Golf 1996/04/25 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING Thursday, April 25, 1996 t,„ r' - ,!.., 4:00 p.m. L.0 tzy 4th Floor Conference Room I;' is `'=f E( AGENDA ci; r I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Klein II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 28, 1996 III. WELCOME IV. ACTIVITY REPORT - March A. Anaheim Hills Superintendent's Report B. Dad Miller Superintendent's Report C. Director of Golfs Report V. FINANCIAL REPORTS A. March Financial Report B. Third Quarter Financial Summary VI. OLD BUSINESS A. City Tournament Status B. Marketing Plan Status C. Dad Miller 7/8 Reconfiguration Status D. Anaheim Hills Driving Range Improvements Status VII. NEW BUSINESS A. 96/97 Operations Budget B. Angel Game Meeting VIII. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 23, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. GOLFAGEN.cg GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES - j1 Thursday, April 25, 1996 ., 4:00 P.M. i3rd s 1 Lt 1 ? 4th Floor Conference Room , MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Ed Klein Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Jerry LeMar Commissioner Howard Bartholomew MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Bill Martin STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Janet Donovan, Bob Johns, and Cathy Godoy The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klein at 4:05 p.m. Minutes of the March 28, 1996 meeting were approved on a motion by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Chairman Ed Klein. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron added two items to the Activity Report. The Anaheim Hills Golf Course has been remeasured. The next step taken will be the course rating. Staff is currently working with the architect on the Fish and Game Mitigation Project and will have more to report, including a site plan at the next meeting. The project will consist of damming up the water creating a pond in front of #7 and add additional trees and shrubs. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported staff is working very hard preparing the course for spring and summer play and the City Championship Tournament. Jack stated the course is in very good shape considering the irrigation project which has just recently been completed. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported staff is concentrating largely on preparing the course for the City Championship Tournament. After the tournament, golf maintenance staff will be tining the greens, which consists of going down 8 -9" on the greens for aerification. More herbicide for crabgrass control was applied. Tree trimming has been done. The new nursery is now complete. The lake has been cleaned. Repair of a six -inch broken line is complete. Soil has been received and is being stored for a future project on #7 and #8. In order to dress up and bring color around the #1 Tee, 24" x 24" x 10' planters will be installed behind the #1 Tee. Promotional banners have been added in the parking lot and practice center. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT: Bob Johns reported the main focus has been preparing for the City Golf Championship Tournament. Everything necessary for the tournament has been completed. He also reported that both new pros have done an outstanding job so far. Bob Johns also indicated that when the driving range at Anaheim Hills is closed for construction, all the golf pro lessons will be moving to Dad Miller driving range until the completion of the Anaheim Hills Driving Range project. Jack Kudron reported the merchandise at both courses has expanded and has been received very well by the golfers. Bob Johns reported that the retail business has increased considerably at both courses. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. March Financial Report Jack Kudron reviewed the March Financial Report and indicated that the charts reflect positive comparisons from the 93/94 record year both in rounds, carts and in revenues. The ranges are still down, but Dad Miller is showing signs of improvement. Overall, March was a good month. B. Third Quarter Financial Summary Jack Kudron reported gross revenue is up 11 %, net operating income is up 17% and overall, the net income is up 10 %. Anaheim Hills shows a net loss of $44,000 on greens fees, which was when the $5.00 promotion was active during the irrigation project. Rounds were the same. Dad Miller shows a net income increase of 29% compared to last year. OLD BUSINESS: A. City Tournament Status Jack Kudron passed out the tournament awards presentation schedule. Chris Jarvi and Chairman Klein will be presenting the Championship Flight awards. Chairman Klein reported currently 381 golfers will be participating. Overall, everything is complete and ready. Jack Kudron commended Chairman Ed Klein and Commission Howard Bartholomew on a job well done. B. Marketing Plan Status Jack Kudron handed out to the Commission a draft of the Marketing Action Plan developed by the Pro Staff, Jack Kudron and Janet Donovan. This item will be put on the agenda for next month's meeting for further discussion. Jim Ruth has requested that on May 21st, Chris Jarvi and Jack Kudron present an update on Golf Operations to the City Council. C. Dad Miller 7/8 Reconfiguration Janet Donovan reported the bids came in ranging from $92,000 (lowest) - $138,000 (highest). The contractor selected was South West Growers and Landscaping, being the lowest bid. Project will go to City Council on May 14 for approval. Project will begin May 15. The project is anticipated to be completed in six weeks. There will be a temporary green in place until the new #7 Green can be opened. The new #8 Tee will be opened before the #7 Green. Chairman Klein questioned if the course could be temporarily re- rated. Bob Johns responded that the SCGA frowns on request such as this. Discussion ensued. D. Anaheim Hills Driving Range Improvements Jack Kudron reported City Council awarded the construction project to Micon Construction. Randy Meyer, the architect currently working on this project, has worked with Micon Construction before and is very pleased the City will have such a good contractor working on this project. The pre - construction meeting will be next Tuesday, May 7, with work starting immediately following. Micon Construction still needs to have a "Notice to Proceed" from the Engineering Department. Contract will state that construction will be complete by June 29. NEW BUSINESS: A. 96/97 Operations Budget Jack Kudron reviewed a three page handout with the Commission including the FY 1995- 96 Accomplishments, FY 1996 -97 Significant Changes, and Golf Operations Expenditures and Revenues. It was decided that any action on the budget will take place at the next Commission meeting. B. Angel Game Meeting The annual Golf Commission/Angel Game Meeting will be held on a regular Golf Commission meeting day Thursday, July 25, 1996. The meeting will be held in the Stadium conference room. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be May 23, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. 042596.cg