Public Utilities 2011/09/28CITY OF ANAHEIM I �j DI W V 013 1 '11 a30MU The agenda having been posted on Thursday, September 22, 201 the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities (Board) was called to order by Chairperson Jordan Brandman at 5:02 p.m. on Wednesday, September P-8, 201 in the 1 1 Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, f�alifo Board Members Present: J. Brandman, D. Morgan, C. Peltzer, P. Carroll, J. Machiaverna, B. Hernandez, S.E. Faessel A I ' Staff Present: M. Edwards, D. Calkins, D. Lee, E. Zacherl, S. Sciortino, J. Lehman, A. Kott, R. Dowell, M. Bruckner, F. Barvarz, P. Wong, W. De Leon, L. Quiambao, G. Barnes Guest(s) Present: David Wain, Resident AGENDAITEM ACTION TAKE� 1, There were no public comments. There being no public comments, J. Brand man closed the general public comments portion of the meeting. I I I Doi, I QL19 I DF-TI) ON 0"laxtiliffu" �a1folghl W-r-, W1,I) a - 3. APPROVAL OF THE AMENDED AUTHORITY FOR SPOT BID ORDERS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS.* M. Edwards shared that this item is to recommend amending the D. Morgan moved approval of Spot Bid authority for the Finance Department to purchase the Amended Authority for 2011-67 equipment and materials specific to electric utility operations. The Spot Bid was authorized in 2007 because vendors were impacted by the heavy demand for raw materials, which resulted in fluctuations in pricing, and they were no longer able to meet the longer term pricing and availability requirements. A member of the Board requested that a quarterly report be prepared to show how the Spot Bid has been used in the past, with some rationale of the bid awards. M. Edwards responded that this explanations of the bid awards. M. Edwards shared that the Spot Bid has been effective in saving money for ratepayers by reducing inventory carrying costs and 161 NIM 11111ch u,,#; fCj CICULUIU, VdWr d0t Cltj IdUTULICS. He shared that the fiber optics network map is quite extensive in terms of its reach throughout Anaheim. I l�1!11 III' illilll!lll� il l oillillilillilljili 111 11 !!1 111 11111111 �1 M I 1 11 !11!1 I'll a, Equipment and Materials. C. Peltzer seconded the Ili +1 UOTION CARRIED: 7-0. ABSTAINED:O.ABSENT: 0. MM117,11 WIT"Unit Rqj - m - NWffT -- rdUn other facilities. Additional slides showed wireless installations on City facilities such as utility poles. In comparison, the Board was shown this . 1 0 fir; OW I IN "' 111 1 1 1NI'll - " I ' M companies Gast year the winning team had a time of two minutes and two seconds (2:02). This year, the Huntington Beach team won with a time of one minute and thirty-six seconds (1:36). The Anaheim teams did well, with times of one minute fifty-nine seconds anY two minutes twelve seconds Canyon Power Proiec the Canyon Power Project landscaping. He expressed to the Board that if anyone was interested in a tour of the Plant, he would be happy to facilitate that. Undergr �gund Presentation "NOW VAILO ' 1x I-OK61192 W 10-1061MRS� revenue variance of approximately $1 million combined for both electric and water. He mentioned that we continue to be very cautious and watch our expenses very closely. F M., of=, - 3 Tfflff WMT Board Members interested in buying Anaheim Utilities Bonds. A. Kott shared that she would research the matter and provide the board with a response at the next Board meeting. I z Sri V3 jigul al MAN A 1 1Te1 ffl 11 01 1 E n P-71, T TTM0 billing, required by the FERC, was also approved and will begin on October 1. She mentioned that if the Board was interested, a presentation can be provided on the changes, M. Edwards requested a broader presentation on the risk manigernent . rrami what it entaili. whit , w i roL Internal Compliance Report will be presented at the next Board meeting. 10. AGENDA ITEM(S) FOR THE NEXT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING ON OCTOBER 26,2011. • Amended Renewable Portfolio Standards. • C!zrbon Offsets and Carbon Allowa 11. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY. 1 1111 F1 1111i I I I 1 .1 to 'i I IS 11 I'll I m- 11 TIMM int; nem.Miuscapingalutig uicuan. nc cumplimenieci sr7ur *n all the work that has been done. class tour of the Canyon Power Plant. He said it is quite a facility that explains the wonderful continuing legacy of Anaheim. 2011-71 AGENDAITEM ACTION TAK itppir "OMM - NTT M Telecommunication Presentation. ro 4�* I 13. ADJOURNMENT: (TO THE REGULAR MEETING ON OCTOBER 26 2011 AT 5:00 P.M. IN THE 11' FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). mff