SB 375 PC Workshop 20090316SB 375 City of Anaheim Planning Commission Workshop March 16, 2009 1 Background Effective January 1, 2009 Intended to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by automobiles and light trucks through changes in land use patterns and transportation investment. 2 SB 375 How Success is Determined CARB to set statewide and regional GHG emission reduction targets VMT reductions are the only means to measure the reduction of GHG emissions. Changes in land use and transportation investment are the only measures to demonstrate reduced VMT. 3 SB 375 Three Provisions in the Bill Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) – A new element of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Changes to the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process and alignment with the SCS Some CEQA relief for residential projects that develop consistent with the SCS 4 SB 375 What is the SCS? Growth projection Land use map with location, density and intensity Best available data on open space and farmland Must be internally consistent with the other parts of the RTP Identify whether the SCS land use pattern and transportation system can achieve the GHG targets 5 SB 375 Consequences of Not Achieving GHG Reduction Target Region must prepare an Alternative Planning Scenario (APS) that: Identifies why SCS cannot meet the target and what is needed to achieve the target Identifies a land use and transportation scenario that would achieve the GHG emissions target 6 SB 375 SCAG Region SCS will be prepared over the next 3 years and adopted with the Regional Transportation Plan in 2012 Shift of growth from the inland communities to coastal communities SCAG is half of state and may assume half of state target of 5 MMTCO2E or 2.5 MMTCO2E Transportation projects MAY be affected. Land uses may change. 7 SB 375 What Anaheim is doing Working on this now Participating in discussions and working groups to develop methodologies Coordinating with OCTA, OCCOG and SCAG to develop the City’s growth projection that will be incorporated into the SCS 8 SB 375