Public Utilities 2010/12/15- I k0j; I N E a 1"113911 DI*V 1 010741 "A k Jolla"M INT1.10=1 401prz Mil M. nam:MN11H."I I M ffmv ZZ I = 3=1 1 -9 "MIN IMMIN M1 1 . 1. - w--uge t-unierence Woom, KOM — im IT — e-srT — ower, ZLC5 , n — � Mlvd., Anaheim, California. iiiiijil - &I* i = ta sia m corow L 111M comments gortion ofthe mW-Aj2;g,- �05 I DIDN 9 10M; I pip 1 I I fflm= 3. PRESENTATION ON CANYON POWER PLANT CONSTRUCTIOV. There have been two recordable accidents with one lost time injury in which an employee working on a foundation slipped 2nd broke his leg. He shared that even with these two incidents, the Project has an outstanding safety record. ELM M YOM whether flexibilitty had been built into th Project so that over changes. I M PEN 9 [11 z Beginning with the Water matrix, the basic upward cost pressures have been quality and usage issues. Water quality includes drinkinam!.Tft7.i imvtu-i.ofihsxwiewo). T ok 'I lead free products, monitoring requirements and water usage, which covers conservation. aftyawk FTIHIIK*.Q 9 1 a 0 4103 [IrMONNI VILM14111 ENE 1141EI IMA 33" k H osts for payers. ACTION TAKEN I I He shared that there are three Underground District conversion projects in construction, including Sunkist, Harbor and Lincoln/Magnolia. The Department continues to minimize impacts to the residents as well as business owners during construction. �r'6 =M gCU rTW a rij :tin these projects, and felt that, although it can be a little iisruptive, it is managed such that it is as least impactful as ip)ossible. L-1 KIO]". vmgg�� 0 IMFMI Jt4 Ilia • pralvq tell I 1 11 [113 Simi 0 40 to increase that favorable expense variance. INN M N III .7 M TIO -74 6 MORM A "Save the Date" invitation will be emailed to all Board members. "MINNIM 1 .1111 ZI 13,31 DI W N Iz Lao I OM F. z LOKA ZAWOW 111 M xmtr — rI uFT17, tT r-T - A - MMW7 Solar Project Election of new Public Utilities Board Vice Chairperson 1 0. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. AGENDAITEM ACTION TAKEN 10i IM. , [ egislation and Estimates Workshop, He wished everyone Happy Holidays. P. Carroll mentioned that he would be out of town for the January 26, 2011 meeting and also 1.' L. Davis for his presentation on the Canyon Power Plant. He also mentioned that he found the Leuislatio . w1 1 - . T - tAtiM- Wallin Colton venture. success on all of the past successful projects and wished a Happy Holidays to the staff and his colleagues. J. Machiaverna echoed the sentiments concerning staff. He that they really get an understanding of what is going on in order to move on and make wise decons. L. Cahill wished everyone a Happy Holiday Season and also mentioned and congratulated Jordan Brandman on his recem election as President of the Anaheim Union High School District.