Library 2010/11/08 II. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATIONDATE/TIME EuclidLibraryMonday,November 8, 2010 1340 S. Euclid6:30p.m. Anaheim, CA 92802 CALL TO ORDER -The agenda having been posted at11:00 a.m. onNovember 2, 2010, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to orderbyChairMathisenat6:30 p.m. PRESENTRoberto BaezaLana BarlowCarolyn Bryant Laurie CrawfordLinell Mathisen STAFFCarol Stone, City Librarian, Audrey Lujan, LibraryOperations/Branch Services Manager, Jennifer Foxx, PTSr. Secretary, Guadalupe Gomez, Library Services Manager, Jane Newell, Library Services Manager, Tony Lam,Librarian, Kathleen Pezzetti,Senior Librarian, GUESTSHelen Carter, President, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library Bruce Brown, President, Friends ofthe Canyon Hills Library I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A.FRIENDS OF THEANAHEIM PUBLICLIBRARY REPORT: Helen reported that the Friend’s th held their annual meeting on Monday, October 25, at 1:00 p.m.Carol recognized the Friends at the meeting in honor of National Friends of the Library Week. B.FRIENDS OF THECANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT:Bruce shared an article that from the Anaheim Hills News highlighting the Friends of the Canyon Hills Library. The Friends will be having a sale of Christmas books on November 19 & 20 and their annual Christmas Dinner for their volunteers and their spouses on December 1. Ýò FOUNDATIONREPORT:None D.UNSCHEDULEDORAL COMMUNICATION: Guadalupe Gomez and Tony Lam highlighted programs scheduled for the Euclid Library. The Board presented Jane Newell with a certificate of recognition for planning and implementing a wonderful program for the Founders’ Park Grand Opening event. Anaheim Public Library Meeting November 8, 2010 Minutes Page 2 I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS (CONTINUED) E.WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: None F.UPDATE ON SUMMER READING PROGRAM AND YOUTH SERVICES: Kathleen Pezzetti gave a presentation onthe results of the Summer Reading Program. II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES A.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 MEETING MOTION: That the Board approved the minutes of the September 13, 2010 meeting as presented. M/S CB/RB3Ayes B.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 11, 2010 MEETING A correction was made to item I. B. Friends of the Canyon Hills Library Report to reflect the cor- rect date for the sale of Christmas Book Sale from October 20 and 21 to November 19 and 20. MOTION: That the Board approved the minutes of the October 11, 2010 meeting as cor- rected. M/S LB/CB 3 Ayes III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS:None. A.ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR MOTION: That the Library Board nominate and elect Laurie Crawford for Vice Chair for the Library Board for a term to October 2011. M/S CB/LB 5 Ayes IV.NEW BUSINESS A.LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SCHEDULE: MOTION:That the Library Board approve the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees 2011 Meeting Schedule as presented. M/SCB/LC5Ayes Anaheim Public Library Meeting November 8, 2010 Minutes Page 3 V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN REPORT –Carol thanked Carolyn for her leadership as the Library Board Chair during the past year. Carol informed the Board that the City will be closing most City fa- cilities during the week between Christmas and New Year’s,onlyCentral Library will be open for public service. The Library participated in the Statewide Snapshot Day on Monday, October 4, which included giving patrons a 60 second survey during that day and received 1,170 surveys returned. A quick summary of the results will be included in the next Library Board Packet. Carol reported that the Library will be reducing the budget for collections and part-time hours to meet the Community Services budget reduction of $1.5 million. B.PUBLICITY –Included in packet. VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.CAPITAL:Audrey reported that construction began on Founders’ Park. Carol sharedthat she hopes to bring the OperationsAgreement between the Anaheim City School District and the City of Anaheimto the City Councilin December. B.CENTRAL ADULT &YOUTH SERVICES ACTIVITIES & STATISTICS: Included in packet. C.OPERATIONS:Included in packet. D.BRANCH SERVICES:Included in the packet VII.RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT A.RECOGNITION OFSUPPORT BYBOARD MEMBERS:Carolynacknowledged the support given to the Library by outgoing Mayor Pringle and City Council Members Kring and Hernan- dez. B.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT CERTIFICATE: The Board recognized Ymelda Ventura for doing a great job as Acting Senior Secretary during the PT Senior Secretary’s ab- sence. Anaheim Public Library Meeting November 8, 2010 Minutes Page 4 VIII.BOARD ITEMS LINELL MATHISEN,CHAIR: Plans to attend the Anaheim Historical Society’s An Eveningof Wine and History. LAURIE CRAWFORD: Attended the Halloween Festivaland enjoyed visiting the Bookmobile. ROBERTO BAEZA: Shared that Juarez School had a literature day in which children dressed as their favorite character from a book and carried that book with them throughout the day.Roberto also shared the furlough dates for the Anaheim City School District. LANA BARLOW: None. CAROLYN BRYANT: Attended the Halloween Festival. Carolyn shared an experience she had at the Haskett Circulation Desk. IX.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING:The next meeting will be Monday, December 13,2010,at the Central Library. B.ADJOURNMENT:Chair Linell Mathisen adjourned the meeting at 7:50p.m. ChairSecretary