Library 2011/08/08 II. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATIONDATE/TIME SunkistLibraryMonday,August 8, 2011 901 S. Sunkist6:30p.m. Anaheim, CA 92806 CALL TO ORDER -The agenda having been posted at11:00 a.m. onAugust 2, 2011, the regular meetingof the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to orderbyChairMathisenat6:35p.m. PRESENT:Roberto BaezaLana BarlowCarolyn Bryant Laurie CrawfordLinell Mathisen STAFF:Carol Stone, City Librarian,Jennifer Foxx, PTSr. Secretary GUESTSBruce Brown, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library; Helen Carter, President, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library; Dr. June Glenn, Anaheim Public Library Foundation I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A.FRIENDS OF THEANAHEIM PUBLICLIBRARY REPORT: The Friends have written letters to the City Council urging them not to outsource the Library. The Friends Bylaws state that they must support a non-profit organization and if the Library is outsourced to a private company they will lose the Friends of the Library. The next Book Sale is Saturday, October 1, from 10am-3pm out- side the front entrance of the Central Library. Book and magazine donations are still needed. Linell presented the Friends with a certificate of recognition fortheir hard work on their June 25, 2011Book Sale. B.FRIENDS OF THECANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT:The Friends of the Canyon Hills Li- th brary celebrated the 30Anniversary of Friends of the Canyon Hills Library, the Canyon Hills Li- braryandthe Teddy Bear Picnic on July 16.Past members of the Friends and former employees were in attendance. The Friends of the CanyonHills Libraryhave also written letters to the City Council asking them not to privatize the Library and like the Friends of the Anaheim Public Library they will also be gone. C.FOUNDATION REPORT: The Foundation is in the midst of their annual membership drive and with the potential privatizationof the Library they have gotten more memberships and donations than ever before to use to stop it. Dr. Glenn shared with the Board what the Foundation has been doing to show support for keeping the Library from being outsourced to a private company and asked the Board what they had been or will be doing to show their support. The Foundation’s By- laws also state that they must support a non-profit organization and they will no longer provide fi- nancial support if the Library is privatized. D.UNSCHEDULEDORAL COMMUNICATION: None. ITEM NO. 06 Anaheim Public Library Meeting August 8, 2011 Minutes Page 2 E.WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: Included in thepacket was aletter from Susan Golden about how special the Anaheim Public Library is to her and her neighbor.Carol shared comment forms from patrons. II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES A.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 11, 2011 MOTION:That the Board approve the minutes of the July11, 2011meeting as presented. M/S LC/CB4Ayes III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.SCLC/SAB REPRESENTATIVE –The State of California Library is leading a review of the LSCA (Library Services of CaliforniaAct) law that governs SAB (System Advisory Board).At this time there is minimal activity from the SAB and an official SAB representative is not needed this year. Board members are encouraged to attend SCLC Council meetings when they have the opportunity. IV.NEW BUSINESS: None. V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN REPORT –Abalanced budget was submitted for 2011/12.Library hours would be maintained. The Library’s budget is currently on hold pending approval.Staff has been provided with an email of a script to use when patrons ask about the privatization of the Library. Overallper hour usage for last fiscal year was up 11%. Carol thanked the Friends of the Anaheim Public Library, the Friends of the Canyon Hills Library,and the Anaheim Public Library Founda- tion for their continued financial support which paid for Summer Reading Programs, self-check machines, etc. The dedication ofthe Ponderosa Computer Lab is September 1, 2011, 5:30 p.m.Carol shared with the Board that Council Member Kris Murray and her husband are personally underwriting the cost of providing a series of adult English and Spanish computer classes at Ponderosa. The Library re- ceived a Family Place Training Grant for the Sunkist Library. The focus of the grant is to work with the new bilingual program at Juarez ElementarySchool. Carol gave kudos to Carolyn Thomas for writing the grant application.The Library’s website is being redesigned which was oneresult of a contact that Keely Hall made with Cal State Long Beach Management School. Students in marketing came to the Library and met with staff to make recommendations on how tomore effec- tivelymarket the Library. This included a redesign of the Library’s website.The Library will be doing a brief patron survey and a user observation in September. B.PUBLICITY –Included in packet. Anaheim Public Library Meeting August 8, 2011 Minutes Page 3 VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.CENTRAL ADULT & YOUTH SERVICES ACTIVITIES & STATISTICS: The Foundation has agreed to a $25,000 donation to invest in e-books for the Library. B.OPERATIONS ACTIVITIES: Karen Gerth and the Technical Services team have figured out how to combine late notices into one mailer instead of sending out multiple notices. Given each mailer costs the Library $.41 to mail, this will be a nice savingsforthe Library. C.BRANCH SERVICES: Included in the packet. VII.RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT A.RECOGNITION OFSUPPORT BYBOARD MEMBERS: None. B.MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT CERTIFICATE: The Board recognized Keely Hall for making the Cal State LongBeach connection and Carolyn Thomas for writing the Family Place Training Grant. VIII.BOARD ITEMS LAURIE CRAWFORD, VICE CHAIR: Shared anews story about the Los Angeles Public having a library tax that would reopen the library six days a week. Laurie attended a Colony event and was asked about the privatization of the Library. When Laurie is attending local events she will be handing out information and speaking to the residents about the Library’s future. ROBERTO BAEZA: Is excited about receiving the Family Place Training Grant and the partner- ship between the Library and Juarez ElementarySchool. He acknowledged Dr. Mary Grace, Direc- tor of Educational Services who provided information for the grant in his absence. There is a high interestinJuarez’sDual Immersion Program. LANA BARLOW: None. Anaheim Public Library Meeting August 8, 2011 Minutes Page 4 CAROLYN BRYANT: Expressed her concern for the Teen Volunteer Program if the Library was outsourced. Carolyn shared that Chapman University also has a marketing program where students will help organizations that make presentations to their class with marketing ideas. Carolyn will be meeting with local leaders and community members regarding the future of the Library. She at- tended the local Neighborhood Council Meetings. Carolyn came across an original application to become a Carnegie Library and read the requirements, when you applied you had to promise to de- dicate city funds to maintain and operate the library and it was suggested that atax for the library be implemented. Carolyn’s daughter was in the Anaheim Library Summer Reading Program from age 1 to 19, was a teen volunteer, had librarians write her a letter of recommendation for her scho- larship and even now the librarians will ask how her daughter is doing and the library means a lot to her personally. th LINELL MATHISEN, CHAIR: Attended the 30Anniversaryof the Canyon Hills Library and thought it was lovely. Linell noted that it was nice that Canyon Hills Library was open on that Sat- urday for the event as it is normally closed on Saturdays. She also attended the Founders’ Park De- dication which was wonderful also. IX.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Monday, September 12,2011 at the CentralLibrary. B.ADJOURNMENT: Chair Linell Mathisen adjourned the meeting at 7:35p.m. ChairSecretary