441 (2)AFFIDAVIT OF F 1BLICATION STATE OF CAWORNIA r. County of ran ss. . ......s... / .............................:........... of said county, being rst duly sworn says: --that he is a male citi- zen of the United States, and of the State of California, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no interest in, nor is he a party tJo_the �matter herein mention that he is the - ! ... of the ........... a............ newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said Count of Orange; that said is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and inselligerce of a general character; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto at- tached; that the a G` ... - 1 of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper at eesk .... — /`. eert�erteins on the....?- :^ .... day of �'"�........... 192:a amt diag-o.i-4he.......... ..: ................ and that said ............ .... . was published on the following days ?-. -�- t ... \. �. '� 3 ........................ . �......... ....'�....................... ��� ..... \............. a ........... Subscri nd sworn to before me this .... ......... day o ......,.. ............... ..192. Notary Public. AN ORDNANCE DIRCLAA& OII, WELLS °IN CERTAIN POR- TIONS OF -THE CITY OF AN. AHEIb9 NZTISANCES, MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DRILL, MAINTAIN. OR OPERATE OIL. :.WELLS- THEREIN, REGVLAT 'ING THE. CONSTRUCTION, OF DERRICKS I OF PEN- A. LTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS QRDINANCE AND RE- PEALING ALL AND 1 OR ,PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN. CONFLICT THEREWITH, THE BOARD ,OF OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION is The g g g erly line of "thatcertain'a ----- drilling, boring or otherwise sinkin of an Oil well or oil wells, or the main- I West alley distant 195 feet, tenance, Pumping i erly from 'the Center line P g or operation of palma Avenue,.as shown on t any thereof in those portions of the of the GreadwelI Suhdt# City of Anaheim described as fol- corded in Book 6, I� lows, to -wit Beginning in the cellaneous Ma s, 47 present North City Limits of the p Ftecor s t City of Anaheim at a Ange County, California, feet East at right, angles from he �©assaidy alleys and itOrt,s exE Easterly line of North Orange 1 Easterly and Westerly' to it$ Street, as said Street is shown on section with -the.centet Ilna,g a map made by Wm. Hamel and Street, as :shQwn oln 10s6 d8si filed for record in the office of the map; thence Southerly•,jlonE County Recorder of Los. Angeles center. llne.of.Patt Stie ,'to._Ik County, California; thence Souther- on the South line of Sebtion ly parallel to the -Easterly line' of (3), Township Four : 44) said North Orange Street to the Range, Ten (10) Wesf�'S-;B Southerly line of Vineyard Lot "A- M.; thence East alo4�E, yd; 1," as shown on a map recorded in line to the place of beYnnine Book 4, of Deeds, at Pages 629 and 630, Records of Los Angeles Coun- est beginning 'atof the tY, California; thence' Easterl West City Limits 'of ;the Cil along said Southerly line and said Anaheim 25o -Cro e.�,Av ue Southerly line extended to a point Orth line of Crone, Audi lb 250 feet Easterly of the Easterly shown on a map 's.TTiact 41 line of North East Street; thence corded vestment Book 7, Pa;ge8 33 an Southerly parallel to slid Easterly Miscellaneous .Maps, Recordi line and parallel to the Easterly Orange County, CaWornia ,,tb line of South East Street to the East center line of "East Santa Ana to a parallel to said Nortl Street; thence Westerlyalongsaid Point 250 feet West of center line of the Easterly line hence North line oparal parallel said f ,of South East Street; thence Southerly along said Easterly line line and said West line extend to a point 250 feet Southerly from Point 250 feet North of the, the Southerly line of East Santa Ana lineExtofi the North half of Anila Street; thence Westerly parallel ma as shown: 4 to said Southerly line to a P made by ,yam Hamel ed 150. feet Easterly of the Easterly County rRecorder n the office of line of $oath Orange Street; thence o Southerly CountY, California; thence .,1 Y parallel to said Parallel tosa Easterly line to a point 150 id South line a:nd.i feet South Ilne extended .to I Southerly from. the Northerly line. feet East of the East , Pint; I of Vineyard Lot "H -f," as shown n{tt-;e of I on said map; thence Westerly par-! to said East line to "a po• -: allel to the said Northerly line and I feet South of the extended 111 '..na r�itat t„ North Prly ,li.nr pf. tjnR.,�af..['sn„o .:�..,,_..,__._...:�:... B. the Y ' of the AFFIDAVIT OF r` v RLICATION STATE OF CAL4FORNIA Ss. County of Oran9 - J n � ......... ......... . of said county, being first duty sword, says: --- that he is a male citi- zen of the United States, and of the State of California, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no interest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned -,that he is the ...... of the, a a. .. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County, of Orange; that said c� . ^�..�`. , ... ... `..:Q . ................ is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general character; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto at- tached; that the of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper aFP .... - v s_ .................. . ettatfR49,� on the.... z.r--5...... .... day of. ^r............ 192 � a4 Rding_onthe.......... .. day -c4 .............. and that said.. v ......... • • • . . was published on the following days: ........�........k: ....... ........ I ......... . ..... ............. ......�...�..... .