2011/07/12ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR and ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 12, 2011 The City Council regular meeting of July 12, 2011 was called to order at 3:00 P.M. and adjourned to 4:30 P.M. for lack of a quorum. The regular adjourned meeting of July 12, 2011 was called to order at 4:33 P.M. in the Chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 South Anaheim Boulevard. A copy of the agenda was posted on July 8, 2011 on the kiosk outside City Hall. PRESENT: Mayor Tom Tait and Council Members: Gail Eastman, Lord Galloway, Kris Murray and Harry Sidhu. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Tom Wood, City Attorney Cristina Talley, and City Clerk Linda Andal WORKSHOP: UNDERGROUND CONVERSION PROGRAM 5 -YEAR PLAN Dukku Lee, Public Utilities Department, updated Council on Anaheim's Underground Conversion Program which had been established in 1990 to replace overhead utility lines under ground along major transportation corridors. This program, he explained, was funded through a four percent electric surcharge which annually amounted to approximately $11 million to be used exclusively for undergrounding projects. This past year, he announced, the Department exceeded 100 circuit miles of the 220 circuit miles identified in the program at a cost of $155 million for the completion of those projects. Currently, he reported, there were six circuit miles under construction. He explained the criteria for selection of underground projects considered the following: 1) geographic diversity to insure projects were spread throughout the city; 2) project coordination with other departments which allowed an opportunity for undergrounding at the same time or prior to street widening or other construction related projects; 3) engineering and reliability to ensure power was more reliable as overhead lines experienced outages due to balloons, fallen tree limbs and other situations causing problems with the lines ; 4) aesthetics to beautify roadways as a result of these projects and; 5) funding availability. The process began with an underground subcommittee consisting of Planning Commissioners and Public Utility Board Members who directed the program and were involved in the details of each project. Their plan was then brought before the Public Utilities Board to ensure compatibility with other utility initiatives with the final recommendation coming before the City Council for approval. Mr. Lee remarked the annual Five Year plan was included on tonight's consent calendar for Council's consideration. He noted there were currently 15 projects in various stages of development in the five year plan and the proposal for Council's approval was to add one additional project to that Plan. Projects normally took between one to two years to complete with staff coordinating with a number of other agencies; i.e., phone, cable, and other utilities to include their design criteria. Once the trenching was completed, cable conduits were placed in the trench and utility companies could then come in and perform their work afterwards. He added this was also an opportunity to work with property owners and take their concerns into consideration as part of the design as well as to find locations for transformers and other devices which must be placed above ground. Easements might be needed, he pointed out, for location on the City's facilities. Mr. Lee provided that Underground District No. 49, Sunkist from Lincoln down to Winston and Ball Road was completed. The project included distribution of a number of communication lines Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2011 Page 2 of 10 at a cost of $8 million to construct. Trenching activities consisted of placing conduits in the ground to allow companies to pull cables into the conduits and connect them to their respective load centers. He pointed out if something happened to the cable line in the future, there was the ability to pull out the old cable, install new cables, and never have to touch the ground again. If any type of maintenance was needed in the future, he explained that crews could access an underground 8 foot by 20 foot vault housing equipment and cable. On Sunkist, north of Ball intersection, he noted, there were still some aerial facilities left, pointing out that AT &T were splicing and doing fiber work in order to be able to remove those poles and lines and transition their overhead to the underground system. He pointed out that in some cases; this process took 9 or 10 months to complete the work. Another completed project was located on Harbor Boulevard, south of Santa Ana to Vermont. In this case, Mr. Lee added, there were still some communication facilities on Water and Vermont with the major roadway, Harbor, completed. Lincoln /Magnolia was a large active project which included transmission, distribution, and eight communication lines and was anticipated to be completed later in 2011. Close to the 91 freeway expansion project, the Department would underground a pole line which