rose Street at a point 153 feet North of the North line of Santa Ana Street shall be 161.40 and the 'Vest curb op- posite thereto shall be 161.20. At the intersection of Rose Street and Santa Ana Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 15 of this Ordinance. Section 20. The grade of East Street from Center Street to Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of East Street and Center Street the grade shall be as al- ready established by Section Three of Ordinance No. 191 of this City. At the intersection of East Street and Broadway Street the Southwest cor- ner shall be 1-63.20 and the Northwest corner shall be 163.40. At the intersection of East Street and Santa Ana Street the ; grade shall be as already established by Section 15 of this Ordinance. Section 21. All ordinances or parts' I of ordinances in conflict with the pro- f visions ,of- this are hereby re- pealed. Section 22. The City Clerk shall cer- tify to the passage of --this Ordinance and, shall cause the sambee , to .; pub - 1 lished' once 3n the Anaheim 'Gazette; a weekly newspaper- of -e%rEula_ Walnut Street and Ball Street the North west corner shall be 123.55. Sec. 4. The grade of Crone Avenue from Walnut Street to the City lim- its is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Crone Avenue and Walnut Street the grade shall be as es- tablished by Section 3 of this Ordin- ance. At a point 345 feet West of the cen- ter line of Walnut Street the North curb of Crone Avenue shall be 125.35, and the South curb opposite thereto shall be 125.20. At• a point 394 feet west of the cen- ter line of Walnut Street the North curb of Crone Avenue shall be 125.25 and the South curb opposite thereto shall be 125.05. At its intersection with the East right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad the North curb of Crone Ave- nue shall be 123.90 and the South curb opposite thereto shall be 123.80. Sea 5. The grade of Broadway Street from Palm Street to West Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Broadway Street and Palm Street the Southwest corner shall be 142.80, the Northwest corner shall be 142.80. At the intersection of Broadway street and Citron Street the Northeast cor- ner shall be 137.60, the Southeast cor- ner shall be 137.60, the Sogthwest cor- ner shall be 137.40, the Northwest cor- ner shall be 137.40. At the intersection of Broadway street and Ohio Street the Northeast corner shall be 136.30, the Northwest corner shall be 136.10; the South curb of. Broad- way Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Ohio Street shall be 136.20. At the intersection of Broadway street and Illinois Street the Northeast cor- ner shall be 135.60, the Northwest cor- ner shall be 135.40, the South curb of Broadway Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Illinois Street shall be 135.50. At the intersection of Broadway Street and West Streets the Northeast corner shall be 135.00, the Southeast corner shall be 134.90 the Southwest corner shall be 134.70, the Northwest corner shall be 134.80. Sec. 6. The grade of Illinoib Street from Center Street to Broadway Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Illinois Street and Center Street the grade shall be as already established by Section Seven of Ordinance No. 160 of this City. At a point 192.50 feet Southerly from the center line of Center Street the East curb of Illinois Street shall be 137.20 and the West curb opposite there- I*,1 shall be 137.00. At the intersection of Illinois Street and Broadway Street the grade shall be as already established by Section Five of this Ordinance. Sec, 7. The grade of Ohio' Street from Center Street to Broadway Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Ohio Street and Cen- ter Street the grade shall be as alrea- dy established by Section Seven of Or- dinance No. 160 of this City. At a point 192.5 feet Southerly from the center line of Center Street the East curb of Ohio' Street shall be 137.30 and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 137.10. At the intersection of Ohio Street and Chestnut Street the Northeast cor- ner shall be 137.00, the Southeast corner shall be 136.85, the West curb of Ohio Street at its intersection with the ex- tended center line of Chestnut Street shall be 136.75. At the intersection of Ohio Street and Broadway Street the grade shall be as already established by Section Five of this Ordinance. Sec. S. The grade of Citron Street from Sycamore Street to Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Citron Street and Sycamore Street the Northeast corner as already 'established by Section Five of Ordinance No. 160 of this City. Section 12. The grade of Claudina Street from Alberta Street to Syca- more Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Clau- dina Street and Alberta Street . the Northeast corner shall be 153.80, the Southeast corner shall be 153.80, the Southwest corner shall be 153.50, the Northwest corner shall be 153.50. At the intersection of Claudina Street and Sycamore Street the North- east corner shall be 155.05, and the Northwest corner shall be 154.75. Section 13. The grade of Philadel- phia Streeet from Alberta Street to Sy- camore Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Phil- adelphia Street and Alberta Street the Northeast corner shall be 155. 00, the Southeast corner shall be 155.00, the Southwest corner shall be 154.70, the Northwest corner shall be 154.70. At the intersection of Philadelphia Street and Sycamore Street the North- east corner shall be 156.00, and, the Northwest corner shall be 155.70. Section 14. The grade of Olive Street from North Street to Sycamore Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Olive Street and North Street the Southeast, corner shall be 155.20, the Southwest corner shall be 154.90; the West curb of Olive Street at a point 250 feet North of the North line of Alberta Street shall be 156.70 and the east curb opposite thereto shall be 157.00. At the intersection of Olive Street and Alberta Street the Southwest cur- ner shall be 156.20, the Northwest cor- ner shall be 156.20, the East curb of Olive Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Alberta Street shall be 156.50. At the intersection of Olive Street and Sycamore Street the grade ehall be as already established by Section Three of Ordinance No. 160 of this Ci- ty. Section 15. The grade, of Santa Ana Street from Olive Street to East Street Is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Santa Ana Street, and Olive Street the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 15 of Ordinance No. 160 of this City; the Southeast corner shall be 154.60, the Southwest corner shall be 154.40. At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and Melrose Street the North- east corner shall be 155.80, the North- west corner shall be 155.60; the South curb of Santa Ana Street at its inter- section with the extended center line of Melrose Street shall be 155.70. At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and Krueger Street the North- eait corner shall be 156.80,- the South- east corner ohall be 156.80, the South- west corner shall be 156.60, the North- west corner shall be 156.60. At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and Atchison Street the North- east corner shall be 158.00, the South- east corner shall be 158.00, the South- west corner shall be 157.80, the North- west corner shall be 157.80. At the intersection of Santa Ana' Street and Orange Street the North- east corner shall be 158.80, the South- east corner shall be 158.80, the South- west corner shall be 158.60, the North- west corner shall be 158.60. At the intersection of Santa, Ana Street and Vine Street the Northeast corner shall be 159.40, the Northwest corner shall be 159.20, the South curb of Santa Ana Street at its intersect- ion with the extended center line of Vine Street shall be 159.30. At the intersection of _ Santa Ana, Street and Bush Street the Northeast corner shall be 160.60, the Northwest corner shall be 160.40, the South curb of Santa Ana Street at its intersection n-ith the extended center line of Bush Street shall be 160.50. At the intersection of Santa Ana Ordinance No. 191 of this City. vl At the intersection of East Street and Broadway Street the Southwest cor- ner shall . be 163.20 and the Northwest corner shall be 163.40. At the intersection of East Street . and Santa Ana Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 15 of this Ordinance. Section 21. All ordinances or parts I of ordinances in conflict with the pro- visions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Section 22. The City Clerk shall cer- tify to the passage of this Ordinance aad shall cause the same to be pub- lished once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circula- tjon, printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and `there- upon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. CHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 25th day of March, 1909, and that it was duly pass- ed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 8th day of April, 1909, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Kroe- ger, Stock and Fiscus. Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said Or- dinance on the 8th day of April, 1909. EDWARD I3, MERRITT, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. (Seal.) it ORDI2. Al` CF !; o . i An Ordinance establishing the grade of certain points on the following Streets in the City of A° aheim, to -it; Walnut Street from Santa Ana Street to the City limits;Crone Avenue from Walnut Street to the City Limits;Broadway Street from Palm Street to t'''est Street;Illinois Street from Center Street to Broadway Street;Ohio Street from Center Street to Broadway Street; Citron Street from Sycamore. Street to Sante. Ana Street; Resh Street frof{. the %north line of Vineyard .Lot "D6" to Center Street;Palm Street from Broadway Street to Manta Ana Street; Cypress Street from Palm Street to Lemon Street;Claudina Street from Alberta Street to Sycamore Street;Philadelthia Street from Alberta Street to Sycamore Street;Olive Street from forth w Street to Sycamore Street;Santa. Ana Street from Olive Street to Z } ° East Street;Broadway Street at Orange Street;Vine Street from 3 Ja j Center Street to `'anta Ana Street; B ash Street from Center Street W o to Santa Ana Street;Rose Street :From Center Street to Santa Ana IL z Street and East Street from Center :street to Santa Ana Street. N W ` Tho Board of Trustees -f the City of Anaheim do ordain as .4 U a .0 follows; Section 1. Throughout this Ordinance the Northeast corner shale O be understood to mean the junction of the north and East curb liftea of the intersecting Streets;the Northwest corner shall be unders- tood to mrean the junction of the North and West curb lines of the intersecting Streets;the Southeast corner shall be under- stood to mean the junction of the South and East curb lines of the intersecting streets,and the Southwest corner shall be under- stood to mean the junction of the south and Vest curb lines of the intersecting streets. Sec.2. The grades in this ordinance shall be understood to be the distance in feet above a da.turn plane 152.0 feet below a, stand- ard bench Nark on the iron door plate at the i:orthorest corner of the l etz Block, as heretofore established by Ordinance No.98 of the City of Anaheim,entitled "An Ordinance establishing a Datum Plane and designating Bench Larks therein". Sec.3. The grade of Walnut Street from �.)anta. Ana Street to the City limits is hereby established as follows;At the intersection of 71alnut Street and Banta Ana. Street the Northeast corner shall be 1„2.30, the southeast corner shall be 132.10,the southwest corner shall be.131.90,the Northwest corner shall be 132.10. At a point 600 feet south of a cement monument at the center of Walnut Street and Santa Ana Street the east curb shall be 129.50 the gest curb shall be 129.30. At the intersection of Walnut Street and South Street the Northeast corner shall be 126.70,the southeast corner shall be 126.50, the west curb at its point of intersection with the extended center line of South Street shall be 126.35. At the intersection of Walnut Street and gone Avenue the south -est corner shall be 125.80,the northwest corner shall be W F Z W 125.90. At the intersection of Walnut Street and Broad Street the a .- J •- -i Z Northeast corner shall be 124.30, W °_ vt �- ( � �.� f.,.A � o .� d c, ..z .Q r c: r3 -Xt- Q.c.....<; kr-t_: Zm • �k �+-w-C.f"'�... c,..i- C'.�w-....a.�.n...l..L ..-�it/i3.S,5'" W 3 IL W < Sec.4. The grade of Crone Avenue from Walnut Street to the .4 •o City limits is hereby established as follows;At the intersection LL of Crone Avenue and Walnut Street the grade shall be as establi- O O shed by Section 3 of this Ordinance. At a point 345 feet Wiest of the denter line of Walnut Street the 2;orth curb of Crone Avenue shall be 125,35 and the south curb opposite thereto shall be 125.20. At a .point 394 feet west of the center line of Walnut Street the forth curb of Crone Avenue shall be 125.25 and the south curb opposite thereto shall be 125.05. At its intersection with the East right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad the North curb of Crone Avenue shall r be 123.90 and the south curb opposite thereto shall be 123.80. Sec. a. The grade of Broadway Street from palm Street to West Street is hereby established as follows; At the intersection of Broa.d,:-ay Street and Palm Street the southwest corner shall be 142.80,the northwest corner shall be 142.80. 13 At its intersection with the East right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad the lvorth curb of Crone Avenue shall be 123.90 and the :youth curb opposite thereto shall be 123.80. Sec. a. The grade of Proadvay Street from Palm Street to West Street is hereby established as follows; At the intersection of Broad -ay Street and Pala Street the southwest corner shall be 142.£30, the northwest corner shall be 142.80. At the intersection of Broadway .`.street and Citron Street the (2) Northeast corner shall be 137.60, the, southeast corner shall be 137.6O,the southwest corner shall be 137.4O,the northwest corner shall be 137.40. At the intersection of Broadway Street and Ohio Street the Northeast corner shall be 136.30, the norhtwest corner shall be 136.1O;the south curb of Broadway Street at its intersection with the extended xxxkxx center line of Ohio Street shall be 136.20. At the intersection of Broadway Street and Illinois Street the northeast corner shall be 135.6O,the north west corner shall be 135.4O,the south curb of Broadway Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Illinois Street shall be 135.50 w At the intersection of Broadway Street and Test Streets the Z l:ortheast corner shall be 135.00,the southeast corner shall be a: W 134.90, the southwest corner shall be 134.70, the northwest corner _Q shall be 134.80. � U OF Sec.6. The grade of Illinois Street from Center Street to V m W ao Z Broadway Street is hereby estai)lished as follows; At the intersec- N LL tion of Illinois Street and Center Street the grade shall be as U a 0 ° already establisb.ed by Section seven of Ordinance No.16O of this i City. X At a point 192.50feet southerly from the center line of Center Street the East curb of Illinois Street shall be 137.20 and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 137.00 At the intersection of Illinois Street and Broadway Street the grade shall be as already established by Section five of this Ordinance. Sec.7. The grade of Ohio Street from e'enter Street to Broadway Street is hereby established as follows; At the intersect- ion of Ohio Street and Center Street the grade shall be as already established by Section seven of Ordiance No.16O of this City. At a point 192.5 feet southerly from the center line of Cen- ter Street the East curb of Ohio Street shall be 13'7.30 and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 137.10. .Ljoc.. `r -o e f; ale o 1 nee ror, en erre e o Broadway Street is hereby established as follows; At the intersect- ion of Ohio Street and Center Street the grade shall be as already established by Section seven of Ordiance I�o.160 of this City. At a point 192.5 feet southerly from the center line of Cen- ter Street the Ea s . curb of Ohio Street shall be 137.30 and the West curb opposite thereto shall be 137.10. At the intersection of Ohio Street and Chestnut Street the (3) Iyortheastcorner shall be 137.00,the southeast corner shall be 136.85, the west curb of Ohio Street at its intersection with the extended men.ter line of Chestnut Street shall be 136.75. At the intersection of Ohio Street and Broadway Street the grade shall be as already established by section five of this Ordinance. Sec.8. The grade of Citron Street from Sycamore Street to Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows; at the intersection of Citron Street and Sycamore Street the North- east corner shall be 142.30,the southeast corner shall be 142.30, the southwest corner shall be 142.00,the northwest corner shall be 142.00. The east curb of Citron Street at its intersection with the W z M south line of the Water Alley on the North side of Vineyard � 3 a ' Lot i'D611, shall be 141.15 and the West curb opposite thereto J J z o shall be 140.85. W ,intersection of Citron Street and Chartres Street a o Z the1ortheaet comer shall tie 140.65, the south-east corner shall � � a .� be 140.45;the west curb of Citron Street at its intersection U 0 �:° with the extended center line of Chartres Street shall be 140.30. s At the intersection of Citron Street and Center Street the grade shall be as already established by Section seven of Ordiance A0.160 of this City. At the intersection of Citron Street and Chestnut Street the south,rest corner shall be 138.20, the northwest corner shall be 138.40; the east curb of Citron Street at its inter- section ,rith the extended center line of Chestnut Street shall be 138.50. At the intersection of Citron Street and Broadway Street %he -N the grade shall be as already established by Section five of this "rdinance. At the intersection of Citron Street and `'ants Ana Street the Northeast corner shall be 139.00, the southeast corner shall be 139.00 the southwest corner shall be 138.80,and the northwest corner shil? be 128.80. Section 9. The grade of Resh Street from theorth line of Vine - Yazd Lot "D6" to Center Street is hereby, established as follows; The east curb of Resh Street at its intersection with the North line of Vineyard Lot "D6" shall be 142.50 and the 'West curb opp- osite thereto shall be 142.20. At the intersection of Resh Street and Chartres Street the northeast corner""shall°be 141.85, the southeast corner shall be 141.65, the southwest corner shall be 141.35,the north-west corner shall be 141.55. At the intersection of Resh Street and Center Street the North-east corner shall be 141.15, the northwest corner shall be 140.95. w Section 10. The grade of Palm Street from Broadway Street to s W z Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows; At the W 3 intersection of Palm Street and roadway Street the grade shall z 'be as already established by Section nine of Ordinance wo.160 At the intersection of Palm Street and Davis Street the Northeast corner shall be 143.60 thesoutheast corner shall be 143.60;the west curb of Palm Street at its intersection --ith the extended center line of Davis Street shall be 143.40. At the intersection of Palm Street and Santa Ana Street the Northeast corner shall be 142.50,the southeast corner shall be 142.30,the southwest corner shall be 142.10,the northwest corner shall be 142.30. Section ll.The grade of Cypress Street from calm Street to Lemon'Street is hereby established as followe;At the inter- section of Cypress Street and Palm Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 10 of Ordinance No.160,of this City. At the intersection of Cypress Street and 4elena Street the Southeast corner shall be 146.55,the southwest corner shall be 146.35,the North curb of Cypress Street at its intersection with, the extended center line of Helena Street shall be 146.60. At the intersection of Cypress Street and Clementine Street the southeast corner shall be 147.65,the southwest corner shall be 147.45,the north curb of cypress Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Clementine Street shall be 147.7 At the intersection of Cypress Street and Lemon Street Lhe grade shall be as already established by Section five of Ordinance No.160 of this City. Section 12. The grade of Claudina Street from Alberta Street to Sycamore Street is hereby established as follows; At the intersection of Claudina Street and Alberta Street the 14ortheast corner shall be 153.80,the southeast corner shall be 153.80, the southwest corner shall be 153.50, the northwest corner shall be 153.50. At the intersection of Claudina Street and Sycamore Street the Northeast corner shall be 155.05,and the Northwest corner W shall be 154.75. � U a3 Section 13. The grade of Philadelphia Street from Alberta as Street to Sycamore Street is hergby establihed as follows; at � z W , .