�._..................... ......: ...._f ......... ySUbscii nd sworn to before me this .... I. .......day of I92. Notary Public. ORDINANCE NO. 441. ANORDINANCE DECLARING Olt• WEi,I,S IN CERTAIN POR- TIONS OF THE CITY OF AN- AHEIM NUISANCES, MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DRILL, ,VAINTAIN, OR OPERATE OIL WELLS THEREIN, REGULAT- ING THE CONSTRUCTION OF DERRICKS, PROVIDING PEN- ALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES j OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITX OF ANAHRIM DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The drilling, boring or othet•tivt-- 'sging of an erly line of that certain East and; WOE Oil well or oil wells, or the main- i West alley distant 195 feet North-� pare tenance, pumping or operation of erly from the center line of La peih i any thereof in those portions of the Palma Avenue, as shown on a map[ tOlXd of the Gresswell Subdivision, re- Sidi c City of Anaheim describes as fol- corded in Book 6, Page 47, Mis- lows, to -reit: Beginning in the celianeous Maps, Records of Or- para present North City Limits of the l tinge County, California thence Hie' City of Anaheim at a point 250 Easterly along the Northerly line 01tr feet East at right angles from the of said alley and its extension Easterly line of North Orange( Easterly and Westerly to its inter- alaftl Street as said Street is shown on � section with the center line of Pat line map made by Wm. Hamel and Strfee eet, as shown on last described as Ue filed for record in the office of the map; thence Southerlyalong said County Recorder of Los Angeles center line of Patt Street to a point' 48i County, California; thence Souther- )n the South line of Section Threef7te ly parallel to the Easterly line of (3), Township Four ,(4) South, said North Orange Street to the Range Ten (10) West,.S. B. B. &� gid Southerly line of Vineyard Lot "A- M.; thence East along said Soutl 1," as shown on a map recorded in line to the place of beginning. Nord Book 4, of Deeds, at Pages 629 and Nfor 630, Records of Los Angeles Coun• Aiso beginning 'at a point in the n orP West City Limits of the City of line c ty, Calii'ornia; thence Easterly Anaheim 250 feet. North of theWtrG along said Southerly line and said North line of Crone Avenue, as I ler Southerly line extended to a point shown on a ma 250 feet Easterly of the EasterlyP 's Anaheim In- ,iYi1q*, vestment Company's � Tract as re- lying`. line of North East Street; thence corded in Book 7, Pages 33 and 34, East' Southerly parallel to std Easterly Miscellaneous Maps, s line and parallel to the Easterlyecords of �p t f Orange coCunty, California; thence 701sce line of South East Street to the le ast parallel to said North lin8 center line of East Santa Ana to a tr&#E Street; thence Westerly along said Point 250 feet West of the lila {e line Of Pythias Avenue; line center line of the Easterly line hence Northlll to said st tenseb eo Of South East Street; thence line and said Westline extended to efly 1: Southerly along said Easterly line a point 250 feet North of the South West to a point 250 feet Southerly from tine of the North half cf Anaheim erl t,I the Southerly line of East Santa Ana Extension Lot 48, as shown on a pj :,.I,I} Street; thence Westerly parallel map made b to said Southerly line to a Y Win. Hamel and Of, ` .41 point filed for record in the office of the record 1 0 feet Easterly of the Easterly County Recorder of Los Angeles cellaw line of South Orange Street: ^ounty, California; thence East u`Aga. thence Southerly parallel to said I parallel to said South line and said loastet Easterly line to a point 150 feet South line extended to a of Bat Southerly from the Northerly line feet East of the East dine of Point of Vineyard Lot "H-1," as shown Writ -Street--tlrenee_ Fust@ Ion said map; thence Westerly par- to said East line t �e�tEli allel aeG;p allel to the said Northerly line and feet South of the extort ,oil ed t Da-M110—to *he 'Northerly line of line of Crona Avenue; theuceNut est Vineyard Lot 'H-2" to a point 200 parallel to said extended South uter poijif 70 feet Easterly from the Easterly line line and parallel to said So til -line line >'hieei' Of South Olive Street; thence `o the West City Limits of th City South,, Southerly parallel to said Easterly of Anaheim; line to the Southerly City Limits said West CityhLimits Ntorth Tong B ^& 2 of the City of Anaheim; thence beginning; point of 4,outh" Westerly along said Southerly line i a nuisangce and unlawfullared to be ���g to a point 250 feet Westerly from SECTION 2: It shall a the Westerly line of South Lemon fill for any be nci al, Nest Street; thence Northerlyg Person, as principal, riaheiu parallel agent. or otherwise, to drill,. bore, Ql'ti1Cs; to said Westerly line to a point 250 or otherwise sink, or maintain, feet Southerly from the Southerl p P sha�vn <. line of West South Street; thence drilled. bored, boredraor Otherwise sunk, lcicird e1 Westerly parallel to said Southerly or maintained, line to a point 300 feet Easterly ( or to a.id in he drillrn oPerated,Iiseell from the Easterly line of South or otherwise sinking, g, boring, oiang s' Palm Street; thence Southerly in g� or t??aintain- fast. pa Y g, pumping or operating of any a. paint; parallel y said Easterly line to the well or wells for the purpose bf li te..© , Southerly City Limits t the City producing oil, gas or other hydro- North . of Anaheim; thence Westerly along carbon substances within those said Southerly City Li -mita to a and."' 1:sant Point 300 feet Westerly from the described of t follows, to he City of Anaheim 1 nee toffs Westerly line of South Palm -inning in the present North City Street; thence Northerlymap' U parallel Limits of the City of Anaheim at map'=� to said Westerly line to a point 300 a, point 250 feet East at right an_ fited: for. feet Southerly from the Northerly 1gle.s from the Easterly line of CouTiO line of Vineyard Lot "H-6." as 1 North Orange Street, as said C Q'Olt shown on said map; thence West- i Street is shown on a map made by e Pa1iI�'� erly parallel to said Northerly line, T—Tr . ,,v _ , AN ORDINAN('E D CLARI G 011, WELLS IN CERTAIN POR. TIONS OF - THE CITY OF AN- AHEIM NUISANCES, MAKING IT UNLAWFUL.: O DRILL, ;MAINTAIN, OR OP E OIL WELLS- THEREIN, RF. ING THE- CONSTRUCTION DERRICKS, . PROVIDING PEN- ALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION! OF THIS ORDINANCE AND RE-' PEALING ALL ORDINANCES, OR .PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN. CONFLICT THEREWITH, THE BOARD OF, TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The drilling,', ence N, boring or otherwise sinking of an , et Weati lineof distant that certain felts North paraliei tost and!West'saidWesterly th oil well or oil wells, or the main- ells from the center line of La I point 250 feet Northerly of tenance, pumping or "operation of t Palma Avenue, as shown on a map [tended Northerly litSc `; of any thereof in those portions of the I of the Gresswell Subdivision, re- Sycamore Street'; the>flce 1 City of Anaheim describea as foldcorded corded in Book 6, Pa$e 47, Mts- parallel to said eXtentlhd Nj lows, to -wit: Beginning in the cellaneous Maps, Recor4s of _Or- line and parallel to saitiv`:.N present North City Limits of the an