347Y, 0-11 H. G. Ames CITY ATTORNEY ANAHEIM, - CALIFORNIA VS. In the Superior Court of the County of Orange Plaintiff Defendant State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange, . .... ........... ..". ...'..x... .......... being first duly sworn, deposes and ays: Th t at all times hereinafter mentioned .he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print- ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year precedinVVthe first publication o the notice herein mentioned; that the .ti,/ ... .... t ..% .. ......... ............................................................... of which the annexed is as prriinnteed� copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ... ..................... ..............day 191.., an endin on the ....d of .............................191... bot days nclusive, and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that is to say, on the following dates to -wit: for Z...�.......,,........... Subscribed and Sworn to before me this----1-----day of An Or And They Sa3 amendin Na 236 napce p —There are two bills before the 11 a city Ellature that should they become er regulatin neeting, ;ed into law would mean much to, mace;. el city. One of the statutes gives ant anoes, fl spection 'ity to this city to acquire lands or. a permit ed for ark purposes—permitting g by the B� P p poses—permittin adding 0 proposition to be submitted to people for approval or rejection. •The B� other bill pertains to the outfall Anaheim] er, giving power to the several C! sECTI+ nance Nyin the county to act conjointly in titled:t moting the venture. Both bills i been reported -favorably out of t mittee in the asembly and latest e ns, ports indicate that the senate will I t the measures favorable considers before adjournment. —There is a section of a new ot, tl ance, regulating installation of . ,.b trical equipment, which will be t,SECt at thQ- next meeting of the tru ' 5 phall which vitally affects all owne ` 'buildings, who ire the paat;-have i m ed electrical energy for power light. The new ordinance is Primarily at new construction b 21eS al X but to be made operative it also a the old likewise. Wherever, in F st Pr opinion of the .electrical engineer, 11" _ls; ing, g, or its method of installati 4 ibe -au cons i{jered'hazardous it must be c ed at once to comply with the `'s'1 rules pertaining to the use of el -1 cal energy. These strict regula. P1 are being enforced by the state a s ities.' It is said, in several inst i here, the electrical equipment is . sidered hazardous by state ex Just how far the new ordinance. affect old installations is not no parent and no doubt the electrics gineer will not demand a., Me F conditions unless they are con ed dangerous to life. —A. middle aged man just up San Diego ,who was so unfor as to lose his wife, by death, al ----�='-"=�-----2-�----191 �-- f ...................................................................... Na ORDINANCE No. 347. An Ordinance of the City of Anaheim, amending Sections 6 and 8 of Ordinance No. 236 of said City, entitled: "'An ordi- nance providing for the appointment of a City Electrician and defining his duties; regulating the manner of installing, con- necting, wiring or otherwise putting in place electric wires, connections, appli- rinces, fixtures or apparatus; for the in- spection thereof and for the issuance of a permit therefor." Messed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of said City and adding two new Sections thereto. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That section 6 of Ordi- nance No. 236 of the City of Anaheim, en- titled: "An Ordinance providing for the appointment of a City Electrician and defintriehis duties: regulating the manner of installing, connecting, wiring or other- wise putting in place, electric wires, con- nections, appliances. fixtures or appara- tus; for the inspection thereof and for the issuance of a permit therefor." Pass- ed and adopted by the Board'of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, on the 14th day of December, 1911, be and the 'same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 6. "The rules and regula- tions of the "National Board of Fire Un- derwriters" in effect , at the time the work is installed and the "Electrical Utilization Safety Orders" or any other orders, as issued by the Industrial Acci- dent Commission of the State of Califor- nia, is hereby made a part of this Ordi- nance reference to which is hereby made, for the rules and orders contained therein. That a copy of said "National Electric Code" and a copy of said "Electrical Util- ization Safety Orders" are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, and are severally marked "Filed March 13th, 1919, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk" and are hereby severally referred to and their contents and provis- ions are respectively made a part of this Ordinance and all electric wiring, con- nections, appliances and apparatus, gov- erned by the provisions of this ordinance shall be madeto conform to said "Na- tional Electric Code and "Electrical Utilization Safety .Orders." SECTION 2. That Section 8 of said Ordinance No. 236 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 8. When, upon application, inspection is made of the wiring or equip- ment in or about any building in the City Of Anaheim, the person. firm or corpora- tion installing such equipment, shall, be- fore the certificate is issued, pay the said City'Electrician of said City, for such in- snection as follows, namely: For permit .........................