Golf 1996/06/27 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES t '''� Thursday, June 27, 1996 ```' " 4:00 P.M. ` _ � 4th Floor Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Ed Klein Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Jerry LeMar Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Howard Bartholomew STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns, and Cathy Godoy The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klein at 3:58 p.m. The minutes of the May 23, 1996 meeting were approved as corrected. The minutes stated the next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, July 25 in the Stadium conference room. The minutes should have stated the next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 27, 1996 in the 4th Floor Conference Room. With this correction, the minutes were approved on a motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Commissioner Martin. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron read to the Commission, a complimentary letter from Katella High School to Bob Johns, Scott Stubbs and the entire staff at Anaheim Hills, stating their cooperation made their 1996 golf season a success. Jack updated the Commission on the #11 Tee project. The final grade is complete, drains and irrigation are in, and turf will be installed within the next two days. Staff estimates opening the tee August 1st. A new cart turn- around will be installed at the back of the tee. The City Council approved the installation of the new booster pump at Dad Miller. This will serve as a back up for the lake and well. Staff answered questions from the Commission. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported staff is still fine tuning the irrigation system. The major activities at the golf course is the #11 Tee and driving range projects. Both projects are running on schedule. The Golf and Parks irrigation crew is installing the irrigation system at the driving range. With the month of July around the corner and projects complete, staff is looking forward to making progress in other areas of the course. Chairman Ed Klein inquired as to the final cost of the driving range project. Jack indicated the covering of the channel cost $63,000 and the bottom tier of the driving range cost $200,000. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported the #7 Green and #8 Tee project is moving along very well and also reviewed strategies he and his staff will be taking during the summer months to keep greens at optimum levels. The greens have all been overseeded with bent grass and have completed lowering the lips on the traps. The oleanders at the driving range have been trimmed back. The maintenance crew is working diligently plucking, plugging and sodding for crab grass as necessary. In order that irrigation needs are met during the afternoon hours, two people will now be scheduled to work on irrigation projects, one on regular schedule and one on an afternoon schedule. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported his primary focus has been preparing for the re- opening of the new driving range. All equipment needed such as new golf balls, matts, baskets, trays, etc. have all been ordered and received. The grand opening will be held on July 13th. Saturday, July 6th, staff is planning to be open for a trial run through. The contractor is done. XRS is currently installing the new reservation software for the Tee Times Reservation Program. From a golfers perspective, there are no visible changes. Changes taking place are items such as new hardware and software. The new software will allow new accounting capabilities, debit/credit data compilation and report availability. Bob Johns answered questions from the Commission. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. May Financial Report Jack Kudron reported the overall gross revenue will be over $200,000 above the record 93/94 year. Rounds will exceed the 93/94 record, Anaheim Hills slightly above, Dad Miller slightly below. Range business is down $120,000 from 93/94. Contributing to the drop in range business is the closure of the Anaheim Hills range during construction. Expenses are down approximately $150,000 to $200,000, creating a net margin of approximately $350,000 to $400,000. The year end report will be available at the August meeting. OLD BUSINESS: A. Dad Miller 7/8 Reconfiguration Status The project is underway with the final grading complete and drain system currently being installed. Fumigation will take place next week. The temporary green will not be in use while fumigation is taking place, because of regulations of the distance people must be from the fumigation area. Therefore, there will be a "temporary- temporary" over to the right for a few days only. The turf will then be installed and staff will then begin daily maintenance. The new #8 Tee will be open around August 15th to September 1st. The green will be opened around October 1st, later if necessary. B. Anaheim Hills Driving Range Project Status Jack Kudron reviewed items such as the problems with the #11 Green. Staff is preparing the re- opening of the range on July 4th or 6th with a "Buck a Bucket" promotion. The Grand Re- Opening will take place on Saturday, July 13th with demonstrations and clinics from 10 -2 p.m. and free range balls. On Sunday, July 14th all prices will go back to normal. On Tuesday, July 9th at 10:00 a.m. there will be photographs taken on the range with the golf commissioners for a promotion in the newspapers. Discussion ensued regarding possible target ideas for the driving range. Staff answered questions from the Commission. C. Revised Group Reservation Contract and Special Packages Janet Donovan reviewed with the Commission proposed changes in the new Group Reservation Contract. Discussion ensued. Staff answered questions from the Commission. The Commission approved the new Group Reservation Contract and tournament packages by a motion by Commission Bill Martin and seconded by Jim Riley. Commission approval was unanimous. NEW BUSINESS: A. 96/97 Proposed Course Improvement Proiects Janet Donovan reviewed the proposed project lists for each course. $100,000 is budgeted for each course, down from $150,000 in previous years. There was an extensive discussion on numerous projects at both courses. Staff answered questions from the Commission. B. Golf Commission Permanent Status Ordinance Jack Kudron reported on the history of the Golf Advisory Commission and reviewed the fact sheet for establishing a permanent five - member commission. The Commission agreed with the recommendation presented by staff. Jack Kudron indicated to the Commission to let him know if they were interested in continuing to serve on the Golf Advisory Commission. Ed Klein, Howard Bartholomew and Bill Martin, indicated their willingness to continue to serve. The other members of the Commission will contact Jack Kudron after the meeting. C. Advanced Tee Time Reservation System Jack Kudron asked the Commission for their input on the resident/non- resident discount issue. 30% of our golfers are Anaheim residents. Jack discussed value added approaches for the Anaheim residents. A round -table discussion took place on various issues and strategies. D. Site Plan Review - Anaheim Hills Golf Course No. 7 Jack Kudron reviewed with the Commission drawings on the Anaheim Hills Golf Course No. 7 Site Plan. The concept behind developing the water feature would be to bring in another drop structure at the front of the tee near the Sycamore tree with about a six foot drop creating a 4 -5 foot deep pond. The architect working on this project is Dougherty and Dougherty. The landscape architect is Nuvis. The plan was submitted to Fish and Game in June and awaiting approval. Once approved, the architect will start construction drawings. The Commission concurred with the site plan. E. Golf Course Maintenance Supervisor Recruitment Jack Kudron updated the Commission on the Golf Course Maintenance Supervisor recruitment. The recruitment is now closed. Interviews will take place tomorrow. There will be two supervisors hired, one for each course. The interviews will be conducted by a three- person outside panel. No City staff will be involved for the first initial interview. Staff hopes that job offers can be made by the middle of next month and the new hires can begin August 1. The Part-Time Golf Marketing Coordinator recruitment is going well. Interviews will take place next week. The interview panel will consist of Jack Kudron and Janet Donovan. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held Thursday, July 25, 1996 in the Stadium Conference Room located in the Administrative Offices (3rd Floor) at 5:00 p.m. (entrance at Gate 1). 062796.cg