County, California; thence fine " to the center ,lint 61 City of Anaheim at a point 250 Easterly along the Northerly, line Citron Street; :tuft" N feet East at right. angles from the of said alley and its extension along said center line to. th Easterly line of North Orange Easterly and Westerly' to its inter- line of Miles_Ranchtl,^�tsl Street, as said Street is shown on section with the, center' line -o€.. a map recortj�d in Hoo$ :9, a map made by Wm. Hamel and Street, as shown on lash described iscellaadous l�ali9t � c filed for record in the office of the map; thence Southerly-, along ekidrange. Cppl Calitoft a County Recorder of Los .Angeles center line. of Patt Strut to. a posit ,East =along sal" Sgpth;; Three County, California; thence Souther. �n thTrsWAsliipth nFoure of Sea(4) Section i0ot 12�M}les Rancho,a s ly parallel to the Easterly line` of (3)> said North Orange Street to the Range ng hence East along -<-said. South a ld maip, Limi & o l# Southerly line of Vineyard Lot "A- 1," as shown on a map recorded in line to the place of be(�inning. naheim then(I ` Book 4, of Deeds, at Pages 629 and Aso beginning 'at a point In the 1 line of No th LIe ion' Stree 630, Records of Los Angeles Coun- West City Limits of ;the City off ieuth along ,said, qent0r ;Ii ty, California; thence Easterly Anaheim 250 feet Ns)rth of the tersectroil : �vitb: the along said Southerly line and said North line of Crone Avenue as ortherly line of the e' Southerly line extended to a point shown on a map of, Anaheim .In- yin North of:: , s,�IA4, 250 feet Easterly of the Easterly vestment Company's Tract as re- I$argt Suvisloas shtr line of North East Street; thence corded in Book 7, Pages 33 and 34, recorded in $taa -';7;" Southerly parallel to slid Easterly Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Miscellaneous Maps, He line and parallel to the Easterly Orange County, CaWornia; thence �raA$e County;, Cal(fnrniF line of South East Street to the East parallel to said North lineasterly:'a}on flier eztex►� center line of East Santa Ana to a point 250 feet West of the line of said 26-fr Street; thence Westerly along said West line of . Pythias Avenue; tersection with, the. extend center line of the Easterly line thence North parallel to said West errs line of that Centbiitf' of South East Street; thence line and said West line extended to West alleydistant •195 f Southerly along said Easterly line a point 250 feet North of the South ells =from thy' Centex At i to a point 250 feet Southerly from line of the North half cf Anahei#� Palma Aventip, as .Rb''ll!# the Southerly line of East Santa Ana Extension Lot 48, as shown on,,,a of : the: Gresswell Sf Street; thence Westerly parallel map made by Wm. Hamel and recorded in Book 6, pad to said Southerly line to a point filed for :record in the office of, the cellaneous 1ldapk Reesii 150. feet Easterly of the Easterly County Recorder of Log Angeles c llage Cusl MaPq, li�i§ line of South Orange Street; ^ounty, California; thence East >aasterly. along :the `l�t1Tt thence Southerly parallel to said parallel to said South line and said, of said: alley .land pits Easterly line to a point 150 feet South line extended to a point 'Mi. Easterly and ,.Wt terlp Lt Southerly from; the Northerly lint fet East of the East line of ,Wal secttan:with the, center:li of Vineyard Lot "H -i;' as shown' n t ei - treet' a8 'shtlWn "on lilt Ion said map; . thence Westerly par- to said East line to a pons snap; !thence Southerly allei to the said Northerly line and telt South of the extender) U. a„'i•-.. ::..t the Northerly line of line of CronQ Avenue: theuoc I�illt on the. South. ite: Vineyard Lot. "H-2” .to'a point 200 parallel to -said extended Three Y3), Townshiii, feet Easterly from the Easterly rine tine and parallel to said Son_ a ,South, Range Text 1t1.) •a of South Olive Street; thence +o the West City Limits oft . B � � th�Ce s Southerly parallel to said Easterly of Anaheim; thence Narth�, longi i th `Itne tb" the line to the Southerly City Limits said West City Limits to po t pf i, of the City of Anaheim; thence beginning; is hereby declared to lieAleowbeinllig kt Westerly along said Southerly line a nuisance and unlawful, es gt Citq' Lii£S cat to a point 250 feet Westerly from I SECTION 2: It shall pe un}a*- ,Melt �e A the Westerly line of South Lemon ful for any person, as prii1ei11al. N th,;li1 360 ne of sink, or manitaiil, artU , t; i CTt Street; thence Northerly parallel j agent. or otherwise, to drill, box9. Ng , in a .Map of ,,1 to said Westerly line to a point 250 or otherwise e+esttngnt Coiikpamy's feet Southerly from the Southerly i pump or operate, or cause to :he, oor"ded in Book 7,Zliri line of West South Street; thence drilled, bored, or otherwise` sunk, MisCellane4lts Ma l Westerly parallel to said Southerly or maintained, ,pumped or, opet4teA, Orange Cotenty i` line to a point 300 feet Easterly or to aid in the drilling, 'totin East parallel 'to sEit' f from the Easterly line of South or otherwise sinking or maintain. a , Vast p 250. Iasi Palm Street; thence Southerly Ing, 'pumping or operating a>y line . of .yttliaa�Sini parallel to said Easterly line to the well or wells for the Purpose f North parallel- to ti ,. s1' V. Southerly City Limits of the City producing oil, gas or other, � ydro. and h®st 1 4 of Anaheim; thence Westerly along carbon substances within ithose said Southerly City Limits to aportions of the City of Anhheiiii- point of the Na 4 half { point. 300 feet Westerly from .the described as follows, to -wit, Be.Extefision' Lot $, as s Westerly line Of South Palmi.nning in the present North City map instil Street; thence Northerly parallel Limits of the City of Anaheim .at filed for ract rd ri' the to said Westerly line to a point 300 a point 250 feet East at right an- ounty Recoc olu feet Southerly from the Northerly grey from the Easterly lute of ot}ntq fah s line of Vineyard Lot "H-6." as ( North Orange Street, as, sa&ldissllel tc► ,.Otit�' i Q+-+ is ahnwn nn A. man mide.,h* to n . ek. 16fly E ovv iocl Westerly from the - Westerly line of South Palm Street; thence Northerly parallel to said Westerly line to a point 300 feet Southerly front the Northerly line of Vineyard Lot "H-6." as shown on said map; thence West erly parallel to said Northerly line and parallel to the Northerly line of Vineyard Lot "H-7." as shown on said map, and said Northerly line extended to a point 300 feet South West Street r thence North- erly parallel to