$ .25 For each outlet in which current is controlled or used for four lights or under .05 For each outlet in which current is controlled Or used, for over four lights. .... .10 For each are lamp ................. .50 When Wiring for Motors For motors of one horse power or less.50 For motors of more than one and not more than eight horse power ... 1.00 For motor of eight horse power and not more the;n fifteen horse power. 1.50 For motors of more than fifteen horse 2 00 power...................... .... For more than two inspections of any equipment or any part thereof, an additional Yee for any additional inspection, per hour. .75 For switches and fixtures in build - ii gs where the wiring has already heen inspected the fees shall be one-half the amount above stated. Generators. For each generator of not more than 1 K. W. ... .. ..... .. .50 For each generator of more than 1 K. W. and not more than 3 K W. .75 For each generator of more than 3 K. W. and not more than 8 K. W. 1.00 For each generator of more than 8 K. W. and not more than 15 K. W. 1.50 For each generator of more 'than 15 'K. W . ...... .......... J........... 2.00 Motor -Generator Sets. For motor -generator' sets a charge will be made for installation of motor only. Clln�{r�fRAn-s- For electric signs containing 11 lamps and not more than 25 lamps ..... .50 For electric signs containing more than 25 lamps, for each lamp in excess of 25 . ...................... .02 I'or the inspection of each mercury arc rectifier and equipment. .. 1.00 For inspection of electrical wiring or apparatus for which no fee is hese- in prescribed, the City Electrician ___ shall charge a fee not exceeding $.75 per hour for the time actually consumed in making the inspection. The City Electrician shall settle with the Clerk on the first Monday of each month for all fees collected -by him during the preceding month and shall immediately pay the same to the Treasurer of said City on the order of the City thereof; and all money so deposited with the Treas- urer shall be credited to the gener- al fund of said City." SECTION 3. That said Ordinance is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto, to be numbered and designated. "SECTION 6A" which said Section 6A shall read as follows: SECTION 6 A. For the purposes of this ordinance the City of Anaheim is hereby divided into two.districts to be designa- ted District No. 1 and District No. 2 re- spectively. District No. 1 shall embrace all territory within the fire limits of said City, as the same now exists or may. hereafter, be established. District No. 2 shall embrace all territory within said City not embraced in district No. 1. All wiring in or on all buildings or other structures in District No. 1, which wires are used for the purpose of conducting electricity, for light, heat or power, shall be encased in approved metal conduit, armored cable or metal moulding; armor- ed cable to be used only where impracti- cable' to use rigid conduit; all service switches, cut-outs and tablet boards to be mounted in approved metal box; cov- ers on all cut-out boxes and cabinets to be hinged on the side. Rigid conduit or armored cable must be strapped or sup- ported at each outlet and every five feet if on the underside of timbers and in all buildings of open construction, or every ten feet if on tops of timbers, if same are not more than three feet apart, except in cases where armored cable have to be finished in. All conduit or metal moulding shall be grounded with not less than No. 10 wire. which shall be protected from mechanical injury. Flexible conduit shall not be allowed in brick walls or concrete or where exposed to moisture, unless lead' lined. Outlet boxes shall be required in all cases as provided for rigid conduit; junction boxes shall be required in all cases where conduit is run in connection with knob and tube work. All wiring in buildings, except in residence occupied or designed to be occupied by one family only, shall be wired as those above men- tioned. All wiring installed on the outside walls in said district or any store front or any outside wall of a brick or concrete build - Ing, shall be in rigid conduit. All service wires in buildings not Included in Dist- rict No. 1 shall be brought in in rigid conduit to the main line switch. No out- let or pull box allowed between entrance to building and main line switch. All main line switches shall be placed in an approved metal box not to exceed six feet from the floor, or a suitable guarded platform on which operator must stand while operating switch or renew- ing fuses, and to be located in a ready and accessible place. All servica switches to be grouped not more than two feet from each other. No circuit shall carry over 12 