ARA-2009-002RESOLUTION NO. ARA- 2009 -002 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THAT CERTAIN MULTIFAMILY HOUSING PROGRAM ( "MHP ") BACKSTOP COMMITMENT IN AN AMOUNT UP TO $5,900,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OR HER DESIGNEE, TO CARRY OUT SUCH COMMITMENT, AS AND IF AN MPH SHORTFALL LOAN BECOMES NECESSARY, INCLUDING THE MHP SHORTFALL LOAN AND THE MHP BACKSTOP NOTE, AND RELATED DOCUMENTS, AS, IF AND WHEN NECESSARY; APPROVING THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT FOR LINCOLN ANAHEIM PHASE B; AND MAKING CERTAIN OTHER FINDINGS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency ( "Agency ") is a public body, corporate and politic and a community redevelopment agency acting pursuant to the California Community Redevelopment Law, Part I of Division 24, Section 33000, et seq., of the Health & Safety Code and all successor statutes and implementing regulations thereto ( "Act "); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the City Council ( "City Council ") of the City of Anaheim ( "City ") is the legislative body of the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Amended and Restated Redevelopment Plan ( "Redevelopment Plan ") for the Anaheim Merged Project Area ( "Project Area ") was adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim by Ordinance Nos. 5913, 5914, 5915, 5916, 5917, 5918, and 6034; and WHEREAS, Agency receives tax increment revenues pursuant to Section 33670(b) of the Act and pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan deposits not less than thirty percent (30 %) of the tax increment revenues allocated to Agency into its Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund ( "Housing Fund ") pursuant to Sections 33333.10, 33333.11, 33334.2 and 33334.6 of the Act and to use such funds in order to increase, improve, and preserve the community's supply of low and moderate income housing available at an affordable housing cost, including paying principal of and interest on loans; and WHEREAS, Agency is authorized and empowered under the Act to provide funding for the production, improvement, or preservation of affordable housing including the construction of new privately owned apartments and appurtenant improvements with revenues from the Housing Fund; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim Housing Authority ( "Authority ") is a public body. corporate and politic and is duly organized and validly existing under the Housing Authorities Law, California Health & Safety Code Section 34240, et seq., and all successor statutes and implementing regulations thereto ( "Housing Authorities Law "); and WHEREAS, Authority is empowered to enter into agreements and to carry out affordable housing projects and programs benefiting Lower Income and Very Low Income persons, families, and households; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of the objectives of Authority, Agency, and City to increase, improve and preserve the community's supply of affordable housing, to develop viable urban communities by providing decent and safe housing and a suitable living environment, and to expand economic opportunities, Agency has conveyed to Authority certain parcels of real property generally located at 1275 -1287 East Lincoln Avenue in the City ( "Site ") acquired by the Agency with monies from the F: \D ocs',ADMIN'STAFFREPIASSO4202009 Lintculr Anaheim Agency Backstop Resolution .floc Housing Fund pursuant to that certain Cooperation Agreement dated as of July 1, 2007 between Agency and Authority; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of the Redevelopment Plan and the Agency's Implementation Plan adopted pursuant Section 33490 of the Act and in order to promote and implement its affordable housing strategy and goals Authority, Lincoln Anaheim I Housing Partners, L.P., a California limited partnership ( "Phase A Developer "), as to Phase A, and Lincoln Anaheim 1I Housing Partners, L.P., a California limited partnership ( "Phase B Developer "), as to Phase B, entered into that certain Affordable Housing Agreement dated as of March 18, 2008 ( "Affordable Housing Agreement "); and WHEREAS, the Affordable Housing Agreement establishes an overall structure and plan for the development in two Phases of a new multi- family rental housing development with a total of 146 apartment units (72 units in Phase A and 74 units in Phase B) and associated on -site and off -site and appurtenant improvements, including a subterranean parking structure and surface parking providing on- site at least two hundred forty -three (243) resident and guest parking spaces and a community center (collectively, the "Apartment Complex" or "Project "); and WHEREAS, the Affordable Housing Agreement contemplates development of the Project in two Phases by two separate developer entities (Phase A Developer and Phase B Developer) utilizing two separate financing structures and pursuant to two separate Ground Leases by Authority, as Landlord, to Phase A Developer and Phase B Developer, respectively, each as Tenant; and WHEREAS, the Affordable