20130131_PacketCITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON  ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AGENDA   Thursday, January 31, 2013  6:30 p.m.  Orangeview Junior High School  3715 West Orange Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92804  Spanish language translation services are available at the meeting upon request. 1. Call meeting to order 2. Flag Salute 3. Approve CAC minutes of the December 13, 2012 meeting Action: Approve minutes. 4. Public Comments (Individual audience participation is limited to three (3) minutes per speaker) Action: Public comments on any agenda items or subject matter within the jurisdiction of the Citizens Advisory Committee. 5. Receive and file the report on Community Outreach efforts Action: Receive and file community outreach report, upon presentation of outreach efforts. 6. Overview and presentation of alternative electoral systems Action: Presentations by David C. Kimball, Ph.D., Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis and Steve Chessin, President, Californians for Electoral Reform. 7. Committee Communications Action: Closing comments. 8. Adjournment *****   Agenda related writings or documents provided to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement are available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, at www.anaheim.net/CACElections, and in the binder located in the meeting room while the Committee is in session. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda (other than writings legally exempt from public disclosure) will be made available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, located at 200 S. Anaheim nd Blvd., 2 Floor, Anaheim, CA 92805, during regular business hours. Any person who requires a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meeting may request such modification, Boulevard, Anaheim, California, or by telephone at (714) 765-5166, no later than 10:00 AM on the day preceding the scheduled meeting. Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Spanish language translation services are available at the meeting upon request. Alternate language translation services are available for CAC meetings by calling 714-765-5162 at least 48 hours in advance. POSTING STATEMENT: On January 28, 2013, a true and correct copy of this agenda was posted on the kiosk outside City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Internet Access to agendas and related material is available prior to CAC Meetings at www.anaheim.net/CACElections            ΕdŚŝƐƉĂŐĞůĞĨƚŝŶƚĞŶƚŝŽŶĂůůLJďůĂŶŬΕ EKZWKZdηϭ            ΕdŚŝƐƉĂŐĞůĞĨƚŝŶƚĞŶƚŝŽŶĂůůLJďůĂŶŬΕ EKZWKZdηϮ  Agenda Item No. 3 CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AGENDA Thursday, December 13, 2012 6:30 p.m. Trident Education Center 1800 W. Ball Road, Anaheim, CA 92804 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Peter Agarwal John Woodhead, Ex Officio Member Anthony Armas Bill Dalati, Vice Chair David Diaz (arrived at 7:15 p.m.) Larry Larsen Vivian Pham, Chair Vic Real COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Joseph Karaki Martin Lopez STAFF PRESENT: Greg Garcia, Deputy City Manager Robert J. Tyson, Deputy City Attorney Caroline Morey, Recording Secretary 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement (CAC) was called to order at 6:38 p.m. by Chair Pham. 2. Flag Salute 3. Committee Procedures Action: Approve Procedures. Deputy City Manager Greg Garcia reviewed the procedures and advised that staff was available to answer questions or concerns. Vice Chair Dalati. Ex-officio commissioner Woodhead took a roll call vote: Ayes - 7 , Noes 0, ABSENT 3 (Diaz, Karaki, Lopez). Motion passed. Regular Meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee, Elections and Community Involvement December 13, 2012 Page 2 of 6 4. Approve CAC minutes of the November 8, 2012 meeting Action: Receive and file minutes. Commissioner Real motioned to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2012 meeting, , with Commissioner Agarwal noting his abstention due to his absence at the November 8 meeting. Ayes - 6 , Noes 0, Abstained 1, ABSENT 3 (Diaz, Karaki, Lopez). Motion passed. 5. Public Comments: Action: Public comments on any agenda item or subject matter within the jurisdiction of Please note: the Citizens Advisory Committee. Individual audience participation is limited to three minutes per speaker. Chair Pham opened public comment. Phyllis Mueller, retired city employee, 14 year Anaheim resident, and former Pasadena resident for 26 years. She shared an email exchange between her and former Mayor Bill Bogaard of Pasadena ; Mr. Bogaard shared his opinion that he felt the intent of district elections had been achieved in Pasadena. Ms. Mueller concluded that she supported districting and believed it should be placed on a future ballot with six districts and a mayoral election at large. Eric Altman, Executive Director of OCCORD, commented that he did not wish to express an opinion on the process of districting, however wished to state his belief that the committee was tasked with a great deal. Ultimately, he is concerned with whether there is a violation of the California Voting Rights Act and whether there is racially polarized voting. He recommended a demographer be invited to present