said Westerly line to the center line of West Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly along said center line and said center line extended to the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence North along said City Limits to a point 250 feet North from the North line of Lincoln Avenue; thence East parallel to said North line to a point 250 feet West from the West line of the Summerfield a,nd Oppenheimer Subdivision, as � shown on a man recorded in Book 19, Page 44, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California thence North parallel to said West line and said West line extended to a point 250 feet North of the extended North line of said Summerfield and Oppenheimer Subdivision; thence East parallel to said extended North line and parallel to said North line to a point 250 feet Westerly of th> Westerly line of North West Street; thence Northerly parallel Ito said Westerly line to a point 250 I feet Northerly of the extended i Northerly line of West Sycamore i Street; thence Easterly parallel to said extended Northerly line and parallel to said Northerly line to the center line of North Citron .Street; thence Northerly along! said c•enier line to the South line of Miles Rancho, as shown on a trap recorded in Book 4, Page 7 I Miscellaneous Maps, Records o` orange County, California; thence East along said South line to it intersection with the East line o Lot 12, Miles Rancho, as shown or, said map; thence North to the North City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence East along sal(' North City Limits to the cente line of North Lemon Street; thence South along said center line to its intersectionwith the extended Northerly line of the 15 -foot alley ii lying North of Lots 1 to 7 of the Hart Suh(livision, as shown on a ma,p recorded in Book 7, Page 20 lIiscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence Easterly along the extended North � line of said 15 -foot alley to its in- tersection with the extended North I escribed as Yarrows, to -wit e- ie or half o A a elm ;inning in tlhc; present North City Extension Lot :18, as shown on a Limits of the City of Anaheim at map made by Wm. Ha -mel and a point 250 feet East at rig.it an- filed for record in the office of the glen from the Easterly line. of County Recorder of Los Angeles North Orange Street, as said County. California; thence East Street is shown on a map m.cde by parallel to said South line and said Will. Haniel and filed for record in South line extended to a point 250 the office of the County Recorder feet East of, the East line of Wal - of Los Angeles County, Calitornia; tint Street; thence South parallel thence Southerly parallel to the to laid East line to a point 250 Easterly line of said North Orange feet South of the extended South ot.,—L t,) ti— southerly line of line of Crone Avenue; thence West Vineyard Lot "A-1," as shown on parallel to said extended South a map recorded in Book 4 of Deeds, line and parallel to said South line V Pages629 and 630, Records of to the West City Limits of the Los Angeles County, California; City of Anaheim; thence North thence Easterly along said South- along said West City Limits to crly line and said Southerly line , Point of beginning. extended to it point 250 feet East - SECTION 3: Before the com- erly of the l ,sterly Iine of North mencement of the work of erecting East Street. thence Southerly par-� or constructing any oil derrick allel to said Easterly line and par- within such portion of said City ^11el to the Easterly line of South i of Anaheim wherein such erection East Street to the center line of or constrnction shall be lawful, per- olla9t Santa Ana Street;hence mission therefor shall first be•ob Westc lly along said centerline to twined from the Building Inspector the Easterly line of South East of the City of Anaheim, and the Street thence Southerly alongi-rPPlicant, before such permit is aid Easterly line to •a. point 250 sued, shall furnish a bond, pay. eet Southerly from the. Southerly able to the City of Anaheim, in the line of East Sankt Ana Street, penal sum of Two Thousand ($2,. thenceWesterly parallel to said 000.00) Dollars, the condition of Southerly iine to a point 150 feet I -which shall be, that in the event no T.asterly of the I r_terly tine of oil or other hydrocarbon sub. tiouttt Orange Street; thence stances are discovered, or the soufherly p iallel to Said Easter OPeration of said well is discon. y line to a point 150 feet Souther tinned for a period of three months, v from the Nortlheily line of Vine the applicant: shall within thirty ""I'll Lot "H-1 " as shown on said c -lays thereafter cause said derrick -neap; thence Westerly parallel to to be removed and the ground sub - he said Northerly line and par- stantially restored to its former �11el to the Northerly line of Vine- condition. "and Lot "H-2" to a ,point 200 feet SECTION 4: Every person, as ;asterly from the Easterly line ofI Principal, agent or otherwise, South Olive Street: thence South- violating any of the provisions of ,rly parallel to said Easterly line this ordinance shall be deemed ro the Southerly City Ln,.t,; ot_gnilty of a nlisdenpcanor, and, upon `he City of Anahein , thence West-,[ convi tion thereof,_s,ha'1 .b:- , unish- rly along said Southerly line to e l by a fine not exceeding Five Point 250 feet Westerly from the Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, or by tiVesterly line of South Lemon imprisoninent for not more than Street; thence Northerly parallel six months, or by both such fine 'o said Westerly line to a point and imprisonment. `50 feet Southerly from the South -i SECTION 5: All ordinances and Orly line of Nest South Street; ! parts of ordinances in conflict, with hence Westerly parallel to said this ordinance are hereby repealed. -southerly line to a point 300 feet SECTION 6: The City - Clerk easterly from the Easterly line of shall certify to the passage of this south Palm Street, thence South- ordinance and cause the same to 'rly parallel to said Easterly line be published once in The Anaheim o the Southerly City Limits of the Daily Herald, and said ordinance Mty of Anaheim; thence Westerly shall take effect thirty days after Hong said Southerly City Limits its final passage. to a point 300 feet '`Westerly from The foregoing ordinance is sign - 'he Westerly line of South Palm ed, approved and attested by me, Street; thence Northerly parallel this 22nd day of November, 1923. 