� the intersection of Philadelphi' Street and Alberta Street the IL o z Northeast corner shall be 155.00,the southeast.corner shall be m 0 155.,000the southwest corner shall be 154.70,the northwest corner .o shall be 154.70. a O W At the intersection of Philadelphia Street and Sycamore street the northeast corner shall be 156.00,and the northwest corner shall be 155.70:. Section 14. The grade of Olive Street from North Street to Sycamore Street is hereby established as follows;At the intersec- tion of Olive Street and North Street the Southeast corner shall be 155.20, the south7,est corner shall be 154.90; The west curb of Olive Street at a pont 250'feet North of the North line of Alber- ta Street shall be 156.70 and the east curb opposite thereto shall be 157.00 At the intersection of Olive Street and Alberta Street the south-west corner shall be 156.20,the northwest corner shall be 156.20,the east curb of Olive Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Alberta Street shall be 156.50. Olive Street at a pont 250 feet Yorth of the I orth line of Al'beT- fl ta Street shall be 156.70 and the east curb opposite thereto shall be 157.00 At the intersection of Olive Street and Alberta Street the south -nest corner shall be 156.20,the northwest corner shall be 156.20,the east curb of Olive Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Alberta Street shall be.156.50. At the intersection of Olive Street and Sycamore Street the (6) grade shall be as already established by section three of Ordinan- ce No.160 of this City. Section 15. The grade of Santa Ana Street from Olive Street to East Street is hereby established as follows; At the intersec- tion of Santa Ana Street and Olive Street the northeast and northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 15 of Ordinance No.160 of this City;the southeast corner shall be 154.60,the southivest corner shall be 154.40. At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and Melrose Street the northeast corner shall be 155.80,the northwest corner shall be 155.60; the south curb of Oarta Ana Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Melrose Street shall be 1,55.70. At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and Kroeger Street W F the northeast corner shall be 156.801the southeast corner shall Z M W W be 156.80,the southwest corner shall be 156.60,the northwest �3 a;corner shall be 156.60, .Q m o : At the intersection of quanta Ana Street and Atchison Street .. - - a o Z be 158.00,the southwest corner shall be 157.80, U a 0 o corner shall be 157.80. d the northwest v At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and Orange Street C.M the Northeast corner shall be 158.80,the southeast corner shalt be 158.80, the southwest corner shall be 158.60, the northwest corner shall bel58.60. At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and Vine Street the northeast corner shall be 159.40, the northwest corner shall be 159.20,the south curb of Santa Ana Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Vine Street shall be 159.30. At the intersection of `'ante Ana Street and Mush Street the northeast corner shall be 160.609 the northwest corner shall be 160.40,,he south curb of Manta Ana Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Bush Street shall be 160.50. At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and Rose Street the Northeast corner shall be 161.90, the northwest corner shall be 161.70,the south curb of 5ganta Ana Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Rose Street shall be 161.80. At the intersection of Santa Ana Street and East Street the southwest corner shall be 162.00 and the Northwest corner shall be 162.20. Section 16. The grade of Broadway Street at Orange Street is hereby established as follows; the northeast corner shall be 158.84,the southeast,corner shall be 158.800 the southwest corner shall be 158.60 and the northwest corner shall be 158.60. Section 17. The grade of Vine Street from Center Street to Santa Ana street is hereby established as follows; at the intersection of Vine Street and Center Street the grade shall be as already established by Section three of Ordinance Mo.191,of this City;the east curb of Vine Street at a point 400 feet Ir south of the tenter line of Center Street shall be 159.60, and Q W 3 the west curb opposite thereto shall be 159.40. 3„ a At the intersection of Vine Street and Broadway Street the " i U w northeast corner shall be 159.20,the southeast corner shall be W . a lay. z%j, tine soutinweeti corn sr rTi i "its M 3 0 shall be 159.00; The east curb of Vine Street at a point 193 feet O 0 ° south of the center line of -Broadway Street shall be 158.60 and the west curb opposite thereto shall be 158.40. At the intersection of Vine Street and Santa Ana Street the grade shall be as already established by section 15 of this Ordi- nance. Section 18. The grade of Bush Street from Santa Ana Street to Center Street is hereby established as follows, at the intersec- tion of Bush Street and venter Street the grade shall be as already established t)y Section three of Ordinance Eo.191 of this City;the east curb of Bush Street at a point 181 feet North of the Center line of Broadway Street shall be 160.90 and the west curb opposite thereto shall be 160.60. At the intersection of Bush Street and Broadway Street the northeast corner shall be 160.60,the southeast corner shall be 160.60,the southwest corner shall be 160.40,and the North-west corner shall be 160.40.The east curb of Bush Street at a point 193 feet south of the Center line of Broadway Street ~hall be 159.0 and the west curb opposite thereto shall be 159.70. At the intersection of Bush Street and uganta Ana Street the grade shall be as already established by section 15 of this Ordi- nance. Section 19. The grade of Rose Street from Center Street to Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows; at the in- tersection of Rose Street and Center Street the grade shall be as already established by section three of Ordiance No.191 of this City.The east curb of Rose Street at a point 400 feet south of the Center line of Center Street shall be 162.40 and the west curb opposite thereto shall be 162.20. At the intersection -of Rose Street and Broadway Street the w W northeast corner shall be 162.00,the southeast corner shall be Z 162.00,the southwest corner shall be 161.80,the northwest cor- ner shall be 161.80. The east curb of Rose Street at a point 153 li a a_c, o ° feet Yorth of the north line of Santa Ana Street shall be 161.4o -r. Z W = and the rest W aa a. o z At the intersection of Rose Street and Santa Ana Street the .LL U a o grade shall be as already established by section 15 of this Ordi- a nance. O Section 20. The grade of East Street from Center Street to Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows;At the inter- section of°East Street and Center Street the grade shall be as already established by section three of Ordinance Vo.191 of this City. At the intersection of East Street and Broadway Street the southwest ^orner shall be 163.20 and the northwest corner shalt lae 163.40. At the intersection of East Street and Banta Ana Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 15 of, this Ordianance. Section 21.All Ordinances or -parts of Ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 22. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed,pubiished and circulated in said City of Anaheim,and 'thereupon and thereafter it shall be full force and effect. ----------------- - I-- ----------- President of theBoardoftrusteesof the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at ameeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,held on the 25th. day of -Uarch,1909, and that it was duly passed at �► a regular meeting; of said Board.of Trustees held on the ifday W of Apri1.19b9. by the following vote: m� `1 3 N Ayes; a.- �' u `o Noes: W W I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees m.� asigned said Ordinanbe on the day of April,1909. Y 4. U�Ij Q.. -- --�/ --- ---mss-----. Clerk of the City of -Anaheim. Q IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of the County of Orange, State of California. State of California, SS. County of Orange c 1_eI1 being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the Qyr11n anoe No ,1' which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least _ ._C)YIP_+ 7 T'p , commencing on the 26th day of Jurrie- _1909. and ending on the 2F, t,h day of 190..9, both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: June 26 Subscribed and sworn to before me thisL-4— day of a 1900. 71 Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ORDINANCE NO. 211. An Ordinance ordering the work -of opening an Alley through Original Building Lots 33 and 37, in the'City of An4heirn, and appointing Commissioners -to assess thta benefits and d ameiges and have general supervision of said work, I The Brd of Trustees of the City of Ana - helm daoaordain-as follow Section 1. That the public interest and con -6f Trustees hdreb7 order to be done the work of opening and extending the alley between South Lemon Street and South Los Angeles Street, through Original City Lots 33 and 37, to the City of Anaheim, is accordance with Resolution of Intention No. 81, declaring the intention of said Board of Trustees to order ( said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in accordance with I said Resolution of Intention. Section 2. That subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at any time for'•cause, Max Nebelung, Fred A. Backs, Jr. and Julius J Schneider be and they -are hereby appointed Commissioners to assess the benefit and dam- ages and have general' supervision of said work until the completion thereof in com- pliance with an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved. March 6th, 1889. and entitled, An Act to provide for laying I out, opening, extending, widening, straight- ening, or closing up, in whole or in pat t, any • . street, square, lane, alley, noutt or place, with- in municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose." For their ser- vices said Commissioners shall receive as compensation the sum of Two Dollars and- Fifty ndFifty Cents per diem for the days upon which I: they are actually engaged in performingg said � services, Said Commissioners' shall before proceeding with the performance of their du- ties file with the Clerk of said Board of Trus- tees an affidavit and a, bond to the State of Call, foinia in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, to i faithfully perform the duties -of his office in ,the manner and form required b� law. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this 'Ordinance and cause the C Isame to be published once in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and. cir- I 1 culated in said City of Anaheim, and there- I upon and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. G. J. STOCK, j President pro tem of the Board of Trustees of ' the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordi- nance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 27th day of May, 1989, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said ; Board of Trustees held on the 24th day of June, 1909, by fhe following vote: Ayes: Trustees Stock, Gates, Kroeger and Fiscus. Noes: None. And I further certify that the President pro tem of said Board of Trustees Signed said Or- dinance on the 24th day of June, 1909: EDWARD B. MERRITT, 2611 City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. Ord.;.nance yro. a An Ordinance ordering; the work of opening an alley through Original Building Lots 33 and 37,in the City of Anaheim, and app- ointing commissioners to assess the benefits and damages and have general supervision of said work. The Board of 'Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows; Section:l:That the public interest and convenience require, and that the said Board of Trustees hereby order to be done the work of opening and extending the alley between South Lemon Street and South Los Angeles Street,through Original City Lots 33 and 37,in the City of Anaheim,in accordance with Resolution of Inten- tion Nlo.81, declaring the Intention of said Board of Trustees to Z order said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said work W 3_ be done in accordance with said Resolution of Intention. _Q Section 2: That subject to removal by said Board of Trustees o iat anytime for cause, -_Ucy 4d­`�i �l dc4,.---A—i 9.40L „ rj-C. v am Zbe and they are hereby appointed coimriissionere to assess the benef�tt sand damages and have general supervision of said work until the com- va 0 ° pletion thereof in compliance with an act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved 1warch 6th, 1889, and entitled, "An act to provide for laying out, opening, extending,widening, straighten- ing, or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or pIace,within inunicipalities,and td condem and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose,", For their services said commissioners shall receive as compensa- tion the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per diem for the days upon which they are actually engaged in performing said services. Said commissioners shall before proceeding with the performance of their duties file with the clerk of said Board of Trustees an aff- idavit and a bond to the State of California in the sum of five thousand dollars, to faithfully perform the duties of his office in the manner and form regdired by law. Section 3: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the sane to be published once in the Orange County Plain Dealer,a weakly newspaper of general circulati- on,printed,published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. ---------------------------- President 6 th6'-Board of Trustees of the City o?'Ana-Yieim. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 27th' day of 1"ay,19091 and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 30th- day of June, 1909,by the following vote. Ayes: Noes: W And I further certify that the President,,,,of said Board of W U 1j - Trustees signed said Ordinance on the 16th• day of June,1909 IT -------------------------------------- -X City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. Z W IL 0 z LL LL. 0 0 0 it xr . . .......... 1+,0 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of the County of Orange,. State of California. Ordinance No. 212. An ordinance ordering the work of opening an Alley through Or- iginal Building Lots 25, 26, 29 and 30, in the City of Anaheim, and appointing Commissioners to assess the benefits and dam- ages and have general supervi- sion of said work. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: SECTION 1.—That the public interest and convenience require, and that the said Board of Trustees hereby order to be done the work eCopening an alley eighteen feet wide through —------- Original Building Lots 25. 26, 29 and 30, run- nislg Easterly and Westerly through said Lots, State of California, 9u said City of Anaheim, in accordance with SS. liesolution of intention No.85 declaring the County of Orange intention of said Board of Trustees to order said work to be done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in accordance with said resolution of intention. r SEC. 2.—That subject to removal by said Board of Trustees at any time for cause, W. A. ) being first duly 'Wallace, C. Eygabroad and S. Lybarger be and they are hereby appointed coin..... ers sworn, deposes and says: at at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he to assess the benefits and damages, and have :general supervision of said work until the was a citizen of the United S tes, over the age of 21 years, and a res- completion thereof, in compliance with an .Act of the Legislature of the State of Califor- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal ;nia, approved March 6, 1889, and entitled ',An Act to provide for laying out, opening, ex - clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a tending, widening, straightening, or closing 'up., in whole or in part, any street, square, newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the vane, alley, court or place within municipali- ties, and to condemn and acquire any and all city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said land and property necessary or convenient for I purpose." For their services said Com- I Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a missioners shall receive as compensation the sum of $2,50 per them for the days upon which newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination they are actually engaged in performing said services. Each of said Commissioners shall, of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, before proceeding with the performance of their duties, file with the CIerk of said Board having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said of Tiustees an affidavit and a bond to the State of California in the sum of $5,000.00 to times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the -faithfully perform the duties of his office, in the manner and form required by law. said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for SEC. 3.—The City Clerk shall certify to the Passage of this ordinance and cause the same more than one year pre ing the first publication of the notice herein -.to be published once in the Orange County I Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated mentioned; that the W-1 •i% 1 'Y .t in said City of Anaheim, and thet8upon and Ahereafter it shall be in full force and effect. CHAS. OTTO RUST, of which the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. annexed is a printed co was published and printed in said newspaper I hereby certify that the foregoing ordi- p py, p p -Board ofnce sTrustees- of' the City eofI Ofeime held on the 8th day of July, 1909, and that it at least _ Ccti.x commencing was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 29th day of July, by the foliowing vote:Ori theday Of 190..1.1909,Ayes: I'iscus. Trustees Rust, Gates, Stock and Noes: None. and ending on the _____day of And I further certify that the President of Said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance 190.1.,tboth days inclusive, and as often during said time aid news- on the 29th day of July, 1909. y � EDWARD B. MERRITT, paper'was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. was made were as follows: r Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 7190. P Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ordinance No. An ordinance ordering the work of opening an alley through Original Bixilding Lots 25. 269 29 and 30, in the lity of Anaheimv And appointing Coramissions=.rs' to assess the benefits and damages and have general sunervision of said work. The Board. of Trustees of t11e City of Anaheim do ordain as fol— lows: fol—logs: Seition I. Thpt the publie interest and convenienoe require, and that the said Board of. Trustees hereby order to be done the work of opening an alley eighteen feet wide through original Building Lots 259 tri, 29 anc3 30, running Easterly and !Aesterly through said Lots, in said City of Anaheim, in accordance with resolution of intention No. 85 declaring the intention of said Board of Trustees to order said work to ISP done, and it is hereby ordered that said work be done in art ,iordance. with said resolution of intention. ,See. 2. That subject to removal RoaxcKpmxmx by said Board of Tr1istPPs at any tirnP for cause,*✓ be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to assess the benefits and damages, and have eneral m1pervision of said work until the completion thereof, ill com-plianne with an Act of the Legislature of. the State of California, approved MRrnh 6, 1889, and. entitled "An Act to ,)rovide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, s;tright— ening, or ^losing up, in whole or in part, any street, squaret lane, alley, court or pine, within mullinipalitiPs, and to condez l and ac— quire any and all land and property nPcessa.ry or ^.onvPnient for that purpose." Pot thoir services saki. Commissioners shall ref',eive as compensation the siu1 of 42.50 per (lipin, for the days upon which they Each of are actually Pngaed'in pPrfor.T'.?17ig said sPrvices3.^Said Cornriissioners s'la11, 1)(tfore procF'eding with the performance of. their duties, file with the Clerk of said. Board of Trustees an afzidavit and a bondto the State of California. in the sum of 45000.00 to faithfully perform tie duties of his office, in the �f�anner and form reclzir. Pd by law. Sec. 3. The City "lerk shall nertify to the paSSa9P of this -!n6 ca.x e u iec,;. i,f�);�>�-.B':eC. or:,�P ;;i t,,P Qr'a.ngP County PlaindAalpr, a weekly npl!sparjpr of general-.i-r(ni.Uqtion j)-ri2ltF-dq published and iirnulpted in 9,qi(i City of Analleim, end thereupon and therp9fter it shall bom, in full for -le acid effect. President of the Board of Trustees of tjje "_its of Anaheim. J, hereby in-rt.ify, tilp..t the forpr-oing ordinanne was introduced at q lrlpptin�' of the Board of Trustees of tho City of Anaheim, held orf- the, 8th dR'I.r of Jlllv., 1909, 11lict that it leas duly passed 7�- lar Meet ill- of lsriirl RoPrd 6�f' Trustees Yield on the �"L:day ofl 19099 by the following vote: Ay e s T r't iB t e (' 17 hTOPIS: .And I further iertify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said or(linRn,,e on the day of 1909 Olit,, rller-k, of said City of Anaheim. seas++aeaxo+.•a,...,.as„a, x+.... es •..-•.