statistical and demographical analyses to assist in their review. Brian Chuchua, Anaheim Resident for 42 years shared his opposition to spending tax dollars to fight a lawsuit that he believed the city was going to lose and spoke in support of districting. Chair Pham asked the commissioners if they would like to respond to the public comments. Commissioner Real highlighted the city council resolution that outlined the purpose and tasks charged to the committee. He reiterated that the committee was present to gather information and welcomed audience input advising that all information would be weighed by the committee, individually and together as a group. Return to public comment: Ricardo Del Toro, east Anaheim resident for 20 years, spoke in opposition of disputing the lawsuit. stated she felt fortunate, as a Latina, to have had representation on the city council by Bob Hernandez, Richard Chavez, Lorri Galloway. She asked for patience and an open mind during this process highlighting that there was still much to learn and speakers to hear from Regular Meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee, Elections and Community Involvement December 13, 2012 Page 3 of 6 before the committee could make a recommendation that would be in the best interest of all, adding that she wished to be represented as a person, not as a Latina. Commissioner Armas comments, as well as speaking to the purpose of the committee, to gather information and make a recommendation to the city council, adding that the lawsuit was not before the committee. He encouraged the citizens to educate themselves along with the committee. Vice Chair Dalati expressed his opinion about the lawsuit with Commissioner Larsen -officio Commissioner Chair Pham draft roadmap during the last meeting, the committee requested a presentation on the California Voting Rights Act which was scheduled on the agenda, as well as a demographer that would address historical voting trends. With that, Chair Pham requested a report by a demographer of the city demographics and voting. An unidentified speaker asked questions relating to the council resolution and the new city council body (partially inaudible). Ex-officio Commissioner Woodhead shared and advised that the original charge to the committee, set by the resolution, stands unless the council directs otherwise. Chair Pham thanked them for the response and requested they move on to the next item. 6. Receive and file the report on Community Outreach efforts Action: Receive and file a staff report regarding outreach. Commissioner Pham suggested the committee receive and file community outreach report, upon staff presentation of outreach efforts. Deputy City Manager, Greg Garcia provided an overview of as Commissioner Agarwal asked about language translation with Mr. Garcia responding that material is provided in both English and Spanish. Mr. Agarwal commented on the number of other languages throughout the city and asked staff to provide a plan to address the other languages in the future. M and file the report, seconded by Vice Chair Dalati. Ayes - , Noes 0, ABSENT 3 (Diaz, Karaki, Lopez). Motion passed. 7. Overview and presentation on California Voting Rights Act Action: Presentation by Justin Levitt, Associate Professor of Law, Loyola Law School. Regular Meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee, Elections and Community Involvement December 13, 2012 Page 4 of 6 Presentation slides made available during the meeting and online at www.anaheim.net/CACelections 7:15 p.m. Commissioner Diaz arrived. Professor Levitt provided a brief presentation about the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) and at large elections, generally. He advised that although he would explain what the CVRA required, he was not providing legal advice and his presentation should not be substituted for legal advice. options, Professor Levitt reiterated that his presentation was an outline of how the CVRA works not fact dependent inquiries, past elections, voting patterns and demographics, information that he have. Commissioner Agarwal asked Professor Levitt to elaborate on limited voting with Professor Levitt advising that several options exist, however he presented the three common examples: cumulative voting, where voters have a certain number of votes; ranked choice voting, where candidates are ranked 1 through 5, for example; and limited voting, where voters have fewer votes than what is be voted upon. system generally, consider the pros and cons, and educate the public accordingly. He encouraged the committee to look at demographics data to determine their choice, such as population and voting trends, as well as what they believed would be most effective for the identified groups. Commissioner Diaz spoke about low voter turnout in Anaheim and added that a charge of the committee was to engage the community. Chair Pham commented that the committee was charged with a broad task and asked if the committee could omit districting from their recommendation to Council. Ex-officio Commissioner Woodhead communicated that the committee was asked to make recommendations on a number of issues, with the electoral system being just one of the component pieces. He added that the committee was free to present any recommendation to Council that they felt was best. No action taken. 