Housing Agreement will be amended, implemented and clarified as to Phase B by that certain Implementation Agreement (Phase B) entered into by and among Authority, Agency and Phase B Developer as originally approved by resolutions of the Authority and Agency, respectively, adopted on December 16, 2008 and as to be further modified as authorized by this Resolution ( "Implementation Agreement — Phase B "); and WHEREAS, the Affordable Housing Agreement, and Authority's resolution approving and relating to the Affordable Housing Agreement and Authority's and Agency's resolutions relating to the Implementation Agreement — Phase B are on file with the City Clerk, who is also the Authority Secretary and Agency Secretary, and such are incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, in order to provide financing for the Project, and subject to the power granted to Authority in the Housing Authorities Law, Authority has authorized by resolution of even date herewith the issuance of bonds designated as "Anaheim Housing Authority Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Lincoln Anaheim Apartments Project — Phase B), Series 2009A" in one or more series in a cumulative and aggregate principal amount not to exceed $23,950,000 (collectively, the "Bonds "); and WHEREAS, the permanent financing structure for the Project includes a redemption of Bonds from Multifamily Housing Program loan proceeds ( "MHP ") in the aggregate principal amount of $6,700,000 ( "MHP Loan ") at the conversion of the Project from the construction phase to the permanent phase ( "Conversion "); and WHEREAS, in order to carry out the Affordable Housing Agreement, the Implementation Agreement — Phase B, and the Project, in the event the MHP Loan is not available at Conversion, the Agency may choose to borrow an amount up to but not to exceed $5,900,000 from Union Bank, N.A. ( "Union Bank "), its assigns, or another lender under the same basic terms and conditions ( "MHP Shortfall Loan ") to be evidenced by a note ( "MHP Backstop Note ") to provide funds to assist in the financing of the Project and for other redevelopment purposes; and F:A DocsVADMIN\STAFFREPAASSO4202009 Lincoln Analieim Agency Backstop Resolution .doc WHEREAS, the basic terms and conditions under which the Agency may choose to borrow, and Union Bank or another lender may choose to loan to Agency, the MHP Shortfall Loan and by which Agency will borrow such funds and issue the MHP Backstop Note in exchange therefor are set forth in that certain form of commitment letter designated "Anaheim Lincoln Phase B Contingent Housing Set - Aside Note Commitment Term Sheet" on file with the Agency Secretary/City Clerk ( "MHP Backstop Commitment "); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the MHP Backstop Commitment, in the event the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note are required (and Union Bank or other lender agrees to loan the Agency the MHP Shortfall Loan under the basic terms and conditions set forth in the MHP Backstop Commitment, and as more fully described in the Implementation Agreement — Phase B), the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note will include and be secured by a pledge of housing set -aside tax increment revenues chargeable to Agency's Housing Fund generated by the Merged Project Area, subject to pre- existing claims, pledges, and obligations on such tax increment and such other claims, pledges, and obligations as in the reasonable judgment of the City's Executive Director of Community Development and Agency's Executive Director (together, "Executive Director ") determines are necessary and appropriate, all subject to the satisfaction of the terms and conditions set forth in the MHP Backstop Commitment and thereafter the execution and delivery of the MHP Backstop Note and related closing documents required in implementation of the MHP Shortfall Loan, including payment of fees and other costs as may be payable from the proceeds thereof; and WHEREAS, the basic terms and conditions under which the proceeds of the MHP Shortfall Loan, if it occurs at all, will be provided to Phase B Developer at or near the Conversion of the Project from the construction phase to the permanent phase are set forth in that certain Agency Conditional Commitment- Agreement Re MHP Commitment (Lincoln Anaheim Phase B) ( "Agency Conditional Commitment Agreement ") to be entered into between Agency and Phase B Partnership and which Agency Conditional Commitment Agreement will be a part of the Implementation Agreement —Phase B, as modified and approved pursuant to this Resolution; and WHEREAS, capitalized terms used in this Resolution are as defined in the MHP Backstop Commitment, or as referenced from the Affordable Housing Agreement and the Implementation Agreement — Phase B, unless otherwise defined herein; and WHEREAS, based upon consultation with the City Attorney, as general counsel to Agency and Authority ( "General Counsel ") and with special counsel and bond counsel to the City, Agency and Authority on these matters, Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth (together, "Special Counsel "), Agency hereby finds and determines that unless certain actions are taken from the date of issuance of the Bonds up to and including the date on which the MHP Backstop Note is issued (if at all), and, as and if requested or required, an opinion of Special Counsel to the effect that the interest on the MHP Backstop Note is or will be exempt from gross income for federal tax purposes on the date the MHP Backstop Note is received by the Agency as of the date the MHP Backstop Note is issued (if at all), the interest on the MHP Backstop Note shall be subject to federal income taxation, and WHEREAS, Union Bank is a private lending institution within the meaning of Section 33601 of the Act, and the MHP Backstop Note may be entered into directly with Union Bank as a borrowing pursuant to Section 33601 of the Act otherwise than through the issuance of bonds; and WHEREAS, the Project, the MHP Backstop Commitment, the MHP Shortfall Loan, the MHP Backstop Note, and the Agency Conditional Commitment Agreement are in the best interest of Agency, City and Authority, and the health, safety and welfare of its residents, and is of benefit to Agency and its Merged Project Area and is contemplated by the Agency's Implementation Plan therefor. F.ADuesVADM W\STAFFRSPWSS05202009 Linwln Anaheim Agency Backstop Resolution .doc NOW, THEREFORE, THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and are a substantive part of this Resolution. The entering into of the MHP Backstop Commitment and the MHP Shortfall Loan and the delivery of the MHP Backstop Note by Agency to Union Bank, in order to fulfill Agency's obligations and objectives pursuant to Act and as provided in the Implementation Agreement — Phase B, in particular the Agency Conditional Commitment Agreement, and in connection with the execution and delivery of the MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required, the MHP Shortfall Loan and the issuance and delivery of the MHP Backstop Note, all of which constitute a "redevelopment activity," as such term is defined in Section 33678 of the Act, are hereby authorized and approved. Section 2 . Subject to Section 7 below, Agency approves the MHP Backstop Commitment and the MHP Shortfall Loan and the issuance of the MHP Backstop Note, as, if and when required as provided in such commitment and the Implementation Agreement — Phase B, under substantially the terms and conditions set forth in the MHP Backstop Commitment and authorizes the Executive Director, General Counsel, Special Counsel, and any other appropriate official of the Agency, and the authorized designees of any of them (together, "Designees "), to complete negotiations of, and to enter into, the MHP Backstop Commitment between Agency, as borrower, and Union Bank, as lender, with the final form of the MHP Shortfall Loan and the issuance of the MHP Backstop Note described in the MHP Backstop Commitment, to the extent necessary or desirable in the determination of the Executive Director under the terms and conditions set forth in the Implementation Agreement —Phase B, subject to the approval of the Executive Director and General Counsel and Special Counsel. As, if and when required in the determination of the Executive Director under the terms and conditions set forth in the Implementation Agreement —Phase B, subject to the approval of the Executive Director and General Counsel and Special Counsel, the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note shall include provisions and shall conform substantially to MIIP Backstop Commitment, submitted with this Resolution and such other material terms as in the judgment of the Executive Director are reasonably necessary and appropriate to obtain the MHP Shortfall Loan represented by the MHP Backstop Note in the amount and in the time required, subject to and provided that (a) the principal amount of the MHP Backstop Note shall not exceed $5,900,000.00; (b) the interest rate for said borrowing shall be variable as described in the MHP Backstop Commitment, but shall in no event exceed twelve percent (12 %) per annum; (c) the term of the MHP Backstop Note shall be approximately ten (10) years with an amortization schedule as described in the MHP Backstop Commitment; and (d) debt may be secured by a pledge of tax increment revenues chargeable to Agency's Housing Fund generated by the Merged Project Area, subject to, and subordinate to, existing claims, pledges, and obligations on such tax increment having a prior lien on such tax increment and such other claims, pledges, and obligations that Executive Director (in her reasonable judgment) determines are necessary and appropriate. Section 3 . The Executive Director, on behalf of Agency, and the Agency Secretary are hereby authorized to execute and attest the final MHP Backstop Commitment and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note, including any related attachments, on behalf of Agency, with their execution and attestation thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of the Agency's approval of the terms thereof in accordance with this Resolution. Copies of the final MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note, and related attachments each when duly executed and attested, shall be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk, who is also the Agency Secretary. Further, the Executive Director (or authorized designee) is authorized to implement the MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note and take all further actions and execute all documents referenced therein and /or necessary and appropriate to carry out the transactions represented by the MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note as provided for therein, F.