->•,, •..a _ ... { i Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, California IN THE SUPERIOR COUEJ of the County of Orange, State of California. State of California, SS. County of Orange being first duly sworn, deposes and says: What at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United �ates, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was Rat and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the_ �. -N of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least kK ~. ' commencing on the .J ^ day of s` ,� 190..x. and ending on the _ ' day of 190.'.., both days inclusive, and as often during said �ime as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: nhccrihed and sworn to before me this �—'�: day of .0 Notary Publi in nd for Orange County, California. Ordinance No. 213. An Ordinance Amending Ordl- : nance No. 143 of the City of idi j An theinm, by Adding a Now See- I ! tion Thereto. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 143 of the City of Anaheim, entitled "An ordinance against obstructing streets, alleys or sidewalks in the City of Anaheim," passed June 101h, 1902, be and the same is hereby amended by adding anew section thereto as follows: Section l'h. It shall be the duty of any per- son. firm or corporation to whom a permit has been issued to obstruct any street, alley, or sidewalk in the City of Anaheim under .lection I of this ordinance to place and main- tain lights on ouch end of such obstruction, and at distances of not more than fifty feet along the line thereof, from sunset of each day to sunrise of the next day, until such obstruc- tion has been wholly removed from such street, ull1 or sidewalk: Sectios The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of. --his ordinance and cause the same to be; P4-blished pn,- tl,e Orange Count3^ PYaln beater; i wee ty newspaper of general circulation printed, publishe .and cir- culated ipt id City of Anaheim,and wereupon it shall isnd be in full force. C. O. RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of I Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the j 2i day of July, 1909, and that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of NeW Board of Trustee. held on the 12th day of August, 1909, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates. Kroeger, Stock WMA Fiscus. Nees: None. And I further certify that the President of `'Xaid Board of Trustees signed said ordinance #wn August 12th, 1909. T' Seall EDWARD B. MERRYTr, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. Ordirianc P Ho. '-5-f,3 An o»dinanie amending Ordinance No. 143 of the City of Analrein, by nr!ding i neiv section thereto. The 'Board. of Zrustees of the lity of Anaheim doh ordain as follo�s Soition 1. That Ordinance, No. 143 of the oity of AIVaIiPirn, en- titled "An ordinan-P against O'ustro.cting strepts, alleys or sid,( va.lks in the Cite of A?i�hPirn," passed June 10th, 19029 be and the same, is hereby amended by adding a new section ther!ato as follows: Sec. 1 1,1/p,. It s Ball be the duty of any person, firi or ^orpora- tion to 'vhOm a pF*rr'lit has bePn is Stied to obsstrttct any street, Riley or side,,valk in the ^ity of Ana',-im tinder Section 1 of this ordinarce to plamtp� ?nd mgintain lights on eayh end of Suoii obstruction, am -1. a.t d.istanees of not more than fifty feet along the line thereof, from sunset of each day to s uririse. of the next day, 1111til sun.h obstruc- tion has been jvholly removed fro;a such strept, alley or sidewalk. Sec. r. The lity "lerk shall certify to the Passage, Of this.; ordi.nancp and ^ su sp ti -v, Tsai-)lp to be publ:ishpd onie in tiip OrRingp "ounty PlRindenler, a wepkly rie'v, p`ij)er of �enprPl iirmilntion printed, pub- lisshpd ani circulated in said cit;,r of Anaheim, and thereupon it sAall take effpct and be in Bill force. President of thr-i Bo d of Trus pe5 o the City of AnahPira. I hereby-ertifir th'.t the foregoing or(j.i nancn was intrchdunmd at, a meeting of the Boarci of T-IlStpes:; Of the cil-' y Of Anah(sili, held. on the Cla r of J111ir, 19,)9, 1-nd. t ,p.t it, ,R,ao duly pass;etj ant; adopt=- ed a.t a rye 1t1ar lipptin * of s-sairl Bocrd. of Trustee's held on the / day of August, 1909, by tl,w fol_leo.,,,Tin„ vote: Noes: Anti 1 further-r�rtify VA-:�t the Prp�,ideiit of Said Board. of Triz.f�trps Sigllpd aid or(iinancP on Au us7t /.X 1909 . .,uh� le -k of th(, '"i .y of. Anaheim. �� (j 9 r ` `'� � "���..' T f . �r IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of the County of Orange, State of California. State of California, County of Orange ss' G. �Z'___ _ _%_Aj __ being first duly sworn, deposes and says: \ That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United\States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year pr ng the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least_: cc\\,s_, �' � s, , commencing on the n/ I W day Jr 190. and ending on the '�.-1 eday of t 190.q., both days inclusive, and as often during sa me as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 190 Notary' Public in and f r Orange County, California. Ordinance : No. 214. i } An Ordinance Amending Qrdi-�' nano No. 179 of the City of Ana helm by Adding a New Section Thereto V The.Board of Trustees of the City of �►naf!ei�n doo aadain as follows: Section 1. '1 hat Ordiumm* •� i* of the i City'of Anaheim' entitled "An ot'if asttee filet .ng the fire limits of the City of Anaheim. :,rp Viding for the;. kind of buildings to be erect• ed` therein prescribing .regulations. for the; moving of buildioss, and requiring - - bfng` in buildings to be tested," passed - M 13th, 1906, be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto as foil ' ' . Section 8%. It shall bethe duty:o any peiR son, firm or corporation )to whom It permit has been issued under Sections 4, 6 or 6 of this or dinanee, to plate and maintain lights oh each sad of the buildtng being muv*d under suclt:I Permit, from sunset of each dap to"Aun�e ORthe next day, whenever such building is o J structing any street, alley or sldewgl>t ut as, of Anaheilh. on it shall take+effect ap& be in fill! pore , CHAS`. Ol-r0 itz President of Board of Truitimg the ty of Anaheim. 4 f I hereby certify that the foregoing was introduced at a meeting of the,, Trustees of the City of Anaheim, howl 29th day of July, 1909, and that it 'vow" passed and adopted at a regula'rm Board of Trustees held on the 12th gust. 1909, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Kroeoft,ftW .t and Fiscus. Noes: None. And I further "certify that thgeiiii of said Board of Trustees "gl ed stei4;ostlliaaM ,e on August 12th, 19f19, [Seal] EDWARD,, lRR " Clerk od tfi�lxi ctlii a. An ordinance amending 0rd.inan^e No. 179 of. the City of Anahoim by adding a new section thereto. The BoRrci of Trustees of tile lity of Anaheim do ordain as follo�►s : Section 1. That Ordinance No. 179 of the city of. A:1aireim, en- titled "All �rd1 rlan^e' fr Xing; t[1! i'ire lit lit.fi of the "] t f of Ana.�iPiT.l; providing for the kind, of buildings to be erected tl:ereinp prescrib- ing rP;11la.tions .for the raovin; of buildings, and requiring plumbing in buildillgs to by tpstfld", passed L arch 13th, 19069 be. and, tile saxme is hereby arae'nded. by adding a new section thereto as folio°�r s: Sec. rt :i1a11 be ?,�1� duty of any person, f1 r'T1 or nor— It to iho; i a �errn� t has been ismied under sections 49 5 or 6 of this ord.inanne, to place and maintain lights on maid end of the building being; moved under siz^h permit, fro!nn s11i1sF't of each day to srznrise of.the next day, �henPve'r 81,111 iniilding is obstructing any Strept allfay or siap',ralk in saki city of Anaheim. Sec. 2. The city 1)1Prk shall ^prtify to the pas: =zge of this orninance and r -.ruse the sar'ne to br published on(,,,- in the Orange "guilty PlaindPaler, a weekly nww� 3 -paper of UpnPral cirnillation print Pd, przb- lishe°d and cir^.ulated in saii11. city of Anaheim, .and thereupon it s':all take pf''ect, and be in full force. OAA-' , Pr,-;9ident of tile' Boar of Trustees of the city of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the forPrfoin;, ordinance was introduced at a mr�pting of the Hoard )f Trustees of the "ity of Anaheim, helot on the z9 ``- dRIr Of July, 1909, anc� that it �qas c71zl.1 ;pass^d and ad.oj)ted at a re°milar me etink-' of said. Board of Trustees held oil the � day of August, 1909, by the follo��iri- vote: lJ y✓ G_ d ' Atf e 9 : i m 1 `� t P. e S so ✓ lh c�-c. ��o� l ` ..t -O e...�+0 IF N o a; s : �n 5�---- And T furtliPr .^,prtify that the Presid.ent' of said Board of Triiste e.b signed :,-=aid ord narilH on A13Z1! ;t -r3. -cam r I1;: rk of the, :'pity of Anaheim. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of the County of Orange, State of California. State of California, County of Orange � ss' LZ. tr --being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the Unite States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year pr eding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the. of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least a i � commencing on the)j ) g\r _day of 190 . and ending on the _ day of 190.., both days inclusive, and as often during said ti /e s said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows S,lbscribed and sworn to before me this % day of 190.1 s xjtl�. Notary Public in andf or Orange County, California. ORDINANCE NO.;21XI-. An Ordinance reguhai0 ing ofexcavations' streets, alleys or sidewal" in the (City of Anaheim. The Board of Trustees of the pityt 1�pp- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. lL shall be unlawful for' att�+ gel.; son, firm or corporation to maks' atiy (+7C ave: tion in any public street, alley or aidewk in; the City of Anaheim withoutfirat` }}o. tice to the Superintendent of S, to " City attd making deposit fol= indemnity, for damages as hetRC�iba rvided. The person, firm or corporation m j to make any such, excavati+6p ;. I the 8 u n a r i ntnn.in.,t �.f ct'n.t ....tw, ..._.sx.:.,.. street, all, or on is made is ¢rn„e� wet ORDINANCE NO. 215. cavation in a macadamized, graveled or unim- nance a sum equal to two and one-half cents - proved street, alley or sidewalk is completed, the same shall be well wet and rolled, the for each square foot of surface of the excava- An An Ordinance regulating the mak- and surface of such refilling, after the same is roll- tion in public streets, alleys or sidewalks which are paved or macadamized; and one - ed, shall be made flush with the surrounding fifth of one cent for each square foot of surface Ing Of excavations in public surface of such macadamized, graveled or un- improved street, alley or sidewalk. When the of the excavation in public streets, alleys or sidewalks which are not paved or macadam - Streets, alleys or sidewalks in refilling of any excavation in a street, alley or sidewalk which has been oiled is completed, ized• provided that the minimum deduction shall be one dollar; and he shall also deduct the Cit of Anaheim. �' the surface of such refilling shall be thorough- ly soaked with crude petroleum oil. the cost of any work done or repairs made by him under the provisions of Sec. 6 or Sec, 7 of Section 4 When the street, alley or side- this ordinance from any and all deposits then walk its which such excavation is made is in his hands, or that may thereafter come into The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- paved with asphalt or bituminous rock or ce- his hands, belonging to the person, firm or heim do ordain as follows: ment the person, firm or corporation making corporation required by this ordinance to do r, js Section1. It shall be unlawful for any per- the excavation shall refill the same, as herein- before provided, up to the under side of the such work or make such repairs. Immediate - ly upon the completion of the work of refill - firm or corporation to make any excava-ction on, in any public street, alley a sidewalk in pavement, and when said refilling sin proper ing and resurfacing the excavation or excava- he Giry of Anaheim without first giving no- ice to the Superintendent Streets condition, shall proceed to replace and repair the pavement torn up or damaged by such tions for which a special deposit has been made, as aforesaid, the Superintendent of of of said City, and making a deposit for damages and excavation, in accordance with the specifica- Streets shall return and refund to the person, indemnity for damages as hereinafter pro- tions then used by the City of Anaheim for the laying of asphalt or bituminous rock firm or corporation making such special deposit, as in Section I hereof provided, vided. The person, firm or corporation intending pave- went, or cement sidewalks, the balance of such deposit, after mak- ing all the deductions herein authorized, to make any such excavation shall file with the Superintendent of Streets a written notice �ection 5. It shall be the duty of any per- son, firm or corporation making any excava- and he shall in like manner, after the of such intention, describing specifically the location and area of the excavation or exca va- tion in any public street, alley or sidewalk, to Place and maintain lights at each end of such completion of the work of refilling and re- surfacing all excavations for which a general tions intended to be made, and shall deposit with Stwerindent Streets excavation, and at distances of not more than fif feet along the line thereof, from t3 deposit has been made, return and refund such general deposit, after making the deduc- said of a sum equal to fifty cents per square foot of surface of said sunset of each day to sunrise of the next day, until such tions herein authorized. excavation or excavations to be made in ,excavation is entirely refilled. The decision of the Superintendent of streets or alleys which are macadamized or paved with asphaltum or bituminous rock; Section 6. After such excavation is com- menced, the work of making and refilling the Streets as to the cost of any work done or re - pairs made by him under the provisions of and a sum equal to twenty-five cents for each same shall be prosecuted with due diligence, Section 6 or Section 7 hereof. shall be final and square foot of surfaa,e of said excavation or and so as not to obstruct thestreet, alley or conclusive as to such cost. excavations to be made on all other streets, al- sidewalk or travel thereon more than is actu- Said Superintendent of Streets shall pay to leys or sidewalks; provided, that no deposit ally necessary therefor. If the work is not so the City Treasurer all sums deducted by him shall be less than five dollars; and provided prosecuted, or if the work of refilling does not from all deposits, and said City Treasurer further, that any person, firm or corporation in the judgment of the Superintendent of shall deposit all said sums to the credit of the intending to make excavation- in the public Streets• comply with the terms of this ordi- general fund. streets, alleys or sidewalks may make and maintain a general deposit with the said Su- nance, the Superintendent of Streets shall no- tify the person, firm or corporation named in Section 9. All excavations, refilling of ex - cavations and repairing of pavements under perintendent of Streets in the sum of five hundred dollars for any damages, and as in- the receipt, that the work is not being prose- cuted with due diligence, or that the refilling the provisions of this ordinance shall be made under the supervision and direction of the Su- demnity for any damages, which may be of such excavation has not been properly perintendent of Streets. caused by the making of such excavations, and while such general deposit is maintained done, and require such person, firm or corpo- ration, within three days after the service of Section 1 �. It shall be unlawful for any per - at the said sum of five hundred dollars shall such notice, to proceed with the diligent pros- ti son, firm of corporation on to lay any gas or not be required to make the special deposits hereinbefore provided for, but shall be re- ecution of said work or to properly complete the same, as the case may be. Such notice emain pipe, or private water service pipe, sewer, r any drain or other conduitin any . quired to file written notice of intention on- c cerning such excavation, as above prescribed, shall be written or printed, and shall be served personally. or by leaving it at the residence or street, alley or sidewalk in the City Ana - helm at a distance of le less than two feet below before beginning the same. place of business of such person, firm or cor- the established grade gutter of such street, or less than three feet below the surface of any ^Section 2. The Superintendent of Streets, on receiving the written notice and the gener- poration; or if such person firm or corporation cannot be found, and such place of business, such other street, alley or sidewalk. al or special deposit required by Section 1 or Place of residence is unknown. or is out- Section 11, Any person, firm or corporation hereof, shall issue a receipt for such deposit, side of the said city, said notice may be set ved who shall violate any of the provisions of this and shall open and keep an account thereof. by depositing it in the postoffice, addressed to ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- Said receipt shall specify the person, firm or the person, firm or corporation, at such place meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be corporation -to whom it is isgued, and in case of business or residence, if known, or it un- punishable by a fine of not less than ten dol - of a special deposit, the street, alley or side- known, at the City of Anaheim. If such no- Tars nor more than two hundred dollars, or by walk, and the particular portion thereof to be tice is not complied with, the Superintendent imprisonment in the City Jail for not less than excavated, and the extent of such excavation of Streets shall do whatever work is necessary five nor more than one hundred days, or both In case a general deposit is made and main- to refill such excavation, and to restore the such fine and imprisonment. tained as aforesaid, said Superintendent of street, alley or sidewalk, or part thereof exca- Section 12, The City Clerk shall certify to ggtreet `or shall, on receipt of notice of an excava- vated, to as good a. condition as the same was the passage of this ordinance and cause the ti rom The person, firm corporation in before such excavation was made. same to be published once in the Orange from whom such general deposit shall have Section 7. The person, firm or corporation County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of been received, issue to such person, firm or by whom any excavation in paved, macadam- general circulation printed, published and cir- corporation a written certificate, setting forth ized or graveled streets, alleys or sidewal4s, culated in said city of Anaheim, and thereupon that such general deposit is in the possession shall be made, shall be deemed and held to it shall take effect and be in full force. of said Superintendent of Streets, and specify- ing the matters required to be contained in a warrant the work of refilling and repair there- of for the period of one year after the refilling CHAS. OTTO RUST, receipt for a special deposit. No such receipt of such excavation against all defects in work- President of the Board of Trustees of or certificate shall be transferable. manship or materials. Whenever within said the City of Anaheim, Section 3. All re -filling of such excavations Period of one year any part of the pavement I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance shall be made in the following manner, to -wit: or surface of any street, alley or sidewalk so was introduced at a meeting of the Board of The dirt shall be replaced and carefully warranted, becomes in need of repairs, by Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the tamped in layers not exceeding two feet in reason of any defect in workmanship or ma- 29th day of July, 1909, and that it was duly thickness, and each such layer shall be well terial done or used in said work of refilling or Passed at a regular meeting of said Board of flooded with water before the next such layer repair," the Superintendent of Streets shall Trustees held on the 12th day of August, 1909, is put on, and the last layer shall be well flood- serve on the person, firm or corporation by by the following vote: ed and tamped, although the same may be less whom the excavation was made, a written no- Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Kroeger, Stock than two feet in thickness. In all cases where tice, stating what repairs are necessary and and Fiscus. a pipe not exceeding four inches in diameter requiring such repairs to be made within Noes: None. is placed in said excavation, all the dirt remov- three days after the service of said notice. ed therefrom shall be replaced therein. Where Said notice shall be served in the manner pro- And I further certify that the President of the street, alley or sidewalk where such exca- vided in Section 6 of this ordinance, and if the said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance vation is made is graveled or macadamized, same is not complied with, the Superintendent on August 12, 1909. the gravel or macadam removed therefrom of Streets shall proceed to make such repairs. [Seal] EDWARD B. MERRITT, shall be kept separate from all other dirt, and shall be replaced and tamped on the top of Section 8. The Superintendent of Streets shall deduct from the deposit made for an ex- Clerk of the City of Anaheim. such other dirt. When the refilling of any ex- cavation under the provisions of this ordi- ordinance No. ?,15. All ordinanr�p regulating the ri kin of PXr;avatlOns7 in pudic streets, alleys or side>rralks in the ryity of Ari:lheir!1. The Board of Trustees; of the ;iter of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Seition 1. it shall be unlatsful for any peraon, firm or r:orpor— ation to rrsake any ex„a.vation in any publin street, alley or sidewalk in the "ity of Anaheim without firBt givini; notir;p to the Superin— tendent of Streets of said City, and making a-ierPosit for d,8rtiak ps , ,mio indemnity for d.smgi Zes as hereinafter provided. ,n, nu The, person, firm or Corporation intending to make As” %h Px1avi1— tion shall file with the Superintendent of Streets a written notice of su^,h intention, (IesS^ribing spenifinally the looation and area of the ex^.avation or exr'av+ons intended to be rRn.