8. Presentation on city comparisons Action: Presentation by City of Vista and City of Modesto. Wayne Dernetz, Former City of Vista presented regarding his experience in Vista, presentation available: http://www.anaheim.net/images/articles/4957/12_13_12_CityofVista.pdf George Petrulakis, Former Chair on the Charter Review Committee in the City of Modesto regarding his experience when Modesto had issues with their voting system. Regular Meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee, Elections and Community Involvement December 13, 2012 Page 5 of 6 Mr. Dernetz and Mr. Petrulakis presented their experience when their jurisdictions were faced with a lawsuit as a result of low voter turnout with regard to a possible protected class being impaired political power. They provided insights and details on the paths they followed to increase voter turnout and engagement and to help to remedy any concerns relating to polarized voting. Details from their presentations are available on www.anaheim.net/CACelections . was provided and made available online at http://www.anaheim.net/images/articles/4957/12_13_12_CityofVista.pdf Mr. George Petrulakis, Chair of the Charter Review Committee, City of Modesto advised that 2006, the Charter Review Committee reviewed the over a two year period. The committee provided recommendation to City Council and those were voted upon. Mr. Petrulakis stated that he was a volunteer chair on the committee and although he is a lawyer in private practice, he was not giving any legal advice. nd reported that Modesto was also sued for their at large system under the CVRA. Mr. Petrulakis stressed that the Modesto Charter Committee did not factor the lawsuit into their process and instead reviewed the election system independent of the lawsuit over the course of 30 meetings. The committee ended with a recommendation to change from an at large system to districts, through an advisory ballot in a two part questions. In November 2007 the process went forward with a vote of approval of 57% in favor and 43 % against districts. Citizens determined a common district election with 6 council members, requiring candidates to live in the district in which they were running and be the top vote getter. . Mr. Petrulakis reported that moving to a district-based system revealed that it could either help evenly disperse the power or it could have an opposite effect, where people feel less important and poorer turnout than prior to the shift. 9. Committee meeting calendar Action: Approve January CAC meeting dates/locations: January 10, 2013, 6:30 p.m. at East Anaheim Community Center and January 31, 2013, 6:30 p.m. Orangeview Junior High School Motion by Commissioner Armas to accept the above dates, seconded by Commissioner Diaz. Ayes - , Noes 0, ABSENT 3 (Agarwal, Karaki, Lopez). Motion passed. Regular Meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee, Elections and Community Involvement December 13, 2012 Page 6 of 6 Final public comment Brian Chuchua thanked the committee for their hard work and feels that better resident participation is definitely needed. He hopes that tonight gave them some ideas to implement. Chair Pham asked if there were any other public comments. She closed the final public comment period. 10. Committee Communications Action : Closing comments. Commissioner Armas thanked residents for their attendance. Vice Chair Dalati thanked everyone for their attendance and staff for their hard work remarking that the process would take the city and community coming together. Commissioner Diaz expressed his desire to better understand the process and the rate of participation and demographics. He requested information on current processes of voter information and education and asked the committee to attend neighborhood council meetings to Commissioner expressed her appreciation on the presentations received and that there was a need to increase voter registration and getting the underrepresented community engaged. Commissioner Real encouraged people to get out and vote and expressed the importance of voter education. He spoke about a recent OC Register article about connecting with gang members, a group put together by former City Council Member Lorri Galloway and supported by the mayor and believed it would be helpful if the committee attending. Chair Pham thanked everyone for their hard work and complemented the presentations. She asked staff to return with information on the city of San Jose, who was not sued under CVRA and is looking forward to hearing about demographics and voting trends to better understand and whether racially polarized voting exist in Anaheim. She agreed with Commissionpresentations be printed and provided to the committee prior to each meeting to allow time for review and to ask better questions. 