CAC 20131110_Presentation_Meeting_dates_and_topicsDecember - Discussion of the CA Voting Rights Act; Study of local demographics and historical trends by Demographer. January — Discussion and d,eci.sio.n,s on potential. electoral (Jesigns. January- Continued discussions and decisions on potential electoral designs. February- How to id-entity an encourage citizen engagement in elections. March- Tools to encourage voter registration; Language assistance programs; other techniques to promote participation. April- Discussion and. approval. of CAC Recommendations report. May- Presentation of CAC Recommendations to City Council. November - Elections Systems Primer and overview of a process for the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community involvement Tentative CAC Schedule January 31, 2013 • Alternative Electoral Systems presentation February 21, 2013 • How to encourage voter participation and increase voter registration presentation February 28, 2013 • Discuss dividing into subcommittees to begin developing report March 14, 2013 • Costs of Electoral Systems presentation • Begin public input sessions - community input from local groups March 28, 2013 • Panel on various cities' experiences under different electoral systems presentation • In depth CAC discussion of strategies to increase voter participation and registration • Subcommittees begin report on topics, issues, April 4, 2013 ideas they are addressing in their outlines • In depth CAC discussion and input from members not on a particular subcommittee • Public /community Input • Subcommittees drafts discussed /revised April 11, 2013 in public • Public /community input • Subcommittees drafts discussed /revised April 25, 2013 in public • Public /community input on subcommittee drafts • CAC appoints subcommittee of 5 to consolidate draft sections of report and draft introductory section May 9, 2013 • First consolidated draft of full report to City Council • Public /community input on draft report • CAC discusses and revises draft in public • Final draft of report to City Council May 16, 2013 discussed in public • Public /community input on final draft • CAC discusses final draft and makes final edits • CAC orders report published for public comment May 23, 2013 • Public /community input on final report • Final report approved and sent to the City Council