'o said Westerly line to a point WM. STARK, x^00 feet Southerly from the North-� (Seal.) President of the Board of Orly line of Vineyard Lot "H-6," e Trustees of the City of as shown on said map; thence! Anaheim. Westerly parallel to said Norther- Attest: iy line and parallel to the North- EDWARD B. MERRITT, arly line of Vineyard Lot "H-7as Clerk of the City of Anaheim. �dhown on said map, and said North- State of California, County of � rly line extended to a point 800 Orange, City of Anaheim,—sat ''e,et Westerly from the Westerly I. Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk line, of South West Street; thence i of the City of Anaheim, do hereby Northerly parallel to said Westerly certify that the foregoing ordin. Iine to the center lineof West ance wits introduced at a meeting Santa Ana Street; thence West- of the Board of Trustees of the erly along said center line and said City of Anaheim, held on the 8th center line extended to the West. clay of November, 1923, and- that City Limits of the City of Ana -1 the same was passed and adopted heim; thence North along saidlat a meeting of said Board of City Limits to a point 250 feet I Trustees held on the 22nd day of North from the North line of Lin- November, 1923, by the following coin Avenue; thence East parallel vote: to said North line to a point 2501 Ayes, Trustees Stark, Stock, feet West from the West line of Mann and Gibbs. the Summerfield and Oppenheimer NOES, Trustees Gates. Subdivision, as shown on a map ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, recorded in Book 19, Page 44. Mis- l Trustees None. cellaneous Records of Los Angeles, And I further certify that the County, California; thence North President of the Board Of Trustees parallel to said West line and said of said City signed said ordinance West line extended to a point 250 on the 22nd day of November, 1923. feet North of the extended North 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have line of said Summerfield and Op- i Hereunto set my hand and affixed penheinier Subdivision; thencejthe seal of said city, this 22nd day East parallel to said extended of November, 1923. North line and parallel to said j EDWARD B. MERRITT, North line to a point 250 feet West- i (Seal.) Clerk of the City of .._. __ _.. ..-_ ort_,...... -r _. t:«.. .,s TT.e.,♦1. J A.... l... t -v: c�pperrneune �uun,vi �,,., fed vice uv vz�.in center line to lk i lc(a u-uin cne timiamg Inspector ehoivn on a mnp r .cor rrn Book he E,-a' i, 1'y' astrly line of Sout11 East of the City of Anaheim; and the d9. Page 44. Aliscellaneons Records Street, thence Southerly along applicant, before such permit is 1 of Los Angeles County, California; ;aid Easterly line to a point 250 issued, shall furnish a bond, pay- thence North parallel to said West 'eet Southerly from the Southerly able to the City of Anaheim, in the line and said West line extended to line of East Santa Ana Street; penal sum of TwoThousand ($2,- a point 250 feet North of the thence Westerly parallel to said 000.00) Dollars, the condition of extended North line of said Southerly line to a point 150 feet which shall be that in the event no Summerfield and Oppenheimer Easterly of the Easterly line of oil or other hydrocarbon' sub. Subdivision; thence East parallel South Orange Street; thence stances are discovered, or .the to said extended North line and Soatlierly parallel to said Easter- operation of said well is discon. parallel to said North line to a 'y line to a point 150 feet Souther- tinned for a period of three months, point 250 feet Westerly of t.hr 'y from the Northerly line of Vine- the applicant shall within thirty Westerly line of North West vard Lot "H-1:" as shown on said days thereafter cause said derrick Street; thence Northerly parallel .nap; thence Westerly parallel to to be removed and the ground sub- to said Westerly line to a point 250 `lie said Northerly line and par- stantially restored to its former feet Northerly of the extended 911el to the Northerly line of Vine- condition. Northerly line of West Sycamore vard Lot "H-2" to a point 200 feet SECTION 4: Every person, as Street; thence Easterly parallel to easterly from the Easterly line of principal, agent or otherwise, said extended Northerly line and Soath Olive Street; thence South- violating any of the provisions of parallel to said Northerly line to ^rly parallel to said Easterly line this ordinance shall be deemed the center line of North Citron `o the Southerly City Lheits of ; guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon Street; thence Northerly along the City of Anaheim; thence West- conviction thereof,-shurl.ba.,^,unish- said center line to the South line erly along said Southerly line to ed by a fine not exceeding Five of Miles Rancho, as shown on a , point 250 feet Westerly from the Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, or by map recorded in Book 4, Page 7 Westerly line of South Lemon imprisonment for not, more than Miscellaneous Maps, Records o` Street: thence Northerly parallel six months, or by both such fine l Orange County, California; thence `o said Westerly line to a point and imprisonment. East along said South line to its ?50 feet Southerly from the South-1 SECTION 5: All ordinances and intersection with the East _line ol arly line of West South Street; parts of ordinances in conflict with Lot 12, Miles Rancho, as shown on 'hence Westerly parallel to said this ordinance are hereby repealed,: said map; thence North to the southerly line to a point 300 feet I SECTION 6: The City - Clerk North City Limits of the City of ^asterly from the Easterly line of shall certify to the passage of this Anaheim; thence East along said south Palm Street; thence South- rdin oance and cause the s;1 to North City Limits to the center ?rly parallel to said F„sterly line be published once in The Anaheim line of North Lemon Street; thence ''o the Southerly City Limits of the Daily Herald, and said ordinance South along said center line to its City of Anaheim; thence Westerly shall take effect thirty days after intersection with the extended i,long said Southerly City Limits its final passage. Northerly line of the 15-foot alley to a point 300 feet Westerly from The foregoing ordinance is sign- lying North of Lots 1 to 7 of the fhe Westerly- line of South Palm ed, approved and attested by me, Hart Subdivision, as shown on a Street; thence Northerly parallel this 22nd day of November, 1923, nia.p recorded