Golf 1996/05/23 (Corrected) GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, May 23, 1996 4:00 P.M. n. 4th Floor Conference Room . MEMBERS PRESENT: �Y t. Chairman Ed Klein � , Vice - Chairman Jim Riley' Commissioner Jerry LeMar Commissioner Bill Martin MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Howard Bartholomew STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns, and Cathy Godoy The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klein at 4:05 p.m. The minutes of the April 25, 1996 meeting, reflected that Commissioner Riley was present, when in fact he was absent. With this correction, the minutes of the April 25, 1996 meeting were approved on a motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Commissioner LeMar. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron distributed to the Commission two complimentary letters Tina Stenning received for events hosted at the Greenside, one of which was an Anaheim High School District retirement hosting 300 people. The Chamber of Commerce Tournament Chairman also called the office and extended his compliments on the pro and maintenance staff's support of the tournament. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported staff is still fine - tuning the irrigation system. Driving range project has been started. The #11 Tee will be starting in a couple of weeks. Cart path runoffs are being drained. The cart path on #3 Green to #4 Tee has been completed. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly was absent for the meeting. Jack Kudron reported that the crowns on six greens have been resodded. The new bunker is in on #3. The remainder of the trees budgeted for this year have all been planted. New flower containers have been installed behind the #1 Tee and up near the Pro Shop and Restaurant. Both bunkers on #10 and one bunker on #18 have been lowered. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported a new assistant golf professional was hired at Dad Miller Golf Course, Jeff Bent. One of his main duties will be taking over the Seniors Golf Association. The City Championship Tournament was very successful. The last couple of weeks there have been some really great days, 1,200 rounds in three days. The conditions of both golf courses are attracting more golfers. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. April Financial Report Jack Kudron reviewed the April Financial Report. Jack discussed merchandise sales and food and beverage. Sales were up 33% in both pro shops, comparing April 95 to April 96. At Anaheim Hills, sales were up 61% compared to April 95. The restaurants combined are up year -to -date 7 %. OLD BUSINESS: A. City Tournament Results Jack Kudron reported how successful the City Championship Tournament turned out, due to the hard work of the maintenance, pro and office staff. Jack Kudron commended Chairman Klein's leadership and the tournament committee that did an outstanding job. Ed Klein reported the tournament raised nearly $11,000 for COPES. B. Marketing Plan Status Jack Kudron passed out a draft at the April meeting and asked for input from the Commission. Discussion ensued. The Commission expressed their support on what staff has accomplished so far with the Golf Marketing Plan. C. Dad Miller 7/8 Reconfiguration Status City Council approved the project on Tuesday, May 21st. A pre - construction meeting will be held next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.. The contractor will begin mobilizing on the site by Wednesday or Thursday of next week. The temporary green will be ready for play by the middle of next week. Southwest Growers is the contractor hired for this project. D. Anaheim Hills Driving Range Improvements Jack Kudron reported on the progress of the range project. The tube has been installed in the channel and all grading is complete on the major part of the range. The concrete foundations are in. The superstructure for the roof is currently being built. The final concrete pour is scheduled for next week, which is the pad for the lower level tee and the concrete which is on the slope behind it. The contract has a date of June 29 for completion. Staff is hoping to have the range open by the first of July. The Park Maintenance irrigation crew will help install the irrigation retrofit in the range. E. 1996/97 Golf Operations Budget Consideration Jack Kudron highlighted a few items in the Golf Operations Budget. Labor will increase 2 %, which reflects an increase in part-time hours. This is due partly to the new Part-Time Golf Coordinator position and #1 Tee Starters at both courses. Other Operating Expenses will decrease 10% due to the restructuring of the Pro Services Contract. The improvement budget has been decreased $50,000 at each course. Overall, expenditures will go down around 7 %, approximately $3,900,000 to $3,645,000. Revenues will increase 1 %, due to the structuring of the Pro Services Contract, whereby the Golf Director will receive a percentage of the gross. Our net operating increase, after subtracting expenditures from revenues, will be $1,858,000 compared to this year of $1,626,000, which is a 14% increase. The Leadworker positions at each course will be changed to management positions called Golf Course Maintenance Supervisors, in hopes to bring more expertise and management back up at the course level and get more weekend management coverage. A new Part-Time Golf Coordinator position will be filled for promotions, advertising, brochures, flyers, etc. This position will report to Jack Kudron. Chairman Klein made a motion to approve the budget. All commissioners unanimously approved the 1996/97 Golf Operations Budget. F. Yardage Markers Chairman Klein inquired about yardage markers and their locations. Discussion ensued. Staff answered questions from the Commission and indicated corrective actions will take place. G. Tournament Surcharge Packages Jack Kudron explained the changes in the tournament surcharge packages. The reason for the changes proposed is that people misunderstand what the surcharge is for. The surcharge fee enables them to book a premium time in advance. Discussions took place. Staff answered questions from the Commission. Staff will bring back to the Commission a recommendation for action at the next meeting. H. Cellular Tower (Dad Miller) Jack Kudron reported there have been discussions with Cox Communications (JM Consulting). They are installing Personal Communication System poles and antennas across the City and have shown an interest in Dad Miller Golf Course on the existing microwave tower, behind the substation off of the 16th Tee. Negotiations are now taking place. If approved, there will be mitigation measures and rental received for the project. This would be approximately $12,000 per year in new revenue. NEW BUSINESS: No new business. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be held Thursday, July 25, 1996 in the Stadium Conference Room located in the Administrative Offices at 5:00 p.m. (entrance at Gate 1). This should read Thursday, June 27, 1996 at --1- p.m.