(le, `lnd 8-11`cill clePOSit with s7aid. Sup P,,rintend ent of streets ? Silr�1 Pgllal t0 fifty rents per s3gtlnre foot of surfa.rrP of sai(t exnsava_tion or ex•-�avations to by made in streets or. alleys imrhi^,h are lnaoadarni7,pd or paved with a51>1ta1ttul or bituminous ro^k; and a sllrn equal to twenty—five oents for each square foot of s urfaoe of said exipvp.tion or Pxr;avations to be made on all other streets, alleys or sidewalks; provided., that no deposit 811Ri1 b? 1Pss3 than five dollar. s; and provided further, that any person, firm or Torpor_ ation inten(iin�; to .v: kn exiwrations in the public streets, aijers or sidewalks may ninke a.nd maintain a gPnPral deposit wit -i Vie sail Superintendent Of Streets in the swn of five, hundred dollars for any d RiTiRZes , and as indemnity for any damages, whish rlay the hp naiivarl by rnakimy of siv-11 riiici while stle?1 t7!eneral deposit is maintairle.d at the said s im or five Mildred dollars shall not be re vpiired to ;Hake the sppciPl dPposits her?inboufore provided for, uut shall be 7ea111ired to fil(-, written notice of intention r%,on- iernincr each excavation, as above prescribed, before beZinning the ,;acne. Sec. i. The Sirufmrintencjent of Streets, on receiving the written notice and. tile general or special deposit required bar Section 1 hereof, shall is131le a rPr,Ai )t for such deposit, and shall open and kepq) an account thP-r-eof.. Said "P r, r7 "))t R'rlall s iecif�� the pPrt'on, firm or ^or;:)ora.tion to lvhom it is issued, and in (',R -se ;,f a special d.e.pooit, they street, alley or sidewalk, and the particular portion thereof_ to be ex^.avated, Rnd the extent of such excavation. In case a. general deposit i€,; made and mrainta.inead as aforesaid, said Superintendent of Streets shall, on rein pt of notice of an excavation frol.n the person, firm or corporation from whom sucheaneral deposit shall have been received, issue° to such person, firm or corporation a written ^erti- fi^a.tA, setting forth that such general deposit is in they possession of said SuperintF-ndent of Streets, and specifying the mattP,rs re— quired to boa contained in a renmipt for a /speyaial deposit. No such reaePi )t, or certificate shall be transferable. Sec. 3. All re -filling of suoh Pxcavations :hall be made in tile following rrlarine.r, to -wit: The. dirt shall be% re.plaoPd and iRr_ e,- fizll�r t?mOead in layers not excopding two feet in thickness, and each such laM>•rr shall boa well flooded with water before the. next such layer is pitt on, and the last lairPr shall be well flooded and tampnd, Plthou.-h the, sime* may bea less than tivo feet in thirknouss. In all i cases wherP 3 pipe not RX,-wPdinLy- four merles in diameter is placed in said PxCavation, all the dirt, rernovPcj. t7lerefrom shall Ue replaced therein. '1hprP the street, alley or side,valk where, such PxiRvation is made is graveD-d or rnacadami7md, the gravel or macadam relrnoved therefrom shall bP kp'pt sepRrste from all other dirt, and shall be t replaced and tamped on t,1tip toffy of sun.h other dirt. 171inn the refill -Ing of nnyr x�xnRvRtion in graveled Or uninproved- , treet j alley or siC'ew5ilk is ^ornplet�d, tiie- carne shR11 be well wet and rolled ^rid the surfgim of su^,h refilling, after the Sai+i F' is rolled, -shall b«-, r'na(. ss flush with the surrounding surfRce• of such rnacadaxiizpci, graveled or unimproved street, n1ley or sidewalk. When the refilling; , Of. =any Px-llavation in a stre=et, Aller, Or sidewalk which hRs be'Pn oiled. is completed, the surfa(%,n of such r-fili_ing shall bta thorou' hlyr petroleum soaked with crudeAoil. Sec. 4. Mien the street, alley or. s7idetvRlk in whish such ex- O^ E¢4+t9"4'*- cavatiol: me., is adis paved with aspJA It or bite ninous rock, ^the° person, firrl or norporRtion making the excavation shall refill the rsaile, as hnrei.nbpfore provid.e�d, --ip to the, ander sidi- of thhi pave. --vont, and when said r(ifilling is in proper condition, shall proceed to r_pplace and repA.ir the pavement torn up or damaged by such excavation, in ancord- an^P with thy° 'specifications then used by the lity of Anaheim for t of laying of as )hRlt Or Iii tilvii nout vo i;.0 i)ave'-,i,-nt, or cer:nent, side- walks. Sec. 5.It shall be the; diity of any person, firm or corporation making any ex^Avation in any publin street, � 11ey or siti e wRlk, to place Reid rnaintRin lights at each end of such excavation, and at distances of not more* Mian fifty fret along thfi line t}ierpof, from sunset of ea^.h day to sslnrism of t_ip next day, until such exnxvation is entirely 'refilled. Sec. 6. After 911ch e,xcavation is Ionrapnned, the=, work of iriaking, and refilling thH SRr!te 91IR.11 be ;prose-llitod. with due dili genne, and so as not to obstruct the street, alley or sidLewalk or travel thereon .norm t;ia_n is actually necessary therefor. If the work is not so prose,nited, or if the work of refilling dogs not, in thn judgrlent of the Supe.rinte'ndent of Streets, ^orriply 'Vith the terrlis of this or- di_nan^,e, thn Superintendent of Streets shall notify the person, firm or corporation named in the reieipt, that thn work is not being prOSP111ted with due dill' ge?nne, or that the refilling of such exnavat�7 has not been properly done, and require such person, fire or corpora- tion, within three.. days after the sPrvi^P of sunh notioc, to proceed with the diligent prosectition of said work or to properly oompinte the same, =as trip cRsom rlay bf!!. Surih notice. shall be writtmn or printed, and shall be served personally, or by leaving it at the residence or plaor of business of sitch person, firm or corporation; or if such person, firm or corp�,ratiorl cannot be found, and such placi- of busi- ness, or plRge. of rpsidenrr, is unknown, or is outside of the (ity, said notice r1p.y be served by depositing it in the posatoffice, ad- dressed to the person, firm or corporation, at sunh pla.ce of business or residence, if kno•vn, or if unknown, st the gity of Anahv°im. If Bue,,h notice is not complied with, the Supnrint-urO 'nt of StretAs do work is ne.,,Pssary to refill sAid. Pxcavation, and to re- store the street, allay or sidelvalk, or part thereof Px<,;avatPd, to Ps good p condition as the ca,^:e was in before sunh excavation -las made. Seo. 7. The person, firm or corporation by whorl any e XxiFwation in paved, or grRvnled strpe•ts7, allpys or sidpwHlks3, ,'ihall be nad *, shall be dee'r1Pd and held to warrant the work of refining and repair thereof for the" period. of one year after the refilling of such excavation aainst all defects in vorkmanship or materials. when --me,- vitnin sa.i c3. period of one year any part of tiv� pavement or surfaee of�'an'r plibltkc street, alley or so wsrrante'd., beeomers in need of repairs, by reason of an -,v in workmanship or material done or. used in said work of refilling or repair, the superintendent of Streets shall serve on the person, fire or corporation by whom the Pxoavution was rladeg a written notice;, statinL; �-ihat repairH are neo,�ss9ary ind requiring, such rppairs to be rlpdr within three days after the_ 5rrvioe of said notir;e. Said xlotioF° shall be served in the manner provided in Section 6 of this ordinance, and it' the ss, n is not oorlpliF;d Tvith, tY.P 1oupPrin*,endmnt of Stre•Pts3 sllall proceed to make such repairs. Sec. 8. The Sill) Print -ndent of Str,lets shall dmdll^t fror't the, deposit made for an exnavatlon limler the provisions of this ordl.n- an^e a Sul�1 nqusl to t'vo and one—hplf mmnts for eac'i: sTua.re. foot of Surface of the exnavation in publin strmmt€�, allF'Ik i or sidewalks XX which are paved or moadRnized; and one—fifth of ons, cent for. Peoh ss u ire foot of surface of. the Pxnavation in nublio strePtsg, a11Pys pro . -d t that the minimum de.du-tion Shail bn one dollar; or sid p calks tvhioh are not, paved or rnacaci a7nized;^alld ale Shall also c3Pd1,1^.t the post, of. any .Rork done or repairs made by hirci under th«a provisions of Section (i or Sention 7 of this ordinanne, from any and all dtaposits then in hi,,; hands, or that may therpaft«-fir aorne into his hanrls, belonging to tZie pprc;on, firm or norporation required Pd by this ordin-nr(-, to do sunh work or nnkP silnh I�jne.diatel�► upon the ^omplPtion of the work of refillir�9 arul rpsilrf gni rid tele Pxcavati01 or Px^av5 tions .for lvhinh a ; pPnia.l cim,)osit has been made, aS 9for.f;— said, the Superint rodent of shall return and refund to the person, firm .or norpora.tion making. such spenial dPpo sit, as in Sec— tion 1 hpr«of provided, the balsnne of su^,h deposit, after making all the dmdu,,tions hprPin authorized, and lie shall i n likA manner, aft Pr tjie iornpletion of the wotk of refiliinz -'Imd all ex^,avations for whi'!h a U,-:ner_ a1 deposit has been made, return and rPfilnd s,rr i �enPral pie >or�it , after r'Iaki in tYhf� ti�'c�tlntions; hereiTl 'qut1,orizPrl; The (Ionil-lioll' Of the S,,l1oerintPnd.Pnt of Streets as to the host of any 'cork done or repairs r,I=ide ,)y flim inkier the provisions of tion 6 or S'"ntion 7 h--r,-of, shall bP final and nonnlusddle as to suo. l lost . SaidSuperintendent o tt--Pts shall pay to the "it.1 Treasurer sail m-Img decal^_.tnd ��y hisn fro?i all depos73itS, an(i said city T1'P,`�Sllr�r shall dw't)o:pit all said. sims to the ^redit of the general fund. Sec. 9. All eXcaVati.ons, r"fil-L"11; of: excavations and repa.ir- in7 of pnvo-mmllts i1nd.Pr the provisions of this ordinanne Shall bP made under the u!)PrVision and dire^tion of the Superintendent of. Streets. Sea. 10. It shall bei unlf-­Tful for any p�-.rson, firm or HOrpora— tion to lay .any gas or �mt�r servi,.P pipe, or irtain pip4z, -or xmxma p1 lvatm sr-a)mr, or i' nor `..}..rantl or otl,.P,r-londuit , in any str`set , R1:L,-, or sit eiRlk in the "ity O:'' A71allr;ivi at a ciibtan{:e of less;, thnn feet bAlow the max1ma x at r°stablished grade of gutter of €-mill street, 1511Cl1 or les, than feint bmlow the surface of anyi\other strmet, ?llsy T or sidpwsilk. Some,,. 11. Any person, fir:1 or nor;>oration who shall 'riol�.tm any of thA provisions of this ordinan^e shall be dite-need guilty of and 11poj. noniointion thf-r,'of -,hall bo. �unishablex by a fine of not Imbs> than tpn dollars nor more t1iRn two Y111ndrp-.d c?ol- Lars, or by il'lpriionmi^Ilt in t}1- "ity Jail Tor not, Dabs til,?Tl five, nor more than ollw' 1111m rl'ri. �I ayq, or by both s unh fine' and inpris on- aEiwnt . 12. The "it'l "lp;rk shall nr,rtify to tele of this Or�?.iHaI1",�! ani oa11ap the sar�p to bo: published on^,p in ti,.(Orange "ounty P1RindPRlk-r, a of eriwral ^irnulation printed, pub- lisrlpd qnd sir. ^ulnto(i in said ^ity Of and thereupon it Shall take efft-!t and be in full fornP. Pr�-sidpnt of the BoRr _. _. TrIu ,f'ms 0f tile' "1.ty of Anaheim. I hereby r•Prtify that t11F' foregoing Or(Uwknre, was introdllCp'd pt a rilp'etill- of the Board. of Tr'.late.Ph of the City of AI-:�Iwiiil, held on t o- dR;r of July, 19099 and tllat it ,-ras c,ijlly passed at a. rpg— C ular mpetin{; of said Bo?rd of Tr,1steos liml(l On the day Of A119USt, 1909, by the followin- vot P : AST t": Noes AIld. I 'furtho,'r nerttfjr t lat. the' President of said Board of Tr�lstcr�s5 sSi;rled rsRid ordingnrp oil Aug i-st Q2-- 1909. "ler k of the "zty of Anaheim,. Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, California IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of the County of Orange, State of California. State of California, County of Orange Ss' �— �- -- - -� being first duly sworn, deposes and says: ,,That at all tires hereinafter mentioned ...he was Ncitizen of the United States, overt age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the 51� F ��6 . ` b�, of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ;�'"i r �, i e , x w p , commencing on the `. dad of „0. .rc 190.. and ending on the day of 190...1, both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,_day of Notary Public in and 1,or Orange County, California. Qrdinanq No. 21 b. An Ordinance Fixing and Levy- ing a Property Tax on All Prop- erty Within the Corporate Lim- its of the City of Anaheim, for the Fiscal Year 1909-10. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do -ordain as follows: Sectiou 1. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal yea, 1909-10 of one dollar on each one hundred dol- lars of the assessed valuationof-all real and personal property within the corporate limit: of the City of Anaheim for the ordinary an- e of said, city. ` Section 2. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1909-10 of 8% cents or each one hundred dol- lars of the assessed valuation of all real and Personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the purpose of con- structing a city hall, for the extension and 1 completion of the City Water Works, for the grading and improvement of streets, and the purchase of property for the fire department, together with one -twentieth of said, indebt- edness. Section 3. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1909-10 of V12 cents on each one hundred dol- lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the purpose of con- structing and erecting a City Electric Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of said in- debtedness. Section 4 That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1909-10 of 12yz cents on each one hundred dol- lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of pitying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the purpose of the ex- t -rasion and improvement of the City Water, Works, and for the improvement of the Elec- tric Light Plant, together with bne-fortieth of said indebtedness. Section 5, That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1909-10 of 341% cents on each one hundred dol- lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the extension and im- provement of the City Water Works and for the extension and improvement of the City Electric Light Plant, together with one -forti- eth of said indebtedness. Section 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year, 1909-10 of 10 cents on each one hundred dol- lars of the assessed valva+ion of all real and persoaal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the Publit: Library of said city. Section 7. The City Cleric shall certify to . the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed, published and cir- culated iri said City of Anaheim, and thereup- on it shall take effect and be in full force. C. O. RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anahettu. I.hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 21th day of August, 1939, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 10th day of September, 1909, by the fol- i lowing vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Kroeger, Stock and Fiscus. Noes: None. Ifurthe. certifh'that the President of said Board of Trustees signed the same on the 10th day of September 1909. ' EDWARD,B. MERRITT. Clerk of said City of Anaheim, i Ordina.n^e No. 2 / �, An ordinance fixing and levying a property tax on all property within the corporate limits of the city of AnPhPim, for the fiscal Year 1909-1910. The Board. of Trustees of the lity of Ana.heira (TO ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be aria he?_eb-Ir if, fixed and levied a pro— perty tax for the fiscal year 1909-1910 of one dollar on each one hundred dollars of the Rssessed valuatiOII Of all real and personal property within the corporatP lillite of t71e r7ity of Anaheim for the ordinary annual expenditures of said city. Sec. 2. That therP� be and hereby is fixed / and levied a pro— perty tax for the fiscal 'rPar 1909-1910 of F jo - cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and per:shnal property within the corporate limits of the clity of Anaheim, for the purpose of payiYig the annnRl '_nterest of tile, indebtedness of said city incurred for the purpose of constructing a city hall, for tile, r • for the gradin extension and. ornpletion of the ,1t„r �,atPr �?orks, grading acid improvement of streets, and ti -ie purchase of property for tile, fire department, together -Titil one—twentieth of said indebtedness. Sec. 3. `.What there be grid hereby is fixed and levied a property 1 tax for the fiscal year 1909-1910 of 4-''l�cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the:corporatP limits of the lity of Anaheim, for the purpose of: paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of f;PicI citin- 0nurred for the purpose of constructing Prod erecting a City Electric Light Plant, together Trith one -fortieth of said indebtedness. Sec. A. That there be and herpby is InxiRd fixed and levied a property tax .for the fiscal year 1909-1910 ofI- cents on each one hundred dollars of the as:3esse.d vP111a.tion of all real and per— sonsl property within the corporate limits of the lity of Anaheim, for t„1e purpose of paying the, annual interest of the, indebtedI1P,58 Of said city incurred for the purpose of thy' extension And improvement of the "ity '7a.ter Works, and for the improvement of the Electric Light Plant, together with one -fortieth of saki indebtedness- Sec. 5. That there be and hereby is fixed anui levied a. property tax for the fiscal year 1909-1910 of 3 yG- ^ents on each one hundred dollars of the assP�-;ed. va.luption of all real and personal property within the norporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of payin` the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city inourred for the extension. and improvement of the City 'Tater Works and for the extension a.nd improvement of the city Electric Light Plant, to gr:ther with one -fortieth of said. indebtedness. Sec. b That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a Property talc for the fiscal gear 1909-1910 of to cents on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuRtioni of all real and personal property within the oorporRtP, limits of. the "ity of. Anaheim, for the pizrpo e of maintpining the Public Library of said city. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and iRuse the same to be published once in the Orange County Plaindealer, a weekly newspa.j)er of general circulation printed, pub - fished and circulated in said. City of Analleira, and thereupon it shall take effect and be in full force. tL� Pr(-silent ofd Bo o Trustees of the lity of Anaheim. _r hereby 7,ertify that the foregoing orclin,.n^e was introduced at a meeting of the Board. of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the Z LI- day of August, 1909, and that it was (1111y passu at a re -alar meeting of said Board held on the � � day of �l's,1909, by the following vote: � Noes: vh Ovt C T furthe- certify t_?at tlir' Prpf 1inpnt of sqid Board of Trustees signed the same on the io If,- day of rzL:/, /s.r.G'lg09. Ilerk of said City of Anaheim. ..................... ..... ... ................. ......... : ........ �----�City Cleric JI, 4 Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, California AL Cr<�.inance bio. 2�__, An ori ilian^e rej ilatin- the stsnding of anis, -als and vehiaVles upon the public streets ofthe City of AnRheiIn. Tile 3oart of Trustees of the 'lity of AnahPiri do ordain ` s follo-vs: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for .ny person to hit^.h any horse, Mule or other animal, or to leave stsnding, riot in the irnae- diate care of some person, arry automobile, buggy, carriage, wagon or other vehicle, With Or WithOut PniMa.15 3tt?,ched, for a longer period of tine than one, hour upon sny of the following described portions of streets in the 1ity of Annheirn, to—pit: Center Street, between Leiion anci ".laudina Streets; Loss Angeles Street, bet,reen "hestnut anc?. "hart -res Strne.,ts. Sec. P. It shall be 1jnla•7fu1 for any person to hitch :any horse,, Mule or ot'i— animal to any telegraph pole, telephone pole, or to any host or pole of any kind on the. portions of streets de. cribs d in Se^.tion 1 of this orAa1;,21^e. Sec. 3. It shall be unlR v.T"ul for ,any person to hitch or tie sny horse, Mule or other anirna.l to any shade or ornamental tree, in any street, laile, al-leir .or public place in the City of Anaheim, or to hitch or tie sny such animal near enough to ally such shade or ornarnent?1 tree as to permit or enable stlf:h animal to injure or dc's— troy the same. Sc c. 4•. It shall be unlawful for any person having r;hnr,rYeq ,'.