Parks and Recreation 2011/10/26PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California OCTOBER 26, 2011 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:Chairman Crawfordand Vice Chair Manes Commissioners Navarro, Brennan, and Huitt COMMISSIONER EXCUSED:Commissioner Lappin and Vadodaria STAFF PRESENT:Lynn Smith–Community Services Manager, Larry Pasco –Parks Manager, Pamela Galera –PrincipalProject Planner, Eleanor Granflor –Sr. Secretary CALL TO ORDER–Chairman Crawfordcalled the meeting to order at 5.35p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE–Chairman Crawfordled the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATIONS Written Communication –None A. Unscheduled Oral Communication from the Public –None B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES–Chairman Crawfordpresented the September 28, 2011 Minutes to the Commissioners forchanges or corrections. There being none, Chairman Crawfordaccepted the minutes as presented. ACTIVITY REPORTS A.Recreation and Human ServicesActivity Report –August/September2011:Lynn Smithpresented the report and answered questions from the commissionersregarding the expansion of the Park Ranger program; the Center Gallery; advertisement of events;Project S.A.Y. Teen Reunion held at West Anaheim Youth Center; Park Ranger statistics. Lynn Smith and Larry Pasco answered questions regarding the placement of full-time staff affected by the privatization of the park maintenance. Vice Chair Manes requestedadding upcoming events tothe Recreation and Human Services Activity Report. B.Parks Capital Project Progress Report–Pamela Galera presented the report and provided updates on the following projects: Anaheim Coves(Burris Basin)–The dedication ceremony will be on November 15, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. Cerritos Property–On November 15,State grant staff will hold a second interview with Citystaff on this th project. Platinum Necklace (Connectivity Plan)–A new branding has been named for this project –“Anaheim OutdoorsConnectivity Plan”, with a tagline “It’s your backyard”. Public meetings have been scheduled for: November 17at 6:30 p.m. (East Anaheim Community Center);December 10at 10 a.m. (Anaheim thth Coves);and December 13at 6:30 p.m. (City Hall). th Colony Park –The City receivedan award from the Anaheim Arts Council for this project. Founders’ Park–The City received an award from the Anaheim Arts Council for this project. ï Park and Recreation Commission Minutes October 26, 2011 Guinida Lane–Acommunity meetingwas heldon October 4. CDBG funds will be used to design and th install a half-acre pocket park. A second community meeting will be scheduled. Miraloma–Staff is proceeding with the designandconstruction documents for this project. Staff is negotiating a contract to hire a consultant to complete a constructability review and commissioning for LEED certification or green building. Ponderosa Community Center–On November 15,State grant staff will hold a second interview with th City staff on this project. Schweitzer Park–The City received a Housing Related Parks Program grant that will upgradethe restroom at the park. C.Senior Citizen Sub-Committee Report-Commissioner Huitt described the parking conditions at the Downtown Community Center. She asked ifthe signs placed in the parking lot where Cityvehicles are parked can be replaced with signswith larger lettering so that they are easier for seniors to read from their cars. She also asked if the City and Boys and Girls Club’s vehicles could be parked somewhere else to free up the parking spaces for seniors attending programs. Lynn Smith stated that the City vehicles are parked there because they cannot be parked in a multi-level parking garage due to the need to quickly access them in an emergency, and there are no other City owned flat parking lots within walking distance to City Hall. She also stated that the Boys and Girls Club’s buses are too tall to fit in the City Hall parking structure. However, she will asksomeone look in to the situationto see if there are options available.Commissioner Huitt asked for thestatus on the relocation ofDisney and Table Tennis pictures on the wall in the Senior Center. Lynn Smith stated that staff wasin contact with the Senior Club President regarding the relocation of picturesand were waitingto hear back from her as to where she would like them placed. NEW BUSINESS A.November/December Meeting Date–Chairman Crawford suggested having the combined November/Decembermeeting on November 30, 2011.There were no objections. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Lynn Smith reported Moses Menchaca, Community ServicesSupervisor,will be retiring on October 28and his th position will be filled by a member from the Anaheim Public Library management staff whose position is being eliminated. Vice Chair Manes announced the Central District Neighborhood Council Meeting on October 26and South th District Neighborhood Council Meeting on October 27. The Fall Festivalwill be heldon October 29and the thth parade begins at 6:00 p.m. The Mariachi festival will be held on October 30at the Pearson Park Theatre.The th Veterans Day Memorial event will be held on November 11. th Commissioner Huitt passed out an organizational chart for the California Aging Services Network to show where the Senior Citizens Advisory Council (SCAC) fits into the network. Chairman Crawford encouraged the Commissioners to visit the new Muzeo exhibit, Steampunk. ADJOURNMENT–Chairman Crawfordadjourned the meeting at 6:22p.m. î