Golf 1997/02/27 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, February 27, 1997 4:00 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Howard Bartholomew Commissioner Jerry LeMar MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Ed Klein STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns, and Cathy Godoy. The meeting was called to order by Vice - Chairman Riley at 4:00 p.m.. The minutes of the January 23, 1997 meeting were approved on a motion by Commissioner Martin and seconded by Commissioner LeMar. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron reported a consultant is currently working on logos for the two golf courses. There are five different logos for each golf course submitted so far and Jack Kudron is asking the Commission to review the different logos during the meeting. At the end of the meeting there will be a general discussion. A Japanese Tour Service Day at Anaheim Hills Golf Course is taking place today. The individuals invited coordinate destination services for visitors representing nearly 200,000 tourists visiting from Japan in this area. The staff at Anaheim Hills Golf Course hosted them for lunch and a round of golf. All tee yardage marker indicators have been replaced at both courses. Discussions have been taking place with the City Manager's Office regarding the status of the Golf Commission. The City Clerk and Mayor are currently looking at all the City Commissions across the whole City. There are currently 15 City Commissions and approximately 120 City Commissioners. The Mayor is looking into the possibility of changing the status of some commissions to advisory committees. Only two commissions, Planning Commission and Park and Recreation Commission, are required by City Charter. An architect is working on the new Dad Miller Golf Course entry design. Jack Kudron posted conceptual drawings for discussion with the Commission. Staff answered questions from the Commission. Commissioners expressed very positive feedback on staff's preliminary concepts. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported for the month of February had slight rain and four days of Santa Ana winds. Tee plaques were installed. Aerified and fertilized all tees. The lake project is completed as of today. Contractors have left and the lake is full. Monday the planting will start. The English daisy has been sprayed. Repaired fountain in the lake. Staff is diligently working on the #6 Fairway to re -sod in the right hand side area. This area has also been aerified 6 -7 times. Pre - emergent will be applied next week for crabgrass control. The EC levels are down. Don Lewis answered questions from the Commission. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported the maintenance staff has aerified, seeded and top dressed all the greens and tees. All walkway lighting standards have been painted and various repairs made throughout the course. New irrigation and plants were added to the entrance of the practice center on Gilbert Street. The sand trap on #15 was adjusted, opening it up closer to the channel. Staff has been aerifying and seeding bare spots on the golf course in general and removing trees along #10 and #15 Fairway. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported business is great due to great weather and the current promotions. St. Patrick's Day promotions are being planned. Pennysaver advertising business is proving to be successful. Bob Johns reviewed Japanese Tour Service Day and the services they provide and extensive discussion ensued. Driving range at Dad Miller will stay open until 10:00 p.m. during the summer season. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. January Financial Report Jack Kudron reported January was not a very profitable month due to heavy rain fall and weather conditions, but February numbers are excellent. As of February 27th, we are 2,200 rounds ahead of last year. Range and merchandise revenue are doing very well. B. 2nd Quarter Financial Summary Overall net operating income is 1% off last year. The second half of the year will improve due to completed projects on the course and better weather conditions. OLD BUSINESS: A. Anaheim Hills Community Clubhouse Status Jack Kudron updated the Commission on the status of the clubhouse. Anaheim Memorial Hospital has a 50,000 square foot building on Santa Ana Canyon Road located near the Festival Shopping Center, that is less than 25% occupied. Discussions are currently taking place to allow our Department to use a portion of the space for recreational purposes. As a long term plan, the City is considering buying the entire building and turning it into a combination recreation center, branch library, and police substation. It has plenty of parking available, a heliport, and most importantly, the ability for expansion. If this occurs, the community center concept for Anaheim Hills most likely will change and staff will start thinking more in terms of a golf clubhouse with banquet facilities which would cost $3 -$4 million, instead of the proposed $8.7 million. The project has been on hold for the last six months. The next step will be negotiating with the hospital. Jim Ruth, City Manager, visited the facility and was pleased. Staff will keep the Commission informed. B. Anaheim Hills Hole #7 Enhancement Project Status Jack Kudron passed around some pictures of the project. The contractor was very good. Project is complete and looks great. Planting starts next week and staff anticipates the completion within 10 working days. C. Dad Miller #15 Hole Reorientation Jack Kudron reported all items on the #15 Hole Reorientation will be completed by the City Championship Tournament, except for the cart path and reconfiguration of the tee box. The bunker is in. The trees have been taken out on the right hand side. Trees have been ordered for the left hand side between the tee and the channel. The fence has been ordered and should be in next week. After the City tournament is over the cart paths will be completed. D. City Tournament Status Jack Kudron reported the tournament is going quite well. There will be a City Championship Committee meeting immediately following the Golf Commission meeting today. All mailings have gone out. To date there are 100 entries, well ahead of last year. Jacobsen will be a sponsor again this year. Vice - Chairman Riley inquired if Anaheim Hills did go to a "cart only" policy on January 1, 1997. Jack said we did get some negative feedback from the back - niners that normally walk the course. A junior rate has been established for the high school students and they are allowed to walk. NEW BUSINESS: A. Upcoming Promotions Janet Donovan highlighted that the St. Patrick's Day Promotion was coming up. Promotions nearing are Secretary's Day, Mother's Day, and Father's Day. A prototype newsletter will be considered and initially offered at Dad Miller. Another promotion being considered will be a Frequent Golfer Program. B. Resident Discount Jack Kudron reported on the status of the resident discount programs. There are three programs being submitted for approval before the City Council within the next three weeks. They are as follows: 1. Waiver of tournament surcharge for Anaheim -based non -profit groups whose golf tournaments are for charitable purposes and would be available for charity tournaments Monday through Thursday. 2. Advance tee time capabilities for Anaheim residents to be able to access the Tee -Time Reservation System from day 8 to day 14. This would take six months or more to implement because the program would have to be established along with new computer software. There will be some administrative costs to implement and administer this program. 3. An increased discount at the ranges. Buy a range card at a improved discount of what is currently being offered. C. New Course Logo Discussion took place on the logos reviewed by the Commissioners. The Commission provided feedback to staff. The logos provided to the Commission are preliminary. The Commissioners liked the number four and five combined presented for the Hills, but did not like any of the Dad Miller logos presented. Colors used for the Hills will be forest green, tan, and ruby red. Colors for Dad Miller will be blue, gray, white, and silver. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held Thursday, March 27, 1997 in the Civic Center 4th Floor Conference Room at 4:00 p.m.. 022796.cg