in Book 7, Page 20 ''o said Westerly line to a point WM. STARK, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of 100 feet Southerly from the North- t (Seal.) President of the 'Board of Orange County, California; thence grly line of Vineyard Lot "H-6,” 1 Trustees of the City of Easterly along the extended North ss shown on said map; thence 1 Anaheim. I line of said 15-foot alley to its in- Westerly parallel to said Norther- Attest: tersection with the extended North- iy line and parallel to the North- arly line of Vineyard Lot "H-7," as EDWARD B. MERRITT, `' Clerk of the City of Anaheim. shown on said map, and said North- State of California, County ',of -.rly line extended to a point 300 Orange, City of Anaheitn,=ss. Feet Westerly from the Westerly, I. Edward B. Merritt, City, Clerk line of South West Street; thence! of the City of Anaheim, do hereby Northerly parallel to said Westerly I certify that the foregoing ` ordin- line to the center line of West ance was introduced at a meeting Santa Ana Street; thence West- of the Board of Trustees _ of . the erly along said center line and said City of Anaheim, held on the 8th center line extended to the West! day of November, 1923, andel• that City Limits of the City of Ana- I the same was passed and adopted heim; thence North along said l at a meeting of said Board of City Limits to a point 250 feet North Lin- i Trustees held on the 22nd day of November, 1923, North from the _line of by the folloNiing coln Avenue; thence East parallel vote: to said North line to a point 250 Ayes, Trustees Stark, Stock, Feet 'Vest from the West line of Mann and Gibbs. the Summerfield and Oppenheimer NOES, Trustees Gates. Subdivision, as shown on a map ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, recorded in Book 19, Page 44, Mis- Trustees None. cellaneous Records of Los Angeles, And I further certify . that the County, California; thence North' President of the Board of Trustees parallel to said West line and said of said City signed said ordinance West line extended to a point 250 ; on the 22nd day of November, 1323. feet North of the extended North IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I'have line of said Summerfield and Op- ! hereunto set my hand and 'affixed penheimer Subdivision; thence 1 the seal of said city, this 22nd day East parallel to said extended of November, 1923. North line and parallel to said EDWARD B. MERRITT, North line to a point 250 feet West- (Seal.) Clerk of the City o1" erly of the Westerly line of North Anaheim. QS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20` 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. ** i AN ORDINANCE DECLARING OIL WELLS IN CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM NUISANCES, MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DRILL, MAINTAIN, OR OPETE OIL WELLS THEREIN, REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF AND REP LING ADLLNORDINANCESSOROPARTS OFOF OLATION OF ORDINANCESTINSCE CONFLICT THEREWITH. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The drilling, boring or otherwise sinking of an oil well or oil wells, or the maintenance, pumping or operation of any thereof in those portions of the City of Anaheir described as follows, to -wit: Beginning in the present North Cita Limits of the City of Anaheim at a point 250 feet East at right angles from the Easterly line of North Orange Street, as said Street is shown on a map made by Wm. Hamel and filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; thence Southerly parallel to the Easterly line of said North Orange Street to the Southerly line of Vineyar& Lot\ as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, of Deeds, at pages 629 and 630, Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence Easterly along said Southerly line and said Southerly line ex- tended to a point 250 feet Easterly of the Easterly line of North East Street; thence Southerly parallel to said Easterly line and parallel to the Easterly line of South East Street to the center line of East Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly along said center line to the Easterly line of South East Street; thence Southerly along said Easterly line to a point 250 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of East Santa Street; thence Westerly parallel to said Southerly line to a point 150 -feet Easterly of the Easterly line of South Orange Street; thence'Southerly parallel to said Easterly line to a point 150 feet Southerly from the Northerly line of Vineyard Lot "H-1", as shown on said map; thence Westerly. parallel to the said Northerly line and parallel to the Northerly` -1- !� 51 6j 7I 8 9 10 I 11 12 13 14 15 I 161 I 17 18 line of Vineyard Lot "H-20 to a point 20OL:feet Easterly from the Easterly line of South Olive Street; thence Southerly parallel to said Easterly lime to the Southerly City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence Westerly along said Southerly line to a point 250 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of South Lemon Street; thence Northerly parallel to said Westerly line to a point 250 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of West South Street; thence Westerly parallel to said Southerly line to a point 300 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of South Palm Street; thence';' Southerly parallel to said Easterly line to the Southerly City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence Westerly along said Souther*.. ly City Limits to a point 300 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of South Palm Street; thence Northerly parallel to said Westerly line to a point 300 feet Southerly from the Northerly line of Vineyard Lot "H-611, as shown on said map; thence Wester- ly parallel to said Northerly line and parallel to the Northerly line of Vineyard Lot "H-711, as shown on said map, and said Northerly line extended to e-po4nt 300 feet Westerly from the 19! Westerly line of South West Street* thence Northerly parallel to 'i f/7e cejlfo�- /iilP v�7'Ye�'7� �gsr�.