2011/04/12ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR AND REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF APRIL 72, 2011 The City Council meeting of April 12, 2011 was called to order at 3:00 P.M. and adjourned to 3:30 PM for lack of a quorum. The regular adjourned meeting was called to order at 3:35 P.M. in the Chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 South Anaheim Boulevard. A copy of the agenda was posted on April 8, 2011 on the kiosk outside City Hall. PRESENT: Mayor Tom Tait and Council Members: Gail Eastman, Lord Galloway, Kris Murray and Harry Sidhu. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Tom Wood, City Attorney Cristina Talley, and City Clerk Linda Andal FY 2011/12 BUDGET WORKSHOP: Finance Director, Bob Wingenroth remarked his presentation would review key budget reductions in place, the current status of the City's finances, next fiscal year projections as well as preliminary results from the City's zero -based budgeting efforts. At the last workshop, he stated, Anaheim had addressed the impact of the economic downturn by cutting expenses and drawing on reserves, always cognizant that expenses would need to be reduced to solve the City's structural deficit. At the last workshop, the structural deficit was identified between $10- 12 million, a figure that must be solved to balance the next budget. He added, if by January, the City continued to rely on reserves without reducing expenditures, those reserves would be depleted by the end of FY 11 /12. This year, in the current adopted budget, he emphasized, in the first eight months ending February, Anaheim was projected to receive just under $143 million in revenues and anticipated spending just under $160 million. Drawing on reserves was estimated at $16.6 million. Actual revenues received were slightly over the original budget by about $1 million and expenses came in at $153.7 million for that eight month time period, much less than originally budgeted due to a number of efforts. Budget reductions had been made, the hiring freeze was continued and the net impact on reserves was projected at $9.3 million less than the budgeted amount. Using these figures as a base, staff projected ending the current fiscal year with $234.5 million in revenues versus the budgeted amount of $233.5 million; and expenditures down from $252 million to $245 million. Drawing down on reserves was now projected to be $10.7 million with an ending reserve balance of $14.5 million, or about 5.9 percent in reserves. Currently he explained, the department was watching international events to see how the devastation in Japan and the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa would have an effect on trending revenues down or increasing expenses such as fuel costs. He added there had been continued volatility in the financial arena and the books would not be closed until information on sales tax was received in mid - August and expenditure details completed by mid - September. He again stated his best estimate was a 5.9 percent reserve balance at the end of this current fiscal year. He added there was some good news regarding the daily cost of burning through Anaheim's reserve balance. At the beginning of the year, staff planned to use $18.5 million in reserves, which was about $51,000 a day. During January discussions and after some reductions were made, the anticipated drawdown was $13.9 million in reserves or $38,000 a day. Currently, he Council Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2011 Page 2 of 9 reported, the City had used about $9 million in reserves and projected ending the year with a $10.7 million drawdown of reserves which was roughly $11,000 a day. He emphasized this trend was going in the right direction and the goal for the next fiscal year was for zero dollars per -day of city reserves. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT), the highest revenue category, was projected to be about $84 million, Sales and Use Tax at $52 million, Property Tax at $59 million, Other Revenues and Transfers at $33 million for a total revenue projection of $229 million for FY 11/12. Expenditures, he stated, were projected at $227 million for an increase in reserves of about $2 million, which if added to the expected ending reserve balance for this year, would leave the City with $16.5 million as FY 11/12 ended or 7.3% of expenses. Regarding expenditures, he stated, the City would be making reductions in the current level of expenditures and services to reach $227 million. Some of those reductions included eliminating five percent of management positions at a savings of about $1 million a year, the AMEA and Management/Confidential 5% Pay Reduction with a $3 million impact for next year, reductions in the Police Department through attrition reflecting $3.3 million and redeployment of resources in the Fire Department resulting in $1.9 million in savings. He added the Community Services Department was working on efficiencies in Libraries and Parks for $3 million, Public Works was working on enhancements in some of the service contracts to provide $1.4 million and all other departments combined with staff reductions and contractual efficiencies would provide $1 million in savings. These efforts would yield $14.6 million in reductions, some of which were in place, some in progress and some that departments would be considering over the next three months to implement by July. Mr. Wingenroth pointed out revenues were comprised of mainly TOT, Sales Tax and Property Tax and staff worked hard to determine a middle road, neither too optimistic nor too pessimistic. He added if the $229 million estimated revenues came in within one percent, he would consider that a