Private Industry Council 1996/06/27 ANAHEIM PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL CITY OF ANAHEIM 201 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE CENTER JUNE 27, 1996 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The PIC Chair - Elect, Bob Cashman, called the meeting to order at 3:50 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Wally Rodriguez. Roll Call Present Absent Staff Jill Bolton Jan Billings Ruben Aceves Bob Cashman Paul Bostwick Anita Martin Dick Clark Tom Brown Al Parsons Dianne Edwards Tom Harris Marge Pritchard John Geisbauer Frank Jacobson Rita Slayton Marie Moreno Charles Kurtz Sheila Mosey Tom Kurtz Don Natenstedt Nicole Lorenz Roy Odom Mike Neben Joanna Rodgers Bob Nelson Wally Rodriguez Larry Slagle Ray Torres Bob Zonitch George Williams PRESENTATION A presentation was given in recognition of outstanding contribution to Dianne Edwards who is resigning and relocating to Sonoma Valley. The PIC wished her well. (Due to the shortage of quorum, the Information Items were discussed while waiting for quorum.) INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Unemployment Statistics - Joanna Rodgers distributed a report from the Anaheim office which she stated was a very small percentage differences for April. She stated that Anaheim increased by 2.2 %, Orange County by .1% and the State went down .3 %. 2. Training Contractors Performance Report - Ruben Aceves stated that during the last month, Cal State University Long Beach was placed on hold status which imposes a hold on participant referrals. He stated that the other vendors listed have been on the current status for the last two months. Don Natenstedt asked Ruben what the difference was between the administrative notice and the hold status. Ruben stated that the administrative notice is the first alert that goes out to a vendor advising them that they are close to not meeting established performance standards. 3. Monthly Fiscal Report - Marge Pritchard stated that the expenditures were still a little low on the contract services line item. She stated that the contract services is the largest one single line item requested by the PIC to be broken out from the comprehensive City budget. She stated that it was only a little over 50% expended and Ruben is working with the vendors to ensure the invoicing is up to date because if 80% of the funds are not used, the State will recapture the funds. Marge stated that the fiscal staff, Linda Tomas, feels that we are not in jeopardy because the encumbered amount (this is the people that are in training) and the CDBG funds was recently processed for approximately $200,000 cost. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The May 23, 1996 minutes were moved for approval by Don Natenstedt and seconded by Dianne Edwards. Ray Torres abstained. The motion passed. There was no discussion. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS #1-4 Action Item #1 - Approval of New Training Vendors for FY 1996 -97; Action Item #2 - PIC support for a Regional Title III -40% Welfare to Work Project; Action Item #3 - Recommend the approval of Resolution of Support for additional County GAIN Funding; Action Item #4 - Recommend the approval of the Two Year Project Plan. A motion for approval of the Consent Calendar Action Items #1-4 was made by Dick Clark and seconded by George Williams. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no further discussion. F :\DOCSUTPAIM[NUIES\AMN6919A.DOC 2 NON - CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS #1 -3 Action Item #1 - Recommend the extension of approved training vendors through 6/30/97. Joanna Rodgers asked why Cal State Long Beach Environmental Systems Engineer training is listed as an authorized vocational training vendor but is on hold. Ruben Aceves stated that they are approved as an entity and even though they are on hold status they won't receive any referrals or contracts. Ray Torres commented that they meet the eligibility criteria even though they are on hold, but they haven't gotten to the next step which will take them off the vendors list. He stated that if they do get to the next level, they will come off the vendor list and won't be eligible for any referrals. A motion for approval of the Non - Consent Action Item #1 was made by Ray Torres and seconded by Wally Rodriguez. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no further discussion. Action Item #2 - Recommend the extension of approved service providers through 6/30/97. Marge Pritchard commented that there is a difference between the service providers and the vendors by the way we contract with them. Vendors are off the shelf price whereas the entities listed on this item do not have a off the shelf price and are classified in the Department of Labor regulations as a service provider. Dianne Edwards asked Ruben Aceves if the assessment would be the same. Ruben stated that yes it would. A motion for approval of the Non - Consent Action Item #2 was made by Ray Torres and seconded by John Geisbauer. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no further discussion. Action Item #3 - Recommend the extension of the NOCCCD's 8 % -50% GAIN contract through 6/30/97. Ruben Aceves stated that the JTPA 8 % -50% funding is set aside to provide educational services for the welfare client which is called GAIN; Greater Avenues for Independence. He stated that the NOCCCD responded to an RFP last fiscal year and received a competitive award based on the PIC's evaluation. Ruben stated that this procurement included an option for the PIC to establish a three year window for contract extensions as long as past performance was satisfactory. The P&A Committee is recommending that they be approved based on their past performance. He stated that the NOCCCD has been a proven performer for the delivery of these services over the past five years. This continuity of services for our clients was also a consideration for this recommendation. A motion for approval of the Non - Consent Action Item #3 was made by Dick Clark and seconded by Roy Odom. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no further discussion. E: \DOCSUTPA\MINUTES\AMN6919ADOC 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS BvLaws - There was no report. Economic Development - Don Natenstedt thanked Rita Slayton and Marge Pritchard for their hard work during the year. He stated that the committee met four times throughout the year. The year -end report was in the packet. Marketing - Bob Cashman commented that the Marketing Committee had a great year and stated that the year -end report was in the packet for reading. Membership - Marge Pritchard stated that she received a letter of resignation from Cheryl Holt, Junior Achievement. There was no further discussion. Monitoring & Evaluation - Ruben Aceves stated that the committee did not meet but Tom Kurtz, Chair, will be giving an annual update at the next meeting. Planning & Analysis - Ruben Aceves stated that the committee did meet and the items on the agenda did pass but Bob Zonitch, Chair, would like to deliver the year -end report at the next meeting. Mentorship - There was no report. One Stop Career Center - The report was a handout. Marge Pritchard stated that the Advisory Group has done a good job. School -To- Career - Marge Pritchard stated that a flyer for the Imperative Groups was a handout. She stated that the groups are underway and are extremely well attended. She stated that they are receiving a lot of information from the business, education, and students. Marge stated that the contract with the National Alliance of Business (NAB) has ended. She stated that some recommendations will be brought back to the PIC but that the Imperative Groups will continue to meet. Marge stated that Marilyn Roth, NAB, offered her time on a volunteer basis if needed. JTP MANAGER'S REPORT Marge Pritchard stated that in the packet was the legislative update along with workforce development information. She stated that workforce development is still in conference committee and so far nothing is happening but the State is still moving forward with their version of a workforce development board at the State level. She stated that the model going forward for the Governor's approval is the private sector model. F:\DOCSUTPA\MINUTES\AMN69I9ADOC 4 Marge Pritchard stated the PIC Orientation was a success with 7 attendees, 6 new members. She stated that there was a full agenda and a video showing the nuts and bolts of what job training and PIC is about. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Bob Cashman stated that Paul Bostwick agreed to chair the PIC another year and that he would be Chair -Elect again. Bob stated that a list of the committees was handed out for the members to select and participate on one of the committees. He stated that even though the PIC may not meet in July, the committees should start meeting right away. Bob stated that Paul Bostwick addressed the State Job Training Coordinating Council (SJTCC) Advisory Board on the workforce development upcoming bill. A handout was distributed of his comments. COMMENTS FROM THE PIC Bob Cashman announced that Marie Moreno is now representing the Anaheim Mighty Ducks as well as the California Angels. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC The audience introduced themselves to the PIC. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Anita Martin, Secretary F:\DOCSU7PA\ IINUFES\AMN6919A.DOC 5