light outlets or over 660 watts. In open wiring, unless loomed, it shall be separated at least five inches. If more than three circuits are in use, a three wire feed shall be required. All three wire services shall have neutral" wire erounded at building with not less than No. 6 wire. All feeds shall run through the entrance switch. Each circuit must have an independent cutout. All access- ible open lugs carrying current, shall be taned. Insulation joints shall be used with combination fixtures. All fixtures shall be solidly hung. Conduits entering fittings shall be required in all cases. All service wires shall be of No. 10 B. & S.' guage or larger. No outlet shall be brought out where the socket, fixtures or switch can be reached from any gas or water pipe or from any bath tub, basin, sink or plumb- in- fixture or earth or concrete floor of a,ny. kind. No lamp or switchshallbe placed where they can be turned on from the ground unless by a pull cord socket. No switch shallbe placed where exposed Weather-proof fixtures must be used when exposed to moisture. No more than four ceiling outlets shall be allowed on store circuits for concealed work and conduit from tablet boxes shall have wire weight capacity for one extra circuit to four outlets. All side outlets must be standard three inch boxes. All ceiling outlets must be standard three inch or four inch box brought flush with plaster line. All conduit or armored cable en- tering all junction or outlet boxes must have a lock nut and pull bushing on the inside of box as well as lock nut or shoul- der on the outside of box. All switches on motors or other power devices carrying over 1320 watts shall be of a knife type; plug fuses up to 30 amperes, over 30 ampere to be cartridge type and inclosed in approved metallic box. All motors over % horse power shall have suitable overload protection; and no -voltage release is required on all motors regardless of size, where a hazard would be produced by the motor starting unexpectedly upon return of voltage after a voltage failure. . Three wire circuits shall not be allowed except • for electric signs and stoves. All signs and stoves must be on a separate and individual circuit. SECTION 4. That said Ordinance No. 236 is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto, to be numbered and desig- nated, "Section 6 B," which said Section 6 B shall read as follows: SECTION 6 B. "Whenever the City Electrician shall find any electrical wir- ing, connections, fixtures, appliances, ap- paratus, machinery, equipment of work which has been installed in violation of this ordinance, dr in the opinion of said Inspector is dangerous to life or proper- ty, he shall, In writing, notify the owner or person in charge thereof, to have the defect therein repaired within a reason- able time, not exceeding ten days from the date of notice. Such notice shall be in writing, describing and locating the building, by street and number, and shall specify the particulars in which such electrical wiring, fixtures, connections, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equip- ment or work, is defective, and shall specify what is necessary to remedy such defects. Such notice shall be entitled "Electrical Repair Notice." SECTION 5. All Ordinances or parts of Ord'nances in conflict with the uruvistons of this Ordinanc, are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall cer- tify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same, to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly news- paper of general circulation, printed, pub- lished and circulated in the City of Ana- heim, and thirty (30) day from and after its final passage, it shall take effect and be in full force. The foregoing Ordinance is signed, ap- proved and attested by me this 10th day of Apt , 1919. (SEA) 3 ,I.DWYER, ;President of the Board of Trustees of thie City of Anaheim. Attest: EDWARD 46 MERRITT, City Clerk of the City ()T Anaheim. State of California ) County of Orange ) sm. City of Anaheim ) 1. Edward B. Merritt, -City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 28th day of Nlarch, 1919, and that the same was duly passed and adopted At a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 10th day of�pril, 1919, by the fol- lowing vote: AYES, Trustees Dwyer, Stark, Backs, McFadden and Gibbs. NOES. Trustees, none. Absent and not voting, Trustees, none. And I further certify that the Presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of said (It,, of Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 10th day of April, 1919. u: nit,!ese whereof, 1 have 'ie_•iu:tto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City. this 10th day of April, 1919. (SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. The Board of Trustees of the City- of _Anaheim do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That section 6 of Ordi- nance No. 236 of the City of Anaheim, en- titled: "An Ordinance providing for the j appointment of a City Electrician and defining'hls duties; regulating the manner of installing, connecting, wiring or Other- wise putting In place, electric wires, con- nections, appliances, fixtures or appara- tus: for the inspection thereof and for the issuance of a permit therefor." Pass- ed and adopted by the BoarOdf Trustees of ;the City of Anaheim, on the 14th day of December,1911, be and the 'same is P hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 6. "The rules and regula- tions of the "National Board of Fire Un- derwriters" in effect , at the time the work is installed and the "Electrical Utilization Safety Orders" or any other orders, as issued by the Industrial Acci- dent Commission of the State of Califor- nia, is hereby made a part of this Ordi- nance reference to which is hereby made, for the rules and orders contained therein. That a copy of said "National Electric Code" and a copy of said "Electrical Util- Nation Safety Orders" are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, and are severally marked "Filed March 13th, 1919, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk" and are hereby severally referred to and their contents and provis- ions are respectively made a part of this Ordinance and all electric wiring, con- nections, appliances and apparatus, gOv- erned by the provisions of this ordinance shall be made' to conform to said "Na- tionai Electric Code" and "Electrical Utilization Safety Orders." SECTION 2. That Section 8 of said Ordinarfce No. 236 be and the same is hereby amended, to read as follows: SECTION 8. When, upon application, inspection is made of the wiring or equip- ntent in or about any building in the City of Anaheim, the person, firm or corpora- tion inatalling such equipment, shall, be- fore the certificate is issued,pay the said hity')I'ectrietan of said City, for such in- soeption as follows, namely: For permit .........................$ .25 For each outlet in which current is controlled or used for four lights OJ or , under . , ...... . For each outlet in which current is controlled dr used, for overfour lights. ....................... .... SO .50 Fox' each arc lamp ... When Wiring for Motors For motors of one horse power or less............... .50 For motors of more than one and not more than eight horse power ... 1.00 For motor of Bight horse power and not more th:$n fifteen horse power. 1.50 For motors of more than fifteen horse 2.00 . power...................... .... For more than two inspections of any equipment or any part thereof, an additional fee for any additional inspection, per hour. ... ......... .75 For switches and fixtures in build- ings where the wiring has already been inspected the fees shall be one-half the amount above stated. Generators. For each generator of not more than I K. W, .. .50 For each generator of more than 1 K. W. and not more than 3 K. W. .75 For each generator of more than 3 K. W. and not more than 8 K. W. 1.00 For each generator of more than 8 K. W. and not more than 15 K. W. 1.50 For each generator of more Ahan 15 K. W . ........... ... ..i........... 2.00 Motor -Generator Sets. For motor -generator sets a charge will be made for installation of motor only. @lectric Ranges. For the inspection of each range in- stallation .................. ...... 2E !:lectric Slgns. For electric signs containing 5 lamps and not more than 10 lamps. ..... .25 shall immediately pay the same to the Treasurer of said City on the order of the City thereof; and all money so deposited with the Treas- urer shall be credited to the gener- al fund of said City." SECTION 3. That said Ordinance is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto, to be numbered and designated, "SECTION 6A" which said Section 6A shall read as follows: SECTION 6 A. Forfhe purposes of this ordinance,the City of Anaheim is hereby divided into two -districts to be designa- ted District No. i and District No. 2 re- spectively. District No. 1 shall embrace all territory within the fire limits of said City, as the same now exists or may, hereafter, be established. District No. 2 shall embrace all territory within said City not embraced in district No. 1. All wiring in or on all buildings or other structures in District No. 1, which wires are used for the purpose of conducting electricity, for light, heat or power, shall be encased in approved metal conduit, armored cable or metal moulding; armor- ed cable to be used only where impracti- cable'Sto use rigid conduit; all service switches, cut-outs and tablet boards to be mounted in approved metal box; cov- ers on all cut-out boxes and cabinets to be hinged on the side. Rigid conduit or armored cable must be strapped or sup- ported at each outlet and every five feet if on the underside of timbers and in all buildings of open construction, or every ten feet if on tops of timbers, if same are not more than three feet apart, except in cases where armored cable have to be finished in. All conduit or metal moulding shall be grounded with not less than No. 10 wire. which shall be protected from mechanical injury. FIexible conduit shall not be allowed in brick walls or concrete or where exposed to moisture, unless lead.. lined. Outlet boxes shall be required in all cases as provided for rigid conduit: junction boxes shall be required in all cases where conduit is run in connection with knob and tube work. All wiring in buildings, except in residence occupied or designed to be occupied by one family only, shall be wired as those above men- tioned. All wiring installed on the outside walls in said district or any store front or any outside wall of a brick or concrete build- ing, shall be in rigid conduit. All service wires in buildings not included in Dist- rict No. 1 shall be brought in in rigid conduit to the main line switch. No out- let or pull box allowed between entrance to building and main line switch. All main line switches shall be placed in an approved metal box not to exceed sit feet from the floor, or a suitable guarded platform on which operator must stand while operating switch or renew- ing fuses, and to be located in a ready* and accessible place. All service switches to be grouped not more than two feet from each other. No circuit shall carry- over 12 light outlets or over 660 watts. In open wiring, unless loomed, it shall be separated at least five inches. If more than three circuits are in use, a three wire feed shall be required. All three wire services shall have neutral wire erounded at building with not less than No. 6 wire. All feeds shall run through the entrance switch. Each circuit must have an independent cutout. All access- ible open lugs carrying current, shall be taned. Insulation joints shall be used with combination fixtures. All fixtures shall be solidly hung. Conduits entering fittings shall be required in all cases. All service wires shall be of No. 10 B. & S. guage or larger. No outlet shall be brought out where the socket, fixtures or switch can be reached from any gas or water pipe or from any bath tub, basin, sink or plumb- in- fixture or earth or concrete floor of any kind. No lamp or swltch_shall be placed where they can be turned on from the ground unless by a pull cord socket. No snitch shall. be placed where exposed to the Weather. All flush switches when placed within reach of the ground or ce- merit walks, etc., shall have all the metal- ic non-current carrying parts effectively grounded. box. All motors over horse power shall have suitable overload protection; and no-vottage release is required on all motors regardless of size, where a hazard would be produced by the motor starting unexpectedly upon return of voltage after a voltage failure. Three wire circuits shall not be allowed except, for electric signs and stoves. All signs and stoves must be on a separate and individual circuit. SECTION 4. That said Ordinance No. 236 is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto, to be numbered and desig- nated, "Section 6 B," which said Section 6 B shall read as follows: SECTION 6 B. "Whenever the City Electrician shall find any electrical wir- ing, connections, fixtures, appliances, ap- paratus, machinery, equipment of work which has been installed in violation of this ordinance, dr in the opinion of said Inspector is dangerous to life or proper- ty, he shall. in writing, notify the owner or person in charge thereof, to have the defect therein repaired within a reason- able time, not exceeding ten days from the date of notice. Such notice shall be in writing, describing and locating the building, by street and number, and shall specify the particulars in which such electrical wiring, fixtures, connections, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equip- ment or work, is defective, and shall specify what is necessary to remedy such defects. Such notice shall be entitled "Electrical Repair Notice." SECTION 5. All Ordinances or parts of Ord'nances in ecnflict with the urovis:ons of this Ordlnanc, are hereby repeated. SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall cer- tify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly news- paper of general circulation, printed, pub- lished and circulated in the City of Ana- heim, and thirty (30) day from and after Its final passage, it shall take effect and be in full force. The foregoing Ordinance is signed, ap- proved and attested by me this 10th day of Aprij, 1919. (SEAL) J J.DWYER, Illresident of the Board of Trustees of We City of Anaheim. :attest: EDWARD iMERRITT, City Clerk of the City o Anaheim. State of California ) County of Orange ) on. City of Anaheim ) I. Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 28th day of Dfarch, 1919, and that the same was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 10th day ofApril; 1919, by the fol- lowing vote: AYES, Trustees Dwyer, Stark, Backs, McFadden and Gibbs. NOES. Trustees, none. Absent and not voting, Trustees, none. And I further certify that the Presi- dent of the Board of 'Trustees of said CUN of Anaheim signed and approvorl said Ordinance on the 10th day of April, 1919. u: .tiOtnesr whereof, I have 'xeriu:xto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City. this 10th day of April, 1919. (SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 { 12 13 14 F 15 16 17 18 0 IiD I v . 34 7 . An Ordin&nce of ii?� C it T o� ��ahaim, war -dine. :actions 6 and 8 of Or'dlnanco .:Pio. 236 of said iAty, antitied: " A1'r ti--�DI:d_ s C, l �iC1 Tl u 1 G w C. u L _, _ ��; �� t;1 ! 2 T ry71 L., :iG __1. �V♦_1-.l.