(�i�9�'7'�/'z.e7� '7�Llerlc� 20''I said Westerly line toy y//�effer/y 9/er,�aiu� cerci/lis= q,nd sold c�l�7cr/!ac ex7aL 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 to the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence North along said City Limits to a point 250 feet North from the North line of Lincoln Avenue; thence East parallel to said North line to a point 250 feet West from the 'West line of the Summerfield and Oppenheimer Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 19, Page 44, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence North parallel to said West line and said West line extended to a point 250 feet North of t extended North line of said Summerfield and Oppenheimer Sub- division; thence East parallel to said extended North line and parallel to said North line to a point 250 feet Westerly of the Westerly line of North West Street; thence Northerly parallel to _2_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23' 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 said Westerly line to a point 250 feet Northerly of the extended Northerly line of Fest Sycamore Street; thence Easterly parallel to said extended Northerly line and parallel to said Northerly .kine to the center line of North Citron Street; thence Northerly along said center line to the South line of Miles Rancho, as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, Page 7, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence East along said South line to its intersection with the East line of Lot 12, Miles Rancho, as shown on said map; thence North to the North City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence East along said North City Limits to the center line of North Lemon Street; thence South along said center line to its intersection with the extend- ed Northerly line of the 15 -foot alley lying North of Lots l to 7 of the Hart Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 7, Page 20, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, Calif- ornia; thence Easterly along the extended North line of said 15 -foot alley to its intersection.with the extended Northerly line of that certainEastand West alley distant 195 feet North- erly from the center line of La Palma Avenue, as shown on a map of the Gresswell Subdivision, recorded in Book 6, Page 47, Mis- cellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said alley and its eaten- ',,,�sion Easterly and Westerly to its intersection with the center line of Patt Street, as shown on last described map; thence Southerly along said center line of Patt Street to a point on the South line of Section Three (3), Township Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) West, S.D.B. & M; thence East along said South line to the place of beginning. Also beginning at a point in the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim 250 feet North of the North line of Crone Avenue, as shown on a map of Anaheim Investment Company's Tract as recorded in Book 7, Pages 33 and 34, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence East parallel to -3- n I 1 said North line to a point 250 feet gest of the West line of 2 Pythias Avenue; thence North parallel to said West line and said 31 Nest line extended to a point 250 feet North of the South line of 4 thallorth half of Anaheim Extension Lot 48, as shown on a map b made by Wm. Hamel and filed for record in the office of the Count 6 Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; thence East parallel 7 to said South line and said South line extended to a point 250 8 feet East of the East line of Walnut Street; thence South 9 parallel to said East line to a point 250 feet South of the 10 extended South line of Crone Avenue; thence West parallel to 11 said extended South line and parallel to said South line to 121 the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence North along 13 said West City Limits to point of beginning; 14 is hereby declared to be a nuisance and unlawful. 15 SECTION 2: It shall be unlawful for any person, as 16 principal, agent, or otherwise, to drill, bore, or otherwise sink 171 or maintain, pump or operate, or cause to be drilled, bored, or 18 otherwise sunk, or maintained, pumped or operated, or to aid in 19 the drilling, boring, or otherwise sinking, or maintaining, 20 pumping or operating of any well or wells for the purpose of 21 producing oil, gas or other hydrocarbon substance within those 22 portions of the City of Anaheim described as follows, to wit: 23 Beginning in the present North City Limits of the City of Anaheim 24 at a point 250 feet East at right angles from the Easterly line 251 of North Orange Street, as said Street is shown on a map made by 26Wm• Hamel and filed for record in the office of the County Re - 27 corder of Los Angeles County, California; thence Southerly 28 parallel to the Easterly line of said North Orange Street to 29 the Southerly line of Vineyard Lot "A -It, as shown on a map 30 recorded in Book 4 of Deeds, at Pages 629 and 630, Records of 31 Los Angeles County, California; thence Easterly along said South - 32 erly line and said Southerly line extended to a point 250 feet Easterly of theEasterly line of North East Street; thence South- -4- S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 erly parallel to said Easterly line and parallel to the Easterly line of South East Street to the center line of East Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly along said center line to the Easterly line of South East Street; thence Southerly along said Easterly line to a point 250 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of East Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly parallel to said Southerly line to a point 150 feet Easterly of the Easterly line of South Orange Street; thence Southerly parallel to said Easterly line to a point 150 feet Southerly from the Northerly line of Vineyard Lot "H--111, as shown on said map; thence Westerly parallel to the said Northerly line and parallel to the Northerly line of Vine- yard Lot "H-2" to a point 200 feet Easterly from the Easterly lime of South Olive Street; thence Southerly parallel to said Easterly line to the Southerly City Limits of the City of Anaheim thence Westerly along said Southerly line to a point 250 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of South Lemon Street; thence Northerly parallel to said Westerly line to a point 250 feet Southerly from the Southerly line of West South Street; thence Westerly parallel to said Southerly line to a point 300 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of South Palm Street; thence Southerly parallel to said Easterly line to the Southerly City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence Westerly along said S ly City Limits to a point 300 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of South Palm Street; thence Northerly parallel to said Westerly line to a point 300 feet Southerly from the Northerly line of Vineyard Lot "H-6", as shown on said map;; thence Wester- ly parallel to said Northerly line and parallel to the Nort2'aly line of Vineyard Lot "H--7", as shown on said map, and said North- erly line extended to a point 300 feet Westerly from the Westerly line of South West Street; thence Northerly parallel to said the cera- /i:�e a .l Ves7` �Q� fq .