-ustod.y or control of any horse, mule, or other anlrlal to leatre, t1ie, v,?me unattended_ tinct unsecured In a.ny publi^, str , t, lane, niley or place in the City of Anaheim. A horse, mule or other animal left unattended in any publii street, lane, alley or place shall be deemed to be unse.,Iured within the megning of this Section, unless it shall be securely tied or hitched by a chain, strap or rope fastened to its neck or bridle, ind to a post or oth-.r permanent fastening, or by a chain, strap or rope fastened to its bridle and to a weight of not less than twenty pounds resting upon the v-ound, or by hobbles the fastpnpd to ity f-tlo^k�i, or in -,asp, or a tpxwi of t,vo horses or mules hPrnPssA(j to ? T --on hnvin,; a brake or polf., b� tightly Bettie CA the brake in wPron, baokin; the teall no that the trar'f�s Lihall be loose, pulling; t1lf-� lines ta11t, xnd ti1om to the ,vp-on in slioh a. manner that the gall be d_ra�grn only by rnPans of the lines. Ser;. 5. It sha11 be unlawful for any person liavinrr the ^,har�;a, 7stody or ^,ontr. of of ally alit omo iiie, to pormit oil to drip fro?!1 ht1Ch Putomooile upon my of the sti­'PtB or portion.; of st,reet.s in the lity )f Anahea.r'1 T7211'-71 hP.ve b-Pn navpd. with asphaltmr.l. Seg;. 6. Ail ordinxn,,es or parte, C)?' ordinanles of the ~1ty of Awalhodm in ^onfli^.t 'iitil the provisions of t lith oroin`iivtf- ary hPrmby rey)��a1nd., Sp'o. 7, Any persoll ';/i10 ht1`i1:L `Tit1i 7t, P.. ?n r or the )'^Ovlfii On 3 Of this ord iRanne s '_all be dPf'1t1r'( 'lilt, of a Us(i PI1PanOr, xnc� ?.pon ^..onvi^tion thpreof ;,:1x11 be -�mr,ishable, by a fine not fifty dollars, or by irdpriSMgent in the lige Jail. :rOr a ,)RriOd I1Ot eX- oPPding twpYlty-five days, or by Ooth F311^h fine and imprisorimprit. Spi. 8. The lity Ilerk Shall ^Prtif,r to t',hP PxSSS;;P Of t1:i!!: ordinan-,p end. iqusp thF� sar1P to be pliblisilf n, on -.p in tho Oran e ,,,oullty PlaindPalPr, a. , eoakly newspp.per of Pneral iiriulption printed, published PnCI. (,,irmil`atori 'I `4ai(l ~'t,r -�f AI1P IF'i71, 91-16 ti_Preupon it shall take efff ^it -and i)f9 in f).ill ford'. Pr�sldPntV the Bo„ar T- of TriistePs o.. the lity Of A'lailei 1. I hereby ^ertify that the foregoin;. ord inanie, isam introdli^.Pd at a M,-etinZ of the BoPrd of TrustPPs of thH "ity of Anaheim on the loth day of 0ito er” , 1909, s.nd. that it was (i,111,r pa. ;sed at a re ailar mpetin; of Said Board of Trustees ileld on the 28th r1n.1y of 0(,tobor_ , 19099 by the followinU vote: AST F? �i : ��rC.._.,t�._.w /CJ�o �,lC . C'J «�Ct c%� u-iy �✓c... �`f. �� �.`.c_,o -- 'Tf SOPf I .fur. th^r. iPrtif'y ti19t thf' Pry >iriPnt,��f Mair+ Bo lyd of. Tr118tees Bi ned the 8931P on the P8th d.ay of Ootober, 1909. "lerk of sRici lit"- Of AnryTlf3_lr1. Richard Melrose A TTO-R.N-FV IN THE SUPER1011 COURT of the County of Orange, State of California. State of California, SS. County.of Orange being first duly swop poses and says: t at a 1 'mes hereinafter mentioned ...he was a` ' ' en of the United States, ov the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preciedipg the first publication of the notice hrein mentioned; that the which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least _ �—� commencing on thed y of 190A. and ending on t e ______ day of 190...both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper as regularly issued. Ttla:t-�!he dates on which said p blication was made were as follows: Q- 1 bscribed and sworn to before me this /Z day of 190. U Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. Ordinance No: 218, An Ordinance Amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 16 , Entitled -An Ordinance Adopting Speci- fications for the Construction of Cement Sidewalks and Cement Curbs in the City of Anaheim. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: Section 1, That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 162, entitled "An Ordinance Adopting Speci- fications for the Construction of Cement Side- walks and Cement Curbs in the Cify of Ana- heim," adopted May loth, 1904, be, and th, same hereby is, amended to read as follows: Section 4, The following requirements shall apply to the construction of all cement side- walks and cement curbs which may be here• after ordered constructed by the Board of Trustees of the city of Anaheim. The sand shall be clean and sharp, and both shall be thebest-brand�of imported Portland cement. The cement shall conform to the following conditions.and be subject to the fol- lowing teats: All tests shall be made by the methods and under the conditions prescribed by the com- mittee of the American Society of Civil Engi- neers, and shall be open to contractors. Fineness— Not less than ninety-eight per cent. by weight of the cement must pass through a sieve of fifty meshes to the inch; not less than ninety-five per cent by weight of the cement must pass through a sieve of one hundred meshes to the inch. Time of Setting—Initial set in not less than thirty minutes when mixed with the smallest possible arnn,int of water at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Tensile Strength—After twenty-four hours (briquettes to remain in air until hard set, to be submerged in water during the rest of the twenty-four hours) neat one hundred and fifty, pounds per square inch; after seven days (briquettes to remain in air one day, in water.,;] six days) neat three hundred and fifty pounds per squareinch; three parts sand to one part cement, one hundred and fiftv pounds' per square inch. After twenty-eight days (bkiquetres to remain in air one day, in water twenty-seven days) neat four hundred and', fifty pounds per square inch; three parts sand to one part cement, • two hundred pounds per square inch. General Requirements—All work shall be _fn -every respect executed in a thorouzh and, workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all stakes set for the lines or measurement of the work in their proper places until. authorized - to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said stakes which the contractor or his subordinates may have I failed to prese,ve, shall be borne AlQhe cin -%I tractor. . u work will be considered as accepted which maybe defective in its construction or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications to consequence of the negli- gence of any officer of the city or inspector connected with the work to point out said de- fects or deficiency during construction, and% e contractor shall be required -to correct any the final acceptance of the work. The contractor shall give forty-eight hours' nonce in writing when he shall require the 1 services ofthe City Engineer, for laying out aay portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall not disturb any monu- ments or stakes found on the line of the im- provements until ordered by the City Engi- neer, and he shall bear the expense of resetting any monuments or stakes which may be dis- turbed without orders, In case the contractor shall neglect or refuse after written notice, to remove or replace any rejected work or materials, they shall be re- moved and replaced by order of the Street Su- perintendent at the contractor's expense. _ 'The contractor shall be required to remove , at his own expense all obstruction, such as trees, stones, old blocks, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. All curbs and crosswalks which must be re- moved shall be removed in a careful manner, and must be conveniently and neatly piled upon one side of the street by the contractor. The contractor shall notify the Street Su- perintendent when he desires a final inspec- tion of the work, when the latter will, as soon' as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above specifications, the Street Superin- tendent will furnish the contractor with a cer- tificate to that effect. Whenever the word "contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or I parties of tt a second part to the contract for I the construction of the work herein specified. I Whenever the words street superintend- ent" or "city engineer" are used in these spec- ifications, they refer respectively to the street f superintendent or city engineer of the City of Anaheim, or their authorized agents or inspect- ors, and all interpretations as to the meaping of these specificatione, explanations or direc- tions necessarL to completing satisfactorily Ordinance No. 210. specifications in consequence of the negli- gence of any officer of the city or inspector connected with the work to point out said de- f -- fects or deficiency during construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any An Ordinance Amending Section imperfect work wheneve, tscovered, before the final acceptance of the work. 4 of Ordinance No. 162, Entitled The contractor shall give forty-eight hours' notice in writing when he shall require the "An Ordinance Adopting Speci- services of the City Engineer, for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake fications for the Construction of holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall not distnrb any monu- ments or stakes found on the line of the im- Cement Sidewalks and Cement provements until ordered by the City Engi- neer, and he shall bear the expense of resetting Curbs in the: City of Anaheim." any monuments or stakes which may be dis- turbed without orders, In case the contractor shall neglect or refuse after written notice, to remove or replace any The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- rejected work or materials, they shall he re- heim do ordain as follows; moved and replaced by order of the Street Su- Section 1, That Section 4 of Ordinance No. perintendent at the contractor's expense. 162, entitled "An Ordinance Adopting Speci- The contractor shall be required to remove fications for the Construction of Cement Side- at his own expense all obstruction, such as walks and Cement Curbs in the City of Ana- trees, stones, old blocks, debris, etc., that may '.heim," adopted May 10th, 1904, be, and the be in the way of making said improvements. same hereby is, amended to read as follows: All curbs and crosswalks which must be re- Section 4, The following requirements shall moved shall be removed in a careful manner, :apply to the construction of all cement side- and must be conveniently and neatly piled walks and cement curbs which may be here- upon one side of the street by the contractor. :,after ordered constructed by the Board of The contractor shall notify the Street Su- ,after of the city of Anaheim. perintendent when he desires a final inspec- The sand shall be clean and sharp, and both tion of the work, when the latter will, as soon sand and gravel shall be free from loam, veg- as possible, make the necessary examination, table matter, silt and dirt. All cement used and if the work is found in compliance with shall be the best brand of imported Portland the above specifications, the Street Superin- cement. The cement shall conform to the tendent will furnish the contractor with a cer- following conditions and be subject to the fol- tificate to that effect. lowing tests: Whenever the word -contractor" is used in All tests shall be made by the methods and these specifications it refers to the party or under the conditions prescribed by the com- parties of tl a second part to the contract for. mittee of the American Society of Civil Engi-'the construction of the work herein specified.' neers, and shall be open to contractors. Whenever the words "street superintend- Fineness — Not less than ninety-eight per ent" or "city engineer" are used in these spec- cent. by weight of the cement must pass ifications, they refer respectively to the sireet through fifty meshes to the inch; a sieve of superintendent or city engineer of the City of !. �ttot less than ninety-five per cent by weight Anaheim, or their authorized agents orinspect- of the cement must bass through a sieve of interpretations to the meaning ors, and all as ;one hundred meshes to the inch.of these specificatione, explanations or direr- in less Time of Setting—Initial set not than, tions necessary to completing satisfactorily. ithirty minutes when mixed with the smallest the different descriptions of work contemplat- (possible amount of water at a temperature of ed and provided for under the contracts will, ?60 degrees Fahrenheit. be given by the street superintendent and city Tensile Strength—After twenty-four hours engineer. (briquettes to remain in air until hard set, to The contractor shall remove all surplus ma-' Ibe submerged in water during the rest of the terial and rubbish from the work after its com- twenty-four hours) neat one hundred and fifty pletion, before he makes application for the pounds per square inch; after seven days acceptance of the work. (briquettes to remain in air one day, in water Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the i six days) neat three hundred and fifty pounds passage of this ordinance and cause the same( per square inch; three parts sand to one to be published once in the Orange County, part cement, one hundred and fifty pounds Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circula- per square inch. After twenty-eight days tion printed, published and circulated in said (briquetres to remain in air one day, in water City of Anaheim, and thereupon it shall be in days) neat four hundred and full force and effect. C. O. RUST, rwenty-seven fifty pounds per square inch; three parts President of the Board of Trustees of the City' and to , one part cement, two hundred of Anaheim. pounds per square inch. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance. e General Requirements—All work shall be was introduced at a meeting of the Board of; �n every respect executed in a thorough and Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the'. ~Workmanlike manner. 11th day of November, 1909, and that it was The contractor is required to preserve all duly passed at a reggular meeting of said Board on the 26th day ot�iovember, 1909, by the fol- stakes set for the lines or measurement of the 'Work in their proper places until authorized lowing vote: ww Work remove them by the City Engineer, and Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Stock and Fis- !any expense in replacing said stakes which cus, Noes: None. 4 ,ghe contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the con- I further certify that the President of said tractor. Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on No work will be considered as accepted the 26th day of November, 1909, [SEAL) which may be defective in its construction or EDWARD B. MERRI deficient in any of the requirements of these [Seal] Clerk of said City of Anaheim. I 0rdinRn,-P No. An ordinance Emending Se^tion 4 of or_dingn^r No. 16?, entitled "An ordillaniss adopting spe^ifi-^Ptions for the ionstnintion of ^ement sidewglks qn6 ^ement mirbs in the lity of Anaheim". Thou Roo.rd of Trustees of the pity of Anaheim do ordain res f 01'r ; awr±tion 1. That Se^tion 4 of Ardillan^e No. 162, entitled "An ordinanie adopting slos(,-ifi^Pit ions for thy: ^onstrtl^tion of cement sidtsmglks and. ^rodent curbs in the "ity of Anaheim", 9dopted kay 10th, 19049 be, and the, spine hereby is amended to read as Follows: Section 4. The following requirements shall apply to the constru,�tion of all cement sidewalks and cement curbs which may be hereafter ordered constructed by the Board of Trustees of the city of Anaheim: The sand shall be clean and sharp, and both sand and irravel shall be free from loam, vegetable matter, silt and dirt. All cement used .hall be the best brand of im- ported Portland cement. The cement shall conform tothe following conditions and be subiect to the following tests: All teats shall be made by the methods and under the conditions prescribed by the com- mittee of the American Satiety of Civil En- gineera, and shall be open to contractors, the twenty-four hours), neat o-ne handred' and fifty pounds per square inch; after seven days (briquettes to remain in air one day, in water six daya). neat three hundred and fifty pounds pet square inch; three Farts .and to one part ceutn�ent, one, hundred and fifty pounds per aghtaYe inch. After twenty- oig t days (briquettes to remain in air one day, in water twenty-seven days), neat four hundred and flfty.pounds per square inch: three parte Bandd to one part cement, two hundred pounds per square inch. General Requirements—All work shall be In every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike meaner. The contractor to required to preserve all stakes set for the lines or measurement of stakes which the contractor or his subordi- nates1 ay. have {ailed to preserve, ahaallll be borne by t�e'coF tectur. Koworkwill be considered as accepted quired to correct any imperfect work, when - Mr, work.r11 e aontraetor e► �:p ve f .arght hpu a' notice in WkI in hen he s tail r B quire the services of Ve h. left Eaitiueer for' laying out any portion of the work. He shall digg all ptake holes necessaryto give lines an levels. The contractor shall not disturb any won. umeum or stakes found on the line of the im- provements until ordered by the city engi- neer, and he shall bear the expense of reset- ting any monuments or stakes which may be disturbed without orders. In case the contractor shall neglect or re- fuse,after written notice, to remove or re- place any rejected work or materials, they shalLbe removed and .replaced by order of the Street Superintendent at the contractor's expense. The contractor shall be required to remove at his own expense, all obstruction, such as- trees,stopes, old blocks debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improve- ments. All curbs and crosswalks which mast be removed shall be removed in a careful man- ner, and must be 'conveniently and neatly Piled upon one side of the street by the coa- tractor. __ ine contractor shall nottty the street Su- perintendent when he desires a final inspec- tion of the work, when the latter will, as soon at possible, make the necessary exami- nation, and it the work is found in complf ance with the above specifications, the Street Superintendent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "contractor" is used in these spicifications it refers to the party or par- ties of the second part to the contract for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "street superintendent" or "city engineer" are used in these specifica- tions, thpy refer respectively to the street su- perintendent or city engineer of the City of Anaheim, or their authorized agents or inspec- tors, and all lute rpretations as to the meaning of these specifications, explanations or direc- tions necessary to completing satisfactorily the different descriptiousof work contemplatedand, provided for under the contracts will be given, by the street superintendent and city engineers Tae -contractor` shall removeall surplus material and rubbish from the woek after' its completion, before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. SPI. 2. ThP City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinaniP and cangP the same to be publish Pd oneP in the Orange County P1aind#*,R1Pr, a rlelgspa ger of gfayp'ra.l nirmilAtion printed, ptiblished and ciriulatesd in said "ity of Anaheim, and thereupon it shall ��� in full foriP and Pf_fect. President 0 1 f the. Board of TrnStf`eS of the City of Anaheim. I hereby ^Prtify Viet, the foregoing ordinRmm was introduced at R IIIf9Ptint of the Board of Tn- istres of the City OP Anahei 1, hesld on the lith dAy of NovPrrlebr, 19099 and that it was dilly passed sit a re, ilar rnP,F9tinLgr of said. Bo%�rd. OII the lz ce day of Novenber, 19099 by the fol lowill;; vot" : Noes: 01)"- C_1 I fllrthPr e Prtil"y that thh' PrFS1d.f'nt. of said Bos�rd of Trit.t,s si nPd sRid ord.inan^,e on the 2,� day of NavembPr, 1909. Clerk of ,,aid City of Anahein. Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, California IN THE SUPERSIOR COURT of the County of Orange, State of California. State of California, SS. County of Orange S "`_._ being first duly swor , d poses and says: at at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the of whi h the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least commencing on theAda of ��,�Q o , �L W 190. and ending ending on the day of 190 ,both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper -was regularly issued. Tji�t the dates on w ich said nublication was made were as follows: p r oscribed and sworn to before me this � day of s-w�ly 194.4 r Notary Public in and for Orange-tounty, California. I' Ordinance No. 219. iAn ordinance regulating the stand- ing of animals and vehicles I ; upon the public streets of the Cit, of Anaheim, and regulating.,thi erection of hitching posts on cer tain streets in said City. The Board of Trustees of the City of Ana heim do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any per son to hitch any horse. mule or other animal or to leave standing, not in the immediate car of some person, any automobile, buggy, car riage, wagon or other vehicle, with or with 1 out animals attached, for a longer period o i time than one hour upon any of the followint described portions of streets in the City o Anaheim, to-wit- Center o-wi Center street.' between Clementine and 01 �.