Public Utilities 2011/08/24CITY OF ANAHEIM 110L. 9DWEM AUGUST 24,2011 I L It QL-ky q- I I d1l ,,;I NIP -up 11M or at a man la7rff - p.mon ll eon escay, August 24, 201 in the I I"' Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: J. Brandman, P. Carroll, J. Machiaverna, B. Hernandez, S.E. Faessl Board Members Absent: D. Morgan, C. Peltzer V Present: M. Edwards, D. Calkins, D. Lee, E. Zacherl, S. Sciortino, J. Lehman, Lopez, B. Beelner, Dowell, G. Turner, L. Quiambao, G. Barnes Guest(s) Present: David Wain, Resident; Stephen Faessel, Resident AGENDAITEM ACTION TAKEN 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. There were no public comments. There being no public comments, J. Brandman closed the general public comments portion of the meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING HELD ON JULY 27, 2011.* RE 1 �4 a VA M. Edwards indicated to the Board that this is a routine item and B. Hernandez moved approval that the Public Utilities Department (Department) is required to of Power Content label and provide to the public and the California Energy Commission (CEC), Annual Retail Electric a Power Content Label with all utility bills. Part of the requirement Providers' Report to the ITEM NO. 07 is that it be independently audited, which can be costly. There is an alternative that allows the Department to attest to it ourselves, but that attestation needs to be approved ► the policy body, which is why it needs to he approved ► the City Council. 151MUMMMMEMM 11"MONFRIMMM *1 had an excused absence, to share the Canyon Power Plant presentation with him. Ingfis S Mat MIS ManTfFas '61ack start" capability. If there is a region-wide black out, Canyon can be L. Davis answered questions ► the Board regarding the black start process, the additional 4 acres available for the Plant to expand, if needed, and various staffing questions. 7.TTMF.TL �O� wills M10 K= ■ 771y, y were a few questions regarding the condition of the local groundwater basin. CT4@jDffimj� Water sales were down $300,000 or about 4.5% from budget and costs were up about $400,000 as a result of the discounted water "low He indicated to the Board that the presentation will be Monday, September 12 at the Hyatt Regency and Chairperson Brandman will be the Emcee. A Edwards asked that the event information, time and location, be emailed to the Board. Smart Meter Implementation M. Edwards offered the Board a brief introduction of the information in opposition to Smart Meter installations. installed and about 1,000 commercial Smart Meters. To date, there have been eight oh ut requests received of which four were in response to the flyer. nil yfflx�� She also mentioned that the Department is working with the regulatory agencies to develop the regulations regarding the 33% Renewable Portfolio Sta ) In — - ONCEMM9 12. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. NE - W - arra = Mrr-w lot of informative material. i . -76 - om-Fle ptirci7ase or a new nome ana his dissatisfaction with the water filtering system that the prior owner had installed. Anaheim's tap water tastes better without the filtering system. V7E7F — anYe — d — sMYt15 ­ r — sFa — n - n - g — tfie new terms, black start ano-7 green ga . a e presentations were very well done. He also felt that the financial report was excellent and a good summary of where the Department is and where it is going. The report on the groundwater basin storage conditions was quick, to the point, and presented well. ►91971 MMUUMMU01170W 7MM as the information about the customer concerns with the Smart Meters and water filtration flyers. He shared a story about a water main break in his neighborhood, how well the situation was handled, and complimented the crews who responded. 14. ADJOURNMENT: (TO THE REGULAR MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 28,2011, AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE 11" FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). Respectfully submitted, %V 6-1-L Marcie L. Edwards See I'll, - " I'll 1 6 1t1P--,'Rnqr4 Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. Indicates it that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes.