20130228_PacketCITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON  ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AGENDA   Thursday, February 28, 2013  6:30 p.m.  Brookhurst Community Center  2271 West Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801  Spanish language translation services are available at the meeting upon request. 1. Call meeting to order 2. Flag Salute 3. Public Comments (Individual audience participation is limited to three (3) minutes per speaker) Action: Public comments on any agenda items or subject matter within the jurisdiction of the Citizens Advisory Committee. 4. Receive and file the report on Community Outreach efforts Action: Receive and file community outreach report, upon presentation of outreach efforts. 5. Overview and presentation on Voter Participation and Outreach Action: Presentation by Elisa Sequeira, California Director of Civic Engagement, NALEO Educational Fund and Presentation by Joan Hake, Vice President Voter Service, League of Women Voters of the Central Orange  County Area. 6. Agenda, Topics and Timeline Action: Discussion on future agenda topics as adopted by the CAC and timeline. 7. City Council Meeting Start Time Action: Discuss City Council meeting time 8. Committee Communications Action: Closing comments. 9. Adjournment *****   Agenda related writings or documents provided to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement are available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, at www.anaheim.net/CACElections, and in the binder located in the meeting room while the Committee is in session. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda (other than writings legally exempt from public disclosure) will be made available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, located at 200 S. Anaheim nd Blvd., 2 Floor, Anaheim, CA 92805, during regular business hours. Any person who requires a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meeting may request such modification, accommodation, aid or s Boulevard, Anaheim, California, or by telephone at (714) 765-5166, no later than 10:00 AM on the day preceding the scheduled meeting. Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Spanish language translation services are available at the meeting upon request. Alternate language translation services are available for CAC meetings by calling 714-765-5162 at least 48 hours in advance. POSTING STATEMENT: On February 25, 2013, a true and correct copy of this agenda was posted on the kiosk outside City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Internet Access to the Ci agendas and related material is available prior to CAC Meetings at www.anaheim.net/CACElections            ΕdŚŝƐƉĂŐĞůĞĨƚŝŶƚĞŶƚŝŽŶĂůůLJďůĂŶŬΕ EKZWKZdηϭ            ΕdŚŝƐƉĂŐĞůĞĨƚŝŶƚĞŶƚŝŽŶĂůůLJďůĂŶŬΕ EKZWKZdηϮ            ΕdŚŝƐƉĂŐĞůĞĨƚŝŶƚĞŶƚŝŽŶĂůůLJďůĂŶŬΕ EKZWKZdηϯ  Agenda Item No. 4 Memorandum TO: CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MEMBERS DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2013 SUBJECT: COMMUNITY OUTREACH REPORT ____________________________________________________________________________ ACTION: Receive and file this report relating to community outreach efforts for the meetings of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Involvement (CAC). DISCUSSION: A responsibility of this committee, as outlined in Resolution No. 2012- engage community groups that can assist the City with encoTo ensure that all members of the public are fully informed about future meetings and discussions, the City has pursued a number of efforts as well as partnering with a Community Outreach consultant to further enhance public awareness. If any committee member has a suggestion on a community meeting that the outreach consultant should attend, please feel free to reach out to staff or the consultant to share the details of an upcoming community meeting. To date, the following community outreach efforts have been launched and will continue to be carried out for each CAC meeting: Placement of large banners at various locations surrounding each meeting location. Information slide on Anaheim local access channel, ACTV Channel 3. Flyer translated into four languages and placed throughout City Hall public counters, Anaheim West Tower, and all city libraries. Attendance at local community group meetings to share meeting date/location and purpose. Attendance at district neighborhood council meetings to share meeting date/location and purpose. Coordinate presentations at local PTA groups. Public Utilities quarterly newsletter, distributed to approximately 150,000 customers, both residential and businesses. Utility bill print message distributed to all utility customer (150,000 customers in December 2012). Anaheim magazine, Winter (February 2013) and Fall (November 2012 edition. Half-page advertisement to build awareness and inclusion on master calendar (distribution of 