-...at.. at}tta44-,Cy press and Broadway Stre t,. Sea 2 It shall be unla v -fnl for s y P.-. to hitch or tie any horse, mule or other anima to any shade or ornamental tree in any street Lane, alley or public place in the City of Ana heim, or to hitch or tie any such animal neat enough to any such shade or ornamental tree as to permit or enable such animal to injure of destroy the same, Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person having charge, custody or control of any horse, mule or other animal to leave the same ' unattended and unsecured in any public street, lane, alley or place in the City of Anaheim: A horse, mule or other animal left unattended in any public street, lane, alley or place shall be deemed to be unsecured within the meaning of this section, unless it shall be securely tied or hitched by a chain, strap or rope fastened to its neck or bridle, and to a oost or other ! permanent fastening, or by a chain, strap or rope fastened to its bridle and to a weight of I not less than twenty pounds resting upon the I ground, or by hobbles fastened to its fetlocks, or in the case of a team of two horses or mules harnessed to a wagon having a brake or pole, ! by tigli ly setting the brake in said wagon, backing the team so- that the traces shall be ;loose, pulling the lines taut, and securely fas- 11 tening them to the wagon in such a manner that the wagon can only be drawn by means of.the lines. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any, person having the charge, custody or control of any antomobiie or motorcycle to permit oil or gas- oline to drip from such automobile or motor - i cycle upon anyof_Ilte._streets or portions of aere�ts tt[-cre City of Anaheim which have ibeen paved witn asphaltum. Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, or cause to be erected, any pole or post upon any of the following described por- tions of streets in the City of Anaheim, to--,vit: Center Street, between Clementine and Of- ive Streets; Los Angeles Street, between Cy- press and Broadway Streets, without first pro- curing a permit therefor from the Board of Trustees of said City as prescribed in Section 6 of this ordinance. Sec. 6. Any person desiring to erector to cause to be erected a hitching post or posts within the limits defined by Section 5 of this ordinance, shall present to the Board of Trus- tees of said City an application for a permit to erect such hitching post or posts, using blank applications which will be furnished by the City Clerk of said City. Such appiicatior_s may be granted or refused in the discretion of said Board of Trustees, and if granted, a writ- ten permit will be issued by said Board to the applicant authorizing him to erect such hitch- ing post or posts and to maintain the same during the pleasure of the said Board, under such terms and conditions as may from tins to time be adopted by said Board. Sec. 7. All hitching posts erected under the provisions of this ordinance shall be made of galvanised iron pipe, three inches in diameter, - and having a ring securely fastened to the top thereof. Such posts shall be placed in the sidewalk at a distance of 6 inches from the outer edge of the curb of the sidewalk, and shall be 36 inches in height, measuring from the surface of the sidewalk to the top oft he post. No post shall be erected within 30 fe=t of any street intersection in the district"c- scribed in Section 5 of this ordinance, and co hitching post shall be erected within 10 fe, i of any other hitching post. Sec. 8. Whenever any hitching post er-cted under the provisions of this ordinance _.brL have become bent, brokep or otherwise in- jured, the Superintendent of Streets of ,,r.`d City shall notify the person who caused such post to be erected, or the owner of the prem- ises in front of which such post may be, to forthwith repair the same and restore it to its original foam; and if such repairs are not made within 24 hours after such notice has been given, it shall be the duty of such Superintend - ant of Streets to immediately thereafter re- move such bent, broken or injured post. Sec. 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Anaheim in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 10. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a myVidemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a move such bent, brokenor injured post. Sec.".All o=dlnances or parts of ordinances' of the City of Ae;aheim in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby re- pealed e- ..,W.....:,.� ,..�......:.,..«..�.-.>..... ..M....�,.. .,._.,.......:;:.,:.�,.m«.�..�.,,._:... pealed. Sec. lo. Any person who shall violate any ! , of file provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mi demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shAr be punishable by a fine not exc eding fifty dollars, or by imptis- ontnent in the City Jaii for a period not ex- ceeding twenty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. ll. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the OrangeConntyPlain Dealer, a weekly newspaper of general circula- tion printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thereupon it shall take effect and be in full force: C. O. RUST, President of the Board of Trusteesof the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 26th day of November, 1909, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 9th day of December, 1909, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Stock, Fiscus and 1Croeger. Noes: None. i further eerr£y that the President of said I Board of Trustees signed the same on the 9th day of December, 1999. EDWARD B. MERRITT. [Seal] Clerk of said City of Anaheim ordinance Ido. 149 An ordinance regulating the standing; of Rnirtva.ls and vehicles upo'rt the public streets of the ",ity of AnRhPirn, and rmmilRting the erection of hitchinj; posts on certain streets in said ('ity. The. Bonrd of mra.,Aees of the city of. An.iheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawnil for Rny person to hitch any horse, mule or ott.(-r anii lits, or to leave standing, not in the iivir�-- diRte cRye of some person, any autoraobile, buggy, carriRg;e, Wagon, or other vehicle, with or 1vithout animRls; a.ttRch(-,d, for R longer period of timp than one hour upon any of the, followin" described portions of strPets in the city of Anaheim, to—wit: "enter trwPt, between �, �--. �_,' ,hnd f,-�,a,r_ Strepta; Los Angelos Street, between C 3a",j and , strnet". Sec. P. It shall i)e unlawful for Rny person to hitch or tie any horse, mule or other animal to r�ny shade or ornarienta.l tree in Rny strut, lane, Riley or public p1Rc e in the City of AnRiieiM, or to Bitch or tie any such ?nii�al near enough to Rny 131irh shade or ornamental tree, as to permit or enable such anirinl to injure or des— tropy the Same. SPc. 3. It shall ,)e unlawfal for any person having ^hargP, custody or cont-ol of Rny horse, mule or other RnimRl to leave the same ungttA`1nded 1(Y 11 : e,,_zr,=gid i�� .-:f )ublic street, lane, alley or place in the lity of ;fin=�heim. A horse, mule or other a.nima.l left unattended in any public :;trf`f=t, lane, alley or place shall be deer.!ied to be unse^.ur- Pr3 within the meaning of this section, finless it shall be securely tied or hitched by R Ihain, strap or ropy; fastened to its neck or bridle, and to a post or other perrvAnent fastening, or by A chain, strap or rope fastened to its bridle, aW to a Weight of not less thRn t1yenty pound.; resting upon the j;round, or by hobbles fastened to its fetlocks, or in the case of a team of two horses or mules harnes zd to R :,q on I,!-.virg a brake or pole, by tightly setting the brakp in said wRgon, bpikin.g the team so that the traces Hhall be., loose, pullii,� the lines taut, and securely f_Rstening there to the wagon in siv!h a mAnner tirint the 7agon can be drawn only 1). means of the lines. Ger, 4. it, shall be nnlawfu1 for ante person having the r,11,�rgP, n.nstody or control of any automobile. or Plotorr`ycle to permit oil or gasoline to drip from such automobile or motor^,ycle upon any of the streAts or portions of streets ill the City of Anaheim which have been paved 'with anphaltnm. Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any pension to erect, or cause to be erected, any pole ot• post li.()on nny of the following described portions of streF;ts ij; the City of. An,heita, to -wit Center Street, between ��, Street and Streets; Los Angeles Street, between^S encs S�,S aceta, without first, prorturing a permit therefor from the Board of Trustees of. said City as prescribed in Section 6 of this ordinance. Seo. 6. Any person desiring to erect, or to cause to be erected, e hitching posit or posts within the liriit.s defined by Section 5 of this ordinarlo^, shall present to the Board of Trustees of said City an g.kgplication for R permit to erect such hitching post or posts, usinc blanit whir11 will be furnished by the City r1erk, of said City. Such applicsations may be granted or refused in they discretion of -.aid Board of Trustees, and if granted, a written per- mit will lie issued. by swid Board to the applicant authorizing him to erect sig^ll hitching; post or posts and to maintain the some. during the pleasure of the staid Board, under such terms and conditions as may from time to tine be adopted by said Board.. Sec. 7. All hitching; posts erected under the provisions of this ordinance sllall be made of galvPnized iron ripe, three inches in diameter, 911d 11RVi:rAL; a ring ,iocurPly fastened to the tog% there/of. Such ponts -ha.11 be placed in the sidewalk at a distAncP of b inches from the outer edg=e- of the curb of the sidewalk, -And shall be 36 inches in heighth, memsuring from the surface of the sidewalk to the top of the Post. 11a post shall be eructed within 3d feet of an► street intersection in the distri^t described in Section 5 of. this ordinance, and no hitching Dost shall be, er.ectPd within _0 feet of any other hitching Post. lii-tc,11inL; Dost erected under the provisions of this ord-11. nne shall have become vent, broken or othPri-fis.e in- jured, the Sul) w2intPmdent of s tr,.-etB of said City shall notify the person who causer! mu -h post to be ,erected, or the owner of the prem- ises in front of which such Dost r.nay be., to forthwith repair the ssme and. restore it to its original form; and if such repairs are not made within 24 hours a.ftf-r such notice has been given, it shall be the duty of -m1h of Streets to immedistPllr there— after re ove sir•h tent, broken or injured post. of the City of AIlaheiM Sec. 9 All ordinances car parts of ordinancesYn conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shR11 bP dPPmed guilty of a rlisdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof f -,hall be pnnish?b1P by a fine ad? not Pxceed.i ng fift;,- dolD-irss, or by imprisom.ent in the City Jail for a period not exceF--ding Vienty-five days, or by both sitch fine and ir►prison}Ie"It. sec. 11. The, City clerk 5YiP,11 certify to the passage of this ordinance qnd nqus;e the same to be publish --d once in the orange nounty Plaindealer, a weekly newspaper of gPneral circulation print Pd, public head aisd e7irclllated in said "ity of Anshein, and thereupon it shgll take effect =end. be in full for.cP. i -5p M -i -k -- President of the Board of TI' Llstees of the city of Anaheim. I hereby ieTtify that th- foregoing; ordinanrP was introdun.ed at �:i mo-oatin- of the Board of Trilstf-Ps of thi- City of Anallt°im o8 the 26th doer of. November, 1909, grid thpt it wns duly passed at a reg,llar c4z-' meeting of saie- Roam of Trustmes held on thr th day of Dpr%e `ober, 1909, by the follo iirg vote,: AyPt3: Noes: T ""urthor r,ertif`f thRt the President of. said Board of Trusters signed the Same on the Mth eiay of DeormbPr, 1909. ^,jerk of said City of Anaheim, ORDINANCE NO. 220 (not adopted January 27, 1910 - Ordinance introduced February 24, 1910 - Ordinance withdrawn Subject: An ordinance calling a special election in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange. State of California, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City a proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness to pay the cost of certain street work in said city, the cost of which will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said city. F i I ed... ......... . ::pity Clerk Richard Melrose ATTORNEY Anaheim, California 'Iaonn p1Eq a uaaq seg -.IOhT *M I IN THE S E I ®R COURT of the County of ra e, State of California. State of California, ss. Count of Orange . l �_ _being first duly sworn, deposes and says:tatnd all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and wduring all said times the principal clerk of the printer and pubThe Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year pr ceding the first publication of the notice herein y mentioned; that the 'J N%K Q.4, t �S of\which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least._ k commencing on the day of 19�•� and ending on le day of c 19�.O., both days inclusive, and as often during aid time as sai news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of —19C..Q Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. a �ai�an�jsuoa si gaiapaTQ aaopo u0sp Ordinance No. An Orlf :3a zcp, ate and -i lg certain SCCtIlOnS 01 0.7t inanUC No. 54 of tho City of Aima lna, eniitfed "An Ordinance providing :or a sy tern for thy; a asi:-,s-anent, anti Collection of City taxes fct tile City of A to �.hel:n," and add- ing certain new sections thereto, The e B oil el of I -u l ;f the Ci=:y of Ana - h door l�an s f rl a tion 1. .'feat he-,io'k 33 of Ordinance. ,''i o. ^4, emitted "An or;tinai,ce ,,roc idir_i, ftii a systern t,.: the ass ss.,lenf, levy and co(lec- t;oa of city ? 777 n. !7iri, anti ill't ill'date t acre, .e r ➢ :a: _c s Section Tin tseclron . air avid :h_ sane is ,s fou oa ..: ,,.'icon t1. TE, w.sl,.! , -.novo, as ii provid- 1 for that pug oww ello,r le: errai n of f t i b >I c> - r.ou a a' s 'r f in til.. of ig In ,! o t, the date ill h " S , i,r ti -It it vias sof i to the C- y, t - i 0. nt for w( ich it y :s su a a)d r as reg lolly 11"Inilier the d<se ipYions I— t!,I, t = box SVela i3l, (i;at t to ,: Peclaon, without fee, du ing oft(_( 110;; When not inactrailuse. 1 5__tioh 9. Th it Se -ion45 f ,.!iti O- -anal I a No.54 be and the, same is hereby a nerided to re,.ld as follows: -ctioa-l5 Arecaen pti:rl of lh c PrOPerty 1 d Id s_:d in,,y l,( .n..d_ i ace oy,or urv. party <inter(st Avitbiyclis'ft Ira ,+( o the sale ac til- -s , or at uf tne r_c;r..to tira ei r e of sa ! !.;,i by tile. C. iiv in til-: n a-.:: r a -ndc.d t.y 9c( cin 76 of l:hrs Ora; -11ce. 1. t t .ctiopllf. "i'ha. Sect' a lr of rid Ordi o i.<.r...e i4 o. 54 be and i'Ile same : 1aer..',y amen ? t cdt_� rend as follows: t S. cfion 47. Redemption en," t b- rn:ide to l neCri, 1.f asnrcron at,stiinne furnished 1 ray *!.e. City C tea in 1•i a. ui money of -tile �, 3i hatted ,St..:�s„md tthe Trea: urer must:account to the C (y for all moneys received undcrsacha int alt n s do 1 i! That Section 49 of said Ordhnanee bo t1 n i:id the same is h(ii-eby mended o i i' follows;f Section 13. if the propertys not redeemed t y i -hm the time oflow ed h his Ordinance for e i,� redemption, til( t tarsh r, or his successor in off;( asst inf,ke tic r::ity a d .h of I r ap �, y reciting in such (leed the panne or 1 t -.u. pea n sessed (wh in t down) the c i 1 (t sale a descrrp on of the land sold, tile mount for whirb it was sold, d, that it was sold for delinquent taxes, givbig: the assessed value 1 ,,d the year of assessment, the time when rile I ,ight of redemp',aon had expired, and ibat no ; person has redeemed the property in the tinge adoj,cd by law for its redemption. No charge shilL be made by the Ma sl al for tine making1 ofanysuch decd,endthe acknowledgment of 1 - of all such deeds troxv be. taken by any officer urthorized by taw to faks the acknowledgment ` of deeds. All such deeds shall be recorded -a I ” the office of the County Recorder of Orange 1 County, and tui costs of recording the same I r s!aali be paid by the Cit Y. The City shall p a vide uniform oar ik deeds upoi which all con I vey lac s to tilt. City unde the pro . i ions of I i thissection shall be made. secro112 'IlaatSocton49ofs idOrumance� No 54 b� and tile satue is hereby alae aded to 1 read is follows: 1 Section 4O. The matter recited in the cert ff- cat_ of sale must be recited in the (level, and such deed, duly acknowledged cc oroved, is primary evidence ter at: 1. Tile property gas assessed as required by law. 2, 111e property was eq.,efi•.ed as regu red by law. 3. 'File taxes were levied in accordance with lay. 4. Tile taxes w ae not paid. 5. Ain proper time and place tile PrOPe-ty wassoldas prescribed by law, and by the _proper rfficcr. j 6. •r h-, properly was not redeemed. 7. 1 l e person who e c -cu ted the deed was I thea proper officer. o. Where the real estate was sold to Pay to res on, personal propel ty, that the real est ire b ion- ech to the person liable to pay the tax. Such deed, duly ackno xiedged c proved, is !except as aba:u fi -actual fraud) c n lusive eo 'den ' of the refs tarit y of all Other proceed 'lags, trona the assessment by -lie assessor, in clt;srve, uta to the execution of the deed. Such i Bleed conveys to the City tae absolute title to th t'ro i _ rty desr ribo 1 therein, free of all incutr i ane -s r. c .,';t wl ira .� land is owned j by tile i�nrr .d t. t. s, or oil State. j Seth n 3. hat a new s-ction be added to : said Ordinance No. 54, to beck^.lir gated as Sec- tion 49"; ,which .eciien shall read as follows: section 49%. The assessment boot or de I Ii ,qne it hs , o ora y there of cc ti xd b, the C Ky Clerk, ! sh yon- unpaid taxes - as air an person ar property, is pr 'n,a facie l i( fat( 01 r tli,,, assessment, the property asse.^sed, tie de- linquency, the amount of taxes line and uta- i paid, and that all the forms of 1a•r� in relatlasa to the a o smen and levy of such falces have been complied with. Sec 14 That Sc'tion 70 of sad Ordto c No M he and th.e same is h; reb a amen(1ed to j read a s follows; Section 70. It shall be the duty of file blar- shag, within thirty days after the sale of any land for dtlinayoeht tax -es, to-- City o furetisia to illi City Clerk a complete. list (a£ 11 such lands ��o said. and thereupon the Clertisieall enter upon the, ssessment of the cfrrentpear, iminediate- ry loot Tile des ria :i, : of tile, ,r n� ri-y, the cell. f illi Pr open ty ba, been sOld for sixes, and the date of such sale. I Section 15. 'flat Section 71 of said Ordi- nance No. 51 be acid the same is hereby amended to read as foiiows: 1 S:: c. 71. Any taxes, penalties and ca::ts, Paid ' more tl: ,n once, or erroneously Or iih '"ally c31lec+cd, may, by order of the Board of Trus- t es, be refunded by the City Tro-lsursr. . When tha^ Marshat discovers tlrst any Proper- ty lxiap; been assessed more. than once for the m, - c. -a, la crust collect only t1:( tml f.,stl, due, and make return of tl acts, v ider affidavit to the City Clerk, who shall, when directed to do so by the Board of Trustees, ��r_gncel-o'n'e of §aid erroneous or double assess - by an entry ill the margin of the asee,s. -niem bock, and also on the delinquent list, should such erroneous cr double assessment Abe c^r.:ied there'll. If file property assessed under suell erroneous or double a: Bess mei.t jam bgec�} ""s 1d, nmol a�ertiiicate or deed there- forhas d such facts ,shall be certi- fled to the L;oar olTrustees by the Clerk and Marshat. and thereupon the Board of Trustees On 1-1d CitMo. of f i. �_'ii a 1 i d (a ..•c a c➢ is t (h �c1 erld _as o+ eL�. air ,i siondat d ' lar. a in .h y - That a new Section ill sodded to ra n di,iaiicc No. 51, to be do i.. . d a; i 74, w� rt .d il,; lohlov< : ""I ; or a.. rivets h, th,: on I11., wrktea (trier „art) a( us , bi s i D sib a a" a sar, x an_ t: 1 • ,roc:_ the o fi_. t , 1 naade a:, d pi"or to the . lc ford. 1:.a- as(s: a i i �.,�`era. ,,.e Inti- ;:a, eivar or het t c a. r �d int, a do a it.c a list tl. <of, til lost ia_ lie c=t ,ii," ce„it•.�- ora thaseof ro fl hs r u "(- f ,._ ••3,[ , at.<.::_, t a i"i, r , lint. rats *ri^r its c s i •.