��y cj�•-ce��' f%e.�� e Westerly line to^ ,f set C- ss7`a r /1i7 e ?Iv,:V" c5'4, the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence -5- 1 Notth along said City Limits to a point 250 feet North from the I 2 North line of Lincoln Avenue; thence East parallel to said North 3 line to a point 250 feet West from the West line of the Summer - 4' field and Oppenheimer Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in 5 Book 19, page 44, miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, 6 California; thence North parallel to said Brest line and said 7 ;West line extended to a point 250 feet North of the extended 8 North line of said Summerfield and Oppenheimer Sutdivisidn; 9 thence East parallel to said extended North line and parallel 10 to said North line to a point 250 feet Westerly of the Westerly 11 line of North West Street; thence Northerly parallel to said 12 Westerly line to a point 250 feet Northerly of the extended 13 Northerly line of West Sycamore Street; thence Easterly parallel 14 to said extended Northerly line and parallel to said Northerly 15 line to the center line of North Citron Street; thence Northerly 16 along said center line to the South line of Miles Rancho, as 17 shown on a map recorded in Book 4, page 7, Miscellaneous Maps, 18 Records of orange County, California; thenae.;X,ast along said 19 South line to its intersection with the East line of Lot 12, i I 20 Miles Rancho, as shown on said map; thence North to the North 21 City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence East along said North', 22 City Limits to the center line of North Lemon Street; thence 23 South along said center line to its intersection with the extendr+ 24 ed Northerly line of the 15 -foot alley lying North of Lots 1 to 25 7 of the Hart Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 7,' 26 page 20, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, Calif - 27' ornia; thence Easterly along the extended North line of said 28 15 -foot alley to its intersection with the extended Northerly 29 line of that certain East and West alley distant 195 feet North - 30 erly from the center line of La palma Avenue, as showh on a 31 Map of the Gresswell Subdivision, recorded in Book 6, page 47, 32 Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence ► Easterly along the Northerly line of said alley and its extension 1 2 3 4 1. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 %--k Easterly and Westerly to its intersection with the center line o patt Street,as shown on last desctibed map; thence Southerly along said center line of Patt Street to a point on the South line of Section Three (3), Township Four (4) South, Range Ten (10) gest, S.B.B & M.; thence East along said South line to the place of beginning. Also beginning at a point in the gest City Limits of the City of Anaheim 250 feet North of the North line of Crone Avenue, as shown on a Map of Anaheim Investment Company's Tract, as recorded in Book 7, Pages 33 and 34, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence East parallel to said North line to a point 250 feet West of the West line of Pythias Avenue; thence North parallel to said West line and said West line extended to a point 250 feet North of the South line of the North half of Anaheim Extension Lot 48, as shown on a mapmade by Wm. Hamel and filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of.Los Angeles County, California; thence East parallel to said South line and said South line extended to a point 250 feet East of the East line of Walnut Street; thence South parallel to said East line to a point 250 feet South of the extended South line of Crone Avenue; thence West parallel to said extended South line and parallel to said South line to the West City limits of the City of Anaheim; thence North along said West City Limits to point of beginning. SECTION 3; Before the commencement of the work of erecting or constructing any oil derrick within such portion of said City of Anaheim wherein such erection or construction shall be lawful, permission therefor shall first be obtained from the Building Inspector of the City of Anaheim, and the applicant, before such permit is issued, shall furnish a bond, payable to the City of Anaheim, in the penal sum of Two Thousand. ($2,000.00) Dollars, the condition of which shall be that in the event no oil or other hydrocarbon -substances are discovered, or the -7- 1 2 3 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 operation of said well is discontinued for a period of three months, the applicant shall within thirty days thereafter cause said derrick to be removed and the ground substantially restor- ed to its former condition. SECTION 4: Every person, as principal, agent or otherwise, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 5: All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 6: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Daily Herald, and said ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its final passage. The foregoing ordinance s signed, approved and attested by me, this 11- day of , 1923. f President of the Board of Trusfg�99 of the City of Anaheim Attest: Clerrc of the City o nahe%i -8- 1 2 3 4 5� 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14! 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, SS. / CITY OF ANAHEIM. I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 8 day of`, 1923, and that the same was passed and adopted at a meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the �zz ' day of 08*0cbm, 1923, by the follow- ing vote: AYES, Trustees /� ��/�, iYta;+.v.-L •° e1 /--�� FOES, Trustees - ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, Trustees And I further certify that the president of the Board 0" of Trustees of said City signed said ordinance on the 2-2- day of owb~, 1923. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and -24 -+��vf 1 6c"C- affixed the seal of said City, this day of , 1923. F clerk of THe city of Ana�h --9- rix