�f La l;�_z �}l .l Cr ...a.� il.�tl i...� Y-..i<TI..�, vU1 �l�i �L— ' r I Ui: V 1 W: "t 1 j 11 1 1 l �r L lc r: 4 q r,-. .r t 0�1, V I i y xi. t, j a 1vi.i1�/tfliis— �rTU� f 2 r� _� , �(}.� y I.}i.v I.n .1 4ia.:1v tJ�ai).,+, 1 0 - a ::iJ -1 l Y l .Z l �Y 1.. `[=? r.-1 l .-. {j .-. 4: F ' '' j I .2 YE S L1�.�i .0� .�,.:� filo,Z: 1 _ZA Itia.JAil U� _� r:j�.:l'i TH ���0�, Passed and adopted b1T the Board of Trustees of said City and adding. tyro new 'Sections therato. `'ne Board of 'irustago of t"ria City of sinahaim do ordain as follows: SEClIOL 1. That section 6 of Ordinance I.,'o, 236 of the Cli-td: of axiaheim, entitled. l : �.�.. lUIL.1' 1:i �'' iVJ i ..�� .. A A' PT - li} LZr•}y '� I LA,..Ai ' uS tt E, „} r - LL Ii 0 n J 11, L r t . ., �.r, �t U' I l.. 11v Li , I1 Iiv ii O is ii i ,.ate{`.. 1 . r 1 i"�x' 1 J:1.�i.'v.4, .:Ja.�IT U"i ;.illill�+_:uli i t:.. U:t �t �:.:sl i Oji 11 a' i, i AND vii Ii . Ia.Ui-siC t �' r'���i:'I.� liL<Jia�-L*V ." Passed a.nd a.dontad by the Boy rd of `.i`ras teas of the Crit y of Anaheim, on the 14th day of December, 1311, 20 1: be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 21 S; C'2Ii i;; 6. "The rules and rak,!ulations of the "Pationa:i 22 Board of Fire Underwriters" in affect at the tima the work is in- stalled and the 1`34lectrical Utilization afaty drftri s* or *&rs, as issued by the Indust p� :Asci 'f f 2577 r 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the State of California, is hereby made a part of this Ordinance, reference to which is hereby made for the rules and orders con - trained therain. Thate a copy of said "INTational &lectric Code" and a coot' of said "'+lectrical Utilization safety Orders" are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, and are severally marked "ailed Idarch 13th, 1919, i dward B. I_arritt , i - l - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 City Clergy." and are hareby saverall7 referred to and their con- tents and provisions are rasp act ivel- ma.da a purt of this Ordinance and all electric wiring, connactio- s, appliances and app€rat us, governed by the provisions ofthis ordinance shall be made to con- !SII forin to Said "Les,tional .24'lactric k;oda" said "'lactricc,l 'JtiliZ!7ti0rL I Safety �` y Orders." C`'IOr 2. That ;action 8 of said Ordinance 14o. 2.36 be and thy: same is hereby amended to read as follows: SCION S. ',!!hen,. upon application, inspection is made of the wiring or equipment in or about any building in the City of', tinaheim, the ;.}arson., firm or corrnor:ation instilling such e�uip- ment, shall, bafore the cartifi.cate is issued, pay the said City electrician of said City, for such inspection as follows- namely, For permit ... ... ......... ........ � .25 Yo each outlet in which current is con- generator of more than eight io rse Bower ....... .. .... trolled or used, for four lights or motor of eight horse ;nower and riot 75 under .... .... ... ....... .. ....... .05 Por each outlet in aich carrent is corl- r'or mora than two i ispactiorls Of any equip- troll.ed or used, for over four lights. .10 For each are lamp ........................ fae for anus additional irls»action, per .50 ................ hour ........ ......... ...... LO +'or 'or motor of one horse pa tar or lass ..... .50 J'or motor of More than one and riot more each generator of more than eight io rse Bower ....... .. .... 1.00 'or motor of eight horse ;nower and riot 75 .For more than fifteen home power ....... 1.50 For motor of more than fifteen horse power 2.00 r'or mora than two i ispactiorls Of any equip- 20 r each ment or any part thereof, an additional than 8 _:..1 . and fae for anus additional irls»action, per not mo re than 15 . ................ hour ........ ......... ...... .7` +'or switcha s and fiMures in buildings than 15 r .ro.... P1.00 where the wiring has alraad7, been in- I, O'T 0 3 spected the teas shall be o.ia-half the - amount above stated. or r:;otor Canara,tor sats a charge will be .nada for ir�,sta,ll tion of motor onl T each generator of not more than 1 K.W. .50 .&or :For each generator of more than 1 L.I. and not more than 3 '.' ` .................... 75 .For each generator of more than 31--.d. and. not more than 8i'_ . r ..... ... ... ..... 1.00 20 r each vane rato r of mo re than 8 _:..1 . and not mo re than 15 . ................ 1.50 2or each generator of mora than 15 r .ro.... P1.00 I, O'T 0 3 or r:;otor Canara,tor sats a charge will be .nada for ir�,sta,ll tion of motor onl T 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 M 29 30 31 32 t� 2or t 1,a insnactior� of aac'rl ranga insta.11atiori.... „ .25 iT '�Il fy C, 3� l 2or alact ri.c s rY,s uo"nit c.i.nic,."" J lamps arid not '!ora i t,(all 10 14.,11-, s • • • • • . . . . . . • . • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • e s • • i 'or electric eirynE� cOrituii-iincr 11 lain- ) ( not :More �1 than 25 lamps.... .50 �I 'Or e I a c t r i c S i =Ls coIIt _.7_ 1i r 1 Oru t Irar1 2.5 .COr each l ''""_Y) .iii eaceas .. . �:.��� ti .. of 25 .... ..... .. .0 1 I:or the inspaction of each marcurv- arc rectifier and. equipment ...................................... 