20130314_Presentation_Brown_ActOPEN MEETINGS LAW T I B M .. ..,. V go RI G, ° } Presentation by: Robert J. Tyson Deputy City Attorney BASIC RULE "All meetings of the legislative body of a local agency shall be open and ullc, and all persons shall be permitted to attend any meeting of the legislative body of a local agency." Gov. Code § 54953(a) AVOID THE HUB AND SPOKE SERIAL MEETING flub and spoke: An intermediary, such as a City staff member, contacts/is contacted by at least a quorum of the members to develop a collective concurrence on action to be taken by the legislative body. Unilateral, advisory written communication does not violate the Brown Act. ,N Avoid "Reply AW"' on e-mails! 1. a conference; 2. an open and publicized meeting of another body of the agency; 3. an open and publicized meeting of another organization; or 4. a social or ceremonial occasion; PROVIDED that a majority of the members do not discuss amongst themselves specific business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the committee. 3 ,h NON- AGENDA ITEMS Action or discussion on any item not appearing on the posted agenda is generally prohibited, except that members may: Briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by the public, and may, ask a question for clarification. Refer a member of the public to staff or other resources for factual information Request staff to report back to the legislative body in a subsequent meeting Make a brief announcement or report on activities The committee, or a member, may direct staff to place a non - agenda item on a future agenda There are limited exceptlons for emergencies. Gov. Code § 54954.2(6) IN SUMMARY All substantive discussions of committee business by committee members should be conducted during a public meeting The committee should only discuss and take action on items properly noticed on the, agenda w a ~ \