would alleviate conflicts with the freeway widening project with staff currently coordinating work with Caltrans as construction mobilization was beginning. The goal was for Anaheim's undergrounding to be completed by February 2012. He noted that work had already been completed on Euclid, except for the remaining portion on Brookhurst and La Palma. Another large project at the west end of town would complete Lincoln extending all the way to the west city limit. In this case, he stated, the City was working with SCE, as a franchise with that entity required them to underground about 15 percent of their overhead lines running through the City. He added staff looked for major streets where undergrounding activities could be coordinated and in this particular case, worked with SCE to identify this stretch as part of their obligation under the franchise since it was a major entry point into the City. There were also two remnants remaining from the Euclid widening project, south of Broadway and south of Ball with those two sections to be picked up as part of a project. Public Works was also widening Brookhurst and the Department was coordinating with them to do the undergrounding at the same time. He added there were also some SCE facilities on the northern part of this district with staff working with them as well to meet their final obligation for their franchise. West/Westmont was an underground district formed in March, adjacent to Anaheim High School. Undergrounding would occur on West Street as well as Westmont to remove a number of overhead facilities, including communication entities. The coordination work was now in progress and staff was in touch with residents and property owners to find locations for equipment easements. As part of the ARTIC project, there were poles on Douglass that would be undergrounded. Staff was coordinating this project with the ARTIC consultants and staff to clean up the rest of Douglass, as the northern portion was already finished. Highlighting the planned projects, he indicated design activities and district formation had not yet occurred for these projects. As projects moved forward, staff would return to Council to request district formation, an important step, as district formation would compel communication companies to underground lines at their own expense. The Canyon Power Project was under construction and the undergrounding project in conjunction with that project would remove overhead lines from west of the 57 down to Kraemer Boulevard. Because of the heavy Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2011 Page 3 of 10 construction required for the Canyon Project, the Department installed the conduits at this time so it would not be necessary to dig up those streets again. West of the power plant, undergrounding would be necessary, and the Department took this opportunity to coordinate all activities to minimize impacts to businesses in the future. Nutwood /Cerritos project consisted of heavy construction of communication facilities closer to Euclid and even though the Department's facilities were minimal, this project would clean up all the communication as well as power lines in that area. The Ball /Brookhurst project contained transmission as well as distribution facilities of approximately two circuit miles, which including taking all the businesses in the area as well as residents and finding locations for distribution equipment. The Olive/Vermont project in Colony Park would underground some of the facilities from Santa Ana to Olive down to South; this project would be a continuation of the project southerly down to Vermont extending to State College Drive. The Lincoln /Rio Vista project included some facilities crossing the 57 freeway as well as north on Rio Vista to the 91 freeway. These were major facilities and he stated, the cost was estimated at $11 million. Lastly, Mr. Lee updated Council on the Home Underground Program, which allowed for residents to underground wires coming from poles in their back yards to their electrical panel. He added the Department provided a rebate incentive for this program and to date, there were 40 participants who had received $18,000 in rebates. He added the program was successful and was appropriate for residents who were remodeling or adding a backyard pool. Council Member Murray congratulated staff on a program that had been well thought out, well planned, and well managed. Council Member Eastman was supportive of the home underground rebate program which gave an incentive to homeowners and was an investment in the neighborhood. Mayor Pro Tem Sidhu, also supportive of this program, asked several questions regarding cost and the process. Mr. Lee responded that the cost per circuit mile was $3 million, remarking that a circuit mile was longer than a mile of roadway as it included the number of circuits within that mile. He added that some programs stopped at the property line and the project stalled as a result, which was why the Department went all the way to the customer panel. Mayor Pro Tem Sidhu asked for a comparison of the life span of overhead lines versus undergrounding with Mr. Lee replying it was generally about the same, approximately 30 to 40 years in terms of electrical equipment, transformers, wires, etc. Mayor Pro Tem Sidhu recommended the SCE franchise be reevaluated to encourage more than a 15 percent compliance to underground. City Manager Tom Wood remarked the franchise was in perpetuity and when it was negotiated about 15 years ago, SCE had provided a number of benefits to the City, including parklands and access to SCE transmission right -of -way for bike corridors. He added that at the completion of the undergrounding projects, the city would review the franchise. Mayor Tait called the Anaheim City Council meeting to order at 5:18 P.M., with an announcement of the death of Marine Lance Corporal Norberto Mendez, a 22 year old former Anaheim resident, who was killed Sunday night in Afghanistan. Invocation Rabbi Kieffer, Temple Beth Emet Flan Salute: Council Member Gail Eastman Presentations: Recognizing the Orange County Symphony Dorothy Rose, Executive Director, remarked the Orange County Symphony had been headquartered in Anaheim since 2001 and represented the city with pride. She added the Symphony strived for a standard of excellence and was proud to be recognized as the resident symphony for Anaheim. Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2011 Page 4 of 10 At 5:22 P.M., the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and the Anaheim Housing Authority was called to order for a joint public comment session with the City Council. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDAS: Staff requested Sister City appointments (Item No. 24) be continued to July 19, 2011 and with no objections raised, Mayor Tait continued those appointments. PUBLIC COMMENTS (all agenda items): James Robert Reade, resident, commented on graffiti vandalism urging the City to heavily fine and charge culpable parents for contributing to the delinquency of graffiti taggers. William Fitzgerald, resident, addressed his comments regarding the recent death of a young graffiti tagger. Michael Baker, Boys & Girls Club of Anaheim, invited the community to attend the 4 th annual Beer and Wine Tasting fund - raiser and updated Council on recent Club activities. Paul Andreason, Anaheim Family YMCA, extended an invitation to the 42 annual golf tournament fund - raiser at Monarch Beach on July 25 and thanked Council for their support of the YMCA efforts. Lisa Gin, Eli Home for Abused Children, announced their annual summer fund - raiser on July 16 at the Hilton consisting of a silent and live auction with once in a lifetime opportunities for participants. Carol Latham, resident, thanked Council and staff, for their efforts in improving the lives of Anaheim citizens. Dean Meljohn, Universal Alloy, encouraged Council's approval of Item No. 19, a request for a street name change to recognize John Ball, CEO and President of Universal Alloy. He added Universal had been an aerospace manufacturing company based in Anaheim since 1972 and had prospered and grown even in today's environment. He reported hiring 37 new employees since January remarking this name change would honor and recognize Universal Alloy's long- time CEO. At 5:43 P.M., Mayor Tait recessed the City Council meeting to consider the Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority agendas. Council session was reconvened at 5:45 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Galloway moved to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions and to adopt the consent calendar in accordance with the reports, certifications and recommendations furnished each council member and as listed on the balance of the consent calendar, seconded by Council Member Murray. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 5: Mayor Tait and Council Members: Galloway, Eastman, Murray and Sidhu. Noes — 0. Motion Carried 5. Receive and file minutes of the Cultural and Heritage Commission meeting of May 19, 8105 2011, Sister City Commission meeting of May 23, 2011, and Public Utilities Board meeting of May 25, 2011. 6. Award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, GMC Engineering, Inc., in the ARG -6808 amount of $1,988,853.50, for street improvements on Convention Way (Transit Plaza) Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2011 Page 5 of 10 and authorize the Finance Director to execute the Escrow Agreement pertaining to contract retentions. 7. Approve the proposed Five -Year Underground Conversion Plan for fiscal years 2011 -12 D182 to 2015 -16. 8. Approve the Amended and Restated Water Facility Design and Installation Agreement for the Mountain Park Development with the Irvine Community Development Company AGR- 4364.A LLC; authorize the Public Utilities General Manager to: (i) execute the Agreement and any other related documents, including the Entry Permit, (ii) take any and all actions as are necessary to implement and administer the Agreement, and (iii) make revisions to the Entry Permit's exhibits and de minimis changes to the Entry Permit's language. 