good estimate. Currently TOT was up six percent over the prior year. He noted the City's consultant, BKF, estimated an eight percent increase, however, through his discussions with staff, other County agencies and Anaheim businesses, he believed the four percent growth was justified given Japan's issues, raising oil prices and a possible loss of consumer confidence. The current year -to -date sales tax revenue growth was five percent, however, he added, it included a one time receipt of $700,000 in sales tax this year. Thanks to Public Utilities staff and the auditor, those funds for the installation of turbines could have gone to the County pool and Anaheim would have only received 10 percent. The City's consultant, MuniService optimistically estimated a four percent growth factor for the next year, however, Mr. Wingenroth pointed out, in discussing this with other cities and agencies versus the types of businesses in Anaheim, staff felt that number should be around 2.4 percent growth for the next fiscal year. Property Tax growth was projected at one percent. Last year he stated, the City received a negative amount for the first time since Prop 13 was created and this year since the CPI was positive and the difference amounted to about one percent, Property Tax income should go back up to $59 million in FY 11/12. Although a balanced budget would be presented for the next fiscal year, Mr. Wingenroth remarked there were still risks out there; the pace of economic recovery, decisions that state or federal government could make to balance their budget, increases in pension and medical costs and other issues not yet discussed. The Zero Based Budgeting ( "ZBB ") would be a tool for both management and Council to use to help make budget decisions in the future. The first installment of zero based budgeting resulted in a document outlining all 208 service programs that the General Fund delivers to the residents of Anaheim. This, he explained, was the result of much work by all city departments, and staff was now in the process of finishing up the cost Council Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2011 Page 3 of 9 information for each of these programs. When completed, Council would know the cost of providing every service making it easier to make future decisions. He ended his presentation remarking there would be another budget workshop in May, then the budget adoption process scheduled for two meetings in June. Mayor Tait asked why consultant's recommendations were not used with Mr. Wingenroth responding that previous estimates had been off, sometimes by a significant amount. In addition to using information provided by consultants, he believed there were staff members with significant financial acumen about Anaheim and he tempered the consultant's figures with information derived from those discussions held with staff, other agency's personnel and Anaheim businesses. Mayor Tait stressed the fact that tripling pensions and employee medical costs, along with revenues flattening out and expenses increasing, added to the current structural deficit with Mr. Wingenroth concurring as CalPers had increased rates due to market losses experienced a few years back resulting in a $5 million pension increase for the next fiscal year. Mayor Tait added another risk was that the current 7.75 discount rate from CalPers might adjust down to a more realistic rate and add a $3-4 million increase in pension costs. Council Member Galloway remarked that last year she had questioned the use of consultants when there was expertise and knowledge within Anaheim's staff, recommending the City draw on that talent. Mayor Pro Tern Sidhu requested clarification on Other Revenues and Net Transfers with Mr. Wingenroth indicating he would provide a greater breakdown of that category. Mayor Tait commended staff for the ZBB program as well as the progress being made. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO CLOSED SESSION: None PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: None At 4:17 P.M. Mayor Tait recessed to closed session for the following items: CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - INITIATION OF LITIGATION Initiation of Litigation pursuant to Subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code — Two potential cases. 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation pursuant to Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code — Tort Claim. At 5:26 P.M., City Council session was reconvened. Invocation: Pastor Roger Stalhut, Calvary Chapel Open Door Anaheim Flag Salute: Council Member Lord Galloway Presentations: Recognizing the 2011 City of Anaheim student ambassadors to Mito, Japan Mayor Tait remarked that each year, four student ambassadors from Anaheim were sent to Japan to experience Japanese culture although this year it would be suspended due to the earthquake disaster which occurred in that country. John Nguyen, Anaheim Sister City Commission recognized the four students (Brian Cully, Sophmore at Canyon High School; Council Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2011 Page 4 of 9 Amanda Doss, Junior at OC High School of the Arts; Alex Krebs, Sophmore at Oxford Academy; and Lisa Marshall, Senior at Luteran High School) for their participation in the rigorous application process and also encouraged the community to join in the Letters of Kindness campaign and other fund - raising activities for Mito, Japan. Acceptance of Other Recognitions (To be presented at a later date): Proclaiming April 10 -16, 2011, as National Telecom municators Week John Carter, Anaheim Police Department and Tracy Nolan, Metronet Fire, supported by a group of dispatchers, thanked Council for recognizing emergency dispatchers, remarking it was an honor to service the citizens of Anaheim. Proclaiming April 2011, as DMV /Donate Life California Month Carol Hooper, Donate Life Ambassador, encouraged participation in the fund - raising activities taking place during Donate Life California month. Proclaiming April 25 — 29, 2011, as Tree Appreciation Week Recognizing the recipients of the 2011 Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Estrella Awards At 5:45 P.M., Mayor Tait called to order the Anaheim Public Financing Authority and Anaheim Redevelopment Agency (in joint session with the City Council). ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDAS: Staff requested Public Hearing Item No. 3 be continued to the April 26, 2011 meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS (all agenda items): Scott Van Horn, Anaheim Fire Association, commented on the labor concessions made by the association to accommodate the City's budget shortfall and its resulting impacts on fire safety. William Fitzgerald, Anaheim Home, referencing a basketball franchise proposed for the City, encouraged citizens to sign a petition allowing the public to decide on a related $75 million bond issuance. Edwin Crane, resident on North Road Street, complained of a safety issue due to inadequate lighting on his street and asked for the City's assistance. Mayor Tait suggested Mr. Crane meet with Public Works Director Natalie Meeks who would look into his request and report back to Council. Another resident on North Road Street supported the request for additional street lighting in his neighborhood. Christina Guerrero, North Road Street, remarked that the neighborhood had petitioned the City for street lighting 10 years ago and she hoped the City would respond quickly to this request. At 5:58 P.M., the Anaheim City Council session was recessed to consider the Public Financing Authority and Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. Mayor Tait reconvened Council session at 6:05 P.M. Council Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2011 Page 5 of 9 3. JOINT CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING A joint public hearing between the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and the City to consider a Commercial Lease Agreement by and between the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Anaheim Arena Management, LLC, regarding certain real property located at 290 S. Anaheim Blvd. At the request of staff, this joint public hearing was continued to April 26, 2011 at 5:00 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Tait indicated he would abstain on Item No's 6 and 7 due to a potential conflict of interest. Mayor Pro Tern Sidhu moved to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions and to adopt the consent calendar in accordance with reports, certifications and recommendations furnished each council member and as listed on the consent calendar, seconded by Council Member Galloway. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 5: Mayor Tait and Council Members: Galloway, Eastman, Murray and Sidhu. Noes — 0. Motion Carried 4. Receive and file minutes of the Cultural and Heritage Commission meeting of January 8105 20, 2011, Golf Commission meeting of January 27, 2011, Community Services Board meeting of February 10, 2011, Public Utilities Board meeting of February 23, 2011 and Sister City Commission meeting of February 28, 2011. 5. Accept the lowest responsive bid of Marina Landscape, Inc., in the amount of D128 $378,648.88 (including sales tax), to furnish and install water - efficient irrigation controllers and sprinkler nozzles in the Anaheim Resort Area, in accordance with Bid #7495. 6. Approve three Memoranda of Understanding with the Orange County Transportation AGR.6712 Authority (OCTA) for the traffic light synchronization of Katella Avenue, La Palma AGR.6713 Avenue, and Yorba Linda Boulevard as part of OCTA's Traffic Light Synchronization AGR.6714 Program. An abstention recorded for Mayor Tait due to potential conflict of interest. (Approved 40 -1) 7. Approve and authorize the Public Utilities General Manager to execute, implement and administer the Lease Agreement, and any related documents, with Orange County AGR.6715 Water District (OCWD) that grants the City the right to enter on certain real property owned by OCWD to install, construct, reconstruct, redevelop, inspect, operate, maintain, and improve a new water production well (Well No. 58); and adopt the Negative Declaration as the appropriate environmental documentation for the water well project per the California Environmental Quality Act. An abstention recorded for Mayor Tait due to potential conflict of interest. (Approved 4-0 -1) 8. Approve an Amended and Restated License Agreement with the West Anaheim Little League to allow usage of Parcel No. 070 - 801 -27 (baseball fields located near the AGR.1995.1 intersection of Magnolia Ave. and 1 -5) in exchange for consideration in the form of payment for all expenses, taxes and other costs related to the property as well as paying for all costs associated with the maintenance, repair and operation of the property, including parking, appurtenant easements and the baseball fields. Council Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2011 Page 6 of 9 9. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -044 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF P124 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM accepting certain deeds conveying to the City of Anaheim certain real properties or interests therein (City Deed Nos. 11412, 11413 and 11414). 10. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -045 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM rescinding permit parking for Westhaven Drive and Westhaven D175 Circle in Permit - Eligible Parking District No. 5 (Twila Reid /Stonybrook District). 11. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -046 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM designating Vine Street from Wilhelmina Street to Sycamore D175 Street, south side of Wilhelmina Street from the railroad to Vine Street and Alberta Street from Vine Street to the west end of the street as "Permit Parking Only" street within Permit - Eligible Parking District No. 20 (Permit Parking Area No. 20). 12. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -047 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Pilo THE CITY OF ANAHEIM vacating a public utility easement located at 1500 North Miller Street, pursuant to California Streets and Highway Code section 8330, et seq. - Summary Vacation (Abandonment No. ABA2010- 00204). 13. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -048 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF R100 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving the plans and special provisions prepared by Orange County Flood Control District for the Santa Ana River Interceptor Sewer (SARI) Relocation: SARI Mainline Project. 14. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -049 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving the submittal of the Euclid Street Corridor Traffic R100 Signal Synchronization Project to the Orange County Transportation Authority for funding under the M2 Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Grant). RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -050 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM authorizing the Director of Public Works or designee to submit a grant application to the Orange County Transportation Authority for funding under the M2 Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Project on behalf of the City of Anaheim, and if awarded, authorizing the acceptance of such grant on behalf of the City and amending the budget for fiscal year accordingly. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -051 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving the submittal of the Tustin Avenue Corridor Traffic Signal Synchronization Project to the Orange County Transportation Authority for funding under the M2 Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program. 15. ORDINANCE NO. 6206 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Chapter 18.62 of Title 18 of the Anaheim C280 Municipal Code pertaining to administrative reviews (Zoning Code Amendment No. 2011 - 00095; Introduced at Council meeting of March 22, 2011, Item No. 26). 16. ORDINANCE NO. 6207 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF C280 ANAHEIM amending the zoning map referred to in Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to zoning (Reclassification No. 2010 - 00238; DEV 2010 - 00087; Introduced at Council meeting of March 22, 2011, Item No. 34). Council Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2011 Page 7 of 9 17. ORDINANCE NO. 6208 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Section 18.20.170 of Chapter 18.20 M142 of Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, nunc pro tunc, to correct clerical errors in Ordinance No. 6192 previously adopted (Platinum Triangle Mixed Use Overlay Zone). 18. Approve minutes of the Council meetings of March 22, 2011 and March 29, 2011. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 19. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -052 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (i) approving the issuance of not to exceed $95,000,000 aggregate principal amount of revenue bonds of the Public Financing Authority; (ii) 13137.1 approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Installment Purchase Agreement, an Indenture of Trust, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, a Purchase Contract and other related documents; (iii) approving the delivery of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Official Statement; and (iv) approving certain actions in connection therewith (related to Public Financing Authority Item No. 02). Amend the fiscal year 2010/11 budget accordingly by the amount of the bond. Public Utilities (PU) General Manager Marcie Edwards provided a brief presentation which covered Item No. 2 on the Financing Authority Agenda and Item No. 19 on the City Council Agenda. She indicated this resolution would authorize issuance of electric revenue bonds not to exceed $95 million proposed for a variety of electric system infrastructure projects. The Public Utilities Board unanimously voted their support of the bond issuance at their March 23r meeting. She explained this proposal was an important part of the Department's strategic financial plan which incorporated the need for capital investment in the infrastructure to provide customers with safe and reliable electric service. These investments, she remarked, were long - lived fixed assets that benefitted customers for decades. She further explained borrowing, rather than raising rates and financing the program by cash, was intentional to allow for the cost of the borrowing to be spread over an approximate 30 year life of the assets so customers receiving the benefit of the assets over time, were also the customers paying the cost. To do otherwise, she stated, would place the entire burden on current rate payers. She also stated this borrowing would have no impact on the electric rates since previous Council's actions had approved electric rates anticipating the need for debt service associated with the bond issue. She added the department's strategic financial plan incorporated the estimated capital