11 . Adjournment TIME: 8:51p.m. Motion was made by Commissioner Real, seconded by Commissioners Diaz and Dalati *****           ΕdŚŝƐƉĂŐĞůĞĨƚŝŶƚĞŶƚŝŽŶĂůůLJďůĂŶŬΕ EKZWKZdηϰ  Agenda Item No. 5 Memorandum TO: CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MEMBERS DATE: JANUARY 31, 2013 SUBJECT: COMMUNITY OUTREACH REPORT ____________________________________________________________________________ ACTION: Receive and file this report relating to community outreach efforts for the meetings of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement (CAC). DISCUSSION: A responsibility of this committee, as outlined in Resolution No. 2012- engage community groups that can assist the City with encoTo ensure that all members of the public are fully informed about future meetings and discussions, the City has pursued a number of efforts as well as partnering with a Community Outreach consultant to further enhance public awareness. To date, the following community outreach efforts have been launched and will continue to be carried out for each CAC meeting: Placement of large banners at various locations surrounding each meeting location. Information slide on Anaheim local access channel, ACTV Channel 3. Flyer translated into four languages and placed throughout City Hall public counters, Anaheim West Tower, and all city libraries. Attendance at local community group meetings to share meeting date/location and purpose. Attendance at district neighborhood council meetings to share meeting date/location and purpose. Coordinate future presentations at local PTA groups. Public Utilities quarterly newsletter, distributed to approximately 150,000 customers, both residential and businesses. Utility bill print message distributed to all utility customer (150,000 customers in December 2012). Anaheim magazine, Winter (February 2013) and Fall (November 2012_edition. Half- page advertisement to build awareness and inclusion on master calendar (distribution of 116,000). Press Releases distributed to more than 3,000 contacts as well as over 10,000 e- subscribers. Partnership with local media to highlight upcoming meetings/press releases in regular publications. Outreach to media, including bi-lingual media. Facebook. Twitter. Nextdoor.com- free, private social media for neighborhoods. the homepage of anaheim.net. Continual partnership with community partners to further communicate CAC efforts and meeting, including the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce and the Anaheim/Orange County Visitors and Convention Bureau, who will forward meeting information to their members and partners, and various community groups, including but not limited to the Anaheim Religious Community Council and Neighborhood Councils. In addition to pre-meeting outreach, a webpage has been dedicated to the CAC to provide access to recorded meetings, agendas and all CAC related materials and press releases www.anaheim.net/CACelections. Residents may also view all CAC meetings on ACTV, 7 days a week (M/W/F/SU at 7p.m. and T/TH/SA at 12 p.m.). Agenda Item No. 6 Memorandum TO: CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MEMBERS DATE: JANUARY 31, 2013 SUBJECT: PRESENTATION ON ALTERNATIVE ELECTORAL SYSTEMS ____________________________________________________________________________ ACTION: Receive and file this report and briefing relating to the presentation on alternative electoral systems. DISCUSSION: At the November 8, 2012 meeting, the committee received an overview presentation on electoral systems. In order to provide information on alternative electoral systems, two presenters, Dr. David C. Kimball and Steve Chessin have been invited to make a presentation on cumulative voting, ranked choice voting and instant runoff voting. Dr. Kimball has an extensive background in the area of election administration and redistricting as indicated by his professional bio enclosed below. David C. Kimball is professor and director of graduate studies in the Political Science department at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He is the co-author of three books: Helping America Vote, Lobbying and Policy Change, and Why Americans Split Their Tickets. He is co- editor of Controversies in Voting Behavior, and he has written several articles on voting behavior, election administration, public opinion, and interest group lobbying in the United States. He has participated as an expert in several court cases related to election administration, voting rights, and redistricting. Dr. Kimball received his B.A. in political science and applied mathematics from Brown University and his Ph.D. from Ohio State University. Steve Chessin is President of Californians for Electoral Reform (CfER), an organization that since 1993 has been educating and advocating on behalf of alternative electoral systems, including instant runoff voting (IRV) and various forms of proportional representation. Mr. Chessin joined CfER when it was founded in 1993. Mr. Chessin was elected to the Board in 1995 and has served as President or Co-President since 1999. Mr. Chessin assisted Santa Clara County's successful 1998 charter amendment that allows the county to use IRV in county elections, once the voting equipment is reprogrammed to handle ranked ballots. He is also active with the League of Women Voters, and was partially responsible for the California League's adoption of a position in favor of IRV. Steve has been interested in election systems ever since he went to college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where they use Choice Voting. Steve lives in Mountain View with his wife and daughter. In his day job he is a software engineer.           ΕdŚŝƐƉĂŐĞůĞĨƚŝŶƚĞŶƚŝŽŶĂůůLJďůĂŶŬΕ EKZWKZdηϳ