9. Approve an Amendment to the Power Purchase Agreement with Iberdrola Renewables, Inc. and certify that the amended Agreement complies with the California Energy AGR - 5895.1 Commission's (CEC) greenhouse gases Emission Performance Standard (EPS); and authorize the Public Utilities General Manager to execute the amended Agreement and such documents and take such further and additional actions as may be required to comply with proposed CEC regulations related to greenhouse gases EPS. 10. Approve and authorize the Public Utilities General Manager to: (i) execute an agreement with MWH Americas, Inc. in the amount of $1,322,739 to provide consulting engineering AGR -6809 services in connection with the Windy Ridge Water Storage Tank project and (ii) take necessary actions to implement and administer an Agreement and any other related documents. 11. Approve the First Amendment to Agreement with Atkins North America, Inc, formerly AGR- 5508.1 known as PBS &J, to reflect its name change. 12. Approve the First Amendment to Cooperative Agreement with the Orange County Transportation Authority for the design, right of way acquisition, and construction of four AGR- 5742.1 grade separations along the BNSF corridor at Kraemer Boulevard, Tustin Avenue, Orangethorpe Avenue and Lakeview Avenue located within the City. 13. Approve the Fourth Amendment to Agreement with Republic Intelligent Transportation AGR- 5186.4 Services, Inc., adding additional traffic signal pole types and sizes to the original traffic signal maintenance services agreement. 14. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $249,865, for the design of a citywide AGR -6810 connectivity plan and authorize the Director of Community Services to increase the contract amount by up to 10 %, if such increase is necessary. 15. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -095 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Resolution No. 2010 -008 for the purpose of D154 modifying those classifications designated as Administrative Management. (Continued from Council meeting of June 14, 2011, Item No. 20) RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -096 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Resolution No. 2010 -009 for the purpose of modifying those classifications designated as Middle Management. Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2011 Page 6 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -097 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Resolution No. 2010 -010 for the purpose of modifying those classifications designated as Supervisory Management. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -098 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Resolution No. 2010 -011 for the purpose of modifying those classifications designated as Professional Management. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -099 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Resolution No. 2006 -032 for the purpose of modifying those classifications designated as Police Safety Management. 16. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -100 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM accepting certain deeds conveying to the City of Anaheim P124 certain real property interests therein (City Deed Nos. 11425, 11426, 11427, 11428, 11429, 11430, 11431 and 11432). 17. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM authorizing the Director of Community Services or his R100 designee to submit an application for housing related parks grant on behalf of the City of Anaheim to the Department of Housing and Community Development, and if awarded, authorizing the acceptance of such funding on behalf of the City and amending the budget accordingly. 18. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM requesting temporary closures to Caltrans 1 -5 offramps for Disneyland Half Marathon (September 4, 2011; southbound 1 -5 at Harbor Blvd, R100 southbound 1 -5 at Disney Way, northbound 1 -5 at Katella Ave. and north and southbound 1 -5 at Gene Autry Way). 19. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF R100 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM changing the name of a portion of La Mesa Avenue to John Ball Way. 20. RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -104 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM declaring its intention to enact an Ordinance whereby the City D155 shall elect to comply with and participate in the Alternative Voluntary Redevelopment Program contained in Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code. 21. ORDINANCE NO. 6217 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM electing to comply with and participate in the Alternative Voluntary D155 Redevelopment Program contained in Part 1.9 of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code. 22. ORDINANCE NO. 6218 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Subsection .010 of Section 18.04. 