needs of the electric system over a long -term planning perspective which helped the department determine the best mix of borrowing and use of reserves and available revenues to fund capital projects, The Department had also reviewed and prioritized its capital requirements and deferred certain projects which could be delayed without having negative short term operational consequences or limiting the ability to serve customers, and this was done, she stated, in order to minimize the size of the borrowing proposed at this time. She also added this borrowing would address capital needs only and would not be used for any on -going expenses such as labor, pensions, maintenance or other operating expenses incurred in day -to- day operations. Additionally, the requirement to make payments on these bonds did not create any obligation to the City's general fund as the City's electric revenues were pledged for bond repayment. Ms. Edwards added the projects proposed would add, expand or retrofit electric substations and associated equipment along with adding to the fund for expanding new technology. She noted all details associated with the design engineering and construction of specific projects would Council Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2011 Page 8 of 9 come before Council on an item -by -item basis and Council would have an opportunity to review each project in detail. She ended her presentation remarking whenever funds were borrowed, the status of the Utility and the City, it's financial viability and long -term plans were reviewed by rating agencies and typically, this information was presented to Fitch, Standard & Poor's and Moody's. Fitch had affirmed the City's AA- rating with a stable outlook which was welcome news, noting no other ratings had yet been received. Mayor Pro Tern Sidhu moved to approve RESOLUTION NO 2011 -052 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (i) approving the issuance of not to exceed $95,000,000 aggregate principal amount of revenue bonds of the Public Financing Authority; (ii) approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Installment Purchase Agreement, an Indenture of Trust, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, a Purchase Contract and other related documents; (iii) approving the delivery of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Official Statement; and (iv) approving certain actions in connection therewith; seconded by Council Member Murray. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 5: Mayor Tait and Council Members: Eastman, Galloway, Murray and Sidhu. Noes — 0. Motion Carried. Report on Closed Session Actions: None Council Communications: Council Member Eastman recognized Security Officer Angel Garcia for his act of kindness in helping a stranded motorist and her family. She spoke of her attendance at the Boys and Girls Gala recent fund raiser and expressed her interest in creating an ad -hoc taskforce, comprised of city residents, to help develop community garden(s) urging those with a passion in gardening to get involved. Mayor Pro Tern Sidhu congratulated the Anaheim Ducks on reaching the NFL pla�roffs. He announced the YMCA Good Friday breakfast at the Anaheim Marriot on April 22" and wished everyone a happy holiday. Council Member Galloway thanked the Anaheim Firefighters Association for attending the meeting and offering concessions to address the budget deficit. She reported her attendance at a meeting with the League of United Latin American Citizens (ULAC), the oldest Latino organization in the nation in Chicago with the purpose of encouraging them to choose Anaheim as the location for the 2014 National LULAC convention. Lastly she recognized Anaheim's female department heads remarking they were a testament to the quality and excellence of the City's management team. Council Member Murray reported that the Sister City Commission would be sending thousands of letters of encouragement to families in Mito, Japan and encouraged the community to submit their letters by April 29. She acknowledged the 90 birthday of Marianne Harvery and recognized Bruno Serato for being honored by CNN as Hero of 2011, Everyday People Changing the World, due to his support of Caterina's Club, Grandma's House of Hope, Anaheim Beautiful and Support for Motel Children. She announced the 2 nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt hosted by the Anaheim Rotary at Ronald Regan Park on April 16, Tip a Cop Fundraiser for Special Olympics on April 21 st at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company and discussed Disneyland's State of the Resort held on April 8 During that presentation, Disneyland acknowledged all of the new attractions to be open up in the next few years, Cars Land, themed Council Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2011 Page 9 of 9 California historical attractions, underscoring the economical value that benefits the region and county. Mayor Tait thanked staff for the budget workshop presentation and was especially appreciative of the progress the City had been making in reducing the deficit. He added the Zero Based Budget Program Inventory detailing 208 service functions by the General Fund was not typical of cities and took a great deal of time and effort to provide but that it would allow for a cost benefit analysis on the city services delivered. Mayor Tait added that because of Council's earlier actions in paving the way for another sports franchise, he would be representing the City at the NBA Board of Governors' meeting to invite an NBA team to Anaheim. Adjournment: With no further business to conduct, Mayor Tait adjourned the April 12, 2011 meeting at 6:29 P.M. Linda N. Andal, CIVIC City Clerk