Golf 1996/03/28 GOLF ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, March 28, 1996 4:00 P.M. 4th Floor Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Ed Klein Vice - Chairman Jim Riley Commissioner Bill Martin Commissioner Jerry LeMar Commissioner Howard Bartholomew STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Kudron, Don Lewis, Gary Wimberly, Bob Johns, and Cathy Godoy. GUESTS PRESENT: Ed Stevenson The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klein at 4:05 p.m. Minutes of the February 29, 1996 meeting were approved on a motion by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Bill Martin. ACTIVITY REPORT: Jack Kudron reported the #11 Tee at Anaheim Hills will be redone, which will consist of opening up and lowering the front of the tee, resulting in the creation of a blue tier, white tier, and a red tier. Work will begin after the City Tournament. ANAHEIM HILLS SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Don Lewis reported on activities currently in progress at the golf course, such as aerification of greens, application of gypsum, and overseeding the greens. Staff is in the process of removing the old irrigation system and fine tuning the new system. Herbicide and fertilizer was applied to the fairways to control the English daisy. The #12 Green is now open, with good comments coming from the golfers. During the month of April the course will be detailed, which will include planting color, installation of all new directional signs, and repair of the damaged areas from the irrigation project. The lake will be drained and cleaned. Behind #12 Green, shrubs and trees are being planted and installation of new chains around the small putter will be completed. The television camera on #6 has been repaired. Vandalism has increased slightly, therefore, a security guard has been hired until it subsides. Commissioner Bartholomew inquired on the oak tree on #10. Don explained 50% of the oak tree was damaged during the last wind storm, and it was necessary to remove the remaining sections of the tree. DAD MILLER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Gary Wimberly reported on current activities completed on the course. Aerification of the fairways took place, which consisted of fertilization, slicing the fairways, and application of herbicide. A contractor also sprayed for English daisy and sprayed the pine trees for mites and insects. A new cart path has been added on #2 Green and #3 Tee and an extension of #4 Tee. Staff is working diligently getting the course ready for the City Championship Tournament. Vandalism has increased slightly. The new light fixtures have been installed on the driving range illuminating the teaching area and practice green. DIRECTOR OF GOLF'S REPORT Bob Johns reported that all cart batteries have been replaced at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. E -Z -Go determined the batteries were defective. The cart barn storage area has been rearranged so the carts will be rented out on a sequential basis. There is now a new "Courtesy Check" system in place to enable the employees to correct a customer problem when it occurs, such as mechanical cart problems, or an inconvenience to the golfer while visiting our course. At Dad Miller Golf Course there are two new handicapped golf carts currently being tested for a 45 -day trial period. The cart is designed for the disabled golfer. In order that the City comply with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), it is necessary for the golf course to be accessible for the physically disabled. The carts are being provided by a manufacturing company and are being tested nationwide. Bob Johns reported there has been a great deal of mechanical problems with the carts. The carts are very unstable and feel as if they are going to turn over. The first Senior Golf Association Tournament was very successful, with 28 participants. Next event is scheduled April 16th. FINANCIAL REPORTS: A. February Financial Summary Jack Kudron reported on the February Financial Summary Report. The course flooded twice this month at Dad Miller due to rains, causing lower rounds this month. Rounds were down 500 at each course. Revenue is still good year -to -date. OLD BUSINESS: A. City Tournament Status Jack Kudron reported the advertisement street banners are in place. Ed Klein noted the registration is up to 272 entries. Publicity is good this year, including the new Golf Section in the Register and the LA Times. Discussion ensued. B. Marketing Plan Status Staff will work on recommendations of the Marketing Plan during the month of April, and will bring back a plan to the Commission at the April Golf Commission meeting. A report has been sent to the City Manager's Office describing the concepts on course names and logos. An extensive discussion took place. C. Dad Miller 7/8 Reconfiguration Jack Kudron reported the 7/8 Reconfiguration Project is currently out to bid, with bids closing in two weeks and construction to start by May 15th. There will be minimal impact on play due to the construction. Jack Kudron answered questions from the Commission. D. Anaheim Hills Driving Range Improvements Jack Kudron reported the project is out to bid. A pre -bid contractors meeting took place this week at the course. The bid opening is scheduled for April 4. There has been a lot of interest on this project, with over 20 contractors pulling plans, which is a good indication of competitive bids. Staff is hoping construction will start right after the City Tournament, which would be around May 1. Construction will be approximately 60 days. While under construction, there will improvements made to the range building, which after construction is completed and the range opens, will have an attendant available to the golfer, similar to Dad Miller. New targets and yardage indicators for the range, will be installed. Some relandscaping will take place. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ideas for Course Improvements Next Year Jack Kudron asked for input from the Commission on possible ideas for course improvements for next year. Commission Klein asked about the bunker on 3 at Dad Miller. Jack Kudron indicated it would be completed this year. The Commission and staff had an extensive discussion on various projects at both courses. B. New Courtesy Check System Jack Kudron explained the new courtesy check system. If the course has caused the golfer an inconvenience or problem, i.e. cart battery problem, course maintenance problem, depending on the inconvenience, golf staff would provide a courtesy check to the golfer for a complimentary round and /or cart. The system has audit controls so no improper issuance of a courtesy check should occur. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:13 p.m.. The next Golf Commission meeting will be April 25, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. 022996.eg