100 of Chapter 18.04 and M142 Subsection .020 of Section 18.42.030 of Chapter 18.42 of Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code (Zoning Code Amendment No. 2011 - 00100; DEV2011- 00028). 23. Approve minutes of Council meetings of June 7, 2011 and June 14, 2011. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2011 Page 7 of 10 24. Consider appointments /re- appointments to city Boards and Commissions where those terms expire June 30, 2011 and make appointments to fill two unscheduled vacancies: 8105 i) Housing and Community Development Commission (East District), term to expire June 30, 2012 and ii) Cultural and Heritage Commission, term to expire June 30, 2014. All scheduled vacancies will be for a term of four years, expiring June 30, 2015 (Continued from Council meeting of June 14, 2011, Item No. 27). Mayor Tait moved to reappoint all incumbents seeking reappointment to their boards or commissions; that vote was unanimously approved by Council. Budget, Investment and Technology Commission: [Re]Appointment: Trevor Austin (Incumbent, Austin Trevor) Community Center Authority: Appointment: Everada Nava (vacancy of Ed Munson) Council Member Eastman nominated Everada Nava to the Community Center Authority and with no other nominees offered, Mr. Nava was unanimously appointed. Community Services Board: Appointment: Becky Murphy (vacancy of Patricia Pina) Council Member Murray nominated Becky Murphy to the Community Services Board and with no other nominees offered, Ms. Murphy was unanimously appointed. [Re]Appointment: Anca Trifa (Incumbent, Anca Trifa) Cultural and Heritage Commission: [Re]Appointment: Kelly Castillo (Incumbent, Kelly Castillo) [Re]Appointment: Alkamalee Jabbar (Incumbent, Alkamalee Jabbar) Appointment: Konstantinos Roditis (term ending June 30, 2014) (vacancy of Marian Galanis) Council Member Murray recommended Konstantinos Roditis to the Cultural and Heritage Commission. Council Member Eastman recommended David Kooi. Roll Call vote for K. Roditis: Ayes — 3: ( Mayor Tait and Council Member Galloway and Murray). Noes — 0. Abstention — 2: (Council Member Eastman and Mayor Pro Tem Sidhu.) Roll Call Vote for D. Kook Ayes — 2: (Council Member Eastman and Mayor Pro Tern Sidhu.) Noes — 0. Abstention — 3:( Mayor Tait and Council Members Galloway and Murray. ) Mr. Roditis was appointed to the Cultural and Heritage Commission. Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2011 Page 8 of 10 Housing and Community Development Commission: Appointment: Chris Emami (term ending June 30, 2012) (East District; unscheduled vacancy of Bobby McDonald) Mayor Pro Tem Sidhu nominated Brian Chuchua to the Housing and Community Development Commission; Council Member Eastman nominated Paul Beckman, Mayor Tait nominated Chris Emami. Roll call vote for Brian Chuchua: Ayes — 1: ( Mayor Pro Tem Sidhu.) Noes — 0. Abstention — 4: (Mayor Tait and Council Members: Eastman, Galloway and Murray.) Roll call vote for Paul Beckman. Ayes — 2 (Council Members Eastman and Murray.) Noes — 0. Abstention — 3: (Mayor Tait, Council Members Galloway and Sidhu.) Roll call vote for Chris Emami — Ayes — 4: (Mayor Tait and Council Members Galloway, Murray and Sidhu.) Noes — 0. Abstention — 1:( Council Member Eastman.) Mr. Emami was appointed to the Housing and Community Development Commission, East District. Appointment: Liz Gavarini (term ending June 30, 2015) (West District; vacancy of Everado Nava) Council Member Galloway nominated Liz Gavarini to the West District. With no other nominees offered, Ms. Gavarini was unanimously appointed. Appointment: John Gatti (term ending June 30, 2015) (Tenant Member; vacancy of Constantine Proussalis) Council Member Eastman nominated John Gatti and with no other nominees offered, Mr. Gatti was unanimously appointed. Library Board: [Re]Appointment: Linell Mathisen (Incumbent, Linell Mathisen) Park and Recreation Commission: Appointment: Georgia Lappin (vacancy of Donald Baldwin) Council Member Galloway nominated Rudy Gaona to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Council Member Eastman nominated Georgia Lappin. Roll Call vote for Rudy Gaona — Ayes — 2: (Council Member Galloway and Mayor Tait.) Noes — 0. Abstention — 3: (Council Member Eastman, Murray and Sidhu.) Roll Call vote for Georgia Lappin — Ayes — 3: (Council Members Eastman, Murray and Sidhu.) Noes — 0. Abstention — 2: (Council Member Galloway and Mayor Tait.) Ms. Lappin was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission. [Re]Appointment: Mike Brennan (Incumbent, Mike Brennan) Planning Commission: [Re]Appointment: Peter Agarwal (Incumbent, Peter Agarwal) Appointment: Michelle Lieberman (vacancy of Joseph Karaki) Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2011 Page 9 of 10 Council Member Eastman nominated Michelle Lieberman and with no other nominees offered, Ms. Lieberman was unanimously appointed to the Planning Commission. Public Utilities Board: [Re]Appointment: Jordan Brandman (Incumbent, Jordan Brandman) Appointment: Susan Faessel (vacancy of Lon Cahill) Council Member Murray nominated Susan