1.00 Jor irslfaetion of electric al wi.rincc or anpara:tus for which no fee is herein nrescribed, the Citi lactrician shall charge a fee not excoading x.75 per hour for the time actually consumed in makinC, the inspection. ion. The Gity &leetrician shall settla .pith tA-)a elarh on the first Donde;,, of each month for all fees collected b -,T hir_n darir ^ the rrecedina n.onth and shall irnr";adi ately- pau7 the sacra to the Treasurer of said City on the or- der of the Cit thereof; and all rlorreT so deposited. j with the Treasurer small be cradi.tad to the �enaral fund of said Cit,T." +3-Jl"I'lC 3. tri t sa is rd i�^:.,nca i ,_ �!e re. ? ari ded by acldin a new section thereto, to be numbered and designated, "311'CTI0T7 6.k which saiSection 6 L'A. shall re..e;d as follows: 40 6 4. .2or the purposes of this ordii axlce the City of i�nahaim is hereby dividar:� into t,vo districtsto na dasic�nated Li_strict Lo. 1 ani. District No. 2 resnactival-. Listrict 11o. 1 i j shall ar brace all terri tor;; within the fire lirlit s of said City, gs j the sacra now exist or rnay, hereafter, be establishad., Listri^t ' Lo. 2, shat! ambrace ;all torritor , vii -thin said Cite not embraced I in district iso. 1. All vi.rinc, in or on ill btaildin�s or other structures in District :o. 1, which wire=s are used for the rur-oose of conducting alactricityT, for light, heat or ro'v'or., shall be an - rased in approved retal conduit, arr,.orad cable or natal moulding; armored cable to be used only vvhara ir-_pract icable to use rigid conduit; all service s..1tchas, cut outs anry t ,'olat boards to be rr:ountad in alprprovad n=atal box; covers on Ul out oat boxes and a in.ats to be hinged o_r-, the sida. iig,id cord.;: it or ar._,orad cable muco t be stra,ored or sa-) �ortad at each outlet; �1' avers five treat if on tine undarsida o"f timbers, and ii; all bui.ldi _y'.s of o-nan colwtri ctio_'i, or every tar_ feet i.f on toms of ti ,.bars, 3 1 if same are not more than three feat apart, except in cases where 2 armored cable have to be finished in. 3 All conduit or metal moulding shall be grounded with not 4: less than "Nfo. 10 wire, *,rihicli shall be protected from mechanical v 5 I injur,, Flexible conduit shall not be allowed in brick walls or 6 I, concrete or where exposed to moisture, anlass lead lined. Outlet 7 boxes shall be raquiredlin all cases as -Provided for rigid con - 8 duit; junction boxes shall be required in all cases where conduit 9 is run in connection with knob and tube work. All wiring in lb it buildings, except in residence occupied or designed to be oc- 11 I copied by one family only, shall be wired as those above mentioned, 12 All wiring installed on the outside walls in said dis- 13 I trice or any store front or any outside wall of a brick or con - 14 crate building, shall be in rigid conduit. All service wires in 15 lbuildings not included in District No. 1 shall be brought in in 113 rigid conduit to the main line switch. Ito outlet or pall box 17 allowed between entrance to building and main line switch. 18 -,Aal main line switches shall be placed, in an approved 19 metal box not to exceed six feet from t-'rie floor, or a suitable 20 guarded platform on which operator must stand while operating 21 l switch or renewing fuses, and to be located in a ready and ac - 22 it cassible place. gall service switdhes to be grouped not more than 23 j two feet from each other. 1,110 circuit shall carry over 12 light 24 outlets or over 660 Watts. In open wiring, unless loomed, it 25 shall be separated at least five inches. If more than three 26 circuits are in use, a three wire feed shall be required. Al- 1 27 three wire services shall have neutral wire grounded at building 28 with not less than I -To. 6 wire. 411 feeds shall run through the 29 entrance switch. &ach circuit must have an independent cutout. 30 411 accessible open lugs carrying 'current, shall be taped. In - 31 sulation joints shall be used Witt combination fixtures. e.11 32 4 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fixtures shall be solidly hang. Conduits anterinc, fittings shall be required in all cases. a11 service wires shall be of Iyo. 10 B. 0'^ S. -uao-a or larger. Nlo outlet shall be brought out where the socket, fixture; or switch can be reached from any gas or water pine or from any bath tub, basin, sink or plumbing fixture or earth or concrete floor of any kind. 110 lamp or switch shall be placed where they can be turned on from the ground unless by a pall cord socket. -No switch shall be -placed where exposed to the weather. All flush switches when placed within reach of the ground or cement walks, ate. shall have all the metallic non-current carr-,-inc' partt effectively grounded. vi r eatiler-proof fixtures mast be used when exposed to moisture. No more than four cailinZ outlets shall be allowed on store circuits for concealed work and conduit from tablet boxes shall have wire weight capacity for one extra circuit to four outlets. All side outlets must be stjndard three inch boxes. All ceiling outlets must be standard three incili or four inch box brought flush with plaster line. All conduit or armored cable entering all junction or