116,000 ). Press Releases distributed to more than 3,000 contacts as well as over 10,000 e- subscribers. Partnership with local media to highlight upcoming meetings/press releases in regular publications. Outreach to media, including bi-lingual media. Facebook and Twitter. Nextdoor.com- free, private social media for neighborhoods. the homepage of anaheim.net. Continual partnership with community partners to further communicate CAC efforts and meeting, including the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce and the Anaheim/Orange County Visitors and Convention Bureau, who will forward meeting information to their members and partners, and various community groups, including but not limited to the Anaheim Religious Community Council and Neighborhood Councils. In addition to pre-meeting outreach, a webpage has been dedicated to the CAC to provide access to recorded meetings, agendas and all CAC related materials and press releases www.anaheim.net/CACelections. Residents may also view all CAC meetings on ACTV, 7 days a week (M/W/F/SU at 7p.m. and T/TH/SA at 12 p.m.). Agenda Item No. 5 Memorandum TO: CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MEMBERS DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2013 SUBJECT: VOTER PARTICIPATION AND OUTREACH ____________________________________________________________________________ ACTION: Receive and file this report relating to a presentation on voter participation and outreach for the Anaheim Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Outreach (CAC). DISCUSSION: A responsibility of this committee, as outlined in Resolution No. 2012-090, i how to identify and engage community groups that can assist the City with encouraging resident participation in elections and in local government decision-At the February 21 meeting the CAC received three presentations regarding voter outreach and participation. In order to provide additional information on voter outreach and participation, Elisa Sequeira, California Director of Civic Engagement, NALEO Education Fund (National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials) has been invited to make a presentation. In addition, Joan Hake, Vice President Voter Service, League of Women Voters of the Central Orange County Area has been invited to present on voter engagement and participation. Elisa M. Sequeira is the California Director of Civic Engagement for the NALEO Educational Fund and oversees U.S. citizenship, Voter Education and Mobilization, and Census participation programmatic activities in California. Elisa provides strategic direction for the programmatic work of the department, manages and provides support to partner organizations including, community organizations, elected officials, and media partners. Since April 2003, Elisa has helped organized numerous U.S. citizenship workshop by convening partners, training volunteers, providing technical assistance and support, and securing the participation of local media in the promotion and coverage of efforts. Elisa has also supported the organizational election participation efforts by assisting in the creation of bilingual content Agenda Item No. 5 for volunteers, partners, and media. She has also led the national voter protection efforts of the ya es hora campaign members during Election Day in 2008, 2010, and 2012 incorporating partners into the (888) VE-Y-VOTA hotline infrastructure, organizing and conducting trainings on operations and protocols for documenting, addressing, and resolving problems reported at the polls on Election Day. Elisa was also charged with overseeing the creation and dissemination educational and promotional content for the 2010 Census efforts. Elisa has also played a role in the development of the social media strategy for the department and the ya es hora campaign and currently oversees its social media presence. Elisa has served as the lead bilingual contributor under the @yaeshora2012 handle during the 2008 Presidential Elections, the 2010 Census Campaigns, and the ya es hora ¡Ciudadanía! citizenship. Originally from Nicaragua, her entire family has gone through the immigration pipeline and become US citizens. Her immigrant background has implanted a strong value of political participation. She has voted in every election since 2004. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Los Angeles. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters has a Voters Service/Citizen Education component that presents unbiased nonpartisan information about elections, the voting process, and issues. To conduct voter service and citizen education activities, the League of Women Voters use funds from the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, which is a 501(c)(3) corporation, a nonprofit educational organization. Joan Hake, Vice President Voter Service has been invited to present on voter engagement. Agenda Item No. 6 Memorandum TO: CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MEMBERS DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2013 SUBJECT: CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA, TOPICS AND TIMELINE ____________________________________________________________________________ ACTION: Receive and file this report relating to the agenda, topics and timeline for the Anaheim Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Outreach (CAC). DISCUSSION: Section 7 of City Council Resolution 2012-90 requires the CAC to hold monthly public meetings, at a minimum, throughout different areas of the City. At a previous CAC meeting, the CAC agreed to hold meetings on the second Thursday of each month, so long as meetings would not conflict with Neighborhood Council meetings. In order to provide more advance notice to the community about the pending work of the CAC, the CAC approved meeting dates and topics for all of the future CAC meetings through May 31, 2013 at the January 10, 2013 meeting. A strategic roadmap was provided to the CAC during the meeting on November 8, 2012 that outlined potential topics and dates leading up to the May deadline. At the January 10, 2013 meeting, the CAC adopted the schedule with corresponding topics to ensure that members receive all the briefings and information they need to properly submit its findings and report to the City Council by May 31, 2013 (see attached). This is a discussion item to review the upcoming topics and timeline to ensure recommendations are delivered to the City Council by May 31, 2013. Agenda Item No. 7 Memorandum TO: CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MEMBERS DATE: FEBRUARY 21, 2013 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING TIME ____________________________________________________________________________ ACTION: Receive and file this report relating to the start time of City Council meetings for the Anaheim Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections and Community Outreach (CAC). DISCUSSION: At the request of member Dalati, staff has agendized the topic of the City Council meeting start time. A responsibility of this committee, as outlined in Resolution No. 2012-090, is to examine how to identify and engage community groups that can assist the City with encouraging resident participation in elections and in local government decision- Below is data that provides information on the start time of council meetings both in Orange County and surrounding cities similar in population to the City of Anaheim. City Population City Council Meeting Orange County U.S. Census, 2011 Day(s) Time Aliso Viejo 48,549 1st/3rd Wednesday 7:00 PM Anaheim 341,361 2x Tuesday 5:00 PM Brea 39,883 1st/3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM Buena Park 81,747 2nd/4th Tuesday 5:00 PM Costa Mesa 111,600 1st/3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM Cypress 48,526 2nd/4th Monday 7:00 PM Dana Point 33,858 2nd/4th Monday 6:00 PM Fountain Valley 56,153 1st/3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM Fullerton 137,183 1st/3rd Tuesday 6:30 PM Garden Grove 173,470 2nd/4th Tuesday 6:30 PM Huntington Beach 192,888 1st/3rd Monday 6:00 PM Irvine 215,529 2nd/4th Tuesday 5:00 PM La Habra 61,164 1st/3rd Monday 6:30 PM La Palma 15,807 1st/3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM Agenda Item No. 7 Laguna Beach 23,069 1st/3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM Laguna Hills 30,804 2nd/4th Tuesday 7:00 PM Laguna Niguel 63,940 1st/3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM Laguna Woods 16,438 3rd Wednesday 2:00 PM Lake Forest 78,439 1st/3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM Los Alamitos 11,620 3rd Monday 6:00 PM Mission Viejo 94,721 2x Monday 6:00 PM Newport Beach 86,484 2nd/4th Tuesday 7:00 PM Orange 138,409 2nd/4th Tuesday 4:30 PM Placentia 51,302 1st/3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM Rancho Santa Margarita 48,587 2nd/4th Wednesday 7:00 PM San Clemente 64,491 1st/3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM San Juan Capistrano 35,123 1st/3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM Santa Ana 329,427 1st/3rd Monday 5:45 PM Seal Beach 24,536 2nd/4th Monday 7:00 PM Stanton 38,765 2nd/4th Tuesday 6:30 PM Tustin 76,689 1st/3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM Villa Park 5,901 4th Tuesday 7:00 PM Westminster 91,064 2nd/4th Wednesday 7:00 PM Yorba Linda 65,215 1st/3rd Tuesday 6:30 PM City Population City Council Meeting California U.S. Census, 2011 Day(s) Time Bakersfield 352,428 1-2x Wednesday 5:15 PM Chula Vista 247,535 2x Tuesday 2:00 PM Fremont 216,916 3x Tuesday 7:00 PM Fresno 501,362 4x Thursday 8:30 AM Long Beach 465,576 4x Tuesday 5:00 PM Oakland 395,817 1st/3rd/5th Tuesday 5:30 PM Riverside 310,651 4x Tuesday 2:00 PM Sacramento 472,178 4x Tuesday 6:00 PM San Bernardino 213,012 3-4x Tuesday / 1x Thursday 6:00 PM Stockton 296,357 2x Tuesday 5:30 PM