Parks and Recreation 2011/06/22PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California JUNE 22, 2011 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:Chairman Baldwin, Vice-Chairman Crawford Commissioners Huitt, Manes, Navarro and Vadodaria COMMISSIONER EXCUSED:Commissioners Brennan STAFF PRESENT:Lynn Smith-Community Services ManagerLarry Pasco, ParksManager Gail Barruga -AdministrativeAssistant CALL TO ORDER–Chairman Baldwin called the meeting to order at 5.30p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE–Chairman Baldwin led the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS Written Communication –None A. Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public –None B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES–Chairman Baldwin presented the May 25, 2011 Minutesfor changes or corrections. Chairman Baldwin noted the correct name of the private space at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and West Street is San Pedro’s Gate not Santa Pedro’s Gate. Chairman Baldwin accepted the May 25, 2011 Minutes as amended. ACTIVITYREPORTS A.Recreation and Human ServicesActivity Report –April/May2011:Lynn Smithpresented the report and answered the Commissioner’s questions regarding the Anaheim YMCA hiring former City Aquatics employees for their summer swim program; types of in-kind donations,and the outcome of the job faire held at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center. B.Parks Capital Project Progress Report–Larry Pascopresented the report and provided updates on the following projects: Anaheim Coves –City Council awarded an agreement to Marina Landscape for the Phase II landscape maintenance which will include the installation of native plants. The dedication/grand opening ceremony is tentatively scheduled for the end of October or early November. Anaheim Tennis Center –The City will slurry and make repairs tothe parking lot. 2201 E. Cerritos Property –The grant application will be submitted July 1, 2011. Larry noted there is another buyer for this site and staff is monitoring the purchase as the buyer needs to negotiateseveral items with SCE toaccommodate his trucking business.Larry stated staff knew of the risk, but decided to move forward with the grant application in case the sale falls through. ï Park and Recreation Commission June 22, 2011 Minutes Founders’ Park –The Park Dedication ceremony will be held Saturday, July 23, 2011. KaBoom! Playground at Edison Park –The second volunteer build day was held today and the installation of the playground equipment is completeas well as the fitness stations,and planting of thetrees. The project also included a community garden on the Edison Elementary School site which will be maintained by the students and their parents. Palm Lane Playground–Chairman Baldwin requested this project become a priority by delaying another projectas this neighborhood is in dire need of this type of project. Larry announced the renaming and dedication of Toyon Park to Ronald Reagan Park on Friday, July 1, 2011. Michael Reagan will be in attendance. C.Senior Citizen Sub-Committee–Commissioner Huittasked Lynn Smith for an update on the request to add additional handicap parking at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center by restriping thecurrent handicappedparking area. Lynn reported staff met with the Principal Planner in City’s Traffic Engineering Section explaining the reasons behind the request. The City’s response is the current handicapped stripping is to Code and could not be changed. Commissioner Huitt reported that due to lack of funding, 50% of the adult daycare centers nationwide will be closed by January 2012. Commissioner Huitt reported on a presentationat south county seniors centers regarding foreclosuresfor seniors who are30, 60, and 90 days behind in their mortgage payments. The presentationincludes speakers from a local bank and Legal Aid Society. Commissioner Huitt asked if this type of program could be held in Anaheim. Lynn Smith stated staff would look into providinga similar program. Commissioner Huitt handed out a California Healthcare Foundation brochure regardingsenior “cohousing” communities, referred to as Senior Villages. This style of housing was started in Denmark and there are several on the east coast. NEW BUSINESS A.Chairman Nominations for FY2011/2012–Chairman Baldwinopened the nominations. Chairman Baldwin made a motion tonominate Richard Crawford as the next Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission. Commissioner Vadodaria seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. B.Summer Meeting Dates –Chairman Baldwin noted summer is the time of vacations and encouragedthe Commissioners to confirm their attendance when they receive the meeting packet. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Chairman Baldwin statedthis is his last meeting andthanked everyone for their participation and volunteereffort as a Commissioner. He acknowledged staff for their expertise and follow through on the requests from the Commission. ADJOURNMENT–Chairman Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 6:21p.m. î