20130131_Presentation_CVRCV_Kimball 1 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems Anaheim, California Prepared for the Citizens Advisory Committee University of Missouri, St. Louis David Kimball Choice Voting Cumulative Voting and Ranked 2 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems the candidates in order of preference. Instead of choosing one candidate, voters are asked to rank RCV is typically used when electing a single candidate. RCV is used in more than 10 cities and in several states. RCV is also called Instant Runoff Voting (IRV). How Ranked Choice Voting Works 3 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems 4 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems votes against the remaining candidates. This process continues until a candidate has a majority of the second preference. candidate are now allocated to the candidate indicated as their place candidate is eliminated. Ballots cast for the last place the last choice votes, -majority of firstIf no candidate receives a she is elected. choice votes, he or -If one candidate receives a majority of first Ballots RCV: Iterative Ballot Counting 5 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems 2006. BlashSource: Neely, Cook, and Data from an exit poll of voters in the 2005 San Francisco election. 59% 32% 51% 47% RCV to former system Prefer 51% 72% 65%67% Ranked three candidates 95% 92% 96% 92% Satisfied with ranking 88% 84% 86%90% Understood RCV White American PI Latino Measure African Asian/ Hispanic/ Evaluation Voter Use of RCV in San Francisco 6 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems cities. RCV has been used in several large and diverse American their usual base of supporters. RCV encourages candidates to appeal to voters outside of election. RCV can reduce the cost of an extra runoff or primary RCV allows voters to express a fuller set of preferences. Advantages of RCV 7 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems RCV.Voting technology may not be configured to handle Vote counting will take more time. A voter education effort will be needed. complex than traditional systems. The ballot, voting decisions, and vote counting are more system. known about how voters and candidates handle the RCV Since it is relatively new in the United States, not a lot is Disadvantages of RCV 8 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems Candidates receiving the most votes are elected to the seats. Example: Voters may give all of their votes to one candidate Voters are not limited to giving one vote per candidate. Voters are given as many votes as there are seats to fill. large systems.-CV is typically adopted to replace at Used in multimember elections (several seats to fill). How Cumulative Voting (CV) Works 9 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems Cumulative Voting Ballot Example 10 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems Cumulative Voting Ballot Example 11 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems CV and Minority Groups 12 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems Number of Seats Elected with CV 108642 9 1010 11 12.5 14 15 17 2020 2525 30 33 35 Threshold by Number of Seats in CV 13 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems all six seats chosen. First election with CV in June 2010 federal court. The village adopted CV in a consent decree with the Court ruled against Port Chester in 2008. Hispanics comprise about half the population. No Hispanic individual ever elected to Board, yet Latino representation on Board of Trustees. large voting system reduced opportunities for -The at against Port Chester in 2006. The Department of Justice filed a voting rights lawsuit Port Chester, NY Case with CV 14 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems 15 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems http://portchestervotes.comWeb site: Usability testing of materials Training for poll workers Newsletters to school parents Sample ballots and instructions PSAs (radio, TV, newspapers) and news coverage Community presentations FairVoteCoordinated with -All bilingual Voter Education Program 16 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems 17 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems 2011. KropfSource: Kimball and Data from an exit poll of voters in the 2010 Port Chester election. 27% 47%51% all 6 votes Plumped 93% 92% 94% Excellent or good voting experience 81% 88%92% CV handout Saw helpful 46% 51%66%Community presentations very 70% 75%77% very easy Voting instructions 45% 53%74% with cumulative voting Familiar White American Latino Measure Hispanic -Non African Hispanic/ Evaluation Exit Poll of Port Chester Voters 18 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems to the Board of Trustees. For the first time, an African American candidate was elected Board of Trustees. For the first time, a Latino candidate was elected to the Turnout was 25% higher than recent local elections. votes.they used all 6 voters said 97% of Port Chester 2010 Voting Results 19 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems CV does not require drawing district lines. exclusion. the minority voting population exceeds the threshold of government comparable to district systems, provided that CV elections produce minority representation in local large or district systems.-than elections with at Local elections with CV tend to have higher voter turnout shown they can properly use the CV system. Campaigns and voters (especially minority groups) have mobilize candidates and voters. CV elections tend to be more competitive and tend to Advantages of Cumulative Voting 20 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems needed. For a smooth election, a substantial voter education effort is Voting technology may not be configured to handle CV. CV has mostly been used in small communities. Disadvantages of CV 21 January 31, 2013 RCV and CV election systems .State UniversityPublic Research Institute, San Francisco . San Francisco 2005 Election: Final Reportin the Choice Voting -Ranked An Assessment of . 2006. Blash LiselNeely, Francis, Corey Cook, and 554.-36:530American Politics Research Runoff -Overvotes, Undervotes .kimballd/PCExitPollFinalReport.pdf://www.umsl.edu/~http . March 24, 2011, Educational Program Exit Poll Report, Port Chester, NY Voting Cumulative . 2010. KropfDavid C. Kimball and Martha University Press. . Columbus, OH: Ohio State Reform and Minority Representation Electoral . 2003. BrockingtonShaun Bowler, Todd Donovan, and David Additional Sources