Private Industry Council 1996/04/25 ANAHEIM PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL CITY OF ANAHEIM 201 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE CENTER APRIL 25, 1996 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The PIC Chair, Paul Bostwick, called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Paul Bostwick. ROLL CALL Present Absent Staff Jan Billings Jill Bolton Ruben Aceves Paul Bostwick Cheryl Holt Anita Martin Tom Brown Charles Kurtz Al Parsons Bob Cashman Don Natenstedt Marge Pritchard Dick Clark Mike Neben Rita Slayton Dianne Edwards Bob Nelson John Geisbauer Roy Odom Tom Harris Larry Slagle Frank Jacobson Ray Torres Tom Kurtz Bob Zonitch Nicole Lorenz Marie Moreno Sheila Mosey Joanna Rodgers Wally Rodriquez George Williams PRESENTATIONS A plaque for recognition and appreciation was presented to Cynthia Grennan from the PIC upon her recent retirement. A:\AMN6501ADOC APPROVAL OF MINUTES The March 28, 1996 minutes were moved for approval by John Geisbauer and seconded by George Williams. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no discussion. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEMS #1 -3 Action Item #1 - PIC program Design and Request for Application Policy Elements for FY 1996 -97 State 8 % -30% Funds. Action Item #2 - FY 1996 -97 State JTPA 8 % -30% Request for Application (RFA). Action Item #3 - Memorandum of Procedures with Department of Social Services /GAIN for One Stop Career Center Operations. A motion to move for approval was made by John Geisbauer and seconded by George Williams. Dianne Edwards abstained on Item #3. The motion passed. There was no discussion. NON - CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEM #1 Action Item #1 - Resolution for Local Workforce Development Structure. Paul Bostwick stated that he brought this to the table last meeting for the PIC to review. He stated that this would go before City Council for their adoption and then sent on to the State Legislature and on to Washington. Marge Pritchard stated that there were two areas where input was given: (1) to change the language regarding funding to "all funding" to come to the local level; and (2) Item 3- establishments of geographic boundaries for workforce development boards. After some discussion, it was agreed to keep "all funding" in the document as well as the recognition of various geographic jurisdictions. A motion to move for approval was made by Dick Clark and seconded by Tom Kurtz. The vote was unanimous. The motion passed. There was no further discussion. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Unemployment Statistics - Marge Pritchard stated that the preliminary figures for March is 4.9 %. Joanna Rodgers stated that it was 4.2% as a whole for Orange County and the State was at a high 5 %. Wally Rodriquez stated that he read an article in the Register that stated that communities in Orange County are experiencing very high unemployment rates: Santa Ana 7.5 %, Garden Grove 5.4 %, Stanton 7.4 %. Joanna Rodgers asked Marge if she would like more information brought to the meeting. Marge stated that she would like the preliminary report since her staff does not receive it until a few days before the PIC meeting. Joanna stated that she would bring this information to the meeting. A: \AMN650IA.DOC 2. Training Contractors Performance Report - No discussion. 3. Monthly Fiscal Report - No discussion. COMMITTEE REPORTS BvLaws - No report. Economic Development - No report. Marketing - No report. Membership - No report. Monitoring & Evaluation - No report. Planning & Analysis - The items were approved on the Consent Calendar. No further report. One Stop Career Center - There will be an open house on May 16th at 3:30 p.m. at the Career Center. Marge Pritchard stated that following the opening of the One Stop, the Advisory Task Force Committee will probably continue to meet twice a year or possibly quarterly. There was no further discussion. School -To- Career - Mike Neben was not present since he was attending a School -To- Career Collaborative Conference. Marge Pritchard stated that there will be a briefing on April 29, 1996 for the school -to- career steering committee and the businesses on the leadership board. She stated that the Community Forum will be on May 6, 1996 and it seems to be a good response for attendance. Marge stated that Mr. Joel Slutsky, General Manager, Odetics, Inc. will be the keynote speaker and a slide presentation will be given. Marge Pritchard stated that she, Frank Jacobson, and Mike Neben have been attending the County -wide collaborative meetings to keep up on the process. Marge stated that the direct money going out to the community out of the $1.5 million would be around $600,000. She stated that there was 100 sites that are being chosen with $2 -3,000 per site and that 30 sites will be chosen for pilot projects. Dianne Edwards asked what the County of Education plans to do with the $900,000. Marge stated that there were 4 or 5 coordinator positions for consultant fees, general operation fees, administration, and other staff costs. The PIC discussed the concerns with this process and felt these concerns should go forward to the O.C. PIC. Staff would prepare a list of concerns for the PIC school -to- career to review. A.\AMN6501ADOC JTPA MANAGER'S REPORT 1. Marge Pritchard stated that the JTPA funds in the amount of $814,000 for summer will be released. 2. Marge Pritchard stated that the State Job Training Coordinating Council (SJTCC) is in the process of preparing a final report for the Governor detailing "what should a workforce development council" should look like at the State level. This was prepared from three different models that the PIC viewed at the last meeting. She stated that the model that has gone to the Governor was the private sector model which is in the packet. Paul Bostwick asked Marge if the Governor would reject, accept, or modify this model and come back as legislation. Marge stated that it is likely he will accept and legislation would follow. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT The Chairman welcomed the two new members, Jan Billings, AUHSD, and Joanna Rodgers, EDD, who were not at the last meeting. He also congratulated Marie Moreno, California Angels, for receiving an award on being one of the five US Hispanic women of the year. Paul stated that the PIC had received a citation award from the International Association of Personnel in Employment Security and the luncheon will be held in Palm Springs on May 3, 1996. COMMENTS FROM THE PIC Tom Kurtz asked if raising the minimum wage would affect the JTPA clients. Marge stated that it would be immediate disaster for the summer program because that would mean serving less clients with reduced hours since our allocation does not increase. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Respectf submitted: Anita Martin, Secretary