\ Dots \ADM1N\STAFFREP\ASSO4202009 Luicoln Anaheim Agency Backstop Resolution .dot and the Agency Secretary is authorized to attest to such documents. The Executive Director (or authorized designee) is hereby authorized, to the extent necessary during the implementation of the MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note, to make technical or minor changes and interpretations thereto after execution, as necessary, to properly implement and carry out the MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note, provided any and all such changes shall not in any manner materially affect the rights and obligations of Agency or the maximum funding provided under the final MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note. Section 4 . The Executive Director (or authorized designee) is hereby authorized, on behalf of Agency, to execute and deliver, and the Agency Secretary is authorized to attest, that certain Implementation Agreement - Phase B by and among Agency, Authority, and Phase B Developer approved by the Governing Board on December 16, 2008 as modified to allow for the Agency Conditional Commitment Agreement and the terms, provisions, and conditions to commit to and as necessary to implement the MHP Shortfall Loan, including as and if necessary a cooperation agreement between Agency and Authority related thereto (together, "Implementation Agreement - Phase B with MHP Shortfall Loan and Cooperation "), along with any and all certificates, agreements and other documents ancillary to such Implementation Agreement - Phase B with MHP Shortfall Loan and Cooperation, with additions thereto and changes therein all as approved by General Counsel and Special Counsel and as the Executive Director (or authorized designee) may recommend and approve in accordance with the terms of this Resolution. Section 5 . In addition to the authorization of Sections 2, 3 and 4 above, the Executive Director (or authorized designee) and Agency Secretary are hereby authorized, on behalf of Agency, to execute and attest all other documents necessary or appropriate to carry out and implement the MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note, and any implementing documents thereto, and to administer Agency's obligations, responsibilities and duties to be performed under the MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note. Special Counsel Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth is confirmed to act as bond counsel to Agency in connection with the MHP Backstop Commitment, and as, if, and when required the MHP Shortfall Loan and MHP Backstop Note. Section 6 . This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption, expressly subject to and conditioned upon Authority of concurrent date herewith adopting a resolution authorizing the Authority Bonds and approving the Implementation Agreement - Phase B with MHP Shortfall Loan and Cooperation, and which Implementation Agreement - Phase B with MHP Shortfall Loan and Cooperation as to Agency is approved by this Resolution. If that referenced Authority resolution is adopted (without any prejudgment therefor) then this Resolution shall take effect immediately thereafter. Section 7 . Nothing in this Resolution shall be construed as obligating the Agency to (i) accept the MHP Shortfall Loan under the terms and conditions set forth in the MHP Backstop Commitment, or otherwise, (ii) execute and deliver the MHP Backstop Note, or (iii) execute and deliver Agency Conditional Commitment Agreement. Further, nothing in this Resolution is intended to create any rights in any third party and no third party shall have any right to enforce any rights or obligations thereof under this Resolution. Section 8 . Agency Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. F :Mocs\ADMW�STAFFREPV.SSO4202009 Lutcohi Aimleim Agency Bukstop Resolution.doc THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION IS PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THIS TWENTY EIGHTH (28 TH) DAY OF APRIL, 2009, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Chairman Pringle, Agency Members Hernandez, Sidhu, Kring NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: Agency Member Galloway ATTEST: AGENCYSECRETARY a MAN APPROVED AS TO FORM: TALLEY, CITY ATTORNEY 7 oodhead IV, Esq. City Attorney F:\ Doc .,\ADMIN\STAFFREP\ASSO4202009 Lusoln Analieim Agency Backstop Resolution .doc