Public Utilities 2012/03/28CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES March 28, 2012 The agenda having been posted on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board (Board) was called to order by Chairperson Jordan Brandman at 5:05 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 2012, in the 11` Floor Large Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: J. Brandman, D. Morgan, B. Hernandez, C. Peltzer, J. Machiaverna, P. Carroll Board Members Absent: S.E. Faessel Staff Present: M. Edwards, D. Calkins, J. Wei, S. Sciortino, E. Zacherl, J. Lehman, A. Kott, G. Bowen, D. Albaugh, D. Shen, R. Shintaku, P. Hayes, J. Coe, L. Quiambao, P. Oviedo Guest(s) Present: David Wain, Resident AGENDA ITEM 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. D. Wain, Anaheim Resident, discussed the upcoming East District Neighborhood Council meeting on April 19` at 7 p.m. and shared that it was his understanding that M. Edwards and staff plan to attend this meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 22, 2012. * 3. PRESENTATION ON BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY PROGRAMS ANNUAL REPORT. P. Hayes, Resource Program Specialist, gave a presentation on the Business and Community Programs Annual Report. Through a series of slides, he shared the Divisions accomplishments for the fiscal year, specifically, the Public Benefits Programs. ACTION TAKEN J. Brandman closed the public comments portion of the meeting. CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (S.E. Faessel). B. Hernandez moved approval of the February 22, 2012, Public Utilities Board Minutes. J. Brandman seconded the motion. MOTION 2012- 18 Anaheim provided Utility customers with an overall ongoing bill saving of $1.5 mullion and rebates of $2.5 million in Fiscal Year 2010111. 4. PRESENTATION ON WATER CAPITAL PROGRAM. D. Shen, Water Engineering and Design Manager, gave an overview presentation of the Water Capital Program. He shared that last month, a nationwide study was completed by the American Water Works Association that quantifies the infrastructure challenge facing water utilities. It concluded that U.S. Water Utilities need to invest at least $1 trillion over the next 25 years in aging infrastructure in order to maintain the current levels of service. In addition, it concluded that delaying this investment can result in degrading water service, increasing service disruptions, and increasing expenditures for emergency repairs. The main goal of Anaheim's Water Capital Program is to protect the City's $400 million investment in its water infrastructure. The Program will also help reduce emergency repairs and reduce customer outages, and insure that customers will continue to receive a reliable supply of high quality water at the lowest possible cost. Anaheim's Water Capital Program is designed to achieve four key initiatives: enhance water supply reliability, improve service levels, improve supply and delivery reliability in the east end of the City, and rehabilitate and replace the aging infrastructure. Through a series of slides, he reviewed each initiative beginning with the enhanced water supply reliability. He mentioned that the aging shallow wells are being replaced with high capacity deep wells. Over the last decade, eight new wells have been added to the water system bringing Anaheim to a total of 18 wells. As part of this program, the newest well, Well 58, will be constructed adjacent to Anaheim Lake and will be followed by five additional wells over the next 10 years. Another project as part of this initiative is the Water Recycling Demonstration Project, which is currently under construction and is scheduled to be operational by October, 2012. The second initiative, improving service levels, includes additions and upsizing of water mains, upgrading the pressure regulating stations to provide better monitoring and reliability, improving communication and instrumentation system, and enhance the security system with cameras and recording devices. The third initiative is improving supply and delivery reliability to the east end of Anaheim. He explained that it is included as a key initiative because the east end has only two primary sources of supply: the Lenain Treatment Plant and Metropolitan Water District's Diemer Plant. The fourth initiative is the rehabilitation and replacement of aging infrastructure. Part of the initiative includes improvements of the water storage facilities, such as the new four million gallon tank at 2012- 19 the Linda Vista complex. It also includes replacing the old reservoirs and water mains. D. Shen concluded the presentation by sharing that in total there is $62 million budgeted for the Water Capital Program over the next live years. The mechanism for funding the Water Capital Program is the Water System Reliability Adjustment (WSRA), which is based on the City Council approved Capital Budget and may be adjusted annually following a public rate hearing. 5. APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH MADDAUS WATER MANAGEMENT TO DEVELOP A WATER USE EFFICIENCY MASTER PLAN FOR ANAHEIM. * D. Calkins, AGM of Water Services, indicated to the Board that this item is for approval of an Agreement with Maddaus Water Management to develop a Water Use Efficiency Master Plan. The purpose of the Master Plan is to guide compliance with the statewide mandate to reduce urban per capita water use 20% by the year 2020. Fifty percent of the project cost will be funded by a federal grant from the Bureau of Reclamation. The project administrator will be R. Shintaku, Water Resources and Planning Manager. 6. APPROVAL OF AN ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM PLAN. * M. Edwards shared that AB 2514 requires utilities to develop an energy storage plan to ensure that utilities are evaluating the feasibility of a variety of storage technologies with the intent of developing long -range objectives. M. Edwards mentioned that the approval of the Energy Storage System Plan is being presented to the Board for their approval and recommendation to proceed to City Council for their authorization to evaluate the Plan and provide a report on researched recommendations in 2014. 7. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. Monthly Water Supply Conditions Update D. Calkins shared that the Northern California received double the normal amount of precipitation for March, but year to date they are only at 75% of normal. Locally, the recent storms brought about 1.5 to 2 inches of rain, but Southern California is still low year to date with precipitation at 57% of normal. As stated last month, water supplies for Anaheim and the Southland remain strong due to last winter's wet weather. Orange County Water Summit D. Calkins indicated to the Board that the Fifth Annual Orange County Water Summit will be held on May 18' in Anaheim. The Department has reserved a table so he asked the Board to please notify P. Oviedo if they can attend. D. Morgan moved approval of the Agreement for Consulting Services to Develop a Water use Efficiency Master Plan for Anaheim. P. Carroll seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (S.E. Faessel). B. Hernandez moved approval of the Energy Storage System Plan. J. Machiaverna seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (S.E. Faessel). 