-.illi. pe h.,, ern,:n .std for ,wT l sc: thing ;It o3 Xt ret�trng • c,li c o of a4 Y taxes is il- eg;.d on lac count of infortnaahify c. I-ca�,,e the ria.. ",t �: s stat completed :'with n rhe time re- bir d by law nor eua the (ty rr,;htand ,ow < to f v y u_c coal t t c s he xf f a ;•fished by1.irity 0f Sec. 23. Sect; -2 of s_eitl Ordinance a-54 be and he ;arae is hereby anieticied to ni as follows: Sec 2"t T Board of d r a sle iunst, on tile o ir(i Thursday lay iia AiSi of c:a h yet fix 1 e. t ivy c; rat per c nturh, of t.ixes ley td o • i 1, lnnnicitT t pulppa , s to carry on the. va- ;,w dcprrYt'a i a., of the City of Anaheim for fit, ,lament yc h do sir.nathafg the numbed 1,1;I0, i f s of pr:),)cr ty eyi d for "left fund, teat o exceed in the ag- ate f(.r such t.ur'ito,.'es the Hilton fixed by flow. Sec ;I Tia+rSecticn'1 of said Ordinance No. 1 be. a,�id the sane ,s hereby amended to Ce::d'iS ollows: S: c. 24. Within fell d^ :after the receipt of the assessment book tae Marshal must pill' - i,11 a notice specifying t rat the taxes on all nett -on i propet sect ..I by real property ind on zit real ptoPcrty will he due and Pay- able en the first Monday it, 0cctober and will be dc.ingeent on tire, Last Monday in Novem- ber n -t then �.fter at 6 a clock I NL, and that ml ss paid prior ticr(o ten )e cent will be added to kite amount til r (of, :an(h also suecify- rr tili'al 1d f tae t .arch payment of ta.ce s Vii - y lie inade se > r That at tion 40 of said Ordinance No e,4 be and tho sam(ireby amended to read as follaw Sec i,) On t1 fast Monday of Novembea of caelt year, of 6 o'clock P. M. all taxeS then unpaid are del n nen and thereafter the Near li,I shall coded, for the use of the city. a^ add;ton of tenper con t th reora, together tonal s *rr offix°y cents on incl lot, piece or tr c pa rte lv assesses and or each ..sennun nt of personal pro, e'ty so de bncla 1t Sec- r6 That ii new Section be added aid O( lr_ ai e a. rt t� 1 c d a, bated a Secteor ) r a ii x- rt a i shall read 9s follows Sec Stu l i S cci ns ,7, 39, 40 4l, 43 and 4� of s r d (-P,-dbe:tnco No it be and the -Game ar, herehyrepe?�t, fetal ill City ordinances and part: of o d frau-n of t-a.^of Anaheim, in cora flirt w. th til. to oy isiori,d of this ordinance ars hereby repealed. Tlie C ty C 1 -rk ball certify to tine passag, of this c _din ince. and cause the sarneto b, publi,hed once in the Orange County Nib Deal :r Ia weekb, newpager of general circa inrio a;ntec (ir�ra,d and civcuiated in sail City ofAna icim, and thereupon it shall talc effect and be in frill force. CHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, l bolely celt3y that the foregoing ordi nance ui-.oduced at it meeting of th Bc rd cr Tiu_ r es of the City of Anahein hew on il(•_ tlth a y of January, "AM, and the it vas iitj L f ed at a rc itdae meeting of.:ai Board o 'T'rtees held on the 141th day c Fcbra(a y t` 1u It y the following vote: Aye hi...,.cesRust, Stock, Gates,Kroegc rd 1..cwz . Noes: None. 1 further c- ,tify that 'lie President of sal Board of ,l,reistees si_yncd the same on said lilt day or f ebr 1 ry, MD. L.DWARD B. Ml RR1TT, , cSeal �- City Clerk of said City i �-,— 1t of Anah_.im. ,d a✓c los 1 C, } qlr olw1 fi:. ,si ta. .ista rr as trucxees of eIt U -a of ,inahcrm, r,ec.u:rw! a _ land is owned I c b i t is c.caiutt ordi- bv th (na _d ` .t s, or -Ilia State. non . e iu odu e 1 t a r'teetinn' of i1ae. Seer cn Iz. That a ne v sec be nddret to I Bi rd c Tsu t s of tile ('Ity of Anih im, Ile said Orda sc= -No. 54, to ed c- sil dated as Seheld on th^_ 7th ,p ry of S t tuacy DO, and t1lat tia�, 49 xa <ich section shall react zs lollot✓s: - it wits It I,, f a - c- at a r< radar meeting of ...cid Sec on 49iz✓. The assessment b > alk, or de- Board d a "5 e ties held oa the 10th day of i ,qul t lis" or""W" thereof, cert"ed by the hebrna Y, I`➢dq Ly the following vote: (,I;3' C _e.l , sh t-ir- nllpaid taxes �,er:t.,t n �yc . 'I i.,:,tees it list, Stock, ('ates,Kroehec' lersouor,1'rovett,• isPta~?tfa:ie vao-eaee e>a�ndk ti r as,c. Hent t'- propo iy asses sed, the de Noe None. bnquenty. the anavunt of taxes due and un I further c ..t�fY t17^:t the President of said l: aid, and that all the fo ms of la in relatioea Board of Tr is lees sIgmed the same on said ltlth to the ;SnWlll luld levy of such t _es have daycI r a r y, 19— been compWd ith. It,DtiJARD B. MERRITT, Sec 14. That Sc tio❑ 70 of sa.d Ordinae ce Seal City Clerk of said City No. 51 °,c and tl - sawn - is h.rr:rby amended to I ��.,._. it of Anaheim. read -is fo120ws: Sec, ion 70. It shall be the duty of the Mar- --- - -- - shal, within thirty days after the sale of any Land for delin+ryuenY i'as `s, to furnish to the Gii_v Cl,-,,_ka complete list of ,M such lands so sold, and thereupon the Clel k shall enter noon .the assrssment of the currentyear, immediate- ' p- ,ftes the del ri e .o;'- of the pro.p.`rd-c the - i Naai said las open I v hz;been soca for 'taxes, 'Ind t' , dste of such sale. Sect -ra 15. That Section 71 of said Ord:- ❑ttc. TQo. 51 bes..d the sane is hereby aluended to read as follows: I Sec, 71. Any taxes, penalties at"ll costs, paid snore thud once, or I rroneou+iy or flic t"apy . c_31!jc.._a, may, by order of the Board of Trus- t he. refunded by the City f'ea-asurer. \When the Marshal discovers that any proper- t,,r ha" been asses sed more than once for the i I-ast collect only I- L>:ti a `sal- -due and m t, return of t1j,, tots, under affidavit to the City G. -rl:, v. htr shall, when directed to to so by th.e Board of Trustees, ..cancel one of ""aid erroneous or double assess- .mczNs by an entry in the margin of the assess,, tnetit book, and also on the delinquent fist, sho!aid n such erroneous or double assessmet. be carried thereha. If the arn£erty assessed: under such erroneous or double assessment has been sold, and a certificate or dead ther�- :for has been issued, such facts shall be certi- tied to ti=.e Board of-i'rnstees by the Clerk "110 :5iarshal, and thereupon the Board o, 'Trustees •hai.l author'; e the Clerk to cancel such doable sse.:sment, ceriificale arvd' provided, no ic,uceilation of an erroneous or doid)!O assess 'anent shall be made in aay case until the ta1,s penalties and costs upota one, of such a","'ss menu shall have b:-..ra paid. If the Iti5arshae discovers before tlae sale that c�a rccea_tt c irrezillar assessment, or of ,illy other error any land ought not to be sold, he must not of fer the same for sale; and the Board of Trus teeu s must crse the assessor to enter the un collected taxes upon the assessment book o the next succeeding year to be collected a other taxes entered thereon. t Sec. 16. That Section 72 of said Qrdinanc i. Ordinance No. �2_ An ordinance amendirZ certain, se^tions of Ordinance No. 54 of the lity of Anpheirm, entitled 9An ordinance providing for a system for the assessment, levy and odillection of City taxes for the "ity Of' cw t R , Rte" Xv , The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as folows : Section 1. Tint Sention 37. of Ord.innnre No. 54, entitled "An o rd.irrancP providing for g system for the assesSa :,ent , levy and ool— lpotion of city trues for the City of Ar,aheyim,,I passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the.'"ity of Anaheim on ^ebru^ry 126th, 1881i, as amended. by Ordinance No. 148, adopted dune Fi3, 1903, be and the, sa.rle is Yir-reby 9.mendPd to read as follows: Sec. 33. On or before the third Sgturday in De^_.ember of each y--nr the Vprshal crust publish the delinquent list, which roust con tairr the na;nes of the persons and a c1escrir,tion of the property d.plinqupnt, and the amount of taxes, penalties and costs due, oppo- .� ite ean?i. rl`lr,P and dpscr-Jption, with the taxes due on personal pro— perty added to the. taxes or, real-stnte, where the real estate is liable therefor, or the several taxes are due from the same person. ;;eetion That Section 34 of said Ordinance No. 54 be and the same; is hereby Pmended to read as follows: Sea. .34. The Marshal must append and publish with the d.elin went list a notice thAt unless the taxes delinquent, -together with the. costs�And pema.lties, are paid, the real property6upon which such taxes are a lien will be sold. Section 35 of sai3 Ordinar^,e 110. 54 be And the same is herebynamended as foll011;8: pec. 85. The publication must be made once a week. for three successive weeks, in s olne ne,7s p,9per, or suppip.tient thereto, published in the ;"ity. Sec. 4. That Section 36 of said Ordinance No. 54 be grid the is hereoy amended to read ns follo7s: sp^t `o, 36. The publi^goon .oust desiZnate t11e cny anc7 hour --Then the property ?mill, by open tion of 1a; -r, be cold to the City, whi^h sale must not be le—.,m; than twenty --one nor more than tiventy— ei?ht days from the. ti?;e of the first publication, and the place shall be thn in the Marsh, -11's office. Sec. 5. That a. net,�! section be added to said ordinance No, 54,, to be d0Sj nate(l Sen 30 l j P . whi^h sect -.;Lon sh2.11 read as follows Sec. iii 1` �1�'1he ,,', �r.sh�l, as soon as lie has ;n^de they p�ial�ca— t.i:�n regitired .in Sections 33, 7A, 35 and 36 of this ordinance, must file i1ritil'Jity ^lerk of said lity and the County Recorder of the "o�zrty of Orange respectively, a copy of the publication, -rith an affidavit ?ttpkilled thereto that it is 2 true copy of the, same; that the publi^=tion Was ill�de in a. or supplement thereto, statin- the np�'".e, nnl place' of j3ll l-,J'`Ptlon and the. date ofea?cil = p— �F,n.rran^e, x.hich affidavit is primary evidence of all the facts atated therein. St~c. r3. T?lnt ; c,ot ox< of .said Ordin:lnee Eo. 54 be and. the sa:-,,e, is 1herFby ai--�,,end.ed to read. a.- follolvs: Sec. 33. On the day and hour fixed for the s?le,all the property delinquent, upon -Thich the taxes of all kinds, penalties and co,, -As ;lave not bP,P,n paid, tlliall by operation of lau and tile. declaration of the Marshal, be sold to the lity, and. said Marshal shall make an entry, "Sold to the City" on the delinquent assessment list, op— posite the -tax; provided, however, that the owner or person in pos— sesFsion of any property offered for sale for taxes due thereon may, prior to the sale of su^,h property, py the taxes, penalties a.nd costs due. The ka.rshal shall be credited with the amount of said sales in his settlement madefpursuant to section of this ordinance. sec. 7. That Section 4F of said Ordinance Pio. 54 be and the same is hereby emended to read as follOWS: Sec. 42. The Yprshal ;��ust make out a certificate of delinquent tax sale for each piece or tract of land sold, dated on the day of .;t=sting !when kno Tn) the. name of the person ao,ses;;ed, a des— cription of the land sold., that it ,ras s.old for rtelinglient taxes to the City of. Anaheim, nnd riving the amount and year of the assess- ment, ssess-gent, and specifying 7hen the. "ity dill be entitled to a deed. Such certificate must be signed by the Marshal, re-ulArly numbered in a boom, and the book must be filed in the office of the County Recor- der, and 77hen so .filed, �rith the Recorder's fill*ni on ea^h certifi-- date in said book it must be re a.rdpd as recodd.pd. in the Fecord.er'.) office. The Torr^ of such nertifi^,ate, of sale and record book .hall be, the ,ante, as far as Rpplicable, ns that presecribed by the Stete -ctrollnr -°�lie.n land is sold to the State for delinquent taxes. In case of a redemption, or a subsequent sale of any of said property by the, (:iter, they Recorder must enter on the margin of tine certificate describing such property in said certif'icatf� book of record in his office the fact of sunk redemption or sale, giving the date thereof, and by whom redeemed. 41 ;ec. 8. Thpt Se^tion 44 of said Ordin?nlle leo. 54 be and the same is hereby amended to read as .follol!!s : Sec. 44. The Marshal must, in a book provided for that purpose, enter a O.F'£,cription of the, land sold., ^orrespondinr to the descrip— tion in the ori,!"rinRl asvessY e.nt roll, the date of the that it ^en sold to the "ity, the amount for which it r7as Mold, and must regularly number the descriptions on the margin of the book. Such book must be open to public inspection, without fee, during office hours, 7,Len not in actual use. SP 9. That Section 45 of stair Ordinan^e No. 54 be and. the same is hereby amended to read as follOWS: Sec. 45. A redemption of the property solei s ay be made by the o,7ner or =any party in interest, ,Vithin five years from the date of the sale to the 1,ity, or nt any time prior to the sale of said land by the City, in the manner provided by Section of this ordin— an^e. Sec. 10. That Section 47 of said Ordinance No. 54 be and the same is hereby amended to read as folloz�rs : 'Seo. 47. Reden:tItio 1 ;nest be made to the city Treasurer on an estimate furnished by the pity Clerk, in lawful money of t ;e United St-tes, Pnd. the Treasurer must account to the. "ity for all moneys; received under such redemption. ..a..;4 71 Seo. 11. Th,,t Se^tion 43 of said. Ordinance No. 54 be and the same is hereby amended to, read as foilo1^rs: -:2p-. 48. If thr, property is not redee"Red wit11in the tiitle, allow- ed 'L -,y this ordinarce for its redemption, the Lr a.rshPl, or his su^- it office, rust m,,,ke the "ity a deed of the property, re -Jt - 4 ig _ ed the of the person assessed ( when kno-ri , `t d=ate of sale, a descript on of the land sola., lulnnoLnoullt for wrLli^i; it •,ass sold, that it 'ass sold for ielinquent taxes, giving the as ;esseri value and the year of a.s:,n� n��nt , the time when the right of redemption had expired, and that no Person has redeemed the pro pPrty -n t11e ti: ie '.allo :ped. by D-7 dor its redemption. No charge shall be. innde by the I6Prslial for the fnaking, of any such deed, and. the acknowledgment of all such deeds may be taken by any off'iaer author - i led. by 19.1v to take the acknowledgment of deeds. All mioh deeds shall be recorded in the offi.^,e of the 11.ounty ire^order of Orange County, and the costs of recording the same shall be paid by the City. The City gLall provide uniform blank deeds upon which, ll conveyances to the City under the provisions of this section_shAll be made. Sec. 12. That Section 49 of said Ordinance No. 54 be and the ,mire is hereby Pr.ended_ to read Ps follows: Sec. 49. The matter recited in the certificate Of sale must be recited in the deed, arid. such deed, duly acknowledged or proved, i:, primal zry evidence that : 1. The property eras asses,::ed ris required, by law; The property VIRS equalized Ps rewired by law; 3. The taxes were levied in ac^ordance uaith law; 4. The taxes were not pPid.; 5. At P proper time and plaie the property 'gas sold as pre- scribed by law, and by the proper officer; F. The property Teras not red,°emed; 7. The :person who executed, the deed Trras the proper officer; i P. rhe.re t I a e real estate qaf, :,;01(°j to pay t?x.es on persona1 1)r0— nerty, th?t the real estate belonged to the person liablo to pay the ta.x. d.eed., dul-y a^,k.no,?7ledged or proved, is ( exre :t as a_;ainst actual fraud) conclusive evidence of tl.,e re-iil, rity of all other pro^eedings, from the assessment by the assessor, incimsive, up to the execut _-on of the d.flr 9d . a^'^ d.eed ^orzvoys to the City the absol- ate title to the -property described therein, free of all incumbran— ces, except 17hen the land is owned by the United States, or this ,pit te. Sec. 13. Thgt a nei,7 section be added to sair9. Ord.ina.nce No. 54, . to be designated as section 49 1/2, ,,!hinh section shall rear as folio -s: ei. 49 l/2. The assessment lis#Txa gook, or .-,I,elinquent list, or ^opy thereof, certifir�d by they 'Ility Clerk, showings unpaid taxes ^Us.inst f=z�y person or property, is prima facie evidence of the ass- 10 ss- .a F' 11Pllt , the property aS: E'S e(i , the, (Inlinnl.tPl-i-jr, the pirount of taxez due and unpaid, and that all the forms of lame in relation to the assess;nent and levy of such taxe:> h qv P been corlplied with. and the same hereby Sec. 14. That Section 70 of s?id. Ordinance No. 54 be amended to .read as follo7rs: Sec. 70. It shall be the duty of the Marshal, within thirty days after the sale of any land for delinquent taxes, to furnish to the City Clerk a complete list of all such lands so sold, and thereupon the Clerk shall enter upon the assessment of the current year, iry pdiately after the description of the property, the fact that said property has been sold for taxes, and the date of such sale. Sec. 15. That Section 71 of said Ordinance No. 54 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 71. Any taxes, penalties and costs, paid more then once, or erroneously or illegally collected, xray, by order of the Board of Trustees, be refunded by the city Treasurer. When the Marshal discovers that any property hqs been as essed more than once for t'_=aQ same year, he must ,.ollent only the tax justly due, and make retjiTr: of tii fay^ts, undor affidavit to the City Clerk, who shall, •]i�;ri a-irected to do s o by the Board of Trustees, cancel one of said erroneous or double assessments by an entry in the ma.rgin� of the wr . assessment book, "and also on the'delinquent.list, should such er- roneous or double be oarried therein. If the. property a.sses.Fd ender .ia^]: erroneous or double as. in 1, leas been sold, r+i1d- a certificate or deed therefox• hay, been issued, SUCK facts shall ;e certified to the oard of Trustees by the Clerk and 1,11ar shal, and t%l.f'r?t1iiOTm the1_30 rd of Ttufiteds shall ?m.lt]loriT!` t1le 1.lark to Camel such double pssesti-TIent, ner.tifica_te, or c?eed; provided, no Cancells- tion of an erroneous or double acose::s;nrrit s.Zall be made in .any oase u. -,til thy' t-xes, penalties and ^osts 1.l.pon one, of suf7tl1 ?ssessments shall have been paid. If t'he d.i.snovers before the sale that on ao-iount of irregular assessment, , or of any other. error, 4'n+ o>> ht not to be sold, he. mu t not offer the same for sale; and the Board of Trustees must o=muSe. the asses. --or to enter the uncollected taxes upon the assessment book of the next succeeding year to by iollented- as other taxes entered thereon. X sec. lei. That Section 72 of said Ordinance No. 54 be and the sn-qe is hereby amended to read as folloINTs: ;e^,. _72.�hen land is sold for taxes correctly imposed as the property of a particular person, no misnomer of the owner, or sup- posed owner, or other mistake relating to the. o1Arnership thereof, affects tYie sale, or renders it void or voidable. Sec. 17. That section 73 of said 0rdina ace No. 54 be and the came is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 73. In case property assessed for taxes is pdLrch2sed by the City, pursuant to the provisions of Section 38 of this ordin- an^e, it shall be assessed each subsequ(nnt year for taxes, until a. deed is made to the "ity therefor, in t]me same manner as if it had not been purohased. In case an assessment is made under the provis- ions of this section, Prod the lands are not redeemed from a previolzs sale had under section 48 of this ordina.n^e, no sale shall be had under the nssessment aut'zori?e,d by this section. Sec. 18. That Section 74 of: said ordinance No. 54 be and the some is hereby amended to read, as follows: Sec. 74. In case Property is 2,01d to the "ity Pursuant to sec- tion 38 of this ordinance, and is subsequently assessed pursuant to Ue^tion 73 of t?iis ordinance, no person shall be permitted to re- deeM from such sale, except upon pay;dent oi' the amount of all taxes, costs, fees, penalties ^nd interest then due and unpaid for each and every yeiar, in^luriing the year of sale and all subsequent as�- es :,anent s . Sec. 19. That Section 75 of said Ordinni'l,e, NO. 54 be and the sa;::e is hereby amended to read as f011071s: Sec. 75. �ijienever property sold to ,the City, pursuant.to the --rovision . of this ordinan,ie, shell be redeemed as herein Provided, the moneys received on a.a^ount of suoil redemption, including; the original and subsequent taxes, and percentages, penalties, cost and interest, shall be paid into the treasury for the use and benefit of the city. Sec. ^0. That, Section 76 of said Ordinance No. 54 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follo!jrs: Sec. 76. In all cases .;here real estate has been sold, or may hereafter be sold, for delinquent taxes to the City, and the City has not disposed of the same, the person whose estate, has beer, sold, or may hereafter be sold, his heirs, exeeutors,,administrators, or other successors in interest, shall, at any time after the same has been sold to the city, and before the City shall have disposed of the same, have the right to redeem such .real estate by payling to the City Treasurer the amo:t.nt of taxes, penalties and costs due thereon at the time of said sale, with ir,terest on the a;g;rer;pte amount of said taxes at the rate of ,seven per Cent per annum; and also all taxes th=at --*ere a lien upon said real estate at the time saidtars t}erne (('1 ngl�.ent ; ani also all unp?id. tpxes of every des^ription assessed agg.nst the property for each year since the gale; or, if not so assessed, then upon the value of the property as assessed in the year nearest the time o€ such red tiol�O" v,� .Soo intere t f'ro i the f_.rst day of July following eac7i of said years, ri- ,spe-ntively at the same rate, to the time of' redemption; and also P11 oosts and expenses of suci; redemption, and penalties as follows, -LTi t h to—wit: Ten per ^ent, if redeemed i n six months from the date of rale; t^-enty per cent, if redeemed within one year therefrom; thirty per cent, if redeemed within two years therefrom; forty per cent, if redeemed within three years therefrom; forty—five per neat, if red�.enlect 7ithir. four year::, therefrom; and fifty per ^,Frit, if re— deemed within five or any greater rnvnber of years therefrom. The penalty shall be (;omputed i3pon the amount of each year's taxes in the tiMP then til(' 1?n(is `"Toul.ri heve been ,old for the taxes of that year, if there 11?d been no previou,' rale thereof. The "ity "leek ohall, on the aY>1%lication of the Person de— siring to redeem, m2ke gyri estimate of the amount to be paid, and. shall Live Iiiii, clupli^.ate ^ertificates of the amount, specify -ng the several aino!ints thereof, whi^h certificates Ehall be delivered to the "ity Treasurer, together 'lith the ,1oney, and the. 'ryity Treasurer shall give 'duplicate receipts writter, or endorsed upon said certi-, ficates, to the redemptioner, rlho shall deliver one of said receipts to the "ity "lerk, tnking his receipt therefor. The pity Treasurer shall settle, for .gll the moneys received as for other*.�itlr.mQneys,.:..4 Upon the payment of the money specified in said certificate, and theivir.g of the reoeipts aforesaid by the Treasur er and ^lerk, any deed or ^ertifi^ate of sale that rr.ay have beer, made to the lity shall be^ono, null and void, an(1_ all right, title and interest ac— q:j.ired by the lity, under and by virtue of the tax ?le, shall cease a.nd (Ieter_mine. The. re^eipts of the pity Treasurer grid pity "lerk :nay be recorded ir: the ";ou.nty Re^,order's office of this; county, in the book of deeds, nnd the re -lord thereof shall have the Veme effect rF as tint of ? deed of^onveyrince of the, internst lonveyed by su.-Ih deed or oertifica.te of sale. Sec. ^1. That 'Section 77 of said Ordinance No. 54 The and the same is hereby Amended'to react As follows: ;e 77. Every tax has the, effect of P juci.,:_;ment n;ainst the, person aid every lies; created by this ordinance has the force and, effect of ^.n execution levied aZ`iinst all property of the delin uent; thr. jud;.;ment i^ not sptisfird nor the lien rei^oized until the taxes rare ppid. or the property sold for t. ie payment thereof. FVery tax clue upon person^1 .roperty io, r� lien upon the real property of the owner thereof, fro;, nnd. after 1,' O'clo^•k Y. of the. first Monday in 1, in i n pn^.h yF,ar. ''very tax upon real property is--, n lien >;_,ninst t'_ -.e riroperty assesses.; and every tax ixp ax due upon improvements on rP€1, d to ''othk;rs than tyre o et'd-O ' is a lien upon the land Prd improvements; ^evera.l liF,ns n.tt,:)f,h ns of ti,e first fi ond.ny of ILI^rch in Pa h year. neer Se^. <^:�. Thin: ASect _or; IS be, adr.':ed_ to spid OrdirP- r_,7e. Aro. 54, to be Section 70, •,hi^h Sectio�i shall read as follo:rs: sec. 78. Omit -cions, errors or C,efents in the fors, of any orig- iLinle.:_ int or assec:,srce„t book, vrhere it cPn be-,siiert i.ned therefrom ,-rh`?t ,Tp.s intended, racy, on the written order of. the Bo -.rd of `rt? ltee.,, be ippl-Let', by the as:,essor, at any tine -fter the ori- iri�l ?n,,!. prior o vale for (ielinquent taxes: and when the ommission, error or defe^.t has been carried into a Ielinq tent list or ary publination thereof, the list may be pub- fished as amended or notice of the :,orreotion tijereof m -y be riven in a supplementp.l publication, to be made in the spme manner as the orir~,inal leu 71i^nt;ion nrd for riot le:,s t?�^.n one x?ek. But no as .P,,=inert or act relntin!, to assessment or collection, of city taxes u. is illeg=)1 on ?^^oiint of informality or be.e i e the same .mai; riot completed -ithin the time required by lqw; nor ^a.n the, " ]ity l s right in (1, pol.wer to levy and collect taxes be extinguished by any irregu- larity of proceeding 711-Intever. Sec. 22. That Section ,^-2 of said. Ordinan^e N5. 54 be and the, sprue is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec . 22- The Board. of Trlist Pe.s must, on the fourth Thursday^ f each year, fix the levy, or rate per centum, of taxes levied for all nunir.ipal purposes to curry on the various departments of the lity of Anahei*n for the -.urgent year, d.esign?ting the number of cents on each one hundred dollPrs, of property levied for each fund, not to exceed in the aggregate for such purposes the limit fixed by 1n -,v. Sec. 24. That Section 24 of :;aid. Ordinance No. 54 be and the same is hereby amended to read. as folloTs: Sec. 24. "Tithin ten dLays after the .receipt of the asses ment book the Mare alK must ,publish a. notice .opec«ify1 tg that =tae 4 >;A ° . , all personal property ;_,ecured by real property and on all real pro- perty gill be due and payable on the first 1°onday in October and grill be delinquent ori the last ,ionday in November next thereafter at 6 o'clo^.k P. M., and that unless paid prior thereto ten per cent will be a.ddp, to thn rtmount tlIPreof, and also specifying the time and. place at which payment of taxes may be made. That Section 30 of said Ordinance No. 54 be and the sa,re is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 30. On the last Monday of November of each year, at 6 o' -look P. W., all tF,,xes then unpaid are delinquent, and theresaftnr the Marshal shP.11 collect, for the use of the city, an addition of ten per cent. thereon, together with an additional sum of fifty rents on each lot, piece or paamnl tract separately assessed., and on Path rise ,sment of persor,.a_1)roperty so delinquent. Sec. 26. That a new Section be added to sa.icl. Ordinance No. 54, . to be designated no Section 30, whi-11 section shall read as follows: Sec. 80. That Seotions 37, 39, 409 419 43 and 46 of said Ordin— r,n fa ho. 54 be and the sane are hereby rr-pealed_; that Rll ordinances and parts of ordinances of. the ",ity of Anaheim, in conflict with the provlsaon:, of this Ord..inanie, are hereby repealed. The Oity Olerk shell certify to the passage of this ordinance ^r'id. the In,PMe, to be, published. once, iri the '7rpnge. County P1g11i— dealer, a weekly ne,7spaper of general circulation printed, published and ciroulated in said. City of Anpheim, and thereupon it shall take e.r-i °ct and, be in full for -.P. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. 1 hereby certify that the fore:oing ordinance T7as introdu^ed at a meeting of the Board 'of-jrizste(:qq,-of the ^ity of-Anahe iri, field on the <7th nay of January, 1910, ^nd. th^t it ,,vas duly pPs:.;ed at a regular meetir:- of said Board of. Trustees held on the 10th day of February, 1910, by the/ followirnE vote: Ayes: Trustees Noes: L-f-ZII I further certify th=at trlo- PrPsident of said Board of Trustees si�nPd thy' , arne on said 10th d.Fr., of February, 1910. City nlerk of said. City of Ar-iaheir_i. :e<�1 4Xt C ------------------ --------------------- d0f XdU-101�y "'7vo IV-rgmvNv ' I A, ------------- ------------------ toffdu-tolly ---------------- .......... ------------ ...---.........--- -----68T .................. -----68T - ----------------------------------------------------------- fO XVP S-1-1,11 UVIJ�!M fO XITOJ Pda-IdDOU gUOPUdf-l([ ---- ------------------ ------- ff!�U-rvjj ------------ - fo di DIS ld2uv-to foclu"oo ToTiod-aS ................:..................0 X Ordinance No, 99. AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION. State of California, ) )ss. Co,;.nty of Orange, ) --- — — — —, — ——— of said County of Or.ang being duly sworn deposes and says as follows: That he is a citizen of the United States and at all th times hereinafter mentioned he was over the age of twenty one year ; That he is the printer of the Anaheim Independen-4, a w elly newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of A aheim County of Orange, State of Califorhia, That the ordinance of which the annexed is a printed cop was published once in said newspaper, to -wit, on the . !.�. day o Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of -September I894. Notary Publi /in and for Orange County California. Ordinctnce so. 9,9. � Ar fi9Y•dillaiiee Estahlisithi ' the 1 Crude; of Sycainore Street be- tvseeli East Street .and AYest bt k-1" also Estalilisll;iI the u i.ae of Los An; 'es Si set beg vha +511 the South Aide of tE i Street acid the Nortli Edge } 4s4North Street, .1l! s 7'stalllisli- i iii tlat; Width of Los Alleles 171 DAVIT Street Between the Soutli side of C% alter Street and the North j s:el is of Cypress Street, also Es- talel1. 'nail the width of Side- �i yvaiE:s» oii Los Angeles Street Oetvvecn the North side of Cen-'Mia$ ter Street and the Soutli side, of Cypress Street. 11909 The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do Ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the following grade points I. At the intersection of the center line of Sycamore street with the west line of East street the grade shall be 167.10 feet above the datum plaue. 2. At a point 167 feet west of the west line of East street, the ceTiter line of Sycamore street of PUBLICATION. )ss. i shall be 16-1.90 feet above the datum plane. of said County of Orang j 3. At the intersection of the center line of L --- - - - - -- Sycamore street with the center line of orange street, the grade shall be 161.90 feet above the datum plane. 4. At the ;ntersectionofthe center line of pses and says a8 follows: Sycamore street with the center line of Olive street, the g:•ade shall be 155.30 feet above the datum plane. 5. At the intersection of the center line of t i Z en of the United States Sycamore street with the center line of Los Angeles street the grade shall be 154.00 feet above the datum plane. 6. At the intersection of the center line of and at all t times Sycamore street with the center line of Lemon i he was over the age of twenty ori* year f street, the grade shall be 151.63 feet above the datum plane. 7. At the intersection of the center line of Sycamore �reetwith the center line of Palm jrinter of the Anaheim Independen , a w e$ly street• the rade shall be 147.60 feet above the ' / datum plane. 8. At the fnterseetion of the renter line of steestreet ,rlr rt the 1,,sOfeet above the;tblished and Circulated in the City of Anaheim datum plane. 9. At the intersection of the center line of Sycamore street with the centerline of West street, the grade shall be 133.92 feet above the �. datum plane. to of Cial.iiorhias SECTION 2. That the following grade points be established on said Los Angeles street: 1. At the intersection of the center line of Los Angeles street with the south line of Cen- ie of which the annexed is a printed copy was 'the datum plane. DLuI2 bo ]61 -SO Took ,..bo.•o li the datum plane. 2. At the intersection of the center line of Los Angeles street with the center line of Chartres street, the grade shall be 151.90 feet ;d newspaper, to -wit, on the ./. _0 • day o above the datum plane 3. At the inter,,section of the center line of Los Angeles street with the center line of Cy- press street, the grade shall be 152.40 feet above the datum pla,.e. 4. At the intersection of the center line of Los Angeles street with tpe center line of Adele street, tie grade shall be 153.20 feet above the datum plane, 6 A Me Intersection of the center line of / Los Angeles street with the center line of Syc- 7/ amore seet, the grade shall be 154.00 feet above thetrdatum plane. / 6. At the Intersection of the center line of''l - Los Angeles street with the north line f N th '- - - -"' - -" '-- - '-' - -'- street, the grade shall be 151.60 feet abo or ove the datum plate. y� SECTION 3. The width of Los Angeles street, to before me this from the south side of Center street to the U narth side of Cypress street, be 65.50 feet, that is, 37.75 feet each way from the center of said'. street. SECTION 4. That the sidewalks on each side [Taber 1894• of Los Angeles street shall be eight feet in width, between the north side of Center street and the south side of Cypress street. SECTION 5. That the grade of the sidewalk. on the west side of Los Angeles street between , m�L v the north side of Center street and the south y - - r i Side of Cypress street shall be as follows: Public in and for Orange At the north line of Center street the grade At the curb line shall be 151.40 feet above the y California. datum plane. Eric 0 t Quteilstreet, t,ergrade atthe thenc.Arb th line Shall be 151.61 feet above the datum plane. At a point 272.25 feet north from the north line of Center street, the erade at the curb line shall be 152-0.9 feet above the datum plane. At the south line of at the curb it.. Chartres street the eraae �b�„ � _ is Is, "i/.,O.Teel, street. SECTIO,, 4. That the sidewalks on each side of Los Angeles street shall be eight feet in width, between the north side of Center street and the south side of Cypress street. SECTION 5. That the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of Los Angeles street between the north side of Center street and the south side of Cypress street shall be as follows: At the north line of Center street the grade at the curb line shall be 151.40 feet above the datum plane. At 9, point 1815 feet north from the north line of Center street, the grade at the curl line shall be 151.61 feet above the datum plane. At a point 272.25 feet north from the north line of Center street, the erade at the curb line shall be 152.09 feet above the datum plane. At the south line of Chartres street the grade at the curb line shall be 152.09 feet above the datum plane. Between the north line of Chartres street and the south line of Cypress street, the grade shall correspond with the grade of Los Angeles street as established by this ordinance,- the curb line being the same grade as the center of the street. SECTION 6. That the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of Los Angeles street, between the north line of Center street and the south line of Cypress street, shall be as follows: At the north line of Center street the grade at the curb line shall be 151.40 feet above the datum plane At a point 108 feet north from the north line of Center street the grade at the curb line sh,11 be 151.81 feet above the datum plane. At a point 183 feet north from the north line of Center street the grade at the curb line shall be 151.81 feet above the datum plane. From a point 183 feet north from the north line of Center street to the south lino of Cy- press street, the grade shall correspond with the grade of Los Angeles street, as established by this ordinance; the curb line being the same grade as the center of the street. SECTION 7. All sidewalks on Los Angeles street shall slope from the curb so that the in- side of the sidewalk shall be 0.25 of a foot higher than the curb lines. SECTIONS. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause it to be published once In the ANAHEIM INDE- PENDENT, a newsp per printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall taxe effect and be in full force. CHAS, OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the :26th day of June, 1894, and that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 14th day of August, 1894, by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Trustees LEwIS, HELMSEN, CONRAD and 1\I WILLIAMS, That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed the some on the 23rd day of August, 1894. 1\I, NEBELUNG, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. W -- No An Ordinance Establishing; the Grade of Sycamore Street between East Street and West Street, also establishing the Grade of Los Angeles Street between the south side of Center Street and the north side of North Street, ,Iso Establishing the width of Los t( Angeles Street between the south side of Center Street and the north side ofax Cypress Street, also Establishing the width F' of sidewalks on .Los Angeles Street between the north side of Center Street and the south side of Cypress Street The Board of Trustees of the City of An.-sdieim do ordain as follows: Section, I ----That the following grade points be established ori said Syc: itiore Street. I, ---- At the intersection of the center line of Sycanjore Street with the crest line of East Street the grade shall be I67.10 feet above the datl:am plane; 2---- At a point I67 feet west of the west line of East Street the center line of Sycamore Street shall be I64.90 feet above the :Tatum plane; 3 ---=At the intersection of tt e Center line of Sycam_ere Street with the center line of Orange Street, the grade shall be I6I.90, feet above the datum plane; 4 ----At tha intersection of the center line of °Sycamore Street with the center line of Olive Street the grade shall be I53.30 feet above the datum plane; 5----- At the intersection of the center line of Sycamore Street with the center line of Los Angeles Street the grade shall feet be I54,00^above the datum plane,' S At the intereeetion of the center line of Sycamore Street with the center ling of T.iam^— c+..n.,; A.,_._ ____ ,_ I - feet above the datum plane; 5- At the intersection of the center line of Sycamore Street with the center line of Los Angeles Street the grade shall -feet be I54,00 above the datum plane; a -----At, the intersection of the center line of Sycamore Street with the center line of Lemon Street the grade small be 151.63 feet above the datrui plane; 7 ----At the intersection of the center line of Sycariiore Street with the center line of Palm Street the grade shall be 147.80 feet above the datum plane; 8 -----At the intersection of the center line of Sycaixiore Street with the center line of Citron Street the grade shall be I42.80 feet above the datum plane; 9 ----At the intersection of the center line of Sycamore Street with the center line of West Street the grade shall be 138.92 feet above the datum plane; Section 2---- That the following grade points be established on said Los Angeles Street: I ----At the intersection of the center line of Los Angeles Street with the south line of Center Street, the grade shall be 151 .40 feet above the datura plane; 2 ----At the intersection of the center line of Los Angeles Street vritn the center line of Chartres Street the grade shall be I5I.90 feet =above the daturi,. plane; 3 ----At tho intersection of the center line of Los Angeles Street iftth the center line of Cypress Street the grade shall be I52.40 feet above the datui�i plane; 4 ----At the intersection_ of the center line of Los Angeles Street with the center line of Adele Street the grade shall be 153.20 feet above ,the datum plane; 5 ----At- the intersection of the center line of Los Angeles Street with the center line of Sycamore Street the grade shall be I54.00 feet above the datum plane; 6 ----At the intersection of the center line of Los Angeles Street with the xw%k zxkixRxtx north line of North Street the ----.,z -cne intersection of' the center line of Los Angeles Street with the center line of Syca�iare Strut the �,raae shall be I54.00 feet above the datum plane; the intersection of the center line of Los Angeles Street with the gwxaxxkxxRxa north line of North Street the grade shall be 151 .60 feet above t re d:ati-m plane; Section 3 ----That the width of Los AnLeles Street, from the south side oi' Center Street, to the nortii side of Cypress Street, be 65.50, feet, that is 37.75, feet each way from the center of said street; Section 4 ----That the sidewalks on each side of Los Angeles Street,shall be eight feet in width, between the north side of Center Street and the south side of Cypress Street; Section 5 ----That the I.rade of the sidewalk on the west side of Los Angeles Street,between the north side of Center Street and tree soutfl side of Cypress Street�shall be as follows: At the north line of Center Street the grade at the curb line shall be 151.40 feet above the datum plane; At a point 181.5 feet north from the north line of Center Street)the grade Lit, the curb line shell be A � f feet above the al atim plane; At a point 272.25 feet north frau the north line of Center Street, the grade at the curb line shall be /cs Z.0above the 1T datum plane; At the south line of Chartres Streetthe grade at the curb line shall' -,be ��,� 1 0� W feet above the datum plane; Between the nortri line of Chartres and the south line of Cypress Street the grade shall correspond, with the trade of Los Angeles Street as establishes by this ordinance,th.e curb line being the same grade as the -center of -,the street; Section 6 ----That the grade of the ,s,i,dewalk on the east side of Los Angeles Street between tele north line of Center Street and the south ling: of Cypress Street small be is follows: At the north line of Center Street the grade at the curb line shall be 151 .40, feet above the datum plane; • At a point 108 :feet nort�i front! t se north line of Center Street the grade at the curb line Shall be /J-// 8/ feet above the dattuii plane; At a point I83 feet north from the north line of Center Street the grade at the curb line shall be/� %•�/ feet above the datum plane; From a point I83 feet north from the north line of Center Street to the south line of Cypress Street the -;rade shall cor- respond with ttie grade of Los Angeles. Street as established by this ordinance, the curb line beinf, the sar+;e grade as the center --*I of trie street; Section 7---- All sidewalks on Los Angeles Street shall slope from the curb so that the inside of the sidewalk small be 0.25 of a foot higher than the curb lines; Section 8---- The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause it to be published once in the .. -. . {�.( , .. a newspaper printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and there- after it, shell take effect and be in full force. — — — — — — — -.-: -Q-)Crz _Ct�"t--- President of the Board of T.ustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing; ordinance was introduced at a iieet11 the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,held on the ..�.I c... day of June I894, and that it was duly passed an,i adopted at a meetin of the B o ' Trustees of the City Anaheim,held on the ...�.' . _-. day of I894 by the following vote, Ayes, Trustees...`�:�.. f(,•a'r�i�t'r--t:z�..��.�"'� :'zcC; .:.s . k 0, That the President of the Boardf Trust es City of Anaheim signed the same on the .r.:.. day of I894. C 1 e rk o f the C1zsf —An s h r,�i1, ---