outlet boxes must have a lock nut and pull bushing on the inside of box as wall as locl-k nut or shoulder o.a the outside of box. All s1witcrius on motors or other power deivees carrying over 1320 Watts shall be of a knife ty-pe; plug- fuses up to 30 amp. over 30 amp. to be cartridge type and inclosed in approved metallic box. All motors over I 'Horse Power shall have suitable overload protection; and no -voltage release is required on all motors regardless of size, where a'hazard would be produced '�y IlKe motor starting unexpectedly upon return of voltage -after a voltage failure. Three wire circuits shall not be allowed except for l it 2 4 5 II 7 8 Ii 10 11 12 13 14 15 le 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fixtures shall be solidly hang. Conduits anterinc, fittings shall be required in all cases. a11 service wires shall be of Iyo. 10 B. 0'^ S. -uao-a or larger. Nlo outlet shall be brought out where the socket, fixture; or switch can be reached from any gas or water pine or from any bath tub, basin, sink or plumbing fixture or earth or concrete floor of any kind. 110 lamp or switch shall be placed where they can be turned on from the ground unless by a pall cord socket. -No switch shall be -placed where exposed to the weather. All flush switches when placed within reach of the ground or cement walks, ate. shall have all the metallic non-current carr-,-inc' partt effectively grounded. vi r eatiler-proof fixtures mast be used when exposed to moisture. No more than four cailinZ outlets shall be allowed on store circuits for concealed work and conduit from tablet boxes shall have wire weight capacity for one extra circuit to four outlets. All side outlets must be stjndard three inch boxes. All ceiling outlets must be standard three incili or four inch box brought flush with plaster line. All conduit or armored cable entering all junction or outlet boxes must have a lock nut and pull bushing on the inside of box as wall as locl-k nut or shoulder o.a the outside of box. All s1witcrius on motors or other power deivees carrying over 1320 Watts shall be of a knife ty-pe; plug- fuses up to 30 amp. over 30 amp. to be cartridge type and inclosed in approved metallic box. All motors over I 'Horse Power shall have suitable overload protection; and no -voltage release is required on all motors regardless of size, where a'hazard would be produced '�y IlKe motor starting unexpectedly upon return of voltage -after a voltage failure. Three wire circuits shall not be allowed except for electric signs and stoves. All signs and stoves must be on a 2 separate and individual circuit. SET 10 IL", 4. 'That said Ordinance 11o. 236 is hereby 3 i amended by adding a new section thereto, to be numbered and desig-, nested, "Section 6 B", which said Section "6B" shall read as 4 5 6 I follows - 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33CTIO.N 6 B. "'Whenever the City lectrician shall find any electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, ap- paratus, machinery, equipment of work which has been installed in violation of this ordinance, or in the opinion of said inspector is dangerous to life or property, he shall, in writing-, notify the owner or -parson in charge thereof, to have the defect therein re-naired within a reasonable time, not exceedine, ten days from the date of notice. Such notice shall be in writing, aescri'',iner and locating the building, by street and number, and shall speci- fy the particulars in which such electrical wiring, fixtures, connections, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment or work, is defective, and shall specify what is necessary to remedy such defects. Suth notice shall be entitled 'Ilillectrical Repair 1,10t is 0. S_&CTION 5. All Ordinances or parts OIL Ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby re-peale; SECT1016. The City Clarl,- shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, e. weakly newspaper of general circulation, Il printed, published and circulated in the City of Inahe im, and thirty (30) dW7s from and after its final -passage, it shall take effect and be in full force. 64 The foregoing Ordi—i-ailes is signed, approved and attested by me this /0 __t7 day of 1919 y Pre sidenrliN Of A3oanahairrd of tees of the ,�. urty Clark of the �;Itld- of ana,hairii. 2 4 5 6 7 8 li 10 11 12 13 II 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 s Mi AT & 0 P 0 AIII i10 RD I A 0'0 LJiiT Y 02 G CITY 02 Allli.�ILI. I, jidward B'. Iderritt, City, Clerk of the City of Anaheim, V do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of theCity of Anaheira held or ly the 2-9 --fz— day of i and that the sai-ne was duly passed and adopted at a regular aieetiz�g of said Board of f7i by the Trustees held on the 104 d ay o f �A�t- followinz vote: aY ti,T r a st a a s 140]"A'S' Trustees: ",sent' and not votin-, Trustees: 4y�. ,a,nd 1 furt;.-.Pr cartif7 i , thc--,t the Lrasidant of the Board of Trustees of said City of Anaheim signed and a-p-oroved said Ordinance or, the /0 day of 1919. I have hereunto set my hajad and af- cit fixed the seal of said Oity, this 0 — d aly of 1919. ty Clark of the City of Aaaheim. - 7 -