Private Industry Council 1995/10/26 ANAHEIM PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL CITY OF ANAHEIM 201 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE CENTER OCTOBER 26, 1995 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The PIC Chair, Paul Bostwick, called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Larry Slagle. ROLL CALL PRESEIV? �4BSENT STAFF Paul Bostwick Maryknoll Benner Ruben Aceves Peggy Crawford Bob Cashman Anita Martin Dianne Edwards Dick Clark Al Parsons John Geisbauer Mike Julius Marge Pritchard Cynthia Grennan Charles Kurtz Rita Slayton Tom Harris Bob Nelson Cheryl Holt Mike Sofia Frank Jacobson Ray Torres Tom Kurtz Bob Zonitch Marie Moreno Don Natenstedt Mike Neben Roy Odom Wally Rodriquez Larry Slagle George Williams A:`A\IN 5A30A.DOC • PRESENTATIONS 1. A presentation of the 1995 Summer Youth Employment Program was given by Don Baumeister, Anaheim Union High School District; Kay Turley and Sharon Payne, North Orange County Regional Occupational Program. Anaheim received $1.1 million and served over 460 youth. 2. Representatives from the City's Neighborhood Council areas, South Anaheim and Patrick Henry, stated the need for funding requests for jobs for 80 youth between ages of 14 -18 including costs for transportation /bus passes to and from the job site. Funding would come from the City's FY 1996 -97 Community Development Block Grant. Marge Pritchard stated that these requests would come before the Community Development Advisory Board, of which the PIC is a member, for funding recommendation and then on to City Council for final approval. Mike Neben moved for approval of the $400,000 request and Peggy Crawford seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The September 28, 1995 minutes were moved for approval by George Williams and seconded by Roy Odom. Tom Harris abstained. The motion passed. There was no discussion. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS #1 -5 Action Item #3 - Ratification of three PIC members to a four year term: 2 from private sector and 1 from the public sector. Tom Harris moved for approval and Cynthia Grennan seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. Frank Jacobson and Tom Kurtz were reappointed. Jill Bolton of Disneyland was the new private sector member appointed. A brief discussion followed. Action Item #1 - Recommendation to change the membership of the PIC to 26 members; Action Item #2 - Recommendation to approve changes to the PIC ByLaws regarding the change of membership from 27 to 26; Action Item #4 - Ratification of the One Stop Taskforce; Action Item #5 - Ratification of a Primary and Alternate PIC Member to serve on the Community Development Advisory Board (CDAB). Cynthia Grennan moved for approval and Tom Harris seconded. The vote was unanimous. The motion was passed. There was no discussion. A.! ANfNSA3OA.DOC NON - CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS #1 -2 Action Item #1 - Approval of additional funding for Title II -C youth program training provider. Ruben Aceves stated that the recommendation from the Planning & Analysis Committee was to allocate an additional $100,000 to the Anaheim Union High School District for their current 1995 -96 JTPA youth work experience program training activity. Frank Jacobson asked if these were incentive dollars. Ruben Aceves stated that these were unused funds transferred from the Title IIB Summer Youth Program. Tom Kurtz moved for approval and George Williams seconded. Cynthia Grennan abstained. The motion passed. Action Item #2 - Selection of additional vendors for PY 1995 -96. Ruben Aceves stated that these were in addition to the existing list of 65 vendors. Larry Slagle moved for approval and Cynthia Grennan seconded. Frank Jacobson abstained. The motion passed. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Unemployment Statistics - Paul stated that the information in the packet was self explanatory. He stated that the statistics still look low. 2. Training Contractors Performance Report - Paul Bostwick asked Ruben if he would explain this in more detail at the next PIC meeting. Ruben stated that he would. 3. SDA Performance Report - Ruben stated that he received word from the State that JTPA has met 6 of the 6 standards for PY 1994 -95 and will be receiving $91,042 of incentive funds. He stated that he had anticipated $135,000 but due to the federal rescissions there was approximately a 35% reduction. He also stated that there were more SDAs exceeding the standards this year which limited the amount of money. Larry Slagle stated that this information should be announced in the Chamber Newsletter and any other newsletter throughout the community. 4. Monthly Fiscal Report - In packet. No discussion. COMMITTEE REPORTS ByLaws - No report. Economic Development - The next meeting is scheduled for November 9th at 7:30 a.m. A:\MANSA30A.DOC Marketing - Bob Cashman was not present. Rita Slayton was asked to give a brief update. She stated that the Annual Awards Breakfast is schedule for January 26, 1996 at 7:30 a.m. at the Inn At the Park Hotel. Assemblyman Curt Pringle has agreed to be the keynote speaker. Mentorship - Peggy Crawford stated that the report is in the packet but wanted to highlight a few things. She stated that the Mentorship Program has been in existence for about five years and was recognized for its accomplishments in 1994. She asked if anyone knew of any business support available to let her know because she would like to keep this program going. Monitoring & Evaluation - Tom Kurtz stated that the committee will be meeting this week to review forms and to get out a monitoring schedule. He asked that all PIC members participate when they receive the schedule. Planning & Analysis - The items from the committee were approved on the agenda today. School -To- Career - Mike Neben stated that the committee and staff worked together to prepare a proposal for a federal School -To -Work fund grant. He stated that the committee will not necessarily wait for the proposal to be funded and will continue to establish a timeline for a school -to -work collaborative. Marge stated that the timeline went out only to the committee members. Mike stated that the next meeting will be November 15th at 3:30 -5:00 p.m. at the City Hall West Bldg. on the 10th floor. Mike stated that a few PIC members were able to attend a school -to -work conference hosted by the National Alliance of Business and featured Mike as a speaker. The conference was held at the FHP University in Fountain Valley. Tom Kurtz stated that the school -to -work grants are direct grants to the federal government but that the State is required to comment on each of these. He passed out general proposal information on the grants submitted to the State for review. JTPA MANAGER'S REPORT Marge Pritchard stated that the Senate passed the Workforce Development Act which will now go to the Conference Committee. She stated that committee members have not been named as yet but she said she would be working with Paul to get out letters to make sure our needs are heard. She stated that she would keep the PIC updated. A:\AMN5A30A. DOC CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 1. Paul Bostwick welcomed Jill Bolton to the PIC and also congratulated Tom Kurtz and Frank Jacobson on their reappointments. 2. Paul stated that a Russian Business Tour Group would be visiting Anaheim and would like to have a reception on November 20, 1995 between 6:00- 7:30p.m. to discuss the business practices in Anaheim. Paul stated that it would be nice to have at least 10 -12 PIC members attend. 3. Paul stated that there will be a PIC Orientation in Los Angeles on December 6th and asked that any members that could make it should attend. Marge stated that if this training was not convenient, she would schedule a training session in February. COMMENTS FROM THE PIC Tom Kurtz commented that the Urban /Rural Opportunities Grant has come out and he thought the PIC would be interested in looking at the bidders conferences in Texas and New Jersey. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC - None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Anima Martin, Secretary A:\AMN5A30A.DOC