Parks and Recreation 2011/02/23 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California FEBRUARY 23, 2011MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:Chairman Baldwin, Vice-ChairmanCrawford,Commissioners Brennan, Huitt,Manes, and Navarro COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED:Commissioner Vadodaria STAFF PRESENT:Larry Pasco, Park ManagerLynn Smith-Community Services Manager Pamela Galera, Principal Project PlannerGail Barruga-Administrative Assistant CALL TO ORDER–Chairman Baldwincalled the meeting to order at 5:30p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE–Chairman Baldwinled the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS Written Communication –None. A. Unscheduled OralCommunication from the Public –James Vanderbilt, Anaheim City School District’sEx-Officiorepresentative B. announced thededication ofPonderosa Elementary School/LibraryisMarch 4, 2011,at 9:30 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES–Chairman Baldwinpresented the January 26, 2011Commission Minutes and asked for changes or corrections. Commissioner Huitt noted thecorrection to the acronym for the Senior Citizen Advisory Councilon page two. There being noother corrections,Chairman Baldwinaccepted the Minutes as amended. ACTIVITY REPORTS A.Recreation and Human Services Activity Report –December 2010/January 2011:Lynn Smith presented the report and provided an update on the aquatics program. Lynnstated at the last commission meetingshe announced the aquatics program was eliminated from the budgetand aRequest for Proposalwas issued to operate and run the aquatics program. Lynn reported that although there were several companies at the pre-proposal conference, only the Anaheim Family YMCAsubmitted a proposal. Staff is in negotiations with the YMCA. The Agreement will be placed on the March 22, 2011 Agenda for Council approval. Chairman Baldwin asked what kind of reception does the Art Mobile programs receiveat the Miraloma park site. Lynn stated this is once per monthprogramto build a link between the community and thefuture parksiteand is well attended by the children and parents too. Also, the Police C4K (Cops 4 Kids)programand fire department provideprograms, along with a visit fromthe Library bookmobile. Commissioner Navarro asked is the day camp program, especially during the winter months,very successful at Peralta Park? Lynn stated Camp Venture is a very popular program as it meets a particular nichefor children throughout the area. Commissioner Huitt noted the revenues are generated by the Brookhurst Community Center and Downtown Community Center, but not the East Anaheim Community Center (EACC). Lynn stated EACC facility is asmallerfacility and does not have the larger types of rooms for banquets, etc. Commissioner Huitt stated she has been asked why some of the senior events at the Downtown Community Center couldn’t be held at the EACC. Also, would it be possible to have the North Orange County Regional College District to teach classes at EACC?Lynn stated classes are offered based on space availability and there is a minimum attendance requirement. Dueto the current staffing limitations, services have not been expanded at this site. Lynn stated her staff would be glad to assist the Senior Club if they wanted to offer programs there.Lynn stated there is currently a group of seniors who regularly play bridge and an adult exercise classat this facility. Park and Recreation Commission ×ÌÛÓ ÒÑò ðî ï February 23, 2011 Minutes B.Parks Capital Project Progress Report–Pamela Galera presented the report and providedupdates onthe followingprojects: Anaheim Coves:Construction continueswith the installation of plumbing, finishing work on the roadway, most of the grading is complete, as well as the fencing and walls. The trees will be plantedin the next two weeks. Due to the nesting season and weather delays, installation of the native plant material will becompleted in the fall when the weather is cooler. Anaheim Tennis Center:-Bids are due March 10. There were seven pre-qualified contractorsfor this specialized project. Founders’ Park–The windmill has been installed; the pump house (restrooms) is now framed as well as the carriage house (storage for artifacts), and the concrete is being poured. Miraloma Park–TheRFP was issued for the construction documents and there is a lot of interest in this project. Pelanconi Park–The OrangeCounty Transit Authorityawarded the City $100,000 from Measure M2fundsformitigation enhancementof the natural landscape at this site. Due to the complexity of therequirements,additional funds maybe requiredto complete this project. Staff will be working the Federal Fish and Wildlife services. 2201 E. Cerritos–This10 acre site in the city is available forpurchase.Chairman Baldwin asked if this site was a previous chemical company and if so, would it beworth buying if it requires a lot ofremediationwork.Pamela stated Chairman Baldwin is correct, and the previous owner has cleaned the site but only to a level for a manufacturingsite. It is not clean enough to buildaschool or residentialhousing.Pamela stated she has experience in converting previous landfills to parks in the City of Orange. Depending on the purpose of the site, i.e. a sports complex, installing artificial turf could provide a cap and keep the contaminants from human interaction.Chairman Baldwin stated he was concerned the costs to remediate and build the park in this economy would be more than available funds in the budget. However, he noted this is a very large piece of land in an area that is very active and these opportunities are not often available. Larry Pasco stated there is a greatdemand for a sports park facility in the citywhich would require a very large parcelof land. Larry statedan extensive survey would be conductedto determine all the costs involved.Commissioner Brennan stated since large parcels of this size do not become available very often, this would be a great opportunity forthe city to purchase this property, not only for the today’s users,but more importantly for the future generations to come. C.Senior Citizen Sub-Committee–Commissioner Huitt thanked the city staff at the Downtown Community Center for theirquick response to paint the parking bumper blocks a different color than the parking lot. This will benefit everyone and help prevent future trips and falls over these blocks. Commissioner Huitt reported many community centers throughout the county have installed a disposal box for medications that are eitheroutdated or no longer required.She provided information about a service that removes the disposal box contentson site. She asked if a box could be installed at the community centers. Lynn asked Commissioner Huitt to contact Moses Menchaca at the Downtown Community Centertolook into the matter. NEW BUSINESS-Commissioner Manes announced the following events: Anaheim Assistance League’s Fashion Showis March 5. Proceeds support the program that provides school uniforms for Anaheim elementary students. The Civil War reenactment at St. Catherine’s is March 26 and 27; theAnaheim Public Library Mystery Authors Luncheon will be Sunday, April 3 at the Sheraton Park Hotel; Taste of Anaheim at The Shops of Anaheim GardenWalk is May 12, and the Historical Home Tour is May 14 and15. Commissioner Manes asked if Anaheim is considering community gardens in any of the parks. Larry Pasco stated the GOALS youth program is considering one on a site north of La Palma Park. Larry Pasco stated to refrain from taking much needed park space away from public use, that a separate site be consideredthat would be maintained by a community partnership. ADJOURNMENT–Chairman Baldwinadjourned the meeting at 6:30p.m. î