2012-20 MWD Rate Increase Metropolitan Water District (MWD) will make a decision at their April board meeting regarding a rate increase for next calendar year. MWD staff has recommended a 7.5% rate increase; however, a number of agencies are pushing MWD to do more cost cutting to reduce the proposed increase to 5 %n. 8. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. L Wei, Electric Systems Planning Manager, reported that Anaheim Public Utilities Department was notified it was to receive the Reliable Public Power Provider Platinum award designation from the American Public Power Association (APPA). Of the nation's more than 2,000 public power utilities, only 154 have been recognized for this award, six in California, with Anaheim being one of the six. The categories considered for this award are safety, reliability, system improvement, and workforce development. Once formally notified, a press release will be issued in mid April. Canyon Power Plant Dedication J. Wei thanked the Board members for attending the Canyon Power Plant Dedication and presented a slide show of the event. Board members were also provided with a CD of images taken from the Dedication. He also shared with the Board that the Communications team uses the square Quick Response (QR) code located on the label of the Anaheim bottled water as a way to highlight new and exciting things that are happening in the City. Canyon video is currently being shown and it will run for another week before returning to a video on "Hi Neighbor ". 9. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES. E. Zacherl, AGM of Financial Services, invited the Board's attention to the February Financial Dashboard and shared that electric revenue is approximately $10 million under budget (3.7 %) partially offset by a favorable operating cost variance of $3.8 million. The unfavorable revenue variance is attributable to continued soft demand in retail revenues and a significant decline in wholesale sales as a result of the Intermountain Power Project (IPP) outage. The impact of the outage, which is anticipated to last until the end of May, is estimated to be $5.5 million. On March 15` the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) was increased to mitigate the impact of the extended outage. Residential customers were increased .9 cents per Kwh and commercial customers were increased .45 cents per Kwh. The increase is projected to continue through August, long enough to offset the costs associated with the outage which will be tracked separately. City Council members were sent a memorandum outlining the action. Water is tracking well through the end of February, with revenue greater than budget by approximately $500,000 and operating costs under budget by approximately $500,000. 2012-21 10. UPDATE ON JOINT SERVICE ISSUES. S. Sciortino, AGM of Joint Services, shared that as a part of Earth Day, there will be a Trash -Art exhibit at the Muzeo on April 22 This led to the idea of presenting some of the renewable projects in an exhibit that will display how trash from landfills is turned into energy, and how sewer water is treated and becomes water to be used for toilet flushing and irrigation. 11. UPDATE ON ENERGY RISK & LEGISLATIVE/ REGULATORY AFFAIRS ISSUES. J. Lehman, Chief Risk Officer, provided the Board with an update on the status of the quarterly compliance report for the Wholesale Energy Management Program and shared there were no violations. There will be filing in April with Independent System Operator (ISO) to certify that APU meets certain provisions necessary to transact as required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). She also shared that she met with Elected Officials last month in Washington D.C. to discuss key issues, and the Environmental Protection Agency to introduce San Juan and new cost benefits arguments. Thank you letters are to be sent to Legislators that helped facilitate improvements to the Frank Dodd Act. She also mentioned that the Anaheim Utilities web page is currently being revised to add more content concerning legislative bills impacting the Department. 12. AGENDA ITEM(S) FOR THE NEXT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING ON APRIL 18, 2012. FY2012 -2013 Budget Presentation Modifications to the Electric & Water Rates, Rules and Regulations concerning the Smart Meter Opt Out Option Master Agreement to offer assistance to customers on backflow device installation * 13. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY: M. Edwards shared that due to constant changes in technology and capabilities, Anaheim's meter change out to Smart Meters will be deferred for a short time with the technology is further validated. With respect to allowing customers to opt out of Smart Meters altogether, a proposal will be going forward to the Anaheim City Council to that effect. 14. ITEM(S) BY BOARD MEMBERS: J. Brandman and D. Morgan shared that they will be unable to attend the April 25` Board meeting and requested that the meeting be moved to the alternative meeting date of April 18 "h . The Board discussed this and note Item 15 of this document where thev determined to adjourn the meeting to April 18' which is the previously established alternative meeting date. 2012 22 P. Carroll congratulated everyone on the Canyon Power Plant and liked the Muzeo exhibition idea as way to get information out to public. C. Peltzer shared his congratulations to everyone on the Canyon Power Plant dedication. D. Morgan asked about the possibility of having a Board meeting at Canyon Power Plant. B. Hernandez felt the grand opening of the Canyon Power Plant was great, and the personal tour very gratifying. He also mentioned a great article in the Public Power magazine on charging stations for electric vehicles. J. Machiaverna will be taking a third tour of Canyon Power Plant in two weeks with Council Member G. Eastman and Police Chief J. Welter. J. Brandman echoed the other Board members regarding their sentiments about the Canyon Power Plant. Without minimizing other great accomplishments of the Utilities Department, he shared that the Plant represents the progressive attitude which Anaheim Public Utilities stands for. 15. ADJOURNMENT: (TO THE ALTERNATE MEETING DATE OF APRIL 18, 2012, AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE 11' FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BOULEVARD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). P. Carroll moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:26 p.m. to the Board's next Alternate Meeting date of April 18, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. J. Machiaverna seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (S.E. Faessel). Respectfully submitted, Marcie L. Edwards Secretary, Public Utilities Board * Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Council for action upon recommendation by the Board. Indicates item(s) that will be forwarded to City Clerk and City Council for informational purposes. 2012-23