Faessel to the Public Utilities Board and with no other nominees offered, Ms. Faessel was unanimously appointed to the Board. Sister City Commission: Sister City Appointments continued to July 19, 2091 [Re]Appointment: (Incumbent, Joseph Aihara) [Re]Appointment: (Incumbent, Lisa Gin) Appointment: (vacancy of Swarti A. Valbh - Patel) [Re]Appointment: (Incumbent, Carolyn Yellis) [Re]Appointment: (Incumbent, Kyndall Paine) Council Communications: Council Member Eastman provided an update on the community garden taskforce. She reported a group had been formed and were working on identifying gardening locations within the City with the longer range goal of beginning planting by fall. She encouraged any interested gardeners to consider joining the taskforce. She announced the grand opening for the Anaheim Brewery scheduled for Saturday, July 16 and the CERT graduation on that same date with 70 graduates participating. She remarked the CERT program fit in with the Mayor's Hi Neighbor initiative urging the community to be aware and care for its neighbors. Mayor Pro Tern Sidhu spoke of his attendance at the 91 freeway widening ground breaking, an important transportation improvement project scheduled to be completed in 2012. He also had attended a networking event sponsored by Anaheim Public Utilities, AC -Net, and Orange County Technology Action Network to promote Anaheim as a business friendly place. Mayor Pro Tern Sidhu requested this meeting be adjourned in memory of Lance Corporal Norberto Mendez. Council Member Galloway recognized city employee, Laura Rodriguez, Anaheim Central Library Lab Clerk and commented on the success of the East Street Community Initiative peace walk held on June 27. She stated this was a community plagued by gang and graffiti activity and its purpose was to get the neighbors to come out and care for one another rather than retreat to their homes when a tragedy, such as the recent death of a young tagger occurred. She also Council Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2011 Page 10 of 10 announced the 'Fair to Remember' event to benefit children of foster care to be held on July 14th. Council Member Murray congratulated the new and returning commissioners, thanking them for contributing their time and talent to the City. She also provided highlights of the Ronald Reagan Park dedication held on July 1 st stating it was a patriotic way to start the 4 of July festivities. She announced Ponderosa Park would host a Farmer's Market every Tuesday, encouraging the community to take advantage of the fresh produce. Saturday was action packed, with the grand opening of the Anaheim Brewery at the site of the restored Packing House, the annual Eli Home fundraiser at the Anaheim Hilton as well as a children's event at the Muzeo. She also reported her attendance in Sacramento on June 28 where she spoke to the legislature regarding SB847 to provide perimeter protection between neighborhoods and medical marijuana dispensaries. She added the bill continued to move forward and would prohibit marijuana dispensaries within certain distances of schools and residential areas. Council Member Murray also reported that the State legislature chose to pass two pieces of legislation on June 29 that would have significant impacts to local governments across the state and significant impacts to economic development, quality of life, and the ability to continue to build quality workforce housing. AB26 which eliminated all redevelopment agencies and AB27, dubbed the extortion bill, as it required Anaheim to make a payment of $17 million immediately and an additional on -going $4 million from the Redevelopment Agency. She added there were so many examples of the good use of redevelopment funds throughout the city and the potential to continue redevelopment in other vacant parcels to encourage economic vitality in the City would now be limited all in the cause to help the State during this economic recession. Mayor Tait thanked staff for their work on the Ronald Reagan Park dedication, remarking it was a well received community event enhanced by a brass quintet from the Orange County Symphony. He remarked that too often entrepreneur's dreams were killed by red tape and delay, however, Anaheim was ready, willing and able to support those dreams. A Regulatory Reform Task Force chaired by Dr. Thomas Kirk, Chapman University, together with 14 local and regional business leaders have started a process to determine how government could support rather than thwart job creation. He encouraged business owners and members of the community to offer suggestions on how Anaheim could help streamline or eliminate local regulations that would attract new businesses and help current businesses to prosper through a relief hotline (714) 765 -4900, or by email: regrelief(D-anahiem.net A web page on Anaheim.net would also provide information on this program. Adjournment: At 6:15 P.M., the meeting was adjourned in memory and honor of Lance Corporal Norberto